Zinc: An Essential Trace Element For Parenteral Nutrition: Khursheed Jeejeebhoy
Zinc: An Essential Trace Element For Parenteral Nutrition: Khursheed Jeejeebhoy
Zinc: An Essential Trace Element For Parenteral Nutrition: Khursheed Jeejeebhoy
Department of Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Zinc is an essential trace element for human nutrition titis enteropathica resulted in skin parakeratosis and
that is an integral part of many enzyme systems, diarrhea in infants fed cows’ milk but not human milk.
including DNA polymerase complex. Zinc deficiency Studies by Moynahan2 showed that a specific peptide
has been associated with stunting of growth and sex- existed in cow but not human milk, which chelated zinc.
ual immaturity. In children, deficiency causes a fatal The genetic disorder was the lack of an enzyme that
condition called acrodermatitis enteropathica. The hydrolyzed the peptide and released the zinc. Feeding
same syndrome has been observed in patients on total zinc cured the syndrome in these infants who otherwise
parenteral nutrition (TPN) who do not receive zinc. died. On the other hand, in otherwise normal persons,
In TPN the requirements have been estimated by dietary zinc deficiency does not occur, mainly because
balance studies to be 3 mg/d in patients without zinc is widely distributed in food. Therefore, it was not
gastrointestinal losses and a mean of 12 mg/d in clear if there was a mandatory requirement for zinc in
patients with diarrhea and fistula losses. humans. In 1961, Prasad et al3 described a syndrome of
hypogonadism, anemia, and stunting in humans who
anabolism, because the net movement of zinc is into bound depending on the metallothionein content of the
tissues and circulating zinc is reduced. enterocyte. Because zinc is not transferred to plasma
Although 86% is in skeletal muscle, there are certain when so bound, this binding action inhibits absorption.
areas where zinc concentration is especially high and may Subsequently, such bound zinc returns to the bowel
represent functional importance. They are the prostate, lumen when the enterocyte is shed. When body zinc is
hippocampus, pancreas, and kidney cortex. Zinc has been high, there is a stimulation of metallothionein synthesis,
identified as a part of about 120 enzymes.8 Among them thus inhibiting absorption. In addition, absorption is
are carbonic anhydrase, carboxypeptidase, alkaline phos- influenced by the following factors:
phatase, oxidoreductases, transferases, ligases, hydro-
lases, lyases, and isomerases. Although the syndrome of 1. Binding to a ligand secreted by the pancreas enhances
zinc deficiency cannot be identified with the dearth of absorption.
any 1 enzyme, zinc deficiency does have a pronounced 2. Luminal amino acids bind zinc and prevent its precipi-
effect on nucleic acid metabolism, thus influencing pro- tation by substances such as phosphates and phytates.
tein and amino acid metabolism. 3. Pregnancy, corticosteroids, and endotoxin all enhance
4. Phytates, phosphates, iron, copper, lead, and calcium
Metabolic Functions inhibit absorption.
Zinc is an integral constituent of DNA polymer-
ase, reverse transcriptase, RNA polymerase, tRNA syn- Excretion
thetase, and the protein chain elongation factor.5 Thus, Zinc is excreted mainly in the feces, with a smaller
zinc deficiency can alter protein synthesis at a number of amount in the urine.17 The fecal losses rise with increased
different points, and it is not surprising that in the intake, because they consist mainly of unabsorbed zinc
absence of zinc growth arrest occurs.9 Furthermore, zinc shed with enterocytes. In contrast, urinary excretion is
deficiency is teratogenic as determined by animal studies not influenced by intake. Significant losses may occur in
and observations in patients with untreated acroderma- sweat in the tropics, but such losses diminish with defi-
titis enteropathica.10 This finding suggests that zinc de- ciency.18
ficiency may affect gene expression. In experimental stud-
ies in unicellular organisms, it has been shown that zinc Abnormal Losses
deficiency changes the nature of RNA polymerase and the Wolman et al19 showed that diarrhea and stomal
base composition of mRNA. The translated peptides con- and fistula losses were the major sites of enhanced ab-
tain a preponderance of arginine-rich peptides that can normal losses of zinc from endogenous sources in pa-
bind to anions such as phosphate groups in nucleic acids tients kept nil per os (NPO). Increased losses also oc-
and alter their action. Such an alteration could affect the curred in urine in hypercatabolic individuals. Amino acid
synthesis of histones, proteins that are known to reduce infusions also increase urinary zinc losses. In the kidney,
the activity of DNA as a template.5 zinc infusions enhance distal reabsorption of zinc, and
These experimental findings about zinc and nucleic amino acid infusion increases proximal secretion.20
acids are interesting in view of the clinical observation
that a number of functions dependent on protein syn-
Metabolism of Zinc
thesis are suppressed by zinc deficiency. These include
growth,6 cellular immunity,11,12 fertility,6 hair growth, As noted, zinc reaching the circulation is bound
wound healing,13 and plasma protein levels. Thus, it is to albumin and an alpha-2 macroglobulin.21 From the
obvious that zinc deficiency leads to profound disturbances circulation it is taken up by the liver and other tissues.
