LP 9
LP 9
LP 9
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates Special Holiday (All Saints Day)
understanding of the underlying understanding of the underlying understanding of the underlying understanding of the underlying
concepts and principles in concepts and principles in concepts and principles in concepts and principles in
maintaining computer and maintaining computer and maintaining computer and maintaining computer and
networks systems. networks systems. networks systems. networks systems.
B. Performance The learner independently The learner independently The learner independently The learner independently Special Holiday (All Saints Day)
Standards: demonstrates skills in computer demonstrates skills in computer demonstrates skills in computer demonstrates skills in computer
and network systems as and network systems as and network systems as and network systems as
prescribed by TESDA Training prescribed by TESDA Training prescribed by TESDA Training prescribed by TESDA Training
Regulations. Regulations. Regulations. Regulations.
C. Learning Plan and prepare for Plan and prepare for Plan and prepare for Plan and prepare for Special Holiday (All Saints Day)
Competencies/ Objectives: maintenance of computer maintenance of computer maintenance of computer maintenance of computer
systems and networks systems and networks systems and networks systems and networks
Write the LC code for each
III. LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used in different days. Varied resources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson an in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials
as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References Information and Information and Information and Information and Information and
Communications Technology Communications Technology Communications Technology Communications Technology Communications Technology
CHS 10 CHS 10 CHS 10 CHS 10 CHS 10
1. Teacher’s Guide 72-75 72-75 72-75 72-75
2. Learner’s Materials
187-195 187-195 187-195 187-195
3. Text book Pages
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that the students will learn will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students
which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing the students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their
IV. PROCEDURES learning processes and draw conclusion about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing Previous
Lesson or Presenting New Review the different safety Review the different safety Review the different safety Review the different safety
Lesson precautions precautions precautions precautions
B. Establishing a Purpose The purpose of this lesson is The purpose of this lesson is The purpose of this lesson is The purpose of this lesson is
for the Lesson to know the preventive to know the preventive to know the preventive to know the preventive
maintenance procedure in maintenance procedure in maintenance procedure in maintenance procedure in
ICT Lab, equipment’s and ICT Lab and the peripherals ICT Lab and the peripherals ICT Lab and the peripherals
peripherals (5min) (5min) (5min) (5min)
C. Presenting Present to them the checklist Present a video clips that Present another video clips
Show video on
Examples/Instances of the (self-assessment test) shows on how to maintain in that shows on how to
Lesson condition the equipment and maintain in condition the
peripherals. (5min) equipment and peripherals. )
D. Discussing New Guide the learners in Show images of an ideal Present to the learners the
Concepts and Practicing identifying the different computer laboratory different maintenance
New Skills maintenance procedures in atmosphere. Get a picture of procedures in taking care of Present to the learners the
taking care of computers. a well-setup computer computers. (20min) different maintenance
laboratory of a school or procedures in taking care of
university in your computers. (20min)
community. Ask their best
practices (20min)
E. Developing Mastery Activity: Activity: Activity:
(Leads To Formative The teacher will give an The teacher will give an The teacher let the students Activity:
Assessment 3) activity. activity. (sample monitoring to create their own The teacher will give an
plan) monitoring plan activity.
F. Finding Practical Identifying real-life situations Identifying real-life situations Identifying real-life situations Identifying real-life situations
Application of Concepts which illustrate conceptual which illustrate conceptual which illustrate conceptual which illustrate conceptual
and Skills in Daily Living understanding in preventive understanding in preventive understanding in preventive understanding in preventive
maintenance procedure of maintenance procedure of maintenance procedure of maintenance procedure of
equipments in ICT lab. (5min) equipments in ICT lab. (5min equipments in ICT lab. (5min equipments in ICT lab. (5min
G. Making Generalization - What are the different steps -Why do we need to learn What are the steps in a - How you are going to -
and Abstractions about to maintain computer those steps? systematic maintenance plan delete your temporary files?
the lesson systems and networks in for your software?
good condition?
H. Evaluating Learning The students will answer the The students will create a The students will install or The students will delete
checklist on page 190. monitoring plan. secure password temporary files.
Continuation of the lesson … Continuation of the lesson … Continuation of the lesson … Continuation of the lesson …
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why
did this work?
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