Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 1

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Security aspects of distributed

ledger technologies


a • Technical report on SS7 vulnerabilities and mitigation measures for digital financial services transactions
b • Technical report on SS7 vulnerabilities and mitigation measures for digital financial services transactions

Security Aspects of Distributed

Ledger Technologies

The Financial Inclusion Global Initiative (FIGI) is a three-year program implemented in

partnership by the World Bank Group (WBG), the Committee on Payments and Market
Infrastructures (CPMI), and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) funded by
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to support and accelerate the implementa-
tion of country-led reform actions to meet national financial inclusion targets, and ulti-
mately the global 'Universal Financial Access 2020' goal. FIGI funds national implemen-
tations in three countries-China, Egypt and Mexico; supports working groups to tackle
three sets of outstanding challenges for reaching universal financial access: (1) the Elec-
tronic Payment Acceptance Working Group (led by the WBG), (2) The Digital ID for
Financial Services Working Group (led by the WBG), and (3) The Security, Infrastructure
and Trust Working Group (led by the ITU); and hosts three annual symposia to gather
national authorities, the private sector, and the engaged public on relevant topics and to
share emerging insights from the working groups and country programs.

This report is a product of the FIGI Security, Infrastructure and Trust Working Group, led
by the International Telecommunication Union.

The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessar-
ily reflect the views of the Financial Inclusion Global Initiative partners including the
Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
the International Telecommunication Union, or the World Bank (including its Board of
Executive Directors or the governments they represent). The mention of specific compa-
nies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or
recommended by ITU in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.
Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by
initial capital letters. The FIGI partners do not guarantee the accuracy of the data includ-
ed in this work. The boundaries, colours, denominations, and other information shown
on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of the FIGI partners
concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities or
the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.

© ITU 2020
Some rights reserved. This work is licensed to the public through a Creative Commons
Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 IGO license (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO).
Under the terms of this licence, you may copy, redistribute and adapt the work for
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This report was written by Dr Leon Perlman.

Special thanks to the members of the Security, Infrastructure and Trust Working Group
for their comments and feedback.

For queries regarding the report, please contact Mr Vijay Mauree at ITU
(email: tsbfigisit@​itu​.int)

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 3

Acknowledgements�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3

Executive Summary��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6

1 Acronyms and Abbreviations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7

2 Glossary of Terms����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8

3 Introduction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
3.1 Overview nature of the risks and vulnerabilities������������������������������������������������������� 11
3.2 Methodologies and Approaches Used In This Report�������������������������������������������� 12

4 Overview of Distributed ledger Technologies (DLT) ����������������������������������������������13

4.1 What is Distributed Ledger Technology?�������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
4.2 Innovations in DLTs and Their Security Profiles��������������������������������������������������������14
4.3 Typical Actors and Components in a Distributed Ledger Environment���������� 15
4.4 Processing Costs of Distributed Applications and Risk Components������������� 16
4.5 Governance of DLTs and Inherent Risks����������������������������������������������������������������������� 17

5 Commercial and Financial Uses Cases for DLTs��������������������������������������������������������17

5.1 Overview���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
5.2 Evolving Use Cases of Distributed Ledger Technologies�������������������������������������� 17
5.3 The Crypto-economy ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
5.4 Smart Contracts�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19

6. Use of DLTs by Central Banks������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 20

6.1 Internal Uses��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
6.2 Supervisory Uses�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
6.3 Central Bank Digital Currencies�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
6.4 Use of DLTs for Clearing and Settlement Systems�������������������������������������������������� 21

7 Use of DLTs for Financial Inclusion and in Developing Countries�������������������������22

8 Ecosystem-wide Security Vulnerabilities and Risks in Implementation of

8.1 General Security Risks and Concerns in Use of DLTs�������������������������������������������� 23
8.2 Software Development Flaws����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
8.3 Transaction and Data Accuracy ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 26
8.4 DLT Availability��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
8.5 General Concern: Safety of Funds and Information�����������������������������������������������34
8.6 General Concern: Data Protection and Privacy ������������������������������������������������������ 38
8.7 General Concern: Consensus & Mining������������������������������������������������������������������������ 39
8.8 Key Management�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������42
8.9 General Issue: Smart Contracts��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������44

9 Additional areas of risks and concern in DLT use����������������������������������������������������48

10 Overall Conclusions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48

4 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

11 Overall Observations and Recommendations �������������������������������������������������������� 50
11.1 For Entities Building and Operating Distributed Ledger Platforms
Internally ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50
11.2 Recommendations for Identity Providers������������������������������������������������������������������50
11.3 Recommendations for Entities Operating Distributed Ledger Platforms
����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51
11.4 Recommendations for Developers of Distributed Ledger Technologies�������� 51
11.5 Recommendation for Regulators����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51
11.6 Recommendations for Policy makers������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52

Annex A Consensus protocols in use in various DLT types.���������������������������������������53

Annex B Evolving Types of Crypto-Assets�������������������������������������������������������������������54

Annex C Examples of DLTs Used In a Financial Inclusion Context���������������������������55

Annex D Summary of general security concerns, security issues; resultant

risks, and potential mitigation measures������������������������������������������������������������������ 57

