Chemical Building Bill 5-9 BTB ADB 29 June 2021

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Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)

Date: May 19, 2021

Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Unit Rate Amount Unit Rate Amount
(US$) (US$) (US$) (US$)

Chemical Building Bill 5-9 261,466.59 129,279.70 390,746.29

Under and ground floor

Civil Work of Administration Building including Excavation, Disposal Soil,
Compacting Soil , Concrete Workand all contingencies related to Earth LS 1 12,620.80 8,134.50 20,755.30
Top Soil excavation for foundation m3 246.50 6.5 1,602.25 1,602.25
Transportation soil m3 246.50 2.5 616.25 616.25
Backfilling for building foundation m3 788.80 16.0 12,620.80 7.5 5,916.00 18,536.80
Ground slab LS 1 48,174.32 17,047.63 65,221.95
Ston 4x6 backfilling and compaction thk=200mm m3 41.56 24.0 997.44 12.0 498.72 1,496.16
Lean concrete thk=50mm m3 20.78 86.0 1,787.08 28.0 581.84 2,368.92
Formwork m2 4.14 14.0 57.92 12.0 49.64 107.56
Steel Bar kg 19,375.85 0.88 17,050.75 0.28 5,425.24 22,475.99
Formwork m2 232.74 14.0 3,258.35 12.0 2,792.87 6,051.23
Concrete m3 256.64 95.0 24,381.16 28.0 7,186.03 31,567.19
Curing Concrete m3 256.64 2.5 641.61 2.0 513.29 1,154.90
Ground floor column LS 1 12,831.80 5,685.15 18,516.94
Steel Bar kg 8,859.09 0.88 7,796.00 0.28 2,480.55 10,276.54
Formwork m2 168.00 14.0 2,352.00 12.0 2,016.00 4,368.00
Concrete m3 25.20 95.0 2,394.00 28.0 705.60 3,099.60
Scaffolding m2 168.00 1.5 252.00 2.5 420.00 672.00
Curing Concrete m3 25.20 1.5 37.80 2.5 63.00 100.80
Stair Case LS 1 1,536.88 1,374.02 2,910.90
Steel Bar kg 442.17 0.88 389.11 0.28 123.81 512.92
Formwork m2 23.12 14.0 323.74 12.0 277.49 601.22
Concrete m3 3.02 95.0 287.28 28.0 84.67 371.95
Curing Concrete m3 3.02 2.5 7.56 2.0 6.05 13.61
Scaffolding for around building (from ground floor to first floor) m2 352.80 1.5 529.20 2.5 882.00 1,411.20
First floor beam LS 1 7,688.91 4,015.78 11,704.70
Steel Bar kg 3,606.44 0.88 3,173.67 0.28 1,009.80 4,183.48
Formwork m2 65.15 14.0 912.07 12.0 781.78 1,693.85
Concrete m3 28.54 95.0 2,710.97 28.0 799.02 3,509.99
Curing Concrete m3 28.54 2.5 71.34 2.0 57.07 128.41
Support m3 547.24 1.5 820.86 2.5 1,368.11 2,188.97
First floor slab LS 1 18,956.45 12,095.46 31,051.91
Steel Bar kg 5,894.34 0.88 5,187.02 0.28 1,650.42 6,837.44
Formwork m2 329.48 14.0 4,612.72 12.0 3,953.76 8,566.49
Concrete m3 66.19 95.00 6,287.84 28.00 1,853.26 8,141.10
Curing Concrete m3 66.19 2.5 165.47 2.0 132.38 297.85
Support m3 1,515.61 1.5 2,273.41 2.5 3,789.02 6,062.44
Scaffolding for around building (from first floor to second floor) m2 286.65 1.5 429.98 2.5 716.63 1,146.60
First floor column LS 1 9,039.10 4,121.36 13,160.46
Steel Bar kg 6,027.17 0.88 5,303.91 0.28 1,687.61 6,991.52
