************************************ advocate ---------------------------------- interest among investors. much or causes them a lot of problems:
WORD SMART BASIC : PART A : MED to publicly support a particular policy or amorous ◇ a controversial plan that is sure to ◇ Noisy and disobedient children are the
************************************ way of doing things: relating to or involving sexual love: arouse strong opposition bane of many mothers.
◇ There is no point in advocating ◇ amorous intentions/advances ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
abdicate improved public transportation unless we ---------------------------------- array barrage
to stop accepting a particular can pay for it. ancestor array of a large group of people or barrage of a lot of criticisms, complaints,
responsibility or obligation that you have: ---------------------------------- someone who is related to you who lived things that are related in some way: or questions directed at one person:
◇ The government cannot abdicate aesthetic a long time ago: ◇ an impressive array of musical talent ◇ a barrage of abuse
responsibility for national security. relating to beauty or to the study of the ◇ Her ancestors came to America with ◇ a dazzling array of ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- principles of beauty, especially in art: the Pilgrims. products/colors/fruit/jewels base
abrupt ◇ aesthetic qualities/theories/ideals ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- the bottom part, edge, or surface of
sudden and unexpected, often in an ---------------------------------- anesthetic articulate something:
unpleasant way: affront a drug or gas given to someone before a able to express your thoughts, arguments, ◇ a tall cliff, with a narrow footpath at its
◇ Our friendship came to an abrupt end. something insulting that makes you medical operation to stop them feeling and ideas clearly and effectively: base
---------------------------------- shocked and angry: pain. Anesthetics that affect the whole of ◇ She is a highly articulate woman. ----------------------------------
abstract ◇ She took the comment as a personal your body by making you unconscious are ---------------------------------- beckon
abstract ideas exist as thoughts in the affront. called general anesthetics and anesthetics aspire to signal to someone to come toward
mind, and are not related to physical ---------------------------------- that make you have no feeling in only a aspire to to want to achieve something or you:
objects or real events and actions: agenda part of your body are called local to be successful, especially in your ◇ He beckoned to the waiter to ask for
◇ abstract idea/concept/principle/notion: all the things that need to be done or anesthetics: career: another bottle of wine.
Mathematics is concerned with that need to be thought about or solved: ◇ The procedure is usually carried out ◇ She aspires to nothing less than the ----------------------------------
understanding abstract concepts. ◇ We need to put efficiency high on the under anesthetic. chairmanship of the company. belligerent
◇ They are not interested in abstract agenda. ---------------------------------- ◇ a number of film students who aspire very unfriendly and angry:
notions like "equality" or "freedom." ◇ Getting in shape is at the top of my animosity to be documentary makers ◇ belligerent behavior
---------------------------------- agenda. a strong feeling of disliking someone or ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
absurd ---------------------------------- something: HOSTILITY: astonish benevolent
completely stupid, unreasonable, or agitate ◇ There is no personal animosity between to surprise someone very much: willing to help and be generous towards
impossible to believe: RIDICULOUS: to try to cause social or political changes them. ◇ Beth astonished her by refusing to people
◇ She makes the most absurd claims by arguing or protesting, or through other ---------------------------------- help. ◇ a benevolent smile
about her past achievements. political activity: anticipate ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
◇ It's completely absurd to suggest that ◇ students agitating for more freedom to think that something will probably audacity benign
we shouldn't test students. ---------------------------------- happen: the confidence to say or do what you a benign lump in your body or a benign
---------------------------------- alias ◇ The organizers hadn't anticipated the want, despite difficulties, risks, or the disease is not cancer and will not kill you:
acclaim a different name that someone uses huge interest there was in the event. negative attitudes of other people: ◇ a benign tumor
public praise for someone or something: instead of their real name: ◇ The building will be completed around ◇ She had the audacity to tell him off. ----------------------------------
◇ Garcia's first novel was greeted with ◇ Schneider entered the U.S. using the six months earlier than anticipated. ---------------------------------- binge
widespread critical acclaim. alias "Schwerte." ---------------------------------- austere an occasion when someone does too
◇ In a recent poll, Seattle won acclaim as ---------------------------------- anxiety plain in style and without decoration: much of something they enjoy, such as
the United States' most progressive city. alleviate a worried feeling you have because you ◇ The church is large and austere. drinking:
---------------------------------- to make something less painful, severe, think something bad might happen: ---------------------------------- ◇ He went on a drinking binge over the
accomplice or serious: ◇ Too much caffeine can cause anxiety, authoritarian weekend.
someone who helps another person do ◇ The doctor has prescribed some drugs depression, and insomnia. controlling everything and forcing people ----------------------------------
something illegal or wrong: to alleviate the pain. ◇ There was increasing anxiety over the to obey strict rules and laws: blackmail
◇ She's serving life for acting as an ---------------------------------- outcome of the talks. ◇ an authoritarian government/regime the crime of making someone give you
accomplice to murder. allure ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- money or do what you want by
---------------------------------- a special, exciting, and attractive quality appease avail threatening to tell people embarrassing
acquaintance that something or someone has: to give your opponents what they want: to/of no avail information about them:
someone you know a little, who is not a ◇ sexual allure ◇ By failing to condemn the march, she without getting the effect you wanted or ◇ Barrett was in court, facing a charge of
close friend: ◇ the allure of gambling was appeasing left-wing elements in the intended: blackmail.
◇ He recognized Mr. Hunter as an old ---------------------------------- party. ◇ His words of encouragement were to ----------------------------------
business acquaintance from his years in alternate ---------------------------------- no avail. blatant
banking. if one thing alternates with another, it apprentice ---------------------------------- done in an obvious way that shows you
---------------------------------- happens after it and keeps being repeated: someone who works for a particular awkward are not embarrassed or ashamed to be
acute ◇ Wet days alternated with dry ones. person or company, usually for low pay, in difficult to deal with and embarrassing: doing something bad or illegal:
very serious or severe: ---------------------------------- order to learn the type of work they do: ◇ After he spoke there was an awkward ◇ It was a blatant attempt to influence
◇ an acute shortage of medical supplies amateur ◇ He became an engineering apprentice silence. the judges.
---------------------------------- someone who does not do something with a local firm. ◇ Luckily nobody asked any awkward ----------------------------------
adamant very well: ---------------------------------- questions about what he was doing there. bleak
determined not to change your belief or ◇ Let's show them what a bunch of approximate ---------------------------------- without any reasons to feel happy or
decision about something: amateurs they are. not exact, but close to an exact amount, baffle hopeful:
◇ We tried to persuade her but she was ---------------------------------- number, time, etc.: if a problem, someone's behavior, etc. ◇ Things look very bleak for the team.
adamant. ambassador ◇ the approximate time of death/cost of baffles you, you cannot understand it or ◇ Textile workers face a bleak future.
---------------------------------- a senior official who lives in a foreign repairs solve it: ----------------------------------
ad-lib country and represents his or her own ---------------------------------- ◇ a rare skin condition that has baffled blunder
to say something in a speech, play, etc. country there. An ambassador is aptitude doctors for years a careless or embarrassing mistake:
without preparing or writing it before you responsible for an office called an natural ability that makes it easy for you ---------------------------------- ◇ Officials were accused of making a
say it: IMPROVISE: embassy: to do something well: banal huge administrative blunder.
