Stormwater Design and Specification Manu
Stormwater Design and Specification Manu
Stormwater Design and Specification Manu
Porous asphalt
Porous asphalt pavement was first developed in the 1970s and
consists of standard bituminous asphalt in which the fines have
been screened and reduced, allowing water to pass through very
small voids. Recent research in open-graded mixes for highway
application has led to additional improvements in porous asphalt
through the use of additives and binders. Porous asphalt is very
similar in appearance to conventional, impervious asphalt.
Permeable pavers
Permeable pavers are interlocking units (often concrete) with
openings that can be filled with a pervious material such as
gravel. These units are often very attractive and are especially
well suited to plazas, patios, small parking areas, etc. There are
also plastic grids that can be filled with gravel to create a fully
gravel surface that is not as susceptible to rutting and
compaction as traditional gravel lots. Gravel used in interlocking
concrete pavers or plastic grid systems must be well graded to
ensure permeability.
Reinforced turf
Reinforced turf consists of interlocking structural units with
openings that can be filled with soil for the growth of turf grass and are suitable for traffic loads
and parking. They are often used in overflow or event parking as well as emergency access for
fire trucks. Reinforced turf grids are made of concrete or plastic and are underlain by a stone
and/or a sand drainage system for storm water management. While both plastic and concrete units
perform well for storm water management and traffic needs, plastic units may provide better turf
In addition to distributing mechanical loads, coarse aggregate laid beneath porous surfaces is
designed to store storm water prior to infiltration into soils or discharging to a storm water BMP.
The aggregate is wrapped in a non-woven geotextile to prevent migration of soil into the storage
bed and resultant clogging. In porous asphalt and porous paver applications, the storage bed also
has a choker course of smaller aggregate to separate the storage bed from the surface course. The
storage bed can be designed to manage runoff from areas other than the porous surface above it,
or can be designed with additional storage and control structures that meet the parameters
required within the Storm water Design and Specification Manual.
Positive Overflow
Positive overflow must be provided for porous pavement systems. Positive overflow conveys
runoff from larger storms out of the system, prevents flooding and prevents
water from standing within the porous structural surface which minimizes
freeze-thaw impacts. One solution for a positive overflow is a stone buffer
along the edges of a porous pavement lot. The stone, typically river rock
or a stone with aesthetic value, is connected to the stone sub-base below
the pavement to allow a path for excess water to flow out of the system.
The stone should allow positive overflow to occur at an elevation below
the structural surface. A perforated pipe system can also convey water
from the storage bed to an outflow structure. The storage bed and outflow
structure can be designed to meet the detention requirements of the Storm
Water Design and Specification Manual. Inlets can be used to provide
positive overflow if additional rate control is not necessary. More
information about large underground storage systems can be found in the
Subsurface Infiltration Fact Sheet.
Estimate the total storage volume and adjust area and/or depths as needed to provide required
storage. Assume a void ratio of approximately 40% for #8 washed stone.
Design system with a level bottom; use a terraced system on slopes. Provide a positive slope
for the bottom if the underlying soils have a high clay content or low permeability in general.
Using infiltration area and the saturated vertical infiltration rate of the native soil, estimate
how long the surface ponding and soil storage will take to drain. The maximum drain down
time for the entire storage volume is 72 hours, but the Engineer may choose a shorter time
based on site conditions and Owner preference. If storage does not drain in the time allowed,
adjust aggregate depth and/or surface area. Adjust the design until the volume and drainage
time constraints are met. Ensure that the storage volume does not occur within the porous
structural surface, but is entirely contained within the stone sub-base below it. Underdrains
placed at the top of the aggregate bed can serve to minimize or prevent standing water in the
structural surface.
Per City of Fort Wayne requirements, at least one underdrain shall be used for all porous
pavement systems. Additional underdrains may be required based on layout and individual
site conditions.
Design distribution and overflow piping to minimize chance of clogging.
