Sales Activity Data Ebook Zynbit

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Unlock Sales

Activity Data
To Drive Revenue
Managing Sales With Data

by Phil Dixon - CEO, ZynBit

Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3

Introduction 5

What High-performance Sales Leadership Looks Like 8

How To Increase Sales Productivity With Activity Data 10

What Sales Activity Data Includes 11

Why Sales Activity Data Is So Valuable 12

The Opportunities In Managing Sales Activity 13

The Challenges of Collecting and Managing Sales Activity Data 15

Why CRM Implementations Often Fail 17

Why It Doesn’t Pay For Sales Reps To Enter Their Own Activity Data 18

Zynbit’s Software Manages Activity Data For Sales Teams 21

How High-performing Sales Leaders Use Sales Activity Data 23

Recommendations 27

Summary & Conclusions 28

About Zynbit 29

Citations 30
Executive Summary
The purpose of this guide is to show how sales leaders and executives can build a high-performing sales organization. Specifically, it explains how to do
so by using sales activity data. This ebook aims to help companies impro ve the performance of their sales teams by using accurate data from customer
relationship management (or CRM) systems such as

Our main assertion in this ebook is simple:

Why? Two main reasons.

By using high-quality sales activity data and smart
management methods, you can:
1. Salespeople must enter their activity data manually.
To do so takes precious time away from selling. Data entry
Achieve and maintain more predictable revenue growth.
incurs a high opportunity cost.

Provide a better customer buying experience.

2. The data in CRM systems is often incomplete, inaccurate,
and out of date. Highperforming salespeople today are “crazy
Build and lead a high-performing sales organization.
busy.” It’s hard for them to make time to enter data into CRM
systems. The best reps often don’t.
Reduce your customer acquisition cost and increase your
sales contribution margin.
Because of poor data, managers often can’t trust CRM data when they
need it to make important decisions.
The problem is that until recently it’s been a challenge to collect
accurate, complete, and timely sales activity data in CRM systems.

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Recent studies show that sales reps Until recently, it’s been hard to strike the right balance.
spend about: You need good sales activity data. And you also need
productive selling time for your reps. Fortunately, now you
65% can use technology to collect sales activity data
of their time on automatically.
non-selling activity
With this technical edge, you can achieve and maintain
the right balance:
on CRM-related
You can get the accurate, complete, and timely activity data you need to
run an effective sales team.

17% You can offer your salespeople data-informed coaching to close more deals.
of their time on
selling activity Your team can have more time for selling because they spend less time
entering data.

That’s not how high-performing sales Your customers can enjoy a more consistent buying experience.

teams should spend their time.

This ebook explains how you can do it all.
Source: Time Management for Sales. 2017.

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About The Author
Phil Dixon, CEO of ZynBit

Phil is a seasoned product-centric founder with nearly 20 years of

experience and has held numerous leadership roles in the CRM, ERP and
ECM sectors. Phil has founded two data-driven tech companies, with
successful exits and also mentors local startups.

Who can benefit from reading this ebook

This ebook is mainly for sales leaders, high-performing sales reps, and
executives in their companies. The ideas in this book are most useful for
companies that seek to manage their CRM system for higher productivity.
It's especially useful for companies that use as their CRM.

They are appropriate for use by companies of any size and in any industry.

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What value you can expect Why this topic is relevant and urgent now

This ebook talks about how sales leaders can use activity data to improve If your sales team is producing great results, congratulations.
the performance of their team. They stand out in sharp contrast to the downward trend in sales
performance in recent years. Several measures of average sales
It talks about the opportunities in having accurate, complete, and performance have been declining steadily, across all geographies,
timely sales activity data in CRM systems. industries, and company sizes.

It lists the main challenges of getting and maintaining such data. Average quota attainment for U.S.
sales people in decline:
It suggests a practical, accessible, cost-effective way to obtain activity
data. It tells how you can do so without having salespeople or
administrative staff enter it manually.

For sales leaders with long experience, it provides a refresher on the

fundamentals of data-informed sales management. You’re likely to read
65% 53%
concepts you’ve known but maybe haven’t applied. What about sales
leaders who are newer to their job? Or executives who don’t manage
sales directly? For you, it offers an introduction to the importance of sales
activity management.

