Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 1
Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 1
Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 1
a • Technical report on SS7 vulnerabilities and mitigation measures for digital financial services transactions
b • Technical report on SS7 vulnerabilities and mitigation measures for digital financial services transactions
This report is a product of the FIGI Security, Infrastructure and Trust Working Group, led
by the International Telecommunication Union.
The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessar-
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Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
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Special thanks to the members of the Security, Infrastructure and Trust Working Group
for their comments and feedback.
For queries regarding the report, please contact Mr Vijay Mauree at ITU
Executive Summary��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
2 Glossary of Terms����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
3 Introduction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
3.1 Overview nature of the risks and vulnerabilities������������������������������������������������������� 11
3.2 Methodologies and Approaches Used In This Report�������������������������������������������� 12
10 Overall Conclusions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a new type are mapped within a taxonomy to particular layers
of secure database or ledger using crypto-graph- within DLT designs: network, consensus, data model,
ic techniques. The data is consensually distributed, execution, application, and external layers. These are
replicated and housed by ‘nodes,’ who may be across followed by discussions of potential mitigants and
multiple sites, countries, or institutions. Often there recommendations.
is no centralized controller of a DLT, with DLTs then We note that while some of these risks and vul-
said to be ‘decentralized’ and ‘trustless.’ All the infor- nerabilities emanate from the non-DLT world, many
mation on it is securely and accurately stored using emanate from the abundance of new blockchain pro-
cryptography and can be accessed using keys and tocols that attempt to vary the initial design with new
cryptographic signatures. The most prominent of the features and complex logic to implement them. This
evolving DLT types is called a ‘blockchain,’ whereby is exacerbated by the distributed nature of DLTs and
data is stored on sequentially added ‘blocks.’ The the associated wide attack surface; a rush to imple-
concept first appeared in 2008-2009 with a white- ment solutions that are not properly tested or which
paper on the crypto-currency Bitcoin. are developed by inexperienced developers; and
DLTs show potential multiple use in a financial third-party dependencies on often insecure exter-
inclusion context, from secure (and thus tamper-ev- nal data inputs - known as ‘oracles - to blockchains.
ident) disbursement of funds in aid programs; to Crypto-exchanges have been particularly vulnerable
secure and transparent access to assets and records because poor security policies, with hundreds of mil-
of property; use in agricultural value chains to track lions of dollars of user value stolen by hackers.
seed usage and spoilt food; raising of funds as a type Further, attempts by the flavors of DLTs to address
of ‘decentralized finance;’ shortening the payment inherent design handicaps in initial generations of
time for small farmers who sell internationally; for DLTs – now often termed Blockchain 1.0, or Lay-
fast and more affordable remittances; a means of er 1, or main-nets - of low scalability and low pro-
forestalling de-risking of developing world financial cessing speeds, buttress what is now known as the
institutions by global banks; as a supervisory tech- blockchain ‘trilemma’ that represents a widely held
nique for regulators; to secure identities that can be belief that the use of DLTs presents a tri-directional
used to access funds and credit. compromise in that increasing speed of a DLT may
Representation of values stored on a DLT are introduce security risks, or that increasing security
‘crypto-assets’ stored in ‘token’ form which can be reduces processing speed.
traded at so-called crypto-exchanges that also store Policy makers may have a role in DLT deployments
the keys on behalf of the token owner. Altogether, in so far they could develop (or even mandate) prin-
these activities reflect the genesis of what may be ciples rather than specific technologies or standards
termed the ‘crypto-economy.’ that those involved in developing and implementing
However - and as with most technology inno- DLTs need to abide by. Security audits for example
vations - a number of evolving security risks are could be mandatory, as well as two-factor authenti-
emerging with DLTs, reflective of the new actors, cation (2FA) methodologies if available in a particu-
technologies and products. Often many of these new lar environment.
actors are start-ups who do not necessarily have the This report enumerates many of these DLT-de-
resources - or inclination - for assessing and acting rived security issues as seen from a developmental
on any security or compliance-related issues. and financial inclusion prism. It details a number of
The key security risks and vulnerabilities identi- security threats per layer and risk profile, and then
fied in this study include those relating to software develops approaches and recommendations for sets
development flaws; DLT availability; transaction and of users and regulators for overcoming these chal-
data accuracy; key management; data privacy and lenges. This also includes a recommendations for
protection; safety of funds; consensus in adding data entities building and operating distributed ledger
to a DLT; and in use of what are known as ‘smart con- platforms internally in the developing sector.
tracts.’ These and other security risks enumerated
3.1 Overview nature of the risks and vulnerabilities consensus - by a specific number of nodes will new
Distributed ledger technology (DLT) is a new type of data be added to a DLT system.
secure database or ledger that is replicated across But while there are ground-breaking new technol-
multiple sites, countries, or institutions with no ogies such as smart contracts associated with DLTs,
centralized controller. In essence, this is a new way they have in many cases ported security issues from
of keeping track, securely and reliably, of who owns a the ‘centralized’ non-DLT world, as well as created
financial, physical, or digital asset. The most popular new sets of vulnerabilities particular to the compo-
incarnation of DLT is called a blockchain, of which a nents of DLT-based ecosystems. In many cases the
number of varieties have been developed. vulnerabilities are caused by simple coding errors
The emergence of DLTs and various types of dis- and exploitation thereof by bad actors. While we
tributed ledgers (DLs) has led to a wellspring of enumerate a number of security-related risks and
development of ostensibly decentralized ecosystems vulnerabilities, standard risk considerations apply.
using protocols such as blockchain. The idea is that These include strategic; reputational; operational,
the system is ‘trustless,’ pivoting around the concept business continuity; information security; regulatory;
of a consensus mechanism provided by distributed information technology; contractual; and supplier.
