1.To resize a picture, select the picture and drag a corner handle.
2.To wrap text around a picture, select the picture, and then select a
wrapping option.
Delete a picture
1.Select the picture or shape. This will open the Shape Format or
Picture Format ribbon.
2.Select Rotate. Use any of the rotation commands in the list, like Flip
3.Select More Rotation Options and enter the precise amount in the
Rotation box.
Save a template
1.To save a file as a template, click File > Save As.
2.Double-click Computer or, in Office 2016 programs, double-click This
3.Type a name for your template in the File name box.
4.For a basic template, click the template item in the Save as type list.
In Word for example, click Word Template. If your document contains
macros, click Word Macro-Enabled Template.Office automatically goes
to the Custom Office Templates folder.
5.Click Save.