Regardless of your role or experience, you’ll find ideas for using activity
data to improve sales performance.
2012 2016
Source: Running Up the Down Escalator: 2017 CSO Insights World-Class Sales Practices Reportv

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Why is sales performance declining? In addition:

Customer expectations have risen.

The decline in sales performance is occurring for several reasons various Sales processes haven’t kept pace.
studies have cited.
Turnover in sales jobs is increasing.
Here are a few: Higher turnover reduces productivity.

Competition has intensified. Ramp times for new sales reps are longer.
Customers have more choices of alternative products and services.
Economic, political, and technology disruptions are increasing.
Customer buying decisions involve more people and more
business units. These and many other explanations are plausible.
Users are becoming more influential in purchase decisions about
systems and technologies.

Sales cycles are getting longer. The key point is:

It’s harder to generate high-quality sales leads.

Some high-performing companies have bucked the average trend.
And they’ve been well rewarded for doing so.

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What High-performing sales leaders use data and analysis
to inform their decisions.

Sales Leadership They aren’t cowboys. They don’t shoot from the hip. They use the intuition they’ve
developed from experience, but they also understand its limitations. They know that
Looks Like reflexive decisions often spring from bias, and bias often leads to bad decisions. They
see sales activity data as one of their most valuable management tools. And they get it
delivered automatically. The data-collection process adds no more work for sales reps
or administrative staff.
What do the leaders of
high-performing sales teams
do differently than their less They see their sales organization as a system.

effective peers?
In their view, a high-performing sales organization is like a well-oiled machine with
multiple moving parts. World-class sales leaders see their organization as a team, not
a group of solo performers.

If their sales team isn’t producing the results it should, they look for ways to improve
the system. They don’t seek scapegoats. They use technology to capture and compile
sales activity data from many sources, including email, phone calls, social media, and
other sources.

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The data is accurate. It’s not distorted by the agendas If a sales rep leaves the team unexpectedly, they use activity data to
ensure continuity and consistency. They use activity data to inform the
of individual sales reps. It’s up to date.
next person who becomes responsible for the account.

They have easy access to data they can trust. With better
data, they can make better decisions.

They know their executives and board members are likely to trust
data-based recommendations over intuition or gut-level guesses.

They develop their team. They invest in coaching and

training. They provide coaching that’s custom tailored to the
needs of individual sales reps.

They help their team deliver a great buying experience

for customers. They use activity data to help ensure that
customers get the right level of attention.

They ensure that salespeople provide the right information at the

appropriate time.

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How To Increase A competent medical doctor always begins a consultation with a review of
medical records. They diagnose before they prescribe.
Sales Productivity Similarly, effective sales leaders review team performance data before they
With Activity Data suggest ways to improve. That data may include measures such as these:

Percentage quota attainment

Revenue growth year over year

Quota attainment by sales rep and fiscal period

Pipeline size: How many deals? How much revenue?

Sales forecast accuracy

Deals forecast versus deals closed

Ranking of sales reps by quota attainment, sales territory, and so ona.

Sales leaders next focus their attention on sales activity data. That’s
where they begin to see the how and why of sales performance.

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What Sales Sales activity data tracks the activities that cause sales to close

Activity Data
and sales pipelines to fill with opportunities.

Includes It may include these kinds of information:

Steps in a sales process and when they occurred. The data may record prospecting
activities, face-to-face meetings with prospects, product demonstrations, price
quotations or proposals submitted, contracts negotiated, revenue forecast, deals
won and closed, revenue recognized, and so on.

Details of communications with prospects and customers. Activity data notes

who said what to whom and when the exchanges occurred.

Sales activity data is historical and retrospective,

not predictive or prescriptive

By itself, raw sales activity data tells only what has happened in the past. It tells the
story of what sales teams or individual sal es reps have done. It also measures,
indirectly, how sales teams and salespeople have used their time. But it doesn’t suggest
what salespeople can or should do to achieve better results. Nor does it predict how
well a team or a sales rep will perform in the future. For those insights, you need the
right framework, methodology, and information systems. With those elements in place,
you can analyze the data and explore its implications.

