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Roadtrains in Victoria

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[Information Sheet] | [Road Train Access in Victoria]

Information Sheet •

A bridge assessment of the combination; and
The fitment of a GPS device that complies with the
Intelligent Access Program (IAP). (This does not
Road Train Access in Victoria apply to an A-double with a tri-axle dolly if they are
operating at General Mass Limits (GML) or
This document provides information on the Victoria
Concessional Mass Limits (CML).
road access policies for road trains.
Operators wishing to operate outside of the already Operation by Notice (without Permit)
approved Class 2 Road Train Network may be required
to be an approved PBS A-double combination. Please The Victorian Road Train network map has a limited
refer to the applicable PBS fact sheet for further number of roads marked as green that are located in
information. Mildura and adjoin the New South Wales border. These
green roads are covered in Schedule 4 of the National
What changes have been made to the Class 2 Heavy Vehicle Road Train Authorisation (Notice)
existing road train network? 2015.

In 2011, VicRoads expanded its Road Train network in

the North West of Victoria to include Red Cliffs, Hattah,
Operation by Permit
Robinvale, Piangil and Ouyen. Road trains operating on The majority of the approved roads on the Victorian
this network were limited to 79.5 tonnes and 4.3 Road Train network map are marked as orange. These
metres high. Under VicRoads’ new policy the following roads require a permit issued by the NHVR to access,
changes have been made: subject to specific operating conditions.
• The network has been expanded to include Swan
Hill Victoria Road Train Permit Map
• The maximum mass for road trains has been To view the Victorian Road Train network map, please
increased to 85.5 tonnes refer to the VicRoads website:
• Road-Trains transporting livestock will be allowed to https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/business-and-
operate at 4.6 metres high as long as they comply industry/heavy-vehicle-industry/heavy-vehicle-map-networks-
the with New South Wales Livestock Loading in-victoria
• The operating conditions for road trains have been Dimension Limits
brought in line with the conditions that apply in New
South Wales The dimension limits for Road-Trains operating on the
network are as follows:
• An updated and comprehensive road train network
has been published on the VicRoads website. Table 1: Dimension limits

Why have these changes been made? Approved Dimension

The bulk of road trains operating in the North West of
Victoria either originate in New South Wales or service Maximum Length 36.5 metres
transport companies in that State. Consequently, by
Maximum Height 4.3 metres
harmonising operating conditions and mass and height
limits with those allowed in New South Wales, VicRoads Maximum Height
has improved cross border consistency while also 4.6 metres
(for livestock combinations)
reducing the red tape for operators in both States.
Maximum Width 2.5 metres
What vehicles are covered?
Access is currently limited to A-Double Road-Trains with For more information:
a tandem-axle dolly. VicRoads will however consider A- Subscribe: www.nhvr.gov.au/subscribe
Double with a triaxle dolly, B-Triple and AB-Triple access Visit: www.nhvr.gov.au
on a case by case basis. VicRoads may ask for: Phone: 1300 MYNHVR* (1300 696 487)
Email: [email protected]
• A full route assessment, especially if the © Copyright National Heavy Vehicle Regulator 2017, creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/au
combination has a swept path that is more onerous Disclaimer: This fact sheet is only a guide and should not be relied upon as legal advice.
*Standard 1300 call charges apply. Please check with your phone provider.
than a 36.5 metre A-Double;
[Information Sheet] | [Road Train Access in Victoria]

• When operating at Higher Mass Limits (85.5 tonnes),

Mass Limits the road train is fitted with a GPS device accredited
under the Intelligent Access Program (IAP);
The mass limits for Road-Trains operating on the • When operating at Higher Mass Limits, the road
network are as follows: train (prime mover and trailers) is accredited under
Table 1: Mass limits the Mass Management module of the National
Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme;
Approved Mass • When operating in excess of 20.0 tonnes on a tri-
axle group, certified Road Friendly Suspension (RFS)
is fitted to the road train;
Steer axle 6t n/a n/a • The road train does not exceed a speed of 90 km/h
Steer axle (tyre or any lower speed limit applying to the route;
section width at 6.5t n/a n/a • The drawbar length on the road train is not less than
least 295mm) 3.0 metres; and
Steer axle (tyre • The road train displays a “road train” warning sign at
section width at 6.7t n/a n/a the front and rear.
least 375mm)
Drive Axle or Rail Level Crossings on the
Tandem Axle
Group (Dolly)
16.5t 17.0t 17.0t
The network features a number of active rail level
Triaxle Group 20.0t 21.0t 22.5t
crossings including those at Ouyen, Managatang and
Gross Swan Hill.
Combination 79.5t 81.5t 85.5t
In line with the Transport (Compliance and
Miscellaneous) Act 1983, heavy vehicles that exceed
If the tyre section width is less than 295mm, the steer axle may still 26.0 metres in length require a permit before they are
be 6.5t as long as the prime movers meet the conditions set out in
Schedule 3 of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) allowed to cross a rail level crossing.
National Regulation.
Consequently, prior to operating the combination, the
registered owner must obtain a permit from the Over
Axle Spacings Dimension Load team as part of the Department of
Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.
In relation to axle spacings, the combination must meet
Applications stating the length of the Road-Train and
the following minimum and maximum axle spacings to
the time of day(s) of the journey must be sent to
safely cross all the structures on the network.
[email protected]. Please be aware that
applications can take up to five days to process.
For more information please contact the following
number – (03) 9655 6134. More information can also be
found at the Department’s website at
*If the combination has an axle spacing that is less than those stated http://economicdevelopment.vic.gov.au/transport/freig
above or exceeds the maximum trailer limits of 7.23 metres and 7.32
metres a bridge assessment will be required.
What are the operating conditions on
Further information
the network for livestock and non-
For further information and to view the Victorian Road
livestock vehicles? Train network map, please refer to the VicRoads
Road-Train operators transporting livestock under the website:
expanded network must provide proof that the https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/business-and-
company and driver are enrolled in the New South industry/heavy-vehicle-industry/heavy-vehicle-map-networks-
Wales Livestock Loading Scheme. For Road-Train in-victoria
combinations that do not transport livestock, the
following conditions apply (These are in line with New
South Wales Type 1 Road Train policy):
[Information Sheet] | [Road Train Access in Victoria]

How do I apply?
To apply for a new permit:
1. Go to https://www.service.nhvr.gov.au and if not
already registered, follow the prompts to set up an
2. Once registered, from the home screen, click on the
‘Permit Applications’ tile in the centre of the top
3. Click on the ‘New Application’ button (on the right)
and enter a permit name or reference for your
4. Click on the green ‘Select Configuration’ button and
then click on the heading ‘Permit Schemes’.
5. Select the “Vic - Road Train Scheme - A-Double”.
6. Enter the ‘Configuration, mass and dimensions’.
7. Enter the ‘Load details’.
8. Click on each component tab and select the correct
number of axles and enter the ‘Axle group’ details,
including the axle spacing (distance from previous
9. On the ‘Route / area details’ page, click the ‘Route
Type – Area’ radio button
10. Check on the ‘Are you seeking to operate under a
network?’ option box and select VIC
11. On the ‘Period’ page, you will be prompted to enter
the required permit period.
12. Follow the prompts to confirm your contact details
and complete payment for your application.
13. On the ‘Confirmation’ page, enter “Victorian North
West Road Train network (orange roads)” into the
‘Additional comments’ field.

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