6-Design of A Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar With
6-Design of A Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar With
6-Design of A Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar With
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This paper presents the design of a modified split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) where
partial lateral confinement of the specimen is provided by the inertia of a fluid annulus
contained in a long steel reservoir. In contrast to unconfined testing, or a constant cell pressure
applied before axial loading, lateral restraint is permitted to develop throughout the axial
loading: this enables the high-strain-rate shear behaviour of soils to be characterised under
conditions which are more representative of buried explosive events. A pressure transducer
located in the wall of the reservoir allows lateral stresses to be quantified, and a dispersion-
correction technique is used to provide accurate measurements of axial stress and strain.
Preliminary numerical modelling is utilised to inform the experimental design, and the
capability of the apparatus is demonstrated with specimen results for a dry quartz sand.
1. Introduction varying moisture contents [8, 9], initial densities [10, 11] and
particle size distributions [12], but cannot be used to describe
Widespread use of improvised explosive devices in current the yield surface, as shear failure cannot occur.
conflicts has driven a need to understand the role of soils in Several authors have developed methods which allow the
buried explosive events. The design of effective protective lateral confinement of a SHPB specimen to be modified to
solutions requires accurate predictions of the blast loading provide a triaxial stress state, and a number of these are based
produced in these events, which has been shown in large-scale on an adaptation of the rigid confinement condition. Pierce
field tests to be greatly influenced by the properties of the sur- and Charlie [13] investigated the wave speed of partially-
rounding soil [1–5]. The ability to define yield surfaces at high saturated sand at confining stresses of 0 kPa and 310 kPa
pressures and strain rates is a key component in developing using a steel tube lined with a membrane. While the steel tube
a robust constitutive model of soil behaviour under extreme prevented the development of lateral strains, water pressure
loading, and so a reliable means of testing soils triaxially applied between the tube and membrane provided an addi-
under these conditions is required. tional confining stress, which was also applied along the pres
The split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) is commonly sure bars through use of a piston assembly on the transmitter
used to investigate the response of materials at strain rates of bar. Bailly et al [14] made use of brass confining rings which
102 s−1 to 104 s−1, and tests on soils using the SHPB are typi- approximated elastic—perfectly-plastic behaviour at high
cally carried out by confining a soil specimen in a rigid tube or strain rates. Tests specimens deformed approximately in uni-
ring, which restricts lateral deformation. These uniaxial strain axial strain until the radial stress reached the yield stress in
tests are useful for characterising the compaction response the ring, after which the specimen was permitted to deform
of soil at varying strain rates [6–8] and comparing soils with laterally at a quasi-constant confining stress.
Figure 1. Schematic of the partially confined split Hopkinson pressure bar apparatus with a soil specimen: (a) bar and reservoir
arrangement, (b) water reservoir section with axial/radial axis convention.
Table 1. Material model and equation of state parameters for water (SI units) [19].
C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 E0
0.0 2.190e9 9.224e9 8.767e9 0.4934 1.3937 0.0 205.36e3
Other authors have adapted the use of the triaxial cell to lateral confinement, which is also influenced by the inertia
high-strain-rate testing. Christensen et al [15] performed tri- of the surrounding soil. Quantification of this inertial effect
axial tests on sandstone to confining stresses of 207 MPa using in a soil specimen with a developing stress state requires a
a long pressure vessel. The pressure vessel contained the spec- departure from the CTC techniques which are currently avail-
imen and pressure bars, with an opening at one end to allow able, and so a new apparatus has been developed to allow a
loading of the incident bar, which was secured with a collar. confining stress to develop passively during high-strain-rate
Similar experiments were carried out on basalt by Lindholm axial loading. This partial lateral confinement falls between
et al [16], who used a shorter pressure vessel around the rock unconfined testing, where the specimen deforms under uni-
specimen in conjunction with a hydraulic actuator on the end axial stress, and CTC testing, where a constant cell pressure is
of the transmitter bar to apply hydrostatic stresses of up to maintained throughout.
690 MPa. Frew et al [17] adapted the triaxial SHPB further
to use pressure vessels around both the specimen and trans-
mitter bar end. This apparatus was used by Martin et al [18] 2. Experimental setup
to characterise the shear response of sand at confining stresses
between 25 MPa and 150 MPa, where a method was also The modified SHPB consists of a typical pressure bar arrange-
developed to record the axial and radial deformation of the ment with the addition of a 600 mm long steel water reservoir,
specimen during hydrostatic loading. which is mounted in linear bearings and centred around the
The methods employed by Christensen et al [15], Lindholm specimen as shown in figure 1(a). With the pressure bars in
et al [16] and Martin et al [18] have been successfully used position an annular void exists along the length of the reser-
to perform dynamic conventional triaxial compression (CTC) voir, which is filled with water at atmospheric pressure, as in
tests, where hydrostatic loading is followed by a high-strain- figure 1(b). Saturation of a soil specimen is prevented through
rate deviatoric phase. The current work seeks to understand use of a 0.4 mm thick latex membrane, which is sealed against
the shear behaviour of soils in explosive events, where a the pressure bars using o-rings. When the specimen is loaded
soil may deform uniaxially before developing significant axially, radial deformation is resisted by the inertia of the
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Figure 9. Partially-confined SHPB experiment on dry quartz sand: (a) axial and radial stresses, (b) axial stress–strain response.