◇ I lost the notes for my talk and had to ◇ the Egyptian ambassador to Belize ◇ an aptitude test something that is banal is boring because ----------------------------------
ad-lib. ---------------------------------- ◇ I had no aptitude for accountancy and it contains nothing new, original, or bode
---------------------------------- ambiguous began to hate it. unusual: bode well/ill
adverse not clear, or capable of being understood ---------------------------------- ◇ his banal observations on the game to be a sign that something good/bad will
negative, unpleasant, or harmful: in more than one way: arouse ---------------------------------- happen:
◇ an adverse reaction from the public ◇ The wording of the law is highly to cause an emotion or attitude: bane ◇ The fact that we haven't heard from
---------------------------------- ambiguous. ◇ These rumors have aroused intense something that annoys someone very him in all this time does not bode well.
---------------------------------- someone who is injured or killed in an ◇ a competent worker contents [plural] the things that are relatives
bohemian accident or military action: ---------------------------------- inside something such as a box, bottle, ----------------------------------
living or behaving in an informal way that ◇ There were no reports of casualties compile building, or room: deem
is considered typical of artists and from the attack. to make something such as a list or book ◇ The entire contents of the house were to consider that someone or something
writers: ---------------------------------- by bringing together information from put up for auction. has a particular quality:
◇ a bohemian lifestyle censor many different places: ---------------------------------- ◇ The Commission will take as long as is
---------------------------------- to remove parts of a book, movie, letter, ◇ The database was compiled from convenient deemed necessary to make its decision.
boisterous etc. for moral, religious, or political statistics published by the Tourist Board. easy to do, or not causing problems or ----------------------------------
lively and noisy: reasons: ---------------------------------- difficulties: defect
◇ a boisterous crowd ◇ The book had been heavily censored. complacent ◇ If it's convenient, call me tomorrow a fault in someone or something:
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- too confident and relaxed because you before noon. ◇ There are a few minor design defects.
brisk chafe think you can deal with something easily, ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
moving or acting quickly: to feel annoyed and impatient about even though this may not be true: corpse degrade
◇ We went for a brisk walk. something that stops you doing what you ◇ These results are good, but we cannot the body of a dead person: to make something worse:
◇ The committee got off to a brisk start want: afford to be complacent. ◇ They found his corpse a week later, ◇ Under no circumstances can the quality
at its first meeting. ◇ We were all beginning to chafe a little ---------------------------------- washed up on the shore. of nursing be allowed to be degraded.
---------------------------------- under such close supervision. compliance ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
broach ---------------------------------- the practice of obeying a law, rule, or counterfeit deliberate
to begin discussing something with chagrin request: counterfeit money, products, tickets, etc. intended, not done by chance or by
someone, especially when you feel a feeling of being very annoyed, ◇ strategies to force compliance with air are illegal copies made in order to trick accident: INTENTIONAL:
nervous because it may upset them: disappointed, or embarrassed: quality standards people: ◇ I'm sure the omission of my name was
◇ He decided it was time to broach the ◇ The report finds (much to the chagrin ---------------------------------- ◇ counterfeit $100 bills deliberate.
subject of a pay raise. of male drivers) that women are generally comprehend ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- safer behind the wheel than men. to understand something: coup denounce
bureaucracy ---------------------------------- ◇ How could you possibly comprehend coup or coup d'etat an occasion when a to criticize someone or something
a complicated and annoying system of chaos the difficulties of my situation? group of people takes control of a severely in public:
rules and processes: a situation in which everything is ---------------------------------- country, usually by means of military ◇ American trade policies have been
◇ a maze of bureaucracy confused and in a mess: conceal force: denounced by some European
---------------------------------- ◇ There have been severe floods, to hide something so that it cannot be ◇ There has been a series of military governments.
callous bringing chaos to the region. found: coups since the country gained ----------------------------------
a callous person does not feel any ---------------------------------- ◇ The letters had been concealed under a independence. dense
emotion when they see other people in chic mattress. ---------------------------------- with a lot of trees, plants, or leaves
trouble or in pain: HEARTLESS fashionable and attractive in style: ---------------------------------- crisis growing close together:
◇ a callous disregard for human life and ◇ a sunny waterfront with a range of conclude an urgent, difficult, or dangerous ◇ dense undergrowth
the environment sidewalk cafes and chic boutiques to decide that something is true after situation: ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- looking at all the evidence you have: ◇ a period of economic crisis deplete
camouflage civil ◇ The report concluded that a world ---------------------------------- to reduce the amount of something or the
a way of hiding people or objects by polite, especially in a formal way and recession was unlikely. culprit number of things:
making them look like the natural without being friendly: ---------------------------------- someone who is responsible for doing ◇ Wars in the region have depleted the
background: ◇ He could barely bring himself to be condense something bad or illegal: country's food supplies.
◇ an expert in military camouflage civil to them. to make anything shorter or smaller: ◇ Police have so far failed to find the ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ A month-long training course had been culprits. descent
candid civilian condensed into two weeks. ---------------------------------- the act of moving down to a lower place
honest and direct, even when the truth is someone who does not belong to the ---------------------------------- cult or position:
not pleasant: military or the police: condone a religious system in which people ◇ The plane made a sudden descent.
◇ She was very candid with him about ◇ Over 700 civilians died as a direct to approve of behavior that most people worship a particular god, person, or ----------------------------------
the standard of his work. result of the bombings. think is wrong: object: despicable / A dspkbl / B adjective
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ The company does not condone ◇ the cult of the goddess Isis extremely unpleasant:
canine clamor discrimination of any kind. ---------------------------------- ◇ These were particularly despicable
relating to dogs: a very loud noise made by a lot of ---------------------------------- cumbersome crimes.
◇ canine health people or things: conspicuous not simple, fast, or effective enough and ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- ◇ We suddenly heard a terrible clamor in very noticeable or easy to see, especially difficult or annoying to use: deter
capacity the next room. because of being unusual or different: ◇ a cumbersome system/process/technique to make someone decide not to do
the amount of something that can be put ---------------------------------- ◇ She might have felt less conspicuous if ---------------------------------- something:
in a container or the number of people clergy there had been other women there too. cursory ◇ The rain didn't deter people from
that a place has room for: the people who lead religious services, ---------------------------------- quick and not thorough: BRIEF: coming to the game.
◇ The fuel tanks have a capacity of especially Christian priests. A man who contaminate ◇ A cursory examination did not reveal ----------------------------------
25,000 gallons. leads religious services is sometimes to make something dirty, polluted, or any problems. devour
---------------------------------- called a clergyman and a woman who poisonous by adding a chemical, waste, or ---------------------------------- to read, watch, or listen to something
captive leads religious services is sometimes infection: curt with a lot of interest or enthusiasm:
a captive wild animal is kept in a place called a clergywoman: ◇ Industrial sewage continues to using few words in a way that shows you ◇ He was already devouring detective
such as a park or ZOO instead of being ◇ Over 50 clergy marched to the White contaminate our beaches. are impatient or angry: fiction as a young child.
