Updated PDP 2017 2022 Chapter 18 20201207 v1
Updated PDP 2017 2022 Chapter 18 20201207 v1
Updated PDP 2017 2022 Chapter 18 20201207 v1
In the first three years of the Duterte Administration, efforts towards building a safe, secure, and
orderly Philippines were intensified. While significant strides have been made in terms of putting
in place structural reforms and various mechanisms in the security sector, recurring challenges
persist and new threats to public safety have emerged. The protection of our country’s
entitlements, not only in the West Philippine Sea, has been one of the most pressing security
concerns facing the country. Criminality and illegal drugs remain a prevalent threat to public safety,
along with the increased frequency of natural disasters, isolated occurrences of human-induced
disasters, and outbreak of diseases.
For the remainder of the Plan implementation, the government will maintain its independent and
principled foreign policy. The government will strengthen the capabilities of its security forces to
ensure that the Philippine territory and sovereignty is defended. It also remains committed in its
campaign against all forms of criminality, illegal drugs, transnational crimes, trafficking-in-persons,
and violent extremism. During times of health emergencies, the whole of the security sector will
be mobilized to adequately respond to needs of the people, including the provision of support to
sectors that bring food, basic necessities, and essential services to them. Furthermore, the
government will upgrade its systems and operations to conform to the new normal in keeping
public order and safety. The protection of human rights, as enshrined in the Constitution, will be
ensured, especially during the implementation of policies and measures in times of crisis and
Assessment and Challenges
Assessment: Successful negotiations for the formulation of the “ASEAN-China Code of Conduct in the
South China Sea” have been pursued to ensure security and stability in the region. Various efforts have
been exerted to engage claimant states and to promote a rules-based regime in the “South China Sea,”
including the Single Draft Code of Conduct (COC) Negotiating Text, which will inform the formulation of
the COC. The crime situation has generally improved with the reduction of average monthly index crime
rate and the improvement of index crime solution efficiency rate from 2016 to 2018. A holistic approach,
involving community and civil society groups, to the campaign against illegal drugs was introduced through
the issuance of Executive Order 66, s. 2018, which institutionalized the Philippine Anti-Illegal Drugs
Challenges: Managing conflict and reducing tensions among claimant states of the South China Sea
continue to be the main challenge to external security. Various emerging and non-traditional threats such
as radicalization, violent extremism, and increasing risks to disasters and health hazards continue to threaten
the safety of Filipinos.
The outbreak of COVID-19 has posed another challenge to ensuring security and safety of the people.
Despite the continued reduction in reports of criminal incidents even during the implementation of the
community quarantine, law enforcement operations are stifled by the need to observe strict health protocols
amidst limited supply of personal protective equipment (PPE), exposing law enforcers to risk. On the other
hand, incidence of cybercrimes is on the rise with the increased digital dependency of the public for
financial and government transactions. The imposition of quarantine protocols also demands greater
accountability from the government to ensure that human rights are protected and upheld.
Strategic Framework
Ensuring security, safety, and public order is one of the foundational strategies in the Philippine
Development Plan 2017-2022, hence it is accorded high priority by the current administration. Achieving
this goal will entail pursuing the following strategic outcomes taking into consideration the new normal
situation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, as shown in Figure 18.1 below.
Figure 18.1 Strategic Framework to Ensure Security, Public Order, and Safety
Note: For strategies for overseas Filipinos (OFs), refer to Chapter 21 on Migration
Ensuring public safety
The government will continue to exert efforts in building the capabilities of public safety institutions to
respond to all hazards, including pandemics, that pose risks to the safety of the people. This will include
interventions in preventing the spread of radicalization resulting in violent extremism. The following
strategies will be implemented to raise the standards for public safety.
Increase police presence and professionalize police ranks. Efforts to enhance police presence to maintain
peace and order is primordial. As such, the PNP will strive to meet the standard police-to-population ratio
of 1:500 to greatly improve public safety. In addition, the government will pursue the construction of
additional police stations in every community to further strengthen and expand their presence. To enhance
policing presence in communities, various programs and activities, such as Pulis Nyo Po sa Barangay,
Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams, and Barangay Information Networks, will be organized and
empowered as force multipliers for the PNP. Moreover, the Community and Service-Oriented Policing
System will be strengthened to help build ties between the PNP and communities and to strengthen the
involvement of the latter in addressing public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.
