Copper and its alloys meet the requirements of many industrial applications; particular
Cu-Ni alloys widely used in desalination plants of seawater [1]. These alloys are extensively
used in marine applications because of their good electrical and thermal conductivities,
corrosion resistance and ease of fabrication of the equipment [2]. The 90/10 copper-nickel
alloy is a suitable material for condensers and heat exchangers, where seawater is used as a
coolant and in desalination plants [3, 4]. This alloy is resistant to stress corrosion cracking by
ammonia and sulphide ions [5] and has good resistance to bio fouling due to the release of
copper ions during corrosion [6, 7].
This alloy is also resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion in quiet seawater [8]. The
good resistance to seawater corrosion of the alloy is generally attributed to the formation of
the protective corrosion product film on the surface when exposed to seawater, and the study
on the corrosion product film of copper–nickel were abundantly studied at room temperature
[11, 13, 14].
In condensers and heat exchangers the temperature of seawater used as coolant could
reach 80°C. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyse the effect of temperature up to
80°C on the corrosion resistance of 90/10 Cu-Ni alloy and analyse the corrosion product
formed on the surface by micro-Raman Spectroscopy.
The temperature effect on corrosion behaviour of 90/10 Cu-Ni was studied in synthetic
seawater. It was demonstrated by means of potentiodynamic polarization and measuring of
Open circuit potentials (OCP) during 48h, Results have shown that the product film formed on
the 90/10 copper–nickel alloy tube had a resistance toward corrosion after immersion in
synthetic seawater which increased with increasing of temperature until T< 60°C which is a
critical temperature however 80°C the film was dissolved . The Composition of the film
formed on the tube immersed in seawater for 48 h at different temperatures were investigated
using Raman spectroscopy revealing enrichment of Ni and Fe and Cu in the film.
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