PoF 9 Static Directional and Lateral Stability
PoF 9 Static Directional and Lateral Stability
PoF 9 Static Directional and Lateral Stability
- 081 04 Stability
• Static Directional Stability
• Static Lateral Stability
01/07/2020 1
Principles of Flight
This Presentation
• Static Directional Stability
– Sideslip Angle β
– Yaw Moment Coefficient Cn
– Cn vs β Graph
– Factors affecting
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Principles of Flight
Syllabus Progress
POF 1-3 POF 4-6 POF 7-9 POF 10-12 POF 13-15
POF 16-18 POF 19-21 POF 22-24 POF 25-27 POF 28-30
POF 31-33 POF 34-36 POF 37-39 POF 40-42 POF 43-45
POF 46-48 POF 49-51 POF 52-54 OPS 55-57 OPS 58-60
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Principles of Flight
Evidence of static directional stability would be the development of yawing moments which
tend to restore the aeroplane to equilibrium.
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Sideslip Angle β
The sideslip angle relates the displacement of the aeroplane centre line from the relative
Sideslip angle is provided the symbol β (beta) and is positive when the relative wind is displaced
to the right of the aeroplane centre line.
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Principles of Flight
Sideslip Angle β
The sideslip angle, β, is essentially the “directional angle of attack” of the aeroplane and is the
primary reference in directional stability as well as lateral stability considerations. Static
directional stability of the aeroplane is appreciated by response to sideslip.
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Principles of Flight
Cn vs β Graph
Static directional stability can be illustrated by a graph of yawing moment coefficient, Cn, versus
sideslip angle, β.
When the aeroplane is subject to a positive sideslip angle, static directional stability will be
evident if a positive yawing moment coefficient results. Thus, when the relative airflow comes
from the right (+β ) a yawing moment to the right (+Cn) should be created which tends to return
the nose into the wind.
• Static directional stability will exist when the curve of Cn vs β has a positive slope, and the
degree of stability will be a function of the slope of this curve.
• If the curve has zero slope, there is no tendency to return to equilibrium, and neutral static
directional stability exists.
• When the curve of Cn vs β has a negative slope, the yawing moments developed by sideslip
tend to diverge rather than restore, and static directional instability exists.
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Cn vs β Graph
The instantaneous slope of the curve of Cn vs β will describe the static directional stability of the
• At small angles of sideslip, a strong positive slope depicts strong directional stability.
• Large angles of sideslip produce zero slope and neutral stability.
• At very high sideslip, the negative slope of the curve indicates directional instability.
This decay of directional stability with increased sideslip is not an unusual condition. However,
directional instability should not occur at the angles of sideslip of ordinary flight conditions.
Static directional stability must be in evidence for all the critical conditions of flight.
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The aerodynamic force that is created by the fuselage is destabilizing. This side force acts
through the fuselage aerodynamic centre (AC), which is close to the quarter-length point. If this
aerodynamic centre is ahead of aircraft centre of gravity, as is usually the case, the effect is
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To overcome the instability in the fuselage it is possible to incorporate into the overall design
dorsal or ventral fins. A dorsal fin is a small aerofoil, of very low aspect ratio, mounted on top of
the fuselage near the rear. A ventral fin is mounted below.
If the aircraft is yawed to the right, the dorsal and ventral fins will create a side force to the
right. The line of action of this force is well aft of the aircraft CG, giving a yawing moment to the
left (a stabilizing effect). However, at small angles of yaw they are ineffective.
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The side force created by dorsal and ventral fins at small sideslip angles will be very small
because they are at a low angle of attack, have a small surface area, and their aspect ratio is
very low, resulting in a small lift curve slope.
When fitted with dorsal and ventral fins, a fuselage which is unstable in yaw will remain
unstable at low sideslip angles. Dorsal and ventral fins become more effective at relatively high
sideslip angles. Due to their low aspect ratio, they do not tend to stall at any sideslip angle
which an aircraft is likely to experience in service.
