Activity 4 - Knowing The Truth

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Task 1
Watch the Miss Universe 2018 Question and Answer portion of the Final Three.
Access the video using this link:

Answer briefly the following questions: (10 points)

1. How do you assess the words or statements by the candidates during the pageant?
2. Which of their statements can be considered as truth?


Task 2 and 3.
Analyze the picture below. Write five propositions/statements for each picture which you
see as truth. Use the space provided below the picture. (10 points)

You can do more!
Task 4.
Identify the theory of truth which best characterizes the following descriptions. Write the letter of
the correct answer before each item. (10 points)
A. Coherence Theory
B. Correspondence Theory
C. Pragmatic Theory

_____1. An idea that in accord with a fact is considered true, and one that is not is considered
_____2. What is said is true if it is logically derivable from a system of other things that are said.
_____3. A statement is true insofar as it is a necessary constituent of a systematic whole
as in Euclidian geometry.
_____4. Truth can be known only when one knows the practical consequences which would result
from the truth of the expression, and these consequences are testable.
_____5. A statement is not known to be true if the fact corresponding to the statement is not, in
principle, verifiable in some manner.
_____6. You can never know something is true until you can set up a test for that truth. If you can't
test it, you can't know it.
_____7. Truth is a property of an extensive body of interrelated statements; hence, statements
have degrees of truth and falsity.
_____8. The truth of a belief is tested by its results when it is put into operation and has
satisfactory results.
_____9. You know "Snow is white" if and only if snow is white.
_____10. The truth of the conclusion of an argument is logically derivable from the truth of its
Task 5.
Read the statements carefully. Indicate whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write your
answer in the space provided before each item.(5 points)
__________1. When I say I know something, I do not always have to believe what I claim to know.
__________2. Just as it is impossible to know something that you don’t believe, you cannot
believe something you don’t know.
__________3. Even though only true propositions can be known, it is possible to believe a
proposition that is false.
__________4. We cannot know something that is false, because what is false does not exist (i.e.,
it is nothing), and to know nothing is the same as not knowing.

__________5. According to the correspondence theory of truth, a statement is true if it is

consistent with our other beliefs.
Task 6.
Write TRUE if the statement is correct, when statement is false, underline what makes it false and
write on top of the word to make it correct (5 points)

__________1. A statement is true, according to the coherence theory of truth, if it is consistent

with facts in the world that are independent of our beliefs.

__________2. In the pragmatic theory of truth developed by James and Dewey, a belief is
true because it “works” or produces expected results.

__________3. Because coherence theorists and pragmatists disagree about what it means to say
that a proposition (e.g., the lights are on) is true, they also have to disagree about
whether that proposition is true.

__________4. According to James’ pragmatism, a proposition is true if, when acted upon, it
satisfies our expectations.

__________5. For correspondence theorists (e.g., Russell), facts in the world are true or false, not
the beliefs about them.

Challenge Yourself

Task 7.
Let us apply the concepts which we have learned about truth by analyzing the items and encircle
the best answer. (20 points)

1. The __________ is the view that our beliefs and experiences “match up” with reality.
(a). coherence theory of truth
(b). pragmatic theory of truth
(c). semantic theory of truth
(d). correspondence theory of truth

2. The __________ asserts that a statement or a belief is true if and only if “it works,” if it
allows us to predict certain results, if it allows us to function effectively in everyday life,
and if it encourages further inquiry or helps us lead better lives.
(a). coherence theory of truth
(b). pragmatic theory of truth
(c). semantic theory of truth
(d). correspondence theory of truth

3. The __________ asserts that a statement or a belief is true because the rules of our
language set up a correspondence between certain statements and “the facts” that our
language picks out in the world.
(a). coherence theory of truth
(b). pragmatic theory of truth
(c). semantic theory of truth
(d). correspondence theory of truth
4. Which of the following IS NOT a necessary characteristic for saying that
Mary knows that today is Monday?
(a) It must be, in fact, true that today is Monday.
(b) Mary must be able to give a reason or justification for thinking that today is Monday.
(c) Mary could not have been tricked into thinking that today is any day other than
(d) Mary must believe that today is Monday.