The PNP will continue its efforts in sustaining internal discipline within their ranks through the
implementation of the Revitalized Internal Cleansing Strategy, with particular focus on getting rid of
incompetent and corrupt police personnel. Reporting platforms such as the Integrity Monitoring and
Enforcement Group Hotline aimed at receiving complaints and information from the public about erring
police officers will also be sustained. Disciplinary actions and sanctions will be strictly imposed on those
involved in corruption and other unlawful activities.
The Philippine Public Safety College and PNP will continue to institutionalize a highly efficient, competent,
credible, and professionalized corps of peace and order and public safety personnel through the conduct of
mandatory courses, specialized and in-service training, and continuing quality education and training to
PNP uniformed personnel. Online training programs and digital platforms will form integral parts of the
learning process during this pandemic situation.
Being at the frontline of the pandemic and other crisis situations, the police force will be equipped with
adequate logistical support for its operations and be provided with sufficient PPE. This is to ensure the
safety and protection of the police forces while performing their duty of upholding the rule of law to
maintain peace and order and public safety in the middle of a public health crisis.
Strengthen the partnership between law enforcement agencies, local peace and order institutions, and
communities. LGUs will continuously strengthen local peace and order institutions to effectively address
criminality and illegal drugs within communities. Maintaining peace and order and discipline in
communities is of utmost importance as quarantine restrictions adversely affect the economy and people’s
livelihood and income. To this end, the government will capacitate LGU officials, especially those at the
barangay level, as force multipliers and frontliners in the fight against COVID-19. Capacity-building
interventions will include developing protocols on checkpoints and enforcement of community quarantine
guidelines. The PNP will support other sectors, particularly those involved in supply chains, to ensure
unhampered distribution of food and other essential goods, including medical supplies and equipment.
Together with the DILG, the PNP will also develop a concise rules of engagement with their civilian
Sustain and expand systems for responding to crime and emergencies. The implementation of the 911
Emergency Hotline Service, which serves as the direct access of the people to the government, will be
sustained. The DILG will expand its coverage to better serve and respond to emergencies in the countryside.
Moreover, training programs for telecommunicators and responders will be provided.
In response to challenges arising from the new normal, the DILG, the DOH, and other relevant security
sector agencies will expand the utilization of internet and mobile-based reporting channels. This will enable
frontliners to respond timely to the information and security needs of the public under the new normal.
Enhance the capability of the security sector for humanitarian assistance and disaster response. To
enable security sector agencies to effectively respond to natural and human-induced disasters, the National
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) through the Office of Civil Defense (OCD),
will continue to provide capacity-building programs for disaster responders such as the National Urban
Search and Rescue Capacity Building. In support of this, the DILG is expected to implement by the fourth
quarter of 2020 the Safe Philippines Project Phase I which will provide police, public safety institutions,
and emergency response units with the latest technologies and equipment on surveillance and monitoring,
with its own integrated operations and command center, and a remote back-up center. This will allow them
to predict, detect, prepare for and quickly respond to incidents, and mitigate and respond to disasters
promptly. The security sector shall also continue to build its capacities to qualify for International Search
and Rescue Advisory Group’s (INSARAG’s) external classification, to be recognized for international
response support.
In view of the new normal, the OCD will augment the Human Resources for Health through the
establishment and mobilization of a pool of medical and allied health professionals and volunteers from the
security sector. These personnel will provide support in the implementation of social support programs,
especially during public health emergencies. Duty bearers in the security sector will be capacitated on
providing medical/paramedic services to enable and intensify the conduct of contact tracing and early
In line with the implementation of the NAP WPS 2017-2022, which acknowledges the vulnerability of
women in emergency situations, the government will strengthen the coordination and harmonization of
protection and rehabilitation initiatives for women and girls in various emergencies. It will also develop
comprehensive, gender- and culturally-sensitive disaster risk reduction and management programs that
specifically highlight the context and vulnerabilities of women during emergencies, including women in
frontline agencies.