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The fin (vertical stabilizer) is the major source of directional stability for the aeroplane. In a
sideslip the fin will experience a change in angle of attack. The change in lift (side force) on the
fin creates a yawing moment about the centre of gravity which tends to yaw the aeroplane into
the relative airflow. The magnitude of the fin contribution to static directional stability depends
on the change in fin lift and moment arm. The fin moment arm is a powerful factor.
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• Sweepback produces a stabilizing effect, which increases with increase in CL (at lower IAS);
• Engine nacelles produce a contribution that will depend on their size and position and the
shape of the wing planform. On a straight wing, their effect is usually destabilizing.
A swept wing provides a stable contribution depending on the amount of sweepback, but the
contribution is relatively weak when compared with other components.
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The inclination of the forward, right, wing to the relative airflow is greater than that of the
rearward wing, so there is more lift and, hence, more induced drag, on the right side, (the
influence of increased lift on the forward wing will be explained when lateral static stability is
considered). The result of this discrepancy in drag on the two sides of the wing is a yawing
moment to the right, which tends to eliminate the sideslip. This is a stabilizing effect, and may
be important if the sweepback angle is quite large.
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The dorsal fin has a powerful effect on preserving the directional stability at large angles of
sideslip which would produce stall of the fin.
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The effects of power on static directional stability are similar to the power effects on static
longitudinal stability. The direct effect is confined to the normal force at the propeller plane
and, is destabilizing when the propeller is located ahead of the CG.
In addition, the air in the slipstream behind a propeller spirals around the fuselage. The indirect
effects of power induced velocities and flow direction changes at the fin (spiral slipstream
effect) are quite significant for the propeller driven aeroplane and can produce large directional
trim changes. As in the longitudinal case, the indirect effects are negligible for the jet powered
The contribution of the direct and indirect power effects to static directional stability is greatest
for the propeller powered aeroplane and usually slight for the jet powered aeroplane. In either
case, the general effect of power is destabilizing and the greatest contribution will occur at
high power and low dynamic pressure.
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Centre of gravity position has a relatively negligible effect on static directional stability. The
usual range of CG position on any aeroplane is set by the limits of longitudinal stability and
control. Within this limiting range of CG position, no significant changes take place in the
contribution of the vertical tail, fuselage, nacelles, etc. Hence, static directional stability is
essentially unaffected by the variation of CG position within the longitudinal limits.
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When the aeroplane is at a high angle of attack a decrease in static directional stability can be
anticipated. High angle of attack reduces the stable slope of the curve of Cn vs β. The decrease
in static directional stability is due in great part to the reduction in the contribution of the fin. At
high angles of attack, the effectiveness of the fin is reduced. The decay of directional stability
with angle of attack is most significant for an aeroplane with sweepback since this configuration
requires a high angle of attack to achieve high lift coefficients.
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Coffee Break
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If an aeroplane has favourable rolling moment due to a sideslip, a lateral displacement from
wing level flight produces a sideslip, and the sideslip creates a rolling moment tending to return
the aeroplane to wing level flight
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Bank Angle Φ
The bank angle, or roll angle is the angle between the vertical plane and the aeroplane’s normal
Bank angle is represented by the symbol Φ (phi) and is positive when the bank is to the right of
the aeroplane centre line.
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Thus, when the relative airflow comes from the right (+β), a rolling moment to the left (-Cl)
should be created which tends to roll the aeroplane to the left.
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If the slope of the curve is zero, neutral lateral stability exists; if the slope is positive, lateral
instability is present.
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Excessive roll due to sideslip complicates crosswind take-off and landing and may lead to
undesirable oscillatory coupling with the directional motion of the aeroplane.
In addition, high lateral stability may combine with adverse yaw to hinder rolling performance.
Good handling qualities are obtained with a relatively light, or weak positive, lateral stability.
