ANIMAL FARM Exercises Chapters 1-7

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1. How is Mr Jones portrayed?

Mr Jones is portrayed as an irresponsible, reckless, careless and alcoholic farmer, who

explodes his animals and feeds them just enough so they won’t starve to death.

2. Why has Major called the meeting?

He called the meeting because of a dream that he had had the previous night, although he first
transmitted the rest of the animals important knowledge.

3. Which animals learn the song quickly?

The clever ones, such as the pigs and the dogs.

4. How did the meeting end?

Due to the fuss that had been created by all the animals who where singing, Mr Jones woke
up. Thinking that a fox was the one to blame for the noises, who took a number 6 and, seizing
the gun, he shoot against the barn’s walls, spooking the animals.


1. What happens to Major after the speech?

Immediately after the speech and the gun shots, all the animals felt asleep. But three nights
later, the Old Major died peacefully in his sleep and his body was buried at the foot of the

2. What is Moses the Raven’s tale?

He claimed to know of the existence of a mysterious country called Sugarcandy Mountain, to

which all animals went they died. It was situated somewhere up in the sky, a little distance
beyond the clouds, where it was Sunday seven days a week, clover was in season all the year
round, and lump sugar and linseed cake grew on the edges.
3. What’s the first thing the animals do to celebrate their victory?

Their first act was to gallop in a body right round the boundaries of the farm, as though to
make quite sure that no human being was hiding anywhere upon it; then they raced back to
the farm buildings to wipe out the last traces of Mr Jones’s hated reign.


1. Why are pigs leaders?

Because of their superior knowledge.

2. What are the differences between Napoleon and Snowball? What are they

interested in?

Snowball was interested and dedicated her time into creating committees for those grown-up
animals, while Napoleon thought that there was not anything more important than the
education of the young. Snowball and Napoleon where in constant disagreement and forever
opposing to each resolutions or ideas.

3. What are Napoleon’s ideas about education?

Education must be given to the young because it’s useless for those who have already grown


1. What was Snowball’s part in the Battle of Cowshed?

Besides leading the defense, he was also at the head of the second line of attack.

2. Where is Napoleon during the battle?

Napoleon does not appear anywhere during the battle. I guess he was hiding in his secret place
where he hides the nine dogs which he toke away from their mothers when they were just


1. Why does Mollie run away from the farm?

Because she had been seen letting one of Mr. Pilkington’s men stroking her nose.
2. Explain the controversy between Snowball and Napoleon about the windmill.

Snowball claimed that although the construction of the windmill would suppose a lot of effort
and a whole year of construction, it would result on the animals having to work just three days
a week. Napoleon said that due to the time and effort it would require for its construction,
they would louse time that they could be investing on producing food, so they would
eventually starve to death.

3. What changes does Napoleon make after his dogs chase Snowball off the


The Sunday morning Meetings are cancelled. Instead, the animals will have to gather to
receive Napoleon’s orders for the following week.

4. What is the importance of the dogs accompanying Squealer when he comes

to talk to the animals?

The dogs are the ones that kind of force the animals to accept whatever Squealer tells them.


1. Why does Napoleon decide to engage in trade with neighbouring farms?

Because the animal farm had a lack of different necessary stuff such as paraffin oil, nails, string,
dog biscuits and iron for the horses’ shoes.

2. Why is the windmill destroyed? Why does Napoleon blame Snowball?

Napoleon said that it had been Snowball because not only they found later on some pig’s
footprints, but Snowball had motives: revenge and treason (although it may have been
destroyed because of the weather).

3. How does Napoleon react when the hens rebel against his orders?

He ordered that they should be taken away their rations and decreed that any animal giving so
much as a grain of corn to a hen should be punished by death.

4. Explain why the animals confessed to being traitors.

Firstly, the four pigs confessed overcome by panic and intimidated by the dogs. Afterwards, in
my opinion, the rest confessed too knowing that it would mean the death in an act of bravery
and companionship.
Animals could not bare the guilty.

5. Why does Napoleon order the animals to stop singing?

He claimed that that song belonged to the rebellion and, the rebellion being completed with
the murderers of the traitors for once and for all, it just did not have any purpose anymore.

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