‘nodes’ that replaces the need to have a trusted cen- This report canvasses broadly the security aspects
tral party controlling data and its use. Trust is placed of and threats to DLTs and its variants, alongside the
in these ‘nodes’ on a decentralized bases, who must risks, and vulnerabilities. Some of the vulnerabilities
give consent for data to be placed on a ledger. Data canvassed include entities and individuals who con-
is placed on a DL by ‘miners’ or their equivalent. The nect to the network, which includes consumers and
algorithmic consensus process that facilitates this is merchants; miners, validators, forgers, minters who
the (new) trust agent. process and confirm – ‘mine’- transactions on the a
DLTs are theoretically secured via cryptograph- DL network; and sets of rules governing the opera-
ic keys that allow access to adding and/or viewing tion of the network, its participants and which blocks
data on a DL indicate whether data has been tamped are added to the chain.
with, and through the use of a range of ‘consensus Clearly then - as with the emergence of the com-
protocols’ by which the nodes in the network agree mercial internet in the 1990s – there are still a num-
on a shared history. Only if there is agreement – a ber of ‘teething problems, but notably great resourc-
While there are now a number of trilemmas, the original ‘blockchain trilemma’ developed by Ethereum founder Vitalik
Buterin shows that two but not all three conditions may exist at the same time. Security and scalability of a DLT is a
common feature of a number of ‘trilemmas.’2
es are being focused by a burgeoning DLT industry its underlying technology and traded under the tick-
globally on solving any security vulnerabilities that er symbol BTC.
are emerging. High-profile security hacks that have To illustrate the loci of the attacks from threat vec-
led to losses for users, as well as initiatives to deploy tors, we use an adapted version of a published9 DLT
DLT solutions in enterprises, central banks and the architecture using a layered approach. These layers
wider economy have all added to the impetus for are shown in Figure 4. These layers are integrated
getting in front of and finding solutions to any vul- into the most prominent security concerns, based
nerabilities. on those threats, risks and vulnerabilities that this
Cyber-security challenges are far greater in what report identifies as having the most coincidence to
are called public, permissionless DLTs where there financial inclusion, shown in Figure 5. Each threat
are no walled gardens which only allow access to and attack is described in terms of its effect on
known, trusted participants. This creates a challeng- one or more of these abstract layers. Where possi-
ing environment where everyone has access but no ble, mitigation measures and recommendations are
one can be trusted. described cumulatively for each threat and its cor-
While the flavors of blockchain are all addressing responding vulnerability and risk. Context of each
low scalability3 and low processing speed issues,4 threat described will indicate whether the mitigant/
all related to the so-called blockchain ‘trilemma’5 – recommendation applies to entities running DLTs,
shown in Figure 1 - representing a widely held belief end customers, regulators, or developers of DLTs – or
that the use of blockchain technology presents a to a multitude of these actors. Annex D summarizes
tri-directional compromise in efforts to increase the threats to these layers alongside the concerns.
scalability, security and decentralization6 and that Given space constraints and readability, the secu-
all three cannot be maximized at one time. That rity components discussed in this paper do not rep-
is, increasing the level of one factor results in the resent the totality of all published security issues
decrease of another.7 related to DLTs and the crypto-economy, but the
most prominent and proximate to financial services
3.2 Methodologies and Approaches Used In This and a developing world context.
Report Research for this paper was conducted through
This report embraces and uses the technical term desktop research and direct interactions by the
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to describe all author with regulators and ecosystem develop-
distributed ledgers, no matter what underlying DLT ers and participants, as well as other experts. The
technology or protocol is used.8 Where needed, the author thanks them for their invaluable and forth-
term blockchain is used interchangeably with DLT as right insights.
the primary exemplar of DLTs. The technologies cited, as well as any laws, poli-
Overall, unless otherwise stated, any reference to cies, and regulations cited are as of May 31, 2019.
‘Bitcoin’ is to what is now known as Bitcoin Core and
4.1 What is Distributed Ledger Technology? tained through synchronization of the nodes, so that
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a new type the information on each node precisely matches
of secure database or ledger that is replicated across each other node. In blockchain terms, adding blocks
multiple sites, countries, or institutions with often no to a chain is called ‘mining’. In public blockchains, a
centralized controller. In essence, this is a new way reward system has been established to incentivize
of keeping track of who owns a financial, physical, or miners to efficiently place these blocks on a chain.
electronic asset. Because of the computer processing power often
The concept of DLTs emerged from the introduc- required to do so, mining activity is often provided
tion of the ‘blockchain’ in 2008-200910 through the by large mining ‘pools.’ Because nodes are often
launch of the crypto-currency11 Bitcoin.12 Bitcoin’s anonymous, there is said to be a need for ‘consen-
decentralized transaction authentication rests on sus’ between the nodes before a mined block can be
blockchain approaches: It records in a digital ledger added to a chain. The veracity of the data within a
every transaction made in that currency in identical new block is not checked though: just that the block
copies of a ledger which are replicated – distributed itself is able to be added.15
- amongst the currency’s users - nodes - on a chain The types of consensus mechanisms are outlined
of data blocks.13 in Annex A, with the majority using the resource and
DLT is commonly used as a term of art by those power-intensive ‘proof of work’ (POW) mechanism
in the technology development community as the first outlined in the Bitcoin blockchain. Many DLTs
generic high-level descriptor for any distributed, are moving towards the more energy efficient Proof
encrypted database and application that is shared of Stake (POS) consensus protocol and its variants.
by an industry or private consortium, or which is Where the technology allows, a consensus mecha-
open to the public.14 Blockchain is one – but the most nism will often be chosen to reflect the task of the
popular - of types of DLT. Distributed refers then to DLT, for example to ensure payment finality in a cen-
the ‘nodes’ – as they are called in blockchain - while tral bank DLT, who often use DLTs based on Byzan-
decentralized refers to the control/governance. tine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus type.
