Ieee 484 - 2019
Ieee 484 - 2019
Ieee 484 - 2019
Installation Design and Installation
of Vented Lead-Acid Batteries
for Stationary Applications
Developed by the
Energy Storage and Stationary Battery Committee
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IEEE Std 484™-2019
(Revision of IEEE Std 484-2002)
Developed by the
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Abstract: Recommended design practices and procedures for storage, location, mounting,
ventilation, instrumentation, preassembly, assembly, and charging of vented lead-acid batteries
are provided. Required safety practices are also included. These recommended practices are
applicable to all stationary applications. Specific applications, such as emergency lighting units,
semiportable equipment, and alternate energy applications, may have other appropriate practices
and are beyond the scope of this recommended practice.
Keywords: alarms, assembly, data collection, float operation, flooded cellunits, freshening charge,
installation design criteria, IEEE 484™, installation procedures, instrumentation, internal ohmic
measurements, mounting, precautions, protective equipment, receiving and storage, resistance
readings, seismic, testing, vented lead-acid batteries, ventilation
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At the time this IEEE recommended practice was completed, the Vented Lead-Acid Batteries Working Group
had the following membership:
The following members of the individual Standards Association balloting group voted on this recommended
practice. Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
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When the IEEE SA Standards Board approved this recommended practice on 7 November 2019, it had the
following membership:
*Member Emeritus
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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 484-2019, IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation
of Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications.
This recommended practice fulfills the need within the industry to provide common or standard practices for
the design of battery installations and the battery installation procedures. The methods described are applicable
to installations and battery sizes using vented lead-acid batteries. The installations considered herein are
designed for float operation with a battery charger serving to maintain the battery in a charged condition as
well as to supply the normal dc load.
This recommended practice may be used separately, or combined with IEEE Std 450,1 IEEE Recommended
Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary
Applications, and IEEE Std 485™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for
Stationary Applications, will provide the user with a general guide to sizing, designing, placing in service,
maintaining, and testing a vented lead-acid battery installation. As a recommended practice, this document
presents procedures and positions preferred by the IEEE.
Information on references can be found in Clause 2.
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1. Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.2 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................... 10
3. Definitions ................................................................................................................................................. 11
4. Safety ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Electrical hazards ............................................................................................................................... 12
4.3 Chemical hazards ............................................................................................................................... 13
4.4 Thermal hazards ................................................................................................................................. 13
4.5 Lifting hazards.................................................................................................................................... 14
4.6 Personal protective equipment (PPE) ................................................................................................. 14
4.7 Precautions ......................................................................................................................................... 14
7. Records ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
7.1 General ............................................................................................................................................... 21
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IEEE Recommended Practice for
Installation Design and Installation
of Vented Lead-Acid Batteries
for Stationary Applications
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This recommended practice provides recommended design practices and procedures for storage, location,
mounting, ventilation, instrumentation, preassembly, assembly, and charging of vented lead-acid batteries.
Required safety practices are also included. This recommended practice is applicable to full-float stationary
applications where a battery charger normally maintains the battery fully charged and supplies the direct
current (dc) loads. However, specific applications, such as emergency lighting units, semiportable equipment,
and alternate energy applications, may have other appropriate practices that are beyond the scope of this
recommended practice.
The portions of this recommended practice that specifically relate to personnel safety are mandatory
instructions and are designated by the word shall; however, all other portions are recommended practices and
are designated by the word should.
Sizing, maintenance, capacity testing, charging equipment, dry-charged units, and consideration of other
types of batteries are beyond the scope of this recommended practice.
1.2 Purpose
This recommended practice provides a general format for the preparation of test procedures and suggests the
points to be considered by technical committees in the preparation of specific instructions for the thermal
evaluation of insulation systems for electrical equipment.
The thermal evaluation of an insulation system involves the following thermal factors of influence:
a) Exposure temperature
b) Ambient temperature
c) Temperature gradient
d) Rate of temperature change
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
IEEE Std 450™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Vented Lead-
Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications.2,3
IEEE Std 485™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Storage Batteries for Stationary
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary
Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.4
vented battery: A battery in which the products of electrolysis and evaporation are allowed to escape freely to
the atmosphere. These batteries are commonly referred to as flooded. Syn: vented cell.
4. Safety
4.1 General
As with other batteries, there are hazards associated with vented batteries; therefore, proper precautions
shall be observed in handling and installation. Work on batteries shall be performed only by knowledgeable
personnel with proper training, proper tools, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Reference IEEE Std
1657™ [B6]5 for additional information.
