Session 12
Session 12
Session 12
The trophozoites multiply by repeated binary fission in the intestinal wall of host. Some of the
daughter entamoebae grow into normal adults while others stop growing. These are distinctly
smaller than the normal trophozoites and are called Minuta forms.
Precystic (minuta Form): It is smaller, spherical and non- pathogenic stage. Normally, it lives
in the lumen of the intestine and rarely found in tissues. It undergoes encystations and helps in
transmission of parasites from one host to other.
Life cycle: Entamoeba histolytica is monogenetic, i.e., its life cycle is completed on one host only;
the man.
The cysts of Entamoeba histolytica vary in size. Its cytoplasm is clear and each cyst is
mononucleate at this stage. Presence of chromatoid bodies is the characteristic of the cysts of
Entamoeba histolytica. They occur either singly or in the multiples of two or more. The nucleus
of the cysts divides twice so that each cyst now becomes tetra nucleate (fig. 9.2). At this stage,
the cyst is infective to a new host. Encysted forms pass out with the faecal matter of the host.
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Transfer to new host: The infective cysts remain viable for a considerable length of time outside
the human intestine, if environmental conditions are favourable. Infection of fresh human host
takes place by swallowing the infective cysts with contaminated food and drinks.
Excystment: The metacystic trophozites feed on the contents of the intestine and grow in size
to form the trophozites of the next generation. The trophozoites stay in the lumen of the intestine
for a particular period when they may attack the wall of the intestine and start the life cycle again.
Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic dysentery, abscesses in liver, lungs and brain and non-
dysenteric infections.
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1. Adam Sedgwick - A Students Text Book of Zoology, Low Price Publications, Delhi, Vol. I, II
& Vol. III, 1990.
2. Agarwal V.K. – Zoology for Degree Students: Non-Chordata, S. Chand & Company, 2017.
3. Barnes R. D. - Invertebrate Zoology, Saunders College, Philadelphia, 1980.
4. Dhami & Dhami - Invertebrate Zoology, R. Chand & Co., 2009.
5. Ekambaranatha Ayyar - A Manual of Zoology Vol. I, Part I & II, S. Vishwanathan Pvt. Ltd.,
6. Hyman, L. H. - The Invertebrates - Vols. I to IV, Mc. Graw Hill, 1940.
7. Jordan & Verma - Invertebrate Zoology, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi, 2013.
8. Kotpal - Modem Text Book of Invertebrates, Rastogi Publications, Meerut, 2017.
9. Kotpal - Protozoa to Echinodermata (Phylum Series), Rastogi Publications, Meerut, 2017.
10. M. Prakash & C. K. Arora - Laboratory Animals, Anmol Publications, New Delhi, 1998.
11. P.S. Verma - A Manual of Practical Zoology – Invertebrates, S. Chand & Co., 2013.
12. S.S. Lal- A Text book of Practical Zoology – Invertebrates, Rastogi Publications, 2016.
13. T. Jeffery Parker, William A. Haswell. A Text Book of Zoology, Low Price Publications, Delhi,
Vol. I & II, 1990.
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