Gamsberg ESIA - Hydrogeology
Gamsberg ESIA - Hydrogeology
Gamsberg ESIA - Hydrogeology
Geohrydrology Specialist
Vedanta – Black Mountain Mining (PTY) LTD
April 2013
April 2013
Position: Partner
We disclaim any responsibility to the client and others in respect of any matters
outside the scope of the above.
The author of this report, HELEN SEYLER, does hereby declare that she is an
independent consultant and has no business, financial, personal or other
interest in the activity, application or appeal in respect of which she was
appointed other than fair remuneration for work performed in connection
with the activity, application or appeal. There are no circumstances that
compromise the objectivity of the specialist performing such work. All
opinions expressed in this report are her own.
1.2.1 Objectives 1
1.2.2 Scope of Work 2
2.2.1 Hydrocensus 4
2.2.2 Groundwater Sampling 4
2.5.1 Model Objectives 7
2.5.2 Model Approach 7
2.5.3 Model Calibration 8
2.5.4 Software Selection 9
2.5.5 Model Limitations 10
Table 3.1 Mean Annual Rainfall for the Aggenys (2), Pella, Pofadder, Plant and Berg
Weather Stations for the periods indicated (average of summed rainfall over
calendar years) 18
Table 3.2 Estimation of a representative Mean Annual Rainfall for the Gamsberg
Inselberg 18
Table 3.3 Average Monthly rainfall for the Aggenys, Pella, Pofadder, Plant and Berg
weather stations for the periods indicated 19
Table 3.4 Lithology of Geological Formations present in the Gamsberg Area (from SRK,
2010) 28
Table 4.1 September 2012 Hydrocensus Survey Results 34
Table 4.2 Borehole Data Inventory 36
Table 4.3 Summary of previous hydraulic tests performed 48
Table 4.4 Calculated recharge for Gamsberg inselberg 52
Table 4.5 pH and EC for Hydrocensus Boreholes 57
Table 4.6 Major Ion Chemistry of Hydrocensus Boreholes 59
Table 4.7 Trace Element Chemistry of Hydrocensus Boreholes 61
Table 4.8 RPDs for detected analytes in hydrocensus duplicate samples 66
Table 6.1 Abstraction Boreholes 84
Table 6.2 Observation Data 90
Table 6.3 Optimised Transmissivity (T) Values 92
Table 6.4 Groundwater Budget Steady-State Calibration 93
Table 6.5 95% Confidence Intervals (PEST) 94
Table 6.6 Time Series Pit Bottom Elevation 97
Table 6.7 Time Series TSF Head 99
Table 6.8 Transport Parameters used in Solute Transport Model 103
Table 7.1 Yearly Pit Inflow Rates 106
Table 7.2 Yearly Pit Water Balance 107
Table 7.3 Groundwater Level Impacts at Farm-Boreholes 113
Table 7.4 Groundwater Fluxes Pre-Mining (Baseline), End of Mining and 100 Years Post
Closure 116
Table 7.5 Characteristic Values Transport Model Plume SO 4 2- 119
Table 7.6 Sulphate Mass Flux into the Open Pit 121
Table 7.7 Waste Rock Dump Average Yearly Seepage Rates and Quality (Toe Drains)121
Table 8.1 Defining Impact Characteristics 127
Table 8.2 Definitions of likelihood 129
Table 8.3 Context for Defining Significance 131
Table 8.4 Impact Significance Rating Matrix 131
Table 8.5 Mitigation hierarchy 132
Table 8.6 Impact Characteristics: Groundwater Levels 133
Table 8.7 Pre- and Post- Mitigation Significance: Groundwater Level Changes 137
Table 8.8 Impact Characteristics: Groundwater Level Change on Private Groundwater
Users 137
Table 8.9 Pre- and Post- Mitigation Significance: Private Groundwater Users 140
Table 8.10 Impact Characteristics: Groundwater Level Impacts on Base Flow and Base
Flow Dependant Ecosystems in the Kloof 141
Black Mountain Mining (Pty) Ltd (the client) tasked Environmental Resources
Management Southern Africa (Pty) LTD (ERM) to conduct a Specialist
Groundwater Study as part of the Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA) for the proposed new Gamsberg zinc mine project.
In terms of obtaining the necessary authorisation for the new zinc mine and
associated infrastructure, a new ESIA process will be undertaken in order to
obtain the necessary authorisation for the new zinc mine and associated
infrastructure. This process will provide a detailed assessment of potential
impacts as well as suitable mitigation measures. As part of this process ERM
has completed a baseline hydrogeology study and groundwater impact
assessment, presented in this report.
1.2.1 Objectives
The new Mine is located between the existing town of Aggeneys and the town
of Pofadder, approximately 120 km east of the Springbok, along the N14
(Figure 3.2 in Section 3.1). Black Mountain currently operates a zinc, lead,
copper and silver mine near the town of Aggeneyes. In addtition to that they
are peresently mining 60 000 tpa from underground workings in the
Gamsberg inselberg. The ore currently mined at the existing underground
operation is transported to the Black Mountain concentrator plant in
Aggeneys where it is processed, together with ore from the Black Mountain
Deeps Mine.
According to forecasts, the growing global demand for zinc will exceed
current global production by approximately 503 KTPA by the year 2015
(Wood Mackenzie, 2012). The proposed mine intends to meet the growing
demand, at the time of commencement of operation of the mine (ie 2015). The
zinc concentrate generated from the proposed Project would be exported to
Europe and Asia for refining and distribution. Gamsberg is also a key project
to ensure mining continues in the region.
The zinc deposit present within the Gamsberg inselberg is a defined ore body
that ranges from 100 m to 500 m in depth. The ore body has a large lateral
extent of 3 500 m (from east to west). The ore body is characterised with high
content of sulphide and manganese, resulting in a low grade ore deposit of
approximately 6% of zinc.
The feasibility study undertaken during the initial EIA process in 2000 (SRK
Consulting) identified open pit mining to be the most suitable mining method
applicable for a financially viable and environmentally acceptable extraction.
ERM was instructed by the client of planned mining activities, on which the
modelling study is based. These are described in detail in Section 95 in terms of
how they are represented in the model.
As part of project planning and prior to undertaking any site visit, ERM has
prepared a Health and Safety Plan (HASP) including a Travel Risk
Assessment (TRA) to determine potential risks associated with travel on the
project and how these can best be mitigated. A site specific HASP, including
risk assessments for activities associated with the field work, was prepared
prior to the ERM field team mobilizing to site. In addition all sub-contractors
employed during fieldwork were given a tool box talk by ERM, based on
information presented in the HASP, outlining the health and safety
requirements for the site. All sub-contractors were required to sign and abide
by relevant HASP’s and/or TRA’s.
According to the data collation and identification of gaps in the scoping phase,
the following methodology was applied for the groundwater specialist study:
2.2.1 Hydrocensus
A detailed hydrocensus was conducted within the study area. The aim of the
hydrocensus was to compile a complete inventory of springs and available
groundwater level monitoring points, groundwater and surface water
abstraction points and a comprehensive groundwater level survey of the
entire study area.
Springs: Springs were sampled directly at the discharge points using the
sample bottles.
The analytical schedule for general chemical parameters, major ions and trace
elements analysis included the following constituents:
• pH;
• Electrical Conductivity (EC);
• Total Dissolved Solids (TDS);
• Suspended Solids (SS);
• Turbidity; and
• Total hardness.
Major Ions
Trace Elements
• Aluminum (Al);
• Arsenic (As);
• Barium (Ba);
• Cadmium (Cd);
• Cobalt (Co);
Previous studies in the area have been used as reference material for the
desktop study, including:
• Anglo American Technical Services (AATS). Gamsberg
Hydrogeological Assessment of the area of the proposed mine as part
of the Environmental Impact Assessment (April 2000).
• Golder Associates. Hydrocensus of the Eastern Lobe of the Gamsberg.
Technical Report No. 8789/9402/1/G (April 2007).
• SRK Consulting. Preliminary Geohydrology and Groundwater Quality
Baseline Report, Gamsberg Pre-Feasibility Project. Report No
396036\Groundwater (January 2010).
In addition, various datasets were received from Black Mountain, and other
data sources included South African Weather Service, satellite images, maps
and national datasets. These data are referenced within the relevant sections.
The calibrated baseline models are flexible tools that are used during the
impact assessment, to simulate and quantify potential impacts of the proposed
open pit mining activities on the environment, as well as management
The hydraulic head distribution of the calibrated steady state solution is then
used as the initial head distribution for the transient (time-dependent) model.
Time dependent parameters such as aquifer storage are usually calibrated by
fitting modelled results to observed results for groundwater levels over time,
using water level results of pump tests.
There was no transient calibration performed because only four short term
constant rate pump tests in individual positions have been conducted, each
without observation borehole monitoring. These tests are not useful for
calibrating a regional model. Additional tests were not performed by ERM
The transient flow model is then used to replicate future mining activities and
therefore make predictions regarding the impacts from mine activities and
infrastructure. The flow model is also converted into a transport model to
predict impacts on groundwater quality.
• A regional scale steady state groundwater flow model was set-up taking
into consideration hydrogeological flow boundaries to incorporate the
project infrastructure;
• This model was calibrated using the baseline water level data;
• The calibrated models were then converted to transient, time-dependent,
models and storage parameters sought through curve fitting to pump test
data were applied;
• Mining, closure, and post-closure models were set-up and run using the
calibrated transient models to run different management scenarios;
• Any changes in the model setup (model discretisation, boundary
conditions, hydraulic parameters) were iterated and re-run in steady state
and transient, to ensure the final mine model setup also calibrated to
observed data; and
• Transport models were set-up in order to simulate different management
Model calibration is the process of varying model input data within realistic
ranges of values until a satisfactory match between simulated and observed
data can be reproduced. The large number of parameters and complex nature
of the natural system combined with the simplification assumptions made
during the conceptual model process means that the calibrated solution is
non-unique. Reducing the non-uniqueness of the parameter combinations
that can lead to a seemingly calibrated model can for example be done by
reducing the number of degrees of freedom (ie the number of unknown input
parameters), by choosing a distinct calibration strategy and by constraining
spatially distributed input data via remote-sensing techniques (Brunner, et al.,
1 n
MSE = ∑
n i =1
(him − hic ) 2 with h m measured head and h c calculated head
The model has reached a good or acceptable model calibration, when the root
mean square error (RMSE) is MSE ≤ 10% of the head difference between
upstream and downstream measured groundwater heads.
FEFLOW version 6 was used for the groundwater flow and transport
simulations. FEFLOW is a 3D finite element modelling software package for
modelling saturated and unsaturated fluid flow and transport of dissolved
constituents and/or heat transport processes in porous media. It is developed
by DHI-WASY GmbH, the German branch of the DHI group.
PEST is an inverse code, used for the automated estimation of parameters and
sensitivity analysis of parameters including for example transmissivity,
hydraulic conductivity or recharge etc (Doherty, Brebber, & Whyte, 1994).
The transient model is not calibrated to time series data, and is not calibrated
to aquifer stresses of a similar order of magnitude to those applied to it. Given
the model calibration standard described in Section 2.5.3, the model can
therefore only be used as an indicative model for future timescales. It is
recommended that the model be updated with operational data (dewatering
rates, groundwater level responses) as mining commences, such that
predictions can be updated and translated into mine management practices
(see Section 9).
The closest town, Aggeneys, is located 20km west of the site. Black Mountain
currently operates underground mining in the mountain north and northwest
of Aggenys.
The study area includes the area on, and around, the Gamsberg inselberg. The
site layout plan detailing planned mine infrastructure is shown in Figure 3.2.
The Gamsberg inselberg rises 250m above the general ground level of the
surrounding relatively flat plains (Figure 3.3, showing 20m contours derived
from the digital elevation model (DEM)). These maps also show the red
boundary, the ‘groundwater model domain’ for reference, which is the
position selected for the numerical model boundaries (see Section 83). It is oval
shaped in plan with steep slopes on all sides.
The outer rim of the inselberg is formed by resistant quartzite and sits around
60m higher than the centre of the inselberg (AATS, 2000), which has
developed as a structurally-controlled kidney shaped drainage basin. One
large kloof (gorge) is developed on the northern rim of the inselberg, which
has steep sided slopes rising 130m above the base of the kloof at the highest
The soil on the plains is predominantly shallow (less than 60cm deep), and
stony, overlying dorbank (duripan) or calcrete. Areas of deeper red sandy
soils are limited to small dunes and pediment in the south-western portion of
the study area (SRK, 2010). Within the inselberg the soils are shallow lithosols,
and bare rock on the scarps and crest and shallow gravelly in the Basin.
The relatively flat plains surrounding Gamsberg are populated with large
farmsteads with sparse vegetation and low density livestock, supported by
groundwater from boreholes equipped with wind pumps. The land that
Gamsberg occupies is owned by Black Mountain and is currently used for
grazing and some small scale mining operations (see Section 4.8).
Other Road
Ephemeral Rivers
Flood Plains
N 14
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Location_Map_of_Gamsberg_Inselberg_Rev2.mxd 0
Block A, Silverwood House
Silverwood Close
Steenberg Office Park, 7945
Tel: +27 (0)21 702 9100
Fax +27 (0)21 701 7900
Projection: Transverse Mecator, CM19. Datum : WGS84 SIZE:
Source: Chief Directorate National Geo-Spatial
18°49'30"E 18°55'0"E 19°0'30"E 19°6'0"E
Information. David Morriss, 2012. A3
Inset Map: Esri Data & Maps
It is unlawful for any firm or individual to reproduce copyrighted maps, graphics or drawings, in whole or in part, without permission of the copyright owner, ERM Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd ·
Kh?i-Ma Rural
18°55'0"E 19°0'30"E
Pella19°6'0"E Legend
National Route
Main Road
Secondary Road
Other Road
Electrical cables
Haul Roads
Ephemeral Rivers
Town Boundary
Waste Rock Farm Boundaries
Dump 1
Flood Plains
Open Pit
0 1 2 3 4
Magazine Figure 3.2: Site Plan showing Mine
Site_Plan_of_Gamsberg_Inselberg_Rev2.mxd 0
Block A, Silverwood House
Silverwood Close
KHÂI-MA RURAL Steenberg Office Park, 7945
National Route
0 860
1 08
0 Main Road
Other Road
20 74
0 92
10 102 0
1000 Ephemeral Rivers
94 Contours (20m)
0 N14
0 Groundwater Domain Model
Town Boundary
1020 1060
0 94
06 0
90 Study Area BOTSWANA
980 0
1120 102
0 2
920 11 1100
84 1100 980
0 1120
0 0
82 4
0 N1
102 0
0 112
88 80
0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Topographic_Map_Gamsberg_Rev2.mxd 0
920 Block A, Silverwood House
900 Silverwood Close
Steenberg Office Park, 7945
Tel: +27 (0)21 702 9100
Fax +27 (0)21 701 7900
Projection: Transverse Mecator, CM19. Datum : WGS84 SIZE:
Source: Chief Directorate National Geo-Spatial
18°49'30"E 18°55'0"E 19°0'30"E 19°6'0"E
2918BD_2003_ED2_GEO.TIF A3
Inset Map: Esri Data & Maps
It is unlawful for any firm or individual to reproduce copy righted maps, graphics or drawings, in whole or in part, without permission of the copyright owner, ERM Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd ·
The conditions in the Gamsberg study area are described as “Hot Desert”
(Köppen classification in Peel, Finlayson, & McMahon (2007)), being one of the
hottest and driest areas in South Africa, with maximum temperatures
exceeding 40ºC in summer months (SRK, 2010) and annual rainfall sometimes
as low as a few tens of millimetres (Table 3.1).
