Energy-Technical-Guide r1

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Green Mark 2021


Revision Log
Revision Description Effective Date
R1 1st Version 1/11/2021
R1.1 Minor update 1/11/2021

Energy Efficiency Pathways .................................................................................................................................... 4
Energy Efficiency Assessment Approach ................................................................................................................ 5
Pathway 1 – Energy Use Intensity (EUI) .................................................................................................................. 6
Pathway 2 – Fixed Metrics .................................................................................................................................... 10
Pathway 3 – Energy Savings .................................................................................................................................. 11
Energy Efficiency Detailed Requirements ............................................................................................................. 13
1. Permanent Instrumentation for Measurement and Verification ................................................................. 13
2. Electrical Sub-metering requirement ............................................................................................................ 18
3. Envelope Thermal Transfer ........................................................................................................................... 19
4. Residential Envelope Thermal Transmittance Value .................................................................................... 22
5. Ventilation Performance (Dwelling Units) .................................................................................................... 23
6. Ventilation Performance (Common Areas) ................................................................................................... 29
7. Non-Air Conditioned Areas (Non-Residential Buildings)............................................................................... 30
8. Air Conditioning Total System Efficiency (Non-Residential Buildings) .......................................................... 32
9. Air Conditioning System Efficiency (Residential Buildings) ........................................................................... 41
10. Energy Efficient Dwelling Unit Equipment Selection (Residential Buildings) .............................................. 42
11. Vertical Transportation System .................................................................................................................. 43
12. Lighting Power Budget ................................................................................................................................ 44
13. Mechanical Ventilation ............................................................................................................................... 48
14. Efficient Hot Water System ......................................................................................................................... 50
15. Air side energy recovery for Healthcare facilities ....................................................................................... 55
16. Integrated Energy Management & control Systems ................................................................................... 56
17. On-Site Renewables .................................................................................................................................... 58
Fixed Metrics Requirement Tables ....................................................................................................................... 61
Acknowledgements: ............................................................................................................................................. 81

Energy Efficiency Pathways
The Green Mark Energy Pathways are:

• Data driven and flexible – aligned to real project performance with validated data. Flexible routes for
projects to demonstrate their performance.
• Outcome based – full recognition of passive design strategies and renewable energy systems’ contribution
to energy savings.
• Supportive of innovation – encourage the use of new technologies, approaches and solutions to energy

TABLE 1A Energy Efficiency Pathways

Office Buildings • • •
Hotels • • •
Retail Buildings • • •
IHL (University, Polytechnics and ITE) • • •
Private Schools and Colleges • • •
Junior Colleges (MOE) • • •
Secondary Schools (MOE) • • •
Primary Schools (MOE) • • •
Hospitals (Private and General) • • •
Community Hospitals • • •
Polyclinics • • •
Nursing Homes/ Youth Homes • • •
Other Non-Residential
Mixed Developments by GFA mix
Community Centres • • •
Civic Buildings • • •
Cultural Institution • • •
Sports and Recreation Centres • • •
Religious/ Places of Worship • •
High Tech Industrial Buildings • •
Light Industrial Buildings • •
Warehouses, Workshops and Others • •
Non Landed Residential (HDB, EC, Condominiums, private
apartments) •
Cluster Housing •
Landed Housing •
EC – Executive Condominium ITE – Institute of Technical Education
HDB – Housing and Development Board MOE – Ministry of Education
IHL – Institute of Higher Learning
For Buildings not listed – Pathway 2 or 3 would be the alternatives, however BCA may be able to work with
the project team to develop a bespoke pathway requirement.

Energy Efficiency Assessment Approach
New Buildings under Design and Existing Buildings undergoing retrofit

All projects shall demonstrate the stipulated performance through the relevant pathways indicated in Table

Pathway 1 - Benchmark EUI (Table 1B and Table 1C) detailed measurement and calculation (Existing
buildings) or energy model (new buildings) shall be used to calculate and justify the design EUI.

Pathway 2 – Fixed Metrics, the prescriptive performance values shall be met in all areas. Where there is a
shortfall of performance, this shall be annualised and required to be off set through onsite renewables
with the listed multiplication factor. Detailed calculations, drawings and specifications would be required
to substantiate the declared performance.

Pathway 3 - Energy Savings, the energy modelling for evaluating the energy performance of a building shall
be carried out in a prescribed manner to quantify the potential savings based on energy efficiency measures
and improvements that reduce cooling load requirement over the Reference Model. Projects are to refer to
the BCA Green Mark 2021 Energy Modelling Guide for details.

Note on Renewable Energy:

During design or pre-retrofit stage, the expected renewable energy generated percentage and the total
annual electricity consumption of the development shall be calculated. Technical product information of
the renewable energy system and detailed drawings showing the location of the system shall be provided.

Verification Stage

When the building has completed construction or its retrofit, a verification audit shall be carried out. For
new buildings, there are two stages of verification; for existing buildings with commitment, only stage one
verification is applicable.

Stage 1 Verification: The Green Mark verification shall demonstrate the implementation of the design stage
strategies and note any deviance from these and their effect on the ability of the project to achieve the
energy performance.

Stage 2 Verification (only applicable for new buildings): The building shall demonstrate compliance to the
committed performance stated in the pathway through 12-months measured data with a requirement of
minimum occupancy of 60% for the period of measurement. The Energy Savings from energy modelling
would require deviance less than 5% else a calibration would be required.

Note on Renewable Energy

The generated energy, using 12-month actual operation data will be audited.

Note for Zero Energy Buildings

The building shall demonstrate compliance to the committed 100% net replacement through onsite and/or
off-site renewable sources.

Note for Positive Energy Buildings

The building shall demonstrate compliance to the committed 115% net replacement through onsite
renewable sources.

Pathway 1 – Energy Use Intensity (EUI)
For those buildings in the Table 1B and Table 1C, EUI pathway is applicable.

Assessment Criteria
For new buildings, the design EUI can be calculated based on energy modelling output, or from other simulation
For existing buildings, the EUI should be calculated based on the total energy consumption from the utility bills.
Total Building annual energy consumption over the Gross Floor Area (GFA) of the building (kWh/m2/yr). Based

• Energy modelling (Design) for new buildings

• Calculation and measured data (for existing buildings with major retrofit)
• Measurement – In operation

TABLE 1B Pathway 1 Energy Use Intensity (EUI) Quick look up table

Building Type GoldPLUS Platinum SLE

EE >50% EE ≥55% EE ≥60%

Office Buildings (Large) (GFA ≥ 15,000sqm) 155 140 115
Office Buildings (Small) (GFA < 15,000sqm) 135 120 100
Hotels (Large) (GFA ≥ 15,000sqm) 230 220 190
Hotels (Small) (GFA < 15,000sqm) 180 160 140
Retail Malls 240 210 160

IHL (University, Polytechnics and ITE) 130 120 90

Private Schools and Colleges 110 100 80
Junior Colleges (MOE) 60 50 40
Secondary Schools (MOE) 40 35 30
Primary Schools (MOE) 40 35 30

Hospitals (Private and General) 375 340 300

Community Hospitals 230 210 185
Polyclinics 150 135 120
Nursing/Youth Homes 90 80 70
Other Non-Residential

Mixed Developments by GFA mix

Community Centres 150 125 110
Civic Buildings 80 70 60
Cultural Institutions 180 140 120
Sports and Recreation Centres 110 80 50
Religious/ Places of Worship NA

Building Type GoldPLUS Platinum SLE
EE >50% EE ≥55% EE ≥60%

High Tech Industrial Buildings

Light Industrial Buildings
Warehouses, Workshops and Others

Additional Notes New Existing

AC Total System Efficiency 0.8 kW/RT 0.9 kW/RT

Occupancy rate for EUI 100% (design) ≥60%

Renewable Energy included On-Site

TABLE 1C Pathway 1 Energy Use Intensity (EUI) Quick look up table – DCS

GoldPLUS Platinum SLE

Building Type EE>50% EE ≥55% EE ≥60%

Office Buildings (Large) (GFA ≥ 15,000sqm) 100 90 80

Office Buildings (Small) (GFA < 15,000sqm) 90 80 75
Hotels (Large) (GFA ≥ 15,000sqm) 150 135 120
Hotels (Small) (GFA < 15,000sqm) 120 110 95
Retail Malls 160 140 125

Hospitals (Private and General) 245 230 210

Community Hospitals 150 140 130

Polyclinic 100 90 85
Nursing/Youth Homes 60 55 50
Other Non-Residential

Mixed Developments by GFA mix

Community Centres 100 90 80

Civic Buildings 50 45 40
Cultural Institutions 115 100 85
Sports and Recreation Centres 70 65 35
Religious/ Places of Worship NA

GoldPLUS Platinum SLE
Building Type EE>50% EE ≥55% EE ≥60%

High Tech Industrial Buildings

Light Industrial Buildings NA
Warehouses, Workshops and Others

Additional Notes New Existing

Airside efficiency for buildings supplied by DCS 0.2kW/RT 0.25 kW/RT
Occupancy rate for EUI 100% (design) ≥60%
Renewable Energy included On-Site

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
Submission of the following if applicable:
• Detailed report from simulation software.
• For new buildings’ EUI calculated based on simulation, if the building’s operation hours are available, it
shall be based on the its actual operation hours; if the building’s operation hours are unknown or
uncertain, the fixed hours as indicated in Pathway 3 - Energy Savings should be used as reference.

At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):

• Scenario 1), based on utility bill, if the occupancy rate is low, e.g. only 20% occupancy rate, it needs to be
projected to 80% to get the EUI which reflects the actual operation situation;
• Scenario 2), based on the utility bills, If the actual operation hours are the same as what were used during
the design stage, no adjustment required for operational hours; If fixed operational hours were used
during design and they are different from actual operation hours, adjustment needs to be done based on
actual operational hours

Guidance Notes
Worked examples
Example 1:
A small office building 1) based on EM proposed model for new buildings; or
2) based on projected data for existing building
undergoing retrofit)
TBEC (Total Annual Building Energy
290,905 kWh/year
GFA 2,584 m2

EUI 112.60 kWh/m2/year

Based on Table 1B (extracted below), it meets Platinum (>55%) EUI ≤120 requirement under pathway 1.

Example 2:
During verification stage, which is one year after TOP, if the occupancy rate is only 30%:
1) based on EM proposed model for new buildings; or
A small office building
2) based on projected data for existing building undergoing
Annual Total Building Energy
Consumption: 115,489.3 kWh/year
At 30% occupancy
GFA 2,584 m2

EUI 44.7 kWh/m2/year

=115,489.3 ÷ 0.3 × 0.8

TBEC Adjusted to 80% occupancy kWh/year
= 307971.4

EUI after adjustment 119.2 kWh/m2/year

With adjusted EUI of 119.2, the project can pass the verification requirement for Platinum.

Example 3:
1) based on EM proposed model for new buildings; or
A mix development (retail and office)
2) based on projected data for existing building undergoing

GFA of retail component 18,552 (34% of total GFA) m²

GFA of office component 35,992 (66% of total GFA) m²

Required EUI (kWh/m2/year) based information on table 1b

and GFA breakdown:
GoldPLUS: 240 x 34% + 155 x 66% = 183.9
Platinum: 210 x 34% + 140 x 66% = 163.8
Required EUI for compliance SLE: 160 x 34% + 115 x 66% = 130.3

GoldPLUS Platinum SLE

EE >50% EE ≥55% EE ≥60%
183.9 163.8 130.3
Annual Total Building Energy
8,217,552.3 kWh/year

GFA 54,544 m²

EUI 150.7 kWh/m2/year

With the calculation above, it meets Platinum (>55%) requirement under pathway 1.

Pathway 2 – Fixed Metrics
Pathway 2 is applicable to all buildings listed in the Fixed Metrics Requirement Tables.

Assessment Criteria
• All aspects of key performance metrics that make an energy efficient project must be met individually.
• Any shortfall in performance can be made up with the use of onsite renewables, subject to the building
typology multiplication factor
• For projects using a District Cooling System, the airside performance shall be complied in lieu of Total
System Efficiency (TSE) and shall be as follows:

GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%

0.2 0.18 0.16

Pathway 3 – Energy Savings
Assessment Criteria
Demonstrated energy savings following the Green Mark Energy Modelling guideline which looks at holistic
energy performance against a reference model. This is the default pathway for projects not listed in Table 1A.

