Quizlet Notes ASME V
Quizlet Notes ASME V
Quizlet Notes ASME V
1. A 1/8" reinforced weld on a .25" plate is to be Both: 20 & 13. As a radiographer is removing a lead "B" is not
radiographed on the film side and the 10 cassettes (film holders) from a weld attached
radiographer is seam that has just been radiographed,
out of 15 Hole type IQIs. What other hole size you notice that there is nothing
IQI can be substituted in its place? attached to the back of the cassettes.
These radiographs would be
2. A 1.25" thick weld was radiographed using an The 1T hole
unacceptable because:
IQI hole type designation of 40. This is is visible
acceptable on the film. 14. At least _______ calibration blocks TWO
provided: T-276.1, T- should be used for delay line single
283.2 element search unit calibration.
3. A 2 NPS PIPE Weld is being RTed. The 2 15. Black light intensity shall be Black light meter
radiographer DOES NOT have access to the measured with a______________when
inside of the pipe. How many exposures are conducting fluorescent PT.
required in order to RT 100% of the weld?
16. __________________can be detected by Surface
4. A 3/8 thick weld will be radiographed. The RT 12 the Liquid Penetrant method. Discontinuities
examiner DOES NOT have access to both
17. __________________can be detected by Surface and slight
sides. What size of hole-type IQI should be
the Magnetic particle testing method. sub-surface
5. A 4T hole on a 20 IQI has a diameter of: 0.080".
18. __________________can be detected by Surface and sub-
(Note: This is an Open Book Question) TABLE T
the Radiographic examination method. surface
6. A 6 NPS pipe is radiographed using the 3. T-
19. __________________can be detected by Surface and sub-
double-wall technique. What is the minimum 271.2(a)
the Ultrasonic examination method. surface
number of exposure required to completely
radiograph the weld?
20. Certification of contaminants shall be Austenitic stainless
7. An 8 NPS pipe weld is being RTed. The 3
obtained for all PT materials used on steels
radiographer DOES NOT have access to the
inside of the pipe. How many exposures are
required in order to RT 100% of the weld? 21. Certifications of contaminant content Both: Penetrant
for all liquid penetrant materials used Manufacturers. +
8. A ½" thick material is to be magnetic particle Alternating
on all nickel base alloys, Batch Numbers and
tested with a yoke, the preferred method is current.
austenitic stainless steel and titanium test results
shall include which of the following?
9. The ability to see the prescribed hole or wire The quality
22. CRT displays are recommended none of the above
on the designated IQI and compliance with of the
where reflecting surfaces_______________. (thick walled; dirty;
the density radiograph
smooth, pitted, or
requirements is how: is
23. A dark image of the "B" on a lighter Acceptable
10. The accuracy of a piece of magnetizing Each year
background is ___________________.
equipment that is equipped with an ammeter
shall be 24. D.C. yokes may be used for Surface
verified______________________. detecting_________________discontinuities,
per ASME V?
11. After the dwell time for a penetrant examine 60 minutes
is completed, the final evaluation should be 25. Densitometers shall be calibrated by Step Wedge Film
completed within: verification with a
12. All PT indications are to be evaluated in The
accordance with_____________________. referencing 26. Densitometers that are used to Using a step wedge
Code measure film density must be film that is
section calibrated: calibrated to a
national standard.
27. Densitometers used for weld quality Quarter 44. High temperature UT thickness Too thick by about 1.0%
radiography should be calibrated readings have an apparent for every 100°F
every: thickness that is:
28. The double wall viewing technique is 3.5" OD or less. 45. A hole-type IQI: Can be placed on the
limited to what sizes? weld or near the weld
29. During a visual examination, the eye of 24" 46. How can the film density in a With either a step-
the examiner must be within what radiograph be determined? wedge comparison film
distance of the component being or a densitometer
47. How many copies of a procedure 1
30. During calibration, a DC 40 lb must be available to the
electromagnetic yoke shall have a Manufacturers Nondestructive
lifting power of: Examination Personnel?
31. During calibration, an AC 10 lb. T-762 48. How many total liquid penetrant 6
electromagnetic yoke shall have a techniques are listed in ASME V?
lifting power of:
49. How shall indications be To the referencing Code
32. During eye examinations, examiners J-1 letters evaluated, i.e., acceptance section
must be capable of reading standard: standards for RT
33. During radiography, whenever a shim is At least 3 sides of 50. How shall Nondestructive To referencing code
placed under a hole-type IQI: the IQI image Examination Personnel be requirements
should be visible qualified?
in the RT
51. If the density of the IQI in a 3.64
34. Each electro-magnetic yoke should be After a repair radiograph is 2.8, what is the
calibrated: maximum acceptable density in
the "area of interest"?
