Larsen-Freeman - 1987 - From Unity To Diversity

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Only read pages 28–32; but if this is your first course in TESOL, you should read the entire

article (because it covers a lot

of content and concepts from other courses and will provide a vital bacground)

From Unity to Diversity:

Twenty-five Years of
This article was first published in Volume 25, No. 4 (1987).

My charge from the editor of the English Teaching Forum gle-slot substitution drill is the first. The teacher recites a
for this special anniversary issue is to describe method- line from the dialogue and then gives the students a cue
ological developments in our field over the past 25 years. word or phrase. The stu­dents repeat the line from the dia-
In order to put the developments in perspective, it would logue, substituting the cue into the line in its proper place.
be helpful to step back in time, to remind ourselves of how The first cue he gives is a subject pronoun. The students
things were 25 years ago. know that they are to substi­tute this cue into the subject
It is 1962. We have been invited to observe a beginning position in the sentence. The teacher gives them a differ-
EFL class. Since the class has already begun, we take a seat ent subject pronoun, and the drill proceeds. The students
at the rear of the classroom, trying to be as unobtrusive recognize that sometimes they will have to change the pres-
as possible. The teacher is a young man. He is speaking in ent-tense verb morphology so that subject-verb agreement
English to a class of approximately 40 15-year-old students. is achieved.
Let’s lis­ten to what he is saying. The substitution drill is followed by a transformation
“All right, class. I am going to repeat the dialogue. drill, a question-and-answer drill, and a chain drill. The
Please listen carefully. Two friends named Peggy and Sue pace is brisk; the teacher slows down only when an error
are at a restaurant. They are discussing what to order. Peggy has been committed. When a pronunciation error is made,
speaks first.” the teacher offers another word that is minimally differ-
The teacher then reads both Peggy’s and Sue’s lines ent from the one the students are struggling with so that
of the dialogue. He makes the meaning of the lines clear the students can hear the difference between the familiar
through the use of mime and pictures. Following this sec- sound and the one that is causing them difficulty.
ond reading of the dialogue, the teacher asks his students When correct drill responses are given by the class, the
to take the part of Peggy, while he takes Sue’s. The teacher teacher says “good” and smiles approvingly. The lesson con­
reads Peggy’s lines and the students try their best to imitate cludes with the teacher reviewing the lines of the dialogue
his model. The teacher and class then switch roles so that with which the lesson began. The dialogue is performed
the students have an opportunity to practice the other part. flawlessly. The teacher smiles, “Very good. Class dis­missed.’’
After a few repeti­tions, the teacher has one-half of the class If we were to compare this lesson with one presented
say Peggy’s lines and the other say Sue’s. They perform the to­day, what would we find? What is striking is that such
dialogue with minimal prompting from him. They trade a comparison could not be easily made. There is such
roles. After the teacher is satisfied that the class has learned method­ological diversity in 1987 that it would be impos-
the dialogue, he leads the class in a number of drills. A sin- sible to iden­tify a typical class. There is no single acceptable