Pathway 3 – Energy Savings

GoldPLUS EE Platinum EE SLE EE

>50% ≥55% ≥60%
Saving from BAU (2005 Code) 50 55 60
Saving from Current Reference (Annex C)
30 35 40
*Including buildings supplied by DCS

Additional Requirements New Existing

AC TSE 0.8 0.9

Airside efficiency (for buildings supplied by DCS)

0.2 0.25
Savings from Renewable Energy no cap
Savings from Passive Design no cap

*Based on Energy Modelling guidelines or saving generated from SLEB Smart Hub.

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
Please refer to Energy Modelling Guidelines and requirements.

At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):

When the building starts to operate in a steady state, the developer/building owner shall, within 2 years after
TOP, gather data for a 12-month period based on actual building’s operation, to justify the claimed energy
saving. Breakdown1 of the energy consumption should be provided based on power meters’ reading.

The project developer or building owner shall submit a Stage 2 Verification Audit Report of at least, but not be
limited to, the following content:

a) Form for Energy Modelling Form for Green Mark Scheme (Validation After Project Completion)

b) Electricity bills: Building landlord/ tenants bills for 12 months if applicable.

c) Energy Audit Report

Based on power meters’ reading to provide the breakdown on the energy consumption from the utility’s bills.
Sub-meters are required to capture the annual consumption of data centre and car park lighting and mechanical
ventilation. Separate meters shall be provided during design stage to record the annual energy consumption
generated by renewable energy e.g. solar photovoltaic (PV) and energy savings claimed by energy saving devices,
e.g. escalators, lifts, CO sensors and occupancy sensors and photo sensors. Dedicated meters shall be installed
to measure the operational energy consumption and intensities of receptacle load (W/m2) of office space to
verify on the energy savings claimed in energy modelling. Using the data on actual site operation, a revised
energy modelling should be performed if necessary.

Energy Efficiency Detailed Requirements
1. Permanent Instrumentation for Measurement and Verification
(i) Chilled Water Air Conditioning System

To monitor and verify the performance of a building’s chilled water system with accurate permanent measuring
instruments, detect operational anomalies and realise its optimisation potential through analysis of usage

Assessment Criteria
Applicable to all chilled-water air-conditioning systems.
Permanent measuring instruments for monitoring of chilled-water system (water cooled and air-cooled system)
operating efficiency shall be provided. The installed instrumentation shall have the capability to calculate the
resultant operating system efficiency (i.e. kW/RT) within 5% of its true value and in accordance with
SS591:2013. Each measurement system shall include the sensor(s), any signal conditioning, the data acquisition
system and wiring connecting these components. The permanent measuring instruments and devices are to be
accessible2 and must not be located directly above the chillers, to facilitate verification and maintenances as
recommended by SS 591:2013. The permanent instrumentation shall comply with the following:
• Data logging with the capability to trend at 1-minute sampling time interval, recorded to the 3rd
decimal digit.
• Building Management System (BMS), standalone Energy Monitoring System (EMS) or local sequential
controller shall have the capability to compute and display key indicators such as water-side, air-side
and total system efficiency and calculated heat balance of the chilled water system.
• Magnetic in-line flow meter, with 1% uncertainty, and capable of electronic in-situ verification to
within ±2% of its original factory calibration. If installation of magnetic in-line meters is not possible,
ultrasonic flow meters or other flow meters that can meet the indicated performance may be used.
• Temperature sensors are to be provided for chilled water and condenser water loop and shall have an
end-to-end measurement uncertainty not exceeding ±0.05°C over the entire measurement range.
Provisions shall be made for test-plugs or additional thermowells to be installed before and after each
temperature sensor along the chilled water and condenser water lines for verification of measurement
accuracy. All thermo-wells are recommended to be installed in a manner that ensures the sensors can
be in direct contact with the fluid flow. There shall be valid justification if direct immersion of the
temperature sensor(s) is/are not possible. Such projects will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
• Dedicated power meters (of IEC Class 1 or better) and metering current transformers, where
applicable, of Class 1 or better, are to be provided for each of the following groups of equipment :
chillers, chilled water pumps, condenser water pumps, cooling towers, air distribution system (i.e.
AHUs, PAHUs, FCUs)3.
• A heat balance substantiating test for the water-cooled chilled-water system is to be computed in
accordance to SS 591 for verification of the accuracy of the M&V instrumentation. The heat balance
shall be computed over the entire normal operating hours with more than 80% of the computed heat

The temperature sensors are best placed in an accessible location with mounting height of not more than 3m, where
possible. Otherwise, there should be evidence of provision for access by way of mobile platform or other suitable forms.
For existing buildings without major retrofit, where power meters for air distribution system are not available, VSD
readings are acceptable for airside efficiency computation, provided the data are linked to the building’s energy monitoring
system. If FCU power consumption could not be metered due to valid constraints, their nameplate power may be used to
derive the air distribution efficiency.

balance within ± 5% over a 1-week period. Heat balance readings should be generated automatically
from BMS/BAS.

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
The following shall be submitted:

• Detailed schematic drawings of the instruments’ locations and locations of test plugs.
• Technical specifications and/or sample data sheets/product information for instruments and meters
• Calculation of end-to-end measurement uncertainty.
• Detailed drawings and schematics of the power measurement strategies for the air conditioning system
(inclusive of the air distribution equipment).
• Pressure drop due to flow meter, such as reduced bore flow meter, needs to compute in pump head
calculation. For new installation, projects should be designed to use accurate flow meter with lesser
pressure drop.
• Projects are encouraged to use metering current transformers of Class 1 or better to achieve better
• Commitment to comply with the requirements.

At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):

The performance verification may include on-site testing by BCA officers. A heat balance-substantiating test for
water cooled chilled-water plant computed in accordance with BCA Code on Periodic Energy Audit of Building
Cooling System shall be submitted with the following information:

• Energy Audit report

• Extracts of the instrumentation specifications and brochures
• Instrumentation calibration certificates
• As-built schematic drawings showing the locations of each power meter, flow meter and temperature
• BMS screenshots showing the relevant calibration inputs have been entered for the temperature
• Site requirement: To determine the chilled-water plant efficiency, airside efficiency and total system
efficiency using the following operation data/installations to demonstrate compliance with the design
- From Building Management System
➢ Chilled-water plant kW/RT
➢ Air distribution system kW/RT
➢ Total system kW/RT
➢ Chilled-water supply & return temperatures of the header to be checked for consistency against
the temperatures of individual chillers and/or individual branches
➢ Condenser water supply & return temperatures of the header to be checked for consistency
against the temperatures of individual chillers and/or individual branches
➢ Chilled-water header flow rate to be checked for consistency against the flow rate(s) of individual
➢ Condenser water header flow rate to be checked for consistency against the flow rate(s) of
individual branches
➢ The accuracy of the programmed formula for the computation of the kW/RT of the various
- From the operating chiller panel(s):

➢ Chilled-water supply & return temperatures to be checked for consistency against the BMS data
➢ Condenser water supply & return temperatures to be checked for consistency against the BMS
➢ Approach of chilled-water supply – refrigerant evaporating temperature
➢ Approach of condenser-water supply – refrigerant condensing temperature
➢ Location of the chilled-water flow meter(s) installed to comply with manufacturer’s

Guidance Notes
Determining Heat Balance
• Verification of the OSE shall be conducted by computing the system heat balance of the water-cooled
chilled water plant in accordance with SS 591 to the extent as prescribed.
Note: For air-cooled chilled water plant, heat balance requirements will not be applicable.
• The heat balance shall be computed over the entire normal operating hours as defined in clause 6.1.14
with more than 80% of the computed heat balance within 5% over a one (1) week period
• For a perfectly balanced chiller system, the heat balance can be represented by,

qcondenser = qevaporator + Winput.

where qcondenser = heat rejected by condenser, kW
qevaporator = heat gain in evaporator, kW
Winput = power input to compressor, kW
• The pressure enthalpy diagram below shows the concept of a heat balance equation in a vapour
compression cycle.

Pressure Enthalpy Chart

• The system heat balance of the Chilled Water Plant shall be computed using the formula stated below
over the normal operating hours,

Percent Heat Balance = (qevaporator + Winput) - qcondenser x 100% ≤ 5%


The following example illustrates a successful heat balance where 80% of the computed heat balance falls
within ± 5% as required.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

Condenser water return

Chilled water flow rate

Condenser water flow

Percent Heat Balance

Chilled water supply

Chilled water return

supply temperature
Condenser water

Heat Rejected



Chiller kWe

Heat Gain
dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm °C °C L/s °C °C L/s kW RT RT %
16/6/2012 15:00 6.70 12.60 84.10 29.4 35.5 97.65 308 591.14 709.65 -4.36
16/6/2012 15:01 6.71 12.50 84.20 29.5 35.4 97.60 309 580.81 686.03 -2.53
16/6/2012 15:02 6.72 12.30 84.30 29.6 35.3 97.55 310 560.41 662.44 -2.10
16/6/2012 15:03 6.73 12.10 84.20 29.7 35.2 97.50 311 538.68 638.86 -1.84
16/6/2012 15:04 6.74 12.20 84.10 29.8 35.1 97.55 312 547.05 615.95 3.22
16/6/2012 15:05 6.75 12.00 84.00 29.9 35 97.60 311 525.39 593.01 3.51
16/6/2012 15:06 6.74 12.30 84.10 29.8 35.1 97.65 310 557.07 616.58 4.64
16/6/2012 15:07 6.73 12.10 84.20 29.7 35.2 97.60 309 538.68 639.52 -2.03
16/6/2012 15:08 6.72 12.10 84.30 29.6 35.3 97.55 308 540.32 662.44 -5.21
16/6/2012 15:09 6.71 12.20 84.20 29.5 35.4 97.50 309 550.71 685.33 -6.82
16/6/2012 15:10 6.70 12.40 84.10 29.4 35.2 97.55 310 571.10 674.06 -2.20
16/6/2012 15:11 6.70 12.60 84.10 29.4 35.5 97.65 308 591.14 709.65 -4.36
16/6/2012 15:12 6.71 12.50 84.20 29.5 35.4 97.60 309 580.81 686.03 -2.53
16/6/2012 15:13 6.72 12.30 84.30 29.6 35.3 97.55 310 560.41 662.44 -2.10
16/6/2012 15:14 6.73 12.10 84.20 29.7 35.2 97.50 311 538.68 638.86 -1.84
16/6/2012 15:15 6.74 12.20 84.10 29.8 35.1 97.55 312 547.05 615.95 3.22
16/6/2012 15:16 6.75 12.00 84.00 29.9 35 97.60 311 525.39 593.01 3.51
16/6/2012 15:17 6.74 12.30 84.10 29.8 35.1 97.65 310 557.07 616.58 4.64
16/6/2012 15:18 6.73 12.10 84.20 29.7 35.2 97.60 309 538.68 639.52 -2.03
16/6/2012 15:19 6.72 12.10 84.30 29.6 35.3 97.55 308 540.32 662.44 -5.21
16/6/2012 15:20 6.71 12.20 84.20 29.5 35.4 97.50 309 550.71 685.33 -6.82
16/6/2012 15:21 6.70 12.40 84.10 29.4 35.2 97.55 310 571.10 674.06 -2.20
Total 6814 12,202.71 14,367.72 32.36
Total data count 22
Data Count > +5% error 0
Data Count < -5% error 4
Percentage of heat balance within ± 5% 82%

Heat Gain (h) = m x Cp x ΔT = (c) x 4.19kJ/kg oC x [(b) – (a)] / 3.517

Heat Rejected (i) = (f) x 4.19 kJ/kg oC x [(e) – (d)] / 3.517
Percent Heat Balance (j) = 100 x [(g) / 3.517 + (h) – (i)] / (i)

(ii) VRF system
Provision of permanent measuring instruments for monitoring of the energy performance of the Variable
Refrigerant Flow (VRF) condensing units and air distribution systems.

Assessment Criteria
The installed instrumentation must have the capability to calculate the resultant system efficiency within 10%
uncertainty. Each measurement system shall include sensors, any signal conditioning, data acquisition system
and the wiring connecting these components.
The measurement systems provided shall also comply with the following requirement:
• Data logging with the capability to trend at 5-minute sampling time interval, recorded to at least one
decimal place.
• Building management system (BMS), standalone energy monitoring system (EMS) shall have the
capability to compute and display the overall system energy efficiency to facilitate data extraction for
verification purpose.
• Dedicated power meters (of IEC Class 1 or better) and metering current transformers (of Class 1 or
better) where applicable, are to be provided for all condensing units of the VRF system and air-
distribution sub-systems (i.e. AHUs, PAHUs, FCUs).
• VRF Suppliers’ in-house monitoring system is acceptable if it’s capable of monitoring the system
efficiency within 10% uncertainty.

