CAH Family SmallCards
CAH Family SmallCards
CAH Family SmallCards
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Cards Against Humanity:
Family Edition Rules
Cards Against Humanity: Family Edition is a fill-in-the-blank party game. Each round,
one player asks the group a question from a black card, and then everyone answers it
with their funniest white card.
To start the game, everyone should wash their hands with soap for 20 seconds and
then take ten white cards. The player who most recently pooped begins as the Card
Czar and draws a black card.
The Card Czar reads the black card out loud. Everyone else then answers the
question (or fills in the blank) by passing one white card, face down, to the Card Czar.
The Card Czar then shuffles all the white cards and re-reads the black card out loud
with each one. Finally, the Card Czar picks the funniest combination, and whoever
played it gets one point.
After the round, a new player becomes the Card Czar, and everyone draws a new
white card to replace the one they just played.
When you’re done playing, tell your parents how much you loved Cards Against
Humanity: Family Edition — available this fall at participating Target locations for the
unbeatable price of $25!
Papa, come Attention students! I’m sorry, Jordan, The warm August
quickly! There, Principal Butthead is but that’s not air was filled with
in the garden! at home recovering an acceptable change. Things
Do you see _____? from _____________. Science Fair were different,
Tell me you see it, We hope he’ll project. for Kayla was now
Papa! be back soon. That’s just _______. ________________.
This is gonna be Coming soon! Class, pay close Hey Riley, I’ll give
the best sleepover Batman vs. attention. I will you five bucks if
ever. Once Mom ________________. now demonstrate you try _________.
goes to bed, it’s the physics of
time for _________! ________________.
And over here is The aliens are here. They call me CHUNGO
Picasso’s most They want ______. “Mr. ___________.” FEEL SICK.
famous painting,
“Portrait of _____.” CHUNGO NO LIKE
Mom!? CNN breaking On the next Alright, which one
You have to come news! Over half episode of of you little turds
pick me up! of Americans are Dora the Explorer, is responsible for
There’s __________ now ____________. Dora explores _______________?!
at this party! ________________.
Little Miss Muffet All I want for Me and my friends We’re not
Sat on a tuffet Christmas is don’t play with supposed to
Eating her curds ________________. dolls anymore. go in the attic.
and ____________. We’re into _______ My parents keep
now. _________________
in there.
I have invented a Hey, check out my Moms love ______. Where do babies
new sport. I call it band! We’re called come from?
“___________ ball.” “Rage Against
You don’t love Did you know One nation, The easiest way
me, Sam. All you that Benjamin under God, to tell me and my
care about is Franklin invented indivisible, twin apart is that
________________. ________________? with liberty and I have a freckle
_________________ on my cheek and
for all. she’s ___________.
Hey guys. I just Whoa there, Princess Marigold, Shut up, Becky!
want to tell all my partner! Looks like the kingdom At least I’m not
followers who are _________________ is in danger! ________________.
struggling with spooked my horse. You must stop
________________: ________________.
it DOES get better.
I lost my arm in a Isn’t this great, Foolish child! Girls just wanna
________ accident. honey? Just you, Did you think you have ___________.
me, the kids, could escape from
and ____________. ________________?
Run, run, as fast New from Mattel, No fair! How Bow before me,
as you can. it’s _______ Barbie! come Chloe gets for I am the Queen
You can’t catch me, her own phone, of ______________!
I’m _____________! and all I get is
New from Hasbro! I don’t really Our day at the Charmander has
It’s BUNGO: The know what my water park was evolved into
Game of ________. mom’s job is, but totally ruined ________________!
I think it has by _____________.
something to do
with ____________.
Tocar trumpet
trompeta Ratzilla. Teeny Popós
tiny turds. That there
the el
alcalde. chiquiticos. tarantula.
Old people.
Viejitos. MyElsister’s
estúpido Stuffing
mi ropa Stinky Martha,
La olorosa Martha,
stupid boyfriend.
novio de mi underwear
interior con the superhero that
el superheroe que
hermana. withpancakes.
pancakes. nobody
a nadielikes.
le gusta.
motosierra. Diarrhea.
Diarrea. Boogers.
Mocos. The La
Fartus Magnimus,
Pedorro máximo, Rated-R stuff. Blowing up Getting launched
Ser lanzado al
Explotar la Luna.
God of Beans.
el dios de los the Moon. into space.
Likes. A bird
pájaro Chungo,
el gorila The wayme
Como I feel
on the president’s
haciendo popó en talking gorilla.
hablador. when I seeveo
cuando Kyle.
la cabeza del Kyle.
My strong,
Mi fuerte y A Democrat. TikTok. Cheeto fingers.
terrifying daughter. Un demócrata.
aterradora hija.
A huge honkin’
Una zanahoria The country My parents. Idiots.
gigantesca. of Bolivia.
Bolivia. Mis papás. Idiotas.
trasero Putting
Poneran una
apple in Thousands Climbing into
Escalar al a
with spaghetti. a little boy’sen
mouth Miles
of de lasañas.
lasagna. cow’s
con espaguetti. manzana la de butt.
una vaca.
and roasting him
boca de un niño y
for dinner. para la
with Canada.
con Mashing a China. Shrek.
Espichar un
Canadá. banana
Having noniidea
No tener idea de John Wilkes Booth. Getting married.
Casarse. Politics.
what’s going
que esta on.
Basura. Naked
desnuda. This
tonto. Biting a richaperson.
Morder una
persona rica.
Screaming at birds.
Gritar a pájaros. Getting
Quedarse stuck
atorado Getting crushedpor
Ser aplastado Huge pants.
in en
sanitario. by a piano.
un piano. enormes.
La spaghetti.
pasta de mamá. AnUn gato
old, viejo,
dirty cat A corn dog. My
sucio y con mal
with bad breath.
Brujería. Taking out Sacrificing
Sacrificar al tío Moving to Ohio.
Sacarme los ojos.
my eyeballs. Uncle Tim.
A hundred A wise old woman Emotions. Ham.
screaming with no teeth
monkeys. and cloudy eyes.
The garbage man. A big, and I mean Your mom! The octopus
BIG turtle. stuck to my face.
Dying of old age. Smashing the Screaming into a Grandpa.
patriarchy. can of Pringles.
Eating a whole roll The bacon. The first female Falling off
of toilet paper. president of the a mountain.
United States.
Person milk. Pink eye. Pork. The government.
The bus driver. Getting run over Spinning and Some freakin’
by a train. barfing. privacy.
Some weird guy. Getting a girlfriend. Falling in love with Throwing stuff at
a hot dog. other stuff.
Gluing my butt How school slowly A Pokémon named True love’s kiss.
cheeks together. breaks your spirit “Jim.”
and drains your
will to live.
Having to pee
so bad.