SSP Jan 2023

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Sha~$,lhai Students' 2023茸1 月刊(下) 总第1 27期

听力理解专项训练(六) 概要写作训练(六)


语法填空专项训练(六) 高专英语写作指导(五)


选词填空专项训练(六) The End of High-School English
Messi or Maradona:
A9-12 CIρZE Does It Ma杭εr Who Is :e ater?


主编吕腊 难度说明:参照高考英语上海卷阅读语篇的难度,本刊对所刊登的阅读 获取本刊配套昕力音频及习题答案 , 请微信扫

特约供稿 : 陈孝雯韩毓盲黄雷邵梦莎 沈传辰 语篇进行了简明的难度标识,分为简单 (圳、适中 ( 青青) 和偏难 ( 青青青)三 描右侧二维码 , 关注公众号 “ SS P 教师助手” 。
个梯度。 本期昕力盲频将于 1 月 1 5 日发布 , 下载路径 :
高中版→昕力→高考专刊 ; 答案将于 1 月
文字编辑 洪伟良张璜董 印刷说明: 《 高考专刊》分为专项训 练叠和模拟试卷叠 。 专项训练叠 25 日发布, 查询路径 :高中版→报刊答案→高
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rm ~=~~2~TUDENT…T 〉)应 ... 噩噩噩噩

Despite Reaching 8 Billion People,明Te Must Plan for Population Decline
1. A. Moreover B. Therefore 语篇类型议论文 询数 360 难度食,传 主题语境(主题群)人与社会(历史、社会与文化)
C. Instead D. However There are soon to be 8 billion of us and counting. developing countries to try to (7)一一一一一岛rther
2. A. double B. halve
(1 )一一一_, while the world ’ s population is still population growth, as discussed in our article
C. thrive D. recover
3. A. simple B. mixed growing fast overall, in many countries, the numbers “ Tackling population growth is key to fighting
C. distinct D. controversial are declining or will do soon. Take the three largest. climate change”. And because rapid (的一一一-
4. A. boosting B. limiting The population of China will begin to fall soon can lead to more poverty. What ’ s more, two of
C. tracking D. projecting and could (2) by 2100. India ’ s will peak the key factors in lowering fertility rates (出
5. A. nature B. society
around 2050. And the US population would fall 生率) are (9 )_一_ women and respecting
C. rights D. resources
6. A. bans B. calls from the 2030s if not for immigration. their rights, which all countries should be doing
C. rules D. demands So there are two (3 )_一_ issues to deal anyway. (10) populations can be seen
7. A. encourage B. maintain with: rapid population growth in some nations as a good thing in some ways - less pressure on
C. limit D. prohibit
and population declines in others. Many see wildlife, more space and so on. But having fewer
8. A. progress B. recovery
(4) population growth as vital for tackling working-age people and more older people is a huge
巳 increases D. rates
9. A. nurturing B. educating various environmental catastrophes (灾难) (11) challenge.
C. ignoring D. uniting unfolding around the world, as we report on in our (12 )一一一一 increasing immigration, there
10. A. Developing B. Forming article “ What will a population of 8 billion people is no sure-fire way to stem individual nations'
C. Declining D. Expanding
mean for us and the pl创1et?” population decline. This means that, in many parts
11. A. ecomonic B. academic
Yet for wealthy W estemers to call for lower- of the world, governments need to be readying
C. business D. global
12. A. Apart from B. Along with income countries to control their populations care and (13 )一一一一一_ systems to cope with
C. Rather than D. Out of simply in the name of protecting (5 )一一一一一一一一 ageing populations. These trends are (14)一一一一
13. A. banking B. pensions is hypocritical (虚伪的) in the extreme. Why? predictable over the next few decades, so there
C. federal D. security
Because the rich have vastly larger environmental is absolutely no excuse for failing to prepare. It
14. A. barely B. yearly
footprints. What ’ s more, there is often more than a is also hugely important to invest in health. A(时
C. slightly D. highly
15. A. ageing B. increasing whiff of racism to such ( 6)一一一一· (1 日一一一_ population has much less impact if
C. working D. dense That said, there are good reasons for fast- people remain healthy well into old age.