Check that any release rate requirements (including release through any underdrain) are met
by the system as designed. Typically, the underdrain pipe can be set at an elevation higher
than the stone bottom to allow detention within the stone. See the Storm Water Design and
Specification Manual.
Subsurface Storage Beds
All aggregates within infiltration beds shall meet the following:
1. Uniformly graded, crushed, washed coarse aggregate
2. Maximum wash loss of 0.5%
3. Minimum Durability Index of 35
4. Maximum abrasion of 10% for 100 revolutions and maximum of 50% for 500 revolutions.
Choker course aggregate, where needed, shall meet the specifications of AASHTO No.
Storage stone should meet the specifications of AASHTO No. 3. Additional storage
materials are further discussed in the Subsurface Infiltration Fact Sheet.
4 (4.75 mm) 0 - 10
Bituminous surface shall be laid with a bituminous mix of 5.75% to 6% by weight dry
aggregate. In accordance with ASTM D6390, drain down of the binder shall be no greater
than 0.3%. Aggregate grain in the asphalt shall be a minimum 90% crushed material and have
the following gradation.
4 (4.75 mm) 34 - 40
8 (2.36 mm) 14 - 20
16 (1.18 mm 7 - 13
30 (0.60 mm 0-4
Neat asphalt binder modified with an elastomeric polymer to produce a binder meeting the
requirements of PG 76-22 as specified in AASHTO MP-1. The elastomer polymer shall be
styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS), or approved equal, applied at a rate of 3% by weight of the
total binder.
Hydrated lime should be added at a dosage rate of 1% by weight of the total dry aggregate to
mixes containing granite. Hydrated lime shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 977. The
additive must be able to prevent the separation of the asphalt binder from the aggregate and
achieve a required tensile strength ratio (TSR) of at least 80% on the asphalt mix when tested
in accordance with AASHTO T 283. The asphaltic mix shall be tested for its resistance to
stripping by water in accordance with ASTM D-1664. If the estimated coating area is not
above 95 percent, anti-stripping agents shall be added to the asphalt.
The asphaltic mix shall be tested for its resistance to stripping by water in accordance with
ASTM D-3625. If the estimated coating area is not above 95 percent, anti-stripping agents
shall be added to the asphalt.
Portland Cement Type I, II or III conforming to ASTM C 150 or Portland Cement Type IP or
IS conforming to ASTM C 595.
No. 8 coarse aggregate (3/8 to No. 16) per ASTM C 33 or No. 89 coarse aggregate (3/8 to no.
50) per ASTM D 448.
As mentioned above, due to the variations in aggregate, mix designs for pervious concrete
vary in the different regions of the country. There is no ideal mix that will produce the same
result in all locations. Local concrete suppliers who are certified to produce pervious
concrete can provide a mix design that will meet the desired pavement performance.
Typically for pervious concrete pavements in central Indiana the:
water/cement ratio varies from 0.26 to 0.40
concrete mixture void content varies from 15% to 25%
cement content is 350 lbs/cubic yard minimum for vehicular traffic loading
use of a hydration stabilizing admixture (HSA) is strongly recommended
Test pours are recommended to ensure adequate strength, porosity and appearance of the pervious
The Indiana Ready Mixed Concrete Association has a system of certifying installers for pervious
concrete. The certified installers are listed on their website at Only certified
installers shall be used for the pervious concrete installations which are to serve as storm water
infrastructure and detention facilities.
A minimum flow through rate of 5 in/hr or a void percentage of no less than 10%.
Non-Woven Geotextile
Geotextile shall consist of needled non-woven polypropylene fibers and meet the following
Distribution pipe within bed shall be continuously perforated and have a smooth interior with
a minimum inside diameter of 4-inches. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe shall meet
the specifications of AASHTO M252, Type S or AASHTO M294, Type S.
Excavate porous pavement subsurface area to proposed depth. Where erosion of subgrade has
caused accumulation of fine materials and/or surface ponding, this material shall be removed
with light equipment and the underlying soils scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches with a
York rake or equivalent and light tractor.
