Spin Transfer Torque
Spin Transfer Torque
Spin Transfer Torque
Slonczewski, J. C. Current-driven
excitations of magnetic multilayers. J.
Magn. Magn. Mater. 159, L1-L7
Article in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials June 1996
DOI: 10.1016/0304-8853(96)00062-5
1 author:
John Slonczewski
~ H journalof
~ H materials
IBM Research Dit,ision, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Box 216, Yorktown Heights, NY 10596, USA
A new mechanism is proposed for exciting the magnetic state of a ferromagnet. Assuming ballistic conditions and using
WKB wave functions, we predict that a transfer of vectorial spin accompanies an electric current flowing perpendicular to
two parallel magnetic films connected by a normal metallic spacer. This spin transfer drives motions of the two
magnetization vectors within their instantaneously common plane. Consequent new mesoscopic precession and switching
phenomena with potential applications are predicted.
PACS: 75.50.Rr; 75.70.Cn
S2 ~,
EF=0J- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
_K_2 ]
F2 C
V+) 'j=
The method of spin currents and momentum conservation used below is widely used in deriving the
conventional exchange coupling energy written
- J S 1 S 2 [4,9]. Moreover, in that context it is shown
to be equivalent to other common methods [10].
The rightward particle flux ~ and the components q~ = (@~,b, @_) of rightward Pauli-spin ( = 2 s )
flux defined by
,;-j-f +o:--aT-,
{ d~+
in the limit of slowly varying potential. These expressions describe the conical precession of one-electron spin about S 2 with the frequency governed by
the exchange splitting V - V + during its passage
through the magnet.
A crucial consideration is that by conservation of
angular momentum the magnet reacts to the passage
of one such electron by acquiring a change of classical momentum AS"` equal to the sum of the i n w a r d
spin fluxes from both sides of magnet F2:
AS"`. + iAS2, ~
= [qb+ (0) - q~+(~c)]/2
(k - k + ) d ~
AS2. : = O.
J. ('. Slotm:ewski / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 159 (1996) L1-L7
*-~1 = I(-oo)
- I(0),
~-~2= I(0)
- I(9c)
with the notation 2 = d x / d t . To minimize the number of parameters in the theory, we use the ballistic
assumption. In addition, we consistently average currents with respect to the phase factor e ik+W, where w
is the thickness of spacer B.
We define the normal energy Eno r = - k ~ available to a Fermi-level incident electron for the purpose of surmounting the potential rise within one of
the ferromagnets. The stationary states incident from
the left (paramagnet A in Fig. 1) fall into three
classes a, b, c according to the ranges o f kp defined
below. The fluxes @e and q~ are identical for states
belonging to a given one of these classes:
Class a: 0 <_ kp < K . Since E,o,. > [max V,~(~)]
for or= _+, an electron fully transmits
through the system independently of o-. Therefore,
the aggregate incident flux J,, of Class a states
contributes to I e an amount /~a = eJ,(#: 0) and nothi n g ( I ~ = 0 ) to l a t a n y s ~.
Class b: K _ < k p < K + . Now we have - K + <
E ...... < - K 2 so both magnets transmit only electrons
of polarity cr = + along the local axis of quantization. Those with o-= - are totally reflected. Using
the WKB wave functions, one finds that the aggregate incident o-= + flux Jb contributes to l e a net
charge current
leb = eJb(4COS20/2)/( 3 + COS 8).
Now we have Eno,.<
K+- K
'~1.2 =
X (,~, X~2),
2 . 0
.(.~ 0.5
Fig. 2. Spin-transfer velocities IS].21 of ferromagnetic spin vectors
St, 2 versus included angle 0, based on Eqs. (9) and (10). The
units are It / e (1~ - current, e = electron charge). Equal polarization coefficients P of the m a g n e t s are assumed.
that the five-layer dynamics are reversible with respect to sign of the electric current. It is the subsequent spin transfer back to the polarizing magnet by
reflected minority electrons discussed before Eq. (7)
which causes the polarizing magnet to react dynamically. Note also the equality [Sl[ = 182], even though
the magnets may differ in thickness. (For P < 1, it
may be special to our choice of identical magnet
parameters.) The magnitude of these velocity vectors
is plotted in Fig. 2.