allowed to live in its natural environment House to register their protest. ---------------------------------- ◇ She apologized for being so curt with ----------------------------------
kept as a prisoner: ---------------------------------- contemplate me. dictator
◇ She was kidnapped and held captive for commend to consider doing something in the future: ---------------------------------- someone who uses force to take and
over a week. to praise someone or something formally ◇ I'm contemplating retirement next year. dabble keep power in a country:
---------------------------------- or publicly: ---------------------------------- to be involved in an activity for a short ◇ a military dictator
caricature ◇ His photograph was highly commended contempt time in a way that is not very serious: ----------------------------------
a drawing of someone that strongly in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year a feeling that someone or something is ◇ When he was younger he dabbled in dignitary
emphasizes their main features, especially competition. unimportant and deserves no respect: astrology. someone who has an important official
in order to make them seem funny: ---------------------------------- ◇ I have nothing but contempt for their ---------------------------------- position:
◇ caricatures of political leaders competent ridiculous opinions. deceased ◇ visiting dignitaries
---------------------------------- capable of doing something in a ---------------------------------- dead: ----------------------------------
casualty satisfactory or effective way: content ◇ flowers on the graves of deceased dignity
the impressive behavior of someone who dote on someone to love someone very ◇ an eloquent speech ---------------------------------- situation or someone's character:
controls their emotions in a difficult much, often so much that you do not ---------------------------------- exception ◇ two important facets of his management
situation: notice their faults: elude someone or something that is different in style
◇ She faced her death with dignity. ◇ She absolutely dotes on the if a fact, idea, or word eludes you, you some way from other people or things and ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- grandchildren. cannot remember or understand it: so cannot be included in a general faction
dilemma ---------------------------------- ◇ The details of the case elude me. statement: a small group within a larger group,
a situation in which you have to make a dub ---------------------------------- ◇ New technology stocks have done badly consisting of people with different opinions
difficult decision: PREDICAMENT, to give someone or something a embargo in recent months, but Autonomy has been from the rest:
QUANDARY: particular name or description, often a a government order preventing trade with an exception. ◇ The warring factions are nearing
◇ moral/ethical/political dilemmas humorous one: another country: ---------------------------------- agreement on a peace plan.
---------------------------------- ◇ The press have dubbed her "the Silent ◇ an arms/oil/trade embargo excursion ----------------------------------
diligent Star." ---------------------------------- a short trip you take for pleasure: falter
someone who is diligent works very hard ---------------------------------- emerge ◇ my Saturday morning excursion into to stop being effective or making
and very carefully: HARD-WORKING dubious to come out of something or out from town progress:
diligently adverb: not sure about the truth or quality of behind something: ---------------------------------- ◇ Peace talks have faltered.
◇ the people who worked so diligently to something, or whether you should do ◇ After a few weeks, the caterpillar exhaust ----------------------------------
keep the school open something: emerges from its cocoon. to make someone extremely tired and fanatic
---------------------------------- ◇ I'm very dubious about his ability to do ---------------------------------- without energy: someone who has very strong religious
discipline the job. endorse ◇ Caring for young children can exhaust or political beliefs that often make them
the practice of making people obey rules ---------------------------------- to express support for someone or you physically and mentally. behave in an unreasonable way:
of behavior and punishing them if they do dupe something, especially in public: ---------------------------------- ◇ attacks by religious fanatics
not: to trick someone into believing something ◇ All endorsed the treaty as critically exodus ----------------------------------
◇ He believes in strict discipline. that is not true or into doing something important to achieve peace. a situation in which a lot of people leave fatigue
---------------------------------- that is stupid or illegal: ---------------------------------- a place or activity at the same time: a feeling of being extremely tired, either
disclose ◇ Many voters now feel duped by the en route exodus from: physically or mentally:
to give information to people, especially government. on the way: ◇ The stock market has seen a recent ◇ A child's sleep problems cause parents
information that was secret: ---------------------------------- ◇ We happened to be passing through exodus of investors from high-technology fatigue and unnecessary guilt.
◇ Most of the people interviewed duplicate Little Rock en route to Memphis. stocks. ----------------------------------
requested that their identity not be to make an exact copy of something such ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- feign
disclosed. as a document: envy expedient to pretend to have a particular feeling:
---------------------------------- ◇ Digital images can be duplicated in the unhappy feeling you have when you used for describing an action that ◇ "OK," she said, feigning indifference.
discriminate seconds. want very much to do something that produces an immediate result or solution ----------------------------------
to treat someone unfairly because of ---------------------------------- someone else does or have something that to a problem, even though it may not be fervor
their religion, race, or other personal durable they have: JEALOUSY: fair or honest: very strong feeling, enthusiasm, or belief:
features: able to stay in good condition for a long ◇ He was sure that the other drivers ◇ The Prime Minister can call an election ◇ religious/nationalistic/revolutionary
◇ Employers are not allowed to time and after being used a lot: looked at him with envy. when it is politically expedient. fervor
discriminate on the basis of gender. ◇ durable high quality steel ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- equilibrium expedite flimsy
disorient dusk a situation in which there is a balance to make something happen quickly or light and not providing very much
to make someone unable to think clearly the period of time at the end of the day between different forces or aspects: easily: protection:
or make sensible decisions: just before it becomes dark: ◇ A new arms race in the region would ◇ Aid workers are trying to expedite the ◇ a flimsy cotton blouse
◇ The fame that did come his way only ◇ The park closes at dusk. upset the delicate equilibrium between the process of returning refugees to their ----------------------------------
served to disorient him. ---------------------------------- opposing factions. homes. flippant
---------------------------------- earmark ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- treating a serious subject or situation in
disregard to decide to use something, especially eradicate expedition a way that is not serious, especially when
to not consider something important or money, for a particular purpose: to get rid of something completely, a long trip organized for a particular this annoys other people:
pay any attention to it: ◇ Some funds are earmarked for especially something bad: purpose, especially to a dangerous or ◇ His flippant remarks only made the
◇ Please disregard my previous message. anti-drug programs. ◇ a program to eradicate polio distant place: judge angrier.
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ the 1910 expedition to Antarctica led ----------------------------------
dissent earnest essence by Captain Scott forfeit
strong disagreement, especially with what serious, determined, and meaning what the most important part of something, ---------------------------------- to be forced to give up a right, a benefit,
people in authority think or what the you say: usually the part that gives it its general explicit or something you own, because you have
majority of people think: ◇ an earnest young man character: showing or describing sex or violence broken a rule or law:
◇ He banned political parties and crushed ◇ earnest discussions ◇ The essence of their argument is that with a lot of detail: ◇ If they moved away, they would forfeit
dissent. ---------------------------------- life cannot be explained by science. ◇ the movie's explicit sex scenes all rights to their land.
---------------------------------- ebb ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
diverse a period when something gradually estimate exploit forgo
very different from each other: becomes smaller or less: to say what you think an amount or value to treat someone unfairly in order to get to decide not to do or have something:
◇ The newspaper aims to cover a diverse ◇ an apparent ebb in the fighting will be, either by guessing or by using some benefit for yourself: ◇ The board members have decided to
range of issues. ---------------------------------- available information to calculate it: ◇ Children are being exploited in many of forgo any salary increase.
---------------------------------- eccentric ◇ It's difficult to estimate the cost of these factories. ----------------------------------
dogmatic someone who is eccentric often behaves making your house safe. ---------------------------------- forsake
so sure that your beliefs and ideas are in slightly strange or unusual ways: ---------------------------------- extol to leave someone or stop helping or
right that you expect other people to ◇ She's regarded as being rather etiquette to praise something in a very enthusiastic taking care of them, when they still need
accept them: eccentric. rules about behavior for people in a way: you: ABANDON:
◇ The party is rigid and dogmatic and ---------------------------------- particular profession: ◇ The report extolled the virtues of ◇ Forsaken by her friends, she sank
unlikely to change. ego ◇ professional/business/diplomatic Internet technology. deeper into depression.
---------------------------------- the opinion you have of yourself and etiquette ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
domain your own importance: ---------------------------------- extraordinary foul
a particular area of activity or life: ◇ a guy with a huge ego evade very unusual and surprising: very dirty, or smelling or tasting
◇ This is a subject that has now moved ---------------------------------- to avoid accepting or dealing with ◇ It's an extraordinary story. unpleasant:
into the political domain. eloquent something that you should do: ---------------------------------- ◇ What's that foul smell?