35. A field indicator is composed of ________ 8
low carbon steel pie sections, furnace 52. If the density of the IQI is 3.2, 2.72
brazed together. what is the minimum acceptable
density in the "area of interest"
36. Film Density is measured or judged by Densitometer
____________________ 53. If the density through the IQI is 2.125-3.25
2.50, what would the maximum
37. Film sensitivity or quality is measured IQI
allowable density and minimum
or judged by_____________
allowable density through the
38. A film side IQI can be used for: inaccessible weld represented by this
welds ( unable to unshimmed IQI be?
hand place a
54. Inaccessibility prevents the A letter F at least as
source IQI)
placement of the IQI on the high as the identification
39. An "F" on the radiograph indicates: The IQI is placed sources side, the IQI can be place number is placed
on film side on the adjacent to the IQI.
40. For a DWE/SWV RT Technique, a 3 film side provided:
minimum of______________exposures shall 55. In accordance with Section V, Can always be used.
be made. wire-type IQIs:
41. For materials other than welds, the IQI in the area of 56. In penetrant testing, the Both: Blotter to absorb
should be placed_________ interest. developer acts as a: penetrant. + Contrasting
42. Geometric unsharpness is determined UG = Fd/D. T-274 background
by: 57. Intensifying screens are Permitted
43. The girth seam for a 48" OD pipe was 3 IQIs. T 277.2 (b) _________per ASME SEC V.
shot with a single exposure (30 (1)
radiographs), how many IQIs are
58. An IQI is a small strip of material, 2% 74. Non-aqueous developer shall be dry surface
fabricated of radiographically similar applied to a _____________.
material to the object being
75. Once the part to be tested by the must remain on
inspected, and having a thickness of
Magnetic Particle examination is
approximately ____ of the object
initially magnetized, the
being radiographed.
59. The IQI is normally placed on the Source side particles applied.
76. One of the five magnetization Circular
60. The IQI is normally placed on which Source side techniques is?
side of the part?
77. One of the procedural requirements Post-examination
61. An IQI is used on a DWE/DWV. The The single wall for conducting PT is to address the cleaning; Pre-
IQI selection is based on___________. thickness and weld processing details for examination
reinforcement. T- _________________. cleaning; Apply
276.2 the penetrant.
62. IQIs may be of what two types? The Wire and Hole 78. Penetrant is to be applied to a part. 125°F Max
type. What temperature should this be?
63. A ______ is a device used to determine An IQI. 79. Personnel performing visual year
the image quality of radiograph. examination should have their eyes
tested every:
64. An item is designed for 675 psig. The 0 - 1518 psig. No
item will be tested at 1.5 x Design less than 1 1 / 2 nor 80. Personnel performing visual Jaeger Type 1 or
pressure. What should the more than four examinations to ASME V must have equivalent to
absolute minimum gage range be on times that pressure. acuity to which of the following Jaeger Type 1
a test of this pressure, per ASME V standards, if any?
Art. 10?
81. Pressure gauges used for a leak test Year
65. The location markers required by appear as should be recalibrated every:
ASME V are required __________________. radiographic images
82. A pressure test is being conducted at 0-1600 psig
66. A magnetic particle examination is 1000 micro- 400 psig. When selecting a pressure
performed using a black light. The watt/cm2 gauge, the maximum allowed pressure
minimum allowed light intensity for range on the gauge is:
the black light is:
83. A pressure test is being conducted at 0-1200 psig.
67. Magnetic particle examination with Per Manufacturer's 600 psig. When selecting a pressure
dry particles is limited to what recommendations gauge, the preferred pressure range
temperature? on the gauge is:
68. Magnetic yokes used in MT Prior to use 84. Prior to examination, each adjacent 1"
examinations should be calibrated: surface shall be cleaned within at least
______" of the area
69. The magnetizing current must be type + amperage
to be examined.
identified on the written MT
procedure. 85. Prior to performing a MT examination 5 minutes
using fluorescent particles, the
70. The maximum emulsification time none of the above
examiner shall be in a darkened area
shall be: (5, 10, 15 min)
for a minimum of:
71. A MT examination is performed using Daily
86. A PT procedure must be qualified 40 - 125°F
a permanent magnet. The strength of
when the temperature of the
the magnet should be checked?
components is outside the standard
72. Name one typical discontinuity HAZ surface cracks temperature range of:
detectable by the liquid penetrant on a NPS 2 girth
87. Pulse echo ultrasonic instruments are one side of the
method. weld
designed to take measurements part, and not
73. Name one typical discontinuity Toe cracks from_____________. requiring access
detectable by the magnetic particle to the rear surface.