Formwork m2 132.00 14.0 1,848.00 12.0 1,584.00 3,432.00
Concrete m3 17.33 95.0 1,645.88 28.0 485.10 2,130.98
Scaffolding m2 132.00 1.5 198.00 2.5 330.00 528.00
Curing Concrete m3 17.33 2.5 43.31 2.0 34.65 77.96
Second floor beam LS 1 7,116.03 2,946.21 10,062.24
Steel Bar kg 3,703.15 0.88 3,258.77 0.28 1,036.88 4,295.65
Formwork m2 65.15 14.0 912.07 12.0 781.78 1,693.85
Concrete m3 28.54 95.0 2,710.97 28.0 799.02 3,509.99
Curing Concrete m3 28.54 2.5 71.34 2.0 57.07 128.41
Support m3 108.58 1.5 162.87 2.5 271.46 434.33
Second floor slab LS 1 17,487.17 10,445.70 27,932.87
Steel Bar kg 4,932.58 0.88 4,340.67 0.28 1,381.12 5,721.80
Formwork m2 329.48 14.0 4,612.72 12.0 3,953.76 8,566.49
Concrete m3 68.77 95.00 6,533.23 28.00 1,925.58 8,458.81
Curing Concrete m3 68.77 2.5 171.93 2.0 137.54 309.47
Support m3 1,219.08 1.5 1,828.62 2.5 3,047.69 4,876.31
Roof floor column and beam LS 1 13,019.07 7,415.14 20,434.21
Steel Bar kg 4,981.25 0.88 4,383.50 0.28 1,394.75 5,778.25
Formwork m2 339.88 14.0 4,758.25 12.0 4,078.50 8,836.76
Concrete m3 34.12 95.0 3,240.97 28.0 955.23 4,196.21
Curing Concrete m3 34.12 2.5 85.29 2.0 68.23 153.52
Support m3 80.72 1.5 121.08 2.5 201.80 322.88
Scaffolding for around building (from second floor to roof floor) m2 286.65 1.5 429.98 2.5 716.63 1,146.60
Masonery and Finishing Work
Ground floor LS 1 27,100.66 16,530.14 43,630.81
Anti-termite treatment : under ground slab m2 428 8.00 3,422.16 5.0 2,138.85 5,561.01
Plastic Sheet 0.15mm m2 428 2.00 855.54 0.5 213.89 1,069.43
Epoxy coating on concrete surface m2 500 12.50 6,249.28 5.0 2,499.71 8,748.99
External wall brick 220mm m2 273 9.00 2,454.73 5.0 1,363.74 3,818.47
Plaster mortar on external wall m2 545.50 4.5 2,454.73 5.0 2,727.48 5,182.21
Emulsion Paint external wall m2 671.50 4.5 3,021.73 3.0 2,014.49 5,036.22
Partiton wall 120mm m2 118.19 7.0 827.32 5.0 590.94 1,418.26
Plaster mortar on partition wall m2 266.20 4.5 1,197.88 5.0 1,330.98 2,528.86
Emulsion Paint partition wall m2 266.20 4.5 1,197.88 3.0 798.59 1,996.47
Ground floor slab with concrete finish with a trowel m2 407.40 - 3.0 1,222.20 1,222.20
Terracotta Tile 300 x300 20 on stair case m2 9.94 22.0 218.68 7.0 69.58 288.26
Cement mortar for tile on stair case m2 9.94 4.5 44.73 5.0 49.70 94.43
Steel manual shuter (2400 x 2930)mm RD 1 set 2.00 530.0 1,060.00 190.0 380.00 1,440.00
Glass slide window(1754 x 1058)mm AW 1 set 11.00 86.0 946.00 30.0 330.00 1,276.00
Single swing door (1000 x 2400)mm AD 1 set 5.00 350.0 1,750.00 88.0 440.00 2,190.00
Double swing panel door (2000 x 2400)mm AD 2 set 2.00 700.0 1,400.00 180.0 360.00 1,760.00
First floor LS 1 14,258.84 9,820.18 24,079.02
Epoxy coating on concrete surface m2 345.95 12.5 4,324.43 5.0 1,729.77 6,054.20
Emulsion Paint under slab m2 345.95 4.5 1,556.79 3.0 1,037.86 2,594.66
