Icea Nema S-61-402 Parte 4

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ICEA 5-61-402, NEMA WC S PART 4, PAGE 1

Part 4
4.1 SHIELOING OF INSULATEO CABLE .& Itraps, or sheaths shall be of copper and have a
Shielding of insulated cables shalJ consist of a total area at any cross section of at least SOOO cir-
conductor stress control layer (see 2.7) and insu- cular mils per ineh (O.l mmt/mm) of insulated con-
lation shielding. ductor díameter, or of other nonmagnetic metals
having equivalent conductance . .&
4.1.1 In.ulatlon Shl.ld System.& Metal tapes, wíres, straps, and sheaths may be
The insulation shield systern shall consist of a non- used in combination providing they are compatible
metallic covering directly over the insulation and a and meet the requirements of the preceding para-
nonmagnetic metal cornponent directly over or ¡raph.
ernbedded in the nonmetallic covering. The non- Metal components embedded in a ccnducting
rnetallic covering shall comply with The nonmetallie covering shall not be exposed nor
metal cornponent shall cornply with The in- become exposed during normal installation bending
sulation shield sysrern shal! be resistant to or protected (see Appendix H)."
against chemica1 action from ether cable com- NOTE-AdditionaJ cooduC'WIct m.y be required in the metal
ponents. component dependin, upon instalJation and clectrical systern
charactmstics. particularly in rqard to the functionin¡ of overo
curTenl proteetive devictS •• vaiJablc f.ult eurreat and the manner NONMETALLICCOVERING in whic:h tbe systetn may be lI'ounded.
A conducting nonmetallic covering which meets This paI&lI'aph is approved by NEMA 15 Authoriled En-
the requirements of Table 4-a or Table 4-b shall be pnemn, lnformaúon.
applied over the insulation in one or more layers in
direct contact and shall be plainly identified as 4.1.2 Multlplt-Conductor •• (S•• 4.2)
being conducting. Identification shall be provided
When shielding is required on multiple-conducto
for each distinctive layer ,
cables. the shields shall be applied over the individua
If one of the layers is a coating, it shall be
applied directly over the insulation.
The tension necessary to remove an extruded
4.1.3 Conductor Identlficltlon (Se. 5.5)"
covering from cable at room temperature shall be
not less than 3 pounds (13.3 N) for cables rated
200 1 through 25,000 volts and not les s than 4
pounds (17.8 N) for cables rated 25,001 through 4.2 SHIELOING LIMITS FOR POWER CABLE
35,000 volts (see Part 6). FOR FIXEO LOCATIONS •.
For rernovability of insulation shields, see Ap- 4.2.1 Insulation shielding shall be used power cm
pendix G, par. G6 .•. cables for fixed locations when intended for
This senrence i¡ appr oved by NEMA 15 Authorized En¡ineer- operation above the three-phase (line-to-line)
in¡ Iníormation.
operating voltages given in Table 4-1. To obtain
the equivalent three-phase voltage for single-phase
or two-phase alternating current systerns or for
A nonmagnetic metal component consisting of a dírect current systerns, multiply the Iíne-to-line
tape or tapes, wires, straps, or sheaths shall be voltage by the faetors given in Table 4-1.
applied over or embedded in the conducting non-
rnetallic covering. The metal components shall be 4.2.2- • Shielding should be eonsidered where an~
electrically continuous throughout each cable length of the foUowing conditions exists: ,
and shall be in contact with the nonrnetallic cover- l. Connections to aerial lines, ¡
ing. Metal components shall be applied in sueh a 2. Transition from conducting to nonconducting
manner that electrical continuity or contiguity will environment.
not be distorted or disrupted during normal instal- 3. Transition from moist to dry earth.
lation bending (see Appendix H) .•. ~. Dry soiJ, sueh as in the deserto
Metal tape(s) shall be of copper at least 2.S mils S. Damp conduits.
(0.0635 mm) thíck or of other nonmagnetic metal • nis section is a:>proved by NEMA as Authoriud Enlifi~rifll
tape(s) having equivalent conduetanee. Wires, lll{onnation.

" Editorially revised .

• Editorially renumbered.
Pan 4 Page 2 ICEA S-41-482, NEMA WC s

.4.2.3 Single-ConductorSeries Lighting Cable .4.2.4 Moltiple-Conductor Series Lighting

Insulation shielding shall be used on single- Cable. *Manufacturer's recommendations should
conductor series lighting cable when intended for be obtained for shielding limits for múltiple-
operation above the open-circuit voltages given conductor series lighting cables.
in Table 4-1.
°This section is approved by NEMA as Authorized Engineering

Table 4a
Requírernents for Nonmetallie eendueting eoverings using Nonembedded Metal eomponents

Aging Requírernents (see 6. 4)-after aír oyen test at lOO·e ± lOe for 48 hours-
elongatíon at rupture, minimum, pereent •• 0 •••••• o" o ••• o., o o o o o o o o o •• o. o 0 •• ' ••••••• 0 ••••••• o 100t

Brittleness Temperarure (see 6.6), not warmer than •••..• o ••••• o. o ••• 0 •••••••••••••••••• o ••••••• -lO°ct

Volume Resístívíty, maxírnurn at room temperarure and at rated ternperamre ± r'c

(see 6.9.4), ohm-meters.................................................................. 500

tfor extruded eoverings only.

Á Paragraph editorially renumbered.

ICEA 5-61-402, NEMA WC 5 Pan 4 Page 3

Requírernents for Exttuded Nonmetallic Conductíng Coverings usíng Embedded Metal Componer:lS

Thic kness, Mínimum (see 6.4)

Total ••....•.•......•••..•.••• e a ••••••• o •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• in accordance wíth 4. 3. 4
Between ínsulatíon and metal component
rnil.s ••••••••••••••••••••• o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5
mm •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••.••..•••••••• O. 127

Physical Requírernents (see 6.4)

Tensile strength, mínimum
psi •••••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.••• 1200
MPa ••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••.•••••• S. 27
Elongation at rupttlre. mínimum, pereent •.....•••..•.••.•••.•.•.•••.•••...........••• CI ••• 100

Aging Requírernents (see 6.4)-aftec air oyen test at 121·C ± l·C for 168 hours
Tensíle strength, mínimum. perceatage oí unaged value..................................... 85
Elongatíon at ruptura, mínimum, percent ... 0............................................. 100

Brittleness Temperarure (see 6.6), not warrner than •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o10'C

Volurne Resístívíty, maxírnum at room ternperature and at rated temperarure ± l·C

(see6.9.4), ohm-meters................................................................. 500

• Added 7-13-1977.
Pan 4 Page 4 lCEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5

Table 4-1 •
Operatíng Voltage Lírníts, kV, above ••.••
hich Insulatíon Shielding ís Requíred
(See 4.1.1 and 4,1.2) (See Pan 7 for ExceptioIlS)