Bring subgrade of stone infiltration bed to line, grade, and elevations indicated in the
Drawings. Fill and lightly regrade any areas damaged by erosion, ponding, or traffic
compaction before placing the stone. The bottom of the infiltration bed shall be at a level
Place geotextile and recharge bed aggregate immediately after approval of subgrade
preparation to prevent accumulation of debris or sediment. Prevent runoff and sediment from
entering the storage bed during the placement of the geotextile and aggregate bed.
After placement and appropriate curing of structural pavement surface (7 days for pervious
concrete and 48 hours minimum for porous asphalt hardening), test infiltration ability by
applying clean water at a rate of at least 5 gpm over surface. The water applied to the surface
should infiltrate without creating puddles or runoff.
Do not use the porous pavement area for equipment or materials storage; no soil shall be
deposited on porous pavement surfaces.
A pre-paving conference with the contractor and engineer is recommended one week prior to
beginning placement of pervious concrete. It is recommended that the contractor have the
pervious concrete supplier, the foreman and the entire concrete crew that will form and place
the concrete in attendance at this meeting.
Once placed, the pervious concrete shall remain covered and undisturbed for seven (7) days.
The covering should be a waterproof polyethylene sheeting with a minimum thickness of 6
mil. This curing period is essential for adequate strength and durability.
The use of signage is encouraged during the seven day period to minimize the potential
damage to the curing concrete occurring from pedestrian traffic.
Appropriate vehicles with smooth, clean dump beds shall be used to transport the asphalt mix
to the site. Control cooling of asphalt by covering mix. Porous asphalt mix shall not be stored
for more than 90 minutes before placement.
The porous bituminous surface course shall be laid in one lift directly over the storage bed
and stone base course and compacted to a 2½-inch finished thickness.
Compaction of the surface course shall take place when the surface is cool enough to resist a
10-ton roller. One or two passes is all that is required for proper compaction. More rolling
could cause a reduction in the surface porosity and permeability, which is unacceptable
After rolling asphalt, no vehicular traffic is permitted on the surface until cooling and
hardening has taken place (minimum 48 hours).
The use of signage is encouraged during the seven day period to minimize the potential
damage to the curing concrete occurring from pedestrian traffic.
Sediment Control
Superficial dirt does not necessarily clog the voids in porous surfaces. However, dirt that is
ground in repeatedly by tires can lead to clogging. Therefore, trucks or other heavy vehicles
should be prevented from tracking or spilling dirt onto the pavement. Furthermore, all
construction or hazardous materials carriers should be prohibited from entering a porous
pavement lot. Also, by providing a ‘rumble strip’ surface at the entrance of a porous parking lot,
the debris from tires can be isolated and later collected to avoid potential clogging of the entire
Winter Maintenance
Winter maintenance for a porous parking lot may be necessary, but is usually less intensive than
that required for a standard asphalt lot. By its very nature, a porous pavement system with
subsurface aggregate bed has better snow and ice melting characteristics than standard pavement.
Once snow and ice melt, they flow through the porous pavement rather than refreezing.
Therefore, ice and light snow accumulation are generally not as problematic. However, snow will
accumulate during heavier storms. Abrasives such as sand or cinders shall not be applied on or
adjacent to the porous pavement. Snow plowing is acceptable, provided it is done carefully (i.e.
by setting the blade about one inch higher than usual). Salt is not recommended for use as a
deicer on the porous pavement. Non-toxic, organic deicers applied either as blended, magnesium
chloride-based liquid products or as pretreated salt, are preferable. Any deicing materials should
be used in moderation.
Potholes are not common; though settling might occur if a soft spot in the subgrade is not
removed during construction. Damaged areas that are smaller than 50 square feet can be patched
with a porous or standard asphalt mix, depending on the location within the porous area. In many
cases the loss of porous surface will be insignificant. If an area greater than 50 square feet is in
need of repair, approval of patch type must be sought from either the engineer or owner. Porous
pavement must never be seal coated under any circumstances. Any required repair of drainage
structures should be done promptly to ensure continued proper functioning of the system.
