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Gourse Speclflcatlons

Course Title: English Language Level Four

Course Code: PENGOO6

Program: Science

Department: English Language Skills

College: Preparatory Year

Institution: University of Hail

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Table ofContents

C. Course Content 4
D. Teaching and Assessment 7
1.Alignment of Course Leaming Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and Assessment
Methods ............
2. Assessment Tasks for Students ..........,.....,.......
E. Student Academic Counseling and Support
F. Learning Resources and Facilities,.......... ...............,8
l.Leaming Resources ... ...... ...... ..

2. Facilities Required...........
G. Course Quality Evaluation. ...........9
H. Specification Approval Data

A. Course Identification

1. Credit hours: 3
2. Course tvoe
a. uniu.,,ity I coil.g. f;l Department I Others !
b. Requ-ired ll etectiue N
3. Level/year at which this course is offered: Level I / Year 1 @reparatory Year)
4, Pre-requisites for this course (ifany):
English Language Level Three, PENG003

5. Co-requisites for this course (ifany):


6, Mode of Instruction (mark all that

1 Traditional classroom 98 Yo10

t Blended 42 %30
3 E-learning
4 Distance learninq
f, Other

. Contact Hours on acaoemrc

1 Lecture 140
I Tutorial
4 Others (specifu)
Total l,!0

B. Course Ob es and Lea Outcomes

1. Course Description
This course teaches English skills for level four's students in Science track and aims at Bl level in
English, as outlined by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The course is
designed to develop students' English language proficiency through the four language skills in an
integrated way. It is a continuation to PENGO0I, PENG002 and PENG003. It provides further
guidance and practice in the structure ofthe language, gradually building students' understanding of
grammar, vocabulary and function ofEnglish. The methodolog)r ofthe course combines traditional
approaches, such as solid grammar and practice and newer approaches, such as role-play and
interactive technology through the use ofthe online resource, My English Lab (MEL).

2. Course Main Objective

This course is designed for students leaming English at the Preparatory year to bring them to
intermediate (Bl) proficiency in English. It aims to prepare students for the linguistic
fu ture scientifi c careers.

3, Course Outcomes
1 Knowledge and Understanding:
UDon comDletion ofthe course. the studenl should be able to:
l.l Recognize tenses and some grammatical features and functions. 1.2
1.2 Recall and use sufficient vocabulary to express themselves on familiar topics. l.l
UDon completion ofthe course, the student should be able to:
2.1 Write well-organized texts on topics that are related to Science Professions 2.2
and other familiar tooics.
2.2 ldentily the idea and can find specific. predictable information while reading 2.2.
texts that are related to Science Professions and other familiar tonics.
z.) Interpret the main points of clear speeches that are related to Science 2.2
Profession" and other familiar topics.
.J Values:
UDon comDletion ofthe course. the student should be able to:
3.1 Use English to present topics and practice speaking. 2.2

C. Course Content
No List of Topics
Grammar: Using articles & Quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns
Reading: Most extreme places to live in the u'orld
Writing: Directions 20
Listening: Listen to a talk about Canada
Speaking: Asking for and giving directions
Vocabulary: Cib, life & Geographical f'eatures
English for Science: Halogens and the future. noble gases and alkali metals.
Grammar: Present tense after if, u,hen and other time words
Reading: What rlas life like one hundred years ago?
Listening: How to clean a house in three minutcs
2 20
Speaking: Improvements for a cafe
Vocabulary : Modern Equipment & Adjectives for describing places
trnglish for Science: Early stages of preqnancv. endocrine system and DNA
Grammar: Past Continuous -used to
Reading: Dirt is good for you
Writing: Time u ords in a narratir e
3 20
Speaking: Talking about health
Vocabulary: Accidents and injuries & Feeling ill
English for Science: Scientific method, clinical trials and lifesaving research.
Gramrnar: Like and would like . Conditional sentences tvith would
Reading: The best things in life!
Speaking: Take part in a survey
4 20
Vocabulary: Adjectives with dependent prepositions & Survival items
English fo; Scie;ce: Pros and cons oftecirnology. future technologies and
technologl lile cl cle.
Grammar: Present simple passive and Past simple passive
\ F,,\
Reading: u'hat makes a good brand great?
5 Writing: A customer revierv
Speaking: Making and responding to suggestions
Vocabulary: Types ofproducts & Personal items KK
{?t rg_
English for Science: Earth's spheres. hydrologv and geoqraphy.
Grammar: Present perfect continuous with ftov long, for and since, Present
Perfect continuous, Present perfect simple
Reading: Finding new friends online
o 20
Speaking: Choose an ambassador
Vocabulary: Personal characteristics & Cetting a job
English for Science: Computer facts. IT development and artificial intelligent.
Grammar: Past perfect & Narrative tenses review
Reading: The beginnings ofmoney
7 Writing: An essay expressing your opinion 20
Speaking: Dealing with money
Vocabularv: Money & Verbs and phrases about money
Total 140

