Quality Control Test (Summarize)
Quality Control Test (Summarize)
Quality Control Test (Summarize)
1. kV accuracy
kV Accuracy
Frequency Annually
● To determine how the measured kVp compares with
the generator setting.
kV reproducibility
the test should be done after new installation or any major
Frequency Annually repair of the system
Equipment Kv meter
Lead backing sheet
Method 1. Place the Kv metre on top of the detector with a lead sheet
placed in between. The lead was placed to absorb back
2. Set SID 110cm with 60 kVp and 5 mAs ( can use different
technical factor as well but make sure the kV and the MAs is
maintain in all set of exposure)
Coefficient of variance :
Mean value :
3. mAs linearity
mAs Linearity
Frequency · Annually
Equipment · Dosimeter
4. Select 80 kVp, 0.2 seconds and the lowest mA station within the
normal range of use.
Xmin + Xmax
Purpose/Aim -To determine how the exposure time compares with the selected time.
-To ensure that the amount of radiation time emitted from the X-ray tube
corresponds to the time selected by the operator.
Test Annually
1. X-ray tube
Equipment 2. X-ray machine console
used 3. Digital timer
● used to measure the time it took for it to receive the set
energy from the x-ray beam.
Method STEPS:
Grid Alignment
Frequency Annually
To detect an upside-down focused grid / incorrect tube to grid
The results of the central ray when moved over the other
holes of the grid alignment test tool should show the optical
densities of the corresponding dot on the film were
decreasing symmetrically away from the central dot that was
indicated to indicate that the grid is in perfect alignment with
the center lock position of the x-ray tube.
6. Half-value layer
Half-value Layer
Frequency Annually
Objective Indicator of the XRT status the measurement of the useful beam
(low energy x-ray filtered)
Equipment Used
● Dosimeter
● 99.9% of aluminium attenuators
● Measuring tape
● Lead plate
● Micropore tape
Frequency Quarterly
Objectives To verify misalignment of the light field and the x-ray field in order to
ensure accurate collimation and full coverage of image receptors without
giving unnecessary exposure to patients.
Method 1. A bubble level was used to level the table. Place image receptor
on flat surface and set the X ray tube’s axis to be perpendicular on
the image.
2. Position the test object on the image detector with the cylinder at
the centre of the light beam crosshair.
3. Set the SID to be 100 cm. Another SID may be used as well, but it
is easier to interpret the results if 100 cm is set.
4. Use the light field and the markings on the test tool for accurate
field alignment.
5. Make an exposure using the following exposure parameters: 50
kV, 3 mAs, or the values recommended by the medical physicist.
Process the film and take measurement.
Frequency Semi-annually
Test analysis Check that the AEC terminates at the set guard time or prior
reaching the setting.
- If the AEC terminates after the set guard time, image that
produced will be overexposed
Processing Equipment
9. Processor cleaning
Frequency •Weekly
Equipments •Sponge
•Soft towel
•Soft brush
General Precautions
Method: (do the test at the same time every morning after developer temp have
i) Daily - Check Solution Temp, First film as clean up procedure, Run sensitometry
Sensitometry test
1. Run start-up procedure.
4. Check solution temperature, replenishment & water flow rates, and dryer
8. Reset densitometer.
9. Calculate the base + fog, contrast, speed, & developer temperature. Then,
plot in the charts.
ii) Weekly - Check replenishment rate,Clean the rollers and webs in warm water.
iii) Monthly - Replace all chemicals, clean all tanks and components . At the same
time check the overall condition.
2. Pay attention to wash water tank. (May be filled with dilute concentration of
0.5% hypochlorite solution)
4. Rinse the system using clean stiff brush to dislodge algae or ‘bio-growth’
iv) Annually - Replacement of the processor part (Rollers, ’E’ ring, developer filter,
‘poppet’ valve in replenishment pumps)
Purpose of Test -To ensure that the processor is functioning well at an optimum
Frequency of Daily (this procedure is also carried out when significant change is
test made in imaging procedures, i.e., different film, chemicals, or
processing conditions.)
1. Make sure the processor has been cleaned, the chemistry is
fresh, and the processor is operating at the recommended
temperature, replenishment rate, and cycle time specified by
the film manufacturer.
2. Designate one box of film for processor quality control.
3. Take one piece of film from this designated box, expose it
with a sensitometer in the darkroom, process the film,
measure the appropriate steps with a densitometer, and
record the data to determine Speed Index, Contrast Index,
and Base + Fog.
4. Repeat this procedure for five consecutive days.
5. Read and record the densities of each step of the
sensitometric strip using the densitometer, including an area
of processed film that has not been exposed.
Test analysis 1.Control limits are the boundaries within which measurements must
be maintained.
3.Determine the average of the densities for each step using the
densities from the same step of the 5 strips done on 5 consecutive
3. Do it every day at the same time. This test should be done first
thing in the morning, when the processor developer temperature has
stabilised, before visiting patients.