Furthermore, the passage of the bill to establish the Department of Disaster Resilience will be actively
pursued in Congress. The bill will strengthen the coordination among agencies in providing response during
emergencies and disasters. The bill should also be revisited to explicitly specify public health emergencies
such as pandemics as disaster events, and identify measures that will enable the government to mitigate the
impacts of such emergencies and to respond effectively. Meanwhile, the National Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Plan will be revisited to reflect the aforementioned aspects, among others.
Improve the capability for fire protection services. Capability of the BFP to safeguard life and property,
as well as the country’s vital and critical infrastructure, will be strengthened. This includes fast-tracking the
modernization of fire protection services and the implementation of the BFP service upgrade and capability
upgrade programs. This will include the hiring of additional personnel, procurement of firefighting and
communication equipment, and fire trucks to service communities. The modernization programs of the BFP
will likewise cover the procurement of PPE and other safety equipment for fire fighters during operations,
especially those at the frontline providing assistance during pandemic response and other emergency
situations. Strict compliance with health protocols and standards will be observed during operations to
ensure not only the safety of the public, but also of the firefighters.
The capacity of the BFP to enforce the Fire Code and respond to fire and other related emergencies will be
further strengthened. Priority will be given to urban areas with low firefighter-to-population ratio and to
LGUs with inadequate fire protection services. Moreover, pursuant to DILG Memorandum Circular 2019-
121, roads will be cleared of obstructions to ensure the smooth and quick access of responders.
Establish a secure and resilient Philippine cyberspace. The Department of Information and
Communications Technology will ensure the successful implementation of the National Cybersecurity Plan
(NCSP) 2022 which aims to protect the critical information infrastructure, government networks, supply
chains, and individuals; and establish programs and platforms for local and international cooperation in
cybersecurity. The strategic initiatives of the NCSP will include enhancing security resilience of critical
information infrastructure, and government, public, and military networks to deal with sophisticated attacks,
promoting the adoption of cybersecurity measures among individuals and businesses, and enhancing and
expanding the pool of local cybersecurity experts.
To better address the challenges to cybersecurity arising from the new normal, a strategic defensive posture
within the Office of the President will be established. This will be complemented by the strengthening of
the country’s capability to protect the National Critical Information Infrastructures and improve its cyber
resiliency through cybersecurity assessment and compliance and national drill exercises. The government
will build the skills and capabilities of local cybersecurity experts; strengthen cooperation between law
enforcement, cybersecurity experts, academe, and the private sector; and improve cybersecurity awareness
through the conduct of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, engagements with non-government
organizations and other stakeholders, and employing social media as means for disseminating information.
Sustain the intensified law enforcement operations, including military support, to fight criminality,
trafficking, and terrorism. The PNP will sustain its efforts in reducing all forms of criminality and
intensified crime prevention measures even amidst the pandemic. This will involve updating of existing
and/or developing new policies, manuals, and procedures to ensure compliance with pertinent laws and
human rights standards, particularly on crime investigations including those for missing persons, case
documentation and filing, and harmonization of inter-agency procedures. Coordination between law
enforcers and military, especially during conduct of operations, will also be enhanced.
To address the challenges under the new normal, standard procedures for law enforcement and anti-illegal
drug operations will be revised and updated. Health protocols and measures will be incorporated in the
procedures to ensure that both law enforcers and criminal personalities are protected from getting infected
by the virus. The PNP will also consider using non-lethal weapons and other police equipment in the
conduct of police operations, delivery of public safety services, and other law enforcement functions while
strictly adhering to the minimum health standards provided by the Department of Health (DOH).
Rollout of the Core Competency-Based Training Program for investigators will strengthen the PNP’s
investigative capability and contribute to the success of law enforcement operations. Capabilities of police
personnel in case recording and tracking, case filing and arrest, operational readiness, and disaster and
emergency response will also be enhanced. The current pandemic brought the need to utilize advanced
information and communications technology in the performance of PNP’s mandate, such as the adoption
of secured, mobile, artificial intelligence-driven, and real-time policing. This will harmonize information
systems and improve data sharing and coordination within the criminal justice system.