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Why Sales As a sales leader, you have a good general sense of which activities
Activity Data lead to revenue and which do not. You know that your sales team
will generate more revenue by prospecting than by preparing
Is So Valuable expense reports.
Sales activity data is useful because provides
For many sales activities, the connection between the activity and revenue is less obvious.
leading indicators of future results. A leading
indicator doesn’t necessarily cause or predict
a subsequent outcome. But it of ten precedes
the outcome. For example, rising employment
levels are usually leading indicators of rising wages.
What’s the correlation How many face-to-face How many quotations
But they aren’t infallible predictors, because many
between number of sales meetings does it or proposals does it
other factors also affect wage levels.
product demos given take, on average, to take to earn $100,000
It’s a truism that you need your salespeople to and deals closed? close a deal? in revenue?
engage in activities that generate revenue. The
more they engage in revenue-generating activities,
Such numbers vary from company to company. They also vary by product, by industry,
the more revenue your business will generate.
by sales team, and by salesperson. They are important numbers for sales leaders to
Conversely, if your salespeople do too many of the
know for their circumstances.
“wrong” things, or if they execute them poorly,
revenue sinks and selling costs rise.
That’s why it's so important to track sales activity in enough detail.

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Let’s imagine you’re a conscientious sales leader in a new job.
Opportunities You’ve reviewed the vital signs and performance history of your
In Managing sales team.

Sales Activity You now have a sense of the overall health of your team. You’ve spotted obvious
strengths and weaknesses. You can see them for your team and for individual reps.
Next, you review sales activity data. It provides details about the steps each sales rep
has taken to advance individual sales.

Now it’s time to interpret the data.

When you have enough activity data, you can test correlations between specific sales
activities and results. The activity data shows you what your top and bottom
performing sales reps have done to close sales.

It shows how your best reps behave differently from the rest of your reps.

By comparison, you can see which activities correlate to future success. You don’t have
to rely on what worked with different sales teams in your prior jobs. You can see what
works for your current sales team, in your current target markets.

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Steps to use data to influence Once you’ve established correlations, you can see in advance whether your
team and individual reps are likely to achieve their sales quota. If you spot
the sales pipeline: risks in advance, you can take corrective action before the end of a fiscal
period. You can influence pipeline growth and win rates while you still have
an opportunity to do so.


How activity data can improve sales coaching

With a clear idea of correlations between specific activities and outcomes,

you can offer personalized coaching to individual reps.

INTERPRET You can help them engage more in activities that are highly correlated with
sales success. Your advice is powerfully effective because it’s tailored,
relevant, and useful. It’s also more compelling when you can show solid
activity data that supports your recommendations.

This is big. Several studies have shown that effective sales coaching
TEST improves sales effectiveness at low cost.

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The Challenges The first challenge arises if you have low-quality sales activity data.

of Collecting And
Managing Sales Good sales activity data meets eight criteria:

Activity Data 1. It’s reliable. This means it’s accurate, complete, and current.
2. It’s tailored to your sales process and your customer’s buying process.
3. It meets your business requirements.
The principles behind sales activity
4. It’s easily accessible to the people who need it.
management are simple. But experienced
5. You can collect and use it across integrated software applications.
sales leaders know they can be hard to apply.
6. It’s useful. You can use it in making important business decisions.
7. It’s scalable. It stays useful as your company grows.
8. It reflects the way your customers see your business.

Think for a moment. Which criteria does the data in y our CRM system meet today?

Why it’s hard to get accurate, complete, and timely activity data

In many companies it's hard to know how salespeople spend their time. The bigger your
sales team, the harder it is to track.

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For salespeople that work remotely, management has little alternative but Relevant activity data comes from diverse sources. Sales reps
to rely on the information salespeople report in CRM systems. But the communicate with customers and prospects by phone, email and
data in CRM systems is often inaccurate, incomplete, and out of date. social media. They also participate in meetings. It’s time-consuming a
cumbersome to collect accurate activity data about all these
Why is the data inaccurate? Three main reasons: communications channels.

Your best sales reps are too busy to enter data consistently. They’re so For complete and accurate sales activity data, you must collect it from all
busy closing deals that they don’t have time. You don’t want to break the key channels your reps use to communicate with customers and
their stride, so you don’t push them too hard. prospects. Salesforce Research2 identified eight major channels as being
critically important when salespeople communicate with customers. Their
Your worst-performing reps have strong incentives to distort how they 2017 study also cited the importance of knowledge bases, online forums,
spend their time. If they think they’re on thin ice, they’re report social media, and online communities. Considering the three reasons
whatever they must to keep their job. It’s not necessarily accurate. together, it’s easy to see why sales activity data in CRM systems is often

Salesforce Research found the following channels the most critical for client & prospect communication.

