News Writing and Editing DC 002
News Writing and Editing DC 002
News Writing and Editing DC 002
Purpose of the Course Provides an introduction to copy editing and includes the roles and responsibilities of a copy
editor, which go beyond being able to spot grammatical and spelling errors in copy. Students learn how a copy
editor approaches a piece, and how to edit that piece for clarity, sense, and organization, as well as for spelling,
grammar, style, legal concerns, and fairness. Students will edit copy and write headlines and captions while learning
the basics of layout and design.
(a)Exhibit proficiency in editing for story organization, logic, fairness, accuracy, style, grammar, and spelling.
(b)Formulate strategies for questioning reporters and editors in the process of fact-checking, copy editing, and
improving stories.
(e)Define libel law and describe the role copy editors play as the news organization’s last line of defense against
libel suits
2) Course Delivery:
Lectures, news editing and presentations, group discussions,
3) Course Assessment
Week 1 Introduction to news writing Defination of news
Sources of news
Types of news
Element of news
Week 2 Types of news Hard news
Soft news
Week 3 Structure and component of news Inverted pyramid
Advantages of inverted pyramid format
Intro checklist
-5ws and H (pillars of a new story)
Week 4 Lead ,functions and types of a Lead in news Types of leads
story Functions of the leads
Steps to note on writing a lead
Others news writing techniques
Week 5 News writing for newspaper and broadcast News writing for newspaper
News writing for broadcast
Why a journalist may use dircect qoutation a
news story
Captions writing
Week 6 Ethics in news writing Defination of ethics
Professionals standards and ethics in news
Factors affecting the selection and coverage
of news
Week 7 Editorial production Defination of editorial productions
Duties of a copy taster
Creating news
Measuring the news
Reasons for rewriting
1. DUYILE, Dayo (2015), Writing for the Mass Media: A Manual for African Journalists, Lagos, Gong
Communications Ltd.
2. Alfred Lawrence Lorenz & John Vivian (1996), News Reporting and Writing, India, Dorling Kindersley.
3. K.M. Shrivastava, (2007), News Reporting and Editing, New Delhi, Sterling Publishers Private Ltd