Law enforcement capability on cybercrime detection and investigation will be improved and modernized.
This also calls for efforts to increase the general public’s awareness on the detection of cybercrimes to
protect themselves and avoid being a victim, especially at the height of a pandemic and other crisis
situations. Moreover, the DILG will lay down policies to protect and rehabilitate children at risk and
children in conflict with the law. This will include developing a manual on handling and treatment of
children at risk, as well as on preventing trafficking in persons, especially of women and children.
The PNP will ensure timely and accurate crime monitoring and reporting through information technology
solutions and initiatives. The conduct of a periodic nationwide Crime Victimization Survey will be pursued
to augment administrative-based data. In addition, a survey on the perception of criminality and law
enforcement will be carried out.
Enhance the capability of police, coast guard, military, and other law enforcers to address internal
security threats. Development and full implementation of the modernization programs of the PNP, AFP,
Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), and other law
enforcement agencies is critical in addressing threats posed by local and transnational terrorists and criminal
groups, and emerging security threats such as cybercrimes. Information and communications capabilities
of law enforcement agencies will be strengthened to ensure that they are responsive in addressing such
threats. Online trainings may be utilized as the primary mode in implementing capacity-building programs
for personnel.
Protection of our porous borders will be ensured through the enhanced interdiction and strengthened
presence and capability of the Bureau of Immigration, Bureau of Customs, and other agencies mandated to
enforce border security. The PCG and BFAR will intensify the conduct of maritime security law
enforcement patrols within Philippine territory. The PCG will also pursue the development of maritime
detection systems and operationalize the Vessel Traffic Management System to secure the country’s
maritime jurisdiction.
The threat of global pandemics calls for intensified air and maritime border security and strict imposition
of health protocols and quarantine procedures for arriving passengers and visitors. This will be carried out
through the installation of modern e-gates and other border control systems, which will also efficiently
prevent human trafficking and entry of terrorists, especially in major ports of entry.
Strengthen commitment to a holistic campaign against the use of illegal drugs and the abuse of
dangerous drugs. The government will continue to strengthen the conduct of its intensive and unrelenting
campaign against the trafficking and use of dangerous drugs 1 and other similar substances through an
integrated system of planning, implementation, and enforcement of anti-drug abuse policies, programs, and
projects. In doing so, the government will aim to achieve a balance in its national drug control program so
that people with legitimate medical needs will still have access to dangerous but licit drugs, subject to the
prescription of appropriate medication.
Central to the government’s campaign is to address the country’s illegal drug use problem through the
Philippine Anti-Illegal Drugs Strategy (PADS). The PADS recognizes the need for a holistic, human rights-
based approach in addressing the problem on illegal drugs production, trafficking, and use. The strategy
entails a comprehensive and balanced approach to drug demand and drug supply reduction. This involves
the suppression of the flow of illegal drugs supply through sustained law enforcement operations; and the
reduction of consumer demand for drugs and other illegal substances through drug rehabilitation and
massive preventive education and awareness programs.
In support of the implementation of the PADS pursuant to EO 66, s. 2018, all government agencies,
including government owned and controlled corporations and state universities and colleges, are mandated
to formulate their respective implementing and operational plans. This will include programs and activities
to ensure a drug-free workplace, including those in the private sector. The strategy also calls for the support
of LGUs through the strengthening of Anti-Drug Abuse Councils, conducting barangay drug clearing
operations, and appropriating funds for anti-illegal drugs programs and projects. The EO also prescribes
the conduct of a nationwide survey to determine the extent and magnitude of drug abuse prevalence in the
country. In addition, the establishment of an age- and sex-disaggregated database and secure database for
dangerous drugs operations will ensure transparency and enable an effective monitoring of the
implementation of the government’s fight against dangerous drugs.