87% In Person 83% Phone 78% Email 42% Mobile Apps

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CRM systems too often become repositories of incomplete and skewed data.
Such data is not very useful for making decisions.

Implementations You can't trust the sales forecasts.

Often Fail You don’t know which reps need coaching or performance evaluations.
You don’t know which activities to encourage or what corrective actions to suggest.
You can't trust the solidity of the sales pipeline.
You can’t be confident how your fiscal period will end until the final
CRM systems are, of course, the primary tool
numbers come in.
for collecting, sh aring, and reporting sales
activity data.
Most CRM systems offer few benefits for salespeople. Sales reps know that entering
Unfortunately, a high percentage of CRM their activity data won’t help them achieve their quota.
implementations fail. Various studies have
suggested the failure rate is between about The consequences of CRM failures
30% and 75%.
Managing a sales team without reliable CRM data is like piloting a plane without
The reasons for failure vary, but studies instrumentation. It can work in near-perfect flying conditions. But it’s hazardous in
consistently cite low adoption rates among bad weather.
the top three.
The failure of a CRM implementations is more than an expensive waste of time,
money and resources. It prevents effective sales management, revenue forecasting,
and pipeline management.

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Why It Doesn’t Pay On average, sales reps spend about 65% of their time in non-selling activities.4
This shocking finding comes from a study conducted by and published

For Sales Reps To in 2017.3 It polled 700 sales reps, apparently all in the United States. Respondents said
they spend about 13% of their time on administrative tasks and about 18% working in

Enter Their Own CRM systems. Salesforce Research also reported 66% of sales reps' time spent on
non-selling activity in their 2018 State of Sales report (third edition).4
Activity Data HubSpot reported in 2018 that 62% of sales reps spend more than 30 minutes a day
performing data entry and other manual tasks. And 8% spend more than 120 minutes a
day at such activities.5

Out-of-pocket costs for sales data entry and administrative work

Glassdoor reports that the national average base salary for a field sales rep is about
$60,000 in the United States in 2018. 6 In many industries, the average base salary is
much higher. Let’s say you pay a senior field sales rep a base salary of $70,000 a year.
That means you spend $10,500 a year for administrative work (15% X $70,000). And you
spend another $12,600 a year for CRM data entry (18% X $70,000).

That’s $23,100 a year per salesperson—for tasks that could be automated.

If your sales team consists of five reps, you spend $115,500 a year for work that’s
essentially clerical. (See Table.) With 60 salespeople, you spend about $1,386,000 for
clerical work. That’s insane.

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Size of sales team
Annual dollars (number of sales reps)
5 60

spent on data entry Average annual

base-salary per sales rep
$70,000 $70,000
and administration
for sales teams TOTAL
sales team base salaries
$360,000 $4,200,00

of 5 and 60 reps

Percentage of non-selling time

15% 15%
spent on administrative duties

Cost of
sales administrative duties -$52,500 -$630,000

Percentage of non-selling time

18% 18%
spent entering CRM data

Cost of
-$63,000 -$756,000
entering CRM data

TOTAL COST administrative

$115,500 $1,386,000
duties and CRM data entry

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Customer satisfaction (CSAT) is now the number one
measure of success for sales teams, the study reports. As
measure of success, CSAT scores slightly ahead of team quota

To help achieve growth goals amid fast-changing customer expectations,

respondents said they now focus more on creating a positive customer
experience. To that end, they engage more in these activities:

Increasing retention through deeper relationships (51%)

Becoming trusted advisors to customers (39%)

Providing customers with a more personalized experience (37%).8

Besides considering your out-of-pocket salary costs for entering CRM
data, you must also weigh the opportunity costs. Sales teams are
exmpanding their priorities beyond revenue generation. Customer Where does that added time come from?
experience metrics are now the top benchmark for sales success. This
finding comes from the State of Sales report by Salesforce Research. 7
They surveyed 2,900 sales professionals and their leaders in 11 You’ve just seen how much time sales reps spend on data-entry activity
developed countries. Survey respondents worked for small, mid-sized that can be easily automated. You’ve also seen how expensive it is to pay
companies, and large companies. The companies split almost evenly sales salaries for data entry. A good alternative would be to capture sales
between B2B and B2C sales. activity data in a way that provides more time for selling.

