Rel10 Module10,11,12

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San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Luisiana
Luisiana, Laguna

(Quarter 4)

  Prepared by:
Ms. Mary Claire Liann Rondolo

Book to be used:
Called to Grow in Christian Social
Responsbility (Duepec)

Name: ________________________________
Grade & Section: _______________________
Date: March 1- April 11, 2022

Vision Statement
Liceo de Luisiana envisions to form and transform the community as catalyst of
integral accompaniment and evangelization ready to meet the challenges of the time.

Mission Statement
As guided by the Holy Trinity and the life and teachings of St. John Paul II, we
commit ourselves to:
• Be beloved disciples and loving missionaries of Christ and;
• Academic excellence by creating learning opportunities, fostering critical
thinking skills and
engaging social advocacies as life-long learners.

Program Goal
This learning module is new tool created by the teachers of San Pablo Diocesan
Catholic Schools System, to provide the K to 12 Curriculum for our teachers and
students to be used in this New Normal.
Wear your thesis defense outfit, take a picture and paste it here. Afterwards,
write four good points of quantitative research which makes it important to
researchers like you.

Week 1-2 Reflecting on Social Responsibility
Week 3-4 Continuing Christ’s Mission
Week 5-6 Catholic Social Teaching


Week 1-2 Coming to Terms with Who We Are
Week 3-4 Recognizing Human Rights and Responsibilities
Week 5-6 Defending and Promoting Human Rights


Week 1-2 Caring for the Poor
Week 3-4 Protecting Our Planet
Week 5-6 Recognizing Dignity


Week 1-2 Promoting Eco-Justice
Week 3-4 Promoting Peace
Week 5-6 Keeping the Faith that Does Justice and Love


Market economy – Producers try supply the need of society by selling goods or
services at a profitable price. Consumers find the price reasonable, they can enter
into a transaction. Both producers and consumers are satisfied.
* This system allows the 1) exchange of goods and services to flow naturally in its
allocation and 2) it supports human initiative and freedom to own private
*In real business set-up. Producers everything to earn profits.
*Consumers just rely on what the producers advertise.
*Church finds the role of the government must be an authority with moral
integrity to look after the common good.
1. Need and Wants.
Human needs pertain to things that we cannot live without/ “must haves.”
Human wants are not essential, if products we have are already an excess of
what we already have, things that feed our ego, fuel our competitive spirit,
support our vanity.
2. Being and Having. Being is to be who we are. Having is when we possess
more, equating our self with material possession (materialism).
3. Economics and Values. When a mother budgets the family income to put food
on the table, her goal is not only to dutifully feed her family but also to express
her love for them.
4. Economic Justice and Injustice. Economic justice is determined by how poor
are treated. If the poor are taken care of and given opportunities to reach
their full potential, then justice is attained.

Part of the System

We contribute to letting the market wrongly allocate the scarce resources 
through our faulty personal and collective economic behaviors.

1. Possession Obsession. Once we have material wealth, we obviously want to
protect it. Accumulating wealth is addictive. But obsession with material things
means far from gaining authentic joy.
2. Widening Social Inequality. The more people consume, the more the
economy is pressured to produce. The economy produces for those who have
money and mostly non-essential goods. In these situations, the supply of basic
and affordable commodities is not the priority and work against the common
3. Social Unrest. If the poor or ordinary income earners can’t take social
inequality any longer, they will respond in anger.

4. Environment Degradation. The production of most modern market
commodities comes from the environment. But if we don’t know how to put
boundaries around buying habit, we give the greedy business people to justify
their rape to Mother Earth.

There are many reasons for this,
but below are few that touch on the roots of the problems.
1. Fear. Fear is often fed by the ideology of individualism. We are afraid of our
survival, we fear the possibility that resources may run out and nothing will be
left for us. 
2. Pride. (Connected to Pride – distorted self-concept) Pride makes us view
ourselves in an exaggerated way and this drives us to consume irresponsibly.
We brag about our possessions as trophies of our accomplishments. Also, it
makes us feel that it is unfair to share what we worked hard for. Pride blinds
us to the truth that everything is God’s gift.
3. Competition. Pride is essentially competitive. Proud people compete in terms
of scale, speed, and style. Their pleasure comes in knowing that they have
what others want. But once competition is gone, irrational spending is over.
4. Indifference. Seeing our neighbors as competitors or pathways to success
makes us indifferent to their needs, numb us to the suffering of others.

Faith Response
Only when we freely choose to cooperate with the holy Spirit can we then have
the courage to deal with fear, pride, competition, indifference, social
inequality, and destruction of the whole creation.


