Food and Nutrition Lesson 1.

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Lesson 1

A. Definition of terms
1. Food – is any substance, organic or inorganic, when ingested or eaten
nourishes the body by building and repairing body cells & tissues, supplying
heat & energy, regulating body processes. Food includes articles used as drink
or food according to the FDA.
2. Nutrient – is a chemical component needed by the body for one or
more of these functions; to provide heat and energy, to build and repair tissues
and to regulate life processes.
3. Nutrition - is the combination of processes by which a living
organism receives and utilizes materials or substances needed for the
maintenance of its function and for growth and renewal of its components. A
complete definition of nutrition is complex, a person who associates “proper
nutrition with right kind and amount of food eaten at the right time as the
foundation for good health”.
4. Balanced diet - is a diet eating the right kind of food with the right
amount needed by the body.
5. Nutritional status - is the condition of the body resulting from the
utilization of essential nutrients.
6. Nutritional deficiency - is a faulty diet by which a nutrient intake is
lacking in quality and/or quantity for a given individual.
7. Metabolism - sum of the processes by which a particular substance is
handled in the living body.

B. Classification of nutrients:
1. According to functions:
a. gives heat and energy = (carbohydrates, fats & oils)
b. builds & repairs body cells and tissues = (protein)
c. regulates bodily processes = (vitamins, minerals, water)
2. According to chemical nature - nutrients are either organic & inorganic
a. organic – containing carbon ( carbohydrates, protein, fats & oils ,
b. inorganic - containing no carbon (minerals, water)

Module I
3. According to essentiality - the 6 major nutrient are groups of individual
nutrients each of which has important physiological role in the body.
4. According to concentration
a. macronutrients – present in relatively large amounts in the body.
(carbohydrates, fats & oil, protein)
b. micronutrients – present in relatively small amounts in the body.
(vitamins, minerals)

C. Nutritional status of the individual student

3 ways to assess nutritional status:
1. IBW (Ideal body weight)/BMI (Body Mass Index)

IBW = ideal body weight

- A reference standard for clinical use. It is computed
based on height and weight.

(Get your height and weight and we will compute for your IBW during
our face-to-face meeting)

2. Clinical assessment - conducted by physician’s examination

3. Laboratory tests – is examined in the laboratory using the blood,

urine, stool, saliva test, etc.

D. Framework of nutrition education:

As nutrition is the foundation of good health, education is the

cornerstone of good nutrition. Thus the individual, in food selection and the
maintenance of environment conducive to the proper nutrients daily is not
instinctive; it is accomplished through the application of knowledge. As
Eppright said, “to establish good food habits, must be able to learn, and
nutrition education must be able to teach.

Module I

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