88. The radiographer is going to radiograph 3. T-277.2 (b) (1) 99. Under ASME Code Section V, what upper and 2.29-3.51.
an entire vessel circumferential weld low-density limits are acceptable for viewing if T-282.1
with just one exposure. The the density (-15% or +
radiographer will place the RT source through the body of the IQI is 2.7? Assume 30%)
on the vessel axis and wrap 15 RT film single film viewing.
completely around the vessel. What is
100. Using A 2000kv x-ray tube, what is the 1.8-4.0
the minimum number of IQIs that can be
minimum and maximum density through the
used during this single exposure?
image of the IQI
89. A radiograph is made using an X-ray 1.8 for radiographs?
source, and two films in each film
101. Using calibration bocks having attenuation Back
holder. If the film is to be viewed
characteristics equal to those in the measured reflection
separately the minimum permitted
material or wave
density would be:
adjusting back reflection amplitude to be equal train. SE-
90. Radiography backscatter is defined as Off objects for both the calibrating blocks and measured 797, 8.7
radiation that scatters: behind the film material
and bounces may reduce_____________________.
through the back
102. A vessel shell weld is being radiographed using 35.
of the film
a hole-type IQI. The radiographer has access to TABLE-
91. The scope of the ASME Boiler and How to perform the inside of the vessel. The weld thickness is 276
Pressure Vessel Code, Section V NDE to achieve a 2.00". What size of hole-type IQI should be
includes: desired result used?
92. SE 797 is applicable to any material in 103. Visible light meters used in support of NDE Annually
_____________________. which ultrasonic examinations should be calibrated:
waves will
104. Visual examination must be conducted when 24"
propagate at a
the eye is within ________ " of the piece to be
constant velocity.
93. A shim shall be fabricated of radiographically
105. Water washable penetrant shall be removed FALSE, T
_________________to the object to be similar material
with a water spray not exceeding _____ and _____. 673.1
106. A welded part is to be radiographed and is 1" Set B. T-
94. A single film technique was used to 2.0
thick, with 1/8" reinforcement. What ASTM wire 276,
make a radiograph using a Cobalt-60
set IQI should Table T-
source. The minimum permitted
be used on these radiographs if a source side 233.2
density in the area of interest is:
technique is used:
95. A source-side wire-type IQI is used on 4 wires.
107. A weld with a nominal thickness of 1.5 inch is to 25. Table
a component that is 0.625" thick. To be
be radiographed using a film side hole IQI. T-276
an acceptable RT, what is the minimum
The IQI designation should be: (NOTE: This is an
number of wires that must be visible in
open book question)
the RT?
108. What ASTM wire-set IQI should be used when C
96. The standard test temperature of a part 4ºC - 52ºC
performing radiography of a 2.25" thick weld?
to be bubble tested shall be between:
The examiner has access to both sides of the
97. A suitable means for applying Any or all of the part.
penetrant is: above. (Dipping;
109. What designation is used to indicate the IQI is an "F"
on the film side?
98. The thickness range of a typical five .10,.20,.30,.40,.50.
step calibration block is___________________
110. What finished surface is None of the above (Smooth 123. What type of discontinuity is the Surface discontinuities
required of butt welds for PT surface prepared by magnetic particle method most aligned perpendicular to
examination? grinding; Cosmetically sensitive to? the magnetic field.
clean acid etched surface;
124. What types of discontinuities is Surface and slight
A near white blast surface.)
magnetic particle examinations subsurface indications
111. What is an indication of A faint light "B" effective in detecting.
backscatter on a radiograph?
125. When a PT test cannot be The procedure must be
112. What is a shim used for? MT field strength and conducted between 50° - 125°F, qualified. T-652
direction what must be done, per ASME
113. What is the difference Both: Inspection performed
between an inspection and by AI + Examination 126. When are location markers Both: Concave side is
an examination per Section V performed by placed on the film-side in SWV toward the source +
of the ASME Code. manufacturer's personnel for curved surfaces? Source-to-material
distance greater than IR.
114. What is the examination and Ferro Magnetic particles,
probing medium when using magnetic fields
MT? 127. When coatings are applied to an be detected through
enhance contrast, the procedure the coating
115. What is the minimum light 100 Lx
must be demonstrated that
intensity when conducting a
indications ______________________.
visible MT test?
128. When developing a detailed Instrument manufacture
116. What is the specified size of 0.50" height and 1/16" thick
procedure which of the
the lead letter "B" that is used
following should not be
to determine back-scattered
radiation during a radiograph
examination? 129. When developing a PT 125°F
procedure, the temperature
117. What is to be done to excess It must be removed
must be qualified if the surface
penetrant remaining on the
temperature exceeds:
surface after the specified
penetration time has 130. When doing a UT scan for wall Stated in the procedure.
elapsed? thickness, the maximum
scanning speed must be:
118. What length of indication is none of the above. (1/32";
required to demonstrate that 1/16"; 3/32".) 131. When evaluating a radiograph, -15% to + 30% of the IQI.
a visual examination the film density in the weld
procedure is should be within:
adequate per ASME V?
