Librarian, Library Information Assistant, Library Clerk
Librarian, Library Information Assistant, Library Clerk
Librarian, Library Information Assistant, Library Clerk
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their any class or category of persons.
pubJiaction in the official Gazette. 6. Saving.-Nothing in these rules shall affect re5e!va-
tions, 'relaxa.tion of age, liriti~ and-other conce~siOi:ls leq~1,
2. Number of posts, classification and scale of pay ......•..
The to be provided for. the Scheduled .. Castes" the ~h.s:9ul<;u,
:::121r::je:c of the said posts, their' classification and the seale Tribes, Ex-Servicenien ana other Iipecial.cit1egories. of . per-
Cor pc,:: attached thereto shall be as specified in column 2 to SOilS in accordance with the orders issued by the central
:+ of the Schedule anexea to these rules, Government from time to.· time in this .regards.
. ..JIII:li;I_I.~.~~.~~'~.';Q~_">~~'~'
•••• I!I!@!§'~!!i~II~ig'~·a
--" ..._--------:-:-
·2 3 4 5 6
. ~/,<'iibrarjan (Grade-I) -I (1987) General Central Rs 2000·60-2300- Not Net exceeding 31) years (Re-
·Subjcct to. Service Group 'B' 75.3200-100·3500 applicable taxable f?r ):everr.ment
~'Uiatlon Gazetted
servants upto 5 years in
dependent on
accordance with the ins.
tructions or orders issued.
by the Central Govern.
Note : The crucial dale [()('
determining the age limit
shalf be the closing -dare
for receipt of aplications
from candidates in India
(ether than these in Anda-
mall and Nicobar Island«
---- .... ,--"------.--~ and Labhadwcep) , \
Whether bCnefit of '.' .
Educationai and other qualifications
Whether age and educa- Period ~f
added years of service 'required fDr direct rccruitlll~t - Method of .rocrujtment.·
, admissible Underrule ' tional qualificatlen pres- probation- Whether by direct recruit-
30 of the Central Civil. cribed for direct recruits if any ment or by deputation I
Service (Pension) will appI.Yiin:ase'of Pre-
transfer and percentage
Rues; 1912 ~. -- _ .....,....._. ~-~. .~. - metees
or the vacancies 'to be fined
by varioQs " methods
7 9 10 II
, No Essential:
Age: No
---------_ ..--
2 years By promotien! ;trnnsfcr on
(i) Masters'> degree of a recosntsed Uni- Educational Qualificat ion: deputation (including shot-
versity or equivalent . Nc. but must or equiva- term contract) famnC w}lk'h
(ii) ,Degree or equivalent diploma in Lib. lent diploma. in Library py direct tc:t'nlilm<'nt.
. rary Science of a recognisad University Science of A recognised
or1qstjtu,!e, '. University or equivalent.
(iiij i years' experience in II responsible
capacity in a library or standing.
Notel: QWllifications are relaxable at
the discreiior;! of the Union Public Service
Commitsion in .case of candidates other-
• wise well qualified,
Note2 : 'Thequalification(s) regarding~.
'Perience- 'i$/11r:erelaxable at' the discretion
of the Utiion Public Service Commission
. il\ the case, ~f candidates- belonging. to
Sche6u1ed Gntcs and Scheduled Trib~
if at any state of selection, the Union
Public SC:rv.iceComm~sion is otthe opi-
.nion that'sumciCi1t number ~rca'ndidates
froin.tbese:~ies possessinll ,tl!e
reqqi3ite.~&R.nqt ~ike1)'·tobe
a~e''' fill up the vaca~ies fesevcd
~l.[a; ~ . .
(i) M8Ster'~degree is L~b~ Sc~ce of a
ised UnivClSlty or· equivalent.
k' .
(il) ExperiCneeof ~~tation wor m a
responsible capacity,
. .
(iii) Workingknowle<lgeo f anyone modern
European lansuage other than English,
Incase of recruitm~t byproinotion/deputatioii/trans- ,If D~~tlrrPfOQlotioricJinDrlttee CXi$~'i>ba{'..• ,6rCU~tan~;iii ,W'I\,'
fo/ wades rrom'whichpromotion/dcputation/ttaDsfer~~s thc'comp6SitjQn' ' . ," , ' '.' "eoVnt:. >'~'~'.;nbl',~s~'$:V"j
>t{) be made. " . ., . , , •••••••.•.•.•.