---------------------------------- expressing what you mean using clear ◇ He had become an expert at evading facet ----------------------------------
dote and effective language: responsibility. an aspect of something such as a fraud
the crime of obtaining money from great respect: ---------------------------------- ◇ an impromptu dinner party ----------------------------------
someone by tricking them: ◇ the hallowed pages of our country's humble ---------------------------------- insatiable
◇ Police are investigating a complex fraud history not proud and not thinking you are better impudent always wanting more and never feeling
involving several bogus contractors. ---------------------------------- than other people: behaving in a rude way that shows no satisfied:
---------------------------------- hamper ◇ He was a genuinely humble man. respect for someone: CHEEKY: ◇ The public seems to have an insatiable
frigid to prevent something from happening or ---------------------------------- ◇ an impudent child appetite for celebrity gossip.
extremely formal and unfriendly: ICY: progressing normally: hysterical ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
◇ her frigid tones ◇ The search was hampered by heavy behaving in an uncontrolled way because incentive insipid
---------------------------------- snowfall. you are extremely excited, afraid, or something that makes you want to do boring, dull, or pale, with no interesting
futile ---------------------------------- upset: something or to work harder, because you features:
unsuccessful or useless: harass ◇ She wasn't hysterical, just crying. know that you will benefit by doing this: ◇ The walls were painted an insipid beige
◇ a futile rescue attempt to annoy or upset someone repeatedly, ---------------------------------- ◇ They want to stimulate growth in the color.
---------------------------------- for example by criticizing them, attacking ideal region by offering incentives to foreign ----------------------------------
gallant them, or treating them in a way that is of the best or most appropriate type: investors. instigate
brave: offensive to them: ◇ The fair provides an ideal opportunity ---------------------------------- to make something start, especially an
◇ the gallant knights of Camelot ◇ The men were trying to harass the for jobseekers and employers to meet. incessant official process:
---------------------------------- terrified refugees. ---------------------------------- continuing for a long time without ◇ The leaders of the two factions
gap ---------------------------------- identical stopping in a way that is annoying: instigated peace talks.
to open wide or be wide open: haughty exactly the same: CONSTANT: ----------------------------------
◇ Suddenly he was at the door, his proud and unfriendly: ◇ companies that were identical in most ◇ incessant crying interrogate
pajama top gaping open. ◇ a haughty expression respects ---------------------------------- to ask someone, for example a prisoner
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- incoherent or criminal, a lot of questions in order to
garnish hazardous idiom badly organized or expressed and get information, in an angry or threatening
to add something to a dish of food to dangerous, especially to people's health 1 [count] an therefore difficult to understand: way:
make it look more attractive: or safety: expression whose meaning is different ◇ disconnected, incoherent sentences ◇ The suspects were interrogated by the
◇ Garnish the fish with lemon slices. ◇ hazardous driving conditions from the meaning of the individual words. ---------------------------------- police.
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- For example, "to have your feet on the indefinite ----------------------------------
genetic hearty ground" is an idiom meaning "to be continuing into the future with no fixed interfere
relating to genes and the study of them: friendly and enthusiastic, sometimes in a sensible." end: to deliberately become involved in a
◇ Doctors believe the condition is caused slightly annoying way: 2 [singular or ◇ He is on indefinite sick leave. situation and try to influence the way that
by a genetic defect. ◇ a hearty laugh/handshake uncount] a particular style in language, ◇ We'll be here for the indefinite future. it develops, although you have no right to
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- art, or music: ---------------------------------- do this:
gloat heir ◇ Osborne always works within a modern indict ◇ I don't want to interfere, but maybe
to show that you are happy and proud at someone who will receive money, idiom. to accuse someone officially of a serious you'd better listen to me.
your own success or at someone else's property, or a title when another person ---------------------------------- crime: CHARGE: ----------------------------------
failure: CROW: dies: illegible ◇ The Governor has been indicted on 23 intervene
◇ He was there to gloat over their ◇ a real estate heir difficult or impossible to read: criminal counts including fraud. to become involved in a situation in order
defeat. ---------------------------------- ◇ Clare's handwriting is completely ---------------------------------- to try to stop or change it:
---------------------------------- herald illegible! indifferent ◇ Police had to intervene when protesters
gouge herald of MAINLY LITERARY a sign that ---------------------------------- lacking interest in something or lacking blocked traffic.
to make someone pay more money than something is going to happen soon: immaculate sympathy with someone: ----------------------------------
they should: ◇ These tiny flowers are the first heralds so clean and neat that there is no dirt: ◇ It's easy to be indifferent to money intoxicated
◇ They managed to gouge a small fortune of spring. SPOTLESS: when you've never been poor. feeling so excited or happy about
out of my father. ---------------------------------- ◇ The whole house was absolutely ---------------------------------- something that you cannot think clearly:
◇ Merchants were warned against price hesitate immaculate. inept ◇ I was intoxicated with the beauty of
gouging. to pause before doing something, or to ---------------------------------- someone who is inept does not have the scene.
---------------------------------- do something very slowly, usually because immortal much ability or skill: ----------------------------------
grave you are nervous, embarrassed, or worried: very well known, and therefore likely to ◇ I was a hopelessly inept student. irony
the place where a dead body is buried in ◇ He hesitated a moment, and then be remembered for a long time: ---------------------------------- a form of humor in which you use words
a deep hole in the ground. A tomb is a knocked on the door. ◇ Wilder's next movie was the immortal inevitable to express the opposite of what the words
structure above the ground that contains a ---------------------------------- comedy, Some Like It Hot. impossible to avoid or prevent: really mean:
dead body: hoard ---------------------------------- ◇ War now seems almost inevitable. ◇ "You've been so kind," she said, her
◇ He's never even visited his mother's to get and keep a large amount of immunity ---------------------------------- voice heavy with irony.
grave. something because it might be valuable or a situation in which someone is not infamous ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- useful later: affected by something such as a law well known for something bad: irrelevant
grieve ◇ Many people panicked and started because they have a special job or ◇ an infamous criminal not important or not relevant to what you
to feel extremely sad because someone hoarding food. position: ---------------------------------- are discussing or doing:
has died: ---------------------------------- ◇ immunity from prosecution inhabit ◇ an irrelevant remark
◇ I never had time to grieve properly. homage ---------------------------------- to live in a particular place: ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- something that someone does or says in impair ◇ The islands are inhabited by 177, 000 irreparable
gross order to show respect or admiration: to make something less good or effective, people. irreparable harm or damage is extremely
a gross amount of money is the total pay homage to: especially by causing damage that affects ---------------------------------- bad and cannot be repaired or improved:
amount before taxes or costs have been ◇ a memorial to pay homage to the the way something works: initial ◇ The disease does irreparable damage to
taken out: victims ◇ The condition does not seem to impair happening at the beginning of a process, the nervous system.
◇ a company with gross revenues of ---------------------------------- his ability to work. or when you first see or hear about ----------------------------------
$50,000,000 horizontal ---------------------------------- something: jeopardy
---------------------------------- straight and parallel to the ground: impartial ◇ At the initial stage of the project not in jeopardy
gruff ◇ Draw a horizontal line across the page. not connected to or influenced by one everyone had access to a computer. likely to be damaged or destroyed:
rude and unfriendly: BRUSQUE: ---------------------------------- particular person or group: ---------------------------------- ◇ His political career was in jeopardy.