Documentation Requirements
➢ Detailed schematic drawings of the instruments and sensor locations
➢ Technical specifications and/or sample data sheets/product information for instruments and meters
➢ Detailed drawings and schematics of the measurement strategies for the VRF system
➢ Purchase orders and delivery orders of the instrumentation installed

(iii) Buildings with DCS4 supply requirement
Dedicated power meters (of IEC Class 1 or better) and metering current transformers, where applicable, of
Class 1 or better, are to be provided for air distribution sub-system (i.e. AHUs, PAHUs, FCUs).

2. Electrical Sub-metering requirement

Sub-System for Metering
Lifts and escalators More than 5 numbers or sets or with sum of all feeders > 50 kVA
Mechanical Ventilation Total subsystem’s load > 15 kW
Systems Sub-metering applicable to individual fan system motors that are more
than 1.5 kW in the following areas
• Normally Occupied Spaces
• M & E Plant Rooms
• Carparks
Centralised hot water > 50 kW thermal heating capacity supply system
General power supply Sub-metering for tenancy areas and owners’ premises are to be separated.
and lighting systems for The sub-circuits serving these areas can be provided based on sub-system
tenancy areas and basis and /or per floor level.
owners’ premises If there is a need to cater to high plug loads or process loads exceeding 50
kVA in areas such as manufacturing, carpark, data centre, EV charging
stations, please provide separate submetering for these specific areas to
better manage the energy consumption, where relevant.
Note: The provision of sub-metering for chiller plant systems and VRF system are covered under the
respective requirement above.

DCS (District Cooling System) The supply of chilled water for cooling purpose from a central source to multiple buildings
through a network of pipes. Individual users purchase chilled water from the district cooling system operator and do not
need to install their own chiller plant other than air distribution system. This is different from buildings’ in-house air-
conditioning system, in part or in full, being maintained and operated by a third party.

3. Envelope Thermal Transfer
Minimising thermal heat gain through the building envelope can enhance indoor thermal comfort and reduce
the energy needed to condition the indoor environment.

Assessment Criteria
As per the BCA Code on Envelope Thermal Performance for Buildings.
Applicable to new non-residential building façades.
Projects using Pathway 1 and 3, ETTV shall be less than or equal to the stipulated value under the Code for
Environmental Sustainability.
Projects using Pathway 2 shall be less than or equal to the following maximum values:
Building Type Maximum ETTV (EE Pathway 2)
GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Office Buildings 40 W/m2 38 W/m2 38 W/m2
Retail Mall 40 W/m2 38 W/m2 35 W/m2
Hotel 40 W/m2 40 W/m2 40 W/m2
MOE Primary and Secondary 40 W/m2 40 W/m2 40 W/m2
MOE Junior College 40 W/m2 40 W/m2 40 W/m2
Private Schools 40 W/m2 38 W/m2 35 W/m2
Institute of Higher Learning 40 W/m2 38 W/m2 38 W/m2
Hospitals 40 W/m2 38 W/m2 38 W/m2
Polyclinic 40 W/m2 40 W/m2 40 W/m2
Nursing/ Youth Home 40 W/m2 40 W/m2 40 W/m2
High Tech/High Intensity 40 W/m2 38 W/m2 38 W/m2
Light Industrial 40 W/m2 40 W/m2 40 W/m2
Warehouses/ Workshops/Others 40 W/m2 40 W/m2 40 W/m2
Community Buildings 40 W/m2 38 W/m2 38 W/m2
Civic Buildings 40 W/m2 38 W/m2 38 W/m2
Cultural Buildings 40 W/m2 38 W/m2 38 W/m2
Sports and Recreation 40 W/m2 40 W/m2 40 W/m2
Religious/ Places of Worship 40 W/m2 38 W/m2 38 W/m2

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
- Architectural elevation drawings showing the composition of the different façade or wall systems that
are relevant to the computation of ETTV
- Architectural plan layouts and elevations showing all the air-conditioned areas
- Sectional or elevation drawings showing the relevant shading devices

- Extracts of the tender specifications or material schedules showing the salient data of the material
properties that are to be used for the façade or external wall system
- ETTV calculation in excel format

At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):

- Purchase orders/delivery orders for the brands/models of the glazing and external wall system,
stipulating the relevant thermal conductivity, U-value and SC specifications, to demonstrate
compliance with the committed building façade thermal performance
- As-built drawings/documents showing the material properties of the façade and external walls
- Revised ETTV calculation in the event of any design or material changes

Guidance Notes
Worked Example1
ETTV - Multiple blocks within the same development:

A proposed building development comprises three building blocks. The individual ETTV of the each building
computed are as follows:

ETTV bldg1 = 35 W/m2 Abldg = 5000 m2

Adevt = 5000 + 6800 + 7500
ETTVbldg2 = 45 W/m2 Abldg = 6800 m2
= 19300 m2
ETTVbldg3 = 39 W/m2 Abldg = 7500 m2
ETTV Weighted average
∑(𝐸𝑇𝑇𝑉𝑏𝑙𝑑𝑔 × 𝐴𝑏𝑙𝑑𝑔 )
(𝐸𝑇𝑇𝑉𝑏𝑙𝑑𝑔1 × 𝐴𝑏𝑙𝑑𝑔1 ) + (𝐸𝑇𝑇𝑉𝑏𝑙𝑑𝑔2 × 𝐴𝑏𝑙𝑑𝑔2 ) + (𝐸𝑇𝑇𝑉𝑏𝑙𝑑𝑔3 × 𝐴𝑏𝑙𝑑𝑔3 )
(35 × 5000) + (45 × 6800) + (39 × 7500)

= 40 W/m2
Thus, the overall ETTV meets GoldPLUS certification requirements for Office buildings.

Worked Example2
How to calculate the amount of on-site RE required to make up the ETTV shortfall.
A building X with designed ETTV of 43W/m2, but targeting GM Platinum rating with ETTV requirement of
38W/m2, how much on-site RE required to make up the shortfall:

Building X Designed Targeting Shortfall Façade Operation Cooling energy Cooling Annual On site RE
ETTV GM of ETTV area hours required to make up system Electrical required to
(W/m2) Platinum (W/m2) with (55hr/week, (F=CXDXE)/1000/3.517 efficiency energy make up the
(A) ETTV (C=B-A) AC 52weeks/yr) (RTh) (kW/RT) required ETTV
requirement based (E) (G) to make shortfall(kWh/yr)
(W/m2) (m2) up the (I=Hx 1.1)
(B) (D) ETTV

Calculation 43 38 5 5,000 2,860 20,330 0.7 14,231 15,654

4. Residential Envelope Thermal Transmittance Value
To reduce air conditioning energy consumption to cool the indoor environment of residential building due to
thermal heat gain through the building façade.

Assessment Criteria
Applicable to all new residential buildings (Non-Landed).
The residential envelope thermal transmittance value (RETV) of the building, as determined in accordance
with the formula set out in the “Code on Envelope Thermal Performance for Buildings” issued by the
Commissioner of Building Control, shall not exceed the following:

Maximum RETV
Level of Award RETV
GoldPLUS 22W/m2 or lower
Platinum 20W/m2 or lower
SLE 20W/m2 or lower

Applicable for all Award levels:

The Average RETV of west, south-west and north-west facades of all buildings within development should
not exceed maximum RETV of 25W/m2.

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage:
Submission of the following:
• RETV calculation
• Architectural elevation drawings showing the composition of the different façade or wall systems that
are relevant for the computation of RETV
• Architectural plan layouts and elevations showing all the air-conditioning areas
• Extracts of the tender specification or material schedules showing the material properties of the façade
and external walls.

At Verification stage
Submission of the following:
• Purchase orders/delivery orders of the façade and external wall system
• As-built material schedules showing the material properties of the façade and external walls
• Revised RETV calculation in the event of any design changes that negatively affect the RETV

5. Ventilation Performance (Dwelling Units)
Enhance building design to achieve good natural ventilation for better indoor comfort and health for the
building occupants.

Assessment Criteria
Applicable to all new residential (non-landed) buildings.
The dwelling units must meet the minimum requirement as stated below for the living rooms and bedrooms
to achieve good levels of natural ventilation. There are 2 methods for demonstrating performance:

Criteria GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%

(i) Option The dwelling unit design is considered to have cross ventilation when there is an unobstructed
1: Plan air flow path between the openings on opposite sides of the building, or within a room on
Level (By adjacent walls.
40% of living rooms and 50% of living rooms and 60% of living rooms and
and Unit
bedrooms with unobstructed bedrooms with unobstructed bedrooms with unobstructed
air flow between spaces and air flow between spaces and air flow between spaces and
the outside. the outside. the outside.
(ii) Option Use of Ventilation simulation modelling to identify the most effective design and layout to
2: achieve good natural ventilation.
Micro level CFD to be Micro level CFD to be Micro level CFD to be
conducted which conducted which conducted which
demonstrate that 40% of the demonstrate that 60% of the demonstrate that 60% of the
typical units achieve area typical units achieve area typical units achieve area
weighted average wind weighted average wind weighted average wind
velocity of 0.4m/s. velocity of 0.4m/s. velocity of 0.6m/s.
Where the wind speed Where the wind speed Where the wind speed
cannot be met alone, cannot be met alone, cannot be met alone,
conduct thermal comfort conduct thermal comfort conduct thermal comfort
modelling which can include modelling which can include modelling which can include
the use of ceiling fans, where the use of ceiling fans, where the use of ceiling fans, where
supplied by the developer, to supplied by the developer, to supplied by the developer, to
achieve a PMV of +/- 1. achieve a PMV of +/- 0.8. achieve a PMV of +/- 0.6.
NOTE – For both options:
i. The main entrance door (where the developer provides a lockable gate /grille), all windows and
internal doors are assumed to be open.
ii. Dedicated power points provision should be provided to enable the installation of ceiling fans in the
living room.

Simulations are to be conducted in accordance with the Green Mark 2021 Guideline for
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation. PMV recognises the use of assisted ventilation where
this is provided once minimum wind speeds are met.

Option 1: Plan Level (By Layout and Unit Design)
Enhance building design to achieve good natural ventilation for better indoor comfort through effective
building layout and unit design.

Documentation Requirements
At Design Stage:
Submission of the following where applicable:
• Schedules showing the total number of living rooms and bedrooms in the development and those
with true cross ventilation.
• Calculation showing the percentage of living rooms and bedrooms of dwelling units with true cross

At Verification Stage:
Submission of as built drawings of the approved floor plans.

Guidance Notes
Dwelling unit design is considered to have true cross ventilation when there is a reasonably unobstructed air
flow path between the windows or vents on opposite sides of the building. For this requirement, the main
entrance door (where the developer provides a lockable gate /grille), all windows and internal doors are
assumed to be open.

Illustrations on dwelling unit design that facilitates true cross ventilation

Illustration – Dwelling unit layout showing that both living room and bedrooms are considered to have true
cross ventilation and meet the requirement (i) Option 1: Plan Level (By Layout and Unit Design)

Worked Example

Only living room is considered to have true cross Both the living room and all Bedrooms are considered
ventilation. Bedroom do not meet the requirement. to have true cross ventilation.

Both the living room and two of the Bedrooms are Only the living room and main bedroom is considered
considered to have true cross ventilation. One of to have true cross ventilation. Common Bedrooms do
the bedrooms does not meet the requirement. not meet the requirement.

Dwelling Unit Design
Percentage of rooms with true cross ventilation

Total Total living &

Total Living room Bedroom Total
number of bedroom with
Number of with true with true number of
Unit Type living & true cross
Units cross vent cross vent living &
bedroom vent
(a) (b) (c) bedrooms
per unit (b+c)x(a)

2 Room 716 2 1 0 716 1432

3 Room 98 3 1 2 294 294

4 Room 501 4 1 2 1503 2004

5 Room 230 5 1 2 690 1150

Total 1545 3203 4880

Percentage of living rooms and bedrooms with true cross ventilation 65.64%

Hence the dwelling unit meets the SLE requirement using (i) Option 1: Plan Level (By Layout and Unit

Option 2: Simulation and Modelling
To encourage the design for effective natural ventilation for thermal comfort, indoor environmental quality for
all dwelling units.