of protein synthesis. In addition, in volunteer studies, ex- Infection results in increased uptake of zinc by the liver.22
perimental mild zinc deficiency reduced thymulin levels and Enhanced uptake of zinc into the liver reduces plasma
the CD4/CD8 ratio.14 concentrations, and so circulating zinc concentrations
may be reduced by factors other than deficiency.23–25
Control of Body Zinc Assessment of Zinc Status and Requirements
Absorption There is no reliable way of assessing zinc status.
Zinc absorption has a significant effect on body Plasma zinc levels are normally regulated to between 80
zinc. Zinc is absorbed by a process that involves binding and 120 g/l or 12–18 mol/l. Although circulating zinc
to a surface receptor, followed by uptake into the entero- levels fall in the deficient state, there are other causes of
cyte.15 The process is saturable and the efficiency of low circulating zinc levels that make this measurement
absorption decreases at high zinc intakes. From the en- unreliable. Hair zinc levels are low when there is low-
terocyte, some zinc is removed by albumin or an alpha-2 grade chronic deficiency, but in acute deficiency hair does
macroglobulin and carried to the liver, the remainder not grow, and with profound deficiency hair loss occurs
being bound to a metallothionein,16 the proportion and the remaining hair may have normal zinc concentra-
November Supplement 2009 ZINC S9
tions.26 It has recently been shown that leukocyte zinc In patients with diarrhea while NPO and gastrointestinal
levels are a reliable indicator of zinc deficiency, but this is losses from fistulae, stomas, and diarrhea, 12 mg of zinc
not an easy measurement to perform.27 Currently, the should be added per liter of losses. In patients with
best way of assessing zinc status and requirements is burns, large amounts of zinc supplements has been
through multiple clinical parameters. Abnormal gastro- shown to reduce the rate of infection. Up to 36 mg/d has
intestinal losses, hypercatabolism, or amino acid infu- been added and shown to benefit without toxicity.
sions raise the need for zinc supplementation. The clin-
ical syndrome of acrodermatitis enteropathica confirms Recommendations
the need for zinc supplementation. This syndrome con- ● Zinc is an essential trace element and must be added
sists of scaly, red, desquamating lesions involving the to all PN mixtures.
nasolabial folds and hands. In severe cases it extends to
the trunk, resulting in extensive exfoliation and second- ● In patients without gastrointestinal losses, 3– 4 mg
ary skin infection. There is often loss of hair. should be given daily.
● In patients with fistula, diarrhea, and intestinal
Zinc Requirements drainage, 12 mg of zinc should be added for each
The relationship of intake to absorption is asymp- liter of loss.
tomatic and the fraction of intake absorbed falls as the ● In patients with burns, addition of about 36 mg/d of
amount taken rises. The endogenous losses also rises zinc may reduce infectious complications.
with increased intake. The point at which absorbed and
losses are equal is used to estimate dietary zinc require- Research Priorities
ments. On this basis, the requirements in adults is be- ● Methods to evaluate zinc status.
tween 8 and 11 mg/d. Zinc intake during pregnancy and
lactation are estimated to be 12–13 mg/d. In patients ● Zinc requirements in critically ill patients. Does ad-
receiving PN, zinc requirements were estimated by per- ditional zinc reduce infectious complications?