The mean annual evaporation rate is high (3500 mm/a in SRK (2010),
3700 mm/a in AATS (2000) and 2650 mm/a in Midgley & Middelton (1994))
compared to annual rainfall on the plains, hence a permanent water deficit
exists in the area. This deficit reaches a peak of 400 mm in November to
January and droughts are therefore common in the area (SRK, 2010).
Rainfall data has been recorded at six rainfall stations in the area. The South
African Weather Service (SAWS) has been recording daily data at Aggeneys
since 1999, in Pella (Station 0247242 W) for 1877-1999, and in Pofadder since
1901. In addition to the SAWS data for Aggenys, a rain gauge is positioned at
the Black Mountain offices in the town, and recorded by the Black Mountain
Mineral Resources Manager Mr J Potgieter. This data is available since 1986.
Data from two rainfall stations installed by Black Mountain is available, one
on the northwest rim of the Gamsberg Inselberg (“Berg”), and a second in an
unknown location, named “Plant” (pers comm. Abraham J. Engelbrecht,
Project Engineer, Black Mountain). The “plant” station could either be a
reported second weather station at the Gamsberg Inselberg (SRK, 2010), or it
could reflect data from a weather station installed at the Deeps Shaft at Black
Mountain mine, NW of Aggenys (pers comm. Abraham J. Engelbrecht, Project
Enginner, Black Mountain). Only one year of incomplete data is available from
these stations (May 1999-April 2000, missing August), and their current state
of functionality is unknown to Black Mountain.
The average of the annual rainfall (mean annual precipitation, MAP) of these
six stations, are listed in Table 3.1, for the available data indicated. The MAP
varies between 74 mm (Pella) to 110 mm (Aggenys) for stations recording on
the plains. Aggenys has a higher MAP than Pella and Pofadder, and it is not
possible to determine whether this is due to the longer record at Pella and
Pofadder, or whether it is a true difference in rainfall distribution.
The variation in the annual rainfall indicated in the longer records of the
Aggenys, Pella and Pofadder stations, is extremely high. For example at
Aggenys, the MAP is 110mm, with a minimum MAP of 4mm, and a
maximum of 220 mm, representing a range from almost 0% to 200%. Likewise
the MAP at Pella and Pofadder is 70-80mm, yet their maximums are 259mm
and 262mm respectively. Essentially, given the range in data also highlighted
by the high standard deviation in MAP, the concept of a ‘mean annual
precipitation’ actually does not apply in the area.
The monthly distribution in rainfall is show in Table 3.3 and Figure 3.5.
Precipitation occurs throughout the year, in summer and winter. The graph
(Figure 3.5) shows significantly higher rainfall is experienced in summer and
February indicated as the wettest month, likely to be dominated by afternoon
thunderstorms. However this is skewed as the series for Berg and Plant is
based on only one year of data. Assessing the monthly variability for only
those stations with significant time series data, the monthly variability is less
significant. The graph suggests however that years’ of high rainfall are
contributed to by significant thunder storms in February, and when these do
not occur, annual rainfall is further limited.
Table 3.2 Estimation of a representative Mean Annual Rainfall for the Gamsberg Inselberg
Aggenys 1999-2012 10.0 23.4 10.2 9.3 6.7 6.1 3.3 9.4 0.5 7.3 4.3 5.7 SAWS
Mr J Potgieter Black
Aggenys 1986-2012 16.7 18.9 17.5 24.2 8.4 8.1 9.6 11.1 10.2 13.8 10.6 12.4 Mountain
Pella 1877-1999 6.0 15.1 15.8 9.5 5.6 3.8 2.9 1.9 3.1 3.6 4.2 6.0 SAWS
Pofadder 2023 8.5 12.8 15.1 10.5 4.4 3.1 3.7 1.7 3.7 4.6 5.8 5.5 SAWS
May1999- AATS 2000
Plant 2000 21.6 92.8 42 2.8 7 0 0.8 -1 8.6 19.6 5.4 40.2
May AATS 2000
Berg2 2000 20.8 112 42.6 4.8 2 0.6 2.8 -1 17.6 23 17.4 85
1No data
2Weather station positioned at high point on north west rim of inselberg (pers comm. Abraham J. Engelbrecht, Project Engineer, Black Mountain)
3Pofadder station has incomplete data 1878 to 1901 hence not included in annual rainfall prior to 1901.
Figure 3.5 Average monthly rainfall measured at Aggeneys, Pella, Pofadder and the Gamsberg (Inselberg) weather stations
Situated in the Orange River basin, the study area is located at the watershed
between two quaternary catchments, D81G and D82C (Figure 3.6). The
Gamsberg inselberg itself, excluding the west ridge, is situated within
quaternary catchment D81G, which drains in a northerly direction towards
the Orange River some 35km from the inselberg. The D82C catchment is
endoreic; an interior drainage basin that does not drain to the sea and
equilibrates through evaporation (HHO Africa, 2013).
Because of the climate, the drainage features in the region are all ephemeral.
All known surface water features are captured and displayed in Figure 3.6,
and they are summarised as:
• The springs marked on Figure 3.6 are based on data from Black Mountain,
and field data taken during the hydrocensus. These springs are
considered constant groundwater discharge points. At times they only
have small standing water pools at them, and do not generate streams,
likely due to the evaporation matching the rate of discharge. The springs
are described further in Section 4.
• Headwater seeps marked in Figure 3.6 are based on data from Black
Mountain. They are assumed to be geologically controlled, where
groundwater and surface runoff from the permeable quartzite meets the
less permeable ore body formations. The seeps are described further in
Section 4.
The existing mining operations on the inselberg may have already impacted
on groundwater fed spring flows, by reducing the hydraulic head and driving
force for discharge (Section 4.8).
* Springs
National Route
Main Road
Secondary Road
Other Road
Flood Plains
Headwater seeps catchments
Quaternary Catchment
N1 #
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drainage_Map_Rev2.mxd 0
Block A, Silverwood House
Silverwood Close
Steenberg Office Park, 7945
Tel: +27 (0)21 702 9100
Fax +27 (0)21 701 7900
Projection: Transverse Mecator, CM19. Datum : WGS84 SIZE:
Source: Chief Directorate National Geo-Spatial
18°49'30"E 18°55'0"E 19°0'30"E 19°6'0"E
Information. David Morriss, 2012. A3
Inset Map: Esri Data & Maps
It is unlawful for any firm or individual to reproduce copyrighted maps, graphics or drawings, in whole or in part, without permission of the copyright owner, ERM Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd ·
Figure 3.7 Photograph of drainage channel exiting from Kloof
The study area is situated in the Bushmanland terrane, one of the Northern
Cape’s tectonically bound terrains. The area consists of hard-rock formations;
metasedimentary, metavolcanic and intrusive rock units of the Namaqua
Metamorphic Province (Vegter, 2006), or Namaqua-Natal Province (SRK,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Geology_Map_of_Gamsberg_Inselberg_rev2.mxd 0
Block A, Silverwood House
Silverwood Close
Steenberg Office Park, 7945
Tel: +27 (0)21 702 9100
Fax +27 (0)21 701 7900
Projection: Transverse Mecator, CM19. Datum : WGS84 SIZE:
Source:Council of Geoscience Geology Kaarte 2918
18°49'30"E 18°55'0"E 19°0'30"E 19°6'0"E
Inset Map: Esri Data & Maps A3
It is unlawful for any firm or individual to reproduce copyrighted maps, graphics or drawings, in whole or in part, without permission of the copyright owner, ERM Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd ·
Figure 3.9 Geological Map 1
Three geological maps from various authors are presented in Figure 3.8
(Council for Geoscience), Figure 3.9 (Strydom, et al., 1987) and Figure 3.10
(Colliston, et al., 1986). The stratigraphy is provided in Figure 3.11 (Black
Mountain) and Table 3.4 (SRK, 2010). A local scale geological map and
associated cross section is presented in Figure 3.12 and Figure 3.13
respectively, based on geological mapping by Black Mountain, supported by
an annotated photograph presented in Figure 3.14. Based on different level of
detail of geological mapping, and different geological interpretations, these
data sets show slightly different distributions of various units, slightly
different traces of various faults, and slightly different sub-divisions of the
stratigraphy. The important features for this study are summarised as:
Group Sub-group Formation Member Description
Quaternary Recent Red, wind-blown sand and dunes
Sand, scree, rubble and sandy soil
Figure 3.14 Annotated photograph of the North West face of Gamsberg, showing key
geological units (photograph from Black Mountain)
• The main deformation events also resulted in the large east- west trending
thrust faults at Broken Hill, Aggenys se Berg, and also within Gamsberg
(Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10). The alluvial deposit makes the geological
mapping of faults, and their correlation between mountains where they
are exposed in outcrops, difficult. Colliston et al (1986), and Strydom et al
(1987), extent the Broken Hill trust fault east towards Gamsberg, trending
south-east before reaching the inselberg (Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10).
Lineament mapping by SRK (2010), highlights a structure close to the
southwest rim of the inselberg. Pump test results from AATS (2000), show
one higher yielding borehole also on the southwest of the inselberg
(Section 4), which formed the basis for AATS (2000), developing a
structurally controlled higher hydraulic conductivity and drainage
channel in this location. These two observations could suggest that the
Broken Hill thrust extends closer to the Gamsberg inselberg than that
mapped by Colliston et al (1986), and Strydom et al (1987).
Figure 3.16 Photograph of fractured white Pella Quartzite in kloof, from top of kloof
The hydrocensus survey was carried out by ERM between 30th August and 8th
September 2012.
The September 2012 hydrocensus survey results are summarised in Table 4.1.
This data has been combined with hydrocensus data from all previous studies
(AATS (2000), Golders (2007), and SRK (2010)), and with data from Black
Mountain, to generate a borehole data inventory, presented in Table 4.2, and
shown graphically in Figure 4.1.
