Elstest 1pdoubleblind
Elstest 1pdoubleblind
Elstest 1pdoubleblind
1. Introduction
Although quadrupole excitons (QE) in cuprous oxide crystals are good can-
didates for BEC due to their narrow line-width and long life-time there are
some factors impeding BEC Kavoulakis and Baym (1996); Roslyak and Birman
(2007). One of these factors is that due to the small but non negligible coupling
to the photon bath, one must consider BEC of the corresponding mixed light-
matter states called polaritons Frohlich et al. (2005). The photon-like part of
the polariton has a large group velocity and tends to escape from the crystal.
4 WGM occur at particular resonant wavelengths of light for a given dielectric sphere size.
At these wavelengths, the light undergoes total internal reflection at the sphere surface and
becomes trapped within the particle for timescales of the order of ns.
with the WGM. First, the evanescent light has small intensity. Therefore it is
not effective for the dipole allowed coupling. But it has a large gradient, so it
can effectively couple through a quadrupole part. Second, the DE has short
life time compared to the QE and therefore is not suitable for BEC. Third, the
kinetic energy of the DE is comparable with the interaction energy. Hence the
localization is effectively impeded.
Assume that a single PMS of radius r0 µm is placed at a small distance
δr0 r0 from the cuprous oxide crystal (Cu2O = 6.5).
There are several methods to observe WGM-QE interaction. One of them
is to mount a prism (or a fiber) on the top of PMS Xudong Fan (1999). But
any surface nearby perturbs spherical symmetry and therefore reduces the Q
factor and the life-time of the WGM. But the positions of the corresponding
Mie resonances are not affected. Therefore in this paper we adopt a slightly
different picture. Namely the scattering of the bulk polariton in cuprous oxide
by the PMS. If one of the Mie resonances is in resonance with the QE one can
expect formation of the new type of polariton.
Assume some density of quadrupole 1S excitons ([QE]), h̄ω1S = 2.05 eV ,
λ1S = 2π/ω1S = 6096 Å) has been created by an external laser pulse. The
corresponding polaritons move in the crystal as the polariton and can be trapped
by the PMS due to WGM-QE resonant interaction.
The WGM evanescent field penetration depth into the cuprous oxide adja-
cent crystal is much larger than the QE radius:
λ1S /2π (Cu2O − 1) = 414 Å aB = 4.6 Å
expanded to include the surface polaritons also. In the late case the evanescent
field of such a surface polariton could play an essential role in the interaction
with the WGM, comparable with WGM-QE coupling.
For resonance coupling with a WGM its size parameter should be determined
by the resonant wave vector in the cuprous oxide k0 = 2.62 × 107 m−1 . For
example, if one takes a polystyrene (refractive index 2 = 1.59) sphere of radius
r0 = 10.7 µm then k0 r0 = 28.78350. This size parameter corresponds to the
39TE1 resonance Miyazaki and Jimba (2000).
The photon part of the polariton trapped inside the PMS moves as it would
move in a micro-cavity of the effective modal volume V 4πr03 /3. Conse-
quently, it can escape through the evanescent field. This evanescent field es-
sentially has a quantum origin and is due to tunneling through the potential
caused by dielectric mismatch on the PMS surface. Therefore, we define the
evanescent polariton (EP) as an evanescent light - QE coherent superposition.