External wall brick 220mm m2 214.30 9.0 1,928.72 5.0 1,071.51 3,000.23
Plaster mortar on external wall m2 428.60 4.5 1,928.72 5.0 2,143.02 4,071.74
Emulsion Paint external wall m2 554.60 4.5 2,495.72 3.0 1,663.81 4,159.53
Partiton wall 120mm m2 36.47 4.5 164.09 5.0 182.33 346.42
Plaster mortar on partition wall m2 72.93 4.5 328.19 5.0 364.65 692.84
Emulsion Paint partition wall m2 72.93 4.5 328.19 3.0 218.79 546.98
First floor slab with concrete finish with a trowel m2 329.48 - 3.0 988.44 988.44
Glass slide window(1754 x 1058)mm AW 1 set 14.00 86.0 1,204.00 30.0 420.00 1,624.00
Second floor LS 1 5,881.22 3,756.07 9,637.30
Epoxy coating on concrete surface m2 345.95 12.5 4,324.43 5.0 1,729.77 6,054.20
Emulsion Paint under slab m2 345.95 4.5 1,556.79 3.0 1,037.86 2,594.66
First floor slab with concrete finish with a trowel m2 329.48 - 3.0 988.44 988.44
Roof floor LS 1 11,310.70 4,992.92 16,303.62
Khmer Traditional shape pcs 6 20.00 120.00 10.0 60.00 180.00
Roof Ridge m2 60.40 12.0 724.80 4.0 241.60 966.40
Clay khmer roof tile m2 406.80 19.5 7,932.60 5.0 2,034.00 9,966.60
Roof floor Ceiling m2 80.00 12.0 960.00 8.0 640.00 1,600.00
Steel tube 20x20x1.2 m 302.00 2.0 604.00 4.0 1,208.00 1,812.00
Steel tube 40x80x4 m 176.00 4.5 792.00 4.0 704.00 1,496.00
Water proof on ridge and gable m2 9.06 12.5 113.30 5.0 45.32 158.62
Steel L 80x80x8 150 mm pcs 8.00 2.5 20.00 3.0 24.00 44.00
Bolt M12 150mm 150 mm pcs 8.00 4.0 32.00 3.0 24.00 56.00
Bolt M12 65mm 65 mm pcs 4.00 3.0 12.00 3.0 12.00 24.00
Steel Stair platform ground floor LS 1 41,993.89 14,743.28 56,737.17
I Beam IPE 220 m 74.11 65.0 4,817.15 27.0 2,000.97 6,818.12
H Beam HEA 120 m 33.6 50.0 1,680.00 15.0 504.00 2,184.00
Steel plate 200x200x12 pcs 24 9.5 228.00 3.5 84.00 312.00
Bracing d16 pcs 16 6.5 104.00 3.5 56.00 160.00
M16 400mm pcs 48 20.0 960.00 10.0 480.00 1,440.00
steel grid plate m2 66.79 453.0 30,254.24 139.0 9,283.31 39,537.55
steel plat 220x140x10mm pcs 16 9.5 152.00 3.5 56.00 208.00
Steel L 100x100x8 150mm pcs 63 3.5 220.50 3.0 189.00 409.50
Anchor Bolt M12 45mm pcs 239 3.0 717.00 3.0 717.00 1,434.00
Steel plate 120x120x8 pcs 21 9.5 199.50 3.5 73.50 273.00
Steel plate 220x400x8 pcs 5 9.5 47.50 3.5 17.50 65.00
Steel plate 200x50x8 pcs 20 9.5 190.00 3.5 70.00 260.00
Handrail with chain m 6 48.0 288.00 24.0 144.00 432.00
Handrail H=1100mm m 44.50 48.0 2,136.00 24.0 1,068.00 3,204.00
Other LS 1 12,450.75 6,156.15 18,606.90
Location Map for Facility Name Plate:Stainless plate WH= 2000x1500x30, t=2mm, Hairline
LS 1 - - -
Building/Facility Name Plate: Stainless plate WH= 1200x300, t=1mm, Hairline finish LS 1 - - -
Plaque: Stainless plate WH= 1500x800, t=2mm, Hairline finish LS 1 - - -
Flag Pole: Stainless steel pipe 60-100dia, H=9m, Hairline finish LS 1 - - -