Documentation Requirements
At Design Stage:
Refer to the design stage Documentation Requirements as outlined in the Green Mark 2021 Guideline on
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation.

At Verification Stage:
Refer to the Verification stage Documentation Requirements as outlined in the Green Mark 2021 Guideline on
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation.

Guidance Notes
The simulation and modelling should be done in accordance with the requirements as provided in the Green
Mark 2021 Guideline on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation - Ventilation simulation for
Residential projects.
Thermal Comfort Modelling

The Thermal Comfort Modelling should be done in accordance with the requirements as provided in the Green
Mark 2021 Guideline on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation - Ventilation simulation for Residential
projects (Thermal comfort modelling for units). The project team can further demonstrate meeting the thermal
comfort criteria through mechanically assisted ventilation.

Worked Example

Example 1
A residential development with one block of 20-storey apartments comprises 200 units with 7 typical dwelling
unit layouts or types.

The development conducted step 1 ventilation simulation modelling for the development. Based on step 1
ventilation simulation results, the development cannot meet the primary evaluation parameters. Step 2
ventilation simulation modelling for units was conducted and based on the ventilation simulation results, the
total number of units for each typical dwelling unit type and its corresponding area-weighted average wind
velocity are as tabulated below.

Dwelling unit layouts/ types No. of units Area weighted average

wind velocity
1 Typical layout A 80 0.20
2 Typical layout B 30 0.30
3 Typical layout C 20 0.40
4 Typical layout D 20 0.20
5 Typical layout E 20 0.30
Total number of selected units: 170
6 Typical layout F* 15 Not included
7 Typical layout G* 15 Not included

* Dwelling unit layout not selected for simulation

Percentage of units achieving good natural ventilation is given by

∑ (No. of Selected Units for Each Layout x Area-Weighted Average Wind Velocity) x 100%
Total Number of Selected Units X 0.4m/s

= 80x0.20 + 30x0.30 + 20x0.40 + 20x0.20 + 20x0.30 x 100%


= 63%

63% of the dwelling units meets 0.4m/s, hence it meets the Platinum requirement using (ii) Option 2:
Simulation and Modelling.

6. Ventilation Performance (Common Areas)
The internal spatial organisation of a building provides opportunities to improve the operational efficiency of
the building over its entire life. Strategic decision-making including the location of transient spaces have
lasting effects on the building’s performance.

Assessment Criteria
Applicable to all new and existing residential (non-landed) buildings.
Criteria GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Common spaces to be designed All above ground lobbies and corridors are to be naturally ventilated
with Passive strategies

Documentation Requirements
At Design Stage:
Submission of the following where applicable:
• Plans and details of the common spaces including façade openings and ventilation modes

At Verification Stage:
• Submission of as built drawings of the approved spaces

7. Non-Air-conditioned Areas (Non-Residential Buildings)
Assessment Criteria
For Projects under Pathway 2. the total non-air-conditioning areas shall at a minimum meet the following

Building Type Minimum Non AC Areas

GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Office Buildings - 10% 25%
Retail Mall - 5% 15%
Hotel - 10% 30%
MOE Primary and Secondary 30% 50% 70%
MOE Junior College 20% 40% 60%
Private Schools - 20% 40%
Institute of Higher Learning - 20% 50%
Hospitals - - 15%
Polyclinic 10% 30% 50%
Nursing/ Youth Home 10% 40% 60%
High Tech/High Intensity - - 10%
Light Industrial - 15% 30%
Warehouses/ Workshops/Others - 30% 40%

Community Buildings 10% 30% 40%

Civic Buildings - 15% 30%
Cultural Buildings - 10% 20%
Sports and Recreation - 15% 30%
Religious/ Places of Worship - 15% 25%

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
Submission of the following where applicable:
• Architectural plan layouts showing all the air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned areas.
• Calculation showing the percentage of non-air-conditioned areas.

At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):

Submission of as built drawings of the approved floor plans and percentage of non-air-conditioned areas.

Guidance Notes
The definition of non-air-conditioning area follows the URA’s GFA guidelines. If a particular non-air-conditioning
area is counted as GFA as per URA’s GFA guidelines, it should be included in the non-air-conditioning area
calculation. The percentage of non-air-conditioning area will be the non-air-conditioned area (by GFA definition)
divided by the total GFA.

Worked Example 1
Office Building:
Mode of
Description GFA (m2)
Open Office AC 3000
Meeting Rooms AC 100
Corridors NV 500
Internal Stairs MV 300
Lift Lobbies AC 500
Toilets MV 150
M&E Space MV Non-GFA
Car park NV Non-GFA
Total GFA 4550
% of Non-AC Areas 21%

Hence it meets the Platinum requirement for office buildings under Pathway 2.
Worked Example 2
The same building as example 1, this building’s average cooling load is 70W/m2, its cooling system efficiency
is 0.68kW/RT, the operation hours is 8hrs/per day and 5day/week, it is targeting SLE (non-aircon area of 25%)
using on-site RE to make up the shortfall of non-aircon area.
The calculation of on-site RE required:
This building’s average cooling load/m2 x the shortage of non-aircon area (m2) X its cooling system efficiency
X its operation hours X safety factor of 1.1
= (70W/m2/3.517/1000) x [4550 x (25%-21%)]m2 x 0.68kW/RT x 8hrs x 5days x 52 weeks x 1.1
= 5,635.9kWh

8. Air Conditioning Total System Efficiency (Non-Residential Buildings)
Applicable to all air-conditioning system serving the building’s cooling needs.

Assessment Criteria
For Pathway 1 & 3 Total System Efficiency (TSE) shall not exceed the limits stated below:

New Building Existing Building

AC TSE 0.8 0.9

For Pathway 2 The Total System Efficiency (TSE) shall not exceed the limits stated below:

Building Type Total System Efficiency (kW/RT)

GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Office Buildings 0.8 0.74 0.68
Retail Mall 0.8 0.74 0.68
Hotel 0.8 0.74 0.68
MOE Primary and Secondary 0.8 0.75 0.7
MOE Junior College 0.8 0.75 0.7
Private Schools 0.8 0.75 0.7
Institute of Higher Learning 0.8 0.74 0.68
Hospitals 0.8 0.75 0.7
Polyclinic 0.8 0.75 0.7
Nursing/ Youth Home 0.8 0.75 0.7
High Tech/High Intensity 0.8 0.78 0.75
Light Industrial 0.8 0.75 0.7
Warehouses/ Workshops/Others 0.8 0.75 0.7

Community Buildings 0.8 0.75 0.7

Civic Buildings 0.8 0.75 0.7
Cultural Buildings 0.8 0.75 0.7
Sports and Recreation 0.8 0.75 0.7
Religious/ Places of Worship 0.8 0.75 0.7

For buildings with different types of air conditioning systems, the efficiency shall be weighted based on the
collective efficiencies of the different air-conditioning systems used within the building. For new development,
TSE is based on the expected part-load condition over the simulated average annual total cooling load profile
for chilled-water systems, and total weighted system efficiency for unitary systems. For existing building, TSE
should be based on the average annual total cooling load profile.

Operational design cooling load: The operational building cooling load profile shall be simulated for one whole
year to generate the average cooling load over the building’s operational hours for one day in RTh. The annual
cooling system efficiency shall be computed based on the following operational hours:

Building Type Operational Hours

Office Buildings 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Monday to Friday)
Retail Malls 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Hotels 24 hours
Other Building Types To be determined based on
operating hours

Note: if the load beyond the standard operating hours exceed 100RT, it must be included in the TSE efficiency
calculation for compliance. For example, if the night load is greater than 100RT, it must be included in TSE

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
Submission of the following where applicable:

Drawings/layout showing:

• Proposed building cooling system (for new cooling systems) ➢ mode of ventilation of spaces ➢ location
of the plant room and cooling towers

• Technical specifications and product information of the various components of the cooling system (for
new cooling systems) and air distribution system designed and installed

• Part-load performance curves, pump head (for pumps of new cooling systems) and fan static pressure

• Detailed calculations of fan input power for each PAU, AHU and FCU in the building based on operational
design load

• Detailed calculations of the TSE that include the cooling load profile in the prescribed format as shown in
the worked examples

At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):

Submission of the following where applicable:

• Area and operating hours of the spaces served by the air-conditioning system

• Compliance with verification requirements under P.14 Permanent Instrumentation for the Measurement
and Verification of Water-Cooled Chilled Water Plant where applicable

• Chilled-water plants: Completed Energy Audit Report endorsed by PE(Mechanical) or Energy Auditor
including the power for the air distribution system detailing the total operational performance measured
over a 1-week period. (The Report template may be found at
source/docs-corp-buildsg/sustainability/annexb_energy_audit_report.doc )

• Unitary/split systems: energy consumption of the unitary systems

Guidance Notes
Unitary Air-Conditioning System
TSE = Unitary Cooling Equipment Efficiency + Air Distribution Efficiency

The unitary cooling efficiency component of the TSE (excluding the air distribution components) is computed
based on the total weighted system efficiency. The formula used is 3.517/ IEER. For variable refrigerant flow
(VRF) system, the efficiency should be based on normal design dry-bulb temperature of 24 ± 1°C and relative
humidity RH ≤ 65%. The efficiency can be computed based on the full installed capacity of outdoor condensing
units or part-load efficiency of the system. Where there are more than one most frequent occurring part-load
conditions for the building operation hours specified, the efficiency shall be based on the worst-case scenario.

System Zone: Each system zone shall be simulated. A system zone is the internal area served by a singular unitary
system which is determined by the condenser unit and the connected fan coil units/ air handling units.

Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio (IEER) = (0.020 x A) + (0.617 x B) + (0.238 x C) + (0.125 x D)

where A = COP at full load cooling capacity, B = COP at 75% part-load cooling capacity,

C = COP at 50% part-load cooling capacity, D = COP at 25% part-load cooling capacity.

Weighted Operational Cooling Load: RTweighted refers to the weighted operational cooling load of the unitary
system in RTh. It is calculated based on the operational schedule of the systems as follows:

RTweighted = 0.02 x RT100% + 0.617 x RT75% RT100% + 0.238 x RT50% + 0.125 x RT25%

Where RT100%, RT75%, RT50% and RT5% are the 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% of installed capacity of the zone
(excluding standby units) respectively

Water-Cooled/ Air-Cooled Chilled Water Plants

TSE = Chiller Plant Efficiency + Air Distribution Efficiency
TSE is computed based on the annual energy consumption (kWh) of the system over the annual cooling
consumption in RTh. The unit is in kW/RT.

Worked Example
Example 1: Computation of the TSE for a theoretical office building which has a water-cooled chilled water
system. The operating hours for office buildings as specified: Monday to Friday: 9 am. to 6 pm.

(a) Water Cooled Chilled Water System

• Average Cooling Load;

• Chiller Power input (PCH);

• Chilled Water Pump Power (PCHWP);

• Condenser Water Pump Power (PCWP);

• Cooling Tower Power (PCT)

Total Constant flow (CF) or Variable Flow (VF) Motor Input Power (total hourly motor input power is based on
the aggregate of all constant or variable flow fans operating at this hour.

For Variable flow, Part-load pump and cooling tower fan power can be calculated by using the following

Pump power ratio = 0.0205x + 0.4101x2 + 0.5753x3, where x is the part-load ratio

Cooling tower fan power ratio = 0.331629 -0.885676 x + 0.605565 x2 + 0.948482 x3

Water Cooled Chiller Plant

Daily Avg. PCH (kW) PCHWP PCWP PCT (kW) Chiller Chiller Chiller
Hrs Cooling (kW) (kW) Plant Plant configuration
Load (RT) Total (kW/RT)
9AM 1,444 660 33 60 24 776 0.538 650 RT x 3 nos.
10AM 1,395 634 30 60 21 745 0.534 650 RT x 3 nos.
11AM 1,801 841 57 67 47 1,011 0.561 650 RT x 3 nos.
12PM 1,790 835 56 66 46 1,002 0.560 650 RT x 3 nos.
1PM 1,749 807 53 62 43 964 0.551 650 RT x 3 nos.
2PM 1,836 859 60 70 50 1,038 0.565 650 RT x 3 nos.
3PM 1,816 849 58 68 48 1,023 0.563 650 RT x 3 nos.
4PM 1,654 757 46 54 36 892 0.539 650 RT x 3 nos.
5PM 1,493 686 35 60 26 808 0.541 650 RT x 3 nos.
6PM 1,237 574 22 60 15 672 0.543 650 RT x 3 nos.