A job hazard analysis shall be conducted prior to starting any task. This shall include a discussion with all
personnel about all the hazards associated with the planned work. The discussion shall include required PPE.
The primary hazards include electrical shock, arc flash, and chemicals (electrolyte). Lifting and handling
hazards and potential exposure to a thermal event may also exist.
The manufacturer’s safety data sheet (SDS) shall be consulted for associated hazards and first aid.
Every battery installation shall be evaluated for potential hazards. The arc-flash analysis (e.g., as shown in
NFPA 70E® [B10]) shall be accomplished during the initial design and installation. Information concerning
these risks shall be documented, and the information shall be posted and/or reside with the battery installation.
Annex B can be used to help assess these hazards.
The IEEE standards referred to in Clause 2 are trademarks owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated.
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (
IEEE Standards Dictionary Online is available at: An IEEE Account is required for access to the dictionary,
and one can be created at no charge on the dictionary sign-in page.
The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex C.
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
When making electrical connections on batteries, use recommended best practices, appropriate PPE, and
caution to help ensure that direct shorting of the battery does not occur. This can generate large amounts of
instantaneous short-circuit current and arc flash.
Systems at or below 50 V nominal (including all 48 V systems) are not considered to be shock hazards in the
National Electric Code® (NEC®) (NFPA 70® [B9]) and in NFPA 70E [B10]. The NFPA 70E handbook and
IEC TR 60479-5 standard [B2] both state that the current and voltage thresholds for physiological effects are
at least twice the value for dc as compared to ac. Both IEC TR 60479-5 and NFPA 70E set the touch voltage
threshold at 100 V. Electrically rated gloves should be available for grounded batteries between 50 V and 100
V, based on a shock hazard analysis, unless otherwise mandated by local regulations. For grounded batteries
over 100 V and for locations where exposed potentials over 100 V are within reach of personnel, insulated
gloves with appropriate voltage ratings shall be worn. Note that contact with electrolyte can negatively impact
the insulating capability of the gloves.
Ground fault detection may be required on some dc systems depending on the type of grounding utilized.
Table 1 identifies several of the most common grounding methods.
Table 1—Use of ground fault detection with grounded and ungrounded systems
Grounding Ground fault
method a,b detection
Type 1 Ungrounded system; neither pole is connected to ground. Recommended
Type 2 Solidly grounded system; either the most positive or the most Not required
negative pole of the battery is connected directly to ground.
Type 3 Resistance grounded dc system; the battery is Recommended
connected to ground through a resistance.
Type 4 Solidly grounded system; the battery is connected to ground at Recommended
either the center point or another point to suit the load system.
For personnel safety reasons, it is necessary to understand what type of grounding system is being used. Not all
grounding methodologies require ground fault detection. Unintended grounds (for example, dirt or electrolyte
creating a conductive path to the battery rack) can create a short circuit with the potential to cause a fire.
Grounding types, their grounding mechanisms, and their respective need for ground fault detection are identified
in NFPA 70E [B10].
The 2018 edition of NFPA 70E [B10] identifies arc-flash hazards for dc voltages above 100 V. Arcs of more
than a short distance are unsustainable for dc voltages under 600 V. Therefore, the risk of an arc flash is
reduced on a battery if there is at least 305 mm (12 in) of space between potentials over 100 V. While arc-
flash hazards are not identified for dc voltage below 100 V in the 2018 edition of NFPA 70E [B10], there have
been documented cases of arc-flash injuries for dc voltages under 100 V. As an example, arc welding utilizes
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
voltages up to 80 V with no risk of arc flash. While an arc can be created for voltages down to a few volts, the
injuries are related to the thermal effects, which are discussed in 4.4.
For situations where the spacing is below 305 mm (12 in), the risk can be reduced if the exposed parts are
protected and personnel have arc-flash training.
For work around batteries below 100 V nominal, no arc-flash PPE is required.
For batteries at or above 100 V nominal, the risk for arc-flash hazards needs to be assessed. Annex B can be
used to assist with this assessment. A typical dc system has several potential hazards. To help mitigate the
personnel risks, everyday work clothing suggested by NFPA 70E [B10] simplified two-category method is
Provide appropriate labeling (reference NFPA 70 [B9] and NFPA 70E [B10] for additional information).