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 5

Executive Summary

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a new type are mapped within a taxonomy to particular layers
of secure database or ledger using crypto-graph- within DLT designs: network, consensus, data model,
ic techniques. The data is consensually distributed, execution, application, and external layers. These are
replicated and housed by ‘nodes,’ who may be across followed by discussions of potential mitigants and
multiple sites, countries, or institutions. Often there recommendations.
is no centralized controller of a DLT, with DLTs then We note that while some of these risks and vul-
said to be ‘decentralized’ and ‘trustless.’ All the infor- nerabilities emanate from the non-DLT world, many
mation on it is securely and accurately stored using emanate from the abundance of new blockchain pro-
cryptography and can be accessed using keys and tocols that attempt to vary the initial design with new
cryptographic signatures. The most prominent of the features and complex logic to implement them. This
evolving DLT types is called a ‘blockchain,’ whereby is exacerbated by the distributed nature of DLTs and
data is stored on sequentially added ‘blocks.’ The the associated wide attack surface; a rush to imple-
concept first appeared in 2008-2009 with a white- ment solutions that are not properly tested or which
paper on the crypto-currency Bitcoin. are developed by inexperienced developers; and
DLTs show potential multiple use in a financial third-party dependencies on often insecure exter-
inclusion context, from secure (and thus tamper-ev- nal data inputs - known as ‘oracles - to blockchains.
ident) disbursement of funds in aid programs; to Crypto-exchanges have been particularly vulnerable
secure and transparent access to assets and records because poor security policies, with hundreds of mil-
of property; use in agricultural value chains to track lions of dollars of user value stolen by hackers.
seed usage and spoilt food; raising of funds as a type Further, attempts by the flavors of DLTs to address
of ‘decentralized finance;’ shortening the payment inherent design handicaps in initial generations of
time for small farmers who sell internationally; for DLTs – now often termed Blockchain 1.0, or Lay-
fast and more affordable remittances; a means of er 1, or main-nets - of low scalability and low pro-
forestalling de-risking of developing world financial cessing speeds, buttress what is now known as the
institutions by global banks; as a supervisory tech- blockchain ‘trilemma’ that represents a widely held
nique for regulators; to secure identities that can be belief that the use of DLTs presents a tri-directional
used to access funds and credit. compromise in that increasing speed of a DLT may
Representation of values stored on a DLT are introduce security risks, or that increasing security
‘crypto-assets’ stored in ‘token’ form which can be reduces processing speed.
traded at so-called crypto-exchanges that also store Policy makers may have a role in DLT deployments
the keys on behalf of the token owner. Altogether, in so far they could develop (or even mandate) prin-
these activities reflect the genesis of what may be ciples rather than specific technologies or standards
termed the ‘crypto-economy.’ that those involved in developing and implementing
However - and as with most technology inno- DLTs need to abide by. Security audits for example
vations - a number of evolving security risks are could be mandatory, as well as two-factor authenti-
emerging with DLTs, reflective of the new actors, cation (2FA) methodologies if available in a particu-
technologies and products. Often many of these new lar environment.
actors are start-ups who do not necessarily have the This report enumerates many of these DLT-de-
resources - or inclination - for assessing and acting rived security issues as seen from a developmental
on any security or compliance-related issues. and financial inclusion prism. It details a number of
The key security risks and vulnerabilities identi- security threats per layer and risk profile, and then
fied in this study include those relating to software develops approaches and recommendations for sets
development flaws; DLT availability; transaction and of users and regulators for overcoming these chal-
data accuracy; key management; data privacy and lenges. This also includes a recommendations for
protection; safety of funds; consensus in adding data entities building and operating distributed ledger
to a DLT; and in use of what are known as ‘smart con- platforms internally in the developing sector.
tracts.’ These and other security risks enumerated

6 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

1 Acronyms and Abbreviations

This report uses the following abbreviations:

2FA Two factor Authentication
ABFT Asynchronous Byzantine fault Tolerance
ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution
Altcoin Alternative Coin
AML Anti-Money Laundering
BaaS Blockchain-as-a-Service
BFT Byzantine fault Tolerance
BIP Bitcoin Improvement Proposal
CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency
C&S Clearing and Settlement
DAG Directed Acylic Graph
DAO Decentralized autonomous organization
DApps Decentralized Applications
Ddos Distributed Denial of Service
DeFi Decentralized Finance
DFC Digital Fiat Currency
DFS Digital Financial Services
DEX Decentralized Exchange
DL Distributed Ledger
DLT Distributed Ledger Technology
ERC-20 Ethereum Request for Comment 20
EVM Ethereum Virtual Machine
FinTech Financial Technology
FATF Financial Action Task Force
ICO Initial Coin Offering
ID Identity
IoT Internet of Things
KYC Know Your Customer
POC Proof of Concept
POET Proof of Elapsed Time
POS Proof of Stake
POW Proof of Work
RCL Ripple Consensus Ledger
RegTech Regulatory Technology
SC Smart contract
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
SegWit Segregated Witness
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
TPS Transactions Per Second
AML/CFT Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 7

2 Glossary of Terms

Altcoin Any crypto-currency that exists as an alternative to Bitcoin

API Application programming interface (part of a remote server that sends requests and
receives responses)
Bitcoin The first, and most popular, crypto-currency of the modern era using a blockchain
Blockchain (Public) A mathematical structure for storing digital transactions (or data) in an immutable, peer-to-
peer ledger that is incredibly difficult to fake and yet remains accessible to anyone.
Casper Consensus algorithm combines POW and POS. It is planned for Ethereum to use Casper as
a transition to POS.
Centralized Maintained by a central, authoritative location or group
Crypto Asset Anything of value, which could be traded, and which is represented as a token on a block-
chain. These include security tokens, utility tokens, and payment tokens.
Cryptographic Hash Function A function that returns a unique fixed-length string. The returned string is unique for every
unique input. Used to create a “digital ID” or “digital thumbprint” of an input string.
dApps Decentralized Applications
DAO A decentralized autonomous organization is an organization that is run through rules
encoded as computer programs called smart contracts
DDos Attacks A denial-of-service attack is a cyber-attack in which the perpetrator seeks to make a
machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporarily or indefinitely
disrupting services of a host connected to the Internet.
Decentralized The concept of a shared network of dispersed computers (or nodes) that can process trans-
actions without a centrally located, third-party intermediary.
Digital signature A mathematical scheme used for presenting the authenticity of crypto-asset assets
Distributed Ledger A database held and updated independently by each participant (or node) in a large net-
work. The distribution is unique: records are not communicated to various nodes by a cen-
tral authority.
ERC Ethereum request for comments standard
Ethereum Blockchain application that uses a built-in programming language that allows users to build
decentralized ledgers modified to their own needs. Smart contracts are used to validate
transactions in the ledger.
Fork Alters the blockchain data in a public blockchain.
Gas (Ethereum) Measures how much work an action takes to perform in Ethereum. Gas is paid to miners as
an incentive for adding blocks.
Genesis Block The initial block within a blockchain
Github A web-based hosting service for version control using git
Gossip Protocol A gossip protocol is a procedure or process of computer-computer communication that is
based on the way social networks disseminate information or how epidemics spread. It is a
communication protocol.
Governance The administration in a blockchain company that decides the direction of the company
Hard Fork Alters the blockchain data in a public blockchain. Requires all nodes in a network to upgrade
and agree on the new version.
Hash function A function that maps data of an arbitrary size.
Hyperledger Started by the Linux Foundation, Hyperledger is an umbrella project of open source block-
Hyperledger Fabric Hyperledger project hosted by Linux which hosts smart contracts called chaincode.
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) The form in which capital is raised to fund new ventures. Modeled after an Initial public
offering (IPO). Funders of an ICO receive tokens.
Merkle Tree A tree in which every leaf node is labelled with the hash of a data block and every non-leaf
node is labelled with the cryptographic hash of the labels of its child nodes.

