Linares 2013
Linares 2013
Linares 2013
Abstract—One of the main species in the Caribbean cost analytical and holistic mathematical models, and in very few
of Yucatan-Mexico is the Mero (Epinephelus striatus), but the cases modern methods, such as acoustics (Camarena et al.,
fisheries are beginning to go down and the principal reason 1994) are used. For this reason, the present work is important
could be the over-catch. The objective of this work is to study the
aggregations of the Nassau Grouper, as well as the rest of the fish because is the second time that hydroacoustic methods in
populations associated with the slope of the Mexican Caribbean shallow waters of the Mexican part of the Caribbean have
of the Yucatán Peninsula, using hydroacoustic methods, and to been applied.
establish a methodology that allows the continuation of these The technical performance of modern acoustic instruments
studies for the evaluation and a major knowledge of these allow to apply new methodological approaches in the search
resources. In this area the evaluation of the fisheries of fish has
not been a priority. Some acoustic surveys were made over three of solutions for areas that reach from very shallow waters (ref)
years trying to have a contact with the aggregation of Mero in the to the abrupt slope, enabling the study of aggregations of fish
spawning season. The place selected was the Mahahual beach and that live in these areas or that use them as spawning ground.
the south of Chinchorro Bank Reserve. Many triangular transects There is poor information on the characteristics of the ecol-
were execute from 8 m depth to the end of the talud till 60m. ogy and fishery of the Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striatus).
The main hydroacoustic equipments used was the BIOSONICS
DT-5000 at a frequency of 130 kHz and BIOSONICS DT-X at Comments are available on the fishery at the site of Mahahual
208 kHz that represented a good method to study this specie. (18o 43’N, 87o 42’W) in its initial phase (Carranza-Fraser
The TS (target strength) analysis are giving for different depth 1955, Solís-Ramírez 1966, Miller 1982), and more recent
stratas, the must quantity of fish with TS between -35 and - studies deal with the traditional fishery during the spawning
20dB were detected in the slopes of 30 and 50 m depth, possibly aggregations of this species at the same site (Aguilar-Perera,
Mero in spawning. Visual observations from divers reported some
individuals Mero and school of different species that are common 1994), as well as a preliminary study of the Grouper fishery in
in this area. No expected concentrations of Mero were found but the South of Quintana Roo (Sosa-Cordero and Cárdenas-Vidal,
some fishermen report a high Mero aggregation in January 2001 1995).
in Xcalak at south of the surveys. Biological studies of Epinephelus striatus during three pe-
Index Terms—Nassau Grouper; Epinephelus striatus; aggre- riods in the area of Mahahual (1991-1994) report individuals
gation; spawning; echosounder; hydroacoustic.
with lengths between 39 and 88 cm, ranging in weight from
1300-9700 g, and having a sex ratio male to female of 1.4:1
(Aguilar-Perera et. al., 1996). The Nassau Grouper is known
In the State of Quintana Roo, the evaluation of the fisheries for migrating in the Caribbean and concentrates at historic
has not been a priority in the research lines of the existing spawning areas for reproduction with variable intervals of
scientific institutions. The main fisheries activity is centred 3 to 4 days before or after full moon, during December,
on species like Spiny lobster (Panulirus argus), the shrimp January and February. The fishing activity of this area is
(Penaeus schmitti) and the Queen conch (Strombus gigas), considered as artisan fishery, given the degree of development
which present a high economic value for fishermen. Fish in of fishing methods and techniques applied (Miller, 1982 and
general are in third place of importance, and few works related Sosa Cordero and Cardenas-Vidal, 1995). The effects of both,
to them have been developed, most works being on marine artisan and furtive fishery within the aggregations of tropical
lobster and Queen conch. This situation shows the importance and reef fish, like in the case of the Nassau Grouper, have led
of opening perspectives and focus work on the evaluation of to the partial or even total disappearance of these aggregations
the fisheries of fish. The scientific knowledge respect to the at sites used in the past by these fish, in spite of the regulations
evaluation of fish in Mexico is based on the application of for their protection.