Dangerous drugs include those listed in the schedules annexed to the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, as amended by the 1972
Protocol, and in the schedules annexed to the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances as enumerated in the annex, which is an integral part
of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165).
The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) will also intensify the random drug testing in the
transportation sector as a preventive effort against drug-related road traffic accidents. It will enjoin all
government agencies through the Inter-Agency Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs, as created through EO
15, s. 2017, to ensure that the anti-illegal drugs campaign is implemented in an integrated and synchronized
Prevent and counter terrorism and violent extremism. To address communist terrorist groups, the National
Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict will intensify the implementation of the whole-of-
nation approach at the regional and local levels. This will require strong coordination between regional and
local development and peace and order councils, as well as the commitment and support of local chief
executives and the communities.
Following the adoption of the National Action Plan on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (NAP
PCVE), 2 various national government agencies will be capacitated particularly on the formulation of their
respective agency’s PCVE plans that are aligned with the NAP. In the same manner, LGUs will be
capacitated on the preparation of their local plans that will adopt and translate national strategies into
concrete action at the grassroots level, taking into consideration the current health crisis and other emerging
threats to peace and order and public safety. These plans will include programs aimed at addressing the
political, economic, cultural, psychosocial, and religious factors of radicalization that lead to violent
extremism. The government will pursue a comprehensive and people-centered approach in addressing
drivers of radicalization and ensure that such plans are conflict-, culture-, and gender-sensitive, uphold the
rule of law, and are compliant with international human rights law and international humanitarian law.
The government’s efforts to prevent violent extremism and terrorism will be further intensified to maintain
community resilience, especially during pandemics and other public health emergencies. The cooperation
of the citizens, private sector, and non-government organizations with the government’s efforts on PCVE
will build a strong and solid front against violent extremists, which may lead to their possible containment
and neutralization.
The government will continue to deepen partnerships with the international community through multilateral
and bilateral mechanisms such as mutual legal assistance agreements, global cooperation, and international
law enforcement arrangements (e.g., International Criminal Police and joint law enforcement operations).
This will also include intensified government and multisectoral efforts against domestic and transnational
trafficking in persons through international partnerships and the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking.
Adoption of the NAP-PCVE is pursuant to the Anti-Terrorism Council’s Resolution No. 38, s. 2019.
Intensify investigation and resolution of human rights violations cases. Investigation strategies and
approaches to strengthen case build-up will be further strengthened to ensure successful prosecution of
human rights violation cases. The Commission on Human Rights will pursue efforts to empower the poor,
marginalized, vulnerable, and disadvantaged to seek response and remedies for injustice through the
development of client-based education and training programs. These will include developing learning
modules, teaching aids, and education materials and organizing and mobilizing a network of public support
for the conduct of human rights events, utilizing primarily digital platforms and mechanisms during the
pandemic. Partnerships with state and non-state duty bearers in addressing human rights violations cases
will also be pursued. Furthermore, the National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security (NAP-WPS)
will pursue the protection of human rights of women and girls at all times and the prevention of gender-
based violence.
In line with the international human rights law, which mandates that duty-bearers not derogate from their
obligation to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights even in times of emergencies, a human-rights based
approach will be followed in the implementation of relevant laws, policies, protocols, and guidelines. The
government will ensure that Constitutionally-enshrined human rights are upheld and protected, and that
violators will be treated humanely in the enforcement of community quarantine procedures and protocols
amidst the pandemic situation. Updating of standard procedures for law enforcement operations must
adhere to human rights standards while ensuring health protocols to protect both the suspects and the law
enforcers from getting infected by the virus.
Promote respect for a rules-based regime in Philippine seas and territories. The government will sustain
efforts that promote respect for legal and diplomatic processes in clarifying issues and resolving disputes
on maritime jurisdictions, in accordance with international law, particularly the 1982 United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Central to this is the push for an effective and substantive
ASEAN-China COC that will guide actions of claimant-states to avoid activities that raise tension or
threaten security and stability in the SCS. On the other hand, the Philippines remains committed to taking
necessary diplomatic interventions against actions that run counter to international laws and principles,
including the UN Charter, the 1982 UNCLOS, and the 2002 ASEAN-China Declaration on the Conduct of
Parties in the South China Sea, to preserve national security and maintain peace and stability in the region.