5. To say that I know that today is Monday, I not only have to believe it and have reasons
for believing it; it must also, in fact, be true because:
(a) whenever I claim to know something (e.g., today is Monday), I have to rely on the
testimony of others.
(b) if it is true that today is Monday (as it, in fact, is), then I cannot be misled into thinking
(c) if today were not Monday, I would not know an actual thing: in short, I would know
nothing, no thing.
(d) unless I have consulted a calendar I will not believe others when they tell me that
today is Monday.

Task 8.
Analyze the situations carefully. Encircle the correct answer and provide a sentence to
explain your answer.
1. In order for me to know that birds fly, it must be true that birds do fly, because:
(a) if it were not the case that birds fly, then I would know that which is not true; in short, I
would know no thing: I would not know.
(b) whenever I claim to know something, I have to rely on what I have been taught.
(c) if it is true that birds fly (as it, in fact, is), then I cannot be mislead into thinking
(d) unless I have seen birds fly I will not believe others when they tell me that birds do, in
fact, fly.

2. In the correspondence theory of truth, the proposition There is a desk in this room is

true only if:
(a) I think there is a desk in this room.
(b) it is reasonable to think that there is a desk in this room.
(c) there is a desk in this room.
(d) if I try to sit on what I think is the desk, it will support me.
3. According to the coherence theory of truth, a proposition is true if it is consistent with a
set of mutually supporting propositions. Critics claim that this means that false
propositions could be considered true as long as they are consistent with other
propositions in a whole set of false propositions. To this criticism, the coherence theorist
(a) just because one proposition in a set of propositions is false, that does not mean that
the whole set of propositions is false.
(b) a proposition is false only if it is inconsistent with other propositions.
(c) a set of propositions cannot be internally consistent without also being consistent with
all other sets of propositions.
(d) to say that a whole set of propositions is false is simply to say that the set is
inconsistent with a larger set of propositions.
4. Which of the following IS NOT a typical objection raised against the pragmatic theory of
(a) Beliefs are not true because they work; they work because they are true (apart from
their usefulness).
(b) Because a belief could Awork@ for some people and not others, its truth would be
purely relative.
(c) If acting on a belief consistently satisfies our expectations (i.e., it works), then it is
(d) Some beliefs might be justified (because acting on them can satisfy our expectations)
and still be false.
5. The three standard theories of truth discussed in epistemology are the correspondence,
coherence, and pragmatic theories. Which of the following descriptions DOES
NOT match any one of these three?
(a) A belief is true if, when acted upon, it results in the satisfaction of expectations.
(b) A belief is true if it is consistent with other beliefs we hold.
(c) A belief is true if it describes the way the world is.
(d) A belief is true if a person really wants it to be true.

Task 9
Create a Semantic Map on topics related to the coronavirus disease (covid 19) by employing the
attributes of critical thinker using symbols. (15 points)
Expected Output: Fill in the space of the semantic map with propositions corresponding to your
answer. Choose ONE from the proposed topics:
a. Optional wearing of facemasks during outdoor activities is allowed
b. Wearing mask reduces the risk of contamination from covid-19
c. Classes will resume despite the low turnout of Covid 19 vaccinees
d. Philippine Government spent a considerable amount of money for Covid 19 vaccines

1. Looks for Evidence to support assumption and beliefs-

2. Adjusts Opinion-

3. Looks for Proof-

4.Examines problem
5.Reject irrelevant and incorrect information-

Level Up
Teaching Truth, Honesty and Integrity though Stories, Quotes and Situations
Task 10.
Read a version of the story, ‘The boy who cried wolf’ and discuss the moral of the story in
terms of telling the truth. You may access the story from
(12 points)
Identify and list which values are being addressed in this story and explain briefly based on
personal experience:

• Telling lies may eventually destroy one’s credibility.

