10 11648 J Ijamtp 20200603 12
10 11648 J Ijamtp 20200603 12
10 11648 J Ijamtp 20200603 12
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4 authors, including:
Prakash Revanna
Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering
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Received: August 3, 2019; Accepted: December 23, 2019; Published: September 7, 2020
Abstract: Ferromagnetic fluids are made up of magnetic particles, which are suspended in a carrier liquid such as water,
hydrocarbon (mineral oil or kerosene) or fluorocarbon with a surfactant to avoid clumping. Worldwide many literature revealed
that, the ferromagnetic fluids application has been diversified in nature and widely used in engineering, technology,
agricultural, animal and biomedical sciences etc. (evidence based medicine for cancer patients, fertigation in agriculture). Now
a days, the driven applications are using in developing countries. The ferromagnetic fluids analytical applications are very
limited scope in Indian scenario due to paucity of literature and technological gap. In the essence of this research gap the
present study undertaking to demonstrate the various applications of ferroconvection in a heterogeneous Brinkman porous
medium on theoretical basis. The resulting eigenvalue problem is solved numerically using the Galerkin method. The effects of
vertical heterogeneity of permeability, Darcy parameter, Magnetic Rayleigh number, nonlinearity of magnetization, and
internal heat source on the onset of ferromagnetic convection is investigated.
Keywords: Heterogeneous Porous Medium, Ferrofluid, Ferromagnetic Convection, Variable Permeability,
Internal Heat Source
1. Introduction
The ferromagnetic fluids are made up of magnetic have propagated thermal state of fluid and it was derived
nanoparticles, which are suspended in a carrier liquid such as from the ferromagnetic convection. Hence, the heat can
water, hydrocarbon (mineral oil or kerosene) or fluorocarbon transfer by ferromagnetic fluids and it will be emerged as one
with a surfactant to avoid clumping [1, 2]. Ferrofluids of the major areas to know the various applications of
possess with an extensive applications in several fields engineering sciences. The problem of ferromagnetic
ranging from physics, electronics, electrical engineering, bio- convective instability leads to magnetized ferrofluid layer, it
medical, micro and nanoelectromechanical systems, was heated from below minimal temperature, this was
instrumentation in computer technology and various investigated by Neuringer et al. Rosensweig et al. Finlayson
heterogeneous engineering applications [3-5]. The et al. Recently, Afifah et al. studied various applications of
magnetization of ferrofluids will depend on the magnetic ferroconvection in a magnetized ferrofluid with saturating
field, temperature and density. Since, the magnetic forces porous medium. In Indian context a similar study was
42 Ravisha Mallappa et al.: Practical Insight of Ferroconvection in Heterogeneous Brinkman Porous Medium
1 ∂q 1 µf 2 ∂T
∇ ⋅q = 0 ρ ε ∂t + 2 ( q.∇ ) q = −∇p + ρ f g − q + µɶ f ∇ q + µ0 ( M ⋅ ∇) H A + ( q ⋅ ∇ ) T = κ ∇2T + Q (1)
0 ε K ( z) ∂t
M 0 = M ( H 0 , Ta ) , Ta = (TL + TU ) / 2 , H = H , M = M ϕ (3)
qb = 0
Qz 3 Qdz 2 z 2 zd µ0 M 0 K p Qz 2 Qdz
pb ( z ) = p0 − ρ0 g z − ρ0α t g − +β − − − + β z
2 1+ χ
6k 4k d 2k 2k
µ0 K p2 β 2 Q 2 z 4 Qd β d Qdz 2 2β d β 2 2 2
(1 + χ )2 8k 2
Qz 3
2 β − − +
z 8k
− 4β + +
z 2
z −z d ( )
d Q 2 Qd
Tb ( z ) = Ta − β z − − z + z
2 2κ 2κ
Kp Q 2 Qd d
Hb ( z) = H0 − z − z + β z − kˆ
1+ χ 2κ 2κ 2
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics 2020; 6(3): 41-48 43
Kp Q 2 Qd d
M b ( z) = M 0 + z − z + β z − kˆ (4)
1+ χ 2κ 2κ 2
where, β = ∆T / d = (TL − TU ) / d is the temperature gradient, k̂ - unit vector in the z-direction and the subscript b clearly
expressed the basic state. Later the equation was superimposed with perturbations, the basic solution becomes
q = q ′, p = pb + p ′, T = Tb + T ′, H = H b + H ′ and M = M b + M ′ (5)
The linear stability analysis was performed with normal mode; non-dimensionalising of the real variables tends to be in the
following form of equation
(1 + χ ) Φ
( x*, y*, z *) = dx , d , dz , t* = κ2
y d 1
t, W * = W , Θ* = Θ, Φ* = (6)
d κ βd Kpβ d2
Non-dimensional governing equations (asterisks for simplicity and noting that the principle of exchange of stability holds)
are derived in the form of
( ) (
Da D 2 − a 2 − F ( z ) D 2 − a 2 W − DF ( z ) DW
= Rm a 2 N s (1 − 2 z ) − 1 ( DΦ − Θ) + RD a 2 Θ
(D 2
− a2 Θ = [ N s (1 − 2 z ) − 1]W (D 2
− a2 M 3 Φ − DΘ = 0 . (7)
In the above equations, D = d / dz is the differential operator, where α1 and α 2 is real valued constants and it was
a can explain horizontal wave number RD = α t g β K 0 d 2 / ν κ formulated in quadratic function with unit mean. For the
and Darcy-Rayleigh number was given by the equation homogeneous porous medium case α1 = 0 = α 2 .