Total ΣCL
=16,215 449 kWh 626 kWh 354 kWh 8,931 kWh
(9AM - 6PM) kWh

Efficiency kWh/RTh = 0.551 kW/RT

0.463 0.028 0.039 0.022

Plant efficiency = Σ(chiller plant energy power consumption)/Σ(cooling load) = 8,931/16,215 = 0.551 kW/RT

Air distribution and total system efficiency

Fraction of full-load fan power = 0.0013 + 0.1470x + 0.9506x2 - 0.0998x3, where x is the part-load ratio (Ratio of
current L/s against design L/s)

Daily Total system

Hrs Avg. Total air Air distribution Air Distribution power
Cooling distribution efficiency configuration (water+air) TSE
Load (RT) power (kW) (kW/RT) (VAV/CAV) (kW) (kW/RT)
9AM 1,444 236 0.164 AHU-VAV 1,013 0.701
10AM 1,395 223 0.160 AHU-VAV 968 0.694
11AM 1,801 348 0.193 AHU-VAV 1,359 0.754
12PM 1,790 344 0.192 AHU-VAV 1,346 0.752
1PM 1,749 330 0.189 AHU-VAV 1,294 0.740
2PM 1,836 360 0.196 AHU-VAV 1,398 0.761
3PM 1,816 353 0.194 AHU-VAV 1,376 0.758
4PM 1,654 300 0.181 AHU-VAV 1,192 0.721
5PM 1,493 251 0.168 AHU-VAV 1,058 0.709
6PM 1,237 181 0.146 AHU-VAV 852 0.689
16,215 2,924 11,856
(9AM - 6PM)

Air distribution system efficiency = Σ(Air distribution power consumption)/ Σ(cooling load)
= 2,924/16,215
= 0.18 kW/RT
TSE = 0.551 + 0.18 = 0.731 kW/RT
Thus, this office building meets TSE requirement for Pathway 1 & 3
For Pathway 2 would meet GM Platinum rating

Example 2: Computation of the TSE for a theoretical small office building which uses VRF system. The
operating hours for office buildings as specified: Monday to Friday: 9 am. to 6 pm.

Specification of VRF Outdoor Condensing Unit

System Location Full Weighted IEER = (0.020 x A)
Zone Installed Cooling 100% 75% 50% 25% + (0.617 x B) +
no. served
Capacity Capacity EER EER EER EER (0.238 x C) +
(kW) (kW) (A) (B) (C) (D) (0.125 x D)
Lift lobby/
VRF Corridor/
21.62 13.69 3.93 5.02 5.66 3.02 4.90
System 1 1 Reception
15.44 9.77 4.74 6.06 7.57 4.81 6.24
System 2 2 Office 1
15.44 9.77 4.74 6.06 7.57 4.81 6.24
System 3 3 Office 2
15.44 9.77 4.23 5.29 5.86 3.86 5.23
System 4 4 Office 3
15.44 9.77 4.23 5.29 5.86 3.86 5.23
System 5 5 Office 4
83.38 52.8
Total cooling capacity

Weighted Design COP of condensing units = Σ(weighted capacity x IEER)/ Σ(weighted capacity)
= 291.12/52.8
= 5.52
Weighted Design system efficiency of condensing units = 3.517/ Weighted design COP
= 0.64 kW/RT

Air distribution system efficiency of VRF system

Specification of Air-Distribution Units

System Location Nameplate Air-Distribution System
Zone Installed Weighted motor efficiency based on
no. served
Capacity Capacity power weighted capacity
Unit Type (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW/RT)
7.1 4.49 0.08 0.063
Lift lobby/ Ceiling
VRF Corridor/ Cassette 7.1 4.49 0.08 0.063
System 1 1 Reception 7.1 4.49 0.08 0.063

VRF Ceiling 7.6 4.81 0.12 0.088

System 2 2 Office 1 Cassette 7.6 4.81 0.12 0.088

VRF Ceiling 7.6 4.81 0.12 0.088

System 3 3 Office 2 Cassette 7.6 4.81 0.12 0.088

VRF Ceiling 7.6 4.81 0.12 0.088

System 4 4 Office 3 Cassette 7.6 4.81 0.12 0.088

VRF Ceiling 7.6 4.81 0.12 0.088

System 5 5 Office 4 Cassette 7.6 4.81 0.12 0.088
51.95 kW
Total cooling capacity 82.1 or 14.77 RT 1.2

Air distribution system efficiency = Σ(Air distribution power consumption)/ Σ(cooling load in RT)

= 1.2/14.77
= 0.081 kW/RT
Total System Efficiency (TSE) of VRF systems = 0.64 + 0.081 kW/RT = 0.721 kW/RT
Thus, this office building meets TSE requirement for pathway 1&3
For Pathway 2 would meet GM Platinum rating

Example 3: Computation of the TSE for a theoretical office building which has both water-cooled chilled water
system and VRF system. The operating hours for office buildings as specified: Monday to Friday: 9 am. to 6
Based on the same building air conditioning system in example 1 & 2
Assume that the VRF systems are operated throughout the standard operating hours, i.e. 9am to 6am
Total RTh of VRF systems = 14.77 RT x 10 hr = 147.7 RTh per day

System Design cooling TSE in kW/RT (A) X (B)

load (RTh) (A) (B)
Water cooled chilled water
16,215 0.731 11,853.2
VRF systems 147.7 0.721 106.49
Total 16,362.7 11,959.69

Combined TSE of air conditioning systems = 11,959.69/16,362.7 = 0.73 kW/RT

Thus, this office building meets TSE requirement for pathway 1&3
For Pathway 2 would meet GM Platinum (0.74kW/RT) rating.

Example 4: Computation of the TSE for a theoretical office building which has a water-cooled chilled water
system. The operating hours for office buildings as specified: Monday to Friday: 8 am. to 9 pm (there is cooling
load beyond standard office building operating hour and it is higher than 100 RT)

Hrs Water Cooled Chiller Plant

Daily Avg. PCH (kW) PCHWP PCWP PCT (kW) Chiller Chiller Chiller
Cooling (kW) (kW) Plant Plant configuration
Load (RT) Total (kW/RT)
0 to 7 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8AM 175 130 6.25 7.39 4.76 148 0.848 250 RT x 2 nos.
9AM 317 155 7.14 8.44 7.66 178 0.562 250 RT x 2 nos.
10AM 362 165 9.86 11.66 11.03 198 0.546 250 RT x 2 nos.
11AM 375 165 10.76 12.71 12.24 201 0.535 250 RT x 2 nos.
12PM 378 165 10.97 12.96 12.54 201 0.533 250 RT x 2 nos.
1PM 370 165 10.41 12.30 11.77 199 0.539 250 RT x 2 nos.
2PM 380 165 11.11 13.13 12.74 202 0.532 250 RT x 2 nos.
3PM 382 165 11.26 13.31 12.94 203 0.530 250 RT x 2 nos.
4PM 375 165 10.76 12.71 12.24 201 0.535 250 RT x 2 nos.
5PM 372 165 10.55 12.46 11.96 200 0.538 250 RT x 2 nos.
6PM 360 165 9.73 11.50 10.86 197 0.547 250 RT x 2 nos.
7PM 232 110 9.15 10.82 4.76 135 0.581 250 RT x 1 nos.
8PM 194 90 5.85 6.91 4.76 108 0.554 250 RT x 1 nos.
9PM 142 75 6.25 7.39 2.97 92 0.645 250 RT x 1 nos.
10 to 11 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total ΣCL= 2,045
130 kWh 154 kWh 133 kWh 2,462 kWh
(8AM - 9PM) 4,414 RTh kWh

0.463 0.029 0.035 0.03 kWh/RTh = 0.557 kW/RT

Plant efficiency = Σ(chiller plant energy power consumption)/Σ(cooling load)

= 2,462/4,414 = 0.557 kW/RT

Air distribution and total system efficiency

Fraction of full-load fan power = 0.0013 + 0.1470x + 0.9506x2 - 0.0998x3, where x is the part-load ratio (Ratio of
current L/s against design L/s)

Daily Total system
Avg. total air Air distribution Air Distribution power
Cooling distribution efficiency configuration (water+air)
Hrs Load (RT) power (kW) (kW/RT) (VAV/CAV) (kW) TSE (kW/RT)
0 to 7 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0
8AM 175 31.50 0.180 AHU-VAV 179.9 1.028
9AM 317 47.37 0.149 AHU-VAV 225.6 0.712
10AM 362 59.65 0.165 AHU-VAV 257.2 0.711
11AM 375 63.44 0.169 AHU-VAV 264.1 0.704
12PM 378 64.32 0.170 AHU-VAV 265.8 0.703
1PM 370 61.97 0.167 AHU-VAV 261.4 0.707
2PM 380 64.92 0.171 AHU-VAV 266.9 0.702
3PM 382 65.52 0.172 AHU-VAV 268.0 0.702
4PM 375 63.44 0.169 AHU-VAV 264.1 0.704
5PM 372 62.55 0.168 AHU-VAV 262.5 0.706
6PM 360 59.08 0.164 AHU-VAV 256.2 0.712
7PM 232 31.50 0.136 AHU-VAV 166.2 0.717
8PM 194 31.50 0.162 AHU-VAV 139.0 0.717
9PM 142 31.50 0.222 AHU-VAV 123.1 0.867
10 to 11 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total ΣCL
=4,414 738 kWh 3,200 kWh
(8AM - 9PM) RTh
Air distribution system efficiency = Σ(Air distribution power consumption)/ Σ(cooling load)
= 738/4,414
= 0.167 kW/RT

TSE for chiller system = 0.557 + 0.167 = 0.724 kW/RT

Thus, this office building meets pathway 2 TSE requirement of 0.74 kW/RT for GM Platinum rating.

9. Air Conditioning System Efficiency (Residential Buildings)
The use of energy efficient, appropriately sized and designed air-conditioning system can reduce energy

Assessment Criteria
All new (dwelling units and common areas) and existing (common areas) residential building developments.
GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
4 Ticks 5 Ticks

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Architectural plan layouts showing all the air-conditioning areas and unit types
• Number of air-conditioning system and the respective energy label with reference to the dwelling
At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):
• Site photo of outdoor unit showing the respective energy label

Guidance Notes
Worked Example
A 20-storey residential development comprising of 280 units, club house, guard house and gym as the
following ACMV schedule
Type of Rooms Number of Dwelling 4 Ticks Air - 5 Ticks Air -Conditioners
Units Conditioners
Type 1 – 1 room 10 10
Type 2 – 2 rooms 10 10
Type 3 – 3 rooms 10 10
Type 4 – 4 rooms 230 230
Type 4a – 4 rooms 20 20
Club & Guard 3
Gym 2

Number of air-conditioning system = 285 units

Number of air-condition system with 5 tick = 280 units
Only 98% of the dwelling units & common area are provided with 5 ticks air conditioning system. Hence the
overall development only meets GM GoldPLUS rating requirement.

10. Energy Efficient Dwelling Unit Equipment Selection (Residential Buildings)
Encourage the use of Energy Efficient Equipment in dwelling units that have a positive environmental impact
in terms of energy savings.

Assessment Criteria
All new residential buildings with applicable electrical appliances* that are provided by the developer/MCST
within all dwelling units and common areas.
For Existing Developments, this includes only Common Areas.
* Applicable electrical appliances include all appliances that are under the NEA’s Energy Labelling scheme

PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%

Energy Efficient Dwelling 3 Tick where provided 5 Tick where provided
Unit Equipment Selection

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Computation on the number of applicable electrical appliances and the respective energy label with
reference to the dwelling units.
At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):
• Delivery orders of the applicable electrical appliances and the receptive energy label according to
unit types.

11. Vertical Transportation System
To adopt energy efficient vertical transportation to reduce their energy consumption

Assessment Criteria
Requirement for Pathway 2 for all lifts and escalators in residential building developments. For existing
residential building developments, this requirement is applicable upon replacement of lift and escalators.

GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%

VVVF and Sleep Mode VVVF & Sleep Mode
Regenerative drive for 12 storeys or more

Documentary Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Submission of extracts of specification that indicate the types of lifts and related features used.
At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):
• Site photo of installed lifts and handover document product catalogue indicating the VVVF motor
drive and sleep mode features.

12. Lighting Power Budget
Energy efficient lighting with adequate control strategies require less energy to illuminate a space.

For Non-Residential Building Developments: Applicable to new non-residential buildings interior lighting and
landscape lighting, including tenant lighting provision and carpark lighting. Emergency lighting shall be excluded
from the calculation.
For Residential building Developments: Applicable to new and existing residential buildings common areas and
facilities such as staircase, corridors, lobbies, indoor carpark, landscape area, gym, function room etc and
landscape lighting. Emergency lighting shall be excluded from the calculation.

For Pathway 1&3 The maximum Lighting power budget for artificial lighting shall be less than or equal to the
maximum stated in SS 530 (column D).
For Pathway 2 - the maximum lighting power budget for artificial lighting shall comply with Table 2A.

Pathway 2 - LPB Requirements (W/m2)
SS 530
Description A B C Reference
GoldPLUS EE Platinum EE SLE EE Lighting Power
>50% ≥55% ≥60% Budget

Office, Work and Study

Offices 6 5.5 5 12
Meeting Room 6 5.5 5 12
Copy/Print Rooms 6 5.5 5 12
Classrooms 6 5.5 5 12
Lecture Theatre 6 5.5 5 12
Computer Rooms 6 5.5 5 12
Reading Areas 6 5.5 5 12
Laboratories 8 7 6 16
Atria, Halls and Retail

Entrance Hall 6 5 4 10
Atriums 6 5 4 10
Retail Atriums 6 5 4 10
Retail Corridors (Interior) 4 3.5 3 7
Concourse 5 4.5 3.5 10
Lobby 5 4.5 3.5 10
Auditorium 5 4.5 3.5 10

Pathway 2 - LPB Requirements (W/m2)
SS 530
Description A B C Reference
GoldPLUS EE Platinum EE SLE EE Lighting Power
>50% ≥55% ≥60% Budget

Concert Hall 6 5 4 10
Multi Purpose Hall 8 7 6 16
Conference Hall 8 7 6 16
Retail (General Lighting) 10 7 6 15
Retail - Jewellery (Total) 23 19 14 35
Retail - Furniture, clothing
& accessories, cosmetics, 18 14 10 25
art (Total)

Retail - Supermarket,
vehicle, sporting goods,
15 11 8 20
stationary, hardware,
others (Total)

Food & Beverage Areas

Food Courts & Hawker

Centres 6 5 4 10

Canteens 6 5 4 10
Restaurants 7 6 5 12
Lounges 7 6 5 12
Bars 7 6 5 12
Transport and Goods

Corridors 4 3.5 3 7
Stairs, Escalators,
6 4.2 3.5 6
Lift Lobbies 4 3.5 3 7
Warehouses 6 5 4 7
Storage Areas 6 5 4 10
Carpark 2.5 2.25 2 5
Rest, Clean, Exercise and Play

Hotel Guest Rooms5 9 7 5 12

Toilets 6 5 4 10
Changing Rooms 6 5 4 10
Laundries 6 5 4 10

5In hotel buildings, a control device shall be installed in every guestroom to automatically switch off the lighting when

Pathway 2 - LPB Requirements (W/m2)
SS 530
Description A B C Reference
GoldPLUS EE Platinum EE SLE EE Lighting Power
>50% ≥55% ≥60% Budget

Washing Areas 6 5 4 10
Gymnasium & Physical
Exercise Areas 7 6 4.5 11

Manufacturing & Maintenance

Mechanical & Electrical

Rooms 6 5 4 10

Manufacturing (general) 8 6.5 5.5 13

(electronic, fine detail or 8 7 6 14

The maximum lighting power budget for landscape lighting shall at minimum comply with SS 530:2014.

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Lighting layout plans and schedules showing the numbers, locations and types of lighting luminaries used.
• Technical product information of the luminaries used/data sheets
• Lighting control circuitry plans showing compliance to the stated requirements

At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):

• As-built lighting layout and lighting schedule.
• As-built lighting control circuitry plans

Guidance Notes
Worked Example
A 5-storey office development targeting Platinum using Pathway 2, has the following lighting schedule

Description Areas Light Power Ballast No. of Total power Design
(m2) Fitting Consumption Loss Fittings consumption Lighting LPB Platinum
Type per fitting (W) based on Power requirement total
(W) fitting type Budget Power
(C+D) x (E) (F/A) (A x H)
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I)

Office Type 1500 LED 18 1 450 8100 5.40 5.5 8250

Office Type 1250 LED 18 1 380 6840 5.47 5.5 6875
Meeting 75 LED 18 1 18 324 4.32 5.5 412.5
Corridors 1 150 LED 14 1 35 490 3.27 3.5 525
Corridors 2 205 LED 14 1 40 560 2.73 3.5 717.5
Atrium 850 LED 20 1 170 3400 4.00 5 4250
Carparks 7500 LED 28 1 850 23800 3.17 2.25 16875
Staircase 300 LED 28 1 40 1120 3.73 4.2 1260
Male 45 LED 14 1 225
toilets 18 252 5.60 5
Female 45 LED 14 1 225
toilets 18 252 5.60 5
Total 45138 3.79 3.32 39615

In this case, lighting performance doesn’t meet the maximum lighting power budget as prescribed in table 2A
for GM Platinum certification.
The shortfall is 45,138 – 39,615 = 5,523W

This shortfall shall be annualised and used to calculate the additional energy required to be made up through
on-site renewables.

Assume 55 hours a week:

5,523W x 55(hours) x 52 (weeks) = 15,795,780Wh/yr (15.8 MWh/yr)

Pathway 2 Renewable safety factor for deficiencies for an office building is 1.1.
Onsite renewables needed = 15.8 x 1.1 = 17.38MWh/yr (17,380 kWh/yr)

13. Mechanical Ventilation
To improve the energy efficiency for buildings’ mechanical ventilation system.

Assessment Criteria.
For Pathway 1& 3 to meet the minimum fan power as prescribed in SS 553 and the Code for Environmental
Sustainability. Applicable to all new developments Mechanical Ventilation system.

For Pathway 2 - The fan power limitation must meet the prescribed MV efficiencies as stated in Table 2B.
Applicable to both new and existing developments.

TABLE 2B Mechanical Ventilation_ MV

Efficiency (W/CMH)

Fan System GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%

Nameplate motor
0.32 0.28 0.25
power ≥ 4kW

Nameplate motor 0.17

power < 4kW

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Design drawing showing the mechanical ventilation system
• Mechanical ventilation schematics, data sheets and calculations
• Mechanical ventilation control strategies

At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):

• As built drawings of the mechanical ventilation system.

Guidance Notes
Worked Example
A 4-storey industrial factory development comprising of 6 workshop spaces as the following MV fan schedule.
Aiming for GoldPLUS

MV fan schedule:

Air Flow Rate

Area Fan Fan Type Fan Nameplate Power (kW)
Workshop 1 FAF 1-1 29000 9.28
Workshop 2 FAF 1-2 29000 9.28
Workshop 3 FAF 1-3 39000 8.28
Workshop 4 FAF 2-1 14000 4.92
Workshop 5 FAF 2-2 14000 4.92
Workshop 6 FAF 2-3 Axial 14000 4.92
Workshop 1 EAF 1-1 (CAV) 29000 9.28
Workshop 2 EAF 1-2 29000 9.28
Workshop 3 EAF 1-3 39000 8.28
Workshop 4 EAF 2-1 14000 4.92
Workshop 5 EAF 2-2 14000 4.92
Workshop 6 EAF 2-3 14000 4.92
TOTAL 264000 78.28

Total fan input power = 78.28 kW

Total air flow rate = 264,000 CMH
Total Fan Efficiency = 0.30 < 0.32, hence the system design meets GM GoldPLUS requirements.

Singapore Standard 553 (20016) ‘Code of Practice for Air-Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings”; SPRING

14. Efficient Hot Water System
To encourage best practices in hot water system operation, and to drive industry forward in monitoring the
hot water system performance.

Assessment Criteria
For buildings using central hot water system performance, such as hotels and hospitals.
Hot Water System Ratio (HWSR) better than baseline of 1.45;
Items Description of criterion Compliance

a) Hot Water System Ratio (HWSR) baseline is 1.45 For Hotel and
hospital with
b) central hot
Provision of permanent measuring instruments for monitoring of
Hot Water System Ratio water system,
aiming for
c) Measure Heat loss from Hot Water system, can be from third
Platinum rating
party energy audit or permanent M&V

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Submission of design schematics and efficiency calculations
• Description of permanent measuring instruments for the monitoring of the hot water system
At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):
• As-built drawing showing the schematic and layout of the proposed building hot water system
• Delivery orders of the hot water plant equipment, including heat pumps, circulation pumps, M&V
instruments (if applicable)
• Operation hours of the hot water system and spaces served by the hot water plant
• Compliance with verification requirements under Permanent Instrumentation for the Measurement
and Verification of Hot Water Plant where applicable
• Submission of energy audit report endorsed by PE (Mechanical) or Energy Auditor detailing the hot
water plant performance and heat loss measured over 1-week period (if applicable)

Guidance Notes
Only hot water systems with supply temperature up to 60C are assessed. Systems which require higher
temperature supply i.e. steam for lab and hot water for kitchen are excluded. If the make-up water to these
higher temperature supplies are pre-heated to 60C using heat pump system, the pre-heating heat pump
system would be assessed.
For buildings with different heating systems, only the system with the larger aggregated capacity will be
considered. For example, if a hotel has both electrical heaters and heat pump system with electrical heaters
having a larger aggregated capacity than heat pump system, only the electrical heaters will be considered.
Hot Water System: Refers to the hot water machine and ancillary equipment such as circulation pumps,
booster pumps and water storage tanks supporting the operations of the hot water plant.
Make-up Water Pumps (MWP): Pumps to supply water to hot water system to make up water being used by
the users; they are also used to pressurize the system depending on the system design.

T P5 T FM2
Q4 Water Heater T
T T Q1 P2
Tank HWS
P3 FM3
Applicable for water-source heat Make-up Water
pumps only

Typical Hot Water System

Water Heater Output, Q1: Heat output from water heater(s)
𝑄1(𝑘𝑊𝑡 ) = 𝐹𝑀1 × 𝐶𝑝 × (𝑇1𝑜𝑢𝑡 − 𝑇1𝑖𝑛 )
in which,
FM1 : Primary hot water flow rate (L/s);
T1out, T1 in : Temperature at water heater outlet and inlet respectively ( oC).
Cp: Specific heat capacity of water (varies with water temperature and pressure). Cp is 4.18 J/(kg.K) within the
temperature range of 45oC to 60oC.

Total Hot Water Plant Output, Qtot: Total heat output by water heaters (boilers, heat pumps, solar hot water
panels) and built-in electrical heaters inside calorifier tanks
𝑄𝑡𝑜𝑡 (𝑘𝑊𝑡 ) = 𝑄1 + 𝑃3
P3: the electrical input to the electrical heaters in the calorifier tanks. It is assumed that all electrical input to
the calorifiers is converted into heat, e.g 1kW electrical input = 1kW thermal output.

Hot Water Circulation Heat Loss, Q2 : The heat loss through hot water distribution piping network
𝑄2(𝑘𝑊𝑡 ) = 𝐹𝑀2 × 𝐶𝑝 × (𝑇𝑆 − 𝑇𝑅 )
in which,
FM2 : Hot water return flow rate (L/s);
TS, TR : Hot water Temperature at point of leaving and returning to hot water storage tank
respectively (oC)

Effective Hot Water Consumption, Q3

The heat required to heat up water from make-up water temperature to the hot water supply temperature
from the hot water storage tank.
𝑄3(𝑘𝑊𝑡 ) = 𝐹𝑀3 × 𝐶𝑝 × (𝑇𝑆 − 𝑇𝑀 )
in which,
FM3 : Make-up water flow rate (L/s);
TM : Make-up water Temperature (oC).

Heat recovered from Heat Source, Q4: It could be the heat recovered from chilled/condenser water of water-
source heat pump or ambient air from air-source heat pump. It is generally accepted that Cp is 4.18 J/(kg.K)
for condenser side and 4.19 J/(kg.K) for chilled water side.