28 2012 Number 2 | E n g l i s h T e a c h i n g F o r u m
way to go about teaching language today. Indeed, the exist- in the language lesson we observed, this was to be accom-
ing ap­proaches to language teaching differ in fundamental plished by forging new habits through repetition, pattern
ways: There is little or no accord on syllabus type, on mate- drills, and accompanying positive reinforcement by the
rials used, on the order of skill presentation, on the value of teacher. Errors were to be avoided if at all possible. A way to
ex­plicit error correction, or even on such a basic issue as the anticipate er­rors was to conduct a contrastive analysis, com-
role of the students’ native language. paring and contrasting the students’ native language with
This is not to say that there is no agreement in the the target lan­guage. Through this means, potential trouble
field about what constitutes good teaching practice. Indeed, spots could be identified. If an error was committed, quick
in a 1987 classroom we might expect to find little or no correction was desirable in order to prevent the establish-
meaning­less repetition, meaning made clear through a va- ment of bad habits. Overlearning leading to automaticity
riety of techniques, more student-to-student interaction, was the goal.
and lan­guage being presented in all its communicative Challenging this characterization of the learning pro-
richness. But before we proceed with a discussion of what cess was Noam Chomsky (1959). Chomsky argued that
is acceptable practice today, it would be worthwhile tracing language acquisition could not take place through habit
the historical antecedents of modern methodology. formation be­cause language was far too complicated to be
I have found it helpful to think of methodology be- learned in such a manner, especially given the brief time
ing de­picted as a triangle, with each angle of the triangle available. There must be, Chomsky reasoned, some in-
represent­ing a basic area of the field. The first angle might nate capacity that hu­mans possessed which predisposed
be termed language learning/language learner. Questions them to look for basic patterns in language. Furthermore,
addressed from this perspective include what is the nature people could create and comprehend novel utterances—ut-
of the language acquisition/learning process, who is doing the terances they could not possibly have encountered in the
learning, and what are the factors that influence the learner? language that was spoken to them. This observation was
The second angle has to do with the subject matter we supported by evidence from children learning English as
teach. What is the nature of lan­guage/culture is the question a native language. Overgenerali­zation errors such as *eated
dealt with in this angle. The third angle comprises both and *sleeped were common in chil­dren’s speech. Such errors
language teaching as a process and the role of the language suggested that children were not repeating what was said to
teacher as an agent in the proc­ess. It is defined in part by an- them, but rather were attempting to induce the rules for the
swers to the questions posed in the other two angles. Each past tense from the language to which they were exposed.
of these perspectives is indispensable to viewing methodol- Thus, through a process of detecting patterns in the input
ogy as a whole. language, forming hypotheses based on these about how
the language worked, testing these hypotheses and revising
them in light of contradictory evidence, little by little the
grammar of the native language would be acquired.
What is especially significant for us was that learn-
ers ac­quiring English as a second or foreign language were
found to be committing the same sort of overgeneralization
errors as the children. Furthermore, the second-language
learners did not commit the errors randomly but in a sys-
tematic way, indicating that they may have been following
a more or less natural progression in their acquisition of
English. Corder (1967) even suggested that learners might
It would be useful at this point to review developments naturally adhere to a learner-generated or “built-in” sylla-
during these past 25 years, considering each of these angles bus. The language the learners spoke was termed an inter-
in turn. language (Selinker 1972), since it was intermediate between
the native language and target language. By the very term
Language Learning/Language Learner interlanguage we can see that it was considered to be a lan-
The prevailing view of the language-learning process guage in its own right, sub­ject to the same constraints as
in 1962 was that learning was achieved through habit any other natural language. Moreover, any point along the
forma­tion. The native language was seen to comprise habits interlanguage continuum was held to be fully describable
that a second-language learner must overcome. As we saw by grammatical rules.

E n g l i s h T e a c h i n g F o r u m | Number 2 2012 29
One cannot fail to note that viewing language acquisi- formation, Schmidt also believes a great deal of acquisition
tion as a process of rule formation had tremendous impli- of language is brought about by learners having memorized
cations for the role of the learners. Rather than being seen sentences and phrases (e.g., How are you? I beg your pardon.
as passive imitators of carefully controlled language input, You know what I mean?). The successful employment of
learners were seen to be active agents involved in a pro- these memorized for­mulae contributes greatly to learner
cess of “cre­ative construction.” Errors were not something fluency, Schmidt feels.
to be avoid­ed, but rather were regarded as welcome signs Finally, researchers like Hatch (1983), while again
that learners were actively testing hypotheses. Rather than not de­nying that grammatical competence is achieved
seeing the native language as a source of interference, the through linguistic hypothesis testing, nevertheless believe
native language was a source of hypotheses about how the that nonlin­guistic processes may be critical to the learner’s
target language functioned. Thus, language learning was success in this endeavor. Hatch specifically discusses the
seen to be a natu­ral, cognitive process with learners ulti- value of na­tive-speaker/nonnative-speaker interaction in
mately responsible for their own learning. which the native speaker adjusts the level of speech to ac-
With this shift of focus to the active role of the learner, commodate the nonnative speaker’s comprehension. These
an­other serious question motivated much research: the foreigner-talk adjustments, Hatch believes, “help promote
differential success question. Why was it, second-language communica­tion, help establish an affective bond and
acqui­sition researchers asked, that while all children with can serve as either an explicit or implicit teaching mode”
normal faculties were able to achieve native-speaker status, (1983:183).
rarely (if ever) were second-language learners able to at- We will return to our consideration of learning and the
tain the same level of achievement? During the years that learner when we discuss the impact of these views on lan-
followed, many factors were hypothesized to enhance or guage pedagogy. But before we do, let us turn to the second
inhibit the second­language acquisition capability of learn- major angle of our triangle—that dealing with the nature
ers: social, motiva­tional, affective, aptitude, personality, ex- of the language and culture we teach.
periential, instruc­tional, biological, and cognitive (see, for
example, Schumann 1978). It has also been suggested that Language/Culture
successful language learners employ more effective learn-
ing strategies than less successful learners (Rubin 1975) and Syllabus design
that more success in language learning might be achieved Influenced by structural linguistics, in 1962 language
if teachers engaged in learner training as well as language was seen as consisting of hierarchically organized strata,
training (Wenden 1985). each dealing with a different linguistic structure: pho-
From this recent suggestion, we see that in 1987 learn- nemes, mor­phemes, and syntactic patterns. It was these
ers are still seen to be the bearers of responsibility for how aspects of lan­guage, of course, that were drilled in the les-
much learning takes place. What has changed somewhat son we observed. Syllabi for a language course were orga-
since Chomsky first proposed it, however, is the view that nized around linguis­tic structures, carefully graded in a
lan­guage learning is solely a process of rule formation. sequence from simple to complex. If one were studying in a
While still assigning to the learner an active role of sifting beginning-level English course, therefore, one would likely
through incoming data and testing hypotheses which even- work on sentence pat­terns with the BE verb early on (She is
tually lead to the restructuring of the learner’s interlan- a teacher.), followed a few lessons later by yes-no questions
guage, the view of what the learner tests hypotheses about (Is she a teacher?), fol­lowed by short answers (Yes, she is. ), etc.
has shifted some­what. Working within the framework of Despite the profound effect of the Chomskyan revolu-
Universal Grammar proposed by Chomsky’s (1981) Gov- tion in other areas, it did little to alter the way language
ernment-Binding The­ory, second-language researchers (e.g., was presented for pedagogical purposes. Like the structur-
White 1985) have been exploring the idea that grammar alists be­fore them, the transformational grammarians fo-
acquisition involves setting or fixing the parameters of cused upon sentence-level syntax. It was thus not until the
principles of the Universal Grammar in a manner consis- late 1960s that sociolinguist Hymes (1966) introduced the
tent with the data of a particular language. distinction between linguistic competence and commu-
Other second-language researchers such as Schmidt nicative competence. Whereas linguistic competence is
(1983) feel that the role of imitation has been seriously understood as the unconscious knowledge of language
overlooked in recent years. While not denying that lan- structure of the ideal speaker-listener, communicative com-
guage acquisition takes place at least in part through rule petence is the knowledge of how to use language appropri-

