Ravi Sir Ques
Ravi Sir Ques
Ravi Sir Ques
I: (Optional English Paper) Semester -1 (From 2008-09 onwards for three years) Introduction to Literature, Literary Forms, History of English Literature (Elizabethan and Puritan Age), English Phonetics and one Representative Text. (80 marks paper of three hours duration). (20 marks for I.A.) Pattern of Question Paper 1. Objective type Questions 1*10=10 (Questions will be set on Authors, works, trends & Concepts excluding the prescribed text book) 2. Essay type question on Introduction to Literature 10 (One out of Two ) 3. Essay type Question on the History of English Literature 10 (One out of Two) 4. Essay type Question on the History of English Literature 10 (One out of Two) 5. Essay type question on the Play 10 (One out of Two) 6. Short Notes on the Play 5*2=10 (Two out of Four) 7. Brief Notes on Literary Forms 5*2=10 (Two out of Four ) 8. One question on Phonetics: 5+5=10 (Two Sub-Questions to be set on: Three-term Labels for 5 marks & Speech Mechanism a short note for 5 marks) --------80 ------Introduction to Literature; (The following topics are to be studied ) 1. What is Literature? 2. Literature and Society. 3. Literature and Science. 4. Literature and Morality. Only the following Literary Forms are to be studied: Epic, Elegy, Sonnet, Ballad, Tragedy, Comedy and One Act Play. Text Book : Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice, Ed., Verity. (Macmillan)
Phonetics: a) Three term labels for speech sounds ( Vowels and all Consonants). b) Speech Mechanism (Speech Organs, Consonant and Vowel Sounds) B.A. I: (Optional English Paper) Semester-II (From 2008-09 onwards for three years)
5 marks 5 marks
Literary Forms, History of English Literature (Restoration and Augustan Age) English Phonetics and one Representative Text. (80 marks paper of three hours duration) (20 marks for I.A)
Pattern of Question Paper 1. Objective type Questions 1*10=10 (Questions will be set on Authors, works, trends & Concepts excluding the prescribed text book) 2. Essay type Question on the History of English Literature 10 (One out of Two) 3. Essay type Question on the History of English Literature 10 (One out of Two) 4. Essay type question on the Play 10 (One out of Two) 5. Short Notes on the Play 5*2=10 (Two out of Four) 6. Brief Notes on Literary Forms 5*2=10 (Two out of Four ) 7. One question on Word stress 1*10=10 (Ten out of Fifteen words) 8. One question on Transcription 2*5=10 --------80 Only the following Literary Forms are to be studied: Essay, Novel, Short-story, Biography, Autobiography and Satire. Text Book: Sheridan The School for Scandal .Macmillan,
Phonetics: a) Word stress b) Transcription. B.A.II (Optional English Paper) Semester III from 2008-09 to 2011-12 History of English Literature (Romantic and Victorian Period), Modern Grammar and Representative Texts. (80 marks paper of 3 hours duration). (20 marks for I.A). Pattern of Question Paper Marks
1. Objective type Questions 1*10=10 (questions will be set on authors, works, trends and concepts excluding the prescribed text books) 2. Essay type question on the Romantic 10 Period (one out of two) 3. Essay type question on the Victorian Period(One out of two) 10 4. Essay type question on one Poem ( one out of two) 10 5. Essay type question on one Poem(one out of two ) 10 6. Short notes on Two poems: two out of four 10 7. Modern Grammar 10 8. Modern Grammar 10 ----------80
Text Book-Ed. Board of Editors. Poetry Down the Ages(Orient Blackswan) Only the following poems are to be studied. Wordsworth- 1. Lucy Gray, 2.Strange fits of passion have I known S .T Coleridge 3. Kubla Khan Shelley -4. To a Skylark. 5 . Ode to the West Wind John Keats -6. Ode to the Autumn. 7. Ode to a Nightingale Tennyson -8. Tears, Idle Tears Matthew Arnold.-9. Dover Beach Browning -10, My Last Duchess
Introduction to Modern English Grammar and Usage Question No, 7 and 8 The following topics will be covered in these. Questions: 1. The Sentence and its Parts 2. The Sentence of Patterns 3. The Complex- Noun Phrases-The Determiners 4. Sub-ordination and Co-ordination 5. The Sentence Forms Sample, Complex and Compound 6. Clause Types a) Finite and Non-finite Clauses b) Relative (Adjective) Clauses c) Complement (Noun) Clauses i) Noun Complement Clauses j) Verb Complement Clauses d) Adverbial Clauses
B.A. II (Optional English Paper) Semester IV from 2008-09 to 2011-12 History of English Literature, (Modern Period up to 1960). English language Teaching and Representative Texts. (80 marks paper, of 3 hours duration). ( 20 marks for I.A). Pattern of Question Paper 1. Objective type Questions 1*10=10 (Questions will be set on authors, works, trends and concepts. Excluding the prescribed texts 2. Essay type question on the History 10 of English Literature(One out of two) 3. Essay type question on the History of English Literature 10 (one out of two) 4. Essay type question on the play (one out of two) 10 5. Short notes on the Play (two out of four) 10 6. Essay type question on English Language Teaching 10 (one out of two ) 7. Essay type question on ELT (one out of two) 10 8. Short notes on ELT (two out of four) 10
---------------80 ----Text Book Bernard Shaw The Apple Cart (Orient Blackswan) Topics for English Language Teaching 1. The Position of English in India 2. Standard and Objectives of ELT 3. Teaching and Learning of English as a second language: Problems and Remedies. 4. Language teaching methods 5. Developing skills: Listening , Speaking , Reading ,& Writing.
