Food and Nutrition Lesson 1.
Food and Nutrition Lesson 1.
Food and Nutrition Lesson 1.
A. Definition of terms
1. Food – is any substance, organic or inorganic, when ingested or eaten
nourishes the body by building and repairing body cells & tissues, supplying
heat & energy, regulating body processes. Food includes articles used as drink
or food according to the FDA.
2. Nutrient – is a chemical component needed by the body for one or
more of these functions; to provide heat and energy, to build and repair tissues
and to regulate life processes.
3. Nutrition - is the combination of processes by which a living
organism receives and utilizes materials or substances needed for the
maintenance of its function and for growth and renewal of its components. A
complete definition of nutrition is complex, a person who associates “proper
nutrition with right kind and amount of food eaten at the right time as the
foundation for good health”.
4. Balanced diet - is a diet eating the right kind of food with the right
amount needed by the body.
5. Nutritional status - is the condition of the body resulting from the
utilization of essential nutrients.
6. Nutritional deficiency - is a faulty diet by which a nutrient intake is
lacking in quality and/or quantity for a given individual.
7. Metabolism - sum of the processes by which a particular substance is
handled in the living body.
B. Classification of nutrients:
1. According to functions:
a. gives heat and energy = (carbohydrates, fats & oils)
b. builds & repairs body cells and tissues = (protein)
c. regulates bodily processes = (vitamins, minerals, water)
2. According to chemical nature - nutrients are either organic & inorganic
a. organic – containing carbon ( carbohydrates, protein, fats & oils ,
b. inorganic - containing no carbon (minerals, water)
Module I
3. According to essentiality - the 6 major nutrient are groups of individual
nutrients each of which has important physiological role in the body.
4. According to concentration
a. macronutrients – present in relatively large amounts in the body.
(carbohydrates, fats & oil, protein)
b. micronutrients – present in relatively small amounts in the body.
(vitamins, minerals)
(Get your height and weight and we will compute for your IBW during
our face-to-face meeting)
Module I