Rainas, Lamjung: Office of Rainas Municipality

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Government of Nepal

Office of Rainas Municipality

Rainas, Lamjung

Project Name :- Construction of Rainas municipality Aaudhogic gram

Site :- Rainas, Lamjung

S.N. Description Nos. Length Breadth Height Quantity Units

1 Site Clearance
1 1232.00 16.405 20210.96 ft2

2 Earthwork in excavation
For Boundary wall
Column 127 3.5 3.5 3.5 5445.12 ft3
wall 126 6.25 2 2.5 3937.50 ft3

3 Stone Soiling
For Boundary wall
Column 127 3 3 0.5 571.50 ft3
wall 126 6.25 2 0.5 787.50 ft3
4 PCC in (1:3:6) Works
For Boundary wall
Column 127 3 3 0.25 285.75 ft3
wall 126 6.25 2 0.25 393.75 ft3
5 PCC for RCC(1:2:4) Works
For Boundary wall
Rectangular foundation 127 3.00 3.00 1.00 1143.00 ft3
Plinth Beam 126 9.00 0.75 0.75 637.87 ft3

6 Formwork
For Boundary wall
Rectangular foundation 127 12.00 1.00 1524.00 ft2
Plinth Beam 126 18.00 0.75 1701.00 ft2

7 Stone Masonary work in 1:4 c/s mortar

wall 126 9.00 1.75 1.75 3472.87 ft3

8 Reinforcement Work
Mat for column
Main Bar 12mm 1016 0.9143553795 0.88779284834 824.74 Kg
Distribution Bar 12mm 1016 0.9143553795 0.88779284834 824.74 Kg
Main Bar 16mm 508 3.2002438281 1.57829839704 2565.87 Kg
Stirrups 8mm 3429 0.8127603373 0.39457459926 1099.66 Kg
Plinth Beam
Main Bar 12mm 4 1229.25 0.88779284834 4365.27 Kg
Stirrups 7mm 8196 0.8127603373 0.30209617756 2012.37 Kg
Quantity Units

1877.47 m2
1877.47 m2

265.64 m3

154.16 m3
111.48 m3

38.47 m3

16.18 m3
22.29 m3
19.23 m3

8.09 m3
11.14 m3
50.41 m3

32.36 m3
18.05 m3

299.58 m2

141.57 m2
158.01 m2

98.32 m3
98.32 m3

11692.65 Kg

824.74 Kg
824.74 Kg
2565.87 Kg
1099.66 Kg

4365.27 Kg
2012.37 Kg
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Government of Nepal
Office of Rainas Municipality
Summary Of Cost
Project Name :- Construction of Rainas municipality Aaudhogic gram
Site :- Rainas, Lamjung

S. N. Work Description Remarks

Unit BOQ Qty Rate (Nrs.) Amount (Nrs.)

A Civil Works:-

1.00 Site Clearance m2 1,877.47 7.00 13,142.29

2.00 Earthwork in excavation m3 265.64 80.00 21,251.20

3.00 Stone Soiling m3 38.47 1,500.00 57,705.00

4.00 PCC in (1:3:6) Works m3 19.23 8,000.00 153,840.00

5.00 PCC for RCC(1:2:4) Works m3 50.41 10,000.00 504,100.00
6.00 Formwork m2 299.58 200.00 59,916.00

7.00 Stone Masonary work in 1:4 c/s mortar m3 98.32 5,800.00 570,256.00

8.00 Reinforcement Work Kg 11,692.65 85.00 993,875.25

Total 2,374,085.74
5% Contingency + Supervision Charge 118,704.29
Subtotal 2 2,492,790.03
Value Added Tax (13 % of subtotal 1) 324,062.70
Total=(VII+VIII) 2,816,852.73

Estimated By :- Checked By :- Recommended by:- Approved By:-

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