30 2012 Number 2 | E n g l i s h T e a c h i n g F o r u m
ate to a given social situation. When the goal of language Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Free­man 1983). The same would
instruction shifted to developing students’ communica- be true if one were using a no­tional-functional syllabus. If
tive competence, teachers were asked not to focus on the a teacher were teaching the function of apologizing, for ex-
grammatical rules of usage that enable speakers to compose ample, and wanted students to end up with more than some
correct sentences so much as on the use of language to memorized formulae for apologizing, such as they might
accomplish some kind of commu­nicative purpose (Wid- get from a phrase book, the teacher would have to work
dowson 1978:3). with the students on the gram­matical form and meaning
This new focus had important implications for syllabus of the apologies. Wilkins, of course, recognized this when
de­sign, and Wilkins’ (1976) advocacy of an analytical he wrote
notional­ functional syllabus over a synthetic structural
one was one manifestation of this shift in viewing lan- The grammar is the means through which lin-
guage. Adopting a notional-functional syllabus meant guistic creativity is ultimately achieved and an
building a course around the uses or functions to which inadequate knowledge of the gram­mar would lead
language is put. For example, one might work on requesting to a serious limitation on the capacity for com­
information in one lesson, apologizing in another, and ex- munication. A notional syllabus, no less than a
pressing gratitude in a third. Since it was not obviously the grammatical syl­labus, must seek to ensure that the
case that certain functions would be simpler than others, grammatical system is properly assimilated by the
grading according to function­al complexity did not make learners. (1976:66)
sense. Wilkins proposed instead that the functions be re-
cycled, that is, re-introduced several times. Earlier cycles Unfortunately, in our enthusiasm to embrace the no-
might contain relatively unmarked forms of the functions tion of communicative competence, I fear we may have
expressed in linguistically simple ways. Successive cycles emphasized the functions too much over the forms and
would introduce more linguistically complicated and more thus have sacri­ficed accuracy to fluency (Eskey 1983).
marked (e.g., very formal) forms. Thus, the first time stu- Both, in my opinion, are an integral part of communicative
dents were taught how to introduce one person to another, competence.
they might just learn to say “This is.” Sometime later, in a In addition to the three types already mentioned, many
subsequent lesson, they might learn “I’d like you to meet other syllabus types exist these days, of course. One particu­
_____.” In yet another, they would learn “Allow me to in- larly interesting approach is the procedural syllabus (Prabhu
troduce you to _____.” and Carrol 1980), which does not take language as its basis
More recently, applied linguists Krashen and Terrell at all. Instead, students learn language through the perfor­
(1983) advised basing courses on topics (e.g., family, cloth- mance of certain tasks and activities. Prabhu and Carrol’s
ing, weather) and situations (e.g., a job interview, a visit to students have already studied English following a structur-
the doctor, a shopping trip). In presenting the language, al syllabus. Instructors using a procedural syllabus, there-
struc­tural and functional diversity would be perfectly ac- fore, are concerned with the activation of their students’
ceptable, with importance given to the teacher’s getting already­learned grammar.
across a com­prehensible message. Krashen and Terrell’s Another syllabus, one that has had impact on the teach-
focus was thus on the meaning or semantic dimension of ing of ESL in the United States, is competency-based (Grognet
language. and Crandall 1982). This type of syllabus has been devel-
The structural, the notional-functional, and the oped to teach survival skills to refugees who are newly
semantic­-based syllabi nicely illustrate the fact that lan- arrived immi­grants to the United States. The behavioral
guage consists of three interacting dimensions: form, func- outcomes of com­petency-based instruction are specific sur-
tion, and meaning. Any course that takes having students vival skills: e.g., students will be able to identify food items,
achieve communicative competence as its goal must in- read food labels, make food purchases, and verify that they
clude all three (Larsen-Freeman and Celce-Murcia, in have received the correct change.
preparation). Thus, if a teacher were using a structural syl- One final language-related development that we
labus and the unit to be presented was on the passive voice, should not fail to mention is the expanded view of language
the teacher must teach not only how to form the passive, to in­clude discourse or the structure that exists beyond the
but also what it means (it has a “grammatical meaning” of sen­tence level. While acknowledging the importance of stu-
putting the focus on the theme rather than on the agent) dent mastery of sentence-level syntax, it is now commonly
and what its function is, i.e., when it should be used (see recog­nized that explicit teaching will need to be directed to