forming metabolic balance of intake versus losses in ● Benefits and risks of long-term zinc infusions in
stool, urine, and drainage during a randomly assigned patients on home PN.
intake in the infusate. Using this technique Wolman et
al19 found that about 2.5 mg/d was required for balance Question and Answer Session
in patients without diarrhea. Requirements increased
with increased catabolism and gastrointestinal losses by DR HOWARD: Let me take the chairman’s privilege
12 mg/L of small intestinal fluid and 17 mg/L of stool of asking the first question. Your important balance
measured in the NPO state. studies were done as you described with the short bowel
In patients with burns, it has been shown that infusing patients NPO. But if you’re trying to avoid the hepatic
about 36 mg/d of zinc in patients with burns increased complications of PN, you really encourage them to eat.
skin levels of zinc and reduced infectious complications. Because we don’t know whether food zinc leads to net
In addition to replacing losses, infants need zinc for absorption or net loss in short bowel patients, do you
growth. This is especially true of preterm infants, because think we need to repeat those balance studies and include
two thirds of the infant’s zinc is transferred from the the enteral component or do you think we can look
mother during the last 10 –12 weeks of normal gestation. separately at absorption and losses of zinc and other
It has been estimated that 0.50 – 0.75 mg of zinc is taken divalent cations? So my question is, do we need to repeat
up per day during the last 3 weeks of gestation and the those balance studies with the subjects eating?
first 3 weeks of postnatal life in babies gaining 1.5 kg, DR JEEJEEBHOY: That’s an interesting question. We
making the requirements about 300 –500 g/kg per had patients of all types. Some of them had fistula losses
day.28 During PN, James and MacMahon29 found that and short bowel. We demonstrated increased GI zinc
infants required 300 g/kg per day to maintain balance. losses in people who had diarrheal disease. If they are
In older children, 50 g/kg per day maintained normal absorbing some zinc by mouth, obviously their require-
serum levels and for growth it is recommended that 100 ments may drop. Because people have very different
g/kg per day be given as a safe intake.30 In addition, lengths of bowel, I think a study like this would be
supplementation is required for abnormal gastrointesti- almost impossible to do. But what is the risk of giving
nal losses, but these have not been determined experi- them extra zinc, you can see that tolerance is enormous,
mentally. so I think that we should err on the side of giving more
zinc than giving less zinc, because there’s no evidence of
toxicity unless you give huge amounts.
Recommendations for PN DR SHULMAN: The 24-hour urinary collections could
In stable patients without abnormal gastrointes- be helpful to assess zinc status. What are your thoughts on
tinal losses, between 3 and 4 mg/d meets requirements. that?
DR JEEJEEBHOY: I think the 24-hour urine tells you reactant. Also, you’ve got albumin losses and cytokine
more about the catabolism and anabolism of zinc rather effects, you’ve got so many interactions I’m not sure you
than whether the person is deficient or not, it depends on can come to any interpretation of plasma zinc levels.
when in their course you collect it. It could tell you if the DR SHIKE: I think we need to make a distinction
patient is likely to become zinc deficient if they are losing between the hospitalized patient who gets PN for a few
a lot of zinc in their urine. If you want to get a handle on days to a few weeks, and the long-term home patient. It
zinc status, it involves looking at the clinical picture—are is in the long-term home PN patients that we have
they catabolic or are they in the repair phase? You can potential for encountering trace element toxicity. These
add a 24-hour urine; you can add metallothionein and home patients tend to be more stable on the whole and
zinc plasma levels. But the whole picture has to be put therefore assessment parameters maybe a little more rel-
together to come to some conclusion as to what to do. evant.