In ERM Hydrocensus
Water Level Geology Abstraction Volume Use type Pump tests SRK ERM Hydrocensus Results MEAN
In SRK Hydrocensus
mamsl SRK - Map, pg 32 SRK - ERM AATS Golde Date
mbd / Geol
mbd mbgl mbgl mbgl mbgl mbgl mbd mbd / mgbl Depth unknow EC EC
Gamsberg mgbl Log
ID Alternate ID Owner Farm name Type Latitude Longitude Altitude
inselberg m3/a Appendix1, pg Appen 04/2009 05/2009 08/2009 17&18/08/2009 n (mS/m) Temp pH FIELD (mS/m) pH
AATS: AATS: G- AATS: Golder SRK pg SRK - ERM RANGE AATS SRK ERM SRK - Map, pg SRK - EC @ pH @ EC @ pH @ EC @ pH @ FIELD
Append HMS G-HMS Associat Append Hydroc MEAN MEAN Appendix 1, 25°C 25°C 25°C EC
ix 4 Table 1, Table es Africa xi (76) ix 2, pg ensus 32 pg xi xi dix 4 r (mS/m) 20°C (mS/m) 20°C (mS/m) 20°C (mS/m) pH EC pH
ACH1 20 Girrie v/d Heever Achab yes yes spring -29.26867 19.07354 921 921.03 10000-18250 15 768 domestic/livestock domestic/livestock 30.8 6.4 32.4 6.4 37.3 5.8 29 6.93 32.375 6.4
ACH2 21 Girrie v/d Heever Achab yes yes BH -29.24767 19.04433 901 51.60 51.00 0.60 51.30 849.37 60 500-1000 900 livestock livestock 30.7 6.3 239 7.54 134.85 6.9
AGG1 Mine yes BH -29.18801 18.86794 934
AR 1 Tore van Niekerk Aroam Daddiespoort yes Well -29.20106 18.91166 933 1000-2500 1 800 livestock livestock 660 8 660 8.4 0.6 8.18 584 7.33 476.15 8.0
AR 2 2 Tore van Niekerk Aroam Daddiespoort yes Well -29.19986 18.91041 928 5.70 3.49 4.00 2.21 4.40 923.64 not used not used 1776 20.8 7.41
AG1 3 Tore van Niekerk Aroam Daddiespoort yes yes BH -29.21723 18.90741 914 1000-2500 1 200 livestock livestock 129 8.2 114 8.4 150 8.5 147.5 7.53 120 8.45 132.1 8.2
AR 4 MBH 2 Mine Ghaamsberg yes BH -29.21636 18.94176 917 50.00 24.01 42.10 25.99 38.70 878.30 yes 55 2 111 23.7 7.62
AR 5 MBH 3, GBH03 Mine Ghaamsberg yes yes BH -29.22956 18.92467 902 43.09 42.97 40.03 40.00 40.70 3.09 41.36 860.64 yes 53 Monitoring 2 208 8 199 7.7 20 7.64 212 24.2 7.59 142.3333 7.8
AR 7 MBH11 Mine yes BH -29.19654 18.93952 939 22.10 22.10 916.90 yes 170 22.3 7.3
AR 8 MBH 7 Mine yes BH -29.18588 18.93958 953 yes 362 24.4 7.46
AR 9 MBH 9 Mine yes BH -29.17954 18.95613 953 26.83 26.86 0.03 26.85 926.16 yes Monitoring 269 24 7.32
AR10 MBH10 Mine yes BH -29.16872 18.95609 967 yes 235 24.4 7.16
AR11 MBH 8 Mine yes BH -29.16931 18.94323 966 23.92 23.92 942.08 yes 237 24.9 7.81
AR12 Mine yes BH -29.18267 18.95382 957 356 18.4 8.36
BH 1 Mine BH -29.24563 18.99939 1135 yes 178.70 178.70 956.50
BH 2 Mine BH -29.24794 19.00027 1146 yes
BH 3 Mine BH -29.25658 18.96286 1037 yes 34.10 34.10 1003.00
BH5 GAMS2, 5 Mine Ghaamsberg yes yes BH -29.22713 18.98031 919 9.44 9.68 8.56 1.12 9.23 909.47 1000-2500 18 250 Drilling Water drilling No loner used 1 35.6 6.2 26.8 8 34.2 7.51 28 8.28 31.15 7.5
BH6 BLH2, MBH 6 Mine Loop 10 road yes yes BH -29.27109 18.94107 868 44.00 dry 44.00 824.05 yes not used 2
BH11 11 Mine BH -29.25748 18.96696 1045 yes 52.73 52.73 992.27 5
BLH1 14, 13, (12) Mine Blomhoek yes yes BH -29.29483 18.98713 875 50.18 47.14 41.33 43.00 8.85 45.41 829.92 1000-2500 1 900 livestock livestock 182 8.3 171 8 185 7.9 192.5 7.53 176 7.36 181.3 7.8
BLH3 MBH 5 Mine yes BH -29.24851 18.90795 876 54.09 52.62 52.70 1.47 53.14 822.36 yes 84 130 24.2 7.76
BLH4 MBH 4 Mine yes BH -29.24631 18.92064 887 50.48 41.12 47.70 9.36 46.43 840.57 yes 53 2 102 24.2 7.43
DG 43 Mine BH -29.25622 18.96454 1033 yes 26.37 26.37 1006.47
DG 56 Mine BH -29.25563 18.96283 1041 yes 34.10 34.10 1007.01
DG 67 Mine BH -29.25428 18.96146 1033 yes 31.01 31.01 1002.46
DG 68 Mine BH -29.25510 18.96342 1037 yes 31.63 31.63 1005.02
DG 77 Mine BH -29.25226 18.96747 1013 yes 21.15 21.15 991.76
GAM 75 Mine BH -29.25695 18.97658 1015 yes 26.93 26.93 988.29
GAMB 1 GAMS4 Mine Gamsberg yes yes BH -29.24893 18.96840 1002 yes 15.65 14.16 13.79 16.00 15.43 2.21 15.01 987.29 100+ not used Strong borehole previously
yes used for drilling 114 7.4 114 7.2 123.3 6.85 111 7.16 103 24.1 7.12 115.575 7.2
GAMB 2 Mine BH -29.25606 18.96472 1032 34.93 34.93 997.12 yes
GAMB 3 Mine BH -29.25608 18.96477 1032 yes 33.35 33.35 998.95 yes
GAMB 4 GAMS 5 Mine Gamsberg yes yes BH -29.25766 18.96370 1045 yes 37.64 36.85 37.70 0.85 37.40 1007.40 100+ not used yes 71 6.15 80 23.5 6.94 71 6.2
GAMB 5 Mine BH -29.25603 18.96479 1033 yes 34.65 34.65 998.25 yes
GAMS 3 K1 Mine Gamsberg yes yes BH -29.25241 18.98299 1015 yes 24.85 25.00 25.65 0.80 25.17 990.08 100+ 1000-2500 1 800 Domestic 114 7.6 113 7.5 115 24 7.08 113.5 7.6
GAMS 6 Mine Gamsberg yes yes BH -29.25608 18.96474 1031 yes 37.32 34.11 37.09 3.21 36.17 994.60 100+ 1000-2500 1 200 Drilling Water 93 7.06 82 24.1 6.06 93 7.1
GAMS 7 Mine Gamsberg yes yes Spring -29.23132 18.98006 923 922.95 1000-2500 6 307 Monitoring 16.1 6.6 21 7.14 18.55 6.9
GAMS 8 MBH1 Mine Gamsberg yes yes BH -29.21529 18.96745 920 40.19 44.00 44.30 4.11 42.83 877.12 yes 54 Monitoring 3 145 7.4 124 7.3 144.5 6.63 120 23.6 7.32 137.8333 7.1
GAMS 9 22 Mine Gamsberg yes yes Spring -29.25111 19.01113 912 912.00 3 154 not used/livestock
Damed by boulder dam 105 7.3 104 6.8 116 6.44 108.3333 6.8
GAMS 10 24 Mine BH -29.23240 19.02154 868 34.10 34.10 833.90
GBH01 Mine Gamsberg yes BH -29.22410 18.92492 846
GBH02 Mine Gamsberg yes BH -29.22475 18.92529 908
GBH04 Mine Gamsberg yes BH -29.22455 18.92646 842
GBH05 Mine Gamsberg yes BH -29.22338 18.92698 852
GBH06 Mine Gamsberg yes BH -29.22491 18.92749 961
GBH07 Mine Gamsberg yes BH -29.22395 18.92827 907
GBH08 Mine Gamsberg yes BH -29.22469 18.92893 911
GBH09 Mine Gamsberg yes BH -29.22157 18.93068 850
GBH10 Mine Gamsberg yes BH -29.22271 18.93101 907 livestock
KGT1 Jan Visser Kykgat yes yes BH -29.28860 19.06108 922 31 500-1000 1 900 Domestic livestock 176 7.18 176 7.2
KGT2 17 Jan Visser Kykgat yes yes BH -29.28803 19.06112 926 27.52 27.52 898.48 500-1000 900 Domestic domestic 204 8.0 200 7.44 202 7.7
KGT3 18 Jan Visser Kykgat yes yes BH -29.29607 19.07350 934 36.99 36.99 896.96 500 domestic, livestock
KGT4 Jan Visser Kykgat yes yes Well -29.29631 19.07336 934 29.36 29.36 904.31 29.4 1000-2500 1 200 Domestic/livestock domestic, livestock 174 7.25 174 7.3
KGT5 19 Jan Visser Kykgat yes yes BH -29.32470 19.08273 943 76.90 76.90 866.15 1000-2500 1 200 livestock livestock 265 7.3 265 7.3
KGT7 Jan Visser Kykgat yes yes BH -29.42412 19.02975 843 1 200 livestock 142 7.46 142 7.5
KGT8 15 Jan Visser Kykgat yes yes BH -29.30538 19.01575 907 49.28 49.28 857.27 1000-2500 1 200 livestock livestock 1245 7.54 1245 7.5
LUS1 Mine Loop 10 Road yes yes BH -29.31576 19.01696 905 53.58 53.58 851.42 100+ not used 148 22.4 7.67
RS1 Danie Luttig Rosynebos yes yes BH -29.15370 18.81145 983 1000-2500 1 200 livestock livestock 76 8.27 76 8.3
RS2 Danie Luttig Rosynebos yes yes BH -29.14561 18.84222 987 26.59 26.59 960.71 1000-2500 1 200 Domestic/livestock domestic,livestock 142 7.4 142 7.4
RS3 Danie Luttig Rosynebos yes yes BH -29.14472 18.84124 987 42.19 42.19 945.11 1000-2500 900 livestock livestock 133 7.8 131 7.55 132 7.7
RS4 Danie Luttig Rosynebos yes yes BH -29.15520 18.88154 971 21.07 21.07 950.23 1000-2500 1 200 livestock livestock 116 8.4 116 8.4
RS5 Sakkie v Niekerk Rosynebos yes yes Spring -29.08655 18.91156 865 0.80 3 154 domestic,livestock 93 7.2 93 7.2
RS6 Sakkie v Niekerk Rosynebos yes yes Spring -29.08593 18.91240 865 6 307 domestic,livestock 96 7.16 96 7.2
RS7 Sakkie v Niekerk Rosynebos yes yes BH -29.11157 18.85755 950 900 livestock 142 7.35 142 7.4
1 Mine BH -29.17451 18.90833 951 22.25 22.25 928.75
4 Mine BH -29.21436 18.99143 899 41.40 41.40 857.60
6 Mine BH -29.23355 18.96184 1122 yes 123.60 123.60 998.40
7 Mine BH -29.24035 18.95191 1041 yes 53.84 53.84 987.16
8 Mine BH -29.24045 18.94958 1050 yes 64.15 64.15 985.85
9 Mine BH -29.24339 18.95496 1031 yes 44.47 44.47 986.53
10 Mine BH -29.25611 18.96668 1032 yes 46.71 46.71 985.29
16 Mine BH -29.29446 19.02361 910 45.82 45.82 864.18
23 Mine BH -29.23007 18.99330 905 16.50 16.50 888.50
25 Mine BH -29.20566 19.04801 889 46.57 46.57 842.43
27 Mine BH -29.23337 19.10716 888 55.10 55.10 832.90
28 Mine BH -29.24280 19.08072 853 19.60 19.60 833.40
Supporting Notes: MEDIAN 36.17 SUM 75 240
Boreholes 1- 28: from AATS report. Assumed to be mine owned monitoring holes MAX 178.70 SUM minus unused 53 836
Altitude: in order of preference altitude uses Golder Survey data, or Golder/ SRK GPS data if survey not avaiable, and DEM data where nothing else available MIN 4.40
mbgl = metres below ground level
mbd = metres below datum
18°49'30"E 18°55'0"E 19°0'30"E Pella 19°6'0"E
! RS7
Borehole and Spring Inventory
! Water Level - Borehole
Pella A
! Chemistry - Borehole
! Water Level, Pump test -- Borehole
! Water Level, Chemistry - Borehole
Water Level, Chemistry, Pump test - Borehole
! No Data - Borehole
RS1 GBH01 #
Water Level, Chemistry -Springs
! A
! GBH04
GBH02 ! 4 GBH08
A N1
GBH06 National Route
! A
AR11 AR10 Main Road
! A
! Secondary Road
A Other Road
AR 9
AR 8 A
! Track/Footpath
! AR12
A N14
Ephemeral Rivers
AR 7
AR 2 A
! Mineral Rights Boundary
A AR 1 25 Groundwater Domain Model
! Town Boundary
AG1 A 4
A!A !
! 27
A 23
AR 5 #
! A
8AA !
BH 1
! BH 2 ACH2 A
! A
! A
oo A
! A
! #
p1 A
0 A
! A
GAM 75
4 BH6
N1 #
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
! Kilometres
DG 77 A
! A
! KGT4
! KGT3 Figure: 4.1 Borehole Inventory Map
DG 67 KGT5
! A
DG 68
! DATE:Jan 2013 CHECKED: MP PROJECT: 0164903
BH 3 A
! BH_inventory_Map_Rev2.mxd 0
DG 43
Block A, Silverwood House
Silverwood Close
BH11 Steenberg Office Park, 7945
! A
Tel: +27 (0)21 702 9100
Fax +27 (0)21 701 7900
Projection: Transverse Mecator, CM19. Datum : WGS84 SIZE:
Source: Chief Directorate National Geo-Spatial
18°49'30"E 18°55'0"E 19°0'30"E 19°6'0"E
Information. ERM 2013 A3
Inset Map: Esri Data & Maps
It is unlawful for any firm or individual to reproduce copyrighted maps, graphics or drawings, in whole or in part, without permission of the copyright owner, ERM Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd ·
Because of the limited thickness of the alluvial cover and the hard rock nature
of all other rocks in the area, no regional-scale aquifers transmitting water
over large scales have developed in the Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex
(Vegter, 2006).
The geological units of hydrogeological interest in the study area are all those
in and around Gamsberg: the basement Haramoep gneiss and alluvial cover
on the plains, the Namies schist, the Pella Quartzite and the Gamsberg Iron
Formation (Section 3.5.2).
• Out of 115 boreholes, the depths ranged from 10 – 152 m. The median
depth was 68 m.
• Forty one boreholes (36%) yielded greater than 0.1 l/s, 8 boreholes (7%)
yielded greater than 1 l/s, one borehole (<1%) yielded greater than 10 l/s.
• Water levels ranged from 2 to 72 mbgl, with the median depth at 20 mbgl.
• The distribution of water strikes with depth shows a large range from 10
to 113 m, and shows a fairly flat distribution over depth (ie no decrease in
water strikes with depth). Boreholes even above 90 m, and boreholes at
110 – 114 m, also encountered water strikes, indicating open water-
bearing fractures at depth.
Some mine-owned boreholes have been previously used for drilling water, but
are no longer in use (Table 4.2). Based on this updated information, the total
groundwater abstracted from boreholes and springs in the area is
± 54 000 m3/a. This however excludes groundwater abstracted in the adits, the
volume of which it is not possible to estimate (Section 4.8)
900.01 - 1200.00
( 1200.01 - 1900.00
! !
( 1900.01 - 18250.00
( !
( (
GBH02 (
! N14 GBH08
A (
! !
National Route
! !
AR 1
25 Mineral Rights Boundary
Groundwater Domain Model
! (
! BH5 Flood Plains
AR 5
! (
GAMS 10 27
! (
BH 1
( BH 2 ACH2
GAMB 1 !
( BLH4 (
! !
oo !
! (
p1 (!
! (!
( GAMS 3
! (!
( (
GAM 75
4 BH6
! !
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
BLH1 16 !
DG 77 !
( ( KGT4
KGT3 Figure: 4.2 Groundwater Abstraction Volumes
DG 67 KGT5
! !
DG 68
( !
A DATE:Jan 2013 CHECKED: MP PROJECT: 0164903
BH 3
( GAMB 5
! !
A! !
BH_Abstraction_Map_Rev2.mxd 0
DG 43
! !
The borehole inventory (Table 4.2) collates all available data, however often
this is incomplete. For example, the date of previous water levels is not
known, and whether these were taken in metres below ground level, or more
likely as metres below datum (and datum being the borehole collar). At the
regional scale of this study, the potential error this would generate in the
water levels is insignificant. The water level data have been averaged per
borehole, rather than only use one time set of data, to provide a larger dataset
as a good distribution of water levels is required. Water levels from one time
period are therefore compared to water levels averaged from many times, for
example, GAMB1 has 5 measurements ranging from 13.79 mbgl to 16.0 mbgl,
compared with GAMB2 which has one measurement only (Table 4.2). The
boreholes with one measurement may not sit central to the range of those with
more than one measurement hence this doesn’t compare like with like. The
potential error induced in this is also assumed small based on the regional
scale of the study based on the range of measurements: 14 boreholes have
more than one measurement and 11 of these show a range of water levels less
than 4.5 m, two of these show a range 5-10 m, and one outlier (AR4) has a
range greater than 25 m. There is also little insight captured into whether a
previous measurement was taken whilst or soon after a borehole had
The median depth to water, as shown in Table 4.2, is 36 m, with a range of 4.4
to a maximum of 178.8 m. The frequency distribution shows that most
boreholes have water depth ranging from 20 – 50 m, and up to 60 m deep,
which applies to boreholes on the inselberg and those on the plains (Figure
4.3). Two outliers with water levels deeper (lower mamsl) than would be
expected for their altitude exist on the inselberg. These may be impacted by
draining of the highest water levels in the quartzite, by the existing mining
activities (see Section 4.8).
