LAB Manual: Fundamentals of Computer
LAB Manual: Fundamentals of Computer
LAB Manual: Fundamentals of Computer
LAB Manual
Fundamentals of Computer
Table of Contents
Exp. No. Name Of Experiment Page No.
i. Microsoft Word 3
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
Experiment No. 1
Basic Computer Organization
A computer made up of two main parts – Computer Software and Hardware.
Computer Software
Computer software (often called just software) is untouchable components of
computer. It compiles all logic instructions that the system uses to do different tasks,
including the applications(game or a word processor) and the operating system(Mac
OS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, etc.).
Types of Software
There are two types a software on the basis of their functionality - System software
and Application software.
System Software
It is used to start and run computer systems and networks. It controls the operations
and/or extends the processing capability of a computer system. Some commonly
known types of system software are: (Operating systems, programming language
translator, communications software, utility programs).
Application Software
It is the set of one or more programs, which solve specific problems, or specific tasks.
Some commonly known application software is: (Word processing software,
Database software, Personal assistance software, etc.).
Computer Hardware
Computer hardware (usually simply called hardware) every physical part (touchable)
of computer such as the I/O Card, Memory, Motherboard, Power Supply, Screen. Etc.
The motherboard is the main component of a computer. It is a hard, plastic film that
contains every electronic circuit and connection where all the devices (like the CPU,
the RAM, the disk drives, power supply etc.) are switched.
I/O Devices
Input devices allow the user to enter information into the system, or control its
operation. For example: keyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner, etc. On other hand,
Output devices display information in a human readable form. Such devices could
include printers, speakers, monitors, etc.
Computer’s Memory
There are two types of memory, volatile (RAM) or non-volatile (ROM).
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
Experiment No. 2
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Word
Microsoft word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. The purpose of
Microsoft word is to allow the users to type and save documents.
Save: First of all, click the File tab, then right click Save As or Save, then in the File
name box enter a name for the file and Click Save.
Template: Click the File tab, and then click New, then Under Available Templates,
do one of the following:
Font: On the Home tab, click the Font Dialog Box Launcher, and then click the Font
If you selected text in step 1, the properties of the selected text are set in the dialog
box. Click Set as Default, and then click OK.
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
Heading: Type the text of your heading, and then select it. On the Home tab, in the
Styles group, click the heading style that you want. If you don't see the style that you
want, click the more button to expand the Quick Styles gallery.
Line spacing: On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Line Spacing.
For example, click 1.0 to single-space with the spacing that is used in earlier versions
of Word. Click 2.0, to double-space the selected paragraph.
For Example:
Text Effect: First of all, select the text that you want to add an effect to. Then on the
Home tab, in the Font group, click Text
For Example:
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
Superscript or Subscript: Select the text that you want to format as superscript or
subscript, and then do one of the following:
For Example: m
When you finish drawing the table, click in a cell and start typing or insert a graphic.
For Example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11 22 33 44 55 66 77
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
For Example:
10 Category 1
5 Category 2
0 Category 3
Series Series Series
1 2 3
For Example: 𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟 2
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
Click the header or footer that you want to add to your document.
Then in the gallery, scroll through the options, and then click the
page number format that you want.
To return to the body of your document, click Close Header and Footer on the
Design tab (under Header & Footer Tools).
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint is a slide show presentation program currently developed by
Microsoft. PowerPoint initially named "Presenter” was created by Forethought Inc.
Microsoft’s version of PowerPoint was officially launched on May 22, 1990, as a part
of the Microsoft Office suite.
Drag to select one or more lines of text for which you want to change the spacing.
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
Add Colour Text: Select the text that you want to change.
On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the arrow next to Font Colour , and
then select the colour that you want.
Add Bullets or Numbering: On the View tab, in the Presentation Views group.
Click Normal.
On the left-hand side of the PowerPoint window, in the pane that contains the Outline
and Slides tabs, click the Slides tab, and then click a slide thumbnail that you want to
add bulleted or numbered
text to.
Bullets or Numbering .
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
Tables: Select the slide that you want to add a table to.
On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table. In the Insert Table dialog box,
do one of the following:
SmartArt: In your presentation, on the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click
Shapes: On the
Home tab, in the
Drawing group,
click Shapes.
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
Click the shape that you want, click anywhere on the slide, and then drag to place the
Add Animation to an Object: Select the object that you want to animate.
Add Transition: In the pane that contains the Outline and Slides tabs, click the Slides
Select the slide thumbnail of the slide that you want to apply a transition to.
Select the type of chart that you want and then click OK.
When you are finished editing your data, you can close Excel.
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
Insert clip art: Click the slide that you want to add
the clip art to.
In the Clip Art task pane, in the Search for text box, type a word or phrase that
describes the clip art that you want, or type all or some of the file name of the clip art.
To narrow your search, in the Results should be list, select the check boxes next to
Illustrations, Photographs, Videos, and Audio to search those media types. Then
Click Go.
Locate the picture that you want to insert, and then double-click it. For example, you
might have a picture file located in My Documents.
To add multiple pictures, press and hold CTRL while you click the pictures that you
want to insert, and then click Insert.
Add a Screenshot: Click the slide that you want to add the screenshot to.
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is a spread sheets program included in the Microsoft Office suite of
applications. Spread sheets present tables of values arranged in rows and columns that
can be manipulated mathematically using both basic and complex arithmetic
operations and functions.
Insert a Blank Cell on a worksheet: Select the cell or the range of cells where you
want to insert the new blank cells. Select the same number of cells as you want to
insert. For example, to insert five blank cells, select five cells.
On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the arrow next to Insert,
and then click Insert Cells.
Line Break: To start a new line of text at a specific point in a cell, double-click the
cell, click the location where you want to break the line in the cell, and then press
Number Format: To apply number formatting, click the
cell that contains the numbers that you want to format,
and then on the Home tab, in the Number group, click
the arrow next to General, and then click the format that
as you want.
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
Press CTRL+A.
The cells will be merged in a row or column, and the cell contents will be cantered in
the merged cell. To merge cells without cantering, click the arrow next to Merge and
Centre, and then click Merge Across or Merge Cells.
To change the text alignment in the merged cell, select the cell, and then click any of
the alignment buttons in the Alignment group on the Home tab.
The contents of the merged cell will appear in the upper-left cell of the range of split
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
Apply Cell Border: On a worksheet, select the cell or range of cells that you want to
add a border to, change the border style on, or
remove a border from.
Text Colour: Select the cell, range of cells, text, or characters that you want to format
with a different text colour.
Select the cell, range of cells, text, or characters that you want to format with a
different background colour.
Tables: On a worksheet, select the range of cells that you want to include in the table.
The cells can be empty or can contain data.
Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals
Table headers display default names if you do not select the table has headers check
box. You can change the default names by selecting the default header that you want
to replace, and then typing the text that you want.
Click the shape that you want, click anywhere in the workbook, and then drag to place
the shape.
To create a perfect square or circle (or constrain the dimensions of other shapes),
press and hold SHIFT while you drag.
Clip Art: Open the spread sheet that you want to add clip art to.
In the Clip Art task pane, in the Search for text box, type a word or phrase that
describes the clip art that you want, or type all or some of the file name of the clip art.