If it’s from chilled water or condenser water,

𝑄4(𝑘𝑊𝑡 ) = 𝐹𝑀4 × 𝐶𝑝 × (𝑇𝐶𝑖𝑛 − 𝑇𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑡 )
in which,
FM4 : Chilled water or condenser water flow rate (L/s);
TCin : Chilled water (or condenser water) temperature returning to the heat source ( oC)
TCout : Chilled water (or condenser water) temperature leaving the heat source (oC)

Electrical power recovered, ER : The electricity consumed by the chiller plant or cooling tower plant to
produce same amount of cooling as heat recovered from Heat Source (Q4).
𝐸𝑅 (𝑘𝑊𝑒 ) = 𝑄4 × 𝜂
in which,

 : Measured chiller plant or cooling tower efficiency;

a) Hot Water System Ratio (HWSR): A ratio of effective hot water consumption to the total power consumed
by entire hot water system, after considering Electrical power recovered (E R).
(𝑃𝑡𝑜𝑡 − 𝐸𝑅 )
in which,
Ptot: Total Power Consumption of entire hot water system, excluding make-up water pumps, if
𝑃𝑡𝑜𝑡 (𝑘𝑊𝑒 ) = 𝑃1 + 𝑃2 + 𝑃3 + 𝑃4 + 𝑃5
P1: Input power to Water Heater
P2: Input power to Primary Hot Water Circulation Pumps.
P3: Input power to built-in electrical heaters inside the calorifier tanks, if any.
P4: Input power to Hot Water Return Pumps.
P5: Input power to dedicated Chilled Water Pumps/Condenser Water Pumps for hot water system.

Plant Room Heat Loss (QL1): The heat loss through the surface of calorifier tanks and primary loop piping
𝑄𝐿1 (𝑘𝑊𝑡 ) = 𝑄𝑡𝑜𝑡 − (𝑄2 + 𝑄3)

Total Heat Loss in Hot Water System (QLtot): The sum of Plant Room Heat Loss and Circulation Heat Loss.
𝑄𝐿𝑡𝑜𝑡 (𝑘𝑊𝑡 ) = 𝑄𝐿1 + 𝑄2

Total Heat Loss Ratio (TLR): The ratio of Total Heat Loss in Hot Water System to the Total Hot Water Plant
Output, it’s the sum of Plant Room Heat Loss Rate and Circulation Heat Loss Rate.
b) M&V requirement
Instrumentation accuracy requirement for hot water system is similar with chilled water system. Close loop
thermowells are acceptable for hot water system.
c) Heat loss of hot water system
The calculation can be done either using data from permanent M&V, or third-party instrumentation

Worked example
The calculation can be done either using data from permanent M&V, or third-party instrumentation.
A hotel with 400 guestrooms is served by a hot water plant with 2 nos of water-to-water heat pumps and
targeting Green Mark Platinum.
Step 1 - Determine the hot water usage profile
Consultant calculated the hot water consumption, estimated to be at the range of 20 to 160 kW with the
average at 80 kW.
Step 2 - Propose hot water plant configuration and derive the respective power input of various
The proposed hot water plant configuration for the building operating hours specified are as follows:

• Heat Pumps: 2 nos 180 kW with multiple compressors (1 duty and 1 standby).
Hot water Inlet / Outlet temperature: 50/55oC, Chilled water Inlet / Outlet
temperature: 12/7oC, rated COP 3.3.
• Calorifier tanks: 2 nos of 5.0 m3, with 100kW built-in electrical heater
• PHWP: 2 nos, 8.4 L/s @ 15m, rated power 1.74 kW (1 duty and 1 standby).
• CHWP: 5.9 L/s @ 10m rated power 0.82 kW (1 duty and 1 standby).
• HWRP: 2 nos each at High Zone & Low Zone : 1 L/s@ 5m, rated power 0.11kW
( 1 duty and 1 standby).

• MWP: No dedicated Make-up Water Pump for hot water system.
The hot water plant is located at basement 1, just beside chiller plant.

A Effective Hot Water Energy Consumption, Q3 80.0 kW

B Total Energy Loss Rate (TELR) 40% (Assumed)

C Heat Pump Output, Q1 133.3 kW =A / (1-B)

D Heat Pump COP 3.3

E Heat Pump average operating Power, P1 40.40 kW =C / D

F PHWP Operating Power, P2 1.74 kW

G CHWP Operating Power, P5 0.82 kW

H HWRP Operating Power ( 2nos), P4 0.22 kW

I Total Power, Ptot 43.18 kW =E+F+G+H

=(D-1)/D * C, or
J Heat removed from Heat Source, Q4 92.9 kW
= C-E
K Chiller Plant efficiency 0.65 kW/RT

L Electricity power recovered, E R 17.2 kW =J *( K /3.517)

M HWSR 3.1 =A/(I-L)

The project achieves HWSP of 3.1 which is better than baseline of 1.45, and hence meet the requirement for
GM Platinum.

15. Air side energy recovery for Healthcare facilities
Promote airside energy recovery to all healthcare ventilation system through provision of energy recovery
device with no-recirculation (i.e. 100% of the room air to be exhausted).

Assessment Criteria
For healthcare facilities such as hospitals.
The efficiency of energy recovery device, if applicable, shall meet the below prescribed requirement:

• Run Around coil – min 45% energy transfer efficiency

• Plate heat exchanger – min 50% energy transfer efficiency
• Thermal Wheel - 60% energy transfer efficiency
• Other types – min 50% energy transfer efficiency

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Drawing showing the schematic and layout of the proposed energy-recovery device.
• Technical specifications and product information of the various components of the proposed energy
recovery device

At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):

• Submission of purchase/ delivery orders of purchases with the technical product specifications of the
energy-recovery device.

16. Integrated Energy Management & control Systems
For Pathway 2.

(i) Energy consumption monitoring and benchmarking system

Assessment Criteria
Tracking a building’s energy use with the data presented in a relevant manner to engage its occupants can have
an effect in helping to manage building energy consumption. Related to this ideal of sharing building data openly
is the need to apply open standards to future-proof the building’s management system and to facilitate data
exchange between subsystems.

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Specifications of the energy portal, dashboard or other equivalent forms and relevant parameters such as
areas, occupancy areas or usage type that are to be included for monitoring and setting of energy
consumption targets.
• The data acquisition system, typically a building or energy management system (BMS or EMS), must be able
to store the measured data for at least 36 months, and to create reports showing hourly, daily, monthly,
and annual energy consumption associated with each meter with the option to export data.
• Plans and schematics to illustrate:
- Location and means of access of the portal
- Electrical single line diagram of the sub-metering scheme and links to BMS or EMS

At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):

Photographic evidences of the installed energy portal or dashboard or equivalent form displaying metered
energy data by area or use and other relevant parameters as well as trending and energy benchmark.

(ii) Lighting Demand Control

Assessment Criteria
Occupancy/vacancy sensing: Control automatically turns light off when motion is no longer detected and shall
be provided in accordance with SS 530: 2014 Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency Standard for Building
Services and Equipment. In hotel buildings, a control device shall be installed in every guestroom to
automatically switch off the lighting when unoccupied.

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Location plans of the relevant sensors that demonstrate that at least 80% of the applicable areas are
• Specifications of the sensors and a method statement of the lighting controls including the sensor regulation
of lighting level (brightness)

At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):

• Specifications of the sensors installed and the associated controllers
• As-built building floor plan marked with the sensor deployment
• As-built control system screens showing the sensor inputs and the corresponding controller outputs

Guidance Notes
≥ 80% of transient areas (by area) use occupancy/vacancy sensing as a lighting control strategy.
≥ 80% of occupied areas use occupancy/vacancy sensing as a lighting control strategy.

(iii) ACMV Demand Control

Assessment Criteria
Automatic controls for the air-conditioning system to respond to periods of non-use, or reduced heat load using
the following:

• Occupancy-based sensing: Control is exercised based on measured occupancy, e.g. number of occupants.
• In hotel buildings, a control device shall be installed in every guestroom to automatically reduce the air-
conditioning loads when a guestroom is not occupied.
• Location plans of the relevant sensors demonstrating that at least 80% of the applicable areas are covered
• Specifications of the sensors and a method statement of the ACMV controls including the sensor regulation
of temperature and fresh air supply

At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):

• Specifications of the sensors installed and the associated controllers
• As-built building floor plan marked with the sensor deployment
• As-built control system screens showing the sensor inputs and the corresponding controller outputs

Guidance Notes
• ≥ 80% of the applicable transient areas (by area) use occupancy-based sensing as a ACMV control strategy.
• ≥ 80% of the applicable occupied areas use occupancy-based sensing as a ACMV control strategy.
• The schematic of a typical multi-zone VAV-based HVAC system and a conceptual control algorithm that is
implemented in an occupied zone is shown.
• Part of the air removed from the occupied zone (return air) is mixed with the outside air and conditioned at
the AHU to the desired temperature and humidity ratio. The conditioned air, which is usually cold and dry,
is distributed to the VAV boxes at the zones through the ductwork. This temperature set point is reset
dynamically based on whether the zone is occupied or not. The control strategy is based on either
occupancy-based sensing or binary sensing.

17. On-Site Renewables
Assessment Criteria
Where utilised For Non-Residential Building Developments: Applicable to new and existing buildings with on-
site generation and consumption of renewable energy.

For Residential building Developments: Applicable to new and existing residential buildings targeting SLE with
at least 30% replacement of club house, function room, swimming pool pumps, gym , MCST office and Guard
house electricity consumption.

Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Technical product information on the salient features of the renewable energy system and the expected
renewable energy generated
• Detailed drawings showing the location and renewable energy provisions
• Calculation of the percentage replacement of electricity and the total annual electricity consumption of the
• To provide power meter for PV generation monitoring.
• For Residential building Developments, provide separate power meter to monitor the energy consumption
of club house, function room, swimming pool pumps, gym, MCST office and Guard house electricity
consumption to substantiate the 30% replacement through renewables.

At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):

• As-built drawings and on site photographs of the renewable energy source(s)
• Technical specifications and integration reports of the installed system(s) including total capacity installed
• Testing and commissioning report
• Logging of the energy production and calculated energy replacement rate (please refer to work examples
• Updated details of the renewable energy systems installed as per table below:

Description on type of Area of kWp Energy produced per year, Notes/

renewable energy system renewable installed i.e. annual yield (kWh), Remarks (if
installed and location of energy (kWp) verified with actual any)
installation system energy production and
installed consumption
(m2) (where

e.g. Monocrystalline solar

panels at upper roof of Block A
e.g. Thin film solar modules at
roof of Block B
Total energy produced per year (A)
GFA of building (m2) (B)
Total building energy consumption (kWh/yr) (C)
Annual energy replacement rate (%) (A/C)
EUI (kWh/m2•yr) (C/B)

Guidance Notes
Worked Example

For Non-Residential Building Developments with on-site generation and consumption of renewable energy

Based on contractor/supplier’s specifications and/or as-built details, fill up the details of the renewable
energy systems installed in the table below:

Description on type of Area of kWp installed Energy produced per Notes/ Remarks
renewable energy system renewable (kWp) year, i.e. annual yield (if any)
installed and location of energy (kWh), verified with
installation system actual energy
installed production and
(m2) consumption
Monocrystalline solar panels at 1,000 100 120,000
upper roof of Block A
Thin film solar modules at roof 1,000 100 120,000
of Block B
Total 200 240,000
Total energy produced per year (A) 240,000
GFA of building (m2) (B) 65,298
Total building energy consumption (kWh/yr) (C) 7,868,852
Annual energy replacement rate (%) (A/C) 3.05%
EUI (kWh/m2•yr) (C/B) 120.51

For Private Residential Building Developments with on-site generation and consumption of renewable energy

Based on contractor/ supplier’s specifications and/or as-built details, fill up details of the renewable energy
systems installed in the table below:
Description on type of Area of kWp Energy produced per Notes/ Remarks
renewable energy system renewable installed year, i.e. annual yield (if any)
installed and location of energy (kWp) (kWh), verified with
installation system actual energy
installed production and
(m ) consumption
Monocrystalline solar panels at 1,000 100 120,000
upper roof of Block A

Thin film solar modules at roof 1,000 100 120,000
of Block B
Total 200 240,000
Total energy produced per year (A) 240,000
Total energy consumption for club house, function room, 768,852
swimming pool pumps, gym and MCST office electricity
consumption (kWh/yr) (B)
Annual energy replacement rate (%) (A/B) 31.22% (met SLE requirements of 30%)

For Integrated Energy Management and control to use on-site Renewable Energy to make up the shortfall

lighting demand control shortfall On-site RE replacement required for 10% of the total
interior lighting consumption of the applicable areas
ACMV demand control On-site RE replacement required for 5% of the air-
shortfall conditioning system consumption of the applicable areas

Fixed Metrics Requirement Tables
Office Buildings

PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%

Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)

40 38 38
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas - 10% 25%

ACMV TSE 0.8 0.74 0.68

Lighting Power Budget Table 2A

Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Energy consumption
monitoring and
benchmarking system.