DR SHENKIN: I might follow up on Lyn’s question DR JEEJEEBHOY: I agree with you in the sense that
about how much extra zinc. If zinc is taken orally, how if you have a home patient who is not otherwise sick and
much of this is absorbed in patients who have short the problem is stable short bowel syndrome, measure-
bowel and are on long-term PN? I wonder if we can ments of levels maybe more meaningful. But again, many
expand the question a little bit more. Is there any toxicity long-term patients have low albumin levels and other
to chronic long-term overprovision of zinc because that is abnormal parameters. The point I’m trying to make is
what you’re recommending? As you’ve pointed out, the that in the present state of the art, you have to use a total
body has its own natural defense mechanism for block- gestalt. You have to look at the whole picture and then
ing zinc absorption and increasing zinc excretion when come to a decision as to what you want to do. It’s more
you over provide zinc enterally. But when you give zinc the art of medicine than science. A big problem with
parenterally, we bypass the absorption brake and if you home PN patients is that you have patients with different
give a lot of zinc parenterally, let’s say we move toward degrees of short bowel and the issue comes up how are
your higher intakes and the patients at the same time are you going to assess their absorption of a particular ele-
eating and maybe absorbing some enterally, have the ment? Maybe we should ask the question can we recog-
studies been done which would show that this is safe? I nize zinc toxicity. We do know high levels have effects on
make the point especially in the light of the paper which the kidneys and on the lungs. Perhaps we should be
Lyn and I published recently, on the tissue concentra- screening patients for these toxic effects?
tions of patients who lived long-term on PN and who DR BERGER: Home PN patients are 1 group of pa-
were following the recommendations that you suggested. tients where there are legitimate concerns about accumu-
Many of these patients had very high liver zinc concen- lation, and potential toxicity. I myself am an intensive
trations, and therefore were accumulating zinc, which care doctor where the PN requirements are for a period of
could be harmful. I’m wondering before we just jump 1–2 months, also in the critically ill there may be justifi-
and say this is fine, this is safe, should we be a little more cation for pharmacologic amounts of certain nutrients. I
cautious? think we must make separate recommendations for sta-
DR JEEJEEBHOY: The risks of toxicity are extremely ble home PN patients and for critically ill patients.
small, as far as zinc is concerned. In tissues, 90% as I DR BUCHMAN: In terms of the use of zinc in criti-
mentioned is either in muscle, or in the liver (17%). In cally ill patients, what kind of outcomes should we be
regard to toxicity, I would like to turn the question evaluating? There are data to indicate zinc supplements
around and ask, if there’s accumulation in tissue, in what can prevent some viral infections. Is there a role for extra
way would it cause toxicity? What is the evidence that zinc in the treatment or prevention of bacterial infec-
there’s any toxicity? In contrast, there is good evidence tions? For example in burn patients?
that severe zinc deficiency is associated with death. So I DR JEEJEEBHOY: I think this is an area for impor-
think that we are over doing this toxicity issue with tant research. To my mind there are 2 areas where zinc
regard to zinc. Patients on PN who have had these zinc might be important in infection. One is of course its
amounts for years and years have in fact done extremely anti-infective or immune-stimulating properties. The
well. other is that zinc affects insulin secretion rates. It’s been
DR BUCHMAN: Khursh, in a patient with systemic shown that bloodstream glucose control is one of the
inflammation, for example pancreatitis or Crohn’s dis- more important things in critically ill patients. These 2
ease, who also has fistula losses or diarrhea and may be areas could be profitably studied in patients in intensive
third-spacing fluid, how does one interpret the plasma care units.
zinc concentrations? DR COMPHER: Dr Jeejeebhoy, I’m intrigued by your
DR JEEJEEBHOY: I don’t think you can use the comments about the immune effects of zinc, and aware
plasma zinc with any degree of accuracy in such a situa- that in the home PN population the most common
tion. If you measured the metallothionein levels, you complication is catheter-related bloodstream infections.
would find them to be high because it is an acute phase We know with infection, serum zinc levels are hard to
November Supplement 2009 ZINC S11
interpret. We don’t have a good explanation for why like magnesium losses. Magnesium losses are very depen-
some patients go through 20 years with no infections, dent on the magnesium status of the patient. If you
and other patients have many infections. If we wanted to become magnesium deficient, the urine magnesium al-
evaluate a role of zinc status, in describing the risk of most gets wiped out, and it’s a very good index. Unfor-
bloodstream infection, how should we go about that? tunately, with zinc, what happens is any kind of catabo-
DR JEEJEEBHOY: You need to identify these patients lism of any sort is associated with increased losses. Low
with recurrent infections and in a multicenter, random- insulin levels, insulin resistance, and infections—all these
ized trial determine whether they improve if they are things increase zinc losses. So I think it’s going to be
given zinc. extremely difficult to use 24-hour urine zinc as an index
DR CHAMBRIER (Lyons, France): I’m concerned without major qualifications.
