Title: Use of Geometrical & Dimensional Tolerances, & Surface Finish Symbol in Machine Component Drawing

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Title : Use of geometrical & dimensional

tolerances, & surface finish symbol

in machine component drawing
Presented by:
Mr. Kadlag Rahul Balasaheb
Mr. Kadlag Akash Shivaji
Mr. Kadlag Abhishek Suhas
Mr. Kale Amit Ashok
Geometrical tolerances
Dimensional tolerances
Surface finish symbols
Case study

GD&T is a means of dimensioning & tolerancing a drawing which

considers the function of the part and how this part functions with
related parts.
 Straightness, flatness, parallelism, squareness, roundness, and cylindricity are
measures of geometric accuracy of machine parts. Geometric accuracy is
most importance, especially to ensure the accuracy in relative engagement or
motion of various machine parts.
1) Geometrical tolerances
a) Straightness
 The maximum spread of deviation with respect to the
reference line is a measure of straightness accuracy. The
lesser the deviation or spread, the better the straightness
accuracy of a machine part.
b). Flatness
• It is define as the minimum distance between the two planes which covers all
the irregularities of surface under examination.
• “Flatness is the minimum distance between the two planes that contain the
• Flatness represents the geometric concept of the plane, when applied to a
solid surface where it becomes measurable by mechanical means, either
directly or in combination with optical instruments.
c). Roundness
A component is described as round if all points of a cross section
are equidistant to a common center. Therefore, to measure roundness,
rotation of the component is necessary coupled with the ability to
measure change in radius.
2). Dimensional tolerances

A Dimensional tolerance is "the total amount bywhich a specific dimension is

permitted to vary. Thetolerance is the difference between the maximum and
minimum limits" .
• System of writing Tolerance
1.Unilateral system
2.Bilateral system.
 Surface finish symbols :
• Surface texture is made up of
 Roughness
 Waviness.
 Lay
 Flaws
 Drawing Symbols
Machining Symbol has an angle of 60 degrees and
optional an open top with two uneven sides. Basic
shaped symbol.

Machine finish This symbol has a bar added to the

required top of the standard shaped symbol.

Removal of
This symbol is a basic shaped symbol
material not
with a circle added in the groove.

Basic symbol with a bar added to

Special surface the top of the right hand line.
feature required
 Lay Symbols
Lay is the dominate pattern of marks left on the surface arising from machining processes
(tool type, feed rate, and machine type) Indicated by symbol
 References :
 A textbook of Metrology by M. Mahajan
 http://www.roymech.co.uk/Useful_Tables/Surface_Texture/Surface_Text
 www.Wikipedia.com
Thank you.

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