Contact with eyes or mucus membranes shall be avoided when handling battery cells or units. Contact of
electrolyte with skin should be avoided. Handling electrolyte may be required when dealing with an acid
leak, adjusting specific gravity or measuring specific gravity readings with a bulb hydrometer. Electronic
density meters typically only expose a worker to a very small quantity of electrolyte, which is not considered
a significant hazard. Therefore, measuring specific gravity with a density meter is not considered handling
If electrolyte is being handled, the appropriate PPE as listed in 4.6 shall be utilized.
Safety glasses are always required when in the vicinity of a battery. Permanent or portable (e.g., bottles with
pH buffered saline solution) eyewash devices should be readily accessible when personnel are in the vicinity
of the battery.
Refer to the SDS. Follow local codes, regulations, and manufacturer’s instructions.
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
NOTE—Some battery manufacturers do not recommend the use of CO2 Class C fire extinguishers due to the potential of
thermal shock.6
4.7 Precautions
The safety precautions listed herein shall be followed during battery installation. Work on batteries shall be
performed only by knowledgeable personnel with proper tools and protective equipment. Reference IEEE Std
1657 [B6] for guidance on technician qualifications.
a) Ensure that metal racks are connected to an electrical ground in accordance with applicable codes and
design considerations.
b) Inspect all lifting equipment for functional adequacy.
c) Restrict all unauthorized personnel from the battery area.
d) Prohibit smoking and open flame, and avoid the potential for arcing in the immediate vicinity of the
e) Keep the top of the battery clear of all tools and other foreign objects.
Notes in text, tables, and figures of a standard are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement this
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
5.1 General
Considerations that should be included in the design of the battery installation depend upon the requirements
or function of the system of which the battery is a part. The general installation design criteria for all vented
lead-acid batteries are provided in the following clauses.
5.2 Location
The following criteria should be observed regarding location:
a) Space and floor supports allocated for the battery and associated equipment should allow for present
and future needs. Calculations should be performed to help ensure that floor loading capabilities are
not exceeded.
b) Sufficient access and working space around the batteries shall be provided and maintained. Refer to
the appropriate local code requirements.
c) The location should be as free from vibration as practical.
d) The general battery area should be clean, dry, and well ventilated (see 5.5), and provide adequate space
and illumination for inspection, maintenance, testing, and cell/unit replacement. Space should also be
provided to allow for operation of lifting equipment, addition of water, and taking measurements (e.g.,
voltage, temperature, specific gravity).
e) The battery should be protected against natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, winds, and flooding,
as well as induced phenomena, such as fire, explosion, missiles, pipe whips, discharging fluids, and
CO2 discharge.
f) Battery performance specifications are based on a rated temperature. Lower temperatures extend life
and decrease battery capacity, while prolonged higher temperatures shorten battery life and increase
maintenance cost. Installation in a location with an ambient temperature below the rated temperature
may have an effect on sizing. See IEEE Std 485.7
g) The location and arrangement of units should result in no greater than a 3 °C (~5 °F) temperature
differential between units at a given time. Avoid conditions that result in localized heating or cooling,
as temperature variations may cause the battery to become electrically unbalanced.
h) Personnel showers and eyewash facilities should be located in accordance with applicable codes,
while avoiding the potential for shock hazards or water damage to adjacent equipment.
Information on references can be found in Clause 2.
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
i) The charger and main power distribution center should be as close as practical to the battery, consistent
with item k) of this subclause.
j) Adequate area lighting should be provided. Reference The Lighting Handbook [B8] for guidance.
k) Equipment with arcing contacts shall be located in such a manner as to avoid those areas where
hydrogen concentrations could exceed flammable limits.
l) Battery room doors are recommended to have panic bars and swing to the outside to facilitate room
exit in the case of an emergency.
5.3 Mounting
The following criteria should be observed regarding the mounting of cells:
a) The most common practice is to mount units on a steel rack with acid-resistant insulation between the
units and the steel of the rack. Metal racks shall be grounded in accordance with applicable codes and
design considerations. The units may also be mounted on adequately insulated supports secured to a
floor or base.
b) The rack configuration should result in a minimum temperature differential between units and
facilitate maintenance. Multi-tier racks are acceptable provided the requirements of item g) of 5.2 are
met, and maintenance is not adversely affected.
c) Units in clear containers with flat plates should be mounted so that one edge of each plate is plainly
visible for inspection and so that the electrolyte withdrawal tubes or vent plugs are easily accessible.