Where the nodes are unknown, the DLT system is The manner in which consensus for proposed
said to be ‘trustless.’ Both concepts have risk and changes to the ledger is reached defines the type
security components to them, discussed below. of blockchain.16 If the process is open to everyone -
DLTs generally integrate a number of innovations such as with Bitcoin17 - then the ledger is said to be
which include: database (ledger) entries that can- ‘permissionless’, and the DLT has no owner. If par-
not be reversed or otherwise modified, the ability to ticipants in that process are preselected, the ledger
grant granular permissions, automated data synchro- is said to be ‘permissioned.’18 Permissionless block-
nization, rigorous privacy and security capabilities, chains allow any party without any vetting to partic-
process automation, and transparency, such that any ipate in the network, while permissioned blockchains
attempts at changes to entries will notify others. Its are formed by consortiums or an administrator who
primary disruptive attribute is that it is decentralized evaluate the participation of an entity on the block-
and therefore not dependent on a central controller chain framework.19 These may also be public20 or pri-
or storer of the data. vate. The sharing data can be controlled, depending
The nodes in a blockchain eliminate the need for on the blockchain type. That is, while data may be on
third party intermediaries in favor of distribution of the blockchain, it may only be visible to (and/or edit-
the data across participant nodes. This means that able for) those with an appropriate cryptographic
every participant node can keep - share - a copy of key. Layers of permissions for different types of users
the blockchain. The blockchain updates the nodes may be necessary. There are hybrid iterations though,
automatically every time a new ‘transaction’ occurs. with some privacy-type components for DLTs called
Accuracy of the information added to blocks is main- zero-knowledge proofs being built atop even the
Table 1: ‘Layer 2’ solutions used to complement and enhance Layer 1 main-net blockchains,
typically available online, such as from a standard 4.4 Processing Costs of Distributed Applications
API from an information service provider. and Risk Components
• Hardware: Data resulting from the physical world, To execute transactions – such as smart contracts
such as tracking a package in the mail or an item – on a public blockchain, payment must be made
as a result of an RFID scan, which may use Trusted to those undertaking computing processes to add
Execution Environments (TEE) – reporting read- ‘blocks’ to the blockchain. An incentive for doing so
ings of hardware without compromising on data is required.49 In the case of the Ethereum blockchain
security.45 – specifically its core Ethereum It’s worth mention-
• Incoming/Inbound: Provision of data inbound ing that in April the ETH mainnet got sooooo loaded
from an external source. that the gas required to write a block soared to ~230
• Outgoing: Sends outgoing messages or signals ETH (!), that is a major problem…since the more load
to an external source as a result of what occurs on an infra, the higher is the block cost, thus limiting
on the blockchain network, e.g. a locker may be throughput and lowering the usage. This is actually
opened after payment of Ether is confirmed on a game theory restriction that by-design keeps the
the Ethereum network. usage of the infra low (!) Virtual Machine (EVM) – the
• Consensus/Decentralized Oracles: A decentral- cost of this incentive to miners to add the blocks is
ized system which queries multiple oracle sourc- called ‘gas.’50 The more complex the transaction steps
es with a consensus mechanism used to reach an to be performed, usually the higher51 the ‘gas’ fee.52
acceptable outcome. While a decentralized oracle DDOS attacks on a DLT though can ‘scramble’ the
model could be used (see below), its feasibility block additions, requiring owners to expend ‘gas‘53
may be challenged by (i) the need for a standard- fees on reverting the DLT to the same state pre the
ized data format across each oracle; and (ii) result DDOS attack.54
in substantial additional fee costs to the providers As this can be infinite time - because of the ‘Tur-
of each oracle and data source. (But see solutions ing Complete’ nature of Ethereum55 - so and use up
providers below.) unlimited computational power, the developers of
The stylized ‘crypto-economy,’ using crypto-assets and ‘wrapped’ in applicable laws and regulations. Actors here are those
involved in any process which generates, values, issues, stores, or trades a crypto-asset. Key: UT = Utility Tokens; ST = Secu-
rity Tokens; CC = Crypto-currencies; ICO = Initial Coin Offering; IEO = Initial Exchange Offering; DLT = Distributed Ledger
Technologies; dApps = Distributed Applications
Box 1:
South Africa: New fintech unit of the central bank101
The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) established a fintech task force in 2018 to monitor and promote
fintech innovation to assist them in developing appropriate policy frameworks for FinTech regulation.
Security Aspects: The taskforce reviewed SARB’s position on crypto-currencies, especially regulatory
issues concerning cyber-security, taxation, consumer protection and AML, and will scope out a regula-
tory sandbox and innovation accelerator. The taskforce launched ‘Project Khokha’ in partnership with
US-based DLT technology provider, ConsenSys to assess the risks and benefits of DLT use.
Billions of dollars are being spent on applications of Table 3 shows indicative current uses or tests
DLTs, from new national ID systems where a person of DLTs in developing countries. Annex C provides
can be provided with a unique ID that they can share; additional examples of use of DLTs in developing
to tracking of assets; to settlement of financial trans- countries from a financial inclusion focus.
actions; to digital rights management; and to the As noted earlier, smart contracts that are self-exe-
development of crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin.125 cuting and embedded into a blockchain can enforce
Currently, the foundational layer and infrastructure legal contracts containing multiple assets and
necessary to support a rich ecosystem of DLT-based enforcement or performance triggers. As Figure 3
applications and services is being established. The shows, this could relate, for example, a smart con-
robustness of the technology has piqued the interest tract that provides insurance for crop failure where-
of financial institutions, regulators, central banks, and by small farmers in developing countries are auto-
governments who are now exploring the possibilities matically paid out by insurance companies based on
of using DLTs to streamline a plethora of different externally-derived micro-climate pattern data linked
public services.126 The reduction of agency costs and to the smart contract that over a period, signals
auditable traceability using DLTs may help to facili- drought conditions.
tate trade as well as ensure compliance with specific
goals regarding sustainability and inclusion.127
Use of a smart contracts for insurance for crop failure, whereby small farmers are automatically paid out by insurance
companies based on externally-derived micro-climate pattern data linked to the smart contract that over a period, sig-
nals drought conditions. Trends in mobile base station129 interconnectivity statistics can indicate the degree of rainfall in a
micro-region. Similarly, Oxfam launched its ‘BlocRice’130 blockchain supply chain solution for rice, which aims to use smart
contracts to provide transparency and security between rice growers in Cambodia and purchasers in the Netherlands and
should expand to 5,000 farms by 2022.
Security Aspects: Vulnerabilities in oracles and the smart contracts they link to make result in incorrect payments to farm-
ers or other persons.