Old Testament
1. Stewardship. Putting our limits to our consumption and conscientiously caring
for our fellow human beings and environment.
2. God’s gifts. We must not be overly concerned with material things for they do
not last forever.
3. Work and Sabbath. Keeping Sunday holy helps us stay focused on the source
and meaning of our work.
4. Jubilee Year. God is essential the owner of the land. No human, therefore,
must have complete control over it.
5. Rest for the land. The land must rest too, and is for the common good. We are
forbidden to disregard the laws of the nature and to use nature like we are its

6. Freedom from debt. When the land was resting, debts were forgiven. The
poor should rest too from debts.

New Testament
1. Inordinate attachment. Wealth can be an instrument to help others, but if it
hinders us from following God, we need to sacrifice it like the rich young man.
2. Freedom from unnecessary anxiety. Life is always uncertain, but this fact
should not drag us down because God cares and loves us, we ought not to
worry unnecessarily.
3. Clarifying priorities. We must see to it that the Kingdom of God takes
precedence over all our other concerns, even our families, studies, or career. It
is in the joy of genuine giving.
4. There is enough for everyone. Generosity and trust.  Jesus instructs us to feed
the poor ourselves. If we trust that God blesses even the little things that we
give to the poor, we will not be afraid to give.

Church’s Teachings
1. Right to private property. This right gives us the freedom to use, protect, and
share the fruits of the earth. It is subordinate to and derived from the principle
of universal destination of all goods.
2. Universal destination of goods. “The goods of this world are originally meant
for all. The right to private property is valid and necessary, but it does not
nullify the value of this principle. Private property is under a social
responsibility.” –SRS 42
3. Care for the environment. Our stewardship is actually for our own good.  We
must overcome or fears and pride, and commit ourselves to protecting God’s
people and rest of God’s creation.
4. Integral human development. “Finally, development must not be understood
solely in economic terms, but in a way that is fully human…” – CA 29. What are
needed are material, social, and spiritual growths of every person, peace, and
order of the community, and protection of the environment.

*If you happened to be an entrepreneur at your young age, your goal is not to
earn profit alone. Give the, appropriate salaries and benefits. Do not create
artificial needs for your consumers. Invest your money in moral and cultural
*As a consumer, pay attention to your behavior. Challenge yourself to live simple

Peace is the one that comes from Jesus

Highlights of Church’s Teachings on Peace

1. Peace: A Gift and a Task.
Shalom (Completeness) refers to “all those resources and factors that make
communal harmony joyous and effective.”
Task to maintain our relationships with God and fellow human beings as
deemed by God. Unity of all His Creation – PEACE.
2. Peace: Fruit of Justice. “If you want peace, work for justice” – Pope Paul VI
If people are contemplating on hurting anyone, they will at least think twice
before doing actions. Law can help achieve peace in so far as it can put limits
to violence.
3. Peace: Fruit of Love. “Love one another”, “love your enemies, and pray for
those who persecute you…”(Jn 13:34-35, Mt 5:44)
An Act of the will to bring good to other people at all times regardless of who
they are, loving unconditional. 1. love the sinner and hate the sin. 2. Holy Spirit
is our Divine Help. 3. we have to pray and beg the Holy Spirit to come to us.


Self- Defense
Love toward oneself remains a fundamental principle of morality.
We must avoid violence as much as possible. However, we should not be
afraid to defend our life even it means sacrificing the life of the aggressor.
Moreover, it is also the duty of authorities to protect those who are under their

Just War Doctrine

Leaders’ objective must be to render the unjust aggressors incapable of
harming their people 
and to achieve the common good.
 Certain criteria must be met for their legitimate use of military force.
1. The damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations
must be lasting grave, and certain.
But if the aggression is temporary and the harm has minor consequences, the
use of force must be considered.
2. All other means of putting an end to it must have been shown to be
impractical or ineffective.
3. There must be serious prospects of success.

4. The use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil
to eliminated. The power of modern means of destruction weighs very
heavily in evaluating this condition.
* The Church is highlighting the fact that war is evil. With Just War Doctrine, the
Catholic Church is offering national leaders criteria for judging their moral
decisions with regard to the use of military force.

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Jesus as the Prince of Peace, He has given us peace,
and the ball is in our court now.
1. Active non-violence. We refrain from saying unkind words and from doing
hurtful things. Also have a firm and persevering determination to commit
oneself for solidarity to the common good.
2. Unity over conflict. Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel – Pope Francis)
recognizes the reality of conflict and the wisdom of facing it squarely. God
wants unity and not uniformity.
3. Genuine dialogue. Faith can help scientific advances stick to what is truly
respectful of the dignity of each human person and attentive to the demands
of the common good while science affirms the moral teachings of the Church.
4. Forgiveness and reconciliation. Be merciful/ to forgive – ultimate challenge as
peacemakers. When we forgive, we obtain peace.

Faith is a lifelong process of growth toward becoming more Christ – like with the
help of the Holy Spirit.
Mary is most pre-eminent member of the Church ho can accompany us in our
          - most outstanding and exemplary model of faith and Charity;
          - Her initial ‘yes’ was followed by many more ‘yeses’ to God.

