Other e Another Diferenca Ingl
Other e Another Diferenca Ingl
Other e Another Diferenca Ingl
between another and other?
A simple rule to help you remember the difference between another and other is:
another + singular noun
other + plural noun
others (a pronoun to replace other + plural noun)
Another is a determiner (and a qualifier) that goes before a singular countable noun or a
Another + One
Another can be placed before “one” when the meaning is clear from the text before it.
Another as a pronoun
Sometimes another is used as a pronoun.
That piece of cake was tasty. I think I’ll have another. (another = one more
piece of cake)
I don’t like this room. Let’s ask for another. (another = another room)
Note: you can also say: “I think I’ll have another one.” and “Let’s ask for another one.”
Other + Ones
Other can be placed before the pronoun “ones” when the meaning is clear from the text
before it.
Others as a pronoun
Others replaces “other ones” or "other + plural noun".
Only others can be used as a pronoun and not other.
I don’t like these postcards. Let’s ask for others. (others = other postcards)
Some of the presidents arrived on Monday. Others arrived the following day.