Permeable Pavements:
Site requirements for use:
o High water table depth to bottom of stone storage layer must be 4’ or greater. (This is to
prevent high water table from filling up detention storage area in stone.)
o If buildings adjacent to pavement have basements, make sure that the porous pavement is
a minimum of 10’ from the building/basement. Also, depending on soil type, a
waterproof membrane may be needed on the side adjacent to the building. This should be
evaluated on a case by case basis.
o If adjacent buildings don’t have basements, the porous pavement should be located a
minimum of 5’ from the building.
Design Considerations:
o Slope of porous pavement can be flatter than traditional pavement. This helps the stone
bed below it to be most efficiently used for stormwater storage. Some slope is
recommended to allow for positive drainage if pavement clogs in some areas.
o Size detention basin (stone base below pavement) based on stormwater flow entering
pavement. For #8 washed stone base, the void area in the stone is typically 40% of the
stone volume. The stone must be wrapped in geotextile to ensure that voids in stone
remain open for water storage and don’t get clogged over time. The contractor can
provide a sample of the stone to verify the void space for the stone used if needed.
o No storage of stormwater on top of the pavement (as is allowed with traditional
o No storage of stormwater within porous pavement section. The design must include a
positive overflow from the stone bed to prevent water backing up into pavement section.
(This is to prevent issues with freeze-thaw.) This could be an underdrain pipe or simply
the stone base exposed so it can overflow to the lawn.
o It is recommended to discharge the overflow from the pavement stone base into a rain
garden or bioretention area to improve water quality.
o If soils are adequate for infiltration there might not be runoff from the pavement (if all of
it infiltrates). In this case (which is likely rare, but possible) there is no water quality
volume or required treatment since there is no runoff.
Construction Considerations:
o Qualified contractors are a MUST. This means that their crew must have experience
placing the pavement, not just the foreman.
o When using Portland Cement Pervious Concrete (PCPC) the pavement must remain
covered for 7 days during the curing period. During this time it is critical that any
stormwater be diverted from the pavement – especially roof leaders that contribute point
o Erosion control is a must - any sediment laden water shall not be allowed to flow onto the
porous pavement.
o No mulch or landscaping storage shall be allowed on the pavement as it could clog the
pores of the pavement and thereby reduce its ability to convey and store stormwater.
o The pavement should be tested after construction by pouring water over it to see if there
are any areas that need to be cleaned or repaired due to construction activities.
Inspection Activities
• Inspect to ensure that pavement was installed and working properly. Post-construction
• Inspect areas for potential erosion or damage to vegetation.
• Visibly inspect porous pavement surface after major storm event for Annually and after
evidence of sediment, debris (e.g., mulch, leaves, trash, etc.), ponding large storm events
of water, oil-dripping accumulations, clogging of pores and other
• Inspect overflow devices (pipes and inlets) for obstructions or debris
that would prevent proper drainage when filtration capacity is
• Ensure that the contributing area upstream of the porous pavement is
free of sediment and debris.
• Verify that the porous pavement dewaters between storms. Monthly
• Inspect the surface for structural integrity. Inspect for evidence of Annually
deterioration or spalling.
Maintenance Activities
• Remove excess sediment from construction area and stabilize Post-construction
adjacent areas with vegetation.
• Prevent soil from being washed onto pavement by ensuring that Annually, as needed
adjacent areas are stabilized. Keep landscape areas well maintained
with lawn clippings removed to prevent clogging pavement.
• Rake and remove fallen leaves and debris from deciduous trees and
shrubs to reduce the risk of clogging.
• Remove debris and clear obstructions from overflow devices (pipes
and inlets).
• Vacuum sweep porous concrete pavement (with proper disposal of 2-3 times per year
removed material), followed by high pressure hosing (when needed)
to free pores on the surface.
• If ponding persists, clogged concrete pavement must be repaired or If failure exists
Site conditions:
Inspector’s signature: