Community Based PR 22

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Community Based

Participatory Research
Theoretical framework
Focus of Study
Data collection

Data analysis and representation

Standard of quality
Reporting Study
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Mengapa perlu CBPR ?
It yields better and
more nearly Involving the community in Action research trains Involvement changes
complete and research makes a positive citizen researchers who people’s perceptions of
accurate information outcome that meets can turn their skills to other themselves and of
from the community community needs more likely problems as well what they can do

Skills learned in Action research

A participatory action Community based
the course of helps people
research process can participatory action
action research better understand
help to break down research can move
carry over into the forces that
racial, ethnic, and communities toward
other areas of influence their
class barriers positive social change
researchers’ lives lives
participatory research A collaborative
approach to research
is a collaborative that equitably
approach to research that
involves all stakeholders
involves all
throughout the research partners in the
process, from research process and
establishing the research
recognizes the unique
question, to developing
data collection tools, to
strengths that each
analysis and brings
dissemination of findings
(Woo & Corcoran, 2011)
It is a research framework that aims to
address the practical concerns of
people in a community and
fundamentally changes the
roles of researcher and who is
being researched CBPAR
The CBPAR framework begins with a
community’s issue, proposed action,
or strategy and then supports or enhances
this action with research that is community
based and engaged
The research should be:
Community based
grounded in the needs, issues, concerns, and strategies of
communities and the community-based organizations that serve

directly engaging communities and community
Main Text knowledge in the research process and its outcomes

Action based oriented

supporting and/or enhancing the strategic action that
leads to community transformation and social change
CBPAR is applied
research; it
is derived from several research seeks to change
approaches that are based on issues that are
critical to
communities collaborating with communities and
researchers (ex. Community focuses on
Based Research), or community community
members engaging in all aspects members in
of the research process (ex. directed at
Participatory Action Research, addressing their
social concerns
or Action Research).
CBPR recognize that:
Community knowledge is
irreplaceable and provides
Complex social issues key insights that ground-
often cannot be well truths administrative data
understood or resolved
by “expert” research Interventions from outside
of the community have often
Communities should have had disappointing results
equal inclusion and
collaboration in the
identification, research, and There is value and legitimacy in
resolution of community the knowledge of individuals,
issues families, and others in the
CBPAR has a specific goal of
collaborative research that
engages stakeholders in an
iterative research and
action process
Action research
Bertujuan untuk
mempromosikan aksi sosial
melalui pengambilan
keputusan yang demokratis
dan partisipasi aktif para
praktisi dalam proses
penelitian (Utarini, 2020)
Memungkinkan praktisi meneliti dan
Action research mengevaluasi kegiatan yang
dilakukan organisasinya, dengan ciri :
– Siklus tahapan yang mencakup
kegiatan intervensi
– Tingkat keterlibatan mitra atau
partisipan dalam collective

Tahapan action
• Diagnosing action
• Planning action
• Evaluation action
• Taking action
Bentuk keterlibatan partisipan
• Ada perwakilan dari kelompok mitra namun
Kooptasi tidak ada input yang nyata

• Dilakukan pembagian tugas, pemberian insentif

Kepatuhan sesuai dengan tugas, namun agenda dan
proses penelitian difasilitasi pihak eksternal

• Meminta pendapat mitra, namun analisis dan

Konsultasi tindakan dilakukan oleh eksternal
Bentuk keterlibatan partisipan
Kooperasi • Peneliti dan mitra menetapkan prioritas bersama,
tetapi fasilitasi oleh eksternal

• Pihak mitra dan eksternal saling bertukar pemahaman

Co-learning dan pengalaman, tindakan ditetapkan bersama,
namuan proses fasilitasi oleh eksternal

Collective • Pihak mitra menetapkan agendanya sendiri,

mengidentifikasi sumber daya dan memobilisasinya
action tanpa fasilitasi pihak eksternal dalam prosesnya
Social action requires further research and social
research requires further action
1.Choose a problem
2.Identify resources and solutions
3.Develop a plan
4. Implement a plan
5. Evaluate

1.Identifyng a research question

2.Choosing a research method
3.Implementing the method
4. Data analyzing
5. Reporting
Participation continuum

Spectrum of Community-Engaged Research

More Intensive:
Collaborating fully in all aspects of
research → CBPR

Moderately Intensive:
Assisting with researcher-designed study

Less Intensive:
Assisting in discrete steps of a researcher-
designed study
Community-engaged research
There is a big difference between research performed...