A. Po••.••
ex Cable-100 and 133 Percent lnsulation Level
1. Single conductor (inc1uding assemblies of single conductors)
a. With metallic sheath or armor ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•...•••••••• 5 kV
b, All others , •• • • •• • •• • •••• • • •• • • •••• •• •••••• •• •• • ••••••••••••• •••• •••••• • • • ••••••• 2 kV
2. Multíple conductor with cornmon coveríng
a.. Withdischarge-resisting jacket.................................................... 5 kV
b, With nondischarge-resisting jacket................................................. 2 kV
c. wítn metallic sheatb or armor •••.•••• .•••••••.••.••••.••••••••••.•..•••••••••••••• 5 kV
B. Single-conductor Series Cable Open-circuit Voltage
With Without
Protectors Protectors
1. With discharge-resisting jacket , , ••••• •• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• • 7 kV 5 kV
2. With nondischarge-resisting jacket. ••• •• •• •• ••••••• •••••••••••••••••• ••• 4 kV 3 kV
3. With metallic sheath or armor.. ••••••••.•• ••. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 kV 5 kV
Multiplying Faeters fer Equivalent ThIee-phase Voltages for Single- or T••.•• o-phase a-e systems or fer cl-c Systems
Single- and T••.••o-phase a+e systerns= Single- and T••.••
o-phase a-c Systems':' over 5000 VoltS
and d-c Systems 5000 Volts or Less One Side Grounded Ungrounded and Midpoint Greunded
1 1.73 0.866
>:' where it is not definitely specified that a line operates as an isolated single- or two-phase system, it shall be
considered as a branch of a 100 percent insulation level three-phase circuit, and the rating shall be the Iíne-to-
line voltage of this 100 percent insulation level three-phase circuito

A Revised 7-13-1977.
IeEA S-61-402. NEMA wc :5

Part 4 Page:5

4.3a General. Jackets shall be of one of the t TS. . JACKE •

bedded metal CO~ponent, the jacket shall be a no!~~vered m ~.3 excep.t that, for cable wíth an ern-
of Table 4b. For Iackers over metallic coverings, see 4.4. ~ conductmg covermg meeting the requirements

4.3 Thermoplastic Jackets. These jackets consist of . . .

use as the covering or jacket on insulated wires or cabl a mOlsture-reSlStmg therm~plastic Co~pound for
4.3.5 and 4.3.1,4.3.2, or 4.3.3. The tests sha1l b des. They s~a1l meet th.e appllcable requiremerm of
of 30 rnils (0.76 mm) or greater.4 e ma e only on jackets havíng a nominal wall thickness

m· .?1 ~OIYVlil?YI Chloride. This jacket shalI consist of a polyvinyl chloride compound suitable for a
immurn Insta ing t~mperature of - 10°C ( + 14 °F). When tested in accordance with Part 6 the .acket
shal1 meet the folIowmg requirements and, when applicable, the requirements given in 4.3.4. .•• J

Physical Requirements
Tensile strerigrh , mínimum
pSl •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• MP •.••.••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• 1500
a .
Elongation at rupture. mínimum. percenr ..••..•••.••..••••.•.•.•. 10.3
Aging Requírements
................................•••••••• 100
Afrer aír oyen test at 100'C :1: l·C for 5 days
Tensile strength, mínimum, percemage of unaged value •••••••••••••••••••••••• 85
Elongation at rupture, mínímum, percentage of unaged value ••••••••••••••••••• 60
After oi l írnrnersion at 700C ± l·C for 4 hours

Tensi le strength,mínimum. percentage of unaged value •••••••••••••••••••••••• 80
Elongation at rupture, mínimum. percentage of unaged value ••••••••••••••••••• 60
Heat dístortíon, 121·C:l: 1 'e, maximum, percent ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 50
Heat shock, 121°C * 1°C •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.. ~.... . _ no crack!
Cold bend, -35°C:l: lOC ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• no cracks
4.3.2 Polyethylene, Black. This jacket shall consist of black polyethylene compound suitable for
exposure to sunlight and other atmospheric environments at temperatures between - 55°C {- 67°F)
through +75°C (+167°F), and a minimum installing temperature of -40°C (-40°F). When tested in
accordance with part 6 [except that the gauge marks shaIl be 1 inch (25.4 mm) apart and the distance
between jaws 2.5 inches (63.5 rnm), the jacket shall meet the following requirements and, when applicable,
the requirements given in 4.3.4:

Physícal Requírernents
Tensile strength, mínimum
pSl •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1400
.MPa ·.··· . 9.65
Elonga~on at rupture, mínímum, percent •••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 350
Aging Requírements
After aír oyen test at 100·C :1: l·C for 48 hours
TensiÍe strength, mínimum, percentage of unaged value •••••••••••••••••••••••• 75
Elongation at rupture. mínimum, percentage of unaged value , •••••••••••••••••• 75
Heat distortion, 90·C % 1°C. máximum, percent •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25
Environmental cracking ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• no cracks
Absorption coefficient, minimum, milli( absorbance/meter) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 320 :¡,

* In lieu of testing finished cable [ackets, a certíficatíon by the manufacrurer of the polyethylene compound
that this requirement has been complied wíth shall suffice •

• Editorially revised.
A Rcviscd 9-15-1983.
JULY 1987
Part 4 Page 6

leFA 5-61-402, NEMA WC S

.4.3.3 Chlorinated Polyethylene, Thermoplastic.

on single-conductor nonshielded cables rated
This jacket shall consist of a therrnoplastic 200 1 through 5000 volts phase to phase (see
chlorinated poJyethylene compound. When tested Table 4-1), shall meet the following addítíonal
in accordance with part 6, the jacket shaIl meet requirements when samples are selected and tested
the following requirements and, when applicable, in accordance with Part 6. t
the requirements in 4.3.4:

~- ~:3:-4~::::::S-~fic Surface Resistivity. The

." speciñc surface resistiyity shall be not less than
Physical requirements "'.200,000 megohms. v

Tensile strength, minimum ---------------~

psi l400 Á. <t-.3.4.2 U-Bend Discbarge. There shall be
tMPa 9.65 no cable failures nor cracks in the jacket.
Tensile stress at 100 percent elongation
minimum Á. 4.3.:5 Jacket Thíckness, The average thickness
psi 1000 of a jacket shall be not les s than the applicable
tMPa 6.89 value given in Tables 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, and 4-5. For
Elongation at rupture, minimum, the jacket thickness of cables not shown in these
percent. 150 tables, see Table 4-6. The mínimum thickness
shall be not less than 80 percent of the applicable
Aging requirements value given in these tables. (See 6.4 for method
After air oyen test at 121°C ± 1 °C of measurements.) t
for 168 hours- Tensile strength,

minimum, percentage of unaged Á. 4.3.6 Separator Under Jacket. If used, a
value '. 85 separator shall consist of a material which is
Elongation at rupture, minimum, compatible with the other components of the
percentage of unaged value 50 cable.
After oil immersion test at 100°C ± 1 °C
for 18 hours- Tensile strength and
4.3.7 Irregularity Inspection of Jackets over
elongation at rupture, minimum,
Metallic Shíelded Power Cable. Jackets shall not
percentage of unaged value 60
have irregularities as determined by the procedure of
paragraph 3.8 ofICEA T-27-581. The methods to be
Heat distortion, 121°C ± 1 cC, maximum,
used are:
percent. 25
Cold bend, minus 35 + 1 cC No cracks Method B Method e
Chlorinated Polyethylene Polyvinyl Chloride
Á.4.3.4 Díscharge-Resístíng Jackets. The jackets Thermoplastic (4.3.3) (4.3.1)
described in 4.3.1, 4.3.2, and 4.3.3, when used Polyethylene (4.3.2)

• Added 9-15-1983.
A Revised 9-15-19B3.
t Editorially revised.

