ToR For IEE of Riverbed Extraction

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Shailyashikhar Municipality

Office of the Municipal Executive

Gokuleswor, Darchula
Sudurpaschim Province, Nepal


Procurement of Consulting Services


"Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) for the Sustainable

Extraction of Riverbed Materials from Chameliya Rivers at
Shailyashikhar Municipality, Darchula"

December, 2019
Terms of Reference



The main objective of the assignment is to prepare Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) for the Chameliya
River, Shailyashikhar Municipality, Darchula. The principal services to be provided by the consultants to fulfill
the objective of the services are detailed below. However, these services are indicative of the overall tasks to be
performed by the consultants. The consultant shall be responsible for carrying out all necessary office and field
works including topographical map study, alignment assessment, geological assessment, necessary laboratory
testing to prepare ToR and Report, which shall incorporate all the priority issues of work by categorizing them
into physical, biological, socio-economic, and cultural aspects of both Beneficial and Adverse types, for both
pre-construction, construction and post- construction, operational and maintenance stages, as per EPA 1997 and
EPR 1997 with amendments.

2.0 Terms of Reference

The ToR provides guidance to the Consultant to prepare the IEE report. The ToR is meant for listing activities
to be performed during the preparation of the IEE report with specific guidance including:
• Identification and description of the issues to be investigated;
• Systematizations of the working procedures;
• Delineation of the working procedure;
• Delineation of the specific activities be undertaken;
• Fitting the IEE study within the context of existing policies, laws and administrative
• Clarification of the responsibilities of the different institutions involved in the project cycle;
• Setting out a time frame with their required experts for carrying out the IEE study together
with the estimated budget required;
• Accomplishment of the works within the specified time;
• Special emphasis to them out significant aspects of the study and
• Technical guidance relating to the main aspects of the environment which will require
Delineation during the course of the IEE study.
The TOR should follow SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, result oriented and time framed) rule to the
extent possible and with due consideration on the legal provisions and the Schedule-3 of the EPR1997.

Data Collection
The ToR should clearly spell out the methods and techniques, which shall be employed during data collection. For
example, the ToR should indicate the data sources and data collection methods, particularly the primary and
secondary data. It could also include methods, which shall be used while collecting the information. The ToR may
include the following methods as appropriate, and such methods may vary from project to project:

Terms of Reference

Physical Parameters- walk-through survey, inventory, literature review (including feasibility study
and previous works), map study, national level databases,
Biological Parameters- identification of species including protected species along the alignment,
sampling and estimation on influence area, identification of environmentally
sensitive areas (wildlife habitat, wildlife movement/ Animal Passes)
Socio-economic parameters- Semi-structured interview with key informants, asset survey (Project
Affected Families), questionnaire, map interpretation and walkthrough survey,
Focus Group Discussions (FGD)
Cultural and Religious parameters-Walk-through survey, inventory, interview, FGD

Although, there is no practice of indicating the data analysis methods in the TOR for the IEE study, it is
advised to include relevant methods for data analysis so as to minimise the methodological errors.

Environmental Impacts
The ToR should clearly indicate the types of environmental issues that should be mentioned in the IEE
report. The IEE report should evaluate the impacts of the Sustainable Extraction of River Materials from
Chameliya Rivers on the environment as follows:
• Impact identification
• Impact prediction
•Determination of significant impacts (As per National Environmental Impact Assessment
Guideline (NEIA Guideline 1993)
Efforts should be made to include appropriate tools such as checklist, matrices, network, overlay
methods, and other enhanced tools for data analysis and prediction of the impacts. The TOR should also
include the type of methods that should be used to evaluate the significance of the impacts. This section
should clearly indicate the requirements of impact identification, prediction and evaluation on the
following aspects or as applicable to the Project:

Physical Issues/Chemical Issues

 Landscape disturbance
 Landslide, soil erosion and slope stability issues
 Sediment transport/Scouring
 Air quality (if it is possible)
 Noise level (if it is possible)
 Issues infrastructures has on irrigation, channel water supply, transmission, telephone line etc
 Access Road
 Temporary disruption of Public utilities
 Re-instatement and Re-location of existing services

Terms of Reference

 Existing bridge, pipe culverts along the road for drainage outlet and gullies
 Stock piling of materials
 Pollution of water resources
 Water flow disruption

Biological Issues
 Loss of forest (Forest type and Available plant species)
 Pressure on Forest (firewood/timber)
 Pressure increased on forest (firewood/timber)
 Possible impact on flora and fauna (biodiversity)