Below we compare the evanescent quadrupole polariton and conventional
bulk quadrupole polariton in cuprous oxide. For simplicity let us consider the
incident polariton wave vector running along the interface (z direction). The
polarization of the polariton is taken along the x direction. Therefore, in the
system of coordinates centered at the sphere, the photon part of the incident
polariton can be written as Bohren and Huffman (1983):
X 2l + 1
Ei = E0 il (M1l − iN1l ) , (1)
l (l + 1)
where M1l and N1l are vector spherical harmonics corresponding to TE- and
TM- polarized modes of angular momentum l; the z component of the angular
momentum is |m| = 1; E0 is the amplitude of the electric field. The scattered
field is given as:
X 2l + 1
Es = E0 il (ia1l N1l − b1l M1l ) , (2)
l (l + 1)
here a1l and b1l are scattering Mie coefficients (See the Appendix). Taking
into account that both WGM and QE have narrow line-width, and the energy
separation between different WGM is much bigger then the interaction energy
we adopt a single mode picture Xudong Fan (1999). Keeping only the resonant
term the last expression yields:
To calculate the interaction of the plane wave (conventional polariton) (1) and
WGM (evanescent polariton) with cuprous oxide one has to change to the
cuprous oxide centered system of coordinate (See Fig.2) While in the system
of the coordinate, centered at the cuprous oxide, the plane wave is still given by
the expression (1), the scattered field has to be changed according to the vector
spherical harmonic addition theorem Stein (1961):
M1,39 = Aml ml
1,39 (r0 + δr) Mml + B1,39 (r0 + δr) Nml (4)
Here Aml ml
1,39 and B1,39 are the translational coefficients. Their explicit expression
can be found, for instance, in Fuller (1991); Miyazaki and Jimba (2000) and are
explicitly listed in the Appendix.
The bulk (incident) and evanescent polaritons in cuprous oxide are formed
through the quadrupole part of the light-matter interaction:
Hint = Ei,s · p
Here e, m are the electron charge and mass; p is the electron momentum. For
the quadrupole 1S transition in cuprous oxide the energy of interaction can be
written as:
Γ+ 1 +
3 +
Γ5;1,2 |Hint | 1 Γ+
h̄g = 5,xz |Hint | Γ1 = 1;0,0 (5)
Here we introduced the initial state of the system, which transforms as irre-
ducible representation 1 Γ+
1 of the cubic centered group Oh . The final state is
Here we utilized the fact that B1,39 A1,2
1,39 . While the resonant enhancement
is provided by the b1,39 Mie coefficient here, the translational coefficient reduces
the effect. That is why if one tries to couple the evanescent light to the dipole
transition the effect is much weaker as A1,39 A1,2
1,39 . The resulting exciton -
evanescent light coupling is shown in Fig.1 Both dipole and quadrupole coupling
Figure 1: The evanescent light - 1S quadrupole coupling (g1,l ) scaled to the bulk exciton-
photon coupling (g1,2 ). The size parameter kr0 is denoted as x and the PMS is placed
directly on the cuprous oxide sample (δr = 0, See also Fig.2).
photon or exciton-photon modes in microcavity systems Carmichael (1986).
Near the resonance between WGM and the quadrupole exciton ω1l ≈ ω1S the
EP branches are given by the eigenvalues of the following Hamiltonian:
H/h̄ = ω1l a†x ax + ω1S b†x bx + g1l (x) a†k bx + ax b†x , (7)
here ax , bx are annihilation operators for light and the exciton, respectively. We
also neglected kinetic energy of the QE due to smallness of the resonant wave
vector and big mass of the QE. Therefore, considering that both the exciton
and WGM of a single sphere are localized, the dispersion is reduced to:
The above expression shows the formation of the doublet at resonance (both
states are exactly half-QE, half-WGM). Recall that for DE-WGM weak coupling
only WGM pattern shifted by the coupling has been observed Xudong Fan
The excitons are trapped in the minimum of the lower branch thus pop-
ulating the strongly localized states. Physically this means that the resonant
coupling with localized WGM does not let QE escape by means of its kinetic
The dispersion above is similar to the quadrupole-dipole hybrid in the organic-
inorganic hetero-structures Roslyak and Birman (2007). In the later case, the
excited organic molecules create an evanescent field penetrating into the cuprous
Now let us consider possible application of the evanescent polariton to BEC.
The problem of the conventional polariton escaping from the crystal mentioned
in the introduction no longer exists for the localized states of the evanescent
The linewidth of the mixed state is expected to be in the first approximation
the sum of the exciton and photon linewidth weighted by the exciton and photon
component of the polariton. At resonance, the linewidth of the two eigenstates
is simply given by γ = (γ1S + γm,l ) /2. Where γ1S and γm,l are the QE and
WGM linewidth. Even having taken into account decrease of the Q factor due to
PMS contact with the cuprous oxide sample γ1S γ1,39 for the ortho-exciton.