September 1973
¡PCEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5 Pan 4 Page '7

Ta ble 4-2
Single- conductor Polyethylene-insulated Nonshielded Cable-0-5000 Volts:;:
(For All Uses: Conduít, Trays. Troughs. Underground Duct, Aerfal and Direct Burial t)

Jacket Thickness
síze, 0-600 Volts 601-2000 Volts 2001-5000 Volts *
AWGorMCM mils mm mils mm núls mm

14 15 0.38 15 0.38

12 15 0.38 15 0.38

10 15 0.38 15 0.38

9 15 0.38 15 0.38

8 15 0.38 15 0.38 30 0.76

6 30 0.76 30 0.76 30 0.16

4 30 0.76 30 0.76 45 1.14

2 30 0.76 30 0.76 45 1.14

e 1








2/0 45 1.14 45 1.14 45 1.14

3/0 45 1.14 45 1.14 65 1. 65

4/0 45 1.14 45 1.14 65 1. G~


250 ss 1. 65 65 1. ss 65 1. (¡S

300 es 1.65 65 1.65 65 1.65

350 65 1.65 ss l. ss es 1.65

400 65 1.65 65 1.65 65 1. 65

4-50 65 1.65 65 1.65 65 1. 65

500 65 1.65 65 1.65 65 1. 65

600 65 1.65 65 1.65 65 1.65

750 65 1.65 65 1.65 65 1.65

e 1000 65 1.65 65 1.65 65 1. 65

Por single-conductor polyvinyl-chloride-inrulated nonshíelded cable, see Table 4-6. Column 1.
* See 4. 1 and 4. 2 for sbielding requírements, A
t Singl.e-conductor cables in sizes 9 AWG and smaller shall not be used for dírect earth buríal,

• RevUcQ 3-21-1873.

Septernber 1973
Part 4 Page 8 ¡PCEA S- 61-402. NEMA WC 5

T a b le 4-3
Single- conductor Polyethylene- insulated Meta Ilíc Shielded Cables
(For All Uses : Conduít , Trays, Troughs, Underground Duet, Aeri a l and Dí rect Buria 1)

Jacket Thiekness
5001- 8000 Volts 8001-15000 Vclts
2001-5000 Volts * 100 Percent 133 Pereent 100 Pereent 133 Pereent
Size, 100 and 133 Pereent Insu!ation lnsulation Insulation Insulation
AWG or Insulation Level Leve! Leve! Level Level
MCM mils rnrn rnils mm mils mm mils mm mils mm
8 45 1.14

6 60 1. 52 60 1.52 60 1.52.

4 60 1. 52 60 1. 52 60 1.52

2 60 1. 52 60 1. 52 60 1. 52 80 2.03

1 60 1,52 60 1.52 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

l/O 60 1. 52 60 1.52 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

2;0 60 1.52 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

3/0 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

4/0 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2,03

250 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

300 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

350 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.0~ 80 2,03

400 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

450 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

500 80 2,03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

600 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

750 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 110 2.79

1000 80 2.03 80 2.03 110 2.79 110 2.79 110 2.79

For all other sizes and voltages not tabulated above see Table 4-6, Colurnn 2.

'*' See 4-1 and 4-2 for shielding requíre ments, A

.A Revised 3-21-1973.

September 1973
¡PCrA S- 61-402. NEMA WC 5 Part 4 page 9

e Single-conductor
T a b l e 4-3 (Continued)
Polyethylene-Insulated Metallic Shíelded Cables
(For All Uses : Conduít, Trays. Troughs , Underground Duct, Aería l and Direet Burial)

Jacket Thickness
15001-25000 Vol~ 15001-25000 Vol~ 25001-28000 Vol~ 28001-35000 Vol~
100 pereent 133 pereent 100 Pereent 100 Percent
síze, Insulation Insulation lnsulation Insulation
AWG or Leve l Leve! Leve! Leve!
MCM müs mm mils mm müs mm müs mm


1 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

1/0 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

2/0 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

3/0 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

4/0 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

250 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

300 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

350 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03 80 2.03

400 80 2.03 110 2.79 80 2.03 110 2.'19

450 80 2.03 110 2.79 80 2.03 110 2.'/9

500 80 2.03 110 2.79 80 2.03 110 2.79

600 l10 2.79 l10 2.79 l10 2.79 110 2. '19

750 l10 2.79 l10 2.79 l10 2.79 110 2.'19

1000 l10 2.79 110 2.79 110 2.79 110 2.79

For al! other sí zes and volrxges not tabulated above see Table 4- 6. Column 2.
September 1973
Part 4 Page 10 IPCEA 5-61-402, NEMA WC 5

Table 4-4
Individual Ccnductors of Multiple-cooductor Cables Under a Commcn Covering

Calculated Díameter of Individual Conductor

Under Jacket Jacket Thickness
inches mm míls * mm
0.250 or less 6. 35 or Iess 15 0.38
0.251-0.425 6.38-10.80 25 0.64
0.426-0.700 10.82-17.78 30 0.76
0.701-1.500 17.81-38.10 50 1.27
1.501-2.500 38.13-63.50 80 2.03

* These thicknesses apply to [ackets only and do not apply to colored coatíngs on the
individual conductors of multíple-ccnductor cables.

Table 4-5
Common Overall Jacket of Mult1ple-conductor Cables
(For All Voltages and All Dses)

Calculated Diameter of Cable Under Jacket J acket Th1ckne.s~

ínches mm mils mm
0.425 or less 10.80 er less 45 1.14
0.426-0.700 10.82-17.78 60 1.52
0.701-1.500 17.81-38.10 80 2.03
1.501-2.500 38.13-63.50 110 2.79
2.501 and larger 63. 53 and larger 140 3.56

NOTE l-Table 4-5 applles to a11round multiple-conductor cables having a common

overall jacket.

NOTE 2-For !1.t twin cable, use the calculated major core dIameter under the jacket
to determine the jacket $fckneu.
Septernber 1973
IPCEA 5-61-402, NEMA WC 5 Par! 4 Page 11

Table 4-S
Single- and Multíple-ccnductor Wires and Cables
(All Uses Except Cornrnunication and PortabIe Cables;)

Jacket Thickness
Single-conductor Cable MuIti2le- conductor Cables '::
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Calculated Diarneter of Cable Under Jacket Nonshielded Shielded ** Conductors t Overall
ínches rnrn mils rnrn mils mm miIs mm miIs mrn

0.250 or less S.35 or less 15 0.38 45 1.14 15 0.38 45 1.14

0.251-0.425 6.38-10.80 30 0.7S 45 1.14 25 0.64 45 1.14
0.426-0.700 10.82-17.78 45 1.14 60 1.52 30 0.76 60 1.52
~ 0.701-1. 500 17.81-38.10 65 1.65 80 2.03 50 1.27 80 2.03
1.501-2.500 38.13- 63.50 95 2.41 110 2.79 80 2.03 110 2.79
2. 501 and Iarg er 63. 53 and larger 125 3.18 140 3. 56 140 a, 56

* Under cornrnon jacket.

t These thicknesses apply to jackets only and do not apply to colored coatíngs used for the purpose oí círcuít
identification on the individual conductora of multíple-conductor cables.

:j: Single-conductor cables in sizes 9 AWG and smaller shall no! be used for dírect earth burial.

** In c alculatíng the diarneter under the jacket of single-conductor shielded cables, 90 rnns (2,29 mrn),
whích was used in calculating the values given in Table 4-3, shall be added to me metallic conductor
diameter plus twice the ínsulatíon thickness given in Table 3-2.