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Zynbit’s Software
Manages Activity Data How can you create a balance where your team achieves sales
For Sales Teams goals and makes progress toward ambitious new priorities, while
you still get the activity data you need?

Fortunately, technology now provides new ways reduce the time your reps spend
entering activity data.

Software provider ZynBit offers an application that collects sales activity data
automatically. It then presents the data in ways that are easily accessible. And it
analyzes the data in ways that make it more useful.

The solution gathers complete, accurate, and timely sales activity data without requiring
more time and attention from sales reps.

It integrates fully with The integration is so complete that you can get
access to your CRM data while using other software such as email. You need not open
Salesforce to see your data in those applications.

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Companies in technology, healthcare, bio-tech,
professional services, banking, insurance and wealth
management use ZynBit to collect and help manage
sales activity data.

High-performing sales teams in these industries use data from their sales
meetings to analyze the strongest predictors of revenue. They found that
the occurrence of key meetings with the right buyers was among their
strongest predictors of revenue.

They use insights from activity data in three ways. They use sales
activity data to:

Connect seller resources with the right buyers at the right

time in the sales cycle

Forecast revenue

Train salespeople to follow an effective process.

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High-Performing With solid sales activity data,
you can manage with hindsight, insight, and foresight.
Sales Leaders
Use Sales
Activity Data Good Data Hindsight
Up to this point, we’ve said accurate sales activity
data can provide valuable management insights.

But we haven’t offered much detail on how you

can use the data to manage a high-performing
sales team. Those details are beyond the scope
of this ebook.

But they’re readily available in the three other

ebooks in this series. For now, we’ll briefly Foresight Insight
introduce the conceptual framework we use to
organize ideas in the remaining three books.

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Managing sales with

Sales leaders and high-performing salespeople use historical activity
data to take corrective action early.

Here are some of the common ways world class sales leaders use
backward-looking sales activity data:

Territory coverage. They use data to find gaps in the coverage of Forecast analysis. If forecast accuracy is poor, sales leaders may see
assigned sales territories. They look for signs that sales activity in each the need for better forecasting tools and techniques. Or they may see
territory may be too narrow in scope or not deep enough in key opportunities for better coaching or training in how to forecast.
accounts or opportunities.
Activity levels. Sales leaders can use activity data to spot individuals
Pipeline analysis. They used data to see whether sales reps or don’t achieve the required level of sales activity. Key sales activities may
entire sales teams are generating enough leads. They also check include phone calls, face-to-face meetings, demos, proposals and price
whether salespeople convert enough leads through various stages quotations, and so on.
of the sales funnel.

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Managing sales with

World class sales leaders use real-time activity data to coach t heir sales
people. This is how they can achieve the greatest lift in sales performance.

Here are some of the ways they use activity data to provide insight that
helps with sales coaching:

Deal strategy. Sales leaders can use real-time activity data to Activity focus. They use activity data to spot high-probability
strategize with sales reps on how to win important deals. opportunities that could benefit from more sales attention.

Customer experience (CX). They use data to provide sales reps with Quality of activity and selling skills. Effective leaders coach their
insight into activities that improve the quality of the customer’s buying salespeople to monitor their own performance. They use activity data
experience. For example, the data can show sales reps how to improve to show salespeople which activities will help them achieve or exceed
their cadence of communications with customers and prospects. It can their quota.
also show the best ways to manage customer references. And it can
Up-Selling and Cross-Selling. Sales leaders use activity data to spot
show how and when to use relevant sales or marketing content to help
opportunities to grow revenue in accounts that have bought other
prospects with their decision processes.

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Managing sales with

Management with foresight is the skill that earns sales leaders their place the executive table. By managing
with foresight, sales leaders contribute broadly to the growth plans and strategies of the business.

Here are some of the ways they use sales activity data in planning: Forecasting and pipeline analysis. They determine how many deals
they’ll need at each level of the sales pipeline to achieve quotas. They also
Budgeting and capacity planning. They use the data to determine track the rate at which opportunities move from one stage to the next.
these key elements for achieving growth targets:
Sales headcount. How many reps they’ll need. Efficiency. They look for ways to reduce CAC by refining sales models.
Sales profiles. Characteristics of the salespeople they’ll need. For example, they may move prospecting activity from senior field reps
Territory coverage. How they’ll deploy their sales reps in the field. to lower-cost, junior Business Development Reps.
Cost management. Analysis and control of Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Automation. They evaluate which sales activities can be automated.
Compensation and quota setting. They use the data to help design
compensation plans and to set individual sales goals. Throughput. They identify constraints or bottlenecks in moving
opportunities through the sales process. They look for ways to accelerate
Training and enablement. They create plans to improve productivity movement through the sales funnel and pipeline. For example, they
through training and sales enablement. evaluate how leads pass from marketing to sales. And they track how
prospects become customers, then happy customers.