In Latin, the word fiat means “let there be”
Just what God said in Genesis: Fiat lux – let there be light

*Christian faith is basically an act of believing, not a blind obedience. Rather, it is
free act. Christian faith is the most reasonable thing one can ever have because it
is based on a solid, reliable truth.
*Sometimes we complain how difficult it is to understand God: His ways are
different from our ways.  Lumen Fidei points out that unless we believe, we will

not understand. It is like we are saying we have to believe in order to have faith.
*In faith, God takes the initiative and we respond. From there on, we can
continue to be open to God’s constant invitation to stay in the relationship. The
longer we stay, the deeper we understand His ways.

*When we are in trouble or our life does not turn the way we want it, we panic.
Our imagination goes wild. Fears, feelings of insecurity, and worries makes us
doubt God’s love.
*Imaginations, feelings, or emotions are bad. Fear can be a warning to protect us
from harm, and anger can move us to fight against injustice and resist evil. But, if
do not discern well and let our emotions control us, we may end up losing our
focus and objectivity.
*We need to practice disciplining ourselves, putting our emotions, desires,
feelings, etc. in order. Fill our minds and hearts with God by exposing ourselves
to what is beautiful, good, and true.
*We have to pray to the Holy Spirit to help us overcome whatever psychological
or emotional wound drags us away from Jesus.

If faith does not have action, it is dead.
*Jesus expects us to work for unity – promote justice – our social responsibility.
*The kind of work may be big or small, as long as it helps make somebody else’s
life a little better. Find out how to do it. Find out which way you can serve best.
*We are not saviors of the poor, but God. Still, we must serve.
*Our faith remains alive if we are in company of people we share with it.

*Mary did not exactly know what lay ahead in agreeing to be the Mother of God.
But she trusted God. She knew somehow that she could wager her life on God
who is faithful, who knows what He is doing, and who sees the true big picture of
*We must rest in the truth that in His time and in His mysterious was, God works
for the best of His children.


1. Write your answer on yellow paper.
2. Don’t not forget to write your name and section.

3. No need to submit your module to your subject teacher, only your answer
4. For those who have internet access, submit your work in PM via messenger.
For those who do not have internet access, you can submit it to school.
Activity 1 (Song Analysis)
1. Listen to the song “Content Consumers by Marvin Lyell” on YouTube.
2. Reflect on the song with these guide questions.
(minimum of 15 sentences in total)

a. What is the song about?

b. What does the song and the music video tells us?
c. How do you relate the meaning of the song as a consumer?
d. In connection to the meaning of the song, what is your perspective on
the consummation (pagbili/ pag-advertise) of the society to the goods
and products today?
e. As a consumer, how do you see the difference between needs and
wants on buying things? How does it affect you and your
Written Output – 15 points
* For those who have internet access, submit your work in PM via messenger.
For those who do not have internet access, you can submit it to school.
Activity 2 (Song Analysis)
1. Watch and listen to the Music Video of “Zombie by The Cranberries” on
2. Reflect on the song with these guide questions.
(minimum of 15 sentences in total)

a. What is the song about?

b. What does the song and the music video tells us?
c. How do you relate the meaning of the song to what is happening
between Russia and Ukraine?
d. What do you think the next president of the Philippines should do to
protect our own country from terrorism and war?
e. What can you say too your fellow youth about this kind of destruction
of lives?

3. Make your own art depicting the Peace and War in the world.
Make it colorful. Do this on a short bond paper.
Written Output – 15 points
Performance task (artwork) – 10points
* For those who have internet access, submit your work in PM via messenger.
For those who do not have internet access, you can submit it to school.

Activity 3 (Song Analysis)

1. Listen to the song “Magnificat by David Haas” on YouTube.
2. Reflect on the lyrics with these guide questions.
(minimum of 15 sentences in total)

a. What is the song about?

b. What does the song tells us?
c. Like Mary, how do you say “yes” to God’s call? What are FIAT in your
d. As a Catholic school which patron is Mary, how does Mary influence
and help you?
3. Make a paper flower (rose) which depicts our offering to Mary.
Write inside the flower all things you want to say to her regarding to what is
happening on the whole world, and asking for her guidance to be socially
responsible as a Steward of His creation (giving thanks, apology, prayers – helping
you to pray to her Son-, etc.)
Written Output – 15 points
Performance task (artwork) – 15points
* For those who have internet access, submit your work in PM via messenger.
For those who do not have internet access, you can submit it to school.
Activity 4
Instructions: Station of the Cross Mosaic
1. There will be groupings to be given by your subject teacher.
2. Each group will make a mosaic of 14 Stations of the Cross on a 1/8 Illustration
board. Make it colorful. No print out of pictures.
3. To be submitted 28 March 2022.


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