8.1 General Security Risks and Concerns in Use of the data itself. Zero knowledge proof algorithms
DLTs may solve this in some cases. Blockchain thus only
While DLT designs lend themselves to a tamper-evi- addresses a record’s authenticity by confirming the
dent motif, as noted above, the nascent DLT ecosys- party or parties submitting a record, the time and
tem also offers a rich attack source for directly date of its submission, and the contents of the record
stealing value – as tokens - from ‘wallets’, disrupting at the time of submission, and not the reliability or
the use of a DL, and potentially changing data on a accuracy of the records contained in the blockchain.
DL. In many cases these are specific threat vectors These records may in fact be encrypted. If a docu-
designed to exploit a vulnerability inherent in the ment containing false information is hashed – added
design of a DL and its internal and external compo- to the blockchain - as part of a properly formatted
nents. There have been very high-profile intrusions transaction, the network will and must validate it.
into the ‘exchanges’ that store crypto-currencies, That is, as long as the correct protocols are utilized,
resulting in huge loses for owners of these values.131 the data inputted will be accepted by the nodes on
But while Bitcoin storage facilities have been com- a blockchain.
promised, there are no reports to date of the Bitcoin This is the DLT incarnation of the unfortunate
blockchain itself being compromised. That is, com- mantra of ‘garbage data in, garbage data out’ which
promised in the sense that data on the blockchain is usually characteristic of some databases in the
was altered without consensus of all the user nodes non-DLT world. The possibility has also been raised
in the blockchain. There were however 3 forks of the of an individual participant on a blockchain show-
original Bitcoin blockchain called BitCoin Cash, Bit- ing their users an altered version of their data whilst
Coin Gold and BitCoin SV, which some believe qualify simultaneously showing the unedited (genuine) ver-
as a compromise. sion to the other participant nodes on the blockchain
Although the data on a blockchain is said to network.132
be secure, and any data input authenticated, the While integration of IoT devices with DLTs show
DLT does not address the reliability or accuracy of great promise – especially in the agricultural value
chain ecosystem – these IoTs acting as DLT oracles Annex D summarizes these general risks and vul-
are often not secure and create the opportunity for nerability concerns, alongside resultant risks and
injection of incorrect data in a DLT that could set off a potential mitigation measures. Other areas of con-
chain of incorrect smart contract ‘transactions.’ Zero- cern are described in Table 5 and include ‘download
knowledge-proof can solve this issue, since the nodes and decrypt later’ concerns; (un)authorized access;
can validate the authenticity of the data injected by increased nodes increase vulnerabilities; interopera-
the oracles without gaining access to the data itself. bility attempts between DLTs; open source software
As noted above on methodology used in this development in DLTs; trust of nodes; user interface/
study, to illustrate the loci of the attacks from threat user experience failures; and privacy and confidenti-
vectors we use an adapted version of a published133 ality of data.
DLT architecture abstraction layers which are based
on a layered DLT architecture approach. These 8.2 Software Development Flaws
abstract layers consist of a network layer, a data lay-
er, a consensus layer, an execution layer, and an appli- 8.2.1 Issue: Methods to speed up DLT
cation layer, and an external layer. These layers are transaction processing may be insecure
shown in Figure 4. Many public, permissionless blockchain aspire to
These dimensions are integrated into the most achieve a fully decentralized operation.135 The block-
prominent threats and vulnerabilities that this report chain scalability trilemma136 represents a widely held
identifies as having the most coincidence to finan- belief that the use of blockchain technology presents
cial inclusion. As shown in Figure 5, these prominent a tri-directional compromise in efforts to increase
risks and vulnerabilities include software develop- scalability, security and decentralization.137 All three
ment flaws; DLT availability; transaction and data cannot be maximized at one time and increasing the
accuracy; key management; data privacy and pro- level of one factor results in the decrease of another.
tection; safety of funds; consensus; smart contracts. Hence blockchain’s goals of striving to reach maxi-
Annex D combines these layers, risk, threats and vul- mum levels of decentralization inherently result in a
This taxonomy has been developed based on a survey of the most frequent risks permeating the DLT ecosystem world-
wide. Annex D is a summary of these general risks and vulnerability concerns, alongside resultant risks and potential
mitigation measures. Others areas of concern are described in Table 5.
decrease in scalability and/or security. Methods to uses can cause dangers, such as coins being sent to
increase scalability include Sharding and SegWIt: Segwit addresses.144
Sharding is the process of partitioning or breaking up
large databases into smaller, more manageable piec- Mitigation and Recommendations:
es or ‘shards.’ It is different than sidechains. Sharding Increase the number of active nodes. Sharding
is considered a Layer 1 solution as it is implemented requires sufficient numbers of active nodes per each
into the base-level protocol of the blockchain. It basi- blockchain shard to ensure the security of transac-
cally divides the network into teams. After fractioning tions.145
the network, each node is responsible for process-
ing its own transactions. Projects using sharding as 8.2.2 Issue: Bugs in DLT Code
a scalability solution include Ethereum,138 Zilliqa, and DLTs show great promise in use in DeFi context, from
Cardano.139 A shard must be able to fit within the size secure disbursement of funds, to secure and trans-
of the node which is managing it, or this may result parent access to assets and record; raising of funds
in single-shard takeover attacks.140 using crypto-based tokens; tracing of trade finance
The partitioning aspect of sharding raises a sig- payments for small enterprises; to secure identities
nificant potential problem: without downloading and that can be used to access funds and credit. Espe-
validating the entire history of a particular shard the cially with a financial component to their use, secu-
participant cannot necessarily be certain141 that the rity of DLTs and the tokens they enable is vital and
state with which they interact is the result of some necessary.
valid sequence of blocks and that such sequence of All software requires traditional and acceptable
blocks is indeed the canonical chain in the shard.142 levels of attention to properly maintain and update
Segregated Witness (SegWit) is a Layer 1, soft fork the underlying code, methods and core develop-
protocol upgrade created by Bitcoin Core devel- ment concerns. This includes appropriate, secure
opers to solve and patch Bitcoin’s data malleability and responsible methods of review, reporting,
problem and enhance the protocol’s extremely slow response (such as to bug reports and communica-
transaction throughput by effectively increasing tion with developers and the community), testing,
block capacity. Substantial benefits are supposed to deployment, maintenance, documentation, collabo-
occur once majority adoption is reached. ration, etc.