1. A. surprising B. staring 语篇类型说明文词数 427 难度,曲,传主题语境(主题群)人与社会(社会服务和人际交往)
C. fleeing D. sleeping At a party in Greenwich Village, author and “ Don't Blame the Dog: Take the Blame Instead”
2. A. blame B. comfort consultant Peter Bregman hears a scream from a is a chapter in the book ’ s section on (8 )一一…一一
C. concern D. compliment dog as one of the guests steps on the host ’ s dog. The relationships (one of three sections; the others are
3. A. completely biased B. fully automated
guest cries out at the ( 1 )一一一一_ dog to “ watch entitled “ Optimize Work Habits ” and “ Change
C. self-disciplined D. self-defeating
out”! Then, seeing Bregman looking at her, she Your Ment,αl D矿cmlts. ”) Other chapters related to
4. A. appreciates B. creates
explains that “ he ’ s always in the way. ” As Bregman strengthening relationships include lessons on not
C. involves D. eliminates
writes in his new book, Four Seconds ,“Really? writing people off but remaining aware of their
5. A. result in B. result from
You step on a dog, and then you (2) the (9 )一一一_, changing your expectations when
C. keep off D. give up
dog? Who does that? Ac阳ally, a lot of us do. ” Four people often fail to meet your original expectations,
6. A. phenomenon B. solution
Seconds is filled with behaviors and actions that a and giving people the benefit of the doubt (相信他
C. consequence D. significance
lot of us do, and most of those actions, Bregman 们是无辜的) if they are suddenly ( 1 0 ) _
7. A. apparently B. bravely
argues, are actually (3 )一一一一. Blaming others because something else is going on.
C. graciously D. appropriately
instead of taking responsibility, for example, makes Chapters in the “ Optimize Work Habits" section
8. A. updating B. changing
people appear weak and dishonest, hurts one ’ s selι include how to keep your cool, how to let people fail
C. strengthening D. establishing
respect and, perhaps most importantly, (4)一一一- (or almost fail), and why to focus on (11 )一一-'
9. A. faults B. advantages
learning oppo时田iities. not process. The “ Change Your Mental D矿cLUlts”
C. responsibilities D. arguments
10. A. unreasonable B. enthusiastic “ When something is your fault and you don ’ t section covers (12)一一一一_ such as committing to

D. unrecognizable admit it, in all probability, you'll make the same follow through and trusting yourself first.
C. cooperative
11. A. cause B. character mistake in the future, which will (5)一一一_ more Each chapter is packed with engaging

C. degree D. outcome blame ,'’ Bregman writes. (13 )一一一一一一_ stories. The chapter on putting

12. A. topics B. sessions In short, engaging chapters, Bregman offers outcome above ( 14)一一一一 begins with the story
C. debates D. puzzles a long and boring description of the common of the author and his daughters 町ing to he毕 people

13. A. exciting B. critical mistakes and actions that most of us make, and then in the consequence of Hurricane Sandy. With all
C. creative D. personal describes the ( 6) . The first step in every the distribution centers overfilled with donations,
14. A. approach B. process case, however, is the same: take a breath. Take the the author (15) the prescribed process and
C. harvest D. procedure four seconds you need to inhαle (吸气) and exhale, stops at a random devastated house to donate their
15. A. supports B. 自nishes urges Bregmen, which will give you the time to act goods.
C. abandons D. broadens or react (7)一一一一一 and constructively.
January 2023

Artificial intellh~ence 超纲常用词汇

sophisticated• adj. ve可 complex or complicated

competence• n. the ability to do something well
bot • n. a computer program that performs a