◇ Don't let his gruff manner scare you hostile ◇ Judges need to be impartial at all innate ----------------------------------
away. behaving in a very unfriendly or times. an innate quality or ability is one that jurisdiction
---------------------------------- threatening way toward someone: ---------------------------------- you have always had: INHERENT: the right or power to make legal
hallowed ◇ The mayor found himself in the middle impromptu ◇ His innate sense of justice made him decisions:
considered very special and treated with of a hostile crowd. not planned or prepared: popular with his workforce. have jurisdiction over someone/something:
◇ This court does not have jurisdiction together: that you dislike this behavior: an advantage or good quality that ◇ a naive 17-year-old
over crimes committed in another state. ◇ The company has established a good ◇ Doug likes to kid everyone he's the big something has: ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- liaison with local communities. macho tough guy. ◇ I can see very little merit in this navigate
kowtow ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- approach. to choose a path so that a ship, airplane,
to try very hard to please someone, in a limb malice / A mls / B noun [uncount] ---------------------------------- or car can go in a particular direction,
way that other people find annoying: an arm or a leg: a strong feeling of wanting to hurt metamorphosis especially by using maps or instruments:
◇ He was a proud man who kowtowed to ◇ She rested her tired, aching limbs. someone or be unkind to them: a major change that makes someone or ◇ By law a harbor pilot must be on board
nobody. ---------------------------------- ◇ I say this without malice. something very different: to navigate the ship into port.
---------------------------------- limbo ◇ He has no malice towards Kevin. ◇ the metamorphosis of this tiny fishing ----------------------------------
labyrinth a situation or state where you are not ---------------------------------- village into an internationally famous negligent
a place where there are a lot of paths or certain and you have to wait to find out malignant holiday resort failing to give care or attention,
passages and you can easily become lost: what will happen next: spreading or developing in a way that is ---------------------------------- especially when this causes harm or
◇ a labyrinth of dark caves ◇ While she waits to hear if she has a not normal and is dangerous: militant damage:
---------------------------------- place at a college, Jess is in limbo. ◇ a malignant growth/tumor using extreme and sometimes violent ◇ The jury found the doctor criminally
laceration ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- methods to achieve political or social negligent.
a deep cut in someone's skin: literal manipulate change: ----------------------------------
◇ She had lacerations to her head and the literal meaning of a word is its most to influence someone or control ◇ The militant group claimed to have niche
back. basic meaning: something in a clever or dishonest way: killed two soldiers. a job or activity that you are good at and
---------------------------------- ◇ He is clearly not using the word "dead" ◇ He knows how to manipulate an ---------------------------------- that is very suitable for you:
lament in its literal sense. audience. mimic ◇ She's never really found her niche in
to show publicly that you feel sad or ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- to behave or work in the same way as life.
disappointed about something: loaf manual something else: ----------------------------------
◇ a family lamenting over their mother's bread in a long, round, or square shape a book containing instructions for doing ◇ computers with the ability to mimic nominate
death in the earthquake that you cut into SLICES (=thin flat something, especially for operating a human intelligence to officially suggest that someone should
---------------------------------- pieces) for eating: machine: ---------------------------------- be given a job, or that someone or
languish ◇ a loaf of bread ◇ an instruction/operating manual miscellaneous something should receive a prize:
to fail to be successful or to improve: ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- consisting of various kinds of people or ◇ Each team has to nominate a leader.
◇ Oil prices continue to languish at loathe manual things: ----------------------------------
$10.79 a barrel. to dislike someone or something very involving the use of your hands: ◇ a drawer full of miscellaneous items notorious
---------------------------------- much: DETEST: ◇ manual labor ◇ a miscellaneous collection of newspaper famous for something bad:
lapse ◇ I loathe having to get out of bed so ---------------------------------- articles ◇ a notorious criminal
a short or temporary period when you early on a Saturday. maternal ---------------------------------- ◇ The city is notorious for its
fail or forget to do things in the right ---------------------------------- relating to being a mother: moderate bumper-to-bumper traffic.
way: longevity ◇ maternal responsibilities neither very great nor very small in ----------------------------------
◇ The man admitted driving over the the fact of having a long life or ---------------------------------- amount, size, strength, or degree: novice
speed limit and apologized for the lapse. existence: mecca ◇ Cook the spinach over a moderate heat. someone who is just beginning to learn a
---------------------------------- ◇ a diet that promotes health and a place that a lot of people visit, because ◇ A moderate earthquake shook the San skill or subject: BEGINNER:
laudable longevity it is famous for something they want to Francisco bay area this afternoon. ◇ Climbing in the Himalayas is not for
deserving to be praised or admired: ---------------------------------- see or do: ---------------------------------- novices.
◇ a laudable aim/effort/performance lucid ◇ Nevada's gambling mecca provides fun modest ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- showing or telling something in a clear, and variety for all age groups. a modest person does not like to talk oasis
lavish simple way: ---------------------------------- about themselves, their achievements, or a place or situation that is much more
something that is lavish exists, is spent, ◇ a concise, lucid description media, the their abilities, even if they are successful: pleasant or peaceful than the places or
or is given in a very large amount, ---------------------------------- radio, television, newspapers, the ◇ Campese is genuinely modest about his situations around it:
especially if it costs a lot of money: lucrative Internet, and magazines, considered as a achievements. ◇ The garden was created as an oasis of
◇ a lavish dinner/lifestyle/garden bringing a lot of money: PROFITABLE: group: ---------------------------------- calm for employees.
---------------------------------- ◇ a lucrative business/deal/contract ◇ Both political parties have accused the momentum ----------------------------------
lax ---------------------------------- media of bias. progress or development that is becoming objective
not paying enough attention to rules, or lull ---------------------------------- faster or stronger: something that you plan to achieve,
not caring enough about quality or safety: to make someone relaxed enough to mediate ◇ the momentum towards economic and especially in business or work:
◇ worries about lax airport security sleep: to try to end a disagreement between political union in Europe ◇ I'm not sure I understand the objective
---------------------------------- ◇ The sound of rain falling soon lulled two people or groups: ---------------------------------- of this exercise.
legacy him to sleep. ◇ They mediate territorial disputes motive ----------------------------------
money or property that you arrange for ---------------------------------- between neighboring nations. the reason you do something: obligation
someone to have after you die: luminous ---------------------------------- ◇ Her motive was a genuine desire to something that you must do for legal or
◇ My grandmother died and left me a very bright: medley improve conditions. moral reasons:
small legacy. ◇ luminous pink flowers a piece of music consisting of a ---------------------------------- ◇ Buyers have no legal obligation to
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- collection of tunes or songs that someone mutiny disclose personal financial information.
lenient lurch plays or sings one after another: a refusal by a group to accept someone's ----------------------------------
if a person or system is lenient, they to move suddenly in a way that is not ◇ a Beatles medley authority, especially a group of soldiers or obliterate
punish someone less severely than they smooth or controlled: ---------------------------------- sailors: to destroy something completely:
could: ◇ Joe lurched drunkenly into the room. memento ◇ a prison mutiny ◇ The bombing raid has obliterated whole
◇ The judge was lenient with her as this ---------------------------------- something that you keep to remind you ◇ He drove the crew to the verge of villages.
was her first offence. lure of a particular person, place, or mutiny. ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- to persuade someone to do something by experience: ---------------------------------- oblivious
lest conjunction making it look very attractive: ◇ Crockett kept the coin as a memento of myth not noticing something or not knowing
in case something unpleasant happens: ◇ The campaign is designed to lure his trip. an ancient traditional story about gods, about it:
◇ Helen turned the radio down lest she tourists back to the province. ---------------------------------- HEROES, and magic: ◇ She seemed completely oblivious to the
should miss the phone ringing. ---------------------------------- menace ◇ Greek myths and legends noise around her.
