Digestion and Absorption - Practice Sheet

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Digestion and Absorption (Assignment)

1. The major components of food are 12. Bile is stored and concentrated in
(1) Carbohydrates (2) Proteins (1) Liver (2) Pancreas
(3) Fats (4) All of these (3) Lungs (4) Gall bladder

2. In which type of dentition, each tooth in the buccal 13. Which organ of the following is present in
cavity is embedded in a socket of jaw bone? abdominal cavity, just below diaphragm.
(1) Heterodont (2) Thecodont (1) Pharynx (2) Pancreas
(3) Diphyodont (4) Monophyodont (3) Liver (4) Tongue

3. The dental formula of human beings is 14 Which is the largest gland of human body?
(1) 2123/2123 (2) 2021/2021 (1) Liver (2) Pancreas
(3) 2321/2321 (4) 2133/2133 (3) Gall bladder (4) Lung

4. The common passage for food and air is 15. The common hepatopancreatic duct is guarded by
(1) Oesophagus (2) Pharynx (1) Crypts of Lieberkuhn (2) Lacteals
(3) Trachea (4) Glottis (3) Pyloric sphincter (4) Sphincter of Oddi

5. All of the following are the parts of large intestine, 16. The wall of alimentary canal from oesophagus to
except rectum possesses layers.
(1) Caecum (2) Colon (1) 2 layers (2) 3 layers
(3) Ileum (4) Rectum (3) 4 layers (4) 5 layers

6. Oesophagus opens in which part of the stomach? 17. The major functions of buccal cavity is/are
(1) Pyloric (2) Cardiac (1) Mastication of food
(3) Fundic (4) Caecum (2) Facilitation of swallowing
(3) Help in the secretion of glucagon
7. Which part of the digestive system of human beings (4) Both (1) & (2)
hosts some symbiotic bacteria?
(1) Ileum (2) Duodenum 18. The antibacterial enzyme, present in the saliva that
(3) Pharynx (4) Caecum prevents infections is
(1) Maltose (2) Salivary amylase
8. How many pairs of salivary glands are present in (3) Lysozyme (4) Pepsinogen
human beings?
(1) 2 pairs (2) 3 pairs 19. HCl secreting cells present in the stomach are
(3) 4 pairs (4) 5 pairs (1) Oxyntic cells (2) Peptic cells
(3) Chief cells (4) Mucus neck cells
9. Which gland is both exocrine and endocrine?
(1) Liver (2) Gall bladder 20. Which enzyme gets activated by HCl, secreted from
(3) Glisson’s capsule (4) Pancreas gastric glands?
(1) Trypsinogen (2) Pepsinogen
10. Glisson’s capsule is related to (3) Renin (4) Chymotrypsin
(1) Liver (2) Pancreas
(3) Lung (4) Pharynx 21. Enzyme enterokinase activates
(1) Nucleases (2) Lipases
11. Endocrine portion of pancreas secretes (3) Pepsinogen (4) Trypsinogen
(1) Insulin (2) Glucagon
(3) Both (1) & (2) (4) HCl 22. All of the following juices contain enzymes, except
(1) Pancreatic juice (2) Intestinal juice
(3) Bile juice (4) Gastric juice

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32. The wave like muscular contractions of the digestive
tract is called
23. The breakdown of biomolecules i.e. dipeptides, (1) Mastication (2) Assimilation
lactose, maltose and sucrose etc. occur mainly in the (3) Peristalsis (4) Stimulation
(1) Ilium
(2) Pyloric region of stomach 33. Abnormal frequency of bowel movement and
(3) Duodenum region of small intestine increased liquidity of the faecal discharge is known
(4) Caecum region of large intestine as
(1) Vomiting (2) Diarrhoea
24. Absorption of substances takes place in different (3) Constipation (4) Indigestion
parts of the alimentary canal. However maximum
absorption takes place in 34. Enzyme trypsinogen is a component of
(1) Small intestine (2) Large intestine (1) Mucus (2) Saliva
(3) Transverse colon (4) Ascending colon (3) Pancreatic juice (4) Intestinal juice