Refer to the appropriate codes for cell spacing requirements. To meet specific requirements, some
designers arrange units so that the plates are parallel with the rack support rails. This arrangement
eliminates the ability for the unit plates to be inspected.
d) Electrical connections to the battery and between units on separate levels or racks should be made to
help minimize mechanical strain on battery terminals.
5.4 Seismic
Where applicable building codes require seismic protection, the racks, cabinets, anchors, and installation
thereof shall be able to withstand the calculated seismic forces. To help minimize the effect of seismic forces,
the battery should be located at as low an elevation within the structure as practical. The following criteria
should be observed regarding mounting:
a) All units should be restrained. Side and end rails with spacers between units is one method that can be
used to help prevent loss of function due to a seismic event.
b) Where more than one rack section is used, the rack sections should be rigidly joined or physically
spaced apart. Where spaced apart, the adjacent end units in each rack should be connected with
flexible connectors as provided by or recommended by the manufacturer. Connections between units
at different levels of the same rack should also be flexible.
c) Racks shall be firmly connected to the building structure as specified by using approved fastening
techniques, such as embedded anchor bolts or racks welded to structural steel face plates. Contact the
battery manufacturer for guidance regarding the selection and installation of the appropriate battery
rack for the intended location and application.
Anchoring a rack to both the floor and wall may cause stress due to conflicting modes of vibration.
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
5.5 Ventilation
The battery area shall be ventilated, either by a natural or mechanical ventilation system, to help prevent
dangerous concentrations of hydrogen as required by governing jurisdictions. Reference IEEE Std 1635™/
ASHRAE Guideline 21 [B5] for ventilation guidelines for battery installations.
Each battery installation should include the following instrumentation and alarms:
a) Voltmeter
b) High and low battery voltage alarm
c) Ground detector (for ungrounded systems)
d) Instrumentation to measure current through the battery (refer to IEEE Std 450)
The preceding recommendations for instrumentation and alarms could be satisfied by equipment in the dc
system (reference IEEE Std 946™ [B3] for guidance).
6.1 General
See Clause 4 for safety precautions to be followed.
Upon receipt, and at the time of actual unloading, each package should be visually inspected for apparent
damage and electrolyte leakage. If either is evident, a more detailed inspection of the entire shipment should
be conducted and results noted on the bill of lading.
Record receipt date and inspection data results, and notify the freight line company, and/or battery supplier of
any damage or follow the manufacturer's enclosed instructions.
6.2.2 Unpacking
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
6.2.3 Storage
a) Units should be stored indoors in a clean, level, dry, and cool location; extremely low or high ambient
temperatures or localized sources of heat should be avoided.
b) Units should not be stored for more than the time period recommended by the manufacturer.
c) If the cell/unit is supplied wet (i.e., filled with electrolyte) apply a periodic charge in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations. Record dates and conditions for all charges during storage.
d) If the cell/unit is supplied dry (i.e., cell/unit and electrolyte shipped and stored separately) follow
manufacturer’s recommendations. Dry-type cells/units are beneficial for extended storage periods.
6.3 Assembly
6.3.1 Rack assembly
The assembly of the rack should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended procedure.
a) Lift the individual units onto the rack following the procedures outlined in item a) and item b) of 6.2.2.
Mount the units in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Do not apply lubricant on
rack rails unless approved by the battery manufacturer.
b) Remove shipping plugs and install flame arrestor vent plugs. Shipping plugs are designed to ventilate
the battery during transit and storage. The shipping plugs will be needed if the batteries are reshipped
for reuse or recycling. Consideration should be given to retaining the shipping plugs after neutralizing
residual acid deposits.
c) Check unit polarity for positive to negative connections throughout the battery.
d) Unless otherwise instructed by the manufacturer, clean all terminals of corrosion-inhibiting compound.
Neutralize corroded areas with a bicarbonate of soda solution and dry. Remove any remaining dirt or
corrosion with a nonmetallic brush or pad; then promptly coat all connection surfaces with a thin film
of the manufacturer's approved corrosion-inhibiting compound.
e) If specified by the manufacturer, the interunit connector contact surfaces should be cleaned by rubbing
gently with a nonmetallic brush or pad; care should be exercised in cleaning to help prevent removal of
the plating. Promptly apply a thin film of the manufacturer’s approved corrosion-inhibiting compound
to all connection surfaces.
f) Make interunit connections using the manufacturer’s approved connectors (normally furnished with
the battery). If there is a connector only on one side of the terminal, backing plates may be required to
help prevent embedding the washer into the terminal. Contact the manufacturer.