---------------------------------- macho someone or something that is dangerous ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
liaison behaving in a way traditionally considered and likely to cause harm: naive obscure
the exchange of information between typical of a man, for example by being ◇ the growing menace of global pollution a naive person lacks experience of life not known about or not well known:
people or organizations, so that they strong and willing to fight, and by hiding ---------------------------------- and tends to trust other people and ◇ Details of this period of Shakespeare's
understand each other and work well your feelings. This word usually shows merit believe things too easily: life remain obscure.
---------------------------------- based on reason and cannot be controlled ---------------------------------- etc.: involving or affecting your mind:
obsolete by the person experiencing them: plea ◇ This year's outstanding tournament will ◇ Harry's problems are
no longer used because of being replaced ◇ a pathological liar an urgent or emotional request for do a lot to restore the competition's psychological than physical.
by something newer and more effective: ◇ a pathological fear of spiders something: prestige. ----------------------------------
◇ Most computer hardware rapidly ---------------------------------- ◇ The police ignored her pleas for help. ◇ The move was designed to enhance his qualms
becomes obsolete. patronize ---------------------------------- personal prestige. thoughts that what you are doing might
---------------------------------- to use a restaurant, bar, or other plight ---------------------------------- be bad or wrong:
obtrusive business: a sad, serious, or difficult situation: prevalent ◇ have no qualms about something (=not
attracting attention in a way that is not ◇ a good city restaurant patronized by ◇ the plight of the very common in a particular place or be worried about it at all): We didn't have
pleasant or welcome: loyal customers poor/homeless/unemployed among a particular group: any qualms about accepting the money.
◇ I would prefer a sign that's less ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ This negative attitude is surprisingly ----------------------------------
obtrusive. pending pompous prevalent among young boys. query
---------------------------------- waiting to be dealt with, settled, or someone who is pompous thinks they are ◇ the prevalent diseases in western a question that you ask because you
omen completed: very important and speaks or behaves in a society want information or because you are not
a sign that you believe shows whether ◇ The offer to buy is still pending. very serious and formal way. This word ---------------------------------- certain about something:
good or bad things will happen in the ◇ the pending case/agreement/charges shows you do not like people like this: previous ◇ We have a number of queries regarding
future: ---------------------------------- ◇ He's a pompous old windbag who loves a previous event, period, or thing delivery.
◇ I hope the rainbow is an omen of pensive the sound of his own voice. happened or existed before the one you ----------------------------------
what's to come. seeming to be thinking carefully about ---------------------------------- are talking about: quota
◇ He was convinced that seeing the black something, especially something sad or potent ◇ This issue was discussed in the an amount of something that someone is
cat was a bad omen. serious: if a drug, medicine, or chemical is potent, previous chapter. officially allowed to have or do:
---------------------------------- ◇ a pensive expression it has a strong effect: ---------------------------------- ◇ The government is planning to
omit ---------------------------------- ◇ The local wine is pretty potent. prime introduce quotas on sugar production.
to fail to include someone or something, perceptive ◇ a potent painkiller most important: PRIMARY: ----------------------------------
either deliberately or because you forget: able to notice or understand things ---------------------------------- ◇ Our prime concern was the safety of radical
◇ Important details had been omitted from quickly and easily: pragmatic our customers. a radical change or way of doing
the article. ◇ Children can be amazingly perceptive involving or emphasizing practical results ---------------------------------- something is new and very different from
---------------------------------- about adults' moods. rather than theories and ideas: prior the usual way:
orthodox ---------------------------------- ◇ a pragmatic approach to problem happening, existing, or done before a ◇ a more radical approach to social
accepted by most people as the correct perpendicular solving particular time: problems
or usual idea or practice: completely upright and straight: ◇ a pragmatic world leader ◇ Illegally parked cars may be removed ◇ a program of radical reforms in schools
◇ orthodox cancer treatment ◇ a line of perpendicular cliffs ---------------------------------- at any time without prior notice. ◇ a radical solution to the problem of
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- precarious ---------------------------------- juvenile crime
overt persecute likely to change or become dangerous profound ----------------------------------
not hidden or secret: to treat someone extremely badly or without warning: very great: rapport
◇ They have given overt support to the refuse them equal rights, especially ◇ a precarious ◇ a profound change in the climate of the a relationship in which people like,
new law. because of their race, religion, or political future/situation/position/existence Earth understand, and respect each other:
---------------------------------- beliefs: ◇ For the refugees life was always ◇ The difference between the beginners ◇ The doctor had an excellent rapport
overwhelm ◇ In those days, Christians were precarious. and the intermediate class was profound. with his patients.
to affect someone's emotions in a very persecuted by the government. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
powerful way: ---------------------------------- predominant profuse reap
◇ We were overwhelmed by the sacrifices persevere the most common or greatest in number existing or being produced in large to get something as a result of something
they had made. to continue trying to achieve something or amount: amounts: that you do:
---------------------------------- difficult: ◇ The predominant view was that she ◇ profuse apologies ◇ We will all reap the benefits of this
panache ◇ Police negotiators will persevere with was guilty. ---------------------------------- important research.
an impressive way of doing something their efforts to free the hostages. ---------------------------------- propaganda ----------------------------------
that shows great skill and confidence: ---------------------------------- prejudice information, especially false information, reconcile
◇ The first few songs are played with pertinent an unreasonable opinion or feeling, that a government or organization spreads if you reconcile two people or groups or
typical panache. relevant to something: especially the feeling of not liking a in order to influence people's opinions and they reconcile, they become friendly again
---------------------------------- ◇ He was determined to ask Mrs. particular group of people: beliefs: after a disagreement:
parallel McMahon a few pertinent questions. ◇ Jackson apologized, saying the song ◇ a piece of anti-government propaganda ◇ The couple has been making every
lines that are parallel are the same ---------------------------------- was supposed to illustrate the evils of ◇ a propaganda campaign/war/exercise effort to reconcile.
distance apart at every point along their pinnacle prejudice. ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
whole length: the most successful or exciting part of ◇ We've been working hard to overcome prose recount
◇ I drew two parallel lines around the someone's life: prejudice against women in politics. written language in its ordinary form, as to say what happened:
border of the drawing. ◇ This movie marked the pinnacle of her ---------------------------------- opposed to poetry: ◇ She recounted her conversation with
---------------------------------- acting career. premature ◇ She writes beautiful prose. Sam.
paranoid ---------------------------------- happening too soon or before the usual ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
worrying that people do not like you and pittance time: provincial rectify
are trying to harm you, although you have an amount of money that is so small that ◇ Alcohol is responsible for many of or relating to a province: to correct a problem or mistake, or make
no proof of this: it seems unfair: thousands of premature deaths each year. ◇ a provincial government/election/town a bad situation better:
◇ They're obviously paranoid about ◇ Sue gets paid an absolute pittance at ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ I am anxious to rectify this situation.
somebody copying their products. the coffee bar. preoccupied provocative ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- thinking about something so much or intended to start arguments between recur
passive placate spending so much time doing something people or to make people angry or upset: to happen again:
accepting what happens without trying to to stop someone from feeling angry or that you do not notice other things or ◇ a deliberately provocative remark ◇ We must make sure that the problem
control or change events or to react to offended by being nice to them or giving cannot think about other things: ---------------------------------- does not recur.
things: them what they want: PACIFY: ◇ Martin was too preoccupied with his proximity ----------------------------------
◇ a helpless and passive victim ◇ Efforts to placate local government own life to notice his daughter's problems. how near something is to another thing, redundant
◇ Watching television is a relatively officials have thus far failed. ---------------------------------- especially in distance or time: not needed:
passive activity. ---------------------------------- prestige ◇ the town's proximity to the mountains ◇ Computers have made our paper
---------------------------------- plaintive the high reputation and respect that ◇ All of my family live in close proximity. records redundant.
pathological a plaintive sound is high and sad: someone or something has earned, based ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
pathological behavior or feelings are not ◇ a plaintive melody/cry on their impressive achievements, quality, psychological refuge
a place you go to protect yourself from retort in tonight's program. planned or thought about: ◇ The study is too superficial for us to
something dangerous or threatening: to reply immediately in an angry or ---------------------------------- ◇ spontaneous applause/cheers reach any conclusion.