E n g l i s h T e a c h i n g F o r u m | Number 2 2012 31
the structure of language at the suprasentential or discourse lectures in an introductory psychology course, for in-
lev­el (Larsen-Freeman 1980). Thus, students will have to stance, and later the teachers assist the students with
learn to produce oral and written texts that are both coher- comprehending the lecture and doing the homework as-
ent and cohesive. signments. Assignments made in the ESL components are
STOP HERE based on the content course; in addition, the development
English for special purposes of study skills is emphasized.
So far we have discussed general communicative One final model should be mentioned in the discus-
compe­tence as being a desirable goal to strive for in a sion of content-based approaches to English-language
language course. Another major trend having to do with acquisition. This is the “Writing across the Curriculum”
language during these past 25 years is the teaching of Eng- approach developed in response to the 1975 Bullock Re-
lish for Spe­cial Purposes (ESP). Although all language use port’s recommenda­tion that there be a policy to teach
has a pur­pose, teachers of ESP teach only the English requi- language across the curric­ulum in British schools. By re-
site for a particular purpose, be it an occupation (e.g., Eng- ceiving writing assignments in each of their content-area
lish for business or for airline pilots) or a domain (e.g., Eng- subjects, students learn to write, in addition to learning
lish for Science and Technology or English for Academic the content.
Purposes). Thus, curriculum designers of ESP courses con-
duct rigorous needs analyses—analyzing the situation in Culture
which students will likely find themselves and carefully The second angle of our triangle embraces both lan-
selecting the English necessary for students to meet the guage and culture. Many language teachers acknowledge
language demands of these restricted domains. the need to integrate the two; yet I think it is fair to say
that there really is no well-articulated theory of culture
Content-based approaches that has informed our field during the last 25 years, and
Closely aligned to the ESP movement, at least in terms hence that the means of teaching culture to language stu-
of their theoretical justification, are the content-based dents have not been well de­veloped. It is true that many
ap­proaches (Mohan 1986) that are currently popular in texts contain cultural informa­tion in the form of cul-
Canada and the United States. Advocates of both ESP tural capsules, i.e., short notes describ­ing the differences
and content-based approaches see language as a means of between the native and target cultures. But knowing a
achieving something else and not as an end in itself (Wid- culture involves so much more than the trans­mission of
dowson 1983:108–109). In content-based approaches, the information these cultural notes allow. Indeed, develop-
learning of language is integrally linked with the learning ing in one’s students an understanding of the atti­tudes,
of some other subject matter. The best-known example is values, beliefs—the “world view” (Fantini, personal com-
that of bilingual education/immersion education, in which munication)—of a particular target culture is at least as
monolingual chil­dren at the elementary and secondary important as imparting factual knowledge such as what
levels receive the ma­jority of their instruction in the tar- foods one can/cannot order in a restaurant, in which
get language (Swain 1981). Although various models exist denomi­nations the currency comes, etc. I do not mean to
in this approach, some con­taining explicit instruction in belittle the value of such cultural information, but all too
the target language, the as­sumption is that both the subject often the other aspects of culture are ignored. They are
matter and the language can be learned together when the sometimes ad­dressed through studying the literature of
students’ focus is on ac­quiring subject-matter information. the target culture. But, of course, this does not guarantee
Other models that share this assumption are those that students will ar­rive at a comprehensive, accurate, and
provid­ing “sheltered English” and those that follow the up-to-date under­standing of the target culture.
adjunct model. Sheltered English classes are employed to Having just cited the need for a coherent theory of
teach English and subject content using specially modi- culture and an expanded repertoire of techniques for the
fied curricula and materials (Curtain 1986). Students at- teaching of culture, I would be remiss if I did not mention
tend these only dur­ing a transitional period until they another language-related trend with methodological im-
have acquired sufficient English to participate fully in plications that takes quite an opposite view from this with
regular courses. The adjunct model calls for ESL students regard to the teaching of culture. I am speaking, of course,
to attend content courses that are linked with language of the English-as-an-international-language perspective
courses through a coordinated syllabus (Snow and Brin- (see, for example, Strevens 1978). Many applied linguists
ton 1984). ESL teachers and students attend authentic who hold this per­spective value the pluralism that exists in