Frequency of boreholes
Altitude (mamsl)
R² = 0.8363
800 850 900 950 1000 1050
Water Level (mamsl)
A AR 9
Mineral Rights Boundary
Groundwater Domain Model
Town Boundary
920 AR 7
AR 2 A
! Flood Plains
GAMS 8 4
! 6 A! 27
BH 1
A !
BLH3 !
A ! DG 77 GAMS 9 A
! A 860
! GAMS 3
! A A
A !
AA ! A
86 GAM 75
4 BH6
KGT2 KGT1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
860 !
BLH1 16 Kilometres
840 A
! A
KGT8 Figure: 4.3: Piezometric map - based
! on all data
Water_Levels_Interpolation_Rev2 0
1 A
Ephemeral Rivers
A AR 9
! Mineral Rights Boundary
Groundwater Domain Model
AR 7
Town Boundary
AR 2 A
Flood Plains
0 A
! 6 A! 27
BH 1
A 960 ACH2 A
BLH3 !
A ! DG 77 GAMS 9 A
! GAMS 3
! A A
A !
AA ! A
86 GAM 75
4 BH6
KGT2 KGT1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
860 !
BLH1 16 Kilometres
! A
Water_Levels_Conceptual_Rev2.mxd 0
All previous hydraulic tests are summarised in Table 4.3 below. The position
of boreholes which underwent hydraulic tests are also marked in Figure 4.1,
and referenced in Table 4.2. A total of 14 boreholes have undergone hydraulic
tests and as geological logs are often not available, the geology is assumed to
be the surface geology at the borehole. Observations from Table 4.3 are:
• the inner areas of the inselberg (assumed equivalent to the Gamsberg Iron
Formation) has 1E-05 m/d
• the outer areas of the inselberg (assumed equivalent to Pella Quartzite
and Schist grouped) has 3E-05 m/d
• the plains (assumed equivalent to alluvium and gneiss grouped) has 1E-
03 m/d
• structurally controlled preferential drainage lines are set at 4E-01 m/d
and 1E+00 m/d
The AATS modelled values are a similar range of orders of magnitude to the
pump tests, however individual units differ greatly. The calibrated
conductivity for the quartzite areas for example is 3E-05 m/d compared to the
measured range of 6E-01 to 6E+00 m/d. This difference is expected given the
reasons above that pump tests measure a small radius close to the borehole.
Modelled conductivities are not proposed as those that would be found at an
Carrying out additional pump tests in this study, and even for longer
duration, was not considered necessary, as this would still yield point data,
which would need translation to the entire aquifer, and the stresses that can
feasibly be applied in a pump test will still be significantly less than those
tested in the model, hence the limitations would not be alleviated. The values
from testing and previous modelling can be taken as a guideline and starting
point for numerical modelling, and hydraulic parameters remain the key
calibration parameter in the modelling.
It is useful to recognise from these pump test readings that the ranges for
various units are similar. This supports the interpretation that depth from
surface due to weathering, and local (cross cutting) structural controls will be
the greatest control on hydraulic parameters, rather than rock type (also in
Section 4.2).
Data Geology Type of Aquifer Transmissivity Conductivity
BH No. Source Geology Structures Source Aquifer Test Thickness2 [m2/d] [m/d]
Alluvium &
BH5 AATS Map CDT1 1E+00
AR 4 AATS Gneiss BH log Slug - In 1E-04
AATS (2000)
The piezometric contour map, Figure 4.6, is taken as indication that there is a
driving force for groundwater flow in the area ie there is effective recharge,
and that this recharge is higher on the inselberg. The higher recharge on the
inselberg is assumed caused by the increased infiltration capacity of the
fractured quartzite, with higher permeability and uneven surface reducing the
effective evaporation, and due to the potentially higher MAP on the inselberg
(Table 3.1).
Given the high evaporation rates, the existence of any effective recharge on the
plains is questionable. The poorer quality of groundwater on the plains
(Section 0) could be taken as indication of the significantly reduced flush of
fresh water on the plains, however this will also have some geological control
and it is not possible to quantitatively estimate the relative influences. The
AATS (2000)
The presence of tree lined ephemeral stream beds (Figure 4.10) and shallow
groundwater levels (BH5, <10 mbgl within drainage channel exiting from
kloof), are evidence for groundwater flow and groundwater discharges
through evapotranspiration losses; also noted in the area by Vegter (2006).
Two such areas are identified: in the kloof, and around ‘GAMS9’ (see below).
Two springs are recorded in the Borehole Data Inventory (Table 4.2) as
GAMS7 and GAMS9. Both of these are considered groundwater fed springs
through the following mechanisms:
Although only one point is recorded in the inventory, pools of water exist
throughout the length of the kloof, and around 8 were noted during a site visit
in January 2013. The coordinates of GAMS7 reflect the uppermost spring,
locally called the ‘waterfall’. In years where there is insignificant rain, these
springs / pools do not flow, and they have been reported as not flowing in
previous works (AATS (2000) who visited in January 1999). However, the
pools are constantly present (pers comm Abraham J. Engelbrecht, Project
Engineer, Black Mountain) and they would evaporate, unless there is constant
inflow. This leads to the interpretation that the pools are groundwater fed,
and should be considered groundwater discharge points, however that the
rate of discharge is likely similar to the rate of evaporatoin, generating
permament pools. Local scale detailed monitoring (of groundwater levels and
climatic factors) would be required to determine the natural groundwater
discharge rate at the kloof spring sites.
One spring emanates from the east side of the Gamsberg, likely to be due to
groundwater meeting the contact between the gneiss below and the schist
above. The discharge from this spring has been estimated at 100 – 200 l/hour
in January 1999, and 500-1000 l/hour in October 1999 (AATS, 2000). In
January 2013 it was not flowing but formed a large standing pool, dammed by
the manmade boulder dam beneath the spring (relics from a previous farm).
Headwater seeps marked on Figure 3.6 are based on data from Black
Mountain. They are assumed to be geologically controlled, where
Two adits were constructed in the northern wall of the inselberg in the 1970’s,
to access the ore body buried beneath the quartzite rim (Figure 4.12). There are
no historical records of (ground)water volumes pumped to maintain a dry
working environment within the adits, however anecdotal evidence from
Black Mountain employees states that when constructed the adits flowed
freely with water, and they now do not. It is assumed that the groundwater
levels within the inselberg have been drained to some degree.
The adits are still cleared of collected water with sump pumps, turned on once
a week. It is not possible to determine what of this water may be from internal
groundwater seepage however, as it is also removing drilling water sourced
from the Pella pipeline and used in the adit. This water from the adit is
discharged to the environment on the northern side of Gamsberg (Figure 4.13).
Groundwater chemistry results are presented in Table 4.5 to Table 4.7. A full
laboratory report is provided in Annex A.
Hardnes Alkalini
Sample Lab pH Lab EC TDS Cl SO4 NO3 NO2 NH4 PO4 F Ca Mg Na K
s ty
mg/L as mg/L as mg/L as mg/L as mg/L as
mg/L pH units mS/m mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
NV NV 6-9 70 450 100 200 6 6 NV NV 1 32 30 100 50
NV NV NV NV 1000 1500 1000 100 NV NV NV 2 1000 500 2000 NV
RS1 201 208.63 8.44 58 324 36 36 1.8 0.12 0.431 <0.025 3.61 49 19.0 50 3.05
RS2+3 448 152.98 8.18 146 853 303 143 14.3 0.12 0.066 <0.025 3.38 111 41.3 141 3.44
RS4 268 187.7 8.67 115 477 118 82 1.6 0.08 0.105 <0.025 2.48 59 29.4 69 2.91
RS5 232 127.27 8.29 56 350 70 65 4.7 0.17 0.095 <0.025 3.02 50 25.8 52 2.57
RS6 266 172.15 7.72 75 435 105 57 0.8 0.04 0.098 <0.025 3.99 68 23.3 71 1.95
RS7 281 174.28 8.5 125 672 217 106 3.9 0.15 0.109 <0.025 4.15 54 35.7 142 4.21
KGT1 714 276.29 7.34 249 1536 603 219 5.9 0.03 0.088 <0.025 3.80 183 62.8 282 11.4
KGT2 805 278.19 7.82 322 1652 741 157 6.9 0.03 0.089 0.061 4.10 203 72.4 291 9.74
KGT3 548 276.9 8.33 177 1019 293 140 32 0.03 0.087 0.047 3.00 141 47.7 189 7.32
KGT4 473 261.12 8.54 150 846 250 115 10.0 <0.005 0.051 0.074 2.98 121 41.5 142 7.08
KGT5 749 229.58 8.58 292 1800 630 378 23.5 <0.005 0.046 0.062 2.76 152 89.7 368 19.0
KGT7 1680 162.24 8.01 1021 6444 3573 352 12.0 0.13 0.057 <0.025 2.09 346 198 1791 72.8
KGT8 351 247.82 8.6 143 810 209 162 5.5 0.13 0.036 <0.025 3.12 86 33.0 159 2.95
GAMS2 78 36.09 7.64 37 190 43 62 0.1 0.03 0.025 <0.025 0.65 14 10.5 33 5.71
GAMS3 361 203.74 8.51 117 679 178 142 0.3 <0.005 <0.015 <0.025 1.03 81 38.6 111 4.81
GAMS4 387 346.61 7.25 113 690 102 136 1.4 <0.005 <0.015 <0.025 0.59 91 38.7 106 6.25
GAMS5 319 <8.26 5.81 111 765 29 599 <0.057 <0.005 0.06 0.057 <0.183 78 30.3 19 9.66
GAMS6 746 131.15 7.4 175 1266 109 673 1.7 <0.005 5.95 0.11 1.10 192 64.7 128 17.9
GAMS8 355 297.01 7.51 121 685 137 105 0.3 <0.005 7.56 0.206 2.02 101 25.0 117 19.7
GAMS9 57 19.91 6.46 24 116 35 22 3.2 <0.005 0.086 0.097 0.25 10 7.7 23 2.59
GAMS10 248 98.82 7.35 94 536 188 103 0.3 <0.005 0.079 0.083 2.00 41 35.2 105 1.89
AR1 1313 282.48 8.03 662 4249 1907 669 2.3 0.06 0.081 0.147 4.04 266 158 1013 60.6
AR2 4139 591.12 7.7 1626 11097 5234 1706 0.4 0.11 0.592 0.128 5.20 878 473 2333 113
AR3 664 280.75 8.01 229 1522 553 277 1.6 0.10 0.119 0.062 2.93 149 71.0 275 24.2
AR4 253 282.51 7.54 117 652 143 94 1.7 0.08 4.79 0.052 2.27 69 19.6 134 18.6
AR5 475 210.35 7.83 239 1392 599 181 0.8 0.02 0.189 0.085 3.04 113 47.0 303 19.6
AR7 423 247.03 7.81 157 961 334 120 6.4 0.01 0.066 0.045 3.06 114 33.7 189 13.4
AR8 701 188.89 7.74 317 1804 625 437 15.8 0.01 0.062 0.044 2.96 188 56.3 349 17.4
Hardnes Alkalini
Sample Lab pH Lab EC TDS Cl SO4 NO3 NO2 NH4 PO4 F Ca Mg Na K
s ty
mg/L as mg/L as mg/L as mg/L as mg/L as
mg/L pH units mS/m mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
AR9 570 276.2 7.76 241 1607 554 314 0.3 0.01 0.153 0.042 2.81 164 38.8 350 16.6
AR10 696 194.57 7.49 220 1404 543 231 15.0 <0.005 0.063 0.06 2.63 201 47.2 235 12.4
AR11 560 154.46 7.96 217 1392 547 259 7.8 0.25 0.063 0.044 2.97 149 45.6 273 15.1
AR12 718 172.98 7.54 333 1450 606 181 9.9 0.13 <0.015 <0.025 2.65 215 43.7 262 25.6
ACH1 83 26.61 6.69 31 172 47 44 3.7 <0.005 0.061 0.052 0.36 16 10.6 32 3.47
ACH2 761 209.59 7.49 414 2295 449 952 18.9 0.13 <0.015 <0.025 4.11 200 63.4 450 32.0
BCH1 394 267.79 7.39 158 916 294 89 7.9 0.02 0.092 0.053 3.29 103 33.3 208 16.8
BCH3 212 243.27 7.6 101 620 108 128 2.8 0.02 0.162 0.047 3.08 53 19.6 146 13.7
BCH4 351 211.38 7.65 139 827 248 128 12.1 0.01 0.069 <0.025 2.73 91 30.0 169 18.6
AGG1 753 123.01 7.04 348 2014 770 440 1.1 0.13 <0.015 <0.025 4.80 155 89.2 463 17.9
LUS1 352 208.74 7.65 138 899 247 202 12.1 0.07 <0.015 <0.025 2.81 92 30.0 170 18.6
MIN 57 19.91 5.81 24 116 28.7 22 <0.057 <0.005 <0.015 <0.025 <0.183 10 7.72 19 1.89
MAX 4139 591 8.67 1626 11097 5234 1706 32 0.25 7.56 0.21 5.20 878 473 2333 113
AVE 589 212 7.74 241 1472 558 264 6.59 0.08 0.66 0.08 2.78 140 58 301 17
NV No value
DWAF Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
Highlighted concentrations exceed DWAF water quality guidelines (target values) for domestic use
Concentrations underlined exceed DWAF water quality guidelines (target values) for livestock watering
Table 4.7 Trace Element Chemistry of Hydrocensus Boreholes
Sample Al Fe Mn Cr Cu Ni Zn Co Cd Pb As Ba U
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05* 1 NV 3 NV 0.005 0.01 0.01 NV 0.07
5 10 10 1 0.5 1 20 1 0.01 NV NV NV NV
RS1 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.237 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.002 0.01
RS2+3 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.08 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.006 0.03
RS4 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 0.003 <0.003 0.13 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.011 0.02
RS5 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.012 <0.002 <0.001 0.002 <0.023 0.046 0.02
RS6 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 <0.004 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.03 0.02
RS7 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 <0.004 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.021 0.10
KGT1 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.014 <0.002 <0.001 0.003 <0.023 0.013 0.13
KGT2 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 0.004 <0.003 <0.004 0.003 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.016 0.16
KGT3 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.005 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.001 0.12
KGT4 <0.006 0.869 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.025 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.011 0.08
KGT5 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 <0.004 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.027 0.18
KGT7 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 0.047 0.036 <0.004 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.043 0.07
KGT8 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 <0.004 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.002 0.03
GAMS2 <0.006 <0.006 1.97 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 1.147 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.017 <0.01
GAMS3 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.031 0.002 <0.001 0.002 <0.023 0.058 0.01
GAMS4 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 <0.004 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.036 0.02
GAMS5 0.138 84.32 69.3 <0.002 0.052 <0.003 11.25 0.006 <0.001 0.028 <0.023 0.017 0.16
GAMS6 <0.006 0.095 3.23 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.027 0.004 <0.001 0.002 <0.023 0.025 <0.01
GAMS8 <0.006 0.009 0.419 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 <0.004 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.034 0.05
GAMS9 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.228 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.039 <0.01
GAMS10 <0.006 <0.006 0.062 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.229 0.006 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.033 <0.01
AR1 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 0.044 <0.003 <0.004 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.08 0.3
AR2 <0.006 <0.006 0.028 <0.002 0.103 <0.003 0.005 <0.002 <0.001 0.017 <0.023 0.231 0.32
AR3 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 0.005 <0.003 0.105 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.073 0.16
AR4 <0.006 0.136 0.218 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 <0.004 <0.002 <0.001 0.006 <0.023 0.027 0.02
AR5 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.018 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.047 0.09
AR7 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.01 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.026 0.05
AR8 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 0.008 <0.003 0.052 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.047 0.09
AR9 <0.006 0.537 0.566 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.006 0.002 <0.001 0.004 <0.023 0.048 0.09
AR10 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.018 <0.002 <0.001 0.003 <0.023 0.034 0.03
AR11 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 <0.004 <0.002 <0.001 0.001 <0.023 0.033 0.04
AR12 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 0.005 <0.003 <0.004 <0.002 <0.001 0.02 <0.023 0.033 0.05
ACH1 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 0.013 <0.003 0.092 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.03 <0.01
Sample Al Fe Mn Cr Cu Ni Zn Co Cd Pb As Ba U
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
ACH2 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 0.014 <0.003 0.031 <0.002 <0.001 0.015 <0.023 0.02 0.16
BCH1 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.639 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.008 0.08
BCH3 <0.006 0.024 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 <0.004 <0.002 <0.001 0.002 <0.023 0.019 0.06
BCH4 <0.006 0.424 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.006 0.004 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.054 0.13
AGG1 <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 0.01 <0.003 0.043 <0.002 <0.001 0.015 <0.023 0.065 0.05
LUS1 <0.006 0.233 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 0.006 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.029 0.13
MIN <0.006 <0.006 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 <0.003 <0.004 <0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.023 0.001 <0.01
MAX 0.138 84.321 69.3 0.002 0.103 0.036 11.25 0.006 <0.001 0.028 <0.023 0.231 0.32
AVE 0.01 2.23 1.94 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.04 0.08
NV No value
DWAF Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
Highlighted concentrations exceed DWAF water quality guidelines (target values) for domestic use
Concentrations underlined exceed DWAF water quality guidelines (target values) for livestock watering
* Target value for chromium VI
4.9.2 Quality Assurance/Quality Control
There is good agreement between field and laboratory data for EC, with a
slope of 0.90 and a correlation coefficient of 0.99. A poor correlation exists
between field pH measurements and the laboratory recorded pH (correlation
coefficient of 0.07). This is due to various factors such as changes in chemistry
that occur between sampling and laboratory analysis.