132. When must a shim be placed When the area of interest
119. What materials require the Both: Nickel alloys + under a hole-type is lighter by more than
use of tested and certified Austenitic stainless steel penetrameter? 15%. T-277.3
liquid penetrants as to the alloys
133. When must the lifting power of Prior to use within the
contaminants in
yokes be tested? last year or if the yoke
the penetrant?
has been damaged.
120. What must be done to ensure All examination must Permanent magnetic
100% coverage on any NDE overlap to ensure 100% yokes
method? coverage of the part. must be checked daily.
121. What radiographic technique Both: Single wall technique 134. When performing a liquid 5 minutes
is noted as available for + Double wall technique penetrant examination on a
examination? steel weld, the minimum dwell
time for the penetrant shall be:
122. What type of discontinuity is Surface discontinuities
the liquid penetrant method
effective in detecting?
135. When performing a magnetic particle 1 inch 149. When using a black light during a MT Prior to use
examination, the surface to be examined exam, the black light intensity
should be clean. The area that shall be should be verified:
clean includes the surface to be
150. When using a hydrophilic emulsifier pre-rinsing with
examined and the adjacent:
versus a lipophilic emulsifier and water. T 673.2
136. When performing a visual exam, the light 100 foot- intermediate step that must be
intensity on the component being candles taken is:
examined must be at least:
151. When using a shim under the hole- Made of a material
137. When performing either a PT or MT 100 foot - type IQI, the shim should be: with a density
examination in visible light (not a black- candles similar to the IQI
light examination), the light intensity in
152. When using a wire IQI, the IQI On the weld with
the area of interest must be at least:
should be placed: the wires
138. When performing radiography, double- 3-1/2" O.D perpendicular to the
wall view is limited to pipe sizes less than weld
or equal to:
153. When using fluorescent penetrants, 5 minutes
139. When performing radiography on a When there is the examiner's eyes must be
cylindrical component, when is a film- no access to adjusted to the dark. Prior to the
side IQI used? the inside of examinations, the examiner shall be
the component in a darkened area for at least:
140. When performing thickness readings Having a 154. When using fluorescent penetrant, 5
using UT, during calibration the technician known velocity the examiner shall be in a darkened
must use a reference block: or be of the area for at least ______ minutes prior
same material to performing the examination.
that will be
155. When using Section V to select an Nominal thickness
IQI, the chart's wall thickness to is plus estimated weld
141. When possible, IQI's should be placed The source side based on the: cap height
156. When VT is performed, the 30 degrees
142. When radiographing a 1" thick weld, the 0.020". T-274.2 inspectors eye should be at angle
maximum Geometric Unsharpness not less than:
allowed on the film is:
157. When writing a Visual Examination Surface
143. When radiographing a flat plate, location On the source procedure, which is not an Essential preparation/cleaning
markers should be placed: side. Variable?
144. When reviewing a radiograph, a dark Acceptable 158. Where are RT location markers On the part
image of the letter B can be seen on the placed?
film. This film is
159. Which hole in a hole-type IQI must 2T
145. When reviewing a radiograph that was 4.0 be visible when evaluating a weld
made using a gamma ray source, the quality radiograph?
maximum allowed darkness at the IQI is:
160. Which is not one of the three Transparent
146. When reviewing a radiograph that was 2.0 different methods of conducting
made using a gamma ray source, the "Visual Examinations" (VT)?
minimum darkness allowed at the IQI is:
161. Which is not one the four types of Light letter "B" on a
147. When should a densitometer be Every 90 days blemishes not permitted on film. darker background.
calibrated as a minimum? T-281
148. When surface irregularities may mask All of the 162. Which is one method of non- Ultrasonic
indications of unacceptable above. destructive examination? examination
discontinuities, what is required. (Grinding;
163. Which NDE methods are considered Both: PT & MT
"surface" methods?
methods.) 164. Which one is not one the six pre-emulsifying
penetrant techniques used.
165. Why must the surface be closely observed during the application of To allow proper characterisation of discontinuities
the PT developer?
166. A wire IQI shall be placed ___________ the weld, with the wires _________ to only perpendicular
the weld.
167. With special equipment, digital UT readings can be taken on 1000°F
components at temperatures up to a maximum of:
168. With the exception for panoramic techniques, how many IQIs should At least one
appear on each radiograph.
169. A written procedure is required by ASME SEC V for_____________. As soon as possible after penetrant removal. Not to
exceed time in the written procedure
170. A written procedure is required by ASME SEC V for_____________. UT and MT only
171. You calibrated your UT instrument on a calibration block similar to the 3%.
A106 B piping you are inspecting.
Calibration was conducted at 100°F and the piping is operating at
400°F. Approximately how much higher
will your reading vary because of this temperature difference?