NOTE-Fo! ñat twin cable, use the calculated major core diameter under the jacket to determine the jacket
thickness from Colurnn 4.
September 1973
Pan 4 Page 12 IPCEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5


4.4 Metallic and Associated Coverings (b) Flat metal tape arrnor
(1) Direct burí al in trenches,
(2) Suspended from aerí al messenger.
4.4.1 Scope. Section 4.4 covers the following:

Plaín or galvanized-steel tape arrnor, de~

Division 1. (See 4.4.3 through 4.4.15.) Ma- pending upon soil and water condí tions, with
teríals, construcnons and requiremenrs for metallic an outer fibrous covering ís for use on cables
and associa red coverings recommended for use for dírect burial and for shaft installations
under normal conditions of instal.latíon, operation where the cable can be clamped at íntervals,
and maíruenance of power, control, and lighting
circuir wires and cables. It also covers submarine Galvanized-steel tape arrnor wíthout an outer
cables. fibrous covering is for use on cables to be
suspended from an aerial messenger strand,

Di vísíon Ir. (See 4.4. 16 through 4.4.22. ) (e) Inter.loc ke d metal tape armor *
Round wire armor for borehole, drecge, shaft, and (1) Direc t buríal in trenches,
vertical riser cable. (2) Troughs.
(3) Racks,
(4) Raceways.
Dí vísion 111. (See 4.4.23 through 4.4,25.) (5) Suspended from aerí al messenger,
Round wíre armor for buríed cable.
Interlocked-rnetal tape arrnor without an
outer covering but with either a fibrous
The r equire ments of Dívisíon 1 as pertalrung to bedding or a thermoplastic jacket under the
quality of rnaterí als, design and constructíon apply arrnor ís for cables for indoor use and for
also to Divisions II and 1II, except as to particular outdoor aerial servíce,
detaí ls expressly se t forth in the following sections
or as otherwise modified. Interlocked-rnetal tape arrnor with either a
fibrous bedding or a thermoplastic jacket
under the armor and eíther a fibrous covering
or a thermoplastic jacket over the arrnor ís
4.4.2 General
for underground ínstallatíons, Unusual Condi tions. The standards (d) Galvanized steel wire arrnor
given in thís section apply under usual ínstallation, (1) Submarine cable.
operating and service conditions. Where unusual (2) Dredge cable.
ínstallatíon, operating or service conditions existo (3) Vertical ríser, borehole, and shaft cable
modifications may be neCessary and these conditions fOI end suspensíon,

should be defined before cable design is cornpleted, (4) Direct burí al in trenches and subjected
to unusual longi tudínal stress. Types of Metallic Coverings. The Iute covering is not required on dredge and
types and conditions of installation are as fo llows. vertical riser cable. It is required on su b-
maríne, borehole and shaft cable where
(a) Metallic sheath, lead or aluminum severe installation and servíce conditions
(1) Concluir, ducts, troughs or raceways. exíst, 1t is requíred for dírec t burí al cable,
(2) Suspended from aerial messenger.
(3) When protected by metal arrnor or non- Iute covering may be desírable where the
metallic coverings for other types of condi tions of transportation requíre protec tion
installa tion. for the galvanizing on the arrnor wíres, t

:(: Interlocked steel tape ar mor used for service entranc e cable or for building cable such as Types AC, ACT.
ACL and ACV ís not wi thin the scope of these standards,
t This paragraph ís approved by NEMA as Authorized Engineering lnformation.
ICEA S-61-402, NEMA WC S ~ART 4, PAGE 13

Metalllc and Associated Coverlngs The thickness shall be measured in accordance
for Insulated Cables with 6.8. REAPPLICATIONOF LEAD SHEATHS

4.4.3 Scope
When the sheath does not meet the require-
Division 1 applies to the metallic coverings de-
ments of these standards, it shall not be repaired.
scribed in the following sections, together with
The lead may be stripped from the entire length of
the necessary fibrous or thermoplastic beddings
cable and the cable releaded. **
and protective coverings; to nonmetallic coverings
over metallic sheath; and to their application TYPE OF ALUMINUM
over insulated electric cable for use on power, A smooth sheath of aluminum alloy 1060, 1350, or
control and lighting circuits. equivalent shall be tightly formed around the core of
the cable.
4.4.4 Metalllc Sheath
A lead or smooth aluminum sheath shall be THICKNESSOF ALUMINUM
used with or without supplementary protection The average thickness of the aluminum sheath
when an impervious covering is required. shall be in accordance with Table 4-8. The
minimum thickness shall in no case be les s than TYPE OF LEAD 90 percent of the thickness specified in the table.
A sheath of commercially pure lead (or an
Table 4·7
alloyed lead) shall be tightly formed around the
Thickness of Lead Sheath
core of the cable. This lead shall meet the re-
Thickness of
quirements of ASTM B29. Calculated Diameter of Core* Sheath
inches mm mils mm
If lead stripped from new cable is used it shall corn- 0-0.425 0-10.80 45t 1.14
ply with the requirements given herein. 0.426-0.700
10.82-17.78 6st - 1.65
17.81-26.67 80 2.03
1.051-1.500 26.70-38.10 95 2.41
1.501-2.000 38.13-50.80 110 2.79
2.001-3.000 50.83-76.20 125 3.18
3.001 and larger 76.23 and larger 140 3.56
* The thickness of lead sheath for flat twin cable shall be
based on the calculated major core diarneter.
t For submarine cables. the thickness 01' the lead sheath íor
the Iirst two core diameter classifications shall be 80 rnils
(2.03 mm).

Table 4·8 THICKNESSOF LEAD Thickness of Smooth Aluminum Sheath
The average thickness of the lead sheath shall Thickness of
Calcul3ted Diameter of Core* Sheath
be in accordance with Table 4-7. The minimum
inches mm rnils mm
thickness shall in no case be less than 90 percent
0-00400 0-10.16 35 0.89
of the thickness specified in the table. Where 0.401-0.740 10.19-18.80 45 1.14
protective jackets are used over the lead sheath, 0.741-1.050 18.82-26.67 55 1.40
1.05 1-1.300 26.70-33.02 65 1.65
see for the thickness of the lead sheath. 1.301-1.550 33.05-39.37 75 1.90
There are special cases where the above thick- 1.551-1.800 39.40-45.72 85 216
nesses may require an increase, especially on the 1.801- 2.050 45.75-52.07 95 2.41
2.051-2.300 52.10-58.42 105 2.67
smaIler sizes of cable, if several cables are to be 2.301-2.550 58.45 -64.77 115 292
2.551-2.800 64.80- 71.12 125 3.18
pulled in together in one duct; if the sections 2.801-3.050 71.15-77.47 135 3.43
are extra long; or if the handling is severe or 3.05 i -3.300 77.50-83.82 145 3.68
3.301-3.550 83.85-90.17 155 3.94
awkward during installation as in some trans- 3.551-3.800 90.)0-96.52 165 4.19
former vaults. ** 3.801-4.050 96.55 -102.9 175 4.45
• The thickness of the aluminum sheath for ñat twin cable
shall be based on the calculated major core diameter .

• Division 1 editorially revised throughout.

* *This sentence is approved by NEMA as Authorized Engineering
MAY 1989
ICE.') S~1-402. NEMA WC5 Measurement of Thickness of bend over a mandrel1J8 incb (3.18 mm) in diameter.
Aluminum Tbe zinc coating shall be considered as meeting this
The thickness shall be measured in accordance with requirement if, when the strip ís bent around the
6.8. speeified mandrel, the coating does not flake and Done
of it can be removed from the strip by rubbing with the Reapplication 01 Aluminum Sheaths frngers.
When the sheath does not meet the requirements of Loosening or detachment during the adherence test
these standards, it shall not be repaired, but the of superficial, small particles of zinc formed by mechani-
aluminum may be stripped from the entire length of the cal polishing of the surface of tbe zínc-coated strip shall
cable and the cable resheathed. not constitute failure.