SHELTER: humorous way to something that someone sedate ◇ He was suddenly filled with tears of ----------------------------------
◇ a refuge for earthquake victims has said: quiet or slow, and not likely to shock spontaneous emotion. supernatural
◇ Residents took refuge from the bombing ◇ "Mind your own business!" she retorted. people or attract attention: ---------------------------------- used about things that seem to come
in the local church. ---------------------------------- ◇ a sedate neighborhood stagnant from a power such as magic and do not
---------------------------------- revel ◇ They continued at a more sedate pace. not growing or developing: have a natural or scientific explanation:
regime to celebrate or enjoy yourself in a lively ---------------------------------- ◇ a stagnant economy ◇ supernatural powers
a system or form of government: and noisy way, especially by singing, sedentary ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
◇ a military regime dancing, and drinking alcohol involving a lot of sitting and not much stamina superstition
---------------------------------- revel in exercise: the ability to work hard or make a lot of a belief that things such as magic or luck
rehabilitate to enjoy something very much: ◇ sedentary lifestyles effort over a long period of time without have the power to affect your life:
to help someone give up drugs or ◇ She is reveling in the adulation of the ◇ a sedentary office job getting tired: ◇ The belief that breaking a mirror will
alcohol, so that they can return to a media. ---------------------------------- ◇ I don't have the stamina to work all give you seven years of bad luck is just a
healthy, independent, and useful life: ---------------------------------- shrewd night. superstition.
◇ The new program is aimed at revere able to judge people and situations very ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
rehabilitating local heroin addicts. to have a lot of respect and admiration well and make good decisions: stimulate susceptible
---------------------------------- for someone or something: ◇ a shrewd politician to encourage something to happen, easily influenced or affected by
reimburse ◇ an ideology he once revered but ---------------------------------- develop, or improve: something:
to give back money that someone has ultimately rejected similar ◇ The government should do more to ◇ Police officers here are very
spent, for example on something relating ---------------------------------- things that are similar share some stimulate investment in the rural areas of susceptible to corruption.
to work: PAY BACK: rigorous qualities but are not exactly the same: the state. ----------------------------------
◇ The company will reimburse you for thorough and careful: ◇ We have similar hobbies and interests. ◇ new measures to stimulate the economy suspicion
your travel expenses. ◇ rigorous safety checks ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- a feeling that someone has done
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- simultaneous strenuous something wrong:
renounce risque happening or done at the same time: a strenuous activity is one in which it is ◇ She had a suspicion that Mr. Engel was
to state formally that you no longer likely to offend some people, especially ◇ In simultaneous announcements, the two necessary for you to use a lot of effort, not being completely honest.
believe in something or support something: by referring to sex: men resigned from their jobs. energy, or strength: ----------------------------------
◇ No progress will be made until the ◇ a risque joke ---------------------------------- ◇ The job involves strenuous work and sympathy
terrorists renounce violence. ◇ I think the movie's a little too risque skirmish long hours. a natural feeling of kindness and
---------------------------------- for my mom. a fight, especially one that is away from ◇ strenuous exercise understanding that you have for someone
renowned ---------------------------------- the main fighting in a war: ---------------------------------- who is experiencing something very
famous and admired for a special skill or rite ◇ An officer was killed in a skirmish withstudious unpleasant:
achievement: a traditional ceremony, especially a guerillas. tending to study and read a lot: ◇ The movie describes, with considerable
◇ a renowned artist/writer/sprinter religious one: ---------------------------------- ◇ a quiet studious young man sympathy, the problems faced by economic
◇ The program includes a performance by ◇ funeral rites slander ---------------------------------- migrants.
the world-renowned Berlin Philharmonic ---------------------------------- something bad that you say about subconscious ----------------------------------
Orchestra. rustic someone that is not true and may damage relating to thoughts or feelings that you synthetic
---------------------------------- typical of the simple style of the their reputation: have but do not think about, or do not made from artificial materials or
reprimand countryside: ◇ What you said about Barbara is cruel realize you have: substances, not from natural ones:
to tell someone officially and in a serious ◇ We ate in a rustic inn near the ocean. and vicious slander. ◇ Your dislike of water is perhaps due to ◇ synthetic fabrics
way that something they have done is ◇ a rustic charm virtually unchanged ---------------------------------- a subconscious fear of drowning. ◇ synthetic hormones
wrong: through the centuries solemn ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
◇ He was severely reprimanded by the ---------------------------------- involving serious behavior or serious subdue tedious
authorities for his inappropriate behavior. sabotage attitudes: to hold someone and make them stop boring and continuing for too long:
---------------------------------- deliberate damage done to the property ◇ funerals and other solemn occasions behaving in an uncontrolled or violent ◇ a tedious job
reserve of an enemy or opponent: ◇ His face looked strangely solemn. way: ----------------------------------
a supply of something that a country or ◇ Was the explosion an act of sabotage? ---------------------------------- ◇ It took three police officers to subdue temperate
an organization can use when they need ---------------------------------- solicit him. a temperate CLIMATE or region is never
to: sarcastic to ask people for something such as ---------------------------------- extremely hot or extremely cold:
◇ Germany's coal reserves were using sarcasm to upset someone or to money or support: subsequent ◇ temperate countries/regions/zones
concentrated in a few large fields. show anger: ◇ The organization decided to solicit aid happening or coming after something ◇ temperate weather
---------------------------------- ◇ Alan can be very sarcastic. for the new campaign. else: ----------------------------------
resignation ◇ She made some sarcastic comment ◇ time spent soliciting funds from ◇ In subsequent interviews, Steele has tentative
the act of leaving a job permanently: about my clothes. overseas investors contradicted his original story. not definite or not certain:
◇ a letter of resignation ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ Reed was disqualified subsequent to ◇ a tentative agreement/deal
◇ Rebel groups have demanded the scanty solitary failing a drugs test. ----------------------------------
immediate resignation of the government. not much and less than is needed: tending to spend a lot of time alone: ---------------------------------- thwart
---------------------------------- ◇ We have only received scanty ◇ a largely solitary bird subtle to prevent someone from doing something
resolute information so far. ---------------------------------- not obvious, and therefore difficult to they want to do:
extremely determined: ---------------------------------- sophisticated notice: ◇ The leaders were determined to thwart
◇ a resolute opponent scoff knowing and understanding a lot about a ◇ a subtle scent of lilacs her.