The government will continue to enhance its relations with other claimant countries such as China, but with
the consciousness of the need to protect the country’s rights and interests in the WPS, as recognized under
the foregoing international instruments and the 2016 Award of the Arbitral Tribunal on the South China
Sea arbitration case.
In addition, the government will pursue negotiations of maritime boundary delimitation agreements with
countries the Philippines shares borders with. Further, dispute settlement mechanisms consistent with
international law will be pursued for the settlement of maritime border delineation and outstanding
territorial claims.
Promote greater amity and cooperation with all nations. The country will continue to enhance and
strengthen existing bilateral relations, alliances, strategic partnerships, and defense cooperation, while
expanding our bilateral diplomatic engagements. The government will maximize existing platforms and
pursue alternative platforms to maintain diplomatic engagements with its bilateral and multilateral partners
to strengthen cooperation towards addressing the impact of public health emergencies such as pandemics.
Expand and enhance diplomatic engagements and cooperation in regional and international fora. The
country will strengthen relationships at the regional level. Aside from the existing Trilateral Cooperative
Agreement with Indonesia and Malaysia, which contributed to the enhanced stability in the Sulu-Celebes
Seas, the Philippines will continue to engage ASEAN through its various platforms towards promoting joint
patrols, maritime exercises, intelligence cooperation, regional security, and stability. It will also strengthen
cooperation to effectively manage the current and avoid future pandemic situations.
Pursue and sustain modernization programs for a credible and self-reliant defense posture. The
establishment of a credible, self-reliant defense posture is critical to the protection and preservation of the
country’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, and sovereign rights. Thus, the government will fully implement
the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Modernization Program and the AFP Capability Upgrade
Program by ensuring continued budgetary support to these programs. Air and maritime domain awareness
will likewise be intensified through the conduct of law enforcement patrols and operations in Philippine
maritime jurisdiction, as well as the establishment of domain awareness platforms. Various structures that
can be used for territorial defense operations, marine resource protection, information gathering, and
civilian purposes will be established to strengthen the AFP’s presence in Philippine-owned islands and
features. Moreover, the AFP will strengthen the Reserved Forces and the Reserved Officers Training Corps
(ROTC) Program to augment its numbers, especially during crisis situations.
Declaration of some parts of the West Philippine Sea as marine protected areas (MPAs). The government
will pursue this strategy to address environmental degradation and to ensure food security and the livelihood
of fisherfolk who depend on the area. Pursuant to existing domestic laws, specifically the Expanded
National Integrated Protected Areas System Act of 2018 (RA 11038), the management and enforcement of
MPAs will be the mandate of the military and relevant civilian national government agencies, local
communities, and non-government organizations. Towards this end, the government will acquire sea
vessels to aid navigation, construct and maintain bases, support organization and operations of bantay-
dagat, and conduct marine scientific research in these areas. While MPAs are considered national
initiatives, the Philippines will also pursue cross-border and multilateral or regional cooperation with
neighboring countries for more effective administration and management of the oceans.
Legislative Agenda
To support the implementation and effectiveness of the strategies, legislative action is needed on the
Table 18.1 Legislative Agenda to Ensure Security, Public Order, and Safety
This will exempt all acquisition of defense equipment, materiel, ordinance and
integrated military systems of the Department of National Defense and its
Defense Acquisition Act
attached bureaus from the regular procurement process bounded by the
Government Procurement and Reform Act.
This will institutionalize the national security planning process. This aims to
address the required regular preparation of a National Security Policy and a
National Security Code
National Security Strategy; and identify how the government will implement the
policy and strategy.
This will promote and stimulate the local defense industry, as in-country
enterprises will be entitled to avail incentives under the Omnibus Investments
Code (EO 226, s. 1987). The proposed law places premium in encouraging local
industry players to invest in developing in-country defense capabilities. The
Philippine Defense Industry
industry players may avail of credit and other financial products extended by
Development Act
government financial institutions and enjoy exemption from customs duties and
national internal revenue taxes that are payable on the importation of raw
materials and critical components. The government will promote the export of
locally made defense materiel and the in-country enterprises to other countries.