32 2012 Number 2 | E n g l i s h T e a c h i n g F o r u m
the English-speak­ing world (Indian English, Singaporean Suggestopedia
English, Nigerian English, etc.) and feel that one can be bi- Georgi Lozanov, the originator of Suggestopedia, be­
lingual without being bicultural, that one can and should lieves, as does Gattegno, that language learning can be made
learn English for utilitari­an purposes without adopting the more efficient than what usually occurs. Lozanov (1978)
dominant target culture. feels that the inefficiency is due to the psychological barri-
ers learners establish—their fear of failure is one of them.
Language Teaching/Teacher Teach­ers can help learners to surmount these barriers and
This article began with our visit to a class in which the to fully tap their mental powers, by desuggesting the learn-
Au­dio-lingual Method (ALM) was being used. Surely it is ers’ self-imposed limitations. This can be done through the
the case that in many classrooms in the world today, the teacher’s direct and indirect positive suggestion in an envi-
ALM is still being practiced. However, it is also true that the ronment that is relaxing and therefore conducive to learn-
ALM fell into disfavor in many circles in the 1960s. This ing. When learners trust in the authority of the teacher,
was due in part to the refutation of the habit-formation the- Lozanov as­serts, they will reach a state of infantilization—
ory of lan­guage acquisition and in part to the fact that both adopting a childlike role. If they feel secure, learners can be
teachers and students often found the required repetition more spon­taneous and less inhibited.
boring and unmotivating. Finally, there was the widespread
observa­tion that patterns mastered in the classroom were Counseling-learning/
not always transferred outside when “real communication” community language learning
was in­volved. Another methodologist who advises that we should
In the past 25 years, no single method of language see learners as “whole persons,” not just cognitive beings,
teach­ing has assumed the dominance of the ALM, although is Charles Curran (1976). Through his research, Cur-
we have witnessed the birth and maturing of at least five ran discov­ered that adult learners, in particular, are often
innova­tive methods during this period. It would be worth threatened in learning situations. They feel threatened by
our while to consider each of these now, even though space the fact that learning requires them to change. In Curran’s
will not permit us to do anything more than to introduce Counseling­ Learning/Community Language Learning
them. (For further details, see Larsen-Freeman 1986.) method, teachers understand and accept their students’
fears and concerns. In addition, teachers try to provide a
Silent way secure learning environ­ment in which a sense of commu-
The emphasis on human cognition inspired by the nity is fostered. In such an atmosphere, students can be
Chom­skyan revolution led to a new general approach to nondefensive and their positive energies can be channeled
language teaching termed cognitive code. As we saw earlier, towards the language-learning task. Another essential ele-
rather than simply being responsive to stimuli in the en- ment in learning, Curran believes, is for students to take
vironment, learners were seen to be much more actively some initiative for their own learning and to make some
involved in their own learning. Although Caleb Gattegno’s investment in what they will learn. There­fore, in Com-
Silent Way (1972) did not evolve directly from the cogni- munity Language Learning students decide what it is they
tive-code approach, its principles are consistent with it. For want to be able to say in the target language. Another way of
example, one of the ba­sic tenets of the Silent Way is “the putting this is to say the syllabus is learner-generated.
subordination of teaching to learning.” This principle is in
accord with the active role ascribed to the learner in the Comprehension approach
cognitive-code approach. An­other shared principle is that Advocates of the Comprehension Approach (Winitz
errors are inevitable and are signs to the teacher that the 1981) also acknowledge that learner insecurities have an
iearner is exploring new areas of the language. Learning is adverse effect on language acquisition. As a consequence,
thus seen to be gradual, involving imperfect performance practitio­ners of this approach do not put students on the
at the beginning. Another distinguishing feature of the Si- spot by hav­ing them speak in the target language. Instead,
lent Way is that the teacher helps students to develop a way students spend the hours at the beginning of instruction
to learn on their own. By giving students only what they listening to the teacher speak the target language, much
absolutely need, by assisting them to develop their own as children learn their native language by attending to
“inner criteria,” and by remaining si­lent much of the time, the language spo­ken to them. The teacher insures that the
the teacher tries to help students to become self-reliant and language he or she uses is comprehensible to the students,
increasingly independent of the teacher. just as parents modi­fy the speech they use with their chil-