8 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Mining The act of validating Blockchain transactions. Requires computing power and electricity to
solve “puzzles”. Mining rewards coins based on ability to solve blocks.
Mining pool A collection of miners who come together to share their processing power over a network
and agree to split the rewards of a new block found within the pool.
Node A copy of the ledger operated by a user on the blockchain
Nonce A number only used once in a cryptographic communication (often includes a timestamp)
Off-chain Where data is not processed on a native blockchain, but which may later be placed on a
blockchain. That data may not be accurate however.
On-chain governance A system for managing and implementing changes to a crypto-currency blockchain
Oracles An agent that finds and verifies real-world occurrences and submits this information to a
blockchain to be used by smart contracts.
P2P (Peer to Peer) Denoting or relating to computer networks in which each computer can act as a server for
the others, allowing shared access to files and peripherals without the need for a central
PKI (Public Key Infrastruc- A set of roles, policies, and procedures needed to create, manage, distribute, use, store, and
ture) revoke digital certificates and manage public-key encryption.
Private Blockchain Blockchain that can control who has access to it. Contrary to a public blockchain a Private
Blockchain does not use consensus algorithms like POW or POS, instead they use a system
known as byzantine fault tolerant (BFT). BFT is not a trustless system which makes a BFT
system less secure
Proof of Activity Active Stakeholders who maintain a full node are rewarded
Proof of Capacity Plotting your hard drive (storing solutions on a hard drive before the mining begins). A hard
drive with the fastest solution wins the block
Proof of elapsed time Consensus algorithm in which nodes must wait for a randomly chosen time period and the
first node to complete the time period is rewarded
Proof of Work (POW) A consensus algorithm which requires a user to “mine” or solve a complex mathematical
puzzle in order to verify a transaction. “Miners” are rewarded with Cryptocurrencies based
on computational power.
Public key cryptography Encryption that uses two mathematically related keys. A public and private key. It is impos-
sible to derive the private key based on the public key.
Sharding Dividing a blockchain into several smaller component networks called shards capable of
processing transactions in parallel.
Smart Contract Self-executing contract with the terms of agreement written into the code
Solidity Solidity is a contract-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts. It is used
for implementing smart contracts on various blockchain platforms.
Token Representation of a crypto-asset built on an existing blockchain
Turing Complete language A computer language that is able to perform all, possibly infinite, calculations that a com-
puter is capable of
Wallet Stores a crypto-asset token
51% Attack A situation in which the majority of miners in the blockchain launch an attack on the rest of
the nodes (or users). This kind of attack allows for double spending.

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 9

10 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies
Security Aspects of Distributed
Ledger Technologies


3.1 Overview nature of the risks and vulnerabilities consensus - by a specific number of nodes will new
Distributed ledger technology (DLT) is a new type of data be added to a DLT system.
secure database or ledger that is replicated across But while there are ground-breaking new technol-
multiple sites, countries, or institutions with no ogies such as smart contracts associated with DLTs,
centralized controller. In essence, this is a new way they have in many cases ported security issues from
of keeping track, securely and reliably, of who owns a the ‘centralized’ non-DLT world, as well as created
financial, physical, or digital asset. The most popular new sets of vulnerabilities particular to the compo-
incarnation of DLT is called a blockchain, of which a nents of DLT-based ecosystems. In many cases the
number of varieties have been developed. vulnerabilities are caused by simple coding errors
The emergence of DLTs and various types of dis- and exploitation thereof by bad actors. While we
tributed ledgers (DLs) has led to a wellspring of enumerate a number of security-related risks and
development of ostensibly decentralized ecosystems vulnerabilities, standard risk considerations apply.
using protocols such as blockchain. The idea is that These include strategic; reputational; operational,
the system is ‘trustless,’ pivoting around the concept business continuity; information security; regulatory;
of a consensus mechanism provided by distributed information technology; contractual; and supplier.
‘nodes’ that replaces the need to have a trusted cen- This report canvasses broadly the security aspects
tral party controlling data and its use. Trust is placed of and threats to DLTs and its variants, alongside the
in these ‘nodes’ on a decentralized bases, who must risks, and vulnerabilities. Some of the vulnerabilities
give consent for data to be placed on a ledger. Data canvassed include entities and individuals who con-
is placed on a DL by ‘miners’ or their equivalent. The nect to the network, which includes consumers and
algorithmic consensus process that facilitates this is merchants; miners, validators, forgers, minters who
the (new) trust agent. process and confirm – ‘mine’- transactions on the a
DLTs are theoretically secured via cryptograph- DL network; and sets of rules governing the opera-
ic keys that allow access to adding and/or viewing tion of the network, its participants and which blocks
data on a DL indicate whether data has been tamped are added to the chain.
with, and through the use of a range of ‘consensus Clearly then - as with the emergence of the com-
protocols’ by which the nodes in the network agree mercial internet in the 1990s – there are still a num-
on a shared history. Only if there is agreement – a ber of ‘teething problems, but notably great resourc-

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 11

Figure 1: ‘Trilemma’ in the DLT ecosystem.

While there are now a number of trilemmas, the original ‘blockchain trilemma’ developed by Ethereum founder Vitalik
Buterin shows that two but not all three conditions may exist at the same time. Security and scalability of a DLT is a
common feature of a number of ‘trilemmas.’2