Due to the fact that field pH and EC measurements are only available for a
few of the samples, the decision was taken to use the laboratory pH and EC
data for the purpose of assessing water quality.
Anion-Cation Balance
The cation charge should equal the anion charge in a water sample. The
Anion-Cation Balance (ACB) is the difference between the anion and cation
charge and should be between -10% and 10%. Negative ACB values indicate
either low cations or high anions in the analysis, and could reflect an
analytical error, or an analyte that has not been included in the analysis.
The ACBs calculated for the analysed water samples range between -3.89%
and 7.03%. The data are therefore of acceptable quality.
Duplicate Analysis
Four duplicate samples were collected for the hydrocensus samples. The
chemical results of both the parent and the duplicate samples are presented in
Table 4.8.
• The RPDs for nitrate in RS7, GAMS3 and BLH4 are 165%, 113% and
123%, respectively. This calls into question the confidence that can be
placed in nitrate results. Nitrate data should therefore be interpreted
with care;
• The RPDs for fluoride in RS7 and GAMS3 are 118% and 41%,
respectively. Although the latter represents a concentration difference
which is the same order of magnitude as the detection limit, the former
is an order of magnitude greater than the detection limit for fluoride.
Fluoride concentrations should therefore be interpreted with care.
• The RPDs for calcium in RS7 and BLH4 are 41% and 57.4%,
respectively. This calls into question the confidence that can be placed
in calcium results.
• RPDs for potassium in GAMS3 and BLH4 are 36% and 30%,
respectively. The repeatability of potassium analyses is therefore called
into question.
• The RPDs for chloride in GAMS3 and BLH4 are 48% and 77.6%,
respectively. This calls into question the confidence that can be placed
in chloride results, particularly mid-range concentrations.
• The RPD for alkalinity in GAMS3 is 51%. Alkalinity results are
therefore not repeatable within acceptable limits.
• The RPDs for nitrite and magnesium in BLH4 are 159% and 44%,
respectively. This calls into question the repeatability of nitrite and
magnesium data.
• The RPD for ammonium in BLH4 is 80%. However, this reflects a
difference of 0.09 mg/L, which is the same order of magnitude as the
detection limit. The repeatability of ammonium analyses is therefore
considered to be acceptable;
• The RPDs for barium in KGT7 and BLH4 are 92% and 96%,
respectively. Although these values reflect concentration differences of
0.02 mg/L and 0.03 mg/L, respectively, they are an order of
magnitude greater than the detection limit for barium. The
repeatability of barium analyses is therefore called into question.
• The RPDs for uranium in KGT7 and BLH4 are 55% and 74%,
respectively. However, these values reflect differences between the
parent and duplicate samples of 0.03 mg/L and 0.07 mg/L,
respectively, which are of the same order of magnitude as the
detection limit. The repeatability of uranium analyses is therefore
considered to be acceptable.
• RPDs for both zinc and cobalt in sample BLH4 are 67%. However,
these represent concentration differences of 0.006 mg/L and 0.002
mg/L, respectively, which are of the same orders of magnitude of the
Water quality in the study area was compared to the South African Water
Quality Guidelines for domestic purposes as well as livestock watering
(Department of Water Affairs and Foresty , 1996).
• The domestic use target values for iron (0.1 mg/L), manganese (0.05
mg/L) and lead (0.01 mg/L) are exceeded in several samples. The
highest iron (84.32 mg/L), manganese (69.3 mg/L) and lead (0.028
mg/L) concentrations were detected in sample GAMS5, which has the
lowest pH of any of the samples. Concentrations of iron and
manganese in this sample exceed the target values for livestock
watering. GAMS5 was also found to contain the highest concentration
of zinc (11.25 mg/L), exceeding the domestic target value of 3 mg/L.
( RS7
Electrical Conductivity (mS/m)
! No Data
Pella GBH09
( < 150.00
( 150.01 - 300.00
( 300.01 - 500.00
(RS2 !
( !
( 500.01 - 1000.00
RS4 GBH01 (
( !
GBH02 !
N14 GBH08
( !
( 1000.01 - 1776.00
( !
AR11 AR10
National Route
1 !
( !
Main Road
AR 9
Secondary Road
AR 8 !
(AR12 N14
Other Road
! !
( Track/Footpath
AR 7
AR 2 !
(! Ephemeral Rivers
! (
! (
( GAMS 10
Flood Plains
( (23
! 27
AR 5 (
! (
BH 1
9 ! BH 2
GAMB 1 (
To ! !
BLH4 (
! GAMS 9 !
( !
L oo
( !
( (
p1 (!
! GAMS 3
!( (
GAM 75
4 BH6
N1 !
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
BLH1 16
DG 77 !
( (
! ( KGT4
( !
KGT3 Figure: 4.10 EC as a measurement of
groundwater quality
DG 67 KGT5
( !
DG 68
DATE:Jan 2013 CHECKED: MP PROJECT: 0164903
( !
( !
A! !
( 0
BH 3
DG 43
Cations are generally more tightly clustered than anions, and indicate a
mixture of Na, Ca and Mg, with Na generally being the dominant ion. Anions
show a considerably wider spread, with most samples defining a trend from
alkalinity to chloride dominated. Samples that are alkalinity dominated
generally have lower EC than those that are chloride dominated, indicating an
evolution of water from fresher alkalinity dominated water to more saline
chloride dominated water. This is clearly illustrated in Figure 4.16, where
samples become more chloride dominated at higher EC. Salts are likely to
concentrate in soils following rainfall. Occasional heavy rainfall will leach the
accumulated salts into the groundwater. The lower the recharge, the more
salts can concentrate. Minerals will precipitate in soils in order of increasing
solubility ie calcite (CaCO 3 ) will precipitate before halite (NaCl), and will also
dissolve in order of decreasing solubility ie halite will dissolve before calcite.
This results in fractionation of salts with alkalinity remaining in the soil as
calcite, and chloride being transported into the groundwater, often at high
concentrations due to the accumulation of salts over time in the semi-arid
environment. Therefore, samples with higher alkalinity indicate recharge in
areas of higher rainfall and higher chloride indicates recharge in areas where
there is little rainfall. Alkalinity dominated samples are mostly located close
to the inselberg, which has a higher average rainfall than the surrounding
Group 4: Chloride-alkalinity-sulphate
4.9.5 Historical Groundwater Chemical Data
Figure 4.18 Groundwater pH Measurements for selected sampling Locations (2001 -2012)
Figure 4.20 Groundwater sulphate (mg/L) Concentrations for selected sampling Locations
(2001 -2012)
The highly fractured and weathered hard rock terrain of the white quartzite
unit, the schist, and the gneiss, are considered to be water-bearing units, or
secondary permeability aquifers.
Groundwater levels close to the inselberg are higher than the ones in the
plains and show a gradual increase in groundwater level closer to the
inselberg, very closely mimicking topography. The above indicates that the
groundwater flow in the Gamsberg is hydraulically connected to the
groundwater in the plains and that there is groundwater flow across the
geological units from the quartzite on Gamsberg, through the sillimanite
schist, to the gneiss on the plains. This is to be expected given the highly
faulted and folded environment, such that a typically low hydraulic
conductivity material such as a schist, becomes permeable. Pump test
information shows similar ranges of hydraulic conductivities in the gneiss,
schist and quartzite, and shows a broadly confined character in the pump test
• Groundwater, as a resource
• Users of groundwater, including
o Privately owned boreholes
o The environment, ie groundwater discharge to springs, and
plants or trees dependent on shallow groundwater
Given that the water level data is interpreted to indicate hydraulic continuum,
and that a hydraulic continuum allows a more conservative scenario of
transmission of impact to be assessed, this is the appropriate approach for an
impact assessment modelling exercise. It allows a monitoring plan to be
established based on a realistic yet conservative understanding of the natural
system. Furthermore, the worth of representing 3D complexity in a model
which by definition is low confidence, (due to the long timescale prediction,
and the calibration with stresses less than those modelled), is questionable.
A groundwater recharge rate of 2 mm/a was used over the three inselbergs
located within the model domain, Gamsberg, Aggenys-se-Berge and Achab-
se-Berge (see Section 4.6).
Groundwater Abstraction
Existing (known) farm abstraction boreholes within the model domain were
included in the steady state model. Table 6.1 details the abstraction rates
Eight springs were implemented in the model using Seepage Face BCs (Dirichlet
BC with a maximum flow constraint = 0m3/d). The spring locations are
depicted in Figure 6.2. Spring GAMS9 to the east of the Gamsberg and ACH1
on the Achab-se-Berge were included as well as six springs along the Kloof
including GAMS7. The locations of springs in the Kloof were based on field
Figure 6.3 depicts the mesh including refinement used for the steady state
model, containing 11 887 elements and 5 968 nodes in total. The model was
subsequently refined during transient flow and transport modelling (Section
Based on the available aquifer test data, the responses observed in the tested
boreholes indicate confined behaviour as expected from a fractured aquifer
(refer Section 4.5). Therefore the aquifer was modelled as a confined aquifer.
The fault-zone inferred by AATS (2000) to the south and west of the Gamsberg
was not implemented in this model for following reasons:
• Although the western portion of the fault is marked on the 1 : 250 000
geological map (Figure 3.8), the portion close to the Gamsberg was
inferred by AATS (2000);
• One borehole (BLH3) had an elevated K value based on slug tests (AATS,
2000) and was interpreted to have intersected a fault;
• AATS (2000) assumed that the intersected fault was an extension of the
major fault indicated further west on maps, and included the fault to
model a worst case scenario based on the previous position of the tailings
storage facility, which was moved to the north; and
• This fault is not expected to have any influence on the results of this
modelling exercise due to the location of potential sources and receptors.
T6 Pit
Calibration was performed using both manual and automated methods. For
automated parameter estimation methods PEST (Doherty, Brebber, & Whyte,
1994) was used.
BH_ID X (m) Y (m) (mamsl)
AR_4 299924 6766289 875
AR_5 298288 6764796 861
AR_7 299667 6768481 917
AR_9 301250 6770394 926
AR11 299975 6771506 942
BH_1 305582 6763141 957
BH_3 302053 6761867 1003
BH11 302453 6761774 992
BH5 303692 6765160 909
BLH3 296700 6762667 822
BLH4 297929 6762933 841
DG_67 301912 6762119 1002
DG_68 302104 6762032 1005
DG_77 302492 6762353 992
GAM_75 303387 6761849 988
GAMB_1 302576 6762724 987
GAMB_4 302136 6761748 1008
GAMB_5 302239 6761931 998
GAMS_10 307711 6764644 834
GAMS_3 304001 6762363 990
GAMS_8 302420 6766451 877
LUS1 307422 6755398 851
No1 296591 6770869 929
No10 302423 6761925 985
No16 308028 6757770 864
No23 304961 6764856 889
No25 310235 6767651 842
No27 316036 6764674 833
No28 313482 6763587 833
No4 304749 6766594 858
No6 301909 6764417 998
No8 300731 6763632 986
No9 301259 6763315 987
Notes: Co-ordinates in WGS84 – UTM 34S
BH ID Borehole Identification
Piezometric heads for the calibrated steady state models range from
650 mamsl in the north-east of the model domain to 1,130 mamsl on the
Gamsberg. The main groundwater flow directions are from the Gamsberg in
north-easterly and south-westerly direction (Figure 6.5).
Scatter Diagram
Calibrated Parameters
Optimised transmissivity (T) values are between 5·10-3 and 1·101 m2/d (Table
6.3). Higher T values were obtained for T3 (drainage lines to north-east) and
T6 (quaternary sediments) enabling water drainage in the plains towards the
modelled outflow boundaries.