While there do not appear to be major vulnerabil-
Risks: ities in the Bitcoin Blockchain and Ethereum internal
Data on a DLT may be compromised/ Privacy and technologies themselves, the nascent technologies
Confidentiality of Data. Challenges with scalability and implementation thereof invariably introduce
means that compromises are usually made elsewhere, vulnerabilities. These emanate in particular from
such as the sacrifice of safety and security for speed the abundance of new protocols that vary the ini-
gains and increases the chances of data corruption tial design with new features and complex logic to
on a DLT. SegWit though is not a universally adopt- implement them This is exacerbated by the distrib-
ed solution by a significant margin and may increase uted nature of DLTs and the associated wide attack
the risk that mining cartels will rise again.143 There surface and in many cases, and a rush to implement
are also compatibility issues with non-adopters and solutions that are not properly tested or are devel-
‘No longer secure’ indicates that researchers have found that these encryption types are subject to successful quantum
computing attacks.
and settlement as part of an FMI, versus the relatively finality is not deterministic, that is, is not guaran-
truncated process involving transfer of crypto-assets. teed. Instead it is probabilistic as consensus must be
For the most part, financial transactions trans- reached for a block to be added by nodes containing
ferred to counterparties must go through a process that settlement transaction (transfer of ‘ownership’
where the value (and instrument, if applicable) are to the counterparty. The essence of the issue is that
done through a process of clearing, netting, and set- the risk is concentrated in the exchange,
tlement. Each of these components of a financial
market infrastructure consisting of the various sys- Mitigation and Recommendations:
tems, networks, and technological processes that
are necessary for conducting and completing finan- • Coincident with issues of trading is how to ensure
cial transactions. 159 These are all highly regulated to that the clearing, netting settlement processes are
ensure the safety and soundness of the financial sys- sufficiently sound and safe that funds and assets
tem.160 Key though for any FMI – be it for payment or are not at risk. To be sure, for the crypto-economy
securities or any other asset - is the requirement for to evolve, institutional investors need to be sure
settlement finality, meaning that the counterparty is that there are regulations that create the environ-
sure that the transaction will complete, and the value ment for safety and security.
or asset will effectively be in the hands of the coun- • Centralized exchanges - particularly those where
terparty. Any equivocation that settlement finality fiat-crypto pairing are undertaken - currently pro-
may not occur could fundamentally affect the stabil- vide some touchpoints for regulators to fasten
ity of financial ecosystem. these safety and soundness criteria.
Given the nascent nature crypto assets and the • Given that there is interest in some financial insti-
methodologies for transferring value between coun- tutions to perform custody solutions, there is a
terparties and the lack of institutional support for any need for certainty of transposing current regula-
crypto-assets and its ‘trading rails,’ exchanges have tions.
been the focal point of value transfer of crypto-as- • An interim measure could be allowing existing
sets. To a large degree these are unregulated, often exchanges to undertake some of the clearing and
firmly ensconcing themselves in jurisdictions where settlement components ‘off-chain’ under regu-
there are no directly applicable standards for C&S. lation that fastens on legacy providers of these
services. These may not, however, be practical in
Risks: all cases as technology evolves to undertaking all
Two issues are dominant here. First, given that the transactions as gross settlement, with no clearing
exchanges do custody, issuance, C&S, all risk is or netting per se required. Similarly, the near hori-
concentrated there. Secondly, given the design of zon of decentralized exchanges – or atomic swaps
some blockchains such as Ethereum, settlement – where trading is effectively ‘exchange-less’ will
8.3.2 Issue: Changes In The Order Of 8.3.3 Issue: Accuracy of Oracle Input/Output
Transactions Data
Specific Threat: Transaction (Data) Malleability Specific Threat: Oracles are compromised
A transaction (data) malleability attack lets some- Blockchain applications are unable to directly access
one change the unique ID of a Bitcoin transaction and retrieve information from sources outside of the
before it is confirmed on the Bitcoin network, making blockchain. An oracle serves as a conduit between
it possible for someone to pretend that a transac- an external data source and blockchain applications,
tion didn’t happen.163 The goal then is to deceive a such as smart contracts and DApps.172
merchant or payor into paying twice for the same In contrast to the blockchain philosophy which
transaction by leading the target into believing that mandates operation in a decentralized, trustless
the original transaction failed.164 The founder of Mt. environment, using an oracle introduces both a trust-
Gox claimed that transaction malleability was a ed intermediary and trusted data source with the
primary cause of the spectacular heist of USD 473 possibility both will be provided from a single, cen-
million of Bitcoin stolen from the exchange.165 The tralized source.
claim was analyzed and separately confirmed as a
problem in the Bitcoin protocol,166 currently fixed in Vulnerabilities:
a soft fork167 and in the SegWit solution (which is still Corrupted data is seeded into/out of DLTs via inse-
not fully adopted within the Bitcoin network)168 as cure oracles
well as the Lightning Network.169 While oracles generally provide critical input and
output capabilities for data on a DL, they are also the
Vulnerability: weakest link as they are not secure. They may give
The vulnerability lies mainly with DL protocols rise to greater opportunity for liability and damag-
such as Bitcoin (and Litecoin)170 which use transac- es if faulty data is used and there are losses, which
tion identification (‘TXID’) in the process of send- could precipitate a damage claim.173
ing funds, meaning that instead of withdrawing a Oracles require trust both regarding the ora-
value from an account, the Bitcoin protocol points cle itself (as a trusted intermediary to a blockchain
to a prior input (the ‘deposit’) which is the source application) as well as from the data sources them-
of where an address received funds to match to the selves. An oracle is vulnerable to the presence of bad
existing output (the ‘spend’). The problem allows behavior that occurs at/from its data source and
for the transaction identification to be changed to could impact what occurs on the blockchain,
a variation that is a semantic equivalent before the
original transaction is confirmed on the network. This
lends the appearance to the sender, who may be only
Developmental Program: Mojaloop is an open-source payments switch developed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Founda-
tion and partners. The system architecture is shown above. Trials are planned in inter alia Tanzania. Mojaloop is open-source
software for financial services companies, government regulators, and others taking on the challenges of interoperability
and financial inclusion.