g) When more than one interunit connector per unit terminal is required, mount the interunit connectors
in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
h) A properly calibrated (and insulated) torque wrench should be used to tighten the fastener to the
manufacturer’s recommend torque value. If required use a second wrench on the bolt for counter
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
i) Clean all unit covers and containers. For dust and dirt, use a water-moistened, clean wiper. For
electrolyte spillage, use a bicarbonate of soda solution and water-moistened wiper. Do not use
hydrocarbon-type cleaning agents (oil distillates), strong alkaline cleaning agents, or ammonia-based
solutions, which may cause containers and covers to crack or craze.
j) Measure the voltage of the battery to help ensure that individual units are connected correctly (i.e., the
total voltage should be approximately equal to the number of units multiplied by the measured voltage
of one unit). If the measurement is less than anticipated, recheck the connections for proper polarity.
k) For future identification, apply individual unit numbers supplied by manufacturer in sequence
beginning with number one at the positive end of the battery; also add any required operating
l) Measure and record all connection resistances with a micro-ohmmeter. This verifies the adequacy
of initial installation and provides a reference for future maintenance testing (see Clause 7). Review
the records of each connection-resistance measurement, separated by connection type (i.e., interunit,
inter-tier, inter-rack, terminal). Compute a separate average for each connection type. For a type with
a single member, use typical material values for an estimated average. Identify connections if the
measured resistance is the greater of 1.1 times the average resistance of each connection type, or
the average resistance for the connection type plus 5 µΩ. Remake the identified connections and re-
measure resistances. The manufacturer may be contacted for expected resistance values. See IEEE Std
450 for detailed procedures.
m) After satisfactory completion of the previous items [a) through l)] in this subclause, make connections
from the battery to the charger in preparation for the freshening charge.
Since a battery loses some of its charge during shipment and storage, a freshening charge should be applied
after installation and before connection to the system. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation for
application and duration. Typically, this consists of the following:
a) Inspect all units to determine if the electrolyte level is above the top of the plates. If not, add distilled or
other approved quality water to above the top of the plates and contact the manufacturer for guidance.
b) Prior to applying the charge, measure and record the open circuit voltage of each unit, and the
electrolyte temperature and specific gravity of every tenth unit. Select the unit with the lowest specific
gravity as a pilot unit for the freshening charge.
c) Apply the freshening charge per the manufacturer’s recommendations. If the freshening charge
voltage exceeds the system voltage limit, perform the freshening charge off-line, isolated from the dc
d) Measure and record at least once per day during the freshening charge: charging current, battery
voltage, individual unit voltage, electrolyte temperature of every tenth unit, and the specific gravity
and electrolyte temperature of the pilot unit.
e) When the recommended charge time is reached and if the cell voltages have stabilized, return the
charger to float voltage.
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
a) At the end of 72 h on float charge, measure and record float current, each individual unit voltage,
electrolyte temperature, specific gravities, and level (see Clause 7). Refer also to the discussion on
specific gravity contained in IEEE Std 450.
b) Any unit that shows a specific gravity or voltage outside the manufacturer's specified limits requires
corrective action in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
c) As necessary, use distilled or other approved quality water (or electrolyte approved by the
manufacturer) to adjust the electrolyte level of all units to a level specified by the manufacturer.
d) Record new electrolyte levels.
Refer to IEEE Std 450 for additional information on optional measurements, such as internal ohmic
An onsite acceptance test should be conducted in accordance with IEEE Std 450 to help ensure the integrity of
the units and the installation.
Some dc systems (e.g., telecommunications) have specific requirements for voltage matching of the battery
string voltage and the dc plant bus voltage within a certain number of millivolts before connection is made
so that sensitive downstream electronic equipment connected in parallel with the charger(s)/rectifier(s) and
batteries on the dc bus is not affected.
When spare cells are provided, they should be charged and maintained in a similar manner as the in-service
cells. This allows the spare cells to age with the string so the characteristics and parameters are more compatible
than new cells.