E n g l i s h T e a c h i n g F o r u m | Number 2 2012 33
dren. A child does not speak until ready to do so; so stu- Goal
dents choose when to begin to use the target language. Like It appears that the goal of many language teachers to-
a child, their initial speech exhibits much imperfection at day is to prepare their students to communicate in English.
first. Only later, when stu­dents are comfortable speaking It is as­sumed that all students can learn to do this, although
the language, is their speech “fine-tuned.” Two of the best- some will perform more successfully than others for any
known methods associated with this approach are the Total number of the reasons we listed under our discussion of
Physical Response (Asher 1982) and the Natural Approach the learner. A second goal shared by many teachers is to
(Krashen and Terrell1983). teach their students how to learn. Some teachers have been
working with their students on developing their strategic
Communicative approach competence (Canale and Swain 1980), the communication
Adherents of the Communicative Approach (e.g., strategies learners use when they are less than proficient in
Johnson and Morrow 1981) assert that students’ motiva- English. Other teachers have been helping their students
tion will be enhanced if they feel that they are working on develop a full repertoire of learning strategies that will
communica­tive skills, i.e., practicing some function within enable their stu­dents to derive maximum benefit from in-
a social con­text, not just accumulating knowledge of vo- struction and to continue to learn on their own after the
cabulary and sentence-level structures. By interacting with period of formal in­struction has ended.
their teacher and fellow students, students receive practice
in activating this knowledge in negotiating meaning. Class Process
activities are often characterized by information gaps, i.e., Learning is seen to be a natural, gradual process,
the speaker knows something the listener doesn’t. The through which students progress at their own rates. At first
speaker must choose the appropriate form through which it is ex­pected that students will speak or write imperfect
to convey this information. The speaker receives feedback English. Through a combination of sensitive error-correc-
from the listener on what the listener has understood. After tion strate­gies (such as the teacher repeating correctly a stu-
considering this feedback, the speaker can revise the form dent’s faulty utterance) and continued practice, the learn-
of the message if such revision is necessary. In essence, then, ers’ interlanguage will increasingly conform to the target
students learn how to communicate by communicating. language. This does not occur in a smoothly linear fashion,
however; the learning curve is full of peaks and valleys.
Principled eclecticism The necessary practice is thought to be most successful
Each of these five methods has its practitioners; how- when students are engaged in the meaningful exchange of
ever, as I said before, none of the methods has dominated information, rather than repeating a teacher’s model. Learn­
lan­guage-teaching practice to the same extent as the ALM ers are thus encouraged to be creative and communicative
once did. Moreover, it is rare that one of these methods is with the language, often doing so in small-group activities,
prac­ticed exclusively. It is not uncommon for teachers to- in which they can practice communication and learn from
day to practice a principled eclecticism, combining tech- one another. Grammar is often taught inductively, some-
niques and principles from various methods in a carefully times without explicit grammar rules ever being intro-
reasoned manner. Thus, as we continue with our discus- duced. With the exception of those teachers who subscribe
sion of lan­guage-teaching methodology, it would behoove to the Comprehension Approach, most teachers today work
us to broad­en our perspective beyond individual methods as they did in the past, integrating the four skills of reading,
and to con­sider instead the general similarities and differ- writing, speaking, and listening from the beginning of in­
ences in methodology today. It will be convenient to do so struction. What has changed in the last 25 years, however,
by examin­ing the goals, processes, assessment procedures, is our understanding of these four skills and therefore how
roles, and subject-matter emphases in turn (Larsen-Free- we teach them. No longer regarded as passive skills, listen-
man 1987). What will be evident is how modern-day meth- ing and reading are thought to require listeners and readers
odology is in­formed by the views of learning and language to actively construct meaning from oral or written input.
we discussed earlier. Indeed, we currently have no theory We now believe that readers/listeners selectively attend to
of language teaching independent of these. It is these two the in­put. They don’t see or hear every word. Instead they
angles of our triangle that support the third angle of lan- draw inferences from what they do see or hear. Only when
guage teaching. Any theory of language teaching, therefore, their inferences are not borne out by subsequent input is
would presum­ably focus upon the link between learning compre­hension impeded and are readers forced to reread or
and language (Donald Freeman, personal communication). are lis­teners forced to seek clarification.