Other miscellaneous items that are specified or shown on the drawings or that
LS 1.00 12,450.8 12,450.75 6,156.2 6,156.15 18,606.90
the Contractor may deem necessary to complete the works in Bill 5-9
0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00

ICB No.: MISTI-CW-1, Battambang Water Supply System: Lot 1 – Water Treatment Plant and Intake Works


Bill 5-9 – Chemical building

Construction of Chemical Building including supply of materials, general preparation, formwork, re-
bar arrangement, concrete, interior and exterior finishing for all floors, walls, bases and ceilings,
roofing, windows, doors, shutters, shelves, racks tables and other miscellaneous equipment specified
BF5. 99 in ls
the Drawings.

Building electrical works for Chemical Building including distribution panels, cables and termination,
conduit and fittings, lighting fixtures, switches, internet and telephone systems, sound system,
lightning and earthing protection systems and other miscellaneous equipment specified in the
BF5. 100 Drawings. ls

Other miscellaneous items that are specified or shown on the drawings or that the Contractor may
BF5. 101 deem necessary to complete the works in Bill 5-9 ls

Sub-total for Bill 5-9 – Chemical building, CARRIED TO PART SUMMARY


RATE Amount

Chemical Building
Ground Floor exsting EL for foundation Final EL
Soil cleaing
Sand back fill 13.6 14.7 14.9

1 Gravel bedding 150mm

2 Lean conrete

Base Slab 500mm thk

Walkway around building 400mm thk

No. B
4 Column 500 x 500 20 0.5

Column 250 x 250 1 0.25

Concrete Stair 2

Area m2 Thk
Concrete for upper element Zone +15.1 4.01 0.1
Zone +15.5 17.01 0.5
Zone +15.65 5.8 0.65
Zone +15.5 17.09 0.5
Zone +15.5 0.45 0.5
Zone +15.4 6 0.4
Zone +15.5 16.2 0.5
Zone +15.4 2.5 0.4

Surrounding 0.15 21.4
Surrounding 0.15 26.7
0.15 14.6
0.15 8
0.15 12.6
0.15 7.6

Pallet Lift concrete B L

2 0.15 2.42
1 0.19 2.2

External wall 220 no. L H

8 4.87 4.2
6 4.33 4.2

internal wall 120 no. L H

4 4.87 4.2
2 4.33 4.2

no. L H
Stair 1 2.05 2.2
2 5.2 m2

no. B
Epoxy coating on base
2 0.65
2 0.8
1 0.8
1 0.8
1 0.4
1 0.8
1 0.65
1 0.65
2 0.65

m2 1.05
Anti-termite treatment : under ground slab 407.4 427.77
Plastic Sheet 0.15mm 407.4 427.77
Door AD 1 1000 x 2400 5
Door AD 2 2000 x 2400 2
Shutter RD 1 2400 x 2930 2
Window AW 1 1754 x 1058 11

no. B L
Terracotta Tile 300 x300 20 on cement mortar
25 0.3 1
1 1.22 2

cement mortat 10mm 25 0.3 1

1 1.22 2

Handrail stair 8.2
Handrail platform 1 11.4
Handrail platform 2 24.9
Steel Platform 2 L
IPE 220 18.97
HEA 120 1.4
plate 200x200x12
M16 400mm 0.4

Steel grid step 14
steel grid 1
steel plat 220x140x10mm 8

detail C Steel L 100x10x8 4
M12 45mm 4

detail B Steel L 100x10x8 2
M12 45mm 10
plate 120x120x8 1

detail A M12 400mm 3

M12 45mm 3

Steel L 100x10x8 3
plat 220x400x8 3
plat 200x50x8 3

Steel Platform 1
IPE 220 8.18
HEA 120 1.4
plate 200x200x12
M16 400mm
Steel grid step 14
steel grid 1
Bracind D16 14

steel plat 220x140x10mm 8

detail A M12 400mm 2

M12 45mm 2

Steel L 100x10x8 2
plat 220x400x8 2
plat 200x50x8 2

detail B Steel L 100x10x8 2
M12 45mm 10
plate 120x120x8 1

detail C Steel L 100x10x8 4
M12 45mm 4

scaffolding around builng 73.5 4.8
Area m2 Thk V m3
493 0.5 246.5
493 1.6 788.8

Form work
Area m2 Thk V m3 1.05
415.6 0.1 41.56 43.638 Lean
415.6 0.05 20.78 21.819

Area m2 Thk V m3 1.05 Base

329.5 0.5 164.75 172.9875

77.9 0.4 31.16 32.718

L H V m3
0.5 4.8 24 25.2 Column 500 x 500 20

0.25 2.4 0.15 0.1575 Column 250 x 250 1

Area m2 L V m3 Concrete Stair 2

1.44 1 2.88 3.024 2

V m3 1.05
0.401 0.421
8.505 8.930 Concrete for upper element form
3.77 3.959
8.545 8.972
0.225 0.236
2.4 2.520
8.1 8.505
1 1.050
32.946 34.59
H V m3 1.05
0.65 2.0865 2.19
0.8 3.204 3.36
0.8 1.752 1.84
0.65 0.78 0.82
0.8 1.512 1.59
0.65 0.741 0.78
10.0755 10.58
H V m3 1.05 Pallet Lift concrete Form
4.8 3.48 3.66
4.8 2.01 2.11
5.49 5.77