Da = µɶ f K 0 / µ f d 2 and also the modified Darcy number was Equations (7) - (8) we have solved that, the appropriate
boundary conditions tend to be significantly homogeneous.
propagated in the form of M 1 = µ0 K p β / (1 + χ )α t ρ 0 g
The simulated boundaries are found to be rigid,
Rm = RD M 1 = µ0 K p2 β 2 d 2 / (1 + χ ) µ κ . Finally after algebraic ferromagnetic state, either in isothermal or insulated
temperature perturbations. The boundary conditions was
solution, we have obtained the Darcy-Rayleigh number equation estimated in the following equation
N s = Q d / 2 κ β ; where M 3 = (1 + M 0 / H 0 ) / (1 + χ ) is the
measure of non-linearity of magnetization and W = DW = Θ or DΘ = Φ = 0 at z = 0, 1 . (9)
F ( z ) = K 0 / K ( z ) non-dimensional permeability heterogeneity
The resulting eigenvalue problem was solved numerically
function and K 0 is the mean value of K ( z ) . The function F ( z )
by using Galerkin method. Accordingly, W ( z ) , Θ( z ) and
was chosen in the following form of equation
Φ( z ) would be expanded in the series form
1 1
F ( z ) = 1 + α1 z − + α 2 z 2 − (8)
2 3
n n n
W= ∑
i =1
Ai Wi ( z ) , Θ( z ) = ∑
i =1
Bi Θi ( z ) , Φ ( z ) = ∑C
i =1
i Φi ( z) (10)
( )
+ a < 1 + α1 ( z − 1 / 2) + α 2 ( z 2 − 1 / 3) W j Wi >
Where, the inner product is defined as < ⋯ > = (⋯) dz. ∫
The base functions Wi ( z ) , Θi ( z ) and Φi ( z ) is assumed in the following form:
Wi = ( z 4 − 2 z 3 + z 2 )Ti*−1 , Φ i = ( z 3 − 3 z 2 + 2 z )Ti*−1
where, Ti* s ( i ∈ N ) is the modified Chebyshev polynomials, method was obtained by Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method
(RKF45), the formulation of the fitted equation will satisfy
Wi ( z ) , Θi ( z ) and Φi ( z ) will satisfies the corresponding
the regularity conditions of value z = 1,
boundary conditions. The characteristic equation was formed
from (11) - (12) with the existence of non-trivial W (1) = 0, DW (1) = 0, Θ(1) = 0 or DΘ(1) = 0 , Φ (1) = 0.
solution.(solved numerically with different values of M 3 ,
N s , Rm , Da and for different forms of F ( z ) ). It was Finally, the critical Darcy Rayleigh number RDc and the
observed that, the numerical results were converged by corresponding wave number ac were obtained numerically in
taking sixth terms of Galerkin expansion. In the interest of the different forms of F ( z ) as well as other values of
comparison equations (8) – (9) were pooled with boundary
physical parameters of rigid-rigid ferromagnetic
conditions and real intervention was solved numerically by
(isothermal/insulated) boundary conditions. From (table 3), it
using shooting technique (Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg and
was observed that, the numerical results were significantly
Newton-Raphson iteration methods). The equation (8) – (9)
obtained from the two methods, heterogeneous equilibrium
was solved by considering initial value of z = 0 was observed during the model fitting phase.
For isothermal boundaries
as type F 3 and F 4 , and also the model formulation was correlated for propagation of real expected values of
vertically stratified with permeability function of type F 4 . permeability function). Further, it was observed that, the
Asper the findings F4 was found to be more stable when values of RDc will be differ with different vertical
compared to type F 1 (ROC analysis was performed to know heterogeneity of permeability functions at higher order
the accuracy of the model. Asper the model AUC was 0.91 Galerkin method.
and likelihood function was found to be significantly
Figure 1. Variation of (a) RDc and (b) ac with N s for different values of Da when Rm = 2 and M 3 = 1 for different forms of F ( z ) .
Table 2. Comparison of critical Darcy-Rayleigh and the corresponding wave numbers for different orders of approximations in the Galerkin expansion for
Rm = 5, M 3 = 1 and Da = 0.1 .
i=j=1 i=j=2 i=j=5 i=j=6
Ns Model
RDc ac RDc ac RDc ac RDc ac
F1 215.708 3.145 216.531 3.147 211.047 3.151 211.047 3.151
F2 215.708 3.145 216.484 3.147 210.983 3.151 210.983 3.151
F3 216.534 3.163 217.308 3.164 211.850 3.168 211.850 3.168
F4 216.534 3.163 217.160 3.165 211.658 3.169 211.658 3.169
F1 215.815 3.143 208.327 3.198 203.184 3.204 203.164 3.204
F2 215.815 3.143 210.803 3.197 205.529 3.203 205.509 3.203
F3 216.641 3.163 211.532 3.215 206.310 3.220 206.289 3.220
F4 216.641 3.163 213.981 3.214 208.592 3.220 208.573 3.220
F1 215.976 3.147 177.067 3.384 172.865 3.400 172.800 3.400
F2 215.976 3.147 181.204 3.390 176.798 3.404 176.730 3.405
F3 216.801 3.164 181.623 3.408 177.301 3.421 177.231 3.421
F4 216.801 3.164 185.856 3.415 181.285 3.427 181.212 3.427
46 Ravisha Mallappa et al.: Practical Insight of Ferroconvection in Heterogeneous Brinkman Porous Medium
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