34 2012 Number 2 | E n g l i s h T e a c h i n g F o r u m
Another thing we have become aware of in the last the teacher and even from each other. In this fashion, the
25 years is that just because students can speak and hear student writers progress in their exploration of new ideas
does not mean that they know how to communicate orally (Raimes 1983a). One specific technique connected to the
or lis­ten effectively. Furthermore, when we deliberately process approach to writing is personal journal-keeping,
attempt to teach these skills, we find that students’ perfor- in which students en­gage in a written exchange with their
mance can be improved. teachers. Procedures vary depending on the teacher and the
As far as teaching the literacy skills is concerned, we purpose of the activi­ty, but typically students write on a
now recognize that asking students to answer comprehen- topic of interest in jour­nals and then submit them to the
sion questions on a paragraph they have just read is not teacher on a regular basis. The teachers then do not evaluate
teaching reading any more than asking students to write or correct the journal en­tries but rather
on a topic is teaching writing. In both cases the teacher is
called upon to evaluate what the student has produced, but respond to the content, relating it to their own
the teacher has had no access to the process the student experience, ask­ing questions for clarification and
went through to arrive at the product. expansion, encouraging the students to consider
In investigating the processes of reading and writing, the subject from other perspectives, and suggest-
re­searchers have gained some important insights. It is now ing other possible entries on the same topic. (Lucas
thought that reading does not involve the simple decod- and Jurich 1986:6)
ing of the printed word, but rather that meaning is created
by readers in their interaction with the text (Widdowson Assessment procedures
1979). What this means is that during the reading process, It is thought that assessment of what is being learned is
readers con­struct the meaning of a text through an inter- most meaningful when it is conducted on an informal, con­
action between their background knowledge and what is tinual basis. In this way, teachers get a more accurate picture
actually present in the text. Certain cues in the text will of what their students can do than they might from formal
activate certain background knowledge or “schemata” of tests, which cause debilitating anxiety in some students.
readers (Rumelhart 1980). The schemata can relate to the Then, too, the teacher needs the information that informal,
topic of the text or to its organization (e.g., a narrative or a ongoing assessment gives to know whether or not lesson,
description). It is the teacher’s responsibility, then, to work and therefore course, objectives are being achieved. Indeed,
on the development of appropriate schemata within their when formal evaluation measures are used, they should
students and on their students’ activation of them during be designed to be consistent with objectives and therefore
the reading process. Happily, the development and activa- what has been taught. It is foolhardy to expect, for instance,
tion of schemata are apparently trainable, with enhanced that traditional multiple-choice grammar tests will pro-
reading comprehension the result (Carrell1985). vide a valid assessment of students’ communication skills.
Investigation of the writing process has determined Evaluation measures consistent with a communicative ap-
that composing is not a linear process of first, think; sec- proach to teaching will measure how students use English,
ond, plan; and third, write—as it has been described—but not what they know about it.
rather is a recursive one. Writers begin to write, they stop, In standardized test development, therefore, there
go back, reread what they have written, and usually even has been a move from exclusive reliance on discrete-point
revise it be­fore they resume writing. As such, writing is not multi­ple-choice grammar tests that were popular when the
thought so much to be a process through which one reports ALM reigned, to more integrative tests such as dictation,
one’s thoughts; rather, it is a way writers explore and clarify composi­tion, and oral interview. Beyond this, test makers
their thoughts and even discover new ideas (Taylor 1981; have been working to construct tests that are pragmatic
Zamel 1982). Since writing is thus seen to be a tool for (Oller 1979) and communicative (Carroll1980) in order
learning, composing is not an activity to be postponed until to be compatible with the current view of the nature of
a high level of English proficiency is achieved. Instead, even language.
students with a low level of English proficiency can be en-
couraged to compose. Students and teachers do not expect Roles
that what students first put down on paper is a final prod- The general pattern in modern-day methodology is for
uct, but rather that what they first commit to paper repre- the teaching to be learner-centered. By this, I mean that it
sents a draft of their initial ideas. The students then receive is the teacher who serves as a guide in the learning process,
feedback on the content, not the form, of their ideas from but it is the learners who assume some responsibility for