Area m2 Plastering mortar 20mm both external

272.75 Emusion Paintint external

Area m2 Plastering mortar 20mm both internal

Area m2
10.4 Emusion Paintint internal
L Area m2 1.05
311 326.55
81.9 40.95 43.00
21.4 27.82 29.21 Pallet Lift concrete painting 4
26.7 42.72 44.86 2
14.6 11.68 12.26
6.4 5.12 5.38
4 1.6 1.68 Column emusion painting 20
20.6 16.48 17.30
7.5 4.88 5.12
8.17 5.31 5.58
6.6 8.58 9.01
476.14 499.94


Steel Stair platform

no. Total m
2 37.94 IPE 220 74.11
8 12.56 HEA 120 33.6
13 18.2 plate 200x200x12 24
13 M16 400mm 48
26 steel grid 66.79
steel plat 220x140x10mm 16
Steel L 100x10x8 63
M12 45mm 239
width L area m2 plate 120x120x8 21
0.324 1.2 5.44 plat 220x400x8 5
37.9 plat 200x50x8 20
0.22 0.14 0.25

amount L pcs
2 0.15 8
2 8

amount L pcs m2
11 0.15 22
11 110
11 11 0.1584

6 18
3 9

amount L pcs m2
1 0.4 3
1 3 0.264
4 12 0.12

no. Total m m
2 16.36
5 6.75
1 0.5
11 15.4
width L area m2
0.324 1.2 5.44
3.7 81.8 kg 5.8756

0.22 0.14 0.25

6 12
2 4

amount L pcs m2
1 0.4 2
1 2 0.176
4 8 0.08

amount L pcs m2
10 0.15 20
10 100
10 10 0.144

amount L pcs
2 0.15 8
2 8


No. B L Area Base no. dia

2 24.18 0.05 2.418 Longi top 14
2 17.19 0.05 1.719 14
4.137 14
2 16.99 0.5 16.99 14
2 23.98 0.5 23.98 14
40.97 bottom 14
additional 16
4 0.5 4.2 168 12
Width top 14
4 0.25 2.4 2.4 14
B L m2 14
1 5.13 1 10.26 14
2 0.4 4 6.4 bottom 14
12 1 0.2 4.8 14
1 1 0.4 0.8 additional 16
2 1.08 0.2 0.864 6 12

no. B L Area m2 Upper element 14

2 0.65 21.4 27.82 10
2 0.8 26.7 42.72 14
1 0.8 14.6 11.68 10
1 0.8 6.4 5.12 5 14
1 0.4 4 1.6
1 0.8 20.6 16.48 Upper element 14
1 0.65 7.5 4.875 10
1 0.65 8.17 5.3105 14
2 0.65 6.6 8.58 10
124.1855 3 14

Upper element 14
no. B L Area m2 5 14
4 2.42 4.8 46.464
2 2.2 4.8 21.12 Upper element 14
67.584 10
no. area of wall Area m2 10
2 163.63 327.264 3 14
2 109.12 218.232
no. area of wall Area m2 Column 500x500 20 22
2 163.63 327.264 20 22
2 109.12 218.232 20 12
545.496 2 20 10
no. area of wall Area m2
2 81.82 163.632 Column 250x250 1 16
2 36.37 72.744 1 16
2 4.51 9.02 1 10
2 10.40 20.8 Stair case 1 12
266.196 1 12
no. area of wall Area m2 1 12
2 81.82 163.632 1 12
2 36.37 72.744 1 12
2 4.51 9.02 8 1 10
2 10.40 20.8 1 10
2.42 4.8 46.464 1 12
2.2 4.8 21.12 1 12
333.78 1 12
m2 1 12
3 0.5 4.2 126 1 12
8 1 10
1 10

kg/m amount Length weight 1.05
1.21 85 3.78 388.54 407.9715
1.21 85 8 822.32 863.4318
1.21 85 5.4 555.06 582.8165
1.21 85 12 1233.47 1295.148
1.21 85 3.78 388.54 407.9715
1.21 85 12 1233.47 1295.148
1.21 85 5.4 555.06 582.8165
1.21 85 8 822.32 863.4318
1.58 66 3.5 364.98 383.229
0.88 637 1.32 739.47 776.441
1.21 120 3.75 544.05 571.2486
1.21 120 5.02 728.30 764.7114
1.21 120 12 1740.95 1827.995
1.21 120 3.75 544.05 571.2486
1.21 120 12 1740.95 1827.995
1.21 120 5.02 728.30 764.7114
1.58 66 3.5 364.98 383.229
0.88 256 0.66 892.11 936.7142
14386.91 15106.26