4.4.5 Protective Jackets Wldth

See 4.4.14. The nominal width of metal tapes shall be not greater
than that specified in Table 4-9.
4.4.6 Flat Metal Tape Armor For nominal widths 1.000 inch (25.4 mm) or Iess, the
tolerance in width shall be ±30 mils. For nominal widths
A Scope greater than 1.000inch (25.4mm), the tolerance in width
This section covers plain and zinc-coated flat steel shall be ±45 mils.
strip-in coils for use as flat armor for electrical cables.
The zinc coating shall be applied by either the hot-dip A Table 4-9
or the electro-galvanizing process such that a11surfaces Width 01 Metal Tape for Flat Armor
of the finished tape width are coated, including edges. (Plain or Zinc Coated)
Calculated Díameter of Cable under NomInal Wldth ofMetal Tensile Strength and Elongation Jule Beddlng* Tape

The pIain and zinc-coated strip shall have a tensile ínches mm Inches mm
strength of not less than 40,000 psi (276 MPa) nor more 0.450 or Iess 11.43 or Iess 0.750 19.0
than 70, 000 psi (482 MPa). The tensile strength shall be
determined on longitudinal specimens consisting of the 0.451-1.000 11.46-25.40 1.000 25.4
full width of the strip when practical or on a straight 1.001-1.400 25.43-35.56 1.250 31.8
specimen slit from the center of the strip. The strip sball
have an elongation of not less than 10 percent in 10 1.401-2.000 35.59-50.80 1.500 38.1
incbes (254 mm). The eIongation sball be the permanent 2.001-3.500 50.83-88.90 2.000 SO.8
increase in Iength of a marked section of the strip,
originally 10 inches (254 mm) in Iength, and shall be 3.501 or larger 88.93 or larger 3.000 76.2
determined after tbe specimen has fractured. AlI tests "For f1at twin cable, the nominal width shall be based on the calcu-
sball be made prior to appIication of the strip to the lated major core diameter.
cable. Galvanizing Test Thickness

The nominal thickness of metal tape shall be not Iess
.•. Wei9ht 01 Zinc Coatin9
than that given in Table 4-10. See 6.8.2 for method oí
The weight of zinc coating shalI be determined before measuring metal tape thickness.
applieation of the strip to the cable. The strip shall have The tolerance in the nominal thickness of both pIain
a minimum weight of coating of 0.35 ounee per square and zinc-coated tape shall be ±3 mils.
foot (106.8 grams/meterf) of exposed surface. The The zinc-coated tape shall not at any place be more
weight of eoating specified is the total amount on both than 20 pcrcent thicker than the stripped tape thickness,
surfaces and edges, and shall be determined in accord- which sbould be the specified nominal thickness for bare
anee with the method described in ASTM A90. (See metal. The tolerance for nominal thickness ofbare metal
Appendix E.) should appIy to the stripped tape.
The zinc coating shall remain adherent without flaking

or spalling when the strip is subjeeted to a 180-degree

A Revised May 1989

MAY 1989
ICEA S-61-402, NEMA WC5 PART 4, PACE 15

• Thickness
..••Table 4-10
of Metal Tape for Flat Armor
(Plain or Zinc Coated)
Calculated Dlameter of Cable under
Jute Beddíng=
Nominal Thlckness of
Metal Tape
applied by either the bot-dip or the electro-galvanizing
process such that a11surfaces of the finished tape width
are coated, incIuding the edges. If an outer jute or other
protective covering is furnished, plain steel tape may be
used. The quality of the steel tape and the requirements
lnches mm mils mm for the galvanizing shall be those specified in and
0.51 for flat steel tape.
1.000 or les s 25.40 or less 20
1.001 or larger 25.43 or larger 30 0.76 Wiclth
The nominal width of metal tape may be less tban but
•For flat twin cable, the nominal thickness shall be based on the
calculated rnajor core diameter. shall not be greater than that specified in Table 4-11.
For any width of metal tape used, the tolerance in
width shaIl be + 10 mils or -5 mils, except for aluminum
which shall be ± 10 mils. Application, lay, and Spacing
Two metal tapes shaIl be applied helicalIy in the same ..•. TABLE 4-11
direction over the jute bedding except that they may be Width of Metal Tape for Interlocked Armor
applied in opposite directions where the total area of Calculated Dlameter of Cable under Nominal Width of Metal
the conductors is less than 50, 000 'circular mils (25.34 Armor Tape Armor

mm2). The direction of lay of the inner tape sha11 be Inches mm Inches mm
opposite to that of the jute bedding. When applied in
0.500 or less 12.70 or less 0.500 12.7
the same direction as the inner tape, the outer tape shall
be approximately centered over the spaces between the 0.501-1.000 12.73-25.40 0.750 19.0
convolutions of the inner tape. The maximum space 1.001-2.000 25.43-50.80 0.875 22.2

between turns shall not exceed 20 percent of the width
2.001 or larger 50.83 or larger 1.000 25.4
of the tape or 0.200 inch (5.08 mm), whichever is the
During or prior to application, the tapes shall be
flushed with a suitable compound to deter corrosion. Thickness
The nominal thickness of metal tape shall be not less
4.4.7 Interlocked Metal Tape Armor than tbat given in Table 4-12. See 6.8.2 for method of
measuring metal tape thickness. Scope
The tolerance in nominal thickness of the tape
This section covers flat metallic strip-in coils for use shalI be ±3 mils. The zinc-coated tape shall not,
as interlocking armor for electrical cables. All tests shall any place, be more than 20 percent thicker than the
be made prior to the application of the strip to the cable. stripped tape thickness, which should be the
specified nominal thickness for bare metal. The
..•. Steel Tape
Steel tape (except stainless) without a protective
covering shall be zinc-coated. The zinc coating shall be

..•• Revised May 1989

PART 4, PAGE 16 ICEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5

tolcr ance for nominal thickncss of bar e metal 4.4.7a.2.2 When metal armor is formed by
should apply to the stripped tape. applying a seamless sheath or tube, the metal shall
be aluminum or an aluminum alloy.
Table 4-12
4.4.7a.2.3 The minimum thickness of tape or of
Thickness of Metal Tape for
the sheath or tu be before corrugation shall be as
Interlocked Armor
shown in Table 4-12a.
Nominal Thickness
Ambrac, Brass, 4.4.7a.3 FLEXIBllITY
Steel, Stainless
Sreel, Bronze 4.4.7a.3.1 The armored cable shall be capable
Calculared Diameter of and Mond Aluminum of being bent around a mandrel having a diameter
Cable Under Armor Tape and Zinc Tape
of 14 times the cable diameter. The armor shaIl
mm mils mm rnils mm
show no evidence of fracture visible to the unaided
0-1.500 0-38.10 20 0.51 25 0.64
1.501 & larger 38.13 & larger 25 0.64 30 0.76
eye. The test shall be conducted in accordance with
the procedure given in Part 6. NONMAGNETIC TAPE 4-4.7a.4 CORROS ION PROTECTION
When nonmagnetic tapes such as aluminum, 4.4.7a_4.1 When required a corrosion pro-
brass, bronze, zinc, or stainless steel are used, tective covering shall be applied over the armor.
the widths shall be in accordance with
and the thicknesses in accordance with 4.4.8 Galvanlzed Steel Wire Armor
Representative values of tensile strength and 4-4-8.1 SCOPE
elongation for the nonmagnetic metals are given
This section covers zinc-coated low-carbon-steel
in Appendix B.
wire for use in the armoring of borehole, vertical
riser, submarine, and underground cables used

4.4.7a Continuously Corrugated Metal Armor
for power, control, and lighting circuits for
4.4.7a.1 SCOPE normal use. For wire armor for special uses
This section covers the requirements applicable see Divisions II and III. All tests shall be made
to continuously corrugated metal armored cable. prior to application of the wire to the cable.
The metal armor is formed by a flat metal tape
which is longitudinally folded around the cable TENSILE STRENGTH. ELONGATlON
cor e , seam welded, and corrugated or by applying ANO TORSION
over the cable cor e a seamless sheath or tube which The zinc-coated wire shall be uniform in día-
is then corrugated. meter and free from cracks, splints, or other
4-4-7a.2.1 When metal armor is formed by a The zinc-coated wire shall have a tensile
flat metal tape, the tapes used shall be aluminum, strength of not les s than 50,000 psi (345 MPa)
copper , steel, or alloys thereof. and not more than 70,000 psi (482 MPa). The