The steady state water budget of the whole model domain is shown in Table
6.4. In flux represents water flowing into the groundwater system
(aquifer/model) and out flux represents water leaving the system
(groundwater discharge).
Water flows into the model domain via recharge on the inselbergs (535 m3/d)
and leaves the model through regional groundwater outflows in the north-
east (330 m3/d) and south-west (150 m3/d) of the model domain. Further,
groundwater is removed from the system by water abstraction from farm
boreholes (50 m3/d) and through springs. Discharging springs includes
GAMS7 in the Kloof (1 m3/d) and GAMS9 to the east of the Gamsberg (4
It was not possible to re-create the conditions of the Kloof springs (i.e
groundwater at surface at discrete points). Only one of the modelled springs
in the Kloof actively discharges water under pre-mining conditions (GAMS7).
This is an effect of the scale of the model, indicating that small scale features
cannot be represented in the regional model. This indicates that the
groundwater table may be not so close to surface in places, and local scale
structural control allows groundwater to seep to surface at the springs
combined with topographical control.
Also, spring ACH1 east of the Gamsberg did not flow in the model. However,
there is very limited data available for this region (Achab-se-Berge) and
considering the distance of this spring from the planned mining operations,
this does not represent a major issue.
In a steady state system total inflow and total outflow fluxes are equal. Total
flux into and leaving the model domain equals 535 m3/d.
In-Flux Out-Flux
Flow Component (m3/d) (m3/d)
Recharge 535
Regional Groundwater Outflow 480
Well Abstraction 50
Springs 5
Sums 535 535
Confidence Levels
T Zone Calibrated Value (m2/d) 95% Lower Limit 95% Upper Limit
T1 3E-01 2E-02 5E+00
T2 3E-02 2E-02 5E-02
T3 7E+00 3E+00 1E+01
T4 1E-01 6E-03 1E+00
T5 5E-03 5E-229 4E+219
T6 1E+01 5E+00 3E+01
T7 4E-01 2E-01 1E+00
Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity analysis was carried out using PEST for transmissivity and
recharge. Figure 6.7 presents the relative sensitivities for the respective
parameters. Relative sensitivity of a parameter is a measure of the changes in
model outputs that are incurred by a change in the value of the parameter
(Doherty, Brebber, & Whyte, 1994).
Changes in sensitive parameters (RCH, T2) will have a greater impact on the
model output than less sensitive parameters.
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 RCH
During model setup, the steady state groundwater flow model is converted
into a transient (“time-dependent”) groundwater flow model in order to run a
number of simulations and predictive model scenarios.
The planned open pit mine with associated waste rock dumps (WRDs) and a
tailings storage facility (TSF) were modelled. The location of these
infrastructure components is presented in Figure 6.8.
The geometry of the model domain, boundaries and discretization were taken
from the steady state model as well as the optimized time-independent
parameters like transmissivities and recharge values. Further, the solution of
the calibrated steady state model was used as initial hydraulic head
distribution for the transient models.
The model setup for the mining and post-closure models is detailed in the
following sections.
The open pit mining operation was implemented in the models using yearly
time steps according to the mine plan and schedule supplied by the client.
Mining progress plans (mining schedule) indicate the stages of the proposed
mine on an annual basis over a time period of 19 years. The open pit is
partitioned into five pushbacks, which are depicted in Figure 6.9. The yearly
production schedule detailing the pit bottom per year is detailed in Annex B.
3 5
Push back 1 Push back 2 Push back 3 Push back 4 Push back 5
Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant
Head Head Head Head Head
Time Elevation Time Elevation Time Elevation Time Elevation Time Elevation
[days] [mamsl] [days] [mamsl] [days] [mamsl] [days] [mamsl] [days] [mamsl]
365 1100 1095 1100 1095 1100 1095 1100 2920 1100
730 1040 1460 1040 1460 1080 1460 1100 3285 1100
1095 950 1825 970 1825 1060 1825 1100 3650 1100
1460 870 2190 880 2190 1020 2190 1100 4015 1000
1825 800 2555 780 2555 970 2555 1100 4380 1000
2920 730 2920 730 2920 890 2920 1090 4745 960
4380 700 4380 700 3285 840 3285 1010 5110 910
5840 650 5840 650 3650 800 3650 950 5475 840
7300 550 7300 550 4015 740 4015 930 5840 750
4380 700 4380 850 6205 680
5840 650 4745 790 6570 640
7300 550 5110 730 6935 570
5475 680 7300 550
5840 650
Groundwater recharge over the pit void whilst being mined was set at zero.
The groundwater model results therefore calculated the net volume of
groundwater inflow into the pit, and do not contain the additional volume of
direct rainfall to the open pit. These were, however, added to the pit water
A raised water table can be expected under WRDs compared to the pre
mining situation, caused by the increase in recharge over the dump. This is in
turn caused by the disruption of natural material, increase in hydraulic
conductivity and the higher porosity of the dumps reducing the amount of
surface runoff and increasing the amount of infiltration. An increase in
recharge to 20% MAP (30 mm/a) was incorporated in the model over the
footprint of the two WRDs (Vermeulen, 2006).
Due to the expected high porosity and hydraulic conductivity of the waste
rock material, it is assumed that no groundwater mounding will happen in the
dumps. Therefore, toe seeps were modelled at ground level using Hydraulic
Head (Dirichlet) BCs with variable head based on topography, including a
maximum flow constraint to prevent inflow.
Tailings (slurry) deposition will commence in year 2 and continue up until the
end of mining in year 19 according to the mine plan provided by the client.
For the geochemical assessment a TSF water balance was estimated based on
the available data (Geochemistry Specialist Study).
• A saturated pond will form on the surface of the TSF with an area of 30%
of the total surface area of the top;
• The phreatic surface within the TSF was assumed at one third of the
embankment height at the respective time during operation; and
• The embankment height will increase linearly with time up to the
maximum height of 70 m and initial elevation is assumed at 950 mamsl.
The TSF was modelled using Fluid-Transfer BC (3rd kind or Cauchy type) with
the head set at the embankment height in the respective year of development.
1 920.0
2 950.0
3 954.1
4 958.2
5 962.4
6 966.5
7 970.6
8 974.7
9 978.8
10 982.9
11 987.1
12 991.2
13 995.3
14 999.4
15 1003.5
16 1007.6
17 1011.8
18 1015.9
19 1020.0
20 920.0
Time step size was automatically determined in FEFLOW using the second
order accurate (AB/TR 1) predictor-corrector scheme. An initial time-step length
of 10-3 d was used and a final simulation time of 43 800 d.
Mesh Refinement
The finite element (FE) mesh was subsequently refined in proximity of the
modelled mine infrastructure (pit, WRDs and TSF) to ensure numerical
stability. The final FE mesh is presented in Figure 6.10.
Source Terms
The SO 4 leachate concentrations for the TSF vary with time from 670 mg/L in
year 2 to 12 110 mg/L in year 19 (end of mining) (Figure 6.11). After mine
closure, the tailings disposal will cease and the remaining water body on top
of the TSF will be drained. Therefore the Mass-Source was switched off after
closure. Leachate rates were calculated by the model to between 20 and 80
m3/d, which were loaded with the respective concentrations resulting in
source values of 0.02 to 2 g/m2/day.
Transport Parameters
Porosity of fractured rock is reported to be between 0.00 and 0.05 (Freeze &
Cherry, 1979). A conservative value of 0.005 was used for the model. Further,
an average aquifer thickness of 100m was used. Table 6.8 shows a summary of
transport parameters used in the model.
(1) 1(Freeze & Cherry, 1979) determined D* = ω D, with ω ranging from 0.5 to 0.01 for species that are not absorbed onto the
mineral surface. A conservative value of 0.5 was therefore assumed for ω.
Pit inflow rates were modelled for the life of mine and 100 years post closure.
The pit inflow rates averaged for each year are given in Table 7.1. Inflow rates
increase from 0 L/s in year one to 10 L/s (890 m3/d) in year 19. AATS (2000)
had a result of 8 L/s as the maximum inflow – thus these results are similar.
After mine closure the inflow rates steadily decrease to 3 L/s (240 m3/d) at
100 years post-closure (year 119), because the gradient towards the pit is
A simplified pit water balance is shown in Table 7.2. Water sources in the pit
water balance are (i) groundwater inflows (pit inflows), (ii) direct rainfall into
the pit and (iii) surface water run-off into the pit; and the only sink is
The water balance calculation suggests that there is a water deficit in every
year due to the high evaporation in the area hence the maximum inflow of 10
L/s during year 19 is unlikely to be visible. Therefore it is currently believed
that there will be no need for active pumping on a regular basis. However,
due to the nature of rainfall patterns in the area (Section 3.3), it is possible that
periodical pumping is needed following rain events.
The modelled change in hydraulic head across the modelled domain is shown
in Figure 7.1 (north to south) and Figure 7.2 (west to east) as cross-section
graphs of hydraulic head at different times, including (i) pre-mining, (ii) end
of mining and (iii) 100 years after mine closure. The location of the different
cross-sections is indicated in Figure 7.3.
The pre-mining piezometric head mimics topography and is higher under the
Gamsberg than on the plains. At the end of mining the head is at the base of
the pit, with steep hydraulic gradients around it due to the low hydraulic
conductivity of the formation. The maximum drawdown in the pit is
approximately 500m.
Groundwater mounds are visible on the northern and western base of the
Gamsberg due to increased recharge under the WRDs. This mound remains
after closure on the western side only, whereas the one on the northern side
disappears due to the expansion of the drawdown cone.
The change in hydraulic head with time is show in Figure 7.4 for a number of
observation points on and around the Gamsberg. The location of the
observation points is shown in Figure 7.5.
This shows the hydraulic head reduction at points south-east and north-east of
the pit (GAMS1, GAMB3, BH5), and a rise in hydraulic head at the waste rock
Figure 7.4 Hydraulic Head Time Series on- and surrounding the Gamsberg
Figure 7.5 Location of Observation Points on- and surrounding the Gamsberg
Figure 7.6, Figure 7.7, and Figure 7.8 show the change in hydraulic head in plan
view (hydraulic head at said time minus initial water level, with negative
values being a drop in water level or drawdown and positive being an
increase or groundwater mounding). These are presented at the end of
mining, 50 years post closure and 100 years post closure. Existing (known)
farm-boreholes are indicated with crosses, and labelled with the borehole ID.
The drawdown cone induced by the planned mining activities develops from
the pit towards the north-east, east, south and south-west. Drawdown is not
expected to expand towards the west due to the increased recharge on the
The modelled water level within the TSF at the end of mining equals 25 metres
above initial topographic surface elevation. This represents approximately
one third of the height of the dam (70 m), which is in line with the engineering
of the TSF.
The pond on the TSF will be drained during mine decommissioning and the
groundwater mound will steadily seep away. Modelling results suggest, that
2-3 years after mine closure, the water level will drop below surface level
(bottom of the TSF). Groundwater levels are expected to reach pre-mining
levels approximately 80 years post-closure. The mound underneath WRDs
will remain as infiltration continues indefinitely.
The waste rock dump consists of significantly coarser material than the
surrounding country rock, allowing increased infiltration, and hence is
modelled with an increased recharge, from 1% MAP to 20% MAP (Vermeulen,
2006). This results in a groundwater mound of maximum 50m compared to
pre-mining levels, which however was not allowed to exceed the topography
(would be drained at the base of the WRD).
Figure 7.7 Hydraulic Head Change at 69 Years (50 Years after Mine Closure)
The predicted change in water level for each known farm borehole is given in
Table 7.3.
The change in hydraulic head for a cross section along to the Kloof is show in
Figure 7.9, with different series indicating various times, including (i) pre-
mining, (ii) end of mining and (iii) 100 years after mine closure.
The difference between the pre-mining piezometric head (red line) and the
end of mining head (green line) gives an indication of the drawdown in
groundwater level along the Kloof, which is 15 to 20 m during mining. At the
end of mining the piezometric level in the Kloof has reduced, however the
groundwater gradient is still towards the plains hence water still flows out
along the Kloof at depth.
After mine closure the mine pit continues to act as a sink to groundwater flow
because of the elevated evaporation rates and therefore the drawdown extent
will also increase. At 100 years post closure groundwater levels in the Kloof
are expected to decrease by 100-125m and hence the hydraulic gradient along
the Kloof is reversed and water is flowing from the plains towards the
Gamsberg (pit).
The pre-mining natural groundwater major inflows and outflows across the
modelled area are indicated by the red bars in Figure 7.10, where inflows
(recharge) equal outflows (boundary outflow and well abstraction).
At the end of mining (green bars) recharge has increased due to the increased
recharge over the waste rock dumps. However, not all of this increased
recharge is actually reaching groundwater, since 50% of it is drained at the
base of the WRDs on average over the 19 operational years. In the figure only
net recharge rates are displayed, ie drained portion was subtracted.
Total outflows (pit inflow, boundary outflow and well abstraction) are greater
than model inflows (recharge) indicating that a part of the outflows is coming
from groundwater storage. Regional groundwater boundary outflows are
reduced slightly during mining (-6%) and post-closure (-14%) compared to
pre-mining outflows.
1 000
Table 7.4 Groundwater Fluxes Pre-Mining (Baseline), End of Mining and 100 Years Post
As detailed in Table 7.4 spring flow in the Kloof (GAMS7) decreases from
1m3/d pre-mining to zero at the end of mining. The discharge of the spring in
the east of the Gamsberg (GAMS9) remains at 4 m3/d at the end of mining
and is reduced to 3 m3/d 100 years after mine closure.
Kloof Cross-Section
Leachate rates from the TSF and WRDs are in the order of 80 and 130 m3/d
respectively at the end of mining. Modelling results suggest, that the leachate
rate from the WRDs will increase after mine closure to 170 m3/d in year 119.
Figure 7.12, Figure 7.13 and Figure 7.14 show the sulphate plumes emanating
from WRDs and TSF for different time stages (end of mining, 50 years post
closure and 100 years post closure). The figures show groundwater
The plumes grow over time due to the continued leaching and combined
dispersion and diffusion processes. SO 4 concentration of leachate released
from the TSF is increasing over time and is higher than the SO 4 concentration
of leachate from the WRDs. Therefore, the maximum SO 4 concentration
modelled is observed underneath the TSF at 10 500 mg/L, at the end of
mining. Thereafter, the SO 4 concentrations in groundwater underneath the
TSF will decrease slowly (refer Table 7.5) and the plume will start to move
Figure 7.14 Sulphate Plume in Year 119 (100 Years after Mine Closure)
The plumes emanating from the WRDs have larger extent and transport
distances, with a maximum of 1 200 m after 100 years post-closure (refer Table
7.5). This is mainly due to the larger source area of the WRDs compared to the
TSF, greater seepage rates and continued seepage after mine closure. The
plumes do not expand across the pit boarder, as all inflow into the pit
evaporates. SO 4 mass flux into the pit is discussed in Section 7.2.2 below.