es are being focused by a burgeoning DLT industry its underlying technology and traded under the tick-
globally on solving any security vulnerabilities that er symbol BTC.
are emerging. High-profile security hacks that have To illustrate the loci of the attacks from threat vec-
led to losses for users, as well as initiatives to deploy tors, we use an adapted version of a published9 DLT
DLT solutions in enterprises, central banks and the architecture using a layered approach. These layers
wider economy have all added to the impetus for are shown in Figure 4. These layers are integrated
getting in front of and finding solutions to any vul- into the most prominent security concerns, based
nerabilities. on those threats, risks and vulnerabilities that this
Cyber-security challenges are far greater in what report identifies as having the most coincidence to
are called public, permissionless DLTs where there financial inclusion, shown in Figure 5. Each threat
are no walled gardens which only allow access to and attack is described in terms of its effect on
known, trusted participants. This creates a challeng- one or more of these abstract layers. Where possi-
ing environment where everyone has access but no ble, mitigation measures and recommendations are
one can be trusted. described cumulatively for each threat and its cor-
While the flavors of blockchain are all addressing responding vulnerability and risk. Context of each
low scalability3 and low processing speed issues,4 threat described will indicate whether the mitigant/
all related to the so-called blockchain ‘trilemma’5 – recommendation applies to entities running DLTs,
shown in Figure 1 - representing a widely held belief end customers, regulators, or developers of DLTs – or
that the use of blockchain technology presents a to a multitude of these actors. Annex D summarizes
tri-directional compromise in efforts to increase the threats to these layers alongside the concerns.
scalability, security and decentralization6 and that Given space constraints and readability, the secu-
all three cannot be maximized at one time. That rity components discussed in this paper do not rep-
is, increasing the level of one factor results in the resent the totality of all published security issues
decrease of another.7 related to DLTs and the crypto-economy, but the
most prominent and proximate to financial services
3.2 Methodologies and Approaches Used In This and a developing world context.
Report Research for this paper was conducted through
This report embraces and uses the technical term desktop research and direct interactions by the
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to describe all author with regulators and ecosystem develop-
distributed ledgers, no matter what underlying DLT ers and participants, as well as other experts. The
technology or protocol is used.8 Where needed, the author thanks them for their invaluable and forth-
term blockchain is used interchangeably with DLT as right insights.
the primary exemplar of DLTs. The technologies cited, as well as any laws, poli-
Overall, unless otherwise stated, any reference to cies, and regulations cited are as of May 31, 2019.
‘Bitcoin’ is to what is now known as Bitcoin Core and

12 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

All citation hyperlinks where provided in the end- readability of the endnotes, hyperlink shorteners
notes were checked for online availability during the have been used in some cases.
period March 10, 2019 to July 1, 2019. To improve


4.1 What is Distributed Ledger Technology? tained through synchronization of the nodes, so that
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a new type the information on each node precisely matches
of secure database or ledger that is replicated across each other node. In blockchain terms, adding blocks
multiple sites, countries, or institutions with often no to a chain is called ‘mining’. In public blockchains, a
centralized controller. In essence, this is a new way reward system has been established to incentivize
of keeping track of who owns a financial, physical, or miners to efficiently place these blocks on a chain.
electronic asset. Because of the computer processing power often
The concept of DLTs emerged from the introduc- required to do so, mining activity is often provided
tion of the ‘blockchain’ in 2008-200910 through the by large mining ‘pools.’ Because nodes are often
launch of the crypto-currency11 Bitcoin.12 Bitcoin’s anonymous, there is said to be a need for ‘consen-
decentralized transaction authentication rests on sus’ between the nodes before a mined block can be
blockchain approaches: It records in a digital ledger added to a chain. The veracity of the data within a
every transaction made in that currency in identical new block is not checked though: just that the block
copies of a ledger which are replicated – distributed itself is able to be added.15
- amongst the currency’s users - nodes - on a chain The types of consensus mechanisms are outlined
of data blocks.13 in Annex A, with the majority using the resource and
DLT is commonly used as a term of art by those power-intensive ‘proof of work’ (POW) mechanism
in the technology development community as the first outlined in the Bitcoin blockchain. Many DLTs
generic high-level descriptor for any distributed, are moving towards the more energy efficient Proof
encrypted database and application that is shared of Stake (POS) consensus protocol and its variants.
by an industry or private consortium, or which is Where the technology allows, a consensus mecha-
open to the public.14 Blockchain is one – but the most nism will often be chosen to reflect the task of the
popular - of types of DLT. Distributed refers then to DLT, for example to ensure payment finality in a cen-
the ‘nodes’ – as they are called in blockchain - while tral bank DLT, who often use DLTs based on Byzan-
decentralized refers to the control/governance. tine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus type.
Where the nodes are unknown, the DLT system is The manner in which consensus for proposed
said to be ‘trustless.’ Both concepts have risk and changes to the ledger is reached defines the type
security components to them, discussed below. of blockchain.16 If the process is open to everyone -
DLTs generally integrate a number of innovations such as with Bitcoin17 - then the ledger is said to be
which include: database (ledger) entries that can- ‘permissionless’, and the DLT has no owner. If par-
not be reversed or otherwise modified, the ability to ticipants in that process are preselected, the ledger
grant granular permissions, automated data synchro- is said to be ‘permissioned.’18 Permissionless block-
nization, rigorous privacy and security capabilities, chains allow any party without any vetting to partic-
process automation, and transparency, such that any ipate in the network, while permissioned blockchains
attempts at changes to entries will notify others. Its are formed by consortiums or an administrator who
primary disruptive attribute is that it is decentralized evaluate the participation of an entity on the block-
and therefore not dependent on a central controller chain framework.19 These may also be public20 or pri-
or storer of the data. vate. The sharing data can be controlled, depending
The nodes in a blockchain eliminate the need for on the blockchain type. That is, while data may be on
third party intermediaries in favor of distribution of the blockchain, it may only be visible to (and/or edit-
the data across participant nodes. This means that able for) those with an appropriate cryptographic
every participant node can keep - share - a copy of key. Layers of permissions for different types of users
the blockchain. The blockchain updates the nodes may be necessary. There are hybrid iterations though,
automatically every time a new ‘transaction’ occurs. with some privacy-type components for DLTs called
Accuracy of the information added to blocks is main- zero-knowledge proofs being built atop even the