Table 4-12a
Minimum Thickness of Metal tor Corrugated Armor
Calculated Diamet er of Cable
Ullóler Armor Aluminum Copper
Inches mm mils mm mils mm mil, mrn
0-2.180 O- 55.37 22 0.56
2.181-3.190 55.40- 81.03 29 0.74
3.190-4.200 81.05-106.7 34 0.86
0-2.365 0- 60.7 17 0.43
2.366-3.545 60.10- 90.4 21 0.53
3.546-4.200 90.07-106.7 25 0.64
0-1.905 0- 48.39 16 0.41
1.906-3.05 48.41- 72.39 20 _QJJ_
3.051-4.200 72.42-106.7 24 0.61
--=--=---------------------------_ ..

ten sile strength shall be tested in accordance with shaJl have a rmrumum weight of coating per
ASTM E8. (See Appendix E.) square foot of uncoated wire surface in accordance
with Table 4·14. The zinc coating shall be ELONGATION tested for weight by a stripping test in accordance
The zinc-coated wire shall have an e1ongation with ASTM A90. (See Appendix E.)
of not less than 10 percent in 10 inches (254 mm).
The elongation shall be the permanent increase
in length of a rnarked section of the wire origi- AOHERENCE OF COATlNG
ginally 10 inches (254 mm) in length and shall be The zinc coating shall rernain adherent when
deterrnined after the specirnen has fractured. the wire is wrapped at arate of not more than
fifteen turns per minute in a closed helix of at TORSION TeST
least two turns around a cylindrical rnandrel of
The zinc-coated wire shall withstand, without the diameter specified in Table 4-15. The zinc
fracture, the minimum number of twists specified coating shaJl be considered as meeting this
in Table 4-13. This test shall be made on a requirement if, when the wire is wrapped about
sarnple of wire having an initial length of 6 the specified mandrel, the coating does not flake
inches (152 mm) between jaws of a standard and none of it can be removed from the wire
torsion machine or equivalent with one head by rubbing it with the fingers.
of the machine rnovable horizontally. The Loosening of detachment during the adherence
eff'ective speed of rotation shall no! exceed test of superficial, smaJl particles of zinc forrned
60 rpm. by mechanical polishing of the surface of zinc-
Table 4·13 coated wire shall not constitute failure.
Number of Twists (Torsion Test)
Nominal Wire Diamcler SIZE OF ARMOR
Minimum Number
mils mm of Twists The sizes of armor wire for Division 1 appli-
238·166 6.05-4.22 7 cations including submarine cables are given in
165-110 4.19-2.79 10 Table 4-16.
109-65 2.77-1.65 14
If the service requirements are exceptionally GALVANIZING TeSTS severe, larger sizes of armor wire may be required.
(Thís sentence has been approved by NEMA as WelGHT OF ZINC COATING
Authorized Engineering Information.)
The weight of zinc coating shall be determined The tolerance in diameter for galvanized steel
before the wire is applied to the cable. The wire wire shall be as shown in Table 4-17.

Table 4·14
Minimum Weights of Zinc Coating
Nominal Diameter of Minimum Weight o( Zinc Coating
Coated Wrre
Ounces per Square Foot of Grams per Meter' of
mils mm Size, BWG Exposed Wire Surface Exposed Wire Surface
218 6.05 4 1.00 305
220 S.S9 S 1.00 30S
203 5.16 fI 1.00 305
165 4.19 s 0.90 275
))4 ~.40 10 0.80 244
109 '2.77 12 0.80 244
83 2.11 14 0.60 183

Table 4·15
Mandrel Diameter for
Adherence of Coating Tests
Wire Diameter

• mils
133 and smaller
3.38 and ,meUee
Mandrel Diameter
3 times wire diametet
2 times •••••
ire diameter
PART 4, PAGE 18 ICEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5

Table 4-16
Size of Galvanized Steel Armor Wire for Division I Applications Including Submarine Cable

Calculated Diameter of Cable Under Jute Ikdding Nominal Size of Armor Wire
inches mm BWG mils mm
0.750 or less 19.05 or less 12 109 2.77
0.751-1 (XX) 19.08-2540 lO 134 3.40
1 001-1 700 25 .13-.13. IR R 165 4.19
1 701-2 500 .13 21-63 50 (, 203 5.16
2.501 and lar ger /».53 ano larger 4 238 605

Table 4-17
Tolerances in Diameter
Nominal Drarnerer of Coared Wire
mil:, mm inches
238-1ó1i 6.0S-4 22 :::0 OOS
165-109 4.20-277 ::%:0 I)'J.J
108-1\5 2 74-1. 65 ±O ()(J3 LAY THICKNESS(See Part 6)
The length of lay of the armor wire shall The thickness of jute bedding under the armor
be not less than seven nor more than twelve times in the finished cable shall be not less than that
their pitch diameter for alJ constructions except specified in Table 4-18.
for dredge cable. For dredge cable, see
"Lay' is defined as Iollows. "The lay of any
helical element of a cable is thc axial lcngrh of a
tur n of the helix of that elerncnt."
4.4_8.6 DIRECTIONOF LAY 4.4.10 Jute Serving Overall for Armored
Cable (See 4.4.11 for Interlocked
Successive layers of jure and armor shall be
Armored Cable)
laid in opposite directions. The direction of lay ApPLlCATION
of the armor wir es shall be so choscn that bird-
caging of the cable being armorcd shall be re- When an outer jute serving is required, the
duced to a mínimum. armored cable shall first be run through hot
asphalt or tar compound, then served with a
4.4.9 Jute Bedding for Armored Cable (See layer of number sixteen three-ply (No. I~) irn-
4.4.11 for Interlocked Armored Cable) pregnated jure yarn applied with a short close ApPlICATION lay, again run through hot asphalt or tar corn-
pound and finished by running through some
Metallic-sheathed cable to be armored shalJ be
suitable material which will prevent stick ing of
served with a bedding of írnpregnated jute yarn
adjacent tur ns of the cable when wound on a
or roving. If the cable is without rnetallic sheath, reel.
the core shall be covered as specified in 4.4.12.
In no event shall the metallic sheath or the core DIRECTION OF LAY

without metallic sheath be run through hot The direcrion of lay of the jure serving shall
asphalt or tar compound. be opposite to that of the armor in contact with

4.4.11 Jute íor Interlocked Armored Cable

The direction of lay of the jute bedding or JUTE BEDDING

serving shall be opposite to that 01 rhe armor If jute bedding is required, the application

directly in contact with it , except a~ allowed in and direction of lay shall be in accordance with Adjacent layer s of jure shall be applied and The thickness shall be as
with opposite directions 01' lay. specified for metal taped cable in Table 4-18 .
(See Part 6.)
ICEA 8-61-402, NEMA WC 5 PART 4, PAGE 19