1.21 102 4.21 517.05 542.9037

0.62 13 20.3 163.62 171.7989
1.21 241 2.93 852.64 895.2769
0.62 12 48.1 357.86 375.7572
1.21 57.75 1 349.39 366.8569

1.21 20 3.18 76.96 80.8038

0.62 10 4 24.80 26.04
1.21 73 2.73 241.14 253.1979
0.62 12 14.6 108.62 114.0552
1.21 10 0.8 29.04 30.492

1.21 34.5 4.18 174.49 183.2188

0.62 14 6.9 59.89 62.8866
1.21 104 2.93 367.82 386.2161
0.62 12 20.75 154.38 162.099
1.21 57.75 1 349.39 366.8569

1.21 9.25 2.98 33.35 35.02133

0.62 9 1.85 10.32 10.83915
1.21 38 2.73 125.53 131.8017
0.62 12 7.6 56.54 59.3712
1.21 5 0.8 13.43 14.10255
4066.28 4269.596
2.984 16 2 1909.76 2005.248
2.984 16 5.9 5633.79 5915.482
0.88 21 1.96 724.42 760.6368
0.62 10.5 0.65 169.26 177.723
8437.23 8859.089
1.58 4 1.5 9.48 9.954
1.58 4 2.53 15.99 16.78908
0.62 11 0.96 6.55 6.87456
0.88 10 1.84 16.19 17.0016
0.88 10 4.2 36.96 38.808
0.88 10 1.84 16.19 17.0016
0.88 10 4.2 36.96 38.808
0.88 48 1 42.24 44.352
0.62 10 0.84 41.66 43.7472
0.62 7 1 4.34 4.557
0.88 10 1.84 16.19 17.0016
0.88 10 4.2 36.96 38.808
0.88 10 1.84 16.19 17.0016
0.88 10 4.2 36.96 38.808
0.88 48 1 42.24 44.352
0.62 10 0.84 41.66 43.7472
0.62 7 1 4.34 4.557
421.11 442.1684
27311.54 28677.11
Chemical Building
First Floor
no. B L Thk V m3 1.05
Concrete slab 1 14.99 21.98 0.2 65.90 69.19
Stair area -10.3 0.2 -2.06 -2.16
-4 0.2 -0.80 -0.84
63.04 66.19
Beam X 5 0.4 21.98 0.4 17.58 18.46
Beam Y 4 0.4 14.99 0.4 9.59 10.07
27.18 28.54

no. B L H V m3 1.05
Column 500x500 20 0.5 0.5 3.3 16.5 17.325

External wall 220mm no. L H Area m2

8 4.87 3.3 128.57
6 4.33 3.3 85.73

no. L H Area m2
Partition wall 120mm 1 2.05 3.3 6.77
2 4.5 3.3 29.70

no. B L Area m2 1.05

Epoxy coating on base 14.99 21.98 329.48 345.95
Window AW 1 1754 x 1058 14

L H m2
scaffolding around bui 73.5 3.9 286.65
form work
no. B L area m2
Slab form 1 14.99 21.98 329.48

Beam X 5 0.4 14.99 29.98

Beam Y 4 0.4 21.98 35.17

no. area m2 H m3
Support slab 1 329.48 4.6 1515.61
no. B L H m3
Support beam X 10 0.4 14.99 4.2 251.83
Support beam Y 8 0.4 21.98 4.2 295.41

Form amount no. B H area m2

Column 20 4 0.5 3.3 132

no. area of wall Area m2

Plastering mortar 20mm both external 2 128.57 257.136
2 85.73 171.468
Emusion Paintint external no. area of wall Area m2
2 128.57 257.136
2 85.73 171.468

no. area of wall Area m2

Plastering mortar 20mm both external 2 6.77 13.53
2 29.70 59.4
Emusion Paintint external no. area of wall Area m2
2 6.77 13.53
2 29.70 59.4