Modelling results further suggest that existing (known) farm boreholes will
not be impacted by SO 4 contamination. The borehole located closest to any
SO 4 plume is AR2, located on the farm Aroams, which remains 3km south-
west of the plume emanating from the TSF. The nearest farm boreholes are
indicated with crosses on the figures.
SO 4 mass loads flowing into the pit from the WRDs located immediately on
the western pit boarder were quantified. Further, the volumes and quality of
water seeping out at the base of the WRDs, captured by the toe drains, was
equally quantified using the model.
Water seeping out at the base of the TSF is not considered in the groundwater
model and therefore quantification was not possible. However, the TSF water
balance used for geochemical modelling (ERM, 2013) indicates that significant
seepage rates of contaminated water can be expected at the base of the TSF.
Modelling results indicate that the SO 4 concentration of pit inflow water from
the western pit boundary will increase to 670mg/L at the end of mining and
increase further to 1 580mg/L 100 years post-closure (Table 7.6). Combined
with pit inflow rates of 140 – 180m3/d, sulphate mass flux of 120kg/day is
expected at the end of mining and will increase to 220kg/day 100 years post-
As discussed in Section 7.1.1, it is unlikely that water will be visible in the pit
except following rain events. These results therefore indicate a potential
accumulation of salts and other contaminants in the pit.
At the base of the WRDs, seepage will occur mainly due to the increased
recharge through the coarse material stored in the WRDs. It is anticipated that
this will mainly happen following rain events. However, since the
groundwater models do not take into account discrete rain events but rather a
mean annual precipitation resulting in a mean annual recharge value, average
yearly seepage rates were calculated and the water quality determined in
terms of SO 4 concentrations.
Average yearly seepage rates during operation are expected to be in the order
of 20 – 140 m3/d (refer Table 7.7). However, these could fluctuate due to the
erratic rainfall patterns observed in the area.
Table 7.7 Waste Rock Dump Average Yearly Seepage Rates and Quality (Toe Drains)
Sensitivity analyses were conducted and the sensitivity of the model output
was quantified with respect to different input parameters, including specific
storage, aquifer thickness, porosity, molecular diffusion coefficient and
Each of these parameters was changed by one order of magnitude and the
sensitivity quantified by determining their relative effects on drawdown and
pit inflows (flow model); and on plume size (transport model). A summary of
the sensitivity analysis is provided in this section and the detailed results are
appended in Annex C.
Flow Model
Transport Model
Figure 7.15 presents the relative sensitivities of the tested parameters on the
transport model. The percentage represents the % change in plume size (area)
as a result to the one order of magnitude change of the respective input
The most sensitive parameters are aquifer thickness and porosity. Both
influence the results of the transport model in the same way. As for the
transport parameters, the sensitivity of molecular diffusion is not significant,
whereas the dispersivity is a sensitive parameter. Specific storage has no
significant influence on transport model results.
The modelling results from steady state, mine and transport models are
discussed in this section. Conclusions are drawn from the discussion with
regards to the groundwater impact assessment.
Rainfall in the area is of erratic nature and it has been reported that 100% of
the average annual precipitation can occur during one 24 hour rain event. The
groundwater response to rainfall events is currently not well understood as no
continuous groundwater level measurements are available. However, it is
thought that the natural variations in groundwater levels remain within a few
meters and therefore within the model accuracy.
Recharge was found to be the most sensitive parameter with regards to the
steady state solution followed by the transmissivity zone T2 (Gamsberg outer
zone: mainly white quartzite, sillimanite schist). Further data collection and
calibration effort should therefore be focussed on improving the
certainty/confidence in these parameters since changing them will have the
largest effect on model results (see Section 9).
Modelling results suggest further, that mining will have a significant impact
on the groundwater flow regime in the Kloof. Although the Kloof is a local
feature, which cannot be adequately represented in a regional model, it was
possible to calculate relative water level changes and draw conclusions from
the results.
Sensitivity analysis has shown that the parameter specific storage has a
significant impact on drawdown extent, whereas the impact on pit inflows is
less significant. Further data collection and calibration effort should include
this parameter.
The seepage from WRDs is controlled by increased recharge from rainfall due
to the disruption of natural material, increase in hydraulic conductivity and
the higher porosity of the dumps reducing the amount of surface runoff and
increasing the amount of infiltration. Therefore the seepage from WRDs is not
expected to stop after mine closure unless suitable infiltration control
measures (ie capping) are implemented.
WRDs are located immediately adjacent to the mine pit and contaminated
seepage from the WRDs is expected to partly flow into the pit. It is unlikely
that water will be visible in the pit except following rain events. Due to the
high evaporation rate, salts and other contaminants are expected to
accumulate in the pit and can be dissolved and mobilised during heavy rain
events. Pumped water from the pit following heavy rain events could
therefore be heavily contaminated and might need to be treated before
discharge into the environment.
Further, toe seepage is expected to occur at the base of the WRDs following
heavy rain events. This seepage is expected to be contaminated and suitable
management measures should be in place to prevent the release of this
contaminated water into the environment. These include the collection of
seepage water (ie by the means of toe drains) and the treatment of collected
water to applicable standards prior to release into the environment.
The most sensitive of the additional parameters needed for solute transport
simulations are aquifer thickness and porosity. As for the transport
parameters, the sensitivity of molecular diffusion is not significant, whereas
the dispersivity is a sensitive parameter. Specific storage has no significant
influence on transport model results. Further data collection and calibration
effort should include porosity and aquifer thickness.
The adequate assessment and evaluation of the potential impacts and benefits
that will be associated with the proposed Project necessitates the development
of a methodology that will reduce the subjectivity involved in making such
evaluations. A clearly defined methodology is used in order to accurately
determine the significance of the predicted impact on, or benefit to, the
surrounding natural and/or social environment. For this the Project must be
considered in the context of the area and the people that will be affected.
Likelihood Definition
Unlikely The event is unlikely but may occur at
some time during normal operating
Possible The event is likely to occur at some
time during normal operating
Likely/ Certain The event will occur during normal
operating conditions (ie, it is
essentially inevitable).
Assessing Significance
Once the impact characteristics are understood, these characteristics are used
(in a manner specific to the resource/receptor in question) to assign each
impact a magnitude. Magnitude is a function of the following impact
• Extent (1)
• Duration (2)
• Scale
• Frequency
• Likelihood
Magnitude essentially describes the degree of change that the impact is likely
to impart upon the resource/receptor. The magnitude designations are as
• Positive
• Negligible
• Small
• Medium
• Large
(1) Important in defining ‘extent’ is the differentiation between the spatial extent of impact (ie the physical distance of the
impact in terms of on-site, local, regional, national or international) and the temporal extent/ effect of an impact may have (ie
a localised impact on restricted species may lead to its extinction and therefore the impact would have global
(2) Duration must consider irreversible impacts (ie permanent).
The magnitude of impacts takes into account all the various dimensions of a
particular impact in order to make a determination as to where the impact
falls on the spectrum from negligible to large. Some impacts will result in
changes to the environment that may be immeasurable, undetectable or
within the range of normal natural variation. Such changes can be regarded as
essentially having no impact, and should be characterised as having a
negligible magnitude.
• Low
• Medium
• High
(1) Irreplaceable (SANBI, 2013): “In terms of biodiversity, irreplaceable areas are those of highest biodiversity value outside the formal
protected area network. They support unique biodiversity features, such as endangered species or rare habitat patches that do not occur
anywhere else in the province. These features have already been so reduced by loss of natural habitat, that 100% of what remains must
be protected to achieve biodiversity targets.”
Based on the context for defining significance, the impact significance rating
will be determined, using the matrix below.
Sensitivity/Vulnerability/Irreplaceability of
Low Medium High
Once the significance of a given impact has been characterised using the above
matrix, the next step is to evaluate what mitigation measures are warranted.
In keeping with the Mitigation Hierarchy, the priority in mitigation is to first
apply mitigation measures to the source of the impact (ie, to avoid or reduce
the magnitude of the impact from the associated Project activity), and then to
address the resultant effect to the resource/receptor via abatement or
compensatory measures or offsets (ie, to reduce the significance of the effect
once all reasonably practicable mitigations have been applied to reduce the
impact magnitude). A demonstration of the application of the mitigation
hierarchy must be outlined in the specialist reports, for purposes of
Once mitigation measures are declared, the next step in the Impact
Assessment Process is to assign residual impact significance. This is essentially
a repeat of the impact assessment steps discussed above, considering the
assumed implementation of the additional declared mitigation measures.
• Avoid at Source; Reduce at Source: avoiding or reducing at source through the design of the
Project (e.g., avoiding by siting or re-routing activity away from sensitive areas or reducing by
restricting the working area or changing the time of the activity).
• Abate on Site: add something to the design to abate the impact (e.g., pollution control
equipment, traffic controls, perimeter screening and landscaping).
• Abate at Receptor: if an impact cannot be abated on-site then control measures can be
implemented off-site (e.g., noise barriers to reduce noise impact at a nearby residence or fencing
to prevent animals straying onto the site).
• Repair or Remedy: some impacts involve unavoidable damage to a resource (e.g. agricultural
land and forestry due to creating access, work camps or materials storage areas) and these
impacts can be addressed through repair, restoration or reinstatement measures.
• Compensate in Kind; Compensate Through Other Means: where other mitigation approaches
are not possible or fully effective, then compensation for loss, damage and disturbance might be
appropriate (e.g., planting to replace damaged vegetation, financial compensation for damaged
crops or providing community facilities for loss of fisheries access, recreation and amenity
Cumulative impacts and effects are those that arise as a result of an impact
and effect from the Project interacting with those from another activity to
create an additional impact and effect. These are termed cumulative impacts
and effects.
The ESIA Report will predict any cumulative impacts/effects to which the
Project may contribute. The approach for assessing cumulative impacts and
effects resulting from the Project and another activity affecting the same
resource/receptor is based on a consideration of the approval/existence status
of the ‘other’ activity and the nature of information available to aid in
predicting the magnitude of impact from the other activity.
The planned open pit mining operation will dewater the aquifer on and
around the Gamsberg and a drawdown cone will develop predominantly
Groundwater is used in the area and represents the sole source of water for a
number of farmers despite groundwater quality in the study area being
considered unsuitable for domestic use or livestock watering when compared
to South African Water Quality Guidelines (Department of Water Affairs and
Foresty , 1996). Farm boreholes closest to the planned Project are located in
between 5.5 and 7km away from the planned open pit and remain unaffected
during operation as the drawdown cone will be confined to the Project site.
The Sensitivity/Vulnerability/Importance of the groundwater resource was
rated as Medium since the groundwater resource is an important water
supply in the area. The planned activity will not result in the loss of
irreplaceable resource with regards to the groundwater resource.
Nature: Operational activities would result in a negative direct impact the groundwater
resource in the Project Area.
Groundwater levels are not expected to recover after mine closure because the
pit will continue to act as a groundwater sink due to the high evaporation
rates, which will result in the expansion of the drawdown cone. The
maximum drawdown in close proximity of the pit remains at approximately
Two farm boreholes located between 6 and 7km away from the planned open
pit are expected to experience drawdowns of between 5 to 10m approximately
Nature: Operational activities would result in a negative direct impact the groundwater
resource in the Project Area.
The impact cannot be mitigated and therefore the impact significance for
operational and post-closure phases remain unchanged. The pre- and post-
mitigation impacts are compared in Table 8.7 below.
Table 8.7 Pre- and Post- Mitigation Significance: Groundwater Level Changes
Groundwater is used in the area and represents the sole source of water for a
number of farmers. Private groundwater users are not expected to be
significantly impacted during mining as the drawdown cone remains at a
distance of more than 4km from the closest receptors being BLH1 and ACH2.
Nature: Operational activities would result in a negative direct impact the groundwater
resource in the Project Area.
Should monitoring confirm that any of the private boreholes are affected by
lowering the groundwater table, rendering boreholes unusable (ie loss of
water supply source), the client will compensate affected famers for their loss,
replacing the lost water supply source. This can be achieved for example by
drilling new boreholes for the affected farmers outside of the drawdown cone,
by increasing the depth of the existing boreholes or by providing an
alternative good quality water source.
Modelling results suggest that two private boreholes located to the south-east
of the Gamsberg (BLH1 and ACH2) will experience drawdowns of between 5
and 10m approximately 100 years post closure. Other existing (known)
private boreholes will not experience any significant drawdowns (ie less than
5m). However, since the drawdown cone extends to additional farms located
adjacent to the Project, this may impact future groundwater users.
Hydraulic head change is expected to extend off site but remains local in
extent. Groundwater levels are not expected to recover after mine closure,
since the pit will continue to act as a sink to groundwater based on the
elevated evaporation rate, which results in a permanent impact. Lowering of
the hydraulic head due to the proposed mining activities is likely to extend to
groundwater users in the vicinity of the site. The frequency is classified as
continuous due to the nature of the project and the likelihood is likely. The
impact magnitude is therefore rated as Medium and the impact significance
(pre-mitigation) is MODERATE. The degree of confidence in this assessment
is medium.
Nature: Operational activities would result in a negative direct impact on groundwater users in
the vicinity of the Project, post-closure.
The pre- and post-mitigation impacts are compared in Table 8.9 below.
Table 8.9 Pre- and Post- Mitigation Significance: Private Groundwater Users
Table 8.10 Impact Characteristics: Groundwater Level Impacts on Base Flow and Base
Flow Dependant Ecosystems in the Kloof
The ecosystems (vegetation and habitat) in the Kloof are dependent on the
groundwater fed springs. Therefore, the Sensitivity / Vulnerability /
Importance of the groundwater resource is High. The planned activity will
result in the loss of irreplaceable resource.
Box 8.5 Summary of Operational Impact: Impacts on Base Flow and Base Flow
Dependant Ecosystems in the Kloof
Hence the hydraulic gradient along the Kloof will be reversed and water will
flow from the plains towards the Gamsberg (pit). It is not expected that
spring flow will recover post mine closure.
The impact characteristics and magnitude ratings remain unchanged for post-
closure impacts with regards to operational impacts. Significance remains
The impact cannot be mitigated and therefore the impact significance for
operational and post-closure phase remains unchanged. The pre- and post-
mitigation impacts are compared in Table 8.11 below.
Table 8.11 Pre- and Post- Mitigation Significance: Base Flow and Base Flow Dependant
Ecosystems in the Kloof
Nature: Construction activities could have a negative direct impact on groundwater quality.