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
7. Records
7.1 General
Data obtained from receiving, storage, assembly, and freshening charge are pertinent to the maintenance and
operational life of the battery. The recommended records should be referenced to the unit identification [see
item k) of 6.3.2]. The data should be dated, recorded, and maintained in a suitable permanent file for record
purposes and future reference. This data includes the following:
— Receiving inspection data and conditions of charge (see 6.2.1 and 6.2.3)
— Initial resistance values of the interunit connections [see item l) of 6.3.2]
— All data records from 6.4
— Unit serial number, manufacture date, and lot number
— Optional measurements, such as internal ohmic values, if taken (see 6.4.3)
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
Annex A
Material handling
A.1 General
Most of the accidents that happen in stationary battery locations occur when batteries are being delivered,
installed, replaced, or removed. Handling batteries in dedicated battery rooms, equipment rooms, data centers,
and remote locations can be challenging. Battery handling is getting more difficult as batteries are increasingly
being deployed in nontraditional locations.
The selection of material handling equipment should be evaluated for application, location, and safety
considerations. Battery handling equipment that could come in contact with battery terminals or cell
connectors should be insulated or otherwise protected.
Within the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not specify battery
lifting or moving equipment or methods. However, OSHA can impose penalties if personnel are injured in the
In order to assist employers in reducing the risk of lifting-related injuries, the US National Institute of
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has developed a lifting equation (calculator) designed to determine
the safety of lifting tasks. Upon entering the necessary information, the calculator determines whether the
lifting task is safe. Users should be aware that the NIOSH lifting equation is designed only for two-handed
manual lifting tasks. The requirements of most battery installations would fall outside the scope of the NIOSH
calculator and would require some form of lifting device. In general, it is unsafe for one person to lift a cell/
unit weighing more than 23 kg (50 lb) above 1 m (3 ft).
A.2 Transportation
Consideration should be given to the transporting, staging, and moving of batteries during installation and/or
removal. Transportation requires compliance with applicable federal, state, local, or international regulations.
Within the United States, the US Department of Transportation (DOT) defines hazardous materials and
specifies the type and number for each hazardous material (hazmat) placard used in transportation. Part 49 of
the US Code of Federal Regulations, also known as the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Regulations (FMCSR),
requires the use of hazardous material placards when shipping hazardous material cargo and dangerous goods
in the United States. Other countries have similar regulations that also require the use of these placards. The
International Air Transportation Association (IATA), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and
Council on the Safe Transportation of Hazardous Articles (COSTHA) publish international standards for the
shipment of batteries.
Proper care and preparation of cells removed prior to being transported should also be considered. Other items
to consider include the following:
a) Post protection
b) Protection from pallet nails
c) Verification that the construction and strength of the pallet are sufficient for the load
d) Protection between module layers
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
The user should consult the governing rules in effect for the time and locations of battery shipment.
In order to meet existing codes and standards, some workplace requirements for battery handling and lifting
devices could include the following:
— All handling of stationary batteries should conform to all recommended industry standards, including,
but not limited to, NIOSH.
— Batteries whose weight and placement fall within the NIOSH lifting equation constraints can be
handled by hand in accordance with recommended NIOSH practices.
— Batteries whose weight and placement fall outside of the NIOSH lifting equation constraints should
be handled/supported with the aid of a lifting device/system that provides continuous, uninterrupted
support of the battery to the final location.
— Lifting devices or systems should be designed so that they maintain positive stability in all directions
while under load and documented to handle the weight being lifted.
— The use of non-engineered slides, hoists, jacks, and other means of moving batteries should be
considered unsafe and is to be avoided. Consideration should be given to powered battery lifting
devices to help prevent personnel fatigue.
— Ensure metallic lifting components do not come into contact with the battery terminals.
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
Annex B
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
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IEEE Std 484-2019
IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
Annex C
Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use
[B1] ASTM F1505, Standard Specification for Insulated and Insulating Hand Tools.8
[B2] IEC TR 60479-5, Effects of current on human beings and livestock – Part 5: Touch voltage threshold
values for physiological effects.9
[B3] IEEE Std 946™, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of DC Auxiliary Power Systems for
Generating Systems.
[B4] IEEE Std 1578™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment
and Management.
[B5] IEEE Std 1635™/ASHRAE Guideline 21, IEEE/ASHRAE Guide for the Ventilation and Thermal
Management of Batteries for Stationary Applications.
[B6] IEEE Std 1657™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and
Maintenance of Stationary Batteries.
[B7] IEEE Std 1881™, IEEE Standard Glossary of Stationary Battery Terminology.10,11
ASTM publications are available from ASTM International (
IEC publications are available from the International Electrotechnical Commission ( and the American National
Standards Institute (
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this annex are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
IES publications are available from the Illuminating Engineering Society (
NFPA publications are available from the National Fire Protection Association (
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