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 13

public, permissionless DLTs. Usually only those with ‘smart contracts’ is one of a class of blockchains now
an appropriate cryptographic key can view or add to termed Blockchain 2.0, versus Blockchain 1.0 of the
the data on a blockchain, which may layer on permis- original circa 2008-2009 Bitcoin blockchain. Smart
sions for different types of users where necessary. contracts are part of a class of 2.0-type application
That said, anyone can with the right tools, create a known as decentralized applications (dApps).which
blockchain and decide who has access to the block- may include those which manage money, those
chain, see the data in the blockchain, or add data to where money and ‘crypto-assets’ are involved, as
it. Banks, governments, and private entities are rap- well as dApps that facilitate voting and governance
idly developing and implementing blockchain-based systems. Many thousands of dApps containing these
solutions worldwide, but these are usually permis- and other categories are in use today.
sioned and private types. Table 6 highlights design Even these 2.0 types have their challenges, pri-
considerations for DLT development in the develop- marily ones of privacy of data and speed of transac-
ing world.21 tion processing. As a result, so-called ‘offchain’ solu-
Often the data - if it represents fungible or tions – also termed Layer 2 – have been developed to
non-fungible value - on a DLT are known as ‘tokens,’ augment the ‘main-net’ blockchain, correspondingly
and which are secured by crytpo-graphic private now referred to as ‘Layer 1.’ Table 1 outlines the var-
keys known to the owner. Some tokens may reflect ious Layer 2 solutions. These Layer 2 solutions have
their use as tradable crypto-assets which can be been developed to solve inter alia speed and scal-
traded at so-called crypto-exchanges that store the ability issues in Layer 1 mainnets, especially for pay-
keys on behalf of the token owner. ment transaction processing. For example, off-chain
‘state channels’ are payment channels between users
4.2 Innovations in DLTs and Their Security Profiles which do not take place on-chain - on the Layer 1
As the technology had evolved, and more uses have main-net - until a final state is reached.22 Scaling solu-
been found for DLTs, scalability and speed issues tions include ‘Lightning’ networks for Bitcoin, and
have necessitated ‘redesigns’ of blockchain, includ- ‘Plasma’ or sharding23 for Ethereum.
ing the emergence of automated programs oper- These off-chain Layer 2 solutions and Blockchain
ating over DLTs called smart contracts, lightning 2.0 both though introduce new security challenges.
networks, and DAGs. ‘Layer 2’ solutions used to complement and
As a result of many of these challenges and due to enhance Layer 1 main-net blockchains, primarily to
innovations in technology, many varieties of DLTs have speed up transaction processing times. Some of
emerged since 2008. The Ethereum DLT launched in these solutions, often placed in the wild without suf-
2014, because of its innovation in allowing automated

Table 1: ‘Layer 2’ solutions used to complement and enhance Layer 1 main-net blockchains,

Layer 2 Type Description

Lightning Network To reduce both the number of on-chain transaction traffic and corresponding transaction fees, an
(Bitcoin) off-chain, Layer 2 network of payment channels is created, Known also as state channels, it lowers
the number of repetitive transactions between two (or more) parties. Each transaction is finalized
and entered onto the blockchain after the payment channel is completed or closed. This creates
a vulnerability though as it is ‘off-chain.’24
Plasma (Ethereum) Plasma is a platform25 which uses smart contracts to create and maintain branching and spawned
child blockchains26 off of a single root blockchain which ultimately make their way back to the
main net.27
Raiden Network The Raiden Network is the Ethereum equivalent to the Lightning Network, aspiring28 to reduce
latency to near instant transfers, lower transaction fees significantly below on-chain levels, and
improve upon privacy by conducting transactions on channels which are private between the
parties. It transfers Ethereum ERC-20 tokens.
TrueBit A scalable verification solution for blockchains which uses an oracle for transactions versus smart
contracts.29 TruBit’s oracle protocol is a hybrid of an off-chain and on-chain solution which pro-
vides incentives for computational work and confirmation.30

14 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

ficient stress testing, often introduce new security DLT ecosystem also offers a rich attack source
challenges. for directly stealing token value from ‘wallets,’ which
Another DLT type gaining in popularity is Directed are often stored in insecure crypto-exchanges or
Acylic Graph (DAG),31 often termed Blockchain 3.0, online systems that use basic security unrelated to
but actually an entirely new technology using a graph the more robust DLT that spawned the tokens. There
data structure that uses a topological ordering, and is also concerns about the longevity of the security
which does not uses blocks or chains. At their core of DLT-based data due to the emergence of ‘quan-
DAGs have the same properties as a blockchain in tum computing’ technologies and apparent ability to
so far as they are still distributed databases based compromise the encryption used in many DLTs.
on a peer-to-peer network and a validation mech- All these security-related issues are detailed fur-
anism for distributed decision making. Examples ther below, with Annex D providing a useful snap-
of the still-evolving DAG technology are the IOTA shot of the taxonomy of prevalent issues.
Tangle and Hedera Hashgraph.32 IOTA’s Tangle DLT
is designed to run Internet of Things (IoT) devices. 4.3 Typical Actors and Components in a Distribut-
It’s been noted that attempts such as the Lightning ed Ledger Environment
Network or Sharding – as well as DAGs - suggest that Typical actors and constituent components in DLT/
scaling can be improved if using the design principle blockchain ecosystems include:
that not all participants – or network nodes – need
to know all the information at all times to keep a DL • Authenticators: Miners – also known as validators,
network in sync.33 forgers - who provide operational ‘mining’ and
There are also ‘privacy’ DLTs,’ such as Monero and validation services;
Zcash and their next evolution such as the BEAM • Developers who program and maintain the core
crypto-currency based on Mimblewimble protocol, DLT protocol; and
or qEDIT for enterprise DLTs. These zero-knowledge- • Operators of a particular DLT
proof DLTs may help solve the governance issues in • Users who own, invest and otherwise use tokens
the trilemma since the private information can still be and engage in activities on the system.37
governed by centralized licensed entities while the • Oracles as third party data input/output providers.
transactions are on the DLT.
These innovations however prompt further chal- Different levels governance exist for each of these
lenges related to their implementation, including the domains.38 At the transactional level, miners and
nascent (and often not yet properly stress-tested) validators operate the system in exchange for incen-
nature of the technologies used; uncertain legal and tives and govern which blocks are accepted into a
regulatory status; privacy and confidentiality issues; blockchain according to the rules set forth in the
cultural changes in requiring users to have ‘trust’ in system and its consensus mechanism. At the proto-
often anonymous counterparties; implications for col or development level, programmers - who may
lawful interception capabilities as data is not eas- be voluntary and not employees or contractors of a
ily extractable from privacy DLTs; scalability of the centralized organization - contribute and evaluate
DLTs for mainstream use comparable to and exceed- code.39 At the organizational level is where resource
ing existing non-DLTs performing similar functional management and general business operations tradi-
tasks;34 and the ability to link35 different DLTs togeth- tionally occur and who may control and govern this
er, where required.36 But as discussed later, due to the process varies and can be unclear.40
vast differences in DLT protocols, many DLTs are not Oracles are third party services which are not part
interoperable with others, leading to a balkanization of the blockchain consensus mechanism, and are
of incompatible DLTs. effectively ‘off-chain’ and thus considered insecure
Indeed, it is thought that due to this fragmenta- in relation to the DL itself.41 The accuracy of data
tion, many of the especially more exotic DLT incar- inputs and outputs by oracles are key as it is near
nations may not survive in so far as further devel- impossible to roll back transactions once executed
opment and integration, leading to concerns about on a DL.42 Oracle types include but are not limited to
the data therein. Attempts at interoperability are the following:​4344
underway, but may introduce security risks as the
data to be transferred between DLT may be – in cur- • Software: Provision of data from software driv-
rent attempts - via insecure ‘off-chain’ methods. The en sources (such as apps, web servers) which are