D. Teaching and Assessment

l. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and
Assessment Methods
Code Courre Lcarning Outcornet Arccrsncnt ltfiethods

Knowledge and Understanding
UDon comDletion ofthe course. the student should be able to:
Recognize tenses and some grammatical Lectures, classroom
features and functions. discussions, classroom
Mid-level exam and
Ll activities, e-leaming and
final exam.
lnformation gap
Recall and use sufficient vocabulary to Lectures, classroom
express lhemselves on lamiliar lopics. discussions, classroom
activities, e-leaming,
Mid-level exam and
1.2 information gap
final exam.
exercises, brain storming
and role-play.

Upon completion ofthe course, the student should be able to:
Write well-organized texts on topics that Classroom activities, e-
are related to Science Professions and leaming, task based
other familiar toDics. classroom exercises, Mid-level exam and
information gap final exam.
exercises and brain
Identi! the idea and can find specific, Classroom discussions,
predictable information while reading classroom activities, e-
texts that are related to Science learning, task based Mid-level exam and
Professions and other familiar topics. classroom exercises and final exam.
information gap
Classroom activities, e-
learning, task based

Interpret the main points ofclear speeches
that are related to Science Professions and
other familiar tooics.
classroom exercises and
information gap
ofthe couls€, tbe shrdent should be sble to:

Classroom discussions,
Use English to present topics and practice classroom activities, task Presentation
speaking. based classroom (Speaking) exam.
exercises and role-play.

2. Assessment Tasks for Students

*Aiiiiimint task (i.e., written test, oral test, oral presentation, goup project' essay, etc.)

E. Student Academic Co
ltrraogemeots for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student
consultations and academic advice :
The teachers are available five hours at their offrces every week in order to answer the students'
queries and questions. Every teacher is responsible for counseling a group of students through
the course period.

F. Learning Resources and Facilities

l. Resources
- Cutting Edge Pre-lntermediate (KSA Edition), 3'd Edition
Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor and Araminta Crace, Pearson Education
Required Textbooks Limited 2015 - ISBN: 978- l -2921-0821-6
- English for Science 2, Pearson Education Limited 2017 - ISBN 978-l-29-
Oxford Dictionary,
htf s://wwwodmdlcamersdictionrics.cos/
Essentiel References
Pearson Education:
Materials httos:/ f,ww.lcenon.cotn/€nglbh
4-/l T
The university electronic library I -l A Ut I,,
My English Lab: \a\
Electronic Materials
Enlli.hE s-"i*"",
\L glish-for-spec ifi c-pumoses-sc ience/
\G\ g
https:I I onedriv e.Iiv ? Id:EBECI 7 F 32298 ADI 5Yo217 266&cid=.EBECI
Other Learning

(Classrooms, laboratories, demonstration The classroom has 25-30 seats.

Technology Resources
(AV, data show, Smart Board, software, The teachers use the data show.

Other Resources
(Speci$, e.g. ifspecific laboratory I -Smart Board
equipment is required, list requirements or 2- English Language Labs.

G. Course luallf Evalua tion

Faculty Members
Program Leaders
Effectiveness of Teaching Peer Reviewer Direct
Development Committee
Course evaluation surveys
Intemal course file auditing
Faculty Members
Exam Committee
Effectiveness of Assessment Development Committee Direct
Course evaluation surveys
Intemal course file auditing
Extent of achievement of course
Quality Assurance Unit Direct and Indirect
leamine outcomes
Develooment Committee
Faculty Members
Program Leaders
Quality of leaming resources Development Committee Direct and Indirect
Course evaluation surveys
lntemal course file auditing
teaching and assessment, Extent of achievement
(e.g., Effectiveness of teaching
Evalustion arers (e.s., of course

outcomes, Quality of leaming resources, etc.)
Evalultors (Students, Faculty, Program Leaders, Peer Reviewer, Others (speciry)
Ass€ssm€nt Methods (Direct. lndirect)

H. n Data
Council / Committee Council \-9,^\o4
Reference No, Meeting # 3 for 2019/2020 Academic Year \t,^#
Date Tuesday, January 21, 2020

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