Fluoroscopic Equipment
Frequency: Annually
- Center the dosimeter probe to the center of the fluoroscopic x-ray beam at 1 meter
distance from the focal spot
-Then, depress the expose button for 10 sec(use stopwatch) and record the reading
-if exceeding the limit, it can lead to fluctuation in image quality and patient dose. The
cause is most likely caused by problems with x-ray generators or fluoroscopy tubes.
kV Accuracy
-failed kVp accuracy test could be attributed to alighted problems being faced by
-one of the implications of failed kVp is the production of lower energy photons
(X-rays), which in most cases are of no diagnostic purpose thereby affecting the
outcome of the radiograph
Milliampere linearity
To evaluate the linearity of the generator for commonly used exposure settings.
Frequency Quarterly
Equipment: Method 1:
● Collimator test tool
● Beam alignment test tool
● Image receptor
Method 2:
Method 1
1. Place the collimator test tool on the film-cassette.
2. Keep the beam alignment test too at the centre of
the collimator test tool.
3. Direct the x-ray tube over the collimator test tool at
the distance of 100 cm from the film cassette and
optical field is collimated at the marked rectangle of
the collimator test tool.
4. Expose and develop the film.
Method 2
If clipping is visible:
- Length error = L1 + L2
- Width error = W1 + W2
Method 1:
● If the images of the two steel balls overlap, the
central ray is perpendicular to within 0.5°.
● If the image of the top ball (larger shadow) intercepts
the first circle, the beam is about 1.5° away from the
● If the image of the top ball intercepts the second
circle, the misalignment is approximately 3°.
● The tolerance is around 1.5 to 3 degrees only.
● If the centering is off by more than 3% of the SID, it
should be corrected by qualified service personnel.
Method 2:
● The edges of the beam field are not aligned, and
therefore the beam field and image receptor are
● The centre of the field is indicated by the central dot
and any misalignment of the beam can be checked
by counting the number of dots visible in each
● Supposedly, the dot at the intersection of the two
lines should be at the centre of the image.
● There should be an equal number of dots visible on
each of the channels when counted from the centre.
Frequency - Annually
Equipment Used
- Dosimeter with calibrated ionization chamber or
solid-state detector
- 20 cm thick water phantom, covering the image
1) Position the phantom on the couch. To simulate a larger
patient, an additional 10 cm of water may be added.
2) Position the measuring instrument in contact with the
phantom and at the center of its entrance surface, facing the
X-ray beam.
7) Repeat the previous step for all FOVs, dose rate settings
and differing imaging protocols used under normal clinical
Test Analysis Apply the appropriate correction factors for the instrument and
correct the measured ESAK rates to the reference point using
the inverse square law. When performing the evaluation, keep
in mind that ESAK includes backscatter, while incident air
kerma does not.
Name of the test: Image receptor entrance surface air kerma rate
Frequency - Annually
Equipment Used
- Dosimeter with calibrated ionization chamber or
solid-state detector
- An aluminium attenuator with a thickness of 25 mm
and copper plates.
1. Position the phantom on the couch. To simulate a
different patient size, 10 cm of water or equivalent
PMMA may be added.
2. Position the instrument in contact with the image
receptor, as close as possible to its entrance surface,
facing the X ray beam.
3. Set the focal spot to image receptor distance equal to
that used in clinical practice. There are no standard
values for this, however, 100 cm or the nearest
possible distance to 100 cm could be used, similarly to
the other tests.
4. Open the collimators to the size of the image receptor.
5. Measure and record the focal spot-image receptor, and
the focal spot-radiation detector distances.
6. Expose the phantom using a clinical imaging protocol
and record the instrument’s reading, kV, mA, and the
image receptor settings, then repeat this exposure two
more times. Note: The IEC, International
Electrotechnical Commission recommends using
additional copper attenuators to let the AERC set a
tube voltage between 70 and 80 kV.
7. Repeat the previous step for all field sizes, dose rate
settings and differing imaging protocols used under
normal clinical conditions.
Low contrast
1. Low contrast evaluation can be made based on the shallowest
visible hole when the plates are sandwiched together and imaged
on a fluoroscopic system.
2. Using low contrast resolution test tool, the contrast between the
holes and the surrounding area is 2%.
3. With CDRH phantom, the deepest holes should be visible clearly.
4. Better system are able to visualize the smaller holes on the test
tools or the shallower holes on the CDRH phantom.
Frequency Monthly
-Detects any errors inside the TV monitor system in order to ensure
the real-time image quality is maintained at an optimum level.
- Energized fluoro unit
- Test tool
- Phantom
- Follow the manufacturer's instructions for setting up
the Fluoroscopic Quality Control Phantom used.
For kVp and mA changes:
- If two holes are not visible but the kVp value is the same,
consider changing the monitor brightness to see if that
Frequency Annually.
Equipment ● Dosimeter
● Phantom with different sizes
● Energized fluoroscopy unit
Frequency Annually
Objective To ensure the light that has been emitted is safe and has
not affected the x-ray film while processing.
Analysis & discussion With the safelight turned off, repeat the test. If the
outcomes stay the same, it may be because of a light leak
or extraneous light. If the fog level disappears, the
safelight must be the cause of the fog, and the issue
needs to be fixed.
19. Cassettes test
Method 1. Load a film into the cassette and face up on the table
3. Look for areas that are darker and/or blurrier than the
rest of the film. This indicates poor contact.
Viewbox test
Equipment - Photometer
- Measuring tape
- Viewbox/illuminator
- Calculator