• Thickness
. Table 4-18
ot Jute Bedding tor Armored Cable

Minimum Thickness of Jure Bedding

Round Wire Armored Cable
Ca1culated Diarneter of Cable Sheathed or Nonsheathed or
Under Jute Bedding" Metal Taped Jacketed Nonjacketed
inches mm mils mm mils mm rnils mm
0.450 or 1eS$ 11.43 or less 30 0.76 4S 1.14 80 2.03
0.45Hl.75O 11.46-19.05 45 1. 14 45 1.14 80 203
0.751-1.00:> 19.08-25.40 45 1. 14 65 1. 65 95 2.41
1.001-2.500 25.43-63.50 65 1. 65 80 2.03 110 2.79
2.501 and larger 63.53 and larger 65 1.65 95 2.41 125 3.18
e The thickness of jute bedding Ior ñat twin cable shall be based on the calculated majar core diarneter. JUTE SERVING OVERALL

4.4.14 Thermoplastic Jacket Over
Metallic Sheath
If jute serving overall is required, it shall be THERMOPLASTIC JACKETS
in accordance with 4.4.10.
Thermoplasuc jackets, when used, shall
4.4.12 Core Coverlng For Nonsheathed and
be extruded over the metallic sheath and shall fit
Nonjacketed Cable wlth Metalllc Annor tightly thereto. They shall be either:
l. Polyvinyl chloride meeting the requirernents

Over the core of nonsheathed and nonjacketed
given in 4.3.1, except that the cold bend require-
cable with metallic armor, there shall be applied
ments shall be given in, or
tape, fibrous covering, jute, or other suitable
2. Black polyethylene meeting the requíre-
protective covering. Tape shall be used over
ments given in 4.3.2, or
cores having a diameter of 0.300 inch (7.62 mm)
3. Black chlorinated polyethylene meeting
or larger.
the requirements given in 4.3.3 except that the
4.4.13 Core Coverlng for Jacketed Cable coId bend requirements shall be as given in
Where a flat steel tape armor is used, a jute The average thickness of the thermoplastic
bedding shall be applied over the jacket before jacket shall be not less than that specified in
application of the armor. The thickness of the Table 4-19. The minimum thickness shall be not
jute bedding shall be in accordance with Table less than 70 percent of the values given in the
4-18. (See Part 6.) table. The average thickness of the jacket INTERLOCKED ARMOR
Table 4-19
Interlocked armor shall be applied directly Thickness of Thermoplastic Jacket
over the covering, no bedding being necessary. Over Metallic Sheath
Thickness of ROUNO WIRE ARMOR Calculated Diarneter Over Sheath Jacket
Where round wire armor is used, a jute bed- inches mm mils mm
ding shall be applied over the jacket before ap- 0.750 or less 19.05 or less 50 l.:n
plication of the armor. The thickness of the jute 0.751-1.500 19.08·38.10 65 1:65
1.501-2.250 38.13-57.15 80 2.03
bedding shall be in accordance with TabIe 4-18.
2.251·3.000 57.18-76.20 95 2.41
(See Part 6.) , 76.23 and larger
3.001 and larger 110 2.79

• • Added 9·15-1983.
JULY 1987
PART 4, PAGE 20 ICEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5

shall be taken as one-half the difference in di-

ameters over and under the jacket as determined
by circumference measurements. (See Part 6.)
cable and meets the following requirement. The
jacketed cable shall be subjected to the same bend
test and with the same frequency as required for
the underlying coreo The test temperature shall be
rninus 10°C or colder. After the final bend, the

jacket shall show no cracks visible to the normal TIGHTNESS OF ApPLICATION OF POLY- unaided eye, (See Part 6.)
The jacket shall be removed for 5 inches (127 shalI not have irregularities as determined by the pro-
rnm) from each end of a 12-inch (305 mm) sample cedure of paragraph 3.8 of ICEA T-27-581. The
of cable, leaving a 2-inch (50.8-mm) ring intact methods to be used are:
and undisturbed at the center. The sample shall
Method B Method C
then be inserted vertically in a hole in a flat rigid
plate which is at least 10 mils (0.254 mm) larger Chlorinated Polyethylene PolyvinyI Chloride
Thermoplastic Polyethylene
than the diameter over the sheath but not over
40 mils (1.02 mm) larger. No movement of the THICKNESS OF LEAO SHEATH
2-inch (50.8-mm) ring shall take place within
a period of 1 minute when weight is applied to
When a thermoplastic jacket is applied over
the upper end of the sample. The weight to be
a lead sheath, the average thickness of the lead
applied shall be equal to 10 pounds per inch
sheath shall be in accordance with Table 4-21.
(1.77 kN/m) of outside diameter of the metallic
The minimum thickness shall be not less than 90
sheath minus the weight of the prepared sample,
percent of the values given in the table. (See 6.8.3.)
rounded off to the nearer half pound. THICKNESS OF ALUMINUM SHEATH COLO SENO When a thermoplastic jacket is applied over

an aluminum sheath, the average thickness of the
When required, the manufacturer shall submit aluminum sheath shall be the same as that given
evidence that the jacket has been tested on similar in Table 4-8. (See 6.8.3.)

(Table 4-20 has been deleted on July 22, 1987.)

JULY 1981
ICEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5 P ART 4, P AGE 20A

• Table 4-21
Thickness ot Lead Sheath tor Cables Having
Thermoplastic Jacket Over The Lead Sheath
the jacket shalI be determined directly with a
a steel scale with pocket glass, or a
microscope on a ring of jacket re--
moved from the cable. The average of these
determinations shall be taken as the average
Thickness thickness of the jacket.
Calculated Diameter of Core" of Sheath
0.425 or less 10.80 or less 45 1.14 T
' 1.40T
0.426-0.700 10.82-17.78 55t J ackets shall not have irregularities as determined
0.701-1.050 17.81-2667 70 1.78
1.051 - 1.500 26.70-3810 85 2.16
by the procedure ofparagraph 3.8 ofICEA T-27-581.
1.501-2.000 3813-50.80 95 2.41 The methods to be used are:
2.001-3.000 5083-76.20 110 2.79
3.001 and lar ger 76.23 and larg er 125 3.18 Method B Method C
'Th~ thick ne ss of lead sheat h for Ilat t w in cable shall be Chlorinated Polyethylene Polyvinyl Chloride
based on t he calculat ed major cor e diame ter.
T For submar ine cables. the se thrck nesse s sha ll be 70 mil>
Thermoplastic Polyethylene
11.78 rnrn ).

Division 11
4_4_15 Thermoplastic Jacket Over Round Wire Armor for Borehole, Dredge,
Metallic Armor Shaft, and Vertical Riser Cable

Thermoplastic jackets, when used, shalI be 4.4.16 SCOPE

extruded over the metallic armar and shall fit Division II gives details of construction of
tightly thereto. They shalJ be either: armor applicable particularly to borehole, dredge,
1. Polyvinyl chloride meeting the require- shaft, and vertical riser cables.
ments of 4.3.1, except that the cold bend require-
ments shall be as given in, or 4.4.17 GENERAL
2. Black polyethylene meeting the require- The requirements of Division 1 pertaining to
ments of 4.3.2, or quality of materials, design, and construction
3. Black chlorinated polyethyJene meeting apply also to borehole, dredge, shaft, and vertical
the requirements given in 4.3.3 except that the riser cable (which are designed for special uses),
cold bend requirements shalJ be as given in except as to the particular details expressly set .• forth in the following sections for the respective
types of cable, or as otherwise modified ..• THICKNESS
4.4.18 Borehole Cable (Suspended at
The average thickness of the thermoplastic One End Only)
jacket shall be not less than that specified in
Table 4-22. The minimum thickness shall be not ARMOR

less than 70 percent of the value given in the Galvanized round steel wire shall be used
table. The minimum and maximum thickness of for borehole cable.