Security Aspects: Mojaloop uses components from the Interledger Protocol (ILP).207. Every transaction must be confirmed
and verified through issuance of a secure token.
a longer chain which invalidates the first transac- but the subsequent release of a low value trans-
tion. action to the rest of the network ultimately results
• Finney: A Race attack variation, a dishonest miner in the reversal of the high value transaction, which
privately pre-mines and withholds a block with a has already been paid to the attacker.
pre-mined transaction in which he transfers coins • Alternative History: Very similar to a 51%/Majority
from his address to a second address he con- Control Attack which includes a double spend, the
trols. The miner then spends the same coins with attacker submits a transaction to the target. The
a vendor which are sent to the vendor’s address. attacker then creates another transaction spend-
The vendor, who may have to wait a short time ing the same coins and tries to mine an alternative
to detect double-spends, sends the product. The blockchain privately which outpaces the network.
attacker then releases the pre-mined block which If successful and submitted, this new chain forks
may take precedence over the block containing the existing blockchain with the other chain which
the transaction with the vendor. includes the original transaction being discarded
• Vector 76/One-Confirmation: Similar to Race and the transaction deemed invalid. This attack
and Finney, this attack often targets exchange requires substantial hashing power in POW sys-
or e-wallet services which have a node accept- tems although it can be done with less than 51% of
ing direct incoming transactions as well as lim- the hash power.
ited transaction confirmations – which is rare. • Timejacking: Timejacking is a vulnerability that
Two transactions are created with a pre-mined impacts the Bitcoin network’s handling of time-
block holding a high value transaction with the stamps and the ability of an attacker to alter a
exchange which is sent directly to the exchange node's network time counter.
Box 1:
Network Resiliency - Sikka Nepal’s Digital Asset Wallet Using SMS
Developmental Program ‘Sikka’: Sikka means “coin” in Nepali, which points at its use of an Ethereum
token contract to manage the creation, distribution, and validation of all transactions within human-
itarian aid programming. The system was devised by the Nepal Innovation Lab232 to allow users to
send and receive tokens by interacting with the Ethereum main network via SMS, where the user’s
wallet is associated to their mobile number. Sikka though is not electronic money, nor a crypto-cur-
rency though: it is a limited-use ‘digital asset’ token on an ERC-20 contract deployed to the Ethereum
main network for the purpose of tokenizing and then tracking assets of value within humanitarian aid
programs. It’ thus a digital asset transfer network
Security Aspects: Because the tokens can be created to represent access rights to a variety of aid
goods, including cash-based transfers and it can be deployed to distribute goods, including cash, to
places where financial services are limited, and telecommunications networks are less than reliable.
Beneficiaries thus do not need or use dApps: only SMS on basic phones is used to access value.233
World Food Program: WFP’s Building Blocks project (WFP, 2018; see also Gerard, 2017; GSMA, 2017:
24–26; Juskalian, 2018) uses blockchain technology to make its voucher-based cash transfers more
efficient, transparent and secure, with the aim of improving collaboration across the humanitarian
system. The Building Blocks project began with a small proof of concept in Pakistan, followed by a
larger pilot in Jordan. WFP claims savings of approximately USD 40,000 per month, equivalent to 98%
of their previous spending, in reduced financial transaction fees associated with purely digital wallets
for beneficiaries.
Security Aspects: To ensure security of the blockchain, there are only 2 nodes used. The solutions
relies on the biometric ID solutions managed by UNHCR and its technical partners. WFP does not
have access to the personally-identifiable information of recipients, but only to its ‘hashed’ version – an
anonymised record that is used only to validate the transaction at point of sale (POS)
real-time gross settlement system (RTGS) – then this 8.5.2 Issue: Trust of Custodial and Safekeeping
breach would in effect be compromising all banks’ Services
databases simultaneously. Risk for loss of funds Safekeeping and record-keeping of ownership of
where credentials are controlled by a single entity securities and rights attached to securities (and law
was demonstrated in the recent compromise of the of negotiable instruments) is a critical component of
credentials used in the transfer of funds through the any functioning economy. It not only proves owner-
(non-DLT, for now) SWIFT network from the Federal ship of assets, but also determines the negotiability
Reserve Bank of New York239 to the central bank of of any instrument and their use as collateral for cred-
Bangladesh, Bangladesh Bank.240 it or for securing, for example, counterparty risk. In
many jurisdictions, assets to be traded, held as collat-
Risks: eral or as proof of ownership are held by authorized
Unauthorized Access to Funds: If a bad actor gains entities such as custodian banks, registrars, notaries,
access to a comprehensive banking blockchain depositaries or CSDs. These are variously known as
that itself accesses all or of part of a core banking custodial and safekeepers who hold them on behalf
network blockchain - or a real-time gross settlement of others to minimize the risk of their theft or loss.
system (RTGS) – then this breach would in effect be A ‘custodian’ holds securities and other assets in
compromising all banks’ databases simultaneously.241 (usually) unencrypted electronic or physical form.243
Crypto-assets are, in effect, native digital bearer
Mitigation and Recommendation: instruments. The DNA of the crypto-economy is that
To circumvent or mitigate this type of risk, private key assets are held on tokens that are only accessible
management functions or biometric linked private through the use of a private digital key available to
keys have been suggested.
Figure 7: Hot, cold and Online wallets for storing crypto tokens
These are all largely insecure, with many online wallets held at exchanges having been compromised and value stolen.
Security Aspects: Many of these exchanges are honeypots for hackers, and huge amounts of value belonging to customers
have been stolen through theft of keys stored by these exchanges on behalf of the owners of crypto-tokens.
Box 3:
The Start Network Delivers humanitarian and financial assistance. Accounts were secured by two-fac-
tor authentication.
Developmental Program: The Start Network comprises national and international NGOs. Working
to address systemic challenges in delivering humanitarian and financial assistance, it began piloting
a blockchain for humanitarian financing and in 2017, partnered with Disberse,263 a for-profit social
enterprise aimed at building a new type of financial institution for the aid industry that uses DLT. A
Start Network review found that the main benefits centered on the traceability of funds through the
creation of a record of transactions and some direct cost savings were reported.