This will serve as a general declaration of the maritime zones under the
sovereignty and jurisdiction of the Philippines. It will also provide the necessary
Philippine Maritime Zones Act
foundation and framework for the enactment of subsequent laws pertinent to the
rights and obligations of the Philippines over its maritime zones.
The proposed law will establish archipelagic sea lanes in Philippine archipelagic
waters and the adjacent territorial sea. It will likewise prescribe the rights and
obligations of foreign ships and aircraft that exercise the right of passage through
Philippine Archipelagic Sea Lanes Act the established archipelagic sea lanes. The bill will also determine and put in
place appropriate measures for the protection of areas along said sea lanes in
accordance with international conventions and agreements to which the
Philippines is a party.
All forms of criminality and illegal drugs reduced
This will enhance the capabilities of the PNP through infrastructure and facilities
PNP Revitalization and Capability
development as well as equipment acquisition and upgrading.
Enhancement Act
The bill will give way for the establishment of a DNA database system for the
collection, storage, and maintenance of genetic identification information for law
Forensic DNA Database Act
enforcement purposes.
This will institutionalize the creation of Anti-Drug Abuse Councils in every local
government unit. It provides for the corresponding budget allocation for the
Anti-Drug Abuse Council Law operations of the Councils and the conduct of other anti-illegal drug activities,
among others.
This will allow for the mandatory drug testing of students in the secondary and
tertiary level and the forfeiture of properties involved in drug cases in favor of
PDEA. The amendment will also prescribe stronger penalties to those found
Amendment of the Comprehensive
guilty of trafficking dangerous drugs; provide for the destruction of seized
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
dangerous drugs and controlled precursors and essential chemicals; and restore
plea bargaining and probation laws. It will also strengthen the PDEA as an
organization, including the provision of benefits for personnel, among others.
Public safety ensured
This will modernize the BFP and enable it to become a fire and emergency
medical and rescue services agency capable of responding to hazards such as
BFP Modernization Act destructive fires, accidents, and other natural and human-induced disasters. It
will strengthen the ongoing modernization of the BFP and give BFP the power to
investigate all causes of fire, and if necessary, file proper complaints.
This will amend certain provisions of the Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of
2008 (RA 9514) and clarify the respective authorities and jurisdictions of the
BFP, the Philippine Economic Zone Authority, and other similar entities on the
enforcement of the law within economic zones. It will give the BFP the sole
Amendment of the Fire Code
responsibility to administer and enforce the Fire Code. It also expands the
utilization of the Fire Code Fees collections for the acquisition of properties of fire
stations. It also provides more stringent penalties for every act that compromises
fire safety and endangers the lives and limbs of Filipinos.
This will establish a Department of Disaster Resilience with sufficiently high level
of authority to lead the coordination, monitoring, oversight, and implementation of
disaster risk reduction and management efforts. The proposed Department will
be equipped with the necessary competency and resources to engage new
actors, particularly in the field of risk transfer and insurance, and built with the
Disaster Resilience Bill
necessary structure to manage broader governance programs. The current
version of the bill should also be revisited to explicitly specify public health
emergencies such as pandemics as disaster events and to identify measures
that will enable the government to mitigate the impact of such emergencies and
respond effectively.
This will address the decline in the number of students taking up ROTC, which
resulted in the insufficient number of reserve officers and personnel for the AFP
that may be tapped in times of need. The proposed law seeks to revive the
mandatory nature of the ROTC. The re-establishment of mandatory basic ROTC
Program will form part of the basic curricula for Senior High School (Grades 11
Mandatory ROTC Program
and 12) in public and private schools and a requisite for graduation. The program
aims to enhance the students’ consciousness in the ethics of service, patriotism,
and nationalism; military training for national defense preparedness and civil-
military operations; and civic training for disaster risk reduction and management,
human and civil rights awareness, and law enforcement.