T '…… …
particular task again and again many times
语篇类型:议论文词数: 549 难度:食食主题语境{主题群):人与社会{科学与技术}
give someone goosebumps • to cause bumps to
Perhaps there are reasons for optimism, though. appear on one ’ s skin where one ’ s body hair stands
doing the hard work ys of
fo actual learning.
around Maybe every student is now immediately launched on end as the result of an intense feeling of cold,
However, one big part of education has into that third category: The fundamentals of nervousness, anxiety, excitement or fear
remained inescapable: writing. writing will be considered a given. tedium• n. the fact of being boring
Now 血fil might be about to change. The arrival Many teachers have reacted to ChatGPT by
of OpenAI's ChatGPT, a program that produces imagining how to give writing assignments now
sophisticated text in response to any command maybe they should be written out by hand, or given 实用句型
you can imagine, may signal the end of writing only in class 一- but that seems to me shortsighted.
。 I ’ ve always reminded my students of the
assignments altogether. The question isn ’ t “ How will we get around this ?”
value of a basic competence in writing as an
I teach a variety of humanities classes at a but rather “ Is this still worth doing ?”
essential skill no matter what they end up
high school. I ’ ve always reminded my students of I believe a teacher ’ s most important task is to
doing with their life.
the value of a basic competence in writing as an help students think critically, disagree respectfully, + To be honest, what GPT can oroduce right now
essential skill no ma忧er what they end up doing with argue carefully and flexibly, and understand their is be忧er than most of the writing seen by your
their life. I ’ ve also long held that they need to learn mind and the world around them. Writing can be average teacher or professor.
the basic rules of good writing before they can start an extraordinary vehicle for those things. But if 。 The question lli正1 “How will we get around
breaking them. But it ’ s no longer obvious to me that most writing pedagogy (教学法) today is focused this?”显旦且延~“Is this still worth doing ?”
my teenagers will ever need to develop this basic on helping students master the basics, what happens + Is this moment more like the invention of the
skill. when a computer can do it for us? Is this moment calculator, savirnz me from the tedium of lorn!
To be honest, what GPT can produce right more like the invention of the calculator, saving me 卓旦旦旦?
now is be忧er than most of the writing seen by your from the tedium of long division?
average teacher or professor. I ’ ve given it a number I felt most caught between these two thoughts
of different requests, and even if the bot ’ s results when I asked GPT to answer a question from an 专纲高频词
don ’ t exactly give you goosebumps, they do a more- exam I had just given to my students in an Eastern-
than-adequate job of fulfilling the task. philosophy course, something I ’ ve never imagined a 1. remain v. 17. luxury n.
From my 12-year experience, high-school student could find outside assistance to answer. 2. command 18. means n.
students can be roughly split into three categories. ChatGPT wrote back, as ever, instantly. 3. signal 食 v. 19. efficient adj.
The bottom group is learning to master grammar Everything is made up. The essay as a literary 4. assign v. • efficiently adv. 田
rules, punctuation, basic comprehension and form? Made up. Grammatical rules as markers of
• assignment n. 20. optimistic adj. 扫码查蕾”资料

legibility (可读性). The middle group mostly has intelligence? Writing itself as a technology? Made
5. humanity n. • optimism n.
• humanities n. 21. launch v./n.
that stuff down and is working on argument and up. Starting now, OpenAI is forcing us to ask 6. essential adj. 22. fundamental adj.
organization. Then there ’ s a third group that has the foundational questions about whether any of those 7. obvious adj. • fundamentals n.
luxury of focusing on things such as tone, rhythm, things are worth keeping around. 8. adequate adj. 23. react v.
variety, mellifl,uence (流畅). THE ATLANTIC-SSP 9. fulfi.1(1) ν. 24. critical adj.
These are the building blocks not only of 10. rough adj. • critically adv.
good writing but of writing as a tool, as a means • roughly adv. 25. extraordinaηradj.
of efficiently and effectively communicating 11. split v. 26. instant adj.
information. However, despite spending countless 电工 头:2·需}category n. • instantly adv.
hours developing their writing skills, many college 13. master v./n. 27. force v./n.
ιF S 14. comprehension n. 28. foundation n.
students remain in the bottom group, and most of the
others find some uneasy equilibrium (平衡状态) in
15. argument n. • foundational adj.
16. organization 食 n
the second category.

食 考纲词汇,拓展释义 A 超纲常用词

I. Choose the word(s) closest in meaning to the 1. The underlined word “ that” in paragraph 2 refers B. produces impressive responses to most human
underlined word(s) in the context. to the fact that commands
1. The arrival of OpenAI's ChatGPT, a program A. writing is a big part of education C. prevents students from learning the true
that produces sophisticated text in response to any B. writing remains inescapable in education essence of writing
command you can imagine, may fil2ru!l the end of C. the hard work of writing can hardly be avoided D. poses little challenge to school instruction and
writing assignments altogether. D. there are always ways to get around actual examination
A. describe B. indicate learning 4. The author ’ s attitude towards the arrival of
C. transform 2. The author describes three categories of students ChatGPT can be described as
2. The fundamentals of writing will be considered a to A. doubtful B. enthusiastic
a豆豆旦- A. show how experienced he is as a high-school C. open-minded D. uncaring
A. something that will last forever teacher
B. something that no longer ma忧ers B. express his disappointment on the current III. Translation
C. something that is taken for granted education system 1. 作者一直认为每个人都能够受益于良好的写作技
3. Writing can be an extraordinary 旦国d皇 for those C. discuss which of them are most likely to be 巧。(hold)
things. affected by ChatGPT 2. 一些学生通过使用在线翻译器来逃避实际的翻译
A. a proof of something D. suggest how ChatGPT may help narrow 工作。(get around)
B. a substitute for something achievement gaps for students 3. 身兼高中教师和新技术拥护者这两个角色让他感
C. a way of achieving something 3. From the author’ s point of view, ChatGPT 一一一一· 到左右为难。(caught)
A. is more capable of writing than the average 4. 如果教师不反思自己的教学法,部分学生终将被
II. Choose the best answer. student 计算机取代。(end up)

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