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Principles of Flight
There will be interference between the components, which will alter the contribution to
stability of each component on the aeroplane.
The principal surface contributing to the lateral stability of an aeroplane is the wing. The effect
of geometric dihedral is a powerful contribution to lateral stability.
A wing with geometric dihedral will develop stable rolling moments with sideslip. If the relative
wind comes from the side, the wing into the wind is subject to an increase in angle of attack and
develops an increase in lift. The wing away from the wind is subject to a decrease in angle of
attack and develops a decrease in lift. The
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The changes in lift gives a rolling moment tending to raise the into-wind wing, hence geometric
dihedral contributes a stable roll due to sideslip.
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The contribution of the fuselage alone is usually quite small; depending on the location of the
resultant aerodynamic side force on the fuselage.
However, the effect of the wing - fuselage - tail combination is significant since the vertical
placement of the wing on the fuselage can greatly affect the combination.
A wing located at the mid wing position will generally exhibit a “dihedral effect” no different
from that of the wing alone.
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Principles of Flight
A low wing position gives an unstable contribution. The direction of relative airflow decreases
the effective angle of attack of the wing into wind and increases the effective angle of attack of
the wing out of wind - tending to increase the rolling moment.
A high wing gives a stable contribution, generally not requiring geometric dihedral. The
direction of relative airflow increases the effective AoA of the wing into wind and decreases the
effective angle of attack of the wing out of wind, tending to decrease the rolling moment.
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Principles of Flight
If the wing is at a positive lift coefficient, the wing into the wind has less sweep and an increase
in lift, and the wing out of the wind has more sweep and a decrease in lift; a negative rolling
moment will be generated, tending to roll the wings towards level.
In this manner the swept-back wing contributes a positive “dihedral effect”. (A swept-forward
wing would give a negative dihedral effect).
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The contribution of sweepback to “dihedral effect” is proportional to the wing lift coefficient as
well as the angle of sweepback.
Because high speed flight requires a large amount of sweepback, an excessively high “dihedral
effect” will be present at low speeds (high CL). An aircraft with a swept-back wing requires less
geometric dihedral than a straight wing.
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The fin can provide a small “dihedral effect” contribution. If the fin is large, the side force
produced by sideslip may produce a rolling moment as well as the important yawing moment
contribution. The fin contribution to purely lateral static stability is usually very small.
The ventral fin, being below the aircraft CG, has a negative influence on lateral static stability.
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Revisions (1)
To overcome the directional instability in the fuselage it is possible to incorporate into the overall
dorsal or ________
design _______ ventral fins.
A ___
T - tail makes the fin more effective by acting as an “____
end plate”.
dorsal fin stalls at a very much higher angle of attack, it takes over the stabilizing
Because the _______
role of the fin at large angles of sideslip.
Sweepback produces a directional stabilizing effect, which increases with increase in CL.
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Revisions (2)
light or weak
Generally, good handling qualities are obtained with a relatively _____, ____ positive, lateral
A _____
high wing location gives a stable contribution to static lateral stability.
The magnitude of “dihedral effect” contributed by the vertical position of the wing is _____
large and
may require a noticeable dihedral angle for the _____
low wing configuration. A high wing position,
on the other hand, usually requires ___
no geometric ________
dihedral at all.
The ______
swept back wing contributes a positive “dihedral effect”.
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Revisions (3)
An aircraft with a swept-back wing requires _____
less geometric dihedral than a straight wing.
The fin contribution to purely lateral static stability, is usually very ______.
A swept-back wing requires much less geometric dihedral than a straight wing. If a requirement
also exists for the wing to be mounted on top of the fuselage, an additional “dihedral effect” is
present. A high mounted and swept-back wing would give excessive “dihedral effect”, so
anhedral is used to reduce “dihedral effect” to the required level.
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a) Stabilizing effect;
b) No effect;
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a) Anhedral;
b) Dihedral;
c) High wing;
d) Increased wingspan.
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c) Augments stability;
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