Socio-economic Issues
 Change in land use
 Loss of agricultural land/production
 Population displacement
 Loss of property/assets
 Health, sanitation and safety of workers
 Pressure on social services (drinking water, health, etc.)
 Issues on infrastructures such as irrigation channel, transmission lines, telephone lines etc.
 Issues on vulnerable Indigenous
 Issues related on gender specific
 Conflict in or with nearby host community
 Availability of local construction workers, employment opportunities and mobilization of local
people for road construction
 Possible township/ ribbon developmental on the road.
 Quality of life issue
 Issues on occupational health and safety
 Distribution of traditional occupation and livelihood
 Issues on Social cohesion (Networking and community linkage) and Social Change (social

Cultural and Religious Issues

 Impact on other Cultural, Religious and Historical Sites
 Chemical issues (bitumen, Lubricants, oil, Grease, acids etc)

Mitigation Measures
Terms of Reference

As mentioned above, the IEE study identifies, predicts, and evaluates the impacts on the environment.
The ToR should indicate to document the environmental protection measures, both benefits augmentation
measures and adverse impact mitigation measures in the IEE report. The ToR should also indicate that the
mitigation measures should be presented with due consideration on:

• Preventive measures
• Compensatory measures
• Corrective/rehabilitative measures

The ToR should reflect to encourage the proponent to include benefit augmentation measures and
mitigation measures for both construction and operational/maintenance stages. Each impact should be
evaluated in terms of its significance. Environmental mitigation measures (for both beneficial and adverse
impacts) should be proposed for significant impact. Environmental protection measures should be
included as a part of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and may be presented in the matrix
form. The IEE report shall contain detail site specific Environmental Management Action Plan.

Initial Environmental Examination Study

The Consultant shall conduct Initial Environmental Examination Study as per Terms of Reference
approved by the client. After conducting Initial Environmental Examination Study, and preparation of
draft IEE report in the format prescribed in the Schedule 5 of EPR1997, the Consultant should do
presentations at the client office. The comments received and issues raised in the presentations shall be
included and addressed in the final IEE report. Proof of the Public consultation at the Project site; and
Recommendation letter(s) of the Ward(s) and Rural Municipality (ies) should be included in the final IEE

3.0Submission of Reports:
Draft Report: Three copies of draft design Report shall be submitted within 3 months from the issuing
date of work order. Contents of the report shall be approved by the client. There port should be both side

Final Report: Five copies of final report and drawings along with two digital soft copies shall be
submitted to the client after 1 month after comments of the draft final report weeks. The study should be
completed within period of 5 months from the date of contract agreement.

All reports shall be prepared in English and system of measurement shall be in the metric system except
otherwise mentioned. All report except drawings shall be in A4 size paper.

Terms of Reference


The consultant may be asked to present the report before the committee appointed by the after submission
of the draft report with aid of audiovisual interpretation.

The consultant shall commence the work within the time mentioned in this ToR and shall be submitted to
Shailyashikhar Municipality, Office of the Municipal Executive, Gokuleshwor, Darchula to fit in with the
schedule as follows:
Draft Report: within 3 months of the commencement date
Final Report: Within 1 month of receipt of official's comments on the draft report.
The study should be completed within period of 5 months from the date of contract agreement.

60% of the contract amount after submission of draft report.
40% of the contract amount after submission of final report.

Consultants are encouraged to use computers and appropriate software. But the software to be used in
engineering design works must be approved in advance by the client. Further, the reports should contain
adequate information on methodology adopted in the programme, summarized flow diagram, description
of formula used in the programme, data required for input and results obtained in output etc. It does not
however apply to word processing software, but formula used in spreadsheet must be described. The
consultant needs to submit the softcopy of the drawings, detail cost estimate compatible in a format
acceptable to the client.

Submission of the final reports does not relieve the consultant from their responsibility to the design.
They shall bear full responsibility for:
 Authenticity of all the field data including socio-economic, environmental, topographic, and
hydrological information;
 Correctness of the design and all the calculations
 Correctness of the drawings;

Shailyashikhar Municipality
Office of the Municipal Executive
Gokuleshwor, Darchula
Sudurpaschim, Nepal

Job: Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) for the Sustainable Extraction of Riverbed Materials from Chameliya Rivers
at Shailyashikhar Municipality, Darchula.


SN Description Unit Qty Amount
In Figure In Words
Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) for the
Sustainable Extraction of Riverbed Materials from
1 Job 1.0
Chameliya Rivers at Shailyashikhar Municipality,
Sub Total
VAT @ 13%
Grand Total
In words:

Name and title of authorised Person:

Name and address of firm:

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