---------------------------------- to laugh or say things to show that you subject: ◇ I detected a subtle change in his ----------------------------------
resolve think someone or something is stupid or ◇ Consumers are getting more attitude toward us. timid
to make a formal decision, usually after a deserves no respect: sophisticated and more demanding. ---------------------------------- shy and nervous:
discussion and a vote at a meeting: ◇ It's easy to scoff when you haven't ---------------------------------- succumb ◇ She gave me a timid smile.
◇ The committee resolved to review the tried it yourself. speculate to lose your ability to fight against ◇ a timid animal
overall level of spending. ◇ Economic analysts scoff at claims that to consider or discuss why something has someone or something, and allow them to ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- inflation is on the rise. happened: control or persuade you: tolerance
resume ---------------------------------- ◇ We can only speculate on the reasons ◇ First they said no, but eventually they the attitude of someone who is willing to
to start something again after stopping scrutiny for his sudden resignation. succumbed. accept other people's beliefs, way of life,
temporarily: careful examination of someone or ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- etc. without criticizing them even if they
◇ Shall we resume after lunch? something: spontaneous superficial disagree with them:
---------------------------------- ◇ The diet industry comes under scrutiny happening in a natural way without being not complete or thorough: CURSORY: ◇ We need to show greater tolerance
toward each other. ◇ She was unconscious but still breathing ◇ one of the world's most venerable negative emotion, especially because you
---------------------------------- when the ambulance arrived. institutions want sympathy from other people:
torment ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ George still seems determined to
severe physical or mental pain that undermine verdict wallow in self-pity.
someone suffers, often caused deliberately to make something or someone become an official judgment made in a court ----------------------------------
by someone else: gradually less effective, confident, or about whether someone is guilty of a warrant
◇ Her eyes revealed the torment in her successful: crime: a document written by a judge that gives
mind. ◇ Britain was accused of undermining ◇ a unanimous verdict the police permission to do something, for
---------------------------------- international efforts to reduce pollution. ◇ The jury took 16 hours to reach a example to arrest someone or to search a
toxic ◇ Their trading position has been verdict. house:
poisonous and harmful to people, animals, seriously undermined by the minister's ---------------------------------- ◇ We have a warrant to search the house
or the environment: remarks. verify for drugs.
◇ highly toxic industrial chemicals ---------------------------------- to check or prove that something is true ◇ an arrest warrant
---------------------------------- uneasy or correct: ◇ The court issued a warrant for his
transcribe someone who feels uneasy feels slightly ◇ There was no way to verify his claims. arrest.
to write, type, or record something nervous, worried, or upset about ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
exactly as it was said: something: versatile wary
◇ transcribing their testimony for the ◇ Parents are uneasy about giving this able to be used in many different ways: careful or nervous about someone or
court records medication to their children. ◇ This versatile summer jacket is a great something because you think they might
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- buy. cause a problem: LEERY:
transpose unfounded ---------------------------------- ◇ He was wary of putting too much trust
to change the order or position of not supported with facts or evidence: vertical in her.
something: ◇ These allegations are totally unfounded. standing, pointing, or moving straight up. ----------------------------------
◇ Children often transpose letters when ---------------------------------- Something that is horizontal is parallel to weary
trying to spell new words. unkempt the ground or its base: showing that you are very tired:
---------------------------------- dirty and messy: ◇ vertical lines ◇ He rested his head on his hand with a
trauma ◇ Joe arrived at work unshaven and ◇ The pilots were being trained in weary gesture.
a bad experience that makes you feel unkempt. vertical take-off. ----------------------------------
very upset, afraid, or shocked: ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- wince
◇ a series of childhood traumas unwieldy vice versa to react to something with a sudden
◇ Some soldiers never recover from the too big or complicated to work well: the opposite of what has been said: expression on your face that shows you
trauma of battle. ◇ an unwieldy ◇ Should I come to your house or vice are embarrassed or feel pain:
---------------------------------- bureaucracy/system/process versa? ◇ Her father used to wince at her
turbulent ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- appearance.
a turbulent situation, place, or period is upheaval vigorous ----------------------------------
one in which there is a lot of uncontrolled a sudden or violent change, especially full of energy, enthusiasm, or witness
change: one that affects people's lives: determination: someone who sees a crime, accident, or
◇ the recent turbulent history of the ◇ There have been massive upheavals in ◇ We need a vigorous campaign to other event happen:
Russian people the telecommunications industry. reduce deaths on the roads. ◇ Witnesses reported hearing two
---------------------------------- ◇ political/social/economic upheaval ◇ 20 minutes of vigorous exercise gunshots.
tycoon ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
a rich and powerful person who is upholstery virulent woo
involved in business or industry: cloth or leather used for covering chairs a virulent illness is very dangerous, and to try to persuade people to support you
◇ a media tycoon and SOFAS: affects people very quickly: or buy something from you, especially by
---------------------------------- ◇ leather upholstery ◇ an especially virulent form of malaria saying and doing nice things:
tyrant ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ Supermarkets are trying to woo
someone who rules a country in a cruel vague vivacious customers by cutting prices.
and unfair way: not clearly or fully explained: lively and attractive: ◇ The party is clearly trying to woo
◇ The country was ruled by a brutal ◇ Some aspects of the law were ◇ a vivacious and charming lady women voters.
tyrant. somewhat vague and ill-defined. ◇ a vivacious personality ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- ◇ Witnesses gave only a vague ---------------------------------- yield
ulcer description of the driver. volition to produce something useful such as
a sore area on the inside of an organ in ---------------------------------- the power or ability to decide something information or evidence:
your body or on your skin that sometimes vain by yourself and take action to get what ◇ Knowing about our past does not
BLEEDS or produces a poisonous someone who is vain is very proud and you want. A more usual word is will: automatically yield solutions to our current
substance: thinks they are very attractive or special: ◇ Did he come of his own volition? problems.
◇ a stomach ulcer CONCEITED: ---------------------------------- ◇ yield results/benefits: The search for
---------------------------------- ◇ He was vain about his looks, spending voluntary truth is beginning to yield fruitful results.
unanimous hours in the gym. a voluntary action is done because you ----------------------------------
a unanimous decision, vote, agreement, ---------------------------------- choose to do it, and not because you have zeal
etc. is one that everyone agrees with and veer to: a lot of energy, effort, and enthusiasm:
supports: to suddenly move in a different direction: ◇ an attractive package to encourage ◇ religious/revolutionary zeal
◇ The board made a unanimous decision ◇ The Volkswagen veered off the road voluntary early retirement ◇ In their zeal to industrialize, they got
to reject the recommendations. and crashed into a fence. ◇ The advertising of alcoholic drinks is rid of too many farms.
◇ a unanimous vote of confidence ---------------------------------- regulated by a voluntary code. ----------------------------------
---------------------------------- velocity ----------------------------------
unbridled the speed that something moves at in one vulnerable << 끝 >>
free or uncontrolled in your emotions: direction: someone who is vulnerable is weak or 총 468 단어
◇ She spoke with unbridled passion. ◇ a device for measuring wind velocity easy to hurt physically or mentally:
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ The government must help the most 예문 없는 단어는 정리하지 않았다 .
unconscious venerable vulnerable groups in our society. OALD 에 비해 예문이 없는 단어가 많았다 .
in a condition similar to sleep in which very old and wise or respected: ----------------------------------
you do not see, feel, or think, usually ◇ a portrait of a venerable white-bearded wallow (OALD 는 572 단어가 정리되었다 , 104 단어 차이가 난다 .)
because you are injured: statesman wallow in to spend a lot of time feeling a