Column emusion painting 20 3 0.5 4.2 126
Rebar slab
no. dia kg/m amount Length weight 1.05
Slab 12 0.88 75 12 791.47 831.0456
12 0.88 75 10.94 721.56 757.6366
10 0.62 75 12 557.63 585.5094
10 0.62 75 10.84 503.72 528.9102
9 8 0.49 329 0.28 406.84 427.1843
12 0.88 110 12 1160.54 1218.571
12 0.88 110 4.01 387.82 407.2059
10 0.62 110 12 817.66 858.5388
10 0.62 110 3.91 266.42 279.7406
5613.66 5894.34
no. dia kg/m amount Length weight 1.05
Beam Y 3 18 1.99 4 9.525 227.46 238.8299
3 18 1.99 4 6.87 164.06 172.2584
3 18 1.99 4 9.525 227.46 238.8299
3 16 1.58 4 12 227.52 238.896
3 16 1.58 4 12 227.52 238.896
3 10 0.62 110 1.96 400.65 420.684
Beam Y 1 18 1.99 3 9.525 56.86 59.70746
1 18 1.99 3 6.27 37.43 39.3035
1 18 1.99 3 9.525 56.86 59.70746
1 16 1.58 3 12 56.88 59.724
1 16 1.58 3 12 56.88 59.724
1 16 1.58 2 6.76 21.36 22.42968
1 16 1.58 2 11.982 37.86 39.75628
1 10 0.62 86 1.96 103.96 109.1584
1 10 0.62 24 1.66 25.06 26.31407
Beam X 4 16 1.58 4 8.62 217.91 228.8093
4 16 1.58 4 8.62 217.91 228.8093
4 16 1.58 4 6.205 156.86 164.7055
4 16 1.58 4 11.025 278.71 292.6476
4 10 0.62 75 1.88 349.45 366.9192
Beam X 1 16 1.58 3 8.62 40.86 42.90174
1 16 1.58 3 8.62 40.86 42.90174
1 16 1.58 3 6.205 29.41 30.88229
1 16 1.58 3 11.025 52.26 54.87143
1 16 1.58 4 6.22 39.31 41.27592
1 10 0.62 53 1.88 62.13 65.2328
1 10 0.62 22 1.58 21.21 22.26876
3434.71 3606.444

no. dia kg/m amount Length weight 1.05

Column 20 22 2.984 16 5.22 4984.47 5233.70
20 12 0.88 17 1.96 586.43 615.75
2 20 10 0.62 10.5 0.65 169.26 177.72
5740.17 6027.17
Chemical Building
Second Floor
no. B L Thk V m3 1.05
Concrete slab 1 14.99 21.98 0.2 65.90 69.19
opening 2 -1 1 0.2 -0.40 -0.42

65.50 68.77
Beam X 5 0.4 21.98 0.4 17.58 18.46
Beam Y 4 0.4 14.99 0.4 9.59 10.07
27.18 28.54

no. B L Area m2 1.05

Epoxy coating on base 14.99 21.98 329.48 345.95
no. B L Area m2 1.05
Emusion paint under base 14.99 21.98 329.48 345.95

no. B L H V m3 1.05
Roof column 6 0.44 0.44 1.875 2.18 2.29
Roof column 3 0.44 0.44 3.2 1.86 1.95
no. B L H V m3
Roof beam 4 0.4 12.3 0.6 11.81 12.40
4 0.4 5.2 0.6 4.99 5.24
2 0.4 4.4 0.6 2.11 2.22
2 0.4 14.28 0.6 6.85 7.20
1 0.4 11.2 0.6 2.69 2.82
32.49 34.12
L no
Steel L 80x80x4 0.15 8
Bolt M12 150mm 8
Bolt M12 65mm 4
Steel tube 40x80x4 9.17 28
Steel tube 40x80x4 4.58 64
Steel tube 40x80x4 4.36 64
Steel tube 20x20x1.2 15.2 194
Steel tube 20x20x1.2 10.51 108
area m2
Roof area 63.4
Roof area 63.4
Roof area 140
Roof area 140
Ceiling 80
polymer water proof on concrete 0.984
Khmer traditional shape 6

roof ridge 60.4

L H m2
scaffolding around builn 73.5 3.9 286.65
form work
no. B L area m2 Slab
Slab form 1 14.99 21.98 329.48