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 15

Table 2: Typical participants in a blockchain-based Distributed Ledger and the security aspects of their roles.46

Type Typical Role in Distributed Ledgers Security Aspects

Inventors First publisher of new DL technology 47 May not provide a method of collegial-
ly updating a DL, leading to multiple
Developers Independent parties who may improve on the May not agree amongst themselves,
initial DL technology leading to lapses in improvements
Miners/Validators Paid to add new data to blocks Those with 51% mining power may act
to unilaterally change the form and
data structure on a DL
Users Use data or value stored on a DL or exchange May not sufficiently secure their PINs
for wallets and exchanges.
Oracles Provide input/output data for use in SCs Usually insecure and may feed incor-
rect data into a DLT
Centralized Exchanges Exchange tokens, custodians of token creden- ‘Honey pot’ for hackers due to lack
tials/keys, facilitate ICOs, STOs and IEOs security implementations. May not
implement security controls; DDOS
Nodes Hold copies of a DL May go offline and thus increase pos-
sibility that a DLT is compromised/
Auditors May test smart contracts for coding errors Could catch and fix vulnerabilities
and/or legal validity before exploitation
DLT Network Operators Define, create, manage and monitor a DLT May not implement security controls;
network. Each business in the network has a DDOS attacks.
blockchain operator.48

typically available online, such as from a standard 4.4 Processing Costs of Distributed Applications
API from an information service provider. and Risk Components
• Hardware: Data resulting from the physical world, To execute transactions – such as smart contracts
such as tracking a package in the mail or an item – on a public blockchain, payment must be made
as a result of an RFID scan, which may use Trusted to those undertaking computing processes to add
Execution Environments (TEE) – reporting read- ‘blocks’ to the blockchain. An incentive for doing so
ings of hardware without compromising on data is required.49 In the case of the Ethereum blockchain
security.45 – specifically its core Ethereum It’s worth mention-
• Incoming/Inbound: Provision of data inbound ing that in April the ETH mainnet got sooooo loaded
from an external source. that the gas required to write a block soared to ~230
• Outgoing: Sends outgoing messages or signals ETH (!), that is a major problem…since the more load
to an external source as a result of what occurs on an infra, the higher is the block cost, thus limiting
on the blockchain network, e.g. a locker may be throughput and lowering the usage. This is actually
opened after payment of Ether is confirmed on a game theory restriction that by-design keeps the
the Ethereum network. usage of the infra low (!) Virtual Machine (EVM) – the
• Consensus/Decentralized Oracles: A decentral- cost of this incentive to miners to add the blocks is
ized system which queries multiple oracle sourc- called ‘gas.’50 The more complex the transaction steps
es with a consensus mechanism used to reach an to be performed, usually the higher51 the ‘gas’ fee.52
acceptable outcome. While a decentralized oracle DDOS attacks on a DLT though can ‘scramble’ the
model could be used (see below), its feasibility block additions, requiring owners to expend ‘gas‘53
may be challenged by (i) the need for a standard- fees on reverting the DLT to the same state pre the
ized data format across each oracle; and (ii) result DDOS attack.54
in substantial additional fee costs to the providers As this can be infinite time - because of the ‘Tur-
of each oracle and data source. (But see solutions ing Complete’ nature of Ethereum55 - so and use up
providers below.) unlimited computational power, the developers of

16 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Ethereum added this ‘gas’ component to provide an munity.’59 Confusion can exist regarding who owns,
user-defined upper limit on the computational power controls and can legally act and conduct business on
desired in terms of the dApp being processed on the behalf of a blockchain project.
Ethereum blockchain.56 In many public blockchains, management can
tend to circulate among a small group of ‘core’
4.5 Governance of DLTs and Inherent Risks developers who are primary contributors to an open
Decentralization is an underlying premise of block- source project. Consensus mechanisms are used to
chain technology57 and can influence perception on manage decentralized governance, such as the for-
how efforts should be governed. malization of Bitcoin Core’s voting process in its Bit-
There is no standard model of ownership, organi- coin Improvement Proposals.60
zational structure, formalities or governance mech- The risk though, especially with public blockchains,
anisms for many (public) DLT projects. Criticisms is that if the software development process is cen-
of these models are often that they are partially if tralized to a small number of developers, the system
not fully centralized and parties to a transaction are as a whole could not be considered decentralized,
still dependent upon a trusted third-party interme- even if mining was widely distributed and there were
diary to conduct business. That is, even private and thousands of nodes spread throughout the globe.61 It
permissioned DL implementations are reliant to a is not only the ‘blockchain participants’ and ‘cliques’
large degree on the evolution of the public ‘mainent’ who undertake improvements to the underlying
blockchain, for example Ethereum.58 code which render the concept of decentralization
DLTs which incorporate higher institutional trust somewhat fuzzy, but also that to undertake many of
and centralization (such as private and/or permis- the public type trading of crypto-tokens, a level of
sioned blockchains) more often include only one or centralization is required, particularly through cen-
a few parties and are handled in a more traditional tralized) crypto trading exchanges. Some, but not all
fashion are directly regulated, but invariably all require the
Challenges of governance are most readily appar- identification of persons or entities doing trading
ent with open source community-led blockchain through the exchange.62 Unlike Bitcoin,63 Ethereum
projects (such as Bitcoin) which did not originate has to a large degree had more of a collegial evolu-
under the umbrella of a formalized legal entity but tion, using ERCs - Ethereum Request for Comment
rather a project which is now of and for ‘the com- – to make improvements to the Layer 1 main-net.64