25. Absorption of water, simple sugars and alcohol etc. 35. The food that enters into intestine from stomach is
takes place in (1) Alkaline chyle (2) Fundus
(1) Mouth (2) Stomach (3) Acidic chyme (4) Bolus
(3) Rectum (4) Large intestine
36. Pyloric sphincter regulates the opening of
26. Enzyme lactase is responsible for the breakdown of (1) Pharynx into oesophagus
lactose into (2) Oesophagus into stomach
(1) Glucose + Fructose (3) Stomach into duodenum
(2) Glucose + Galactose (4) Ileum into large intestine
(3) Glucose + Glucose
(4) Fatty acids + Glycerol 37. The structural and functional unit of liver is
(1) Cystic duct (2) Hepatic lobule
27. Brunner’s glands are found in (3) Hepatopancreatic duct (4) Sphincter of Oddi
(1) Mucosa of ileum
(2) Wall of rectum 38. Match the following
(3) Sub-mucosa of stomach Column I Column II
(4) Sub-mucosa of duodenum (Salivary gland) (Their location)
a. Parotids (i) Below tongue
28. Crypts of Lieberkuhn are present in b.Sub-maxillary/ (ii) Lower jaw
(1) Stomach (2) Pharynx sub-mandibular
(3) Oesophagus (4) Intestine c. Sub-linguals (iii) Cheek
(1) a(i), b(ii), c(iii)
29. The lacteals are found in (2) a(i), b(iii), c(ii)
(1) Salivary glands (2) Pharynx (3) a(ii), b(i), c(iii)
(3) Intestinal villi (4) Liver (4) a(iii), b(ii), c(i)

30. In intestine, the function of microvilli is to 39. Which carbohydrate splitting enzyme initiates the
(1) Secrete gastric juice chemical process of digestion in the oral cavity?
(2) Secrete pancreatic juice (1) Lysozyme (2) Salivary amylase
(3) Increase absorptive surface area (3) Pepsin (4) Rennin
(4) Secrete hormones 40. The type of cells present in the gastric glands which
secretes intrinsic factor?
31. The main function of bile is to (1) Peptic cells (2) Chief cells
(1) Eliminate the waste products (3) Parietal cells (4) Both (1) & (2)
(2) Emulsify the fats
(3) Digest proteins by enzymatic activity 41. The proteolytic enzyme found in the gastric juice of
(4) Regulate the digestion process infants which helps in the digestion of milk proteins

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(1) Renin (2) Rennin 48. The digestion of which food component is affected
(3) Salivary amylase (4) Lysozyme if pancreas is removed?
(1) Carbohydrates (2) Proteins
42. The pancreatic juice contains various enzymes, (3) Fats (4) All of these
(1) Pepsinogen 49. At which site the emulsification of fat takes place?
(2) Trypsinogen (1) Pancreas (2) Gall bladder
(3) Chymotrypsinogen (3) Liver (4) Duodenum
(4) Procarboxypeptidase
50. Which of the following is not a modification of
43. Select the incorrect option mucosa of alimentary canal?
(1) Bilirubin and biliverdin are the bile pigments (1) Villi (2) Microvilli
(2) Emulsification is the breakdown of the fats into (3) Rugae (4) Brunner’s gland
very small droplets
(3) Rennin is a proteolytic enzyme found in the
pancreatic juice of infants which helps in the
digestion of milk protein
(4) Mucus and bicarbonates protect mucosal
epithelium from excoriation by highly conc. HCl

44. Select the incorrect option regarding digestion and

absorption of substances in different parts of
digestive system
(1) In large intestine, absorption of water, some
minerals and drugs takes place
(2) Absorption of water, simple sugars and alcohol
takes place in stomach
(3) Small intestine is the principal organ for
absorption of nutrients
(4) The digestion is completed in large intestine

45. Bile can be prevented to release into duodenum by

(1) Sphincter of Oddi (2) Cardiac sphincter
(3) Pyloric sphincter (4) Ileo-caecal valve

46. The main enzymes present in the gastric juice are (1)
Trypsin, pepsin and lipase
(2) Pepsin, amylase and trypsin
(3) Pepsin, rennin and carboxypeptidase
(4) Pepsin, lipase and rennin

47. Match the following columns

Column I Column II
a. Lysozyme (i) HCl
b. Peptic cells (ii)Antibacterial
c. Saliva (iii) Sublingual gland
d. Oxyntic cells (iv) Pepsinogen
(1) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
(2) a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i)
(3) a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii)
(4) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii)

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1. (4) 26. (2)
2. (2) 27. (4)
3. (1) 28. (4)
4. (2) 29. (3)
5. (3) 30. (3)
6. (2) 31. (2)
7. (4) 32. (3)
8. (2) 33. (2)
9. (4) 34. (3)
10. (1) 35. (3)
11. (3) 36. (3)
12. (4) 37. (2)
13. (3) 38. (4)
14. (1) 39. (2)
15. (4) 40. (3)
16. (3) 41. (2)
17. (4) 42. (1)
18. (3) 43. (3)
19. (1) 44. (4)
20. (2) 45. (1)
21. (4) 46. (4)
22. (3) 47. (2)
23. (3) 48. (4)
24. (1) 49. (4)
25. (2) 50. (4)

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