/ populations/ populations/
communitie communities communities
Adapted from Nina Wallerstein, DrPH
NM CARES Health Disparities Center, 2011

Community-based Community-owned
/placed Community-based Community-driven
/placed and managed
Some community participatory research research
No community input research

Community-engaged research continuum

Community PIs, co-Is,

Univ. PIs, co-Is, staff Univ. PIs, co-Is, staff Community-PI, co-Is,
Community Community co-Is, staff staff
Univ. PIs, co-Is, Community review
representative Community advisory Community review
staff board
Community advisory board board
Community hires
board Community review board Univ. co-Is, staff
technical experts

The Characteristics of CBPR
Collaborative, equitable
Community is the unit of
partnership in all phases of
research identity

CBPR builds on strengths and CBPR fosters co-learning

resources of community and capacity building

Balance between knowledge CBPR focuses on problems of

generation and benefit for local relevance
community partners

CBPR disseminates results to CBPR involves a long-term

all partners & involves all process and commitment to
partners in wider sustainability
Israel, Eng, Schulz, & Parker (2005). Introduction to Methods in Community-Based Participatory Research for
Health. In Methods in Community-Based Participatory Research for Health.
CBPR emphasizes:
o Mutual respect
o Co-learning
o Individual and community
capacity building
o Balance between research
and action
Who should be involved in CBPAR ?
• People most affected by the issue or intervention under study.
• Other members of the affected population.
• Decision-makers.
• Academics with an interest in the issue or intervention in
• Health, human service, and public agency staff and
• Community members at large.
• You recruit a community research team.
• You orient and train the research team.
• The team determines the questions the research or
evaluation will try to answer.
• The team plans and structures the research activity.
• As a team, you carry out your plan
• The team prepares and presents a report and
recommendations on its work.
• You take, or try to bring about, appropriate action.
• You evaluate the process.
• You provide an opportunity for team members to
reflect on and discuss their learning and the effects of
the experience of being involved in a PAR process.
• You maintain gains by keeping team members
CBPR principles:
• Builds on community strengths and resources
• Facilitates collaborative, equitable partnership in all
research phases and involves an empowering and
power-sharing process
• Emphasizes public health problems of local relevance
and acknowledges multiple determinants of health
and disease
• Disseminates findings and knowledge to all partners
What CBPR is NOT
1. “Community-placed/based” research
2. Sporadic or symbolic inclusion of
3. A specific method or research design
4. Studies where participants merely
“come from the community”
5. Unengaged venue for recruiting
subjects for clinical trials
Benefit CBPR :
Strengthens interventions by
incorporating cultural beliefs
into scientifically valid

Enhances recruitment and retention

Improves response rates

Enhances reliability and validity of
measurement instruments
Enhances relevance of research questions
to the communities
Present day context of CBPR
• CBPR is inclusive of • CBPR is practiced in:
participatory research – Public Health
approaches with an explicit – Medicine
social change focus – Psychology
• In social sciences may be – Sociology
referred to as participatory – Anthropology
research or participatory – Urban Planning
action research – Other disciplines

CBPR: Equitable, meaningful, active community
participation in all phases of research
Development of
research questions
Future research
Discussing study design
Who, where, why?

Education, advocacy,
Who is PI? Delineating roles &
policy change

Who is supported?
Does community organization take lead?
Drafting research
Interpretation of results

Iterative process

Data analysis
Does university take lead? Distribution of

Data collection, QA/QC, Refinement of study

ongoing review materials

Participant recruitment,
enrollment, retention
Successful CBPR strives to achieve…
• Solutions for problems in accord with community
priorities about concrete community concerns
• Community capacity-building
• Community empowerment
• Local community ownership
• Sustainable programs – beyond initial grant period
• Radial changes – screening and/or therapeutic
strategies, health outcomes, policies
• Social justice
• Environmental justice

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