5.1 Overview 5.2 Evolving Use Cases of Distributed Ledger Tech-

In the financial industry, and in business networks nologies
generally, data and information currently mostly flow
through centralized, trust-based, third-party systems • Financial: Clearing and settlement (C&S); Clear-
such as financial institutions, clearing houses, and ing houses;68 Correspondent banking; Credit pro-
other mediators of existing institutional arrange- vision; Derisking69; Digital Fiat Currencies; Factor-
ments. These transfers can be inefficient, slow, costly, ing; Insurance contracts; Interoperability between
and vulnerable to manipulation, fraud and misuse.65 banking and payment platforms; Remittances;
Bilateral and multilateral agreements are need- Results-Based Disbursements; Share registries;
ed,66 which are typically recorded by the parties to Shareholder voting70; Small medium enterprise
the agreements in different systems (ledgers).67As (SME) finance; Trade finance and factoring; Taxes71
noted above, a number of blockchains and DLTs have • Financial Integrity: Electronic know your custom-
emerged in recent years that aim to address these er (e-KYC);72 Identity (ID) systems
issues. Each may have its own different use cases, • Legal: Notarization of data73; Property registration
offering benefits such as larger data capacities, • Utilitarian: Agricultural Value Chains; Food Sup-
transparency of and access to the data on the block- ply Management; Medical Tracing; Project Aid
chain, or different consensus methods. Monitoring; Supply Change management; Internet
of Things (IoT)
• Intellectual Property: Digital rights management

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 17

5.3 The Crypto-economy coin79 - are often have very volatile values, making
As the variations and use cases74 emerge, many have them impractical for financial inclusion use.80
been classed under term Decentralized Finance Volatility of the value in CCs is certainly the
(DeFi) to describe financial systems and product most cogent reason, leading to the introduction of
applications designed to operate without a central- so-called ‘stablecoins’, pegged as there often are to
ized system such as an exchange and often using some fiat currency such as the USD or some other
Decentralized Applications (dApps). DeFi is said to real-world asset. Facebook for example announced
be part of the evolving ‘crypto-economy, stylized the ‘Libra’81 stablecoin, – a public and permissioned
in Figure 2 showing various crypto-assets, actors, blockchain using POS. Touted to be run independent-
users, and technologies, all ‘wrapped’ in applicable ly by the Libra Association, it will act as a P2P solution
laws and regulations.75 across borders. It has however encountered severe
DeFi is evolving into one of the most active76 sec- regulatory headwinds82 Still, a number do remain
tors of the DLT sector. The core technologies that and crypto-currency-based remittances remain rel-
make up the globally accessible DeFi platforms are atively popular in population segments in develop-
stable coins,77 decentralized crypto-exchanges, or ing regions such as Ripio in Argentina,83 SureRemit in
DEXs (and/or exchanges that do not hold – have cus- Nigeria,84 and the use of Dash in Venezuela.85
tody of - users’ private keys), multi-currency wallets, Tokens are secured by cryptographic keys and the
and various payment gateways that include lending token themselves are stored in a number of ways,
and insurance platforms, key infrastructural develop- depending on their type and whether the owner of
ment, marketplaces, and investment engines. that token wants to keep them liquid for trading. If
There are also crypto-asset classes using tokens the owner wants to simply store them, they can use
to represent a value or digital asset, again stylized a ‘wallet,’ a medium to store the seeds/passphras-
in Figure 2. Tokens are largely fungible and tradable, es/keys associated to crypto-asset accounts. These
and can serve a multitude of different functions, secrets are required to generate the private keys
from granting holders access to a service to entitling used to sign transactions and spend money. Unlike
them to company dividends,78 commodities or voting real wallets, a crypto wallet does not directly include
rights. Most tokens do not operate independently but funds, only the key to spend them. The public keys
may be hosted for trading by a crypto-asset trading and address can be made public but may compro-
platform or exchange. Newer tokens types may act mise anonymity and linkability.86
to transfer rights or value between two parties inde- There are hot or cold wallets. The former are like
pendent of any third party exchange or technology saving accounts which must be connected to the
platform. Crypto-currency tokens - such as from Bit- internet, but there is a higher risk of theft than cold
wallets which are like saving accounts and can be

Figure 2: The stylized ‘crypto-economy’

The stylized ‘crypto-economy,’ using crypto-assets and ‘wrapped’ in applicable laws and regulations. Actors here are those
involved in any process which generates, values, issues, stores, or trades a crypto-asset. Key: UT = Utility Tokens; ST = Secu-
rity Tokens; CC = Crypto-currencies; ICO = Initial Coin Offering; IEO = Initial Exchange Offering; DLT = Distributed Ledger
Technologies; dApps = Distributed Applications

18 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

kept offline. There are also online wallets, which, in out only if certain conditions are met. Smart con-
the current state of the industry, are mostly third par- tracts are – and must be - executed independently
ty crypto exchanges also acting as ‘custodian’ of the by (user) every node on a chain.
keys so as to ensure that any token can be quickly Smart contracts are tied to the blockchain-driven
made liquid so as to be traded.87 Crypto-exchanges transaction itself. For example, in the Ethereum block-
are however vulnerable and have been hacked. If the chain, its Solidity programming language allows the
exchange is offline, no tokens can be accessed.88 use of natural language ‘notes’ in an EtherScript that
A newer and ostensibly more secure system uses helps improve human readability in smart contracts.
what are called secure multiparty computation These notes are analogous to the wording in a sep-
(MPC) to secure wallets. This means that multiple arate (physical) legal contract. The physical contract
non-trusting computers can each conduct computa- signature is replaced by the use of cryptographic
tion on their own unique fragments of a larger data keys that indicate assent by participant nodes to
set to collectively produce a desired common out- the ‘legal’ terms embedded in the blockchain by the
come without any one node knowing the details of EtherScript.94
the others’ fragments.89 Potential benefits of smart contracts include low
This is combined with what is known as ‘threshold contracting, enforcement, and compliance costs.
cryptography’ for the computation function across They consequently make it economically viable to
multiple distributed key shares to generate a private form contracts for numerous low-value transactions.
key signature90 This allows multiple parties acting Smart contracts then could be successfully applied
as multiple transaction approvers to each provide in e-commerce, where they can significantly facil-
their secret share of a private key to MPC algorithms itate trade by reducing counterparty risk and the
running locally on their devices to generate a sig- costs of transacting by minimizing the human fac-
nature. When the minimum number of pre-defined tor in the process. In a practical use case example,
approvers provide their shares, a signature is gen- where a contract between the parties to purchase a
erated without ever creating an entire key or ever property asset is written into a blockchain and a set
recombining shares into a whole key on any device, triggering event, such as a lowering of interest rates
at any time. There is thus no single vulnerable com- to a certain level is reached, the contract will execute
puter where a key can be compromised. In all, this itself according to the coded terms and without any
functionality is referred to as ‘Threshold Signatures human intervention. This could in turn trigger pay-
using MPC.’ One of the first iterations of this wallet is ment between parties and the purchase and regis-
KZen’s ZenGo wallet.91 tration of a property in the new owner’s name. Fig-
There are also web apps to manage a user’s ure 3 shows the use of a smart contract that provides
account client-side, given your key (or data required insurance for crop failure whereby small farmers in
to recover it, such as a seed or passphrase), secrets developing countries are automatically paid out if
are not known to the back-end. Hybrid systems fea- automated sensors – as oracles to a agri-specific
ture the key encrypted on the client-side, but stored DLT– detect insufficient rainfall.
encrypted in a cloud are used to login to the platform. The smart contract may also make the need for
escrow redundant. The legal impact is established
5.4 Smart Contracts through the smart contract execution, without addi-
As noted above, some92 DLT implementations such tional intervention. This methodology contrasts with
as Ethereum have built-in intelligence, setting (busi- the conventional, centralized ID database in which
ness logic) rules about a transaction as part of what rules are set at the entire database level, or in the
is called a ‘smart contract.93 The smart contract can application, but not in the transaction.
execute in minutes. In another example, national IDs could be placed
Smart contracts are contracts whose terms are on a specific blockchain, and the identifiable person
recorded in blockchain code and which can be auto- could embed (smart contract) rules into their unique
matically executed. The instructions embedded with- ID entry, allowing only specific entities to access their
in blocks - such as ‘if’ this ‘then’ do that ‘else’ do this ID for specific purposes and for a certain time. The
- allow transactions or other actions to be carried person can, through the blockchain, monitor this use.