ENGLISH (Optional) SEMESTER-V -----==================================== Paper I Semester-V : Literary Criticism (80 marks paper, of 3 hours duration), (20 marks for I.A) Pattern of Question Paper Marks Objective type Questions 1. Nature and Function of Criticism( one out of two) 2. Types of Criticism(one out of two) 3. Longinus concept of Sublime and Coleridges concept of Imagination 4. Classicism, Romanticism, Realism 5. Formalism and Marxist criticism 6. Structuralism and Deconstruction, 7. Feminism and Post- Colonialism Reference Books: 1. Contemporary Criticism Ed. V.S. Sethuraman. 2. A Readers Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory: 3. Raman Selden.
Paper II Semester V Literature in English and Introrduction to Transalastion still marks paper of 3 hours duration 20 marks for I.A) Pattern of Question Paper Marks
Translation Theory Translation in the Multilingual Context 2 Problems of Translating form Indian Language to English History of Indian English Literature : Topics: 1. Pre Independence English Poetry 2. Pre Independence English Novel 3. Gandhi an impact on IE Literature 4. Post Independence IE Literature 5. Post Independence I E Novel Topics for Brief Notes: 1. The Guide 2. Kanthapura 3. Untouchable 4. Geetanjali 5. My Experiments with Truth 6. Autobiography of an Unknown Indian 7. A Train to Pakistan 8. Midnights Children 9. In Custody 10. Rich Like Us 11. Malgudi Days 12. The Serpent and the Rope 13. Coolie 14. Discovery of India 15. The Striders 16. Future Poetry 17. A Suitable Boy 18. Purpose 19. Fire and the Rain 20. God of Small Things Reference Books: 1. Translation as Discovery Sujit Mukherjee (Orient Longman) 2. English in India its Present and Future by Dr.V.K.Gokak (Asia Publishing House) 3. History of Indian English literature M.K. Naik, Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, 4. Principles of Translation Nida. KARNATAK UNIVERSITY , DHARWAD. Ku /Aca(S&T) /(SSA-162)/English (UGC) /09 -10 514/3475 NOTIFICATION
Date : 18-01-2010
Sub: Regarding Revision of English Syllabus fro UG Courses Viz. English (UG) and Model question paper viz. 1). B.A. V Semester Optional Course (Paper) I & II ) 2) B.A VI Semester , Optional Course (Paper I & II ). 3) B.A. V Semester MEL Course. 4) B.A VI Semester MEL. With effect from the academic year 2010-2011 and onwards. Ref: 1. BOS Res. No. I. dated 09-10-2009 2. Arts Faculty Meeting Res . No. 04-dtd, 12-12-2009 3). Academic Council Res.No, 34, dtd. 19-12-2009
Adverting to the above, it is hereby informed to all the Principals of the constituent and affiliated College coming under the jurisdiction of Karnataka University, Dharwad, that the U.G. Syllabus of English Subject and MQP have been changed for the following classes viz. 1. 2. 3. 4. B.A. V Semester Optional course (Paper I & II B.A. VI Semester ,Optional course (Paper I & II ) B.A. V Semester MEL Course B.A. VI Semester MEL. The revised syllabus have been come into force from the academic year 2010-2011 and onwards. The revised syllabi may please be get it through the Karnataka University. Web Site: www.kud.ernet.in
Hence , the same may be brought to the notice, of the teachers, students and all the concerned.
REGISTRAR To, All the Principals of the affiliated and constituent colleges (Arts only ) coming under the jurisdiction of the K.U. Dharwad, for information and necessary action in the matter and the revised Syllabi to get it through Karnataka University Website: www.kud.ernet.in Copy F.W.Cs to: 1). The Dean, Faculty of Arts , Institute of Kannada Studies, K.U. Dharwad. 2). The Chairman BOS in UG English , Dept of Studies in English , K. U. Dharwad. Copy to : 1. PS.to V.C. K.U. Dharwad. 2. PA. to Registrar K. U. Dharwad.