• Individuals sometimes lie to cover up mistakes or an offence.
• Individuals may lie to protect the feelings of others.
• Individuals may lie out of fear.
• Lying might be necessary or good in some situations.
Task 11.
Write your favorite quote about truthfulness, honesty and integrity and explain briefly its meaning
and significance to you. (12 points)


“ ___________________________

_________________________ ” ______________________________________

Task 12.
These are several scenarios which focus on a dilemma where you have to make a considered
value judgement so as to arrive at truth. Select the best answer and write on the space some
reasons behind this decision.(10 points)
1) You find the answers to the class test you are having on Friday. Do you:
a) return the answers to the teacher without looking at them, or
b) study the answers to get a good score on the test?
2) All your friends think it’s funny to call a classmate by a horrible name that the
child hates. Do you:
a) tell the child that ‘it’s just a joke’ and call the child by the name too to make your friends
laugh, or
b) tell your friends that you feel it is mean to use put-downs and it is against your school’s
3) You are playing a game with your friend and another child. You see your friend cheat so
that they can beat the other child. Do you:
a) tell your friend that they are not playing fairly, or
b) say nothing?
4) Your parent does not allow you to eat chocolate before dinner. Your friend gives you a
chocolate bar after school. Do you:
a) eat it secretly before dinner so your parent doesn’t know, or
b) show it to your parent and ask if it is okay if you can eat it later?
5) You break your little sister’s toy when you are mucking around. Do you:
a) tell your parent that you did it, or
b) tell your parent that your little sister did it?
A. Semantic/Concept Mapping
Performance Needs Improvement Fair Very Good Excellent
Indicators (1 point) (2 points) (3 points) (4 points)
Number of Insufficient number of Minimal but Most concepts Most concepts and
Concepts concepts selected acceptable relating to topic were all significant
(sufficiency) relating to topic number of selected concepts selected
concepts selected, and they clearly
with some relate to the topic
relationships to
the topic
Arrangement of Arrangement of Arrangement of Arrangement of Arrangement of
Concepts concepts illustrates no concepts concepts concepts
understanding of demonstrates demonstrates and demonstrates
conceptual simple understanding of complete
relationships understanding of subordinate understanding of
subordinate conceptual subordinate
conceptual relationships conceptual
relationships relationships
Linkages Some basic Straightforward Most relationships All relationships
relationships indicated relationships indicated with a indicated by a
by connected lines connected with connecting line and connecting line
linking words labelled with linking and accurately
words labelled with
appropriate linking
Depth of Coverage Insufficient coverage Show a basic level Shows a sold grasp Shows a sold
of contend covered of coverage of key of most of the grasp of all the
ideas but little content and shows content covered.
extension of ideas extensions of most Extensions of the
key ideas key ideas show a
understanding of
that content
B. Essay Questions (Task 10 and 11)
Excellent Very Good Good Fair
(4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
Student responses far Student responses Student responses meet Student responses,
exceed what is exceed what is expectations. Information although somewhat
expected. Information is expected. Information is is factually accurate. The correct, are lacking in
Quality of information not only factually factually accurate, and student somewhat relevant details and
2777923 accurate, but shows offers extra supporting responds beyond the supporting examples
insightful interpretation facts. Responses include basic level of the question and/or interpretation.
Student response which indicates mastery some interpretation to provide supporting 2777927
above grade level. which indicates mastery. details and/or
2777924 2777925 interpretation. Student response
Student response Student response
Student response
Excellent Very Good Good Fair
(4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
Student responses Student responses meet Student responses Student responses
Quantity of information exceed the upper the upper quantity of exceed the minimum meet the minimum
2777928 quantity of information information expected to quantity of information quantity of
expected to show show mastery. requested to show information requested
Student response mastery. 2777930 mastery. to show mastery
2777929 2777931
Student response
Student response Student response


Student response
Excellent Very Good Good Fair
(4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
Student always Student responds in Student responds in Student does not
responds in complete complete sentences. complete sentences most always respond in
sentences. Sentences are mostly of the time. complete sentences.
Sentences vary in length grammatically correct. Sentences are generally Sentences contain
and are grammatically The paper is neatly and grammatically correct, grammar errors that
Neatness/legibility correct. clearly written - with a few minor errors sometimes make the
2777933 The paper is neatly and representing the that do not impact the paper difficult to read.
clearly written - student's personal best. readability of the essay. The paper may
Student alw ays r representing the 2777935 The paper is neatly and contain excessive
student's personal best. clearly written - rips, folds, doodling
2777934 Student responds representing the student's or messy corrections.
personal best. This does not
Student responds 2777936 represent the
student's personal
Student does not best.

Student frequentl

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