E n g l i s h T e a c h i n g F o r u m | Number 2 2012 35
the direc­tion of the learning and who bear ultimate respon- quence. Sometimes the syllabus is more task-oriented than
sibility for how much learning takes place. This is not to it is lan­guage-oriented.
say that there is no a priori structure to the lessons, or that The information about the target culture that is taught
teachers have abdicated their responsibility as partners in mostly relates to facts concerning the everyday lifestyle of
the teach­ing/learning process. On the contrary, teachers English speakers. By comparison, cultural attitudes and
still fulfill the traditional roles of presenters of language, val­ues usually receive little attention.
evaluators of stu­dent performance, and classroom manag- Points of view regarding the use of the students’ native
ers. What is differ­ent, though, is that teachers initiate activi- language during class exhibit the full range of possibilities:
ties from which students can learn and then they step aside some teachers forbid its use, some call upon it to occasion-
to assist as needed. Thus, there is a minimizing of teacher ally facilitate understanding, and some use it as the usual
talk and a maxi­mizing of student practice. Learners are also vehicle to make meaning clear. At the very least, teachers
encouraged to learn from each other, often through pairs, find a knowledge of their students’ native language help-
or in some cases small-group work. Learners help to direct ful in knowing what they can build upon in introducing
the learning process by offering solicited feedback to the English and in anticipating the challenges their students
teacher on the suc­cess of the various activities employed. are likely to face.
Language teaching today is humanistic. There are In discussing methodologies in our field over a 25-year
many definitions of this term, but in this context I mean pe­riod, I have been unable to treat any of the developments
that teachers are cognizant of the need to take their stu- in depth; some, such as computer-assisted instruction (CAI),
dents’ affective needs into consideration. It is recognized I have had to ignore completely due to space constraints.
that students’ feelings and attitudes can promote or deter CAI will no doubt play an increasingly important role in
language learning. As a result, teachers attempt to create method­ology as the equipment decreases in cost and there-
the kind of environ­ment in which the possibility of nega- fore be­comes more accessible and as the available software
tive affect arising is minimized. They also try to promote matures to a point where computers’ full interactive poten-
positive affect. One of the ways this is accomplished is tial can be exploited.
for learners to feel that their learning is purposeful and I have also not dealt with interactive video or English-
that their needs are being ad­dressed. Whenever possible, lan­guage teaching via television, both of which hold a great
teachers should also take into account the fact that stu- deal of promise and which could irrevocably alter teaching
dents have different cognitive styles. The use of varied meth­odology.
activities is one way to insure that various learner needs
are being met.
Subject matter I began our discussion by observing that there is more
The language that is presented to the students should di­versity in the language-teaching field today than there
be meaningful and contextualized; students should not be was 25 years ago. However, unity may be apparent only in
asked to just manipulate linguistic forms. Furthermore, the hindsight. Perhaps in the golden anniversary issue of the
language that is presented by the teacher should be authen­ English Teaching Forum, what is being practiced during this
tic, or at least realistic, eliminating the distraction of con­ silver-anniversary year will seem more unified than what
trived language in textbooks. is taking place in the field in the year 2012. Of course, it
Students should learn to use English accurately; how- might also be the case that we are in the midst of a para-
ever, they should also be able to use the language appro- digm shift (Raimes 1983b), during which our field is in a
priate to a given social context. Students need practice in state of confusion and that by 2012 unity will be restored.
activating their knowledge of vocabulary, structures, and Nevertheless, the diversity that exists today should not,
language functions. They should also receive practice in I believe, be seen to be trou­bling. If having so many alterna-
negotiating meaning. tives is confusing, it is also empowering—for while there
The language syllabi that are employed are sometimes is a certain security in know­ing that one is teaching the
built around language structures, sometimes functions, one right way, there is also a sti­fling, imprisoning quality
sometimes topics and situations. Sometimes the syllabus is about it.
set in advance; other times it evolves as the course proceeds The science of language teaching has not reached the
either on the basis of the teacher’s judgment about what point of being able to consistently demonstrate the superi-
to work on next or on the basis of a learner-generated se- ority of one methodology over another for all teachers and

36 2012 Number 2 | E n g l i s h T e a c h i n g F o r u m
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38 2012 Number 2 | E n g l i s h T e a c h i n g F o r u m

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