Note that the spin transfer predicted by Eqs. (13)
and (14) for P < 1 generally vanishes at 0 = 0 and Jr
as in the case of Eq. (6) based on our three-layer
discussion. Its functional dependence on 0 tends to
that of Eq. (7) in the limit P ~ 1. However, its
magnitude is just half of that inferrable from Eq. (7)
because of the multiple minority-spin reflections
tending to confine electrons within the 'quantum
well' defined by the spacer, and thus share the spin
transfer among the magnets F1 and F2.
We leave to the reader the immediate geometric
proof of the relation IS~,xl= [ l ~ / 2 e l t a n ( O / 2 ) , holding for P = 1, from the conservation relation S~ + S~
= I ( - ~ c ) - I(~c) = ( / J 2 e ) ( ~ 1 - s2) and the assumption that the vectors St.2 lie within the plane
common to S 1 and So. This relation does not rest on
the WKB or other approximations, but is a logical
consequence of the 'perfect spin polarizer' concept.
The geometric relationships between these velocities dictated by the vector products in Eq. (13) are
illustrated by the vector diagram in Fig. 1. The
counter-intuitive tendency for the magnetic moments
to rotate in the same direction propeller fashion is
made consistent with angular-momentum conservation when the spin currents in regions A and C are
considered, viz. Eqs. (8). These motions of S~ and
S 2 within their common plane contrast with the
orthogonal precessions like SL = ]~JSI X S 2 dictated
by the conventional exchange Hamiltonian - J S t
S~. It is this new property of current-driven exchange
which implies the novel mesoscopic magneto-dynamics illustrated below. These motions due to spin
transfer can dominate over those due to precession
about the magnetic field H = I ~ d / 2 circulating about
the current when the smaller in-plane dimension d
satisfies the order-of-magnitude inequality d < 1 /xm
( 1 0 3 G / M s ) X ( 1 n m / w ) where w is the magnetic film thickness.
J.C. S/(mczewski /Journal ( f Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 159 (1996) LI-L7
equation for such a single magnetic domain, modified to include the term (13), is
where "), is the gyromagnetic ratio and a fixed flame
is defined by orthogonal unit vectors a, b, c of
which c is the symmetry axis of anisotropy. For the
sake of illustration, we assume S~ is constant in time
because F1 is much thicker than F2 or has a much
larger damping, etc. In addition, we align S~ with
the anisotropy axis of S: (gl = c).
The motion of magnet F2 is found by substituting
the solution
O= -(c~yHocosO+log/S~_e)sinO,
where the function g(O) ( > 0) is given by Eq. (14)
with sl "s2 = cos 0.
Qualitatively different behaviors of magnet F2
occur, depending on the sign of H u. A steady precession with constant polar angle 0. may occur for a
constant current under the condition H u < 0 making
_+c the hard directions of magnetization. Another
condition is that the quantity within parentheses in
Eq. (17) vanishes for a value of 0 different than 0
and ~-. Thus the frequency v is tuneable according
to 2Try= w=I~g/eo~S 2. Reasonable material parameters can provide v = 10 GHz using /~, = 10 ~ A
cm ~- which implies the feasibility of a monodomain sub-micron-scaled microwave-frequency
oscillator powered and tuned by a constant applied
In the case H u > 0, _+c are easy directions for S,.
Under some conditions, time-dependent solutions of
Eq. (15) describe switching with 0(/) varying between orientations near the easy directions 0 = 0 and
7r. Switching away from 0 = 0 is subject to the
threshold condition I~ < - eS2ceyHu/g(O) obtained
by means of small-0 expansion. Switching away
from 0 = "z- is governed by I~ > eS2c~yHu/g(~) for
P < 1. For reasonable material parameter values,
repetitive switching by alternating 1 ns wide pulses
of applied current density on the order of 107 A
J.C. Sloncze~ ski / Journal qf Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 159 (1996) LI-L7
It is a pleasure to acknowledge helpful discussions with D. DiVincenzo, G a n g Xiao, S.S.P. Parkin,
M. Ketchen, P. Chaudhari, D.D. Stancil, J. K a u f m a n ,
R. Nesbet, S. Zhang, R. Landauer, S. Strunck, E.
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