3. PA. to Registrar(Evaluation) K.U. Dharwad. 4. O.S. Exam (Confdl.) Section. K.U. Dharwad. 5. O.S. Exam. (QP) Section, K.U. Dharwad. 6. O.S. Exam. (GAD Time Table) Section, K.U. Dharwad. 7. O.S. Exam. (Arts Faculty ) Section K.U. Dharwad. 8. Notification file. Copy FWCs to : Dr. J.S. Bhat, Director, IT. Computer Network Centre , K.U. Dharwad with a request to put it on the university Website
B A III ( Optional English ) Semester V Paper I Literary Criticism (From 2010-11 to 2012-13) (80 marks paper of 3 hours duration) (20 marks for Internal Assessment) Pattern of question paper 1. Objective type questions 2. Nature and Function of Criticism (One out of two) 3. Types of Criticism (One out of two) 4. What is Poetry? 5. The Beautiful and Sublime 6. Fancy and Imagination 7. Classicism, Romanticism and Realism 8. Style and Diction Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. Principals of Literary Criticism: I.A. Richards. An Introduction to Literary Criticism. G.B. Sajjan Poetry: Elizabeth Drtew An Introduction to the Study of Language and Literature: A. C. Hooper Marks 1*10=10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Indian English Literature, a novel and poetry ( From 2010+11 to 2012-13) (80 marks paper of 3 hours duration ) (20 marks for Internal Assessment) Pattern of question paper 1. Objective type questions: ( Question to be set on major , trends works Concepts, etc. excluding the Prescribed text.) 2. Brief notes on selected Indian English Texts 3. Essay type question on Indian Literature (one out of two) 4. Essay type question on the novel. The Guide ( one out of two0 5. Short notes on the novel (two out of four) 6. Essay type question on Indian English Poetry ( one out of two) 7. Short notes on Indian English Poetry (two out of four) Text Books: 1. The Guide by R.K. Narayan 2. Indian Poetry in English Edited by Makarand Parajape Only the following poems are to be studied 1. Lotus-Tour Dutt 2. God Sri Aurobindo 3. Playthings- Rabindranath Tagore 4. After Death- Humayun Kabir 5. Poet.Lover, Birdwatcher- Nissim Ezejiel 6. My Grandmothers House- Kamala Das 7. Hill Station-Gieve Patel. 8. Father Returning Home Dilip Chitre 9. My Faith Sri Anand Acahrya 10. A Low Temple-Arun Kolotkar History of Indian English Literature Pre-Independence and Post Independence novelists, poets and dramatists to be studied. Topics for brief notes; 1. The Dark Room 2. The English Teacher Marks 1*10=10
4*5=20 10 10 2*5=10 10 10
3. Kanthapura 4. The Serphant and the Rope 5. Untouchable 6. Coolie 7. Geetanjali 8. The Discovery of India 9. My Experiment with Truth 10. The Striders 11. Autobiography of an Unknown Indian 12. A Train to Pakistan 13. Future Poetry 14. Savitri 15. Midnghts Children 16. A Suitable Boy 17. In Custody 18. Purpose 19. Fire and the Rain 20. Rich Like Us 21. God of Small Things 22. That Long Silence 23. The White Tiger 24. Gashiram Kotwal 25. Nagamandala Reference Books: 1. History of Indian English Literature- by Dr. M.K. Naik 2. History of Indian English Literature by Dr. Srinivas lyengar 3. English In India by Dr. V.K . Gokak B.A. III (Optional English ) Semester VI Paper I History of English Language and Media Studies. (80 marks paper of 3 hours duration ) (20 marks for Internal Assessment) Pattern of question paper Marks 1. Objective type questions 1*10=10 2. General Characteristics of English Language 10 (one out of two) 3. Landmarks in the History of English Language 10 ( One out of two) 4. The Influence of other language : French, Scandinavian , Greek, Latin and American 10
5. Bible translations and influence of Shakespeare and Milton (one out of two) 6. English as an International Language (One out of two) 7. English and Media Studies (one out of two) 8. Communication and Language used in media (one out of two) Books for Reference; 1. History of English Language C.L.Wren 2. An Outline History of English Language F.T. Wood B.A. III (Optional English) Paper II World Classics: a novel and a drama (80 marks paper of 3 hours duration) (20 marks for Internal Assessment ) Pattern of question paper
10 10 10 10
Marks 1. Objective type questions (on prescribed texts) 2. Brief notes on selected classics 3. One essay type question on novel, Things Fall Apart (one out of two) 4. Short notes on the above novel (Two out of four) 5. Essay type question on the play , King Oedipus (one out of two) 6. Short notes on above play 7. What is Classic? 1*10=10 4*5=20 10 2*5=10 10 2*5=10 10
Text Books : 1. Things Fall Apart-Chinua Achebe. 2. King Oedipus- Sophocles. (Penguine edition) Topics for brief notes on classics: 1. The Aeneid.
2. The Arabian Nights. 3. Don Quixote 4. The Cherry Orchard 5. War and Peace 6. Crime and Punishment. 7. The Divine Comedy. 8. The Three Muketeers. 9. A Dolls House 10. Madam Bovary 11. The Frogs. 12. Odyssey. 13. Iliad. 14. The Imaginary Invalid. 15. The Ramayana. 16. The Mahabharata 17. Shakuntala 18. Mrichachakatika. (The clay-Cart) 19. Parellel Lives. 20. The Republic 21. Aristotles Poetics 22. The Human Comedy. 23. The Magic Mountain 24. The Miser. 25. Six Characters in Search of an Author. Book for Reference: 1. 2. 3. 4. A Readers Companion to World Literature. Abercrombie-The Idea of Great Poetry. T.S.Eliot- What is a Classic? (From On Poets and Poetry) A.C. Bradley Sublime, from Oxford Lectures on Poetry.