Table 4-22
Thickness of Thermoplastic Jacket Over Metallic Armor

Jacket Thickness
AII Cables (Except Cables Wilh
Calculated Diameter of Cable Under Interlocked or Interlocked or
Thermoplasuc Jacket Corrugated Armored) Corrugated Armor

inches mm mils mm mils mm
0.750 or less 19.05 or less so 1.27 so 1.27
0.751-1.500 19.08-38.10 65 1.65 SO
1.501-2.250 38.13-57.15 80 2.03 60 1.52
2.251-3.000 57.18-76.20 95 2.41 75 1.90
3. CK)) and larger 76.23 and larger ]10 2.79 85 2.16

• Added 9-15·)983.
-Á Edirorially revised ,
IPCEA S-61-402, NEMA WC 5 · September 1973
Part 4 Page 21

.e Size of Armor Wire. The size of Table 4-25

the artnor wíre shall be as gíven in TabIe 4-23. Pítch Ratío of Galvanized Wire Armor for
Dredge Cable
TabIe 4-23
Size of Galv anízed Steel Armor Wire for Calculated Díameter Over the Mínimum
Borehole Cable Armor Wire Pitch
inches mm Ratío
Calculated Día meter of Cable Nominal Size 0-2.500 0-63.50 2.5
Under Iute Bedding of Armor Wire 2.501 and larger 63.53 and larger 3. O
ínches mm BWG núls mm
The pítch ratio ú taken as the quctíent resultíng
0-0.750 0-19.05 12 109 2.77 from dívídíng the length of íay of the armor wíres
0.751-1.000 19.08-25.40 10 134 3.40 by the pitch díameter of the armor wires.
1.001-1.700 25.43-43.18 8 le5 4.19
1. 701-2. 500 43.21-63.50 6 203 5.16 Where unusual servíce conditions existo it may
2.501 and larger 63.53 and larger 4 238 6.05 be desírable to modify the above pitch ratío. If so,
tt should be deñned before the cable design is
The tensí le safety factor [based on 50,000 psi finalized.
(35.2 kgUmm2)] shall be not less than fíve, If the
requíred tensí le safety factor is not maíntaíned, the 4.4.20 Shaft Cable. Whenshaft cable is clamped
ne xt larger síze wire gíven in the table should be to the shaft structure or wall, the meta llíc coveríngs
used, used (either tape or wire) shall comply with the re-
quírements of 4.4,3 through 4.4.15. If, duríng La y. The length of lay of the armor ínsta Ilatíon, the shaft cable is suspended fWIl1 one
wíres shall be not less than seven nor more than end, galvanízed round steel wire armorshall be used.
twe lve times theír pítch díameter. The armor shall
The síze of the armor wires shall be as given in
be applled close ly without apprecíable ¡pace between
Table 4-26. but the tensile safety factor shall be
the wires.
not less than ñve,

"Lay " is defined as follows: "The lay oí any he lí-

4.4.21 Vertical Riser Cable (Suspended at Ooe
cal elernent of a cable is the axíal length of a turn
End Only)
of the he líx of that elemento " Nonsheathed Cable for Insta llatíon
4.4.19 Dredge Cable Within Buildings
4.4.21. l. 1 Armor. Galyanized rC>l\nQ Armor. Galvanized round steel rteel wíre shall be used for vertical ríser cable..
wire shall be used for dredge cable and shall be
applíed with a short lay. 4.4.21. 1.2 Size of Armor Wire. rne síze
of the armor wires shall be as gíven in Table 4- 26. Size oí Armor Wire. The size oí
the armor wíres shall be as gíven in Table 4-24. Table 4-26
Size of Galvanized Steel Armor W1re for
Table 4-24 Shaft Cable and Vertical Riser Cable
Size of Galvanízed Steel Armor Wire for
Dredge Cable Calculated Dfameter oí Cable Nominal Size
Under Jute Bedding of Armor Wire
Calculated Díameter of Cable Nominal Size inehes mm BWG mils mm
Under jure Bedding of Armor Wire 0-1.000 0-25.40 12 109 2.7"1
ínches mm BWG mlls mm 1.001-1.700 25.43-43.18 10 134 3.40
0-1. 700 0-43.18 12 109 2.77 1.701-2.500 43.21-63.50 8 165 4.19
1. 701- 2.500 43.21-63.50 10 134 3.40 2.501 and larger 63.53 and larger 6 203 5.16
2.501 and larger 63.53 and larger 8 165 4.19 The tensrle safety factor [based en 50,000 psi
(35.2 kgf/mm2)] shall be not less than seven, If the Pitch Ratio. The piteh ratío limits requíred tensile safety factor ís not maíntaíned, the
sha ll be in accordance with Table 4-25. next larger síze wire gíven in the table should be used,
September 1973
Pan 4 Page 22 IPCEA 5-61-'402, .NEMA WC 5 Size of Armar Wire for Sheathed cable suspended vertically from one end, No. 12
Vertical Riser Cable. The size of ·armor wire for BWG (0.109 ínch) wíre shall be used, The length
she athed vertical ríser cable for indoor installation of the servíng . band and the spacing of the band
shall be in accordance with for borehole throughout the length of the cable shall be in ac-
cable, but with a tensí le safety factor of not less ance with Table 4-27.
than four.
The wire bands shall be applied sufficiemly tight
4.4.22 Wire - band Serving. Where wíre - band te prevent theír movernent along the cable as a
servings dire ct ly over the armar are requíred for result of handling the cable during installation.

Table 4-27
Spacing and Length of Band Servings

Calculate.::l Diameter Over the Armar Wire Maxímutn Band SEacing Leng;h of Band
inches mm feet rneters ínches mm
0-1. 500 0-38.10 50 15.2 3 76.2
1.501-2.500 38.13-63.50 35 10.7 4 102
2.500 and larger 63.53 and larger 25 7.6 4 102

Di v í s on
í III detaíls expressly set forth in the following sectiors
ROUND WIRE ARMOR FOR BURIED CABLE or as otherwíse modified,
(4.4.23 THROUGH 4.4.25)
4.4.25 Armar Wire and Jure Servings (Sheathed!
Jacketed, Nonsheathed and Nonjacketed Cables),
4.4.23 Scope. Division II 1 gíves detaí ls of The size of armar wire and thíckness of jute bedding
construction of armor for buríed land cables where shall be in accardance with Table 4-28.
greater longitudinal strength than that provided by
flat tape armar ís required, but not the strength of The length of lay of the arrnor wires shall be not
the regular armar requíre.d for subrnaríne service, less than three nor more than twe1ve times their
pítch díamerer, Trus lay shall be used such that the
arrnor will be applied clasely withaut apprecí ablc
4. 4. ~~ GeneraL The requirements of Division 1 space between wíres,
(4.4.3 through 4.4.15) pertaíníng to quality of rna-
terí als, design and construction apply also te buried A jute serving as specified in 4.4.10 shall be
round wire armored cables, except as to particular applied over the armar,

Table 4-28
Thickness of Iute Beddíng and Size of Armor Wire

Calculated Díameter af Cable Mínimum Thickness of

Under Iute Bedding Iute Bedding Nominal Size of Armor Wire
inches mrn mí ls mm BWG mils mm
0-0.750 0-19.05 45 1.14 14 83 2.11
0.751-1. 000 19.08-25.40 65 1. 65 12 109 2.77
1. 001-1. 700 25.43-43.18 80 2.03 10 134 3.40
1.701-2.500 43.21-63.50 80 2.03 8 165 4.19
2.501 and larger 63.53 and larger 95 2.41 6 203';' 5.16*

* For cable diameters over 2.500 ínches (63.50 mm) where grearer strength is desíred than obtainable wi th
No. 6 BWG (203 míls) or wnere me requtred nurnber of vires exceeds me capacíty of me arrnoring machine,
él No. 4 BWG (238 rní ls) wire may be used,

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