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If you now see the value of using sales activity data to achieve higher sales performance, this ebook has achieved its goal.

If you’d like to move forward with using activity data to improve your 6. Identify efficient ways to capture and secure relevant activity
team’s productivity, we suggest these steps: data from all key channels. What data do you need from each
communication channel? How will you gather the data efficiently,
1. Check the quality of data in your current CRM system. How much so it’s accurate and up to date?
can you trust it? How complete, accurate, and up-to-date is it?
7. Consider what data you’re likely to need in the future. What
2. Define which sales activities are important to track. Which sales information should you gather now to support future growth models
activities are most highly correlated with revenue growth? and possible restructuring?

3. Define the quality of data you need. How fresh and accurate do you 8. Identify important steps in the buyer journey’s and your sales
need your activity data to be? How often must the data be updated? process. Collect data that helps you understand and track key
milestones and activities for customers and salespeople.
4. Define what other data you’ll need. In addition to sales activity
data, you’ll also need up-to-date revenue forecasts. What else? 9. Identify sales activities that don’t generate revenue. Look for ways
to reduce, delegate, or eliminate them.
5. Identify your team’s most important communication channels.
How do your sales reps communicate with customers and prospects? 10. Help your sales team see how their activity data makes them
Through phone calls? Teleconferences? Email? Text messaging? Social more successful. When they see how the data helps them succeed,
media? What else? they’ll be more likely to keep their CRM data current and complete.

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Summary & Conclusions
Sales activity data is an essential element in building high-performing sales
teams. With solid sales activity data, you can manage your sales team
efficiently and effectively with hindsight. You can lead and coach them with
insight. And you can plan with foresight.

It all hinges on having trustworthy activity data. The speed of business today
allows little hesitation in making management decisions. It also allows little
room for error in planning for the future. Badgering salespeople to keep
their activity data current is not a good use of time, money, or energy.

Technology from ZynBit ( helps make the process of data

collection more efficient. It not only makes more time for selling, but also
more time for living a good life. As Millennials rise to prominence in the
workforce, much has been made of their concern for maintaining a work-life
balance. In working with a number of these stars, I am convinced they have
the same focus and talent as previous generations of salespeople.

In sales, you achieve a higher quality of life by making your number.

And sales activity data can help you achieve both your number and
higher quality of life.

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About ZynBit
ZynBit powers data-driven sales Be Data-Driven
teams to optimize sales capacity.
ZynBit captures high-value customer interactions enabling your
sales, management, and operations to understand pipeline
activity, sales performance, and territory management patterns.

It integrates seamlessly with your existing sales workflows across

mobile, browser, email and calendar simplifying the day-to-day of
customer relationship management. At the same time, it collects
meaningful customer data needed to optimize sales operations.

ZynBit makes salespeople more efficient and empowers

management with valuable insights needed to run the business,
improve customer acquisition and drive retention.

Five Star Rating

+ 375 reviews in the AppExchange

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1. Running Up the Down Escalator: 2017 CSO Insights World-Class Sales Practices Report. CSO Insights. 2017.

2. 2017 CSO Insights World-Class Sales Practices Report. CSO Insights. 2017.
https://www.csoinsights. com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2017/08/2017-World-Class-Sales-Practices-Report.pdf

3. State of Sales: Insights and Trends from Over 3,100 Global Sales Trailblazers (second edition). Salesforce Research. 2017.

4. Time Management for Sales 2017. 2017.

5. State of Inbound Global Report. HubSpot. 2018.

6. Field Sales Representative Salaries. Average Base Pay. Glassdoor. Updated October 23, 2018. Viewed October 24, 2018. Glassdoor.,26.htm

7. State of Sales: Insights and Trends from Over 2,900 Sales Professional Worldwide (third edition). Salesforce Research. 2018.

8. Salesforce Research. 2017.

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