about the long-term PN patient. Initially we gave 12 DR SEIDNER: So how are we going to monitor zinc
mg/d of zinc and all patients had a high zinc plasma so status?
now we give only 10 mg/d of zinc. DR JEEJEEBHOY: At the moment, I’m not aware of
DR JEEJEEBHOY: I’ve not said that all patients any way of readily assessing zinc status.
should receive 12 mg/d. What I’ve said is that if the MS. BEGANY (Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia,
patient has 1 liter of constant losses from a fistula, then PA): I’m just wondering if you could comment on zinc’s
12 mg should be added to their basic requirement of 3– 4 relationship with copper and the potential when using
mg/d. the higher dosing of zinc of seeing negative effects on
DR CHAMBRIER: But every patient has ⬎1 liter of copper.
high bowel losses. DR JEEJEEBHOY: Essentially, you’re talking about
DR JEEJEEBHOY: We are talking about the NPO the oral interaction of zinc and copper. When you have
state. They shouldn’t be eating anything and still put out high oral zinc levels, you induce metallothionein, which
1 liter. There’s a big difference. You have to stop them binds oral copper, taking it out of the body. I’m not
eating. What you’re describing is really the postprandial aware that parenteral zinc particularly effects copper sta-
patient. It doesn’t apply to this bowel loss. tus.
DR CHAMBRIER: Thank you very much. DR ZALOGA (Baxter, Deerfield, IL): Just to go back
MS. SABINO (St. Francis Hospital, Hartford, CT): to the propofol question for a moment. Propofol is
Can you comment on whether there are excess losses of available from a number of companies. One of the com-
zinc in head injury patients in acute care settings. How panies uses EDTA as a preservative and there’s Intensive
much would you supplement these patients? Also, I un- Care Medicine publications that looked at urinary excre-
derstand medications like propofol increase zinc losses. tion of zinc. It’s quite considerable, it can go up 10-fold
Are there other medications that deplete zinc? when you use the EDTA containing propofol. The label
DR JEEJEEBHOY: I’ve seen those studies. The prob- for that product has a warning on zinc deficiency. Other
lem is that propofol is often used in patients in the ICU propofol products use sodium metabisulfite as a preser-
who are catabolic. These patients, as I mentioned, are vative and then zinc losses are not as high.
breaking down muscle and excreting endogenous zinc. DR HOWARD: Dr Shenkin, you want to get in 1 last
With a head injury, you have hypercatabolism. I’m not hit?
aware of any systematic studies that have measured how DR SHENKIN: Yes, I want to come back to 2 inter-
much zinc is lost in these catabolic individuals and how related points, one to do with the effects of infection on
they can be effectively supplemented. I think this is an zinc, and the other how to monitor improvements in zinc
area for research. One would have to look at the urinary status. In regard to the first point, I think measuring
zinc losses and estimate what the total losses are. There metallothionein is not possible in most clinical settings.
are huge reserves that people have of zinc, so if you have Many of us instead use C-reactive protein (CRP) in ex-
losses for 3 or 4 days, it doesn’t mean too much. On the actly the same way as metallothionein. CRP is much
other hand, if you have continued losses for a month or cheaper and everybody can measure it, and in fact when
so then appropriate supplementation could be impor- CRP goes up, metallothionein goes up, and as infection
tant. settles, metallothionein comes down and CRP comes
DR SEIDNER: Khursh, we haven’t discussed your down, and zinc concentration ought to rise. If it doesn’t,
point on research into methods of evaluating zinc status then maybe that’s an indication that zinc status is not
after we begin to replete these patients. In my practice, I adequate. This deserves research confirmation I think.
measure 24-hour urines to see if calcium and magnesium I’m aware of 2 conflicting animal studies in relation to
status is adequate. Has that ever been done for zinc in zinc supplementation and infection, one of which when
patients on home PN? zinc was given, the febrile response of rabbits was en-
DR JEEJEEBHOY: I’m not aware of any systematic hanced. If there was zinc depletion the febrile response
studies of losses being done in the way you are talking was less. In another study, I think also in rabbits, and
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