SO 4 leachate concentrations for tailings storage facility (TSF) and waste rock
dumps (WRDs) were quantified using geochemical modelling for input into
the groundwater model. SO 4 groundwater contamination emanating from
TSF and WRDs was quantified using numerical solute transport modelling.
SO 4 is a conservative tracer, providing an indication of conservative
contaminant extent.
WRDs are located immediately adjacent to the mine pit and contaminated
seepage from the WRDs is expected to partly flow into the pit. It is unlikely
that water will be visible in the pit except following heavy rain events. Due to
the high evaporation rate, salts and other contaminants are expected to
accumulate in the pit and can be dissolved and mobilised during rain events.
Pumped water from the pit following rain events could therefore be heavily
contaminated. Further, toe seepage is expected to occur at the base of the
WRDs following rain events and continuously at the base of the TSF. This
seepage is expected to be contaminated.
Nature: Operational activities would result in a negative direct impact the groundwater
resource in the Project area.
Modelling results indicate that the TSF and WRDs will produce acid rock
drainage (ARD) which is expected to seep into groundwater. This will result
in a moderate significance rating based on the assumptions made during
modelling. Detailed geotechnical and geophysical investigations will be
undertaken prior to construction to refine and confirm assumptions made in
respect to the current studies around the integrity of the subsurface beneath
the TSF. Mitigation measures required to reduce the impact on groundwater
quality include the following:
• Toe drains (interception trenches) along the base of both TSF and WRDs to
intercept drainage and convey to a return water dam. Toe seepage from
these facilities is expected to be contaminated and suitable management
measures should be in place to prevent the release of this contaminated
water into the environment. It is recommended to recycle as much water
as possible and re-use it.
Pumped water from the pit following heavy rain events is expected to be
contaminated and will need to be contained, or treated to applicable standards
if it is to be released into the environment, in accordance with the water use
licence requirements.
The seepage from WRDs is controlled by increased recharge from rainfall due
to the disruption of natural material, increase in hydraulic conductivity and
the higher porosity of the dumps reducing the amount of surface runoff and
increasing the amount of infiltration. Therefore the seepage from WRDs is not
expected to stop after mine closure and is therefore expected to expand
The TSF will be drained at the end of mine and is not expected to continue
releasing contaminants, assuming that due to the fine texture of the tailings
material any rainfall would not result in infiltration but rather surface run-off.
The plume emanating from the TSF is expected to remain in proximity of the
footprint of the facility.
Water quality impacts are expected to be limited to the footprints of the TSF
and WRDs, and are on-site and local in extent. Groundwater quality is not
expected to improve after mine closure, hence it will be a permanent impact.
Leaching of contaminated water from TSF and WRDs will severely alter the
groundwater quality within the footprint of these facilities. The frequency is
classified as continuous due to the nature of the project and the likelihood is
certain. The impact magnitude is rated as Medium since the SO 4
concentrations are high however the extent of the plume is confined to the
mine lease area. The impact significance (pre-mitigation) is MODERATE.
The degree of confidence in this assessment is medium.
Nature: Operational activities would result in a negative direct impact the groundwater
resource in the Project Area.
Water quality impacts are expected to be limited to the footprints of the TSF
and WRDs, and are on-site in extent. Groundwater quality is not expected to
improve after mine closure, hence it will be a permanent impact. Leaching of
contaminated water from TSF and WRDs will remain unaltered the
groundwater quality outside of the footprint of these facilities. The frequency
is classified as continuous due to the nature of the project and the likelihood is
Nature: Operational activities would result in a negative direct impact the groundwater
resource in the Project Area.
The seepage from WRDs is not expected to stop after mine closure and will
therefore continue to expand post-closure. The plume emanating from the
TSF is expected to remain in proximity of the footprint of the facility.
Modelled areal extent of SO 4 plumes 100 years after mine closure are 2.4km2
for the TSF and 8.8km2 for the WRDs which represents increases of 50% and
140% respectively. The maximum travel distance of 1.2km is observed from
the WRDs in south-westerly direction. Private groundwater users are not
expected to be impacted by groundwater contamination as plumes remain
within farms owned by the client.
Water quality impacts are expected to be limited to the footprints of the TSF
and WRDs, and remain on site and local in extent. Groundwater quality is
Nature: Operational activities would result in a negative direct impact the groundwater
resource in the Project Area.
Table 8.15 Pre- and Post- Mitigation Significance: Private Groundwater Users
Based on recent discussions with the Applicant and design engineers, the
following changes to the project layout have been suggested after the
completion of this study. The changes are as follows:
• Relocation of the explosives magazine area from the top of the inselberg
to an area located between the N14 and inselberg. Due to the impacts to
three watercourses on the inselberg, this relocation was requested by
the Specialist Team; and
• Increase in size of the waste rock dump from to 270 hectares to
490 hectares. In order to reduce the slope angle of the waste rock dump
(i.e. from 450 – 350 degree slope), the footprint of the waste rock dump
has increased. This design refinement was in response to DMR
requirements for a waste rock dump.
Suggested changes to the waste rock dump, however, will likely increase the
footprint of the modelled sulphate plumes as detailed in Section 7.2, but the
sulphate and metal concentrations of the leachate might decrease. ERM is of
the opinion that this will, however, not change the impact ratings or proposed
mitigation measures.
• The pit should be maintained such that it remains a water sink even
during exceptionally heavy rains, through ensuring that the final
surface water catchment is minimised such that evaporation exceeds
rainfall and runoff, and groundwater recovery
The monitoring plan has been developed taking into account the best practice
guidelines for water monitoring in the South African mining industry (DWA
2007). The measurement of water levels and taking of groundwater samples
discussed below should proceed according the best practice for monitoring
methods as outlined by Weaver (2007).
The monitoring plan presented in Table 9.1 below addresses the recommended
monitoring required to address items 1, 2 and 3 above. As listed in Section 9.1
above, this is not a standalone monitoring plan, yet needs to be updated as
monitoring data and modelling results are generated, hence it should be
considered a preliminary monitoring plan. Details in support of Table 9.1 are
listed as follows:
• Existing mine owned boreholes (Figure 4.1 and Table 4.2) have been
selected for monitoring, and where there are no boreholes available,
yet monitoring in a certain position is required, a Recommended
Monitoring Borehole is listed (RMBH1 to RMBH10). The approximate
location of these boreholes is shown in Figure 9.1.
• Boundary monitoring boreholes are required for the pit, but are not
individually listed or positioned in Figure 9.1 (listed as RMBHx). Wire-
line vibrating piezometers should be installed for monitoring pore
pressure and wall stability.
o Major metals: Al, Cd, Cu, Fe (Ferric & Ferrous iron), Mn, Pb, Sb,
Zn, U
o Majors constituents pH, EC, TDS, Cl, SO4, NO3, F, Ca, Mg, Na
and K
o It is recommended that the metals are assessed via inductively
coupled plasma – mass spectrometry
AR12 TSF y Quarterly
BH5 GAMS2, 5 Pit Nearfield Quarterly
BH6 6 WRD Farfield 6-monthly
BLH1 14, 13, (12) Pit Farfield 6-monthly
BLH3 MBH 5 WRD Nearfield Quarterly
BLH4 MBH 4 WRD Nearfield Quarterly
GAMB 1 GAMS4 Pit Nearfield Quarterly
GAMB 3 Pit Nearfield Quarterly
GAMB 4 GAMS 5 Pit Nearfield Quarterly
GAMB 5 Pit Nearfield Quarterly
GAMS 3 K1 Pit Nearfield Quarterly
GAMS 8 MBH1 WRD Nearfield Quarterly
LUS1 Pit Farfield 6-monthly
4 Pit Farfield 6-monthly
25 Pit Farfield 6-monthly
RMBH1 TSF Farfield 6-monthly
RMBH2 TSF Farfield 6-monthly
RMBH3 TSF Farfield 6-monthly
Recommended new boreholes
The actions listed in Table 9.2 address the recommended monitoring actions
for item 4 above.
• Drilling should proceed through the base of the ore body to the base of the Pella Quartzite to
establish the 3D surface of the base of the Pella Quartizte, such that the numerical model can be
translated to a 3D model
• Logging of fracture frequency with depth, if possible
• Packer testing over various depths to test water bearing strata at depth
Barnett, B., Townley, L. R., Post, V., Evans, R. E., Hunt, R. J., Peeters, L., . . .
Boronkay, A. (2012). Australian groundwater modelling guidelines. Waterlines
Report. National Water Commission, Canberra.
Brunner, P., Henricks, H.-J., Franssen, L., Kgotlhang, P., Bauer-Gottwein, &
Kinzelbach, W. (2007). How can remote sensing contribute in groundwater.
Hydrogeology Journal 15, 5-18.
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. (1996). South African Water Quality
Guidelines (second edition). Agricultural use: Livestock Watering (2nd ed., Vol. 5).
Department of Water Affairs and Foresty . (1996). South African Water Quality
Guidelines (second edition). Domestic Use (Vol. 1).
Ncube, E. J., & Schutte, C. F. (2005). The occurrence of fluoride in South African
groundwater: A water quality and health problem (Vol. 31).
SANS, 2.-1. (2011). Drinking Water Part 1: Microbiological, physical, aesthetic and
chemical determinands. South African Bureau of Standards (SABS).
Spitz, K., & Moreno, J. (1996). A Practical Guide to Groundwater and Solute
Transport Modeling. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Strydom, Colliston, W. P., Praekelt, H. E., Schoch, A. E., van Aswegen, J. J.,
Beukes, G. J., . . . Botes, F. J. (1987). The techtonic units of parts of Namaqualand,
bushmanland, and Souther South-west Africa / Namibia. Bushmanland Research
Project, Department of Geology, University of the Orange Free State.
Laboratory Report
Test Report Page 1 of 14
Locality description:
RS1 RS2+3 RS4 RS5 RS6 RS7 KGT1
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Test Report Page 2 of 14
Locality description:
RS1 RS2+3 RS4 RS5 RS6 RS7 KGT1
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Test Report Page 3 of 14
Locality description:
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Test Report Page 4 of 14
Locality description:
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Test Report Page 5 of 14
Locality description:
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Test Report Page 6 of 14
Locality description:
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Test Report Page 7 of 14
Locality description:
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Test Report Page 8 of 14
Locality description:
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Test Report Page 9 of 14
Locality description:
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Test Report Page 10 of 14
Locality description:
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Test Report Page 11 of 14
Locality description:
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Test Report Page 12 of 14
Locality description:
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Test Report Page 13 of 14
Locality description:
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Test Report Page 14 of 14
Locality description:
A = Accredited N= Not accredited O = Outsourced S = Sub-contracted NR = Not requested RTF = Results to follow NATD = Not able to determine
Results marked 'Not SANAS Accredited' in this report are not included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation for this laboratory.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Measurement of uncertainty available on request for all methods included in the SANAS Schedule of Accreditation.
Results reported against the limit of quantification. Laboratory Manager: H. Holtzhausen 489 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 12 348 2813/4 Fax: +27 12 348 8575
Annex B
Mine Schedule
GAMSBERG NORTH OPEN PIT, Based on Pitshell from Whittle Optimization Run Case 1
Yearly Production Schedule
PERIOD Mill Feed Waste Total Top Bottom Mill Feed Waste Total Top Bottom Mill Feed Waste Total Top Bottom Mill Feed Waste Total Top Bottom Mill Feed Waste Total Top Bottom
Year tonnes tonnes tonnes Elevation Elevation tonnes tonnes tonnes Elevation Elevation tonnes tonnes tonnes Elevation Elevation tonnes tonnes tonnes Elevation Elevation tonnes tonnes tonnes Elevation Elevation
1 - 124 000 000 124 000 000 1120 1040 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 7 140 767 116 859 233 124 000 000 1040 950 - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 9 882 907 34 204 527 44 087 434 950 870 - 71 999 828 71 999 828 1120 1040 - 7 761 190 7 761 190 1110 1080 - 151 548 151 548 1110 1100 - - -
4 3 436 545 5 993 465 9 430 010 870 800 6 482 372 98 471 135 104 953 507 1040 970 - 9 616 483 9 616 483 1080 1060 - - - 1100 1100 - - -
5 - - - 9 834 780 52 697 043 62 531 823 970 880 - 61 468 177 61 468 177 1060 1020 - - - 1100 1100 - - -
6 - - - 6 972 361 20 303 806 27 276 167 880 780 2 731 417 99 992 416 102 723 833 1020 970 - - - 1100 1100 - - -
7 - - - 1 353 950 1 600 715 2 954 665 780 730 8 333 031 117 326 121 125 659 151 970 890 - 1 386 183 1 386 183 1100 1090 - - -
8 - - - - - - 9 612 948 41 780 489 51 393 437 890 840 - 78 346 995 78 346 995 1090 1010 - 259 568 259 568 1100 1100
9 - - - - - - 9 459 193 22 484 241 31 943 434 840 800 291 489 97 765 076 98 056 566 1010 950 - - - 1100 1100
10 - - - - - - 8 991 128 11 307 381 20 298 509 800 740 989 711 39 124 195 40 113 907 950 930 - 69 587 585 69 587 585 1100 1000
11 - - - - - - 2 829 779 1 567 468 4 397 247 740 700 7 008 587 113 046 624 120 055 210 930 850 - 5 547 543 5 547 543 1000 1000
12 - - - - - - - - - 9 807 575 62 936 507 72 744 082 850 790 - 57 255 919 57 255 919 1000 960
13 - - - - - - - - - 9 776 424 34 600 271 44 376 695 790 730 - 85 623 305 85 623 305 960 910
14 - - - - - - - - - 9 425 840 11 201 339 20 627 179 730 680 455 917 108 916 904 109 372 821 910 840
15 - - - - - - - - - 2 129 869 1 324 705 3 454 574 680 650 7 553 134 118 992 292 126 545 426 840 750
16 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 999 995 71 199 295 81 199 290 750 680
17 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 999 995 24 179 601 34 179 596 680 640
18 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 000 000 13 076 287 23 076 287 640 570
19 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 721 297 956 553 2 677 849 570 550
TOTAL 20 460 219 281 057 225 301 517 444 24 643 463 245 072 527 269 715 990 41 957 496 373 303 966 415 261 461 39 429 495 439 883 443 479 312 939 39 730 338 555 594 852 595 325 189
Sensitivity Analysis
Table 1 Sensitivity Analysis Overview, Input Parameters and Results for 100 years
Post Closure
Table 2 Sensitivity Analysis Overview, Input Parameters and Results for 100 years
Post Closure
Drawdown [m] 0 36
Table 3 Sensitivity Analysis Overview, Input Parameters and Results for 100 years
Post Closure