Security Aspects: To ensure security, pilots were carried out through participants’ web browsers,
using accounts secured by two-factor authentication. Wallet were identified as nodes on the Ethereum
blockchain, and all transactions were recorded on the Ethereum testnet.
to the storage of data and access thereto compared transaction flows, since they are on the nodes and
to centralized methods. That is, at least for public - intrinsically to the distributed nature of blockchain
DLTs, data stored on the DLT should in large measure - would have to verify any transactions for that trans-
be visible to everyone – the nodes268 - on that block- action to be placed on the block.280
chain.269 The ostensible reason for this is that to vali-
date additions of data to the chain, nodes must have Mitigation and Recommendations:
visibility over the data they are validating.270 In theory Solutions to these issues are being developed, but
then, everyone could see everyone else’s data, at all not yet mainstream. For example, ‘zero-knowledge
times. proofs’281 are emerging, potentially enabling valida-
And, although access to a DLT requires a pri- tion of data without visibility over the underlying
vate key, not all of the information on a blockchain data itself. This is being applied in the crypto curren-
is encrypted.271 For example, on the Bitcoin permis- cy realm with Zcash, an emerging decentralized and
sionless, public blockchain, data is pseudo-anony- open-source crypto-currency that competes with
mous: The user’s ID is self-asserted and encrypted, Bitcoin and which purports to offer privacy and
but transactional data is not. selective transparency of transactions.282
There is thus a tension between shared control of
data on a ledger - the core of the DLT motif - and 8.7 General Concern: Consensus & Mining
sharing of the data on a ledger.272 Similarly, while the
flavors of blockchain are all addressing low scalabil- 8.7.1 Issue: Consensus Dominance and Mining
ity273 and low processing speed issues,274 all these Pools
issues are related to the so-called blockchain ‘trilem- This section discusses consensus mechanisms
ma.’275 This represents a widely held belief that the and the problem of ‘consensus dominance’ where
use of blockchain technology presents a tri-direc- an attacker can negatively impact or control the
tional compromise in efforts to increase scalability, consensus mechanism present in DLT and block-
security and decentralization276 and that all three chain protocols.
cannot be maximized at one time: increasing the lev-
el of one factor results in the decrease of another.277 Dimension Affected: Network, Consensus
8.8.1 Issue: Loss or Compromise of Private Keys Dimension Affected: Data Model
It is using open-source Hyperledger technology to build national IDs and credit histories in Sierra Leone. A fallback proce-
dure allows third parties known to a user to recover a lost login for that user.
In cooperation with the United Nations and, the Sierra Leone Government is using DLTs to help the unbanked in
Sierra Leone build credit histories. Using the new Kiva Protocol built on open-source Hyperledger technology, the hope is
that the unbanked will be able to build a layer of identity that accumulates information about currently untracked financial
activities such as the repayment of micro-loans. 319 Kiva will administer access to the nodes, but partners such as banks and
nation-states will be able to control nodes within the Kiva Protocol. No tokens will be issued.320 The IDs are attested by the
government and could potentially be used in neighboring countries,
Security Aspects: To address loss by the users of their critical ID logins, the Kiva protocol allows designated, private
‘attesters’ known to a user to ‘generate’ a key that allows the user to regain access to their ID.
have a peer group of observers and encourage to provide a proprietary live risk analysis in an
rapid and efficient communication across the net- attempt to bring ‘Instant Bitcoin’ payment con-
work of double spends and bad actors;330 engage firmation by substantially lowering confirmation
in a cooperative measure between peers which duration.332 The use of the Lightning Network and
checks both the blockchain and their own mem- payment/state channels can remove some of the
ory pool of transactions to scan for attempts at traditional problems with double-spend attacks.
double spending.331 The GAP600 Platform claims
Box 5:
Use of DAI Stablecoin324 for aid distribution to citizens of Vanuatu.
Oxfam has been using the MakerDAO DAI stablecoin distributed for aid distribution to citizens of
Vanuatu in a program called UnBlocked Cash, supported by the Australian government. Some 200
residents of the Vanuatu villages of Pango and Mele Maat issued tap-and-pay cards loaded with rough-
ly approximately USD 50 worth of DAI, which can be converted to local fiat currency.325
Security Aspects: Due to privacy concerns, an individual’s purchases were not tracked, but recorded
the general category of purchases. The platform is able to continue operating offline by cryptograph-
ically recording recipient’s balances on tap-to-pay smart cards, which are then synced at a later point.
The platform also does not require recipients to have access to a mobile phone and does not require
users to undergo KYC checks.
Box 6:
Smart Contract Vulnerabilities and Attacks: The 2016 DAO Exploit and use of a hard fork to reverse
the hack
In 2016, several prominent members of the Ethereum community decided to create a fully decen-
tralized automated organization (DAO) called ‘The DAO’ to function as a venture capital fund. Its
members could pitch innovative projects to the community who would vote on whether the project
would receive funding. The DAO engaged in a hugely successful month-long crowd funding effort
selling tokens to establish the organization, which would exist as a comprehensive smart contract on
the Ethereum blockchain.340 The effort raised 9.7 million ETH (USD 150 million at that time and rose to
USD 250 million shortly after when ETH pricing rose.) A bad actor discovered that the coin refunding
option to withdraw coins invested in The DAO was faulty. It was set to send coins to the actor’s address
(via a loop) without first reducing the actor’s investment by the withdrawal amount. Hence the send
was made prior to the account reduction and the account reduction instruction was never reached
in the loop. The bad actor withdrew 3.6 million ETH (approximately USD 70 million at the time of the
attack) before declaring and ending the attack.341
Security Aspects: Subsequently, a decision to reverse the chain was voted on,342 This decision was not
accepted by all members of the Ethereum mining community, who ultimately decided to hard fork the
blockchain and subsequently created ‘Ethereum Classic.’343
time between requests from different nodes, or per- • Transactional Privacy (Leakage): The use of pub-
haps it will become temporarily unavailable. lic, permissionless blockchains may result in the
lack of transactional privacy – leakage or deano-
Specific vulnerabilities include: nymization. A desired benefit of blockchains was
the promise of anonymity (or pseudonymity).