Beam X 5 0.4 14.99 29.98

Beam Y 4 0.4 21.98 35.17

no. area m2 H m3
Support slab 1 329.48 3.7 1219.08
no. B L H m3
Support beam X 10 0.4 4.33 3.3 57.16
Support beam Y 8 0.4 4.87 3.3 51.43 Beam Y

Beam Y

Beam X

Beam X

Form no. B H area m2

Roof column 6 4 0.44 1.87 19.75 Roof column

Roof column 3 4 0.44 3.2 16.90
Roof beam no. B L area m2
4 2 0.6 12.3 59.04
4 1 0.4 12.3 19.68 Roof column
4 2 0.6 5.2 24.96
4 1 0.4 5.2 8.32
4 2 0.6 4.4 21.12
4 1 0.4 4.4 7.04
4 2 0.6 14.28 68.544
4 1 0.4 14.28 22.848 Roof beam
4 2 0.6 11.2 53.76
4 1 0.4 11.2 17.92 Roof beam
Roof beam
Support no. B L H m3
1 0.4 11.2 3.2 14.34 Roof beam
2 0.4 14.28 1.5 17.14
4 0.4 12.3 1.6 31.49 Roof beam
2 0.4 4.4 1.5 5.28
4 0.4 5.2 1.5 12.48
Rebar slab
no. dia kg/m amount Length weight 1.05
10 0.62 75 12 557.63 585.51
10 0.62 75 10.84 503.72 528.91
10 0.62 75 12 557.63 585.51
10 0.62 75 10.84 503.72 528.91
9 8 0.49 329 0.28 406.84 427.18
10 0.62 110 12 817.66 858.54
10 0.62 110 3.91 266.42 279.74
10 0.62 110 12 817.66 858.54
10 0.62 110 3.91 266.42 279.74
4697.70 4932.58
no. dia kg/m amount Length weight
3 18 1.99 4 9.525 227.46 238.83
3 18 1.99 4 6.87 164.06 172.26
3 18 1.99 4 9.525 227.46 238.83
3 16 1.58 4 12 227.52 238.90
3 16 1.58 4 12 227.52 238.90
3 10 0.62 110 1.96 400.65 420.68
1 18 1.99 4 9.525 75.82 79.61
1 18 1.99 4 6.27 49.91 52.40
1 18 1.99 4 9.525 75.82 79.61
1 16 1.58 4 12 75.84 79.63
1 16 1.58 4 12 75.84 79.63
1 10 0.62 110 1.96 133.55 140.23

4 16 1.58 4 8.62 217.91 228.81

4 16 1.58 4 8.62 217.91 228.81
4 16 1.58 4 6.205 156.86 164.71
4 16 1.58 4 11.025 278.71 292.65
4 10 0.62 75 1.88 349.45 366.92
1 16 1.58 4 8.62 54.48 57.20
1 16 1.58 4 8.62 54.48 57.20
1 16 1.58 4 6.205 39.22 41.18
1 16 1.58 4 11.025 69.68 73.16
1 16 1.58 4 6.22 39.31 41.28
1 10 0.62 75 1.88 87.36 91.73
3526.81 3703.15

no. dia kg/m amount Length weight

6 22 2.984 10 2.24 401.05 421.10
6 22 2.984 10 2.17 388.52 407.94
6 22 2.984 6 2.84 305.08 320.34
6 10 0.62 5 0.65 11.30 11.87
6 12 0.88 10 1.96 103.49 108.66

2 22 2.984 10 2.24 133.68 140.37

2 22 2.984 10 3.5 208.88 219.32
2 22 2.984 6 2.84 101.69 106.78
2 10 0.62 8 0.65 6.45 6.77
2 12 0.88 13 1.96 44.84 47.09
4 20 2.47 8 12.3 972.19 1020.80
4 10 0.62 62 1.96 298.94 313.89
4 20 2.47 8 5.2 411.01 431.56
4 10 0.62 26 1.96 126.38 132.70
2 20 2.47 8 4.4 173.89 182.58
2 10 0.62 22 1.96 53.47 56.14
2 20 2.47 8 14.28 564.35 592.56
2 10 0.62 62 1.96 149.47 156.94
1 20 2.47 8 11.2 221.31 232.38
1 10 0.62 56 1.96 68.05 71.45
4744.05 4981.25

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