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 19


6.1 Internal Uses to changing regulatory requirements and promote

Many regulators are exploring DLT use by conduct- more efficient markets.105 Specifically, the range of
ing theoretical research or through practical test- emerging DLTs – such as Iota, Hashgraph, and Ripple
ing,95 with more than 6 central banks engaged in DLT - can be used for various financial operations such as
initiatives or discussions at the end of 2017.96 Hitachi settling interbank payments, verifying trade finance
Data Systems has been using the Monetary Author- invoices, executing performance of contracts and
ity of Singapore’s (MAS’) sandbox to test DLTs for keeping audit trails.106
issuing and settling checks.97 These DLT-based initia-
tives are in the early stages of development, but have 6.3 Central Bank Digital Currencies
shown promise in improving financial infrastructure The use of digital currencies has been proposed as
by increasing speed, security and transparency.98 a means of stemming the tide of de-risking,107 more
specifically through the issuance and use of a central
6.2 Supervisory Uses bank digital currency (CBDC)108 – also known as a
Manual collection and handling of data features lags in digital fiat currency (DFC)109- especially for remit-
regulatory responses and limitations for data model- tances.110
ling. However, new technologies are opening up Fiat money can be minted in physical form, such
access to new flows of information,99 providing data as cash in the form of coins or banknotes, but the val-
from previously untapped sources, driving access to ue of money is greater than the value of its material.
real-time data for supervision and obtaining insights While there are a number of variations such as retail
from unstructured data.100 Increase in volume, veloc- or wholesale CBDCs, value issued as a DFCs exist
ity and variety of data can fuel better supervision if exclusively in an electronic format and not within a
regulators have the capacity to analyze them. tangible physical medium, is central bank issued and
A ‘permissioned’ blockchain’s inherently shared considered legal tender.111
design provides access to new flows of informa- Proponents of CBDCs say that there are signifi-
tion.102 If regulators can become part of blockchain, cant benefits that CBDCs over traditional crypto-cur-
they can view all transactions, and monitor com- rencies, especially the fact that it is fiat currency.
pliance in real-time, even potentially being able to Theoretically there is less price volatility with CBDCs
enforce regulations.103 Regulators and market partic- than is typical with crypto-currencies, even among
ipants will also not have to store replicated records. the most popular such as Bitcoin.112
Moreover, applications can be built on top of block- CBDCs are not nirvana for all jurisdictions though.
chain technology such as smart contracts104 which For example in 2018 the Republic of the Marshall
self-execute, requiring less monitoring once set up Islands (RMI) – which uses USD - enacted law to
and easing supervision burden. launch the ‘SOV’ digital token,113 a type of decen-
Despite the security issues, financial infrastruc- tralized currency114 to be run by a private entity and
ture based on blockchain technology can potentially acting as a second legal tender in the jurisdiction.115
reduce cost of compliance, increase ease in adapting The116 IMF and US treasury have vehemently opposed

Box 1:
South Africa: New fintech unit of the central bank101

The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) established a fintech task force in 2018 to monitor and promote
fintech innovation to assist them in developing appropriate policy frameworks for FinTech regulation.
Security Aspects: The taskforce reviewed SARB’s position on crypto-currencies, especially regulatory
issues concerning cyber-security, taxation, consumer protection and AML, and will scope out a regula-
tory sandbox and innovation accelerator. The taskforce launched ‘Project Khokha’ in partnership with
US-based DLT technology provider, ConsenSys to assess the risks and benefits of DLT use.

20 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

the idea, resulting in the remaining banks providing EUROPE/JAPAN: Project Stella is a joint DLT Proj-
CBRs to RMI banks threatening to withdraw CBRs. ect of the ECB and the Bank of Japan - conducted
While KYC requirements have yet to be finalized, in-depth experiments to determine whether certain
implementation of the SOV is anticipated to require functionalities of their respective payment systems
identity registration which precludes anonymous could run on DLT.
and pseudo-anonymous use which are characteris-
tics of other crypto-currencies.117 General Findings:
The use of CBDC though in the context of de-risk- • DLT-enabled solution could meet the performance
needs of current large value payment systems.
ing is to provide some means of traceability of trans-
• The project also confirmed the well-known trade-off
actions and money flows beyond currently available, between network size and node distance on one side
while linking the use to identifications of users. As and performance on the other side.123
an exemplar of this ideal, in 2017, Caribbean-based
fintech company Bitt announced it was undertaking Security-related Findings:
a pilot with to launch the Barbadian Digital Dollar – a • Transactions were rejected whenever the certificate
authority was not available, which could possibly
CBDC on the Bitcoin118 blockchain119 – in an effort to
constitute a single point