Automatic controls for

Lighting controls shall the air-conditioning
be provided in system to respond to
accordance with SS periods of non-use, or
Integrated Energy
- 530: 2014 Code of reduced heat load.
Management & Control Practice for Energy
Systems Efficiency Standard Lighting controls shall
for Building Services be provided in
and Equipment. accordance with SS
530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and
On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor

Retail Mall

PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%

Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)

40 38 35
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas - 5% 15%

ACMV TSE 0.8 0.74 0.68

Lighting Power Budget Table 2A

Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Energy consumption
monitoring and
benchmarking system.

Automatic controls for

the air-conditioning
system to respond to
periods of non-use, or
Integrated Energy
- reduced heat load.
Management & control -
Systems Lighting controls shall
be provided in
accordance with SS
530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and
On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor


PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 40 40
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas - 10% 30%
ACMV TSE 0.8 0.74 0.68
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A

Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Energy consumption
monitoring and
benchmarking system.

Lighting controls shall be provided in accordance Automatic controls for

with SS 530: 2014 Code of Practice for Energy the air-conditioning
Efficiency Standard for Building Services and system to respond to
Equipment. periods of non-use, or
Integrated Energy
reduced heat load.
Management & control A control device shall be installed in every
Systems guestroom for the purpose of automatically Lighting controls shall
switching off the lighting and reducing the air be provided in
conditioning loads when a guestroom is not accordance with SS
occupied. 530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and
On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor

MOE Primary and Secondary Schools


PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 40 40
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas 30% 50% 70%
ACMV TSE; OR 0.8 0.75 0.7
Three phase - 3 Ticks Three phase - 4 Ticks
ACMV (Unitary)
Single phase - 4 Ticks Single phase - 5 Ticks
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A
Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Integrated Energy Energy consumption

Management & control - - monitoring and
Systems benchmarking system

On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor

MOE Junior Colleges


PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 40 40
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas 20% 40% 60%
ACMV TSE; OR 0.8 0.75 0.7
Three phase - 3 Ticks Three phase - 4 Ticks
ACMV (Unitary)
Single phase - 4 Ticks Single phase - 5 Ticks
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A
Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Integrated Energy Energy consumption

Management & control - - monitoring and
Systems benchmarking system.

On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor

Private Schools and Colleges

PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 38 35
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas - 20% 40%
ACMV TSE 0.8 0.75 0.7
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A

Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Energy consumption
monitoring and
benchmarking system.

Automatic controls for

the air-conditioning
system to respond to
Energy consumption periods of non-use, or
Integrated Energy
monitoring and reduced heat load.
Management & control -
system. Lighting controls shall
be provided in
accordance with SS
530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and

On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor

Institute of Higher Learning


PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 38 38
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas - 20% 50%
ACMV TSE 0.8 0.74 0.68
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A

Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Energy consumption
monitoring and
benchmarking system.

Automatic controls for

the air-conditioning
system to respond to
periods of non-use, or
Energy consumption
Integrated Energy reduced heat load.
monitoring and
Management & control -
benchmarking Lighting controls shall
system. be provided in
accordance with SS
530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and

On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor


PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 38 38
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas - - 15%
ACMV TSE 0.8 0.75 0.7
Run-around coils / heat recovery from exhaust air or other system where
Heat Recovery
reheat is needed for conditioned air
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A
Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B
Energy consumption
monitoring and
benchmarking system.

Automatic controls for

the air-conditioning
system to respond to
Energy consumption periods of non-use, or
Integrated Energy
monitoring and reduced heat load.
Management & control -
Systems Lighting controls shall
be provided in
accordance with SS
530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and
On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor


PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 40 40
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas 10% 30% 50%
ACMV TSE; OR 0.8 0.75 0.7
Three phase - 3 Ticks Three phase - 4 Ticks
ACMV Unitary
Single phase - 4 Ticks Single phase - 5 Ticks
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A
Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Energy consumption
monitoring and
benchmarking system.

Automatic controls for

the air-conditioning
system to respond to
Energy consumption periods of non-use, or
Integrated Energy
monitoring and reduced heat load.
Management & control -
Systems Lighting controls shall
be provided in
accordance with SS
530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and
On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor

Nursing and Youth Homes


PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 40 40
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas 10% 40% 60%
ACMV TSE; OR 0.8 0.75 0.7
Three phase - 3 Ticks Three phase - 4 Ticks
ACMV Unitary
Single phase - 4 Ticks Single phase - 5 Ticks
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A
Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B
Lighting controls shall
be provided in
accordance with SS
530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and

Integrated Energy A control device shall

Management & control - - be installed in every
Systems bedroom for the
purpose of
switching off the
lighting and reducing
the air-conditioning
loads when a
guestroom is not
On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor

Industrial – High Technology


PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 38 38
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas - - 10%
ACMV TSE 0.8 0.78 0.75
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A

Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Energy consumption
monitoring and
benchmarking system.

Automatic controls for

the air-conditioning
system to respond to
periods of non-use, or
Integrated Energy
reduced heat load.
Management & control - -
Systems Lighting controls shall
be provided in
accordance with SS
530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and
On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor

Light Industrial

PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 40 40
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas - 15% 30%
ACMV TSE; OR 0.8 0.75 0.7
Three phase - 3 Ticks Three phase - 4 Ticks
ACMV (Unitary)
Single phase - 4 Ticks Single phase - 5 Ticks
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A
Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Integrated Energy Energy consumption

Management & control - - monitoring and
Systems benchmarking system.

On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor

Warehouses, Workshops and Other Industrial
PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 40 40
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas - 30% 40%
ACMV TSE; OR 0.8 0.75 0.7
Three phase - 3 Ticks Three phase - 4 Ticks
ACMV (Unitary)
Single phase - 4 Ticks Single phase - 5 Ticks
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A
Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Integrated Energy Energy consumption

Management & control - - monitoring and
Systems benchmarking system.

On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor

Community Buildings

PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%

Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 38 38
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas 10% 30% 40%
ACMV TSE; OR 0.8 0.75 0.7
Three phase - 3 Ticks Three phase - 4 Ticks
ACMV (Unitary)
Single phase - 4 Ticks Single phase - 5 Ticks
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A
Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Energy consumption
monitoring and
benchmarking system.

Automatic controls for

the air-conditioning
system to respond to
periods of non-use, or
Integrated Energy
reduced heat load.
Management & control - -
Systems Lighting controls shall
be provided in
accordance with SS
530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and
On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor
Note: Community Buildings include: Community Centres, Childcare Centres

Civic Buildings


PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%

Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 38 38
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas - 15% 30%
ACMV TSE; OR 0.8 0.75 0.7
Three phase - 3 Ticks Three phase - 4 Ticks
ACMV (Unitary)
Single phase - 4 Ticks Single phase - 5 Ticks
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A
Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Energy consumption
monitoring and
benchmarking system.

Automatic controls for

the air-conditioning
system to respond to
periods of non-use, or
Integrated Energy
reduced heat load.
Management & control - -
Systems Lighting controls shall
be provided in
accordance with SS
530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and
On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor
Note: Civic Buildings include: Courts, Police Stations, Fire Stations

Cultural Institutions

PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%

Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 38 38
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas - 10% 20%
ACMV TSE 0.8 0.75 0.7
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A

Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Energy consumption
monitoring and
benchmarking system.

Automatic controls for

the air-conditioning
system to respond to
periods of non-use, or
Integrated Energy
reduced heat load.
Management & control - -
Systems Lighting controls shall
be provided in
accordance with SS
530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and
On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor
Note: Cultural Buildings include: Performing Arts, Library, Museum, Art Gallery

Sports and Recreation

PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%

Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 40 40
[New Development only]
Non-AC Areas - 15% 30%
ACMV TSE; OR 0.8 0.75 0.7
Three phase - 3 Ticks Three phase - 4 Ticks
ACMV (Unitary)
Single phase - 4 Ticks Single phase - 5 Ticks
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A
Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Energy consumption
monitoring and
benchmarking system.

Automatic controls for

the air-conditioning
system to respond to
periods of non-use, or
Integrated Energy
reduced heat load.
Management & control - -
Systems Lighting controls shall
be provided in
accordance with SS
530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and
On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor

Religious / Places of Worship
PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Reduced Heat Gain (ETTV)
40 38 38
[New Development only]
Non AC Areas - 15% 25%
ACMV TSE; OR 0.8 0.75 0.7
Three phase - 3 Ticks Three phase - 4 Ticks
ACMV (Unitary)
Single phase - 4 Ticks Single phase - 5 Ticks
Lighting Power Budget Table 2A
Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B

Automatic controls for

the air-conditioning
system to respond to
periods of non-use, or
reduced heat load.
Integrated Energy
Lighting controls shall
Management & control - -
be provided in
Systems accordance with SS
530: 2014 Code of
Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for
Building Services and

On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above
list, with safety factor

Residential (Non-Landed)

PARAMETER GoldPLUS EE >50% Platinum EE ≥55% SLE EE ≥60%
Reduced Heat Gain (RETV)
[Applicable to New Development 22 20 20
40% of Living rooms, 50% of Living rooms, 60% of Living rooms,
bedrooms (including bedrooms (including bedrooms (including
home office spaces) home office spaces) home office spaces)
shall be designed to shall be designed to shall be designed to
have good natural have good natural have good levels of
ventilation ventilation natural ventilation


unobstructed air flow unobstructed air flow unobstructed air flow
between spaces and between spaces and between spaces and
the outside the outside the outside


Dwelling Units average wind velocity average wind velocity SIMULATION
[Applicable to New Development
of 0.4m/s or provision of 0.4m/s or provision average wind velocity
of ceiling fans can be of ceiling fans can be of 0.6m/s or use of
included included PMV where use of
ceiling fans can be

NOTE – For both options, the main entrance door (where the developer provides a
lockable gate / grille), all windows and internal doors are assumed to be open.

Simulations are to be conducted in accordance with the Green Mark 2021 Guideline
for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation. PMV recognises the use of assisted
ventilation where this is provided once minimum wind speeds are met.

[New Development includes Dwelling
Units and Common Areas. Existing 4 Ticks Single phase - 5 Ticks
Developments includes only Common
Energy Efficient Dwelling Unit
Equipment Selection
[New Development includes Dwelling 3 Tick where provided 5 Tick where provided
Units and Common Areas. Existing
Developments includes only Common
Ventilation Performance –
Common Areas All above ground lobbies and corridors to be naturally ventilated
[Applicable to New and Existing

Vertical Transportation VVVF & Sleep Mode;

[Applicable to New Developments and VVVF and Sleep Mode Regenerative Drive
Existing Development upon for 12 Storeys or
replacement of lift and escalators] more

Lighting Power Budget Table 2A
[Applicable to New and Existing
Mechanical Ventilation Table 2B
[Applicable to New and Existing

Demand Control Systems Lighting and ventilation controls (timer, sensor, dimming, switches) for
[Applicable to New and Existing
common areas such as corridors, function rooms, gyms, pavilions etc

30% replacement of
Adoption of Renewables to club house, function
offset common area room, swimming pool
consumption - -
pumps, gym ,MCST
[Applicable to New and Existing
office and Guard house
electricity consumption
On-Site Renewables -
replacement to make up any
deficiencies from the above,
excluding RETV and Dwelling Unit
Ventilation Performance, with
safety factor

Ms. Tracy Liu GMAAP Building and Construction Authority
Mr. Thomas Pang GMAAP Building and Construction Authority
Ms. Jacquelin Britto GMAAP Building and Construction Authority
Ms. Regina Arokiaraj GMAAP Building and Construction Authority
Mr. Lewis Chua GMAAP Building and Construction Authority
Ar. Benjamin Towell GMAAP Building and Construction Authority


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