transducer were recorded using a TiePie Handyscope four- 3. A correction is applied to the amplitude of each frequency
channel digital oscilloscope, using 14-bit resolution and a component using the factors M1 and M2, which account
sampling rate of 1.562 MHz. for the variation of strain and Young’s modulus across the
The inertial forces which dominate the early stages of bar cross section, respectively. These are derived from
loading are a key topic of interest in the current study, and Davies’ analysis of the radial effects in a cylindrical pres
so no attempt was made to modify the incident stress wave sure bar [24].
through the use of pulse shapers [18]. This necessarily means 4. The signal is transformed back into the time domain
that the strain rate varies during the experiment, as shown in using the inverse FFT.
figure 6, where the strain rate increases from zero to 3400 s−1
This dispersion correction is particularly important in
over approximately 50 μs.
inferring the stress transmitted into the specimen from the
incident bar, as it is calculated from the sum of the incident
5. Signal processing and reflected waves, which both contain significant high-
frequency components. Using one-dimensional wave theory
In processing the signals from SHPB experiments it is often the incident and reflected stress waves measured at the inci-
assumed that longitudinal stress waves in the pressure bars dent bar strain gauge are assumed to maintain their shape as
propagate one-dimensionally at a common velocity c0, and they are translated along the time axis, while in the corrected
so measurements taken at the strain gauges are often simply method the dispersion associated with 1000 mm of travel in
translated to the end of the bar using a suitable time delay [21]. the bar is added to the incident wave and removed from the
In reality, stress waves propagate at a specific phase velocity, reflected wave. This is illustrated in figure 8, where the dis-
cP, which is a function of frequency and the bar’s diameter, persion-corrected method reduces the amplitude of the stress
one-dimensional wave speed and Poisson’s ratio, as shown in wave and removes a large initial oscillation in stress, which
figure 7 [22]. Phase velocity decreases as the frequency of a could have otherwise led to erroneous conclusions on the
wave increases, leading to dispersion of a signal as it propagates behaviour of the specimen.
down the bar. Dispersion of the stress pulse is accompanied by a
frequency-dependent variation in stress and strain across the bar
6. Sample results
cross-section, so that a signal recorded on the surface of the bar
at some distance from the specimen will not accurately describe
The recorded axial (σ1) and radial (σ3) stresses are shown in
the stresses the specimen was subjected to, and hence cannot be
figure 9(a), where the axial stress is the mean of the stresses
used to accurately determine the specimen response.
acting on each specimen face. The transit time from the specimen
To ensure that the inferred measurements of axial stress
to the pressure transducer through the water annulus (5.1 μs,
and strain accurately represent the specimen behaviour, the
assuming a wavespeed in water of 1482 m s−1) was taken into
pressure bar signals were processed using an implementation
account when analysing the radial stress in the specimen. The
of the dispersion-correction method described by Tyas and
pressure transducer provided excellent measurements of radial
Pope [23]. In this method:
stress, which correspond well with the features in the recorded
1. The time-domain strain signal is converted into the fre- axial stress. Of particular note is the first 40 μs of the axial
quency domain using the fast Fourier transform (FFT). stress pulse, where the specimen deforms without any mea-
2. A correction is applied to the phase angle of each fre- sured radial stress on the surface of the specimen, resulting in
quency component to account for the dispersion over the a peak in the stress difference (σ1–σ3) in figure 9(b). A similar
distance between the strain gauge and the bar end, arising lag in measurements of radial stress has been observed in con-
from the relationship shown in figure 7. fined SHPB experiments [8], and was attributed to the effects
Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 125903 A D Barr et al
of radial inertia in the sand specimen. This behaviour and the quartz sand, and excellent measurements of axial and radial
effects of inertia will be investigated in more detail in future stress were recorded.
test series using the water reservoir. This apparatus will enable the shear response of soils
in buried explosive events to be characterised under more
indicative stress states than can be achieved using existing
7. Discussion
techniques, and so the resulting increase in the accuracy of
It was noted in section 3.3 that the radial confinement gener- numerical models of these events will be of great benefit to the
ated in the specimen is a function of the internal radius of development of systems to protect against buried explosive
the reservoir: as the thickness of the fluid annulus increases, threats.
the radial confinement decreases. The apparatus can therefore
be used to investigate the shear behaviour of soils at a range
of confining stresses by using a number of reservoirs with
varying internal diameters. This research was supported by the Engineering and Physical
The preliminary modelling indicated that the maximum Sciences Research Council, grant EP/L011441/1.
internal radius for reliable confining stress measurements
was 22.5 mm. The minimum internal radius is limited by the
requirement to move the reservoir into position without dis- References
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