• Unpredictable state / Transaction-Ordering On public blockchains such as Bitcoin, everyone
Dependence: Variables in an Ethereum Contract can see the balance of an address on the block-
can be unpredictable, especially when multi- chain. Perfect privacy is not possible in a public
ple users invoke the same function at the same blockchain if all transactions are accessible by any
time but there is no ordering specified to execute member of the network. As a result, since there
transactions. is a separation of actual identity of the account/
• Generating Randomness: An attempt by a miner signature owner (KYC) from the digital signature,
to influence the manner in which pseudo-random the claim is that blockchain (Bitcoin) is essential-
numbers are generated such as those in smart ly ‘pseudonymous.’ Data in public blockchains is
contracts, such as to simulate a lottery or rolling of generally visible to the public and may only exist
dice. A common option is for code to use the hash in pseudonymous form and is traceable, for exam-
or timestamp from some future time. Since those ple, the transfers to and from an existing address
numbers in the future cannot be predicted, it is can be seen on many public blockchains. Some
assumed they can be used for generation of ran- solutions (such as account mixing) have been sug-
dom numbers. But since all miners have the same gested.
public view of the blockchain and are responsible • Untrustworthy Data Feeds (Oracles): See section
for generating blocks, they can attempt to influ- on Oracles and issues concerning access to data
ence what will be produced at those times where sources (both to and from) which are external to
data is used for random number generation.351 the blockchain.
• Time Constraints/Timestamp Dependence: See • Bytecode Vulnerabilities/Ethereum Virtual
also Timejacking above as an example of general Machine (EVM): While Solidity has been widely
blockchain vulnerabilities. called a Turing Complete scripting language, the
Almost all sectors in an economy are vulnerable to tributed network of computers.373 The most preva-
cyber-threats and have acted accordingly. In the lent form of DLT are blockchains, introduced around
current climate of increased cyber-attacks, cyber-se- 2008-2009. These can be public, permissioned,
curity should be by design and by default not an private or open – or combinations thereof.374 Block-
afterthought or a shortcut. Emerging and nascent chain uses cryptographic and algorithmic methods
sectors – especially those with startups with limit- to record transactions between computers on a net-
ed resources – have historically however not applied work.375 Transactions are grouped into ‘blocks.’376 As
sufficient resources to these threats. new blocks form, they are confirmed by the network
A technology gaining increasing attention from and connected to the block before it, thus creating a
regulators because of its secure and advanced infor- verified and tamper-evident chain of data blocks.377
mation sharing is Distributed Ledger Technologies The most popular blockchains are those from the Bit-
(DLTs). In a DLT, data is recorded and stored, trans- coin crypto-currency, as well as Ethereum. The latter
actions are proposed and validated, and records are allows the use of smart contract to automate trans-
updated in a synchronized manner across the dis- actions across the world.
11.1 For Entities Building and Operating Distributed Ledger Platforms Internally
1. Always be aware that with evolving systems like DLTs, there will almost always be
‘bugs’ that may be exploited if not found and fixed.
2. Permissionless, or permissioned, public or private types will affect the ultimate
security, not just of the resilience of DLT itself, but also of access to and use of user
and/or value
3. Organizations should develop their threat models to understand potential adversar-
On Its Design and Use ies, why they are interested in exploiting your system; what types of skill they have;
and what types of resources they have.
4. Ensure your organizations has the requisite security talent as you need the right
specialists to help you pursue your security mission.
5. Partner with independent, third-party security experts who can ‘audit’ the DLT
before it goes live, and periodically once it is live and changes have been made.
6. To avoid attacks and to ensure robustness on the DLT, ensure multiple nodes (more
than 2) should be employed
With the rapid evolution of quantum computing power – some systems have over
5000 qubits of computing power386 – administrators should begin to prepare for the
Prepare for Quantum Comput-
download-now-decrypt-later types of attacks, if not already in use post-quantum
wrappers being developed to protect existing ciphers.387 The Monetary Authority of
Singapore has already begun studying these potential vulnerabilities and risks.
• Policy makers may have a role in DLT deploy- tract-related bugs, to navigate liability trees and
ments in so far as they could develop (or even on how to assess damages. Similarly, data protec-
mandate) principles rather than specific technol- tion laws or regulations could also protect data on
ogies or standards that those involved in devel- DLTs by adopting best practices for securing and
oping and implementing DLTs need to abide by. restricting access to data such as using 2FA and
Security audits for example could be mandato- restricting access permissions.
ry, as well as 2FA methodologies if available in a • There is a need to ensure acceptable trade-offs
particular environment. As programs running on between various design consideration, which may
DLTs, smart contracts may have security vulnera- involve trade-offs in payment system require-
bilities caused by bugs. ments. Some central bank experiments indicate
• Policy makers could boost their use by creating resilience related challenges, while demonstrating
rules and regulations in these principles - or in robust privacy and acceptable transaction speed.
separate contract law provisions - that provide • Using time and value correlation, regulators can
clear guidance on how, in case of smart con- track atomic swaps between DLTs.
To add data to a blockchain, so-called consensus mechanisms have evolved that require a miner (validator) to prove that
they have undertaken the task of being able to add the blockchain to the chain. Bitcoin and Ethereum (for now) uses proof
of work (POW), while proof of stake (POS) has evolved to solve inter alia the power consumption issues in POW as well as
scaling408 issues. Ethereum’s Constantinople’ upgrade is designed to use POS.409
Ethereum currently manages a maximum of 20 tps, while Bitcoin original only reaches a capacity of 7 transactions per
second. Bitcoin cash reaches 61 transactions per second (tps). The Visa network reaches 24,000 tps. See Cointelegraph
(2019) What Is Lightning Network And How It Works, available at
Coined by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum Founder. NeonVest (2018) The Scalability Trilemma in Blockchain,
See all of the following. Fischer, M; Lynch, N & Paterson, M (1985) Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One
Faulty Process, available at; Gilbert, S & Lynch, N (2002) Brewer’s Conjecture and the Feasibility