'" ,. ~"
. .. ." ~. .. consultc<l .m ". maki"
" • ~..r.ecruj~ent '
--' -
12 13 14
Promotionf'Fransfer on Deputation' Group 'B' Departmental Promotion Committee' Selection on' each ' oCi;asio~ ,
(including short-term contract) : (for considering.confirmation) , shall be made in consultation
I, Officers in the North. Eastern region under the 1. Secretary North Eastern Council-c-Chairman with-the -Union 'Public Set'- ,
Central/State GovemmentsfUnion Territories! 2. Deputy Secretary, or above in the North 'vice Commission: - '
. Recognlsed Research Institutes/Public Sector Eastern Council Division of MHA-,-Mem~r
Underiakings/Statutory. Semi-Government or 3. Director General' (Ba6kward Classes Welfare)
Autonomous bodies.: .ofhisnomineeor appropriateJitatus-Me~Per.
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis; Note : The proceeding of the Departmental
or rro~otio.n~.mp1i.ttt:e.!:elllting to confrrmation ,
(ii) with 5 years' regular service in post in shall be sent to.the Commission tor approval, '
thescale of-Rs. 1640-60-2600-75-2900 or If, 'however, these are 'not approved by the
equivalent ; and Commission a freshmeeting of the Depart-
(iii) with S years' regular service in post in the mental Promotion Committee to be presided
scale of Rs, 140040-18UO-50-2300 or over by the Chairman or ~'M~m~r o(the
equivalent; ~nd Union Public Service Commission shall be
(b) Possessng "Bachelor's degree and Degree or held.
equivalent Diploma ill LibraryScience from
a recognised University or equivalent.
The departmental Librarian in
the scale of Rs.
QV'" ,.'!
l,~40-60-2600-75-29OO with 5.years'·regu.lar service
c.- ~rin tfie grade will also be considered and III case he
(',Slr.? is selected 'for appointment to the post. the s~me
;>~ shall be deemed to have been filled by promotion.
(rite departmental officers in the feeder category
who are in the direct line of promotion will not be
eligible for consideration for appointment on depu-
tation. Smilarly, d'cputationists' shall not be
eligible for consideration for appointment by
promotion. Periodof deputation/contract includ-
ing period of deputation in another ex-cadre post
held immediately preceding this appointment in the
1- 'Snf\le or some ·other organisation/department of
the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed
3 years).
NO.NEC/ADM/12/93 Dated Shillong, the 3rd January, 1996.
s faithfully,
. .
Num- Cl~ Scale of pay Whether Age limit for direct Educational and
ber of selection recruits cations required
post or non- cruitment
4 5 6.
~t:u1t 1 Sub- General Central 3S0-12-440-EB- . Not 18-25 years (Relax- Essential:
ject to Services (Group 15-56G-EB-20- applicable able for Govern- Graduate of a recognised
~ varia- 'C' Non- 640. ment servants upto versity with Degree cr
tion Gazetted). 35 years in accor- lorna in Library
depen- dance with the ins- from a recognised
dent tructions or orders Desirable:
on work issued by the Cen- One year's experience
load tral Government.) brary work.
8 9 10 11 12 13
___ ~ • -J __ --.J ----J_~---' ---"---o_--.l ---'__
Not applicable 2 years By transfer on depu- Transfer on deputation: Chairman: Not applicabe
.....,---- Persons working in similar Deputy Secy. North
tation failing which
by-direct recruitment. or equivalent grades in Cen- Eastern Council.
tral or State Govt. Offices Member ;
(Period of deputation or d i- 1. Deputy Director,
narily not exceeding 3 Backward Classes
years). Organisation, Minis-
try of Home Affairs,
2. Assistant Director,
(Establishment) Offi-
ce of the PMG. North
East Circle, Shillong.
R/.c\· "[ll.,,..ovea
"nil :rQj;i~'" ·Viti.- -
II ~~. 29.0,03. I
' · ~tl.!,
.~~ ,
-- ...
No.4/2/96-m .II
Governme nt of India
Min. of Home Affairs
lliw Delhi-110001, the I s;..t March t 1996.
~ Director,
North Eastern Council secretariat,
SA 1LLONG-793001.
dated the 3rd J'a m ar y , 1996 on the above subject and approval
of pay scale s of the following post sin the l'brth Eastern Councll
Secretariat, Shillong:-
3. This issues with the concu r r-e nce of the Inte grated
Yours faithfully,
~>ufJ~~ &//"-
( Smt. L. Tochhong
Dire ctor (me)_
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