Hence, γ is defined by the QE linewidth.
For the Cu2 O para-exciton the linewidth of the polariton is given by the
WGM linewidth. The para-excitons can acquire some oscillator strength pro-
vided the PMS exerts a local stress upon the cuprous oxide sample. The applied
stress changes the crystal symmetry, so that usually optically inactive para-
excitons may couple to the WGM. Note that due to spin-orbit interaction the
para-excitons are 12 µeV below the ortho-exciton. Therefore for given radius
of the PMS the resonant interaction occurs with different WGM for ortho- and
para- cases.
The evanescent polariton provided by a single sphere gives the time coher-
ence necessary for the observable BEC of the quadrupole exciton. But the
spatial coherence is limited to a small region near the sphere. To improve the
spatial coherence one has to sacrifice the temporal coherence slightly by delo-
calizing the corresponding WGM. It can be done by using an array of spheres
aligned along the z direction and separated by the distance δr0 (See Fig.2).
Figure 2: Schematic of formation of the evanescent polariton on linear chain of PMS. The
actual dispersion is determined by the ratio of two coupling parameters such as exciton-WGM
coupling and WGM-WGM coupling between the microspheres.
Recent experimental Hara et al. (2005) and theoretical Deych and Roslyak
(2006) studies have shown that the WGM can travel along the chain as ”heavy
photons”. Therefore the WGM acquires the spatial dispersion, and the evanes-
cent quadrupole polariton has the form (See Fig.3):
2 2
2ω = ω1l,k + ω1S ± (ω1l,k − ω1S ) + 4|g1l /h̄|
ω1l,k = ω1S + 2 g1l /h̄ cos(x − x1l + π/2) (9)
Here g1l = ω1S b1l A1l
1l (δr1 ) is the nearest-neighbor inter-sphere coupling param-
Figure 3: Dispersion of the evanescent polariton 39TE1. The dashed line (1) corresponds to
the dispersion of the chain of spheres touching each other (δr0 = 0). The thin solid line (3)
stands for upper and lower branches of a single sphere dispersion (δr0 δr = 0). The thick
solid curve (2) is the case of linear chain of the spheres in contact with the cuprous oxide
(δr0 = δr = 0).
When the coupling between spheres dominates (δr δr0 ) the minimum of
the lower polariton branch disappears. Consequently, for possible BEC of the
evanescent polariton one has to keep the desired balance between spatial and
temporal coherence by adjusting experimental parameters δr and δr0 .
Both, the energy of the 1S quadrupole exciton and the WGM depend on the
temperature. Therefore one can use a standard temperature scan to reveal the
evanescent polariton dispersion Peter et al. (2005).
In summary, we note that there is some similarity between BEC of alkali
atoms trapped by the laser field Leggett (2008) and the long living QE localized
by the resonant WGM.
The theory developed above is applicable also for void cavities, spherical
impurities and metallic droplets in bulk cuprous oxide crystal.
4. Appendix
In the appendix we list explicit expression for the Mie scattering coefficient:
0 0
n2 jml (nx) [xjml (x)] − jml (x) [nxjml (nx)]
aml = h i0
(1) (1) 0
n2 jml (nx) xhml (x) − hml (x) [nxjml (nx)]
0 0
jml (nx) [xjml (x)] − n2 jml (x) [nxjml (nx)]
bml = h i0
(1) (1) 0
jml (nx) xhml (x) − n2 hml (x) [nxjml (nx)]
Here n = 2 is the refractive index of the spheres; x = kr0 is the size param-
eter; jml , hml are the spherical Bessel and Hankel of the first kind functions
In the case of l 1 the calculation of the translational coefficients can be
significantly simplified with the help of the so-called maximum term approxi-
mation Miyazaki and Jimba (2000).
∼ l+1 l + l0
All = −2l (−1) ×
π (l0 + 1) (l − 1)
ll (l0 ) (1)
l0 +1 l−1
hl+l0 (ηx)
+ 1) (l − 1)
∼ x |i − j| 0
Bll = i All
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