Pre-Exam TaD AE Answ
Pre-Exam TaD AE Answ
Pre-Exam TaD AE Answ
You may use a print out of the specifications from the Tesla 75D as provided at “Onderwijsonline”
to answer these questions.
You must add this sheet (without any additional/ written notes) to the exam you hand in at the end
of the exam.
DC (Direct Current)
BLDC (Brushless DC)
SR (Switch Reluctance motor)
Ab And explain your answer why they use this kind of motor [3pt]
B Why didn’t Tesla choose for one of the other options? [5pt]
Pick out two other motors and explain why they didn’t pick that one for propulsion.
The driver has used 60% of the battery capacity and charges his battery at home. The wall socket is
connected to one group (230V / 16A) of the house.
D Tesla uses wheels with a dynamic radius of 350mm and the top-speed is
reached at 8000RPM, what is the total gear ratio of this driveline? [2pt]
E According to the specifications the maximum brake torque during regeneration [2 pt]
is 115Nm. How much brake Power does this make when we start using the motor brake
when the motor is running 4000RPM?
Every AC motor needs a (A) to get a rotation from the rotor. This is produced by the (B) and (C) is/ are
a method to achieve this. The three (D) have a phase shift of 120 degrees. When we use (E) we need
rare earth metals, a (F) or (G) motor doesn’t have this disadvantage. To connect the boardnet with
the High Voltage battery we need a (H) and the main component are (I,J,K)
I With a Megger the insulation between the battery and chassis is measured, it is 180k at the
plus side and 0,5M on the minus side.
a Why did they use a Megger instead of a Normal Multimeter [2 pt]
b Is the insulation sufficient? [2 pt]
Answer sheet
96 kW (2 pt)
2 P=T = 2∗¿ ( 8000
60 )∗115=96 kW
We need a rectifier + DC/DC converter
2 pt Only a DC/ DC converter is a good answer…
½ pt B Inverter Inverter
pt I Coils Spoelen
J Capacitors Condensatoren
K Transistoren Transistors
A Megger uses a much higher voltage 200- 1000V that we need to have a sufficient
2 pt current through the high insulation resistance.
Maximum battery voltage is 450V
2p Insulation minimum 500/ V so this is minimum 225 k
When the student takes another voltage e.g. 300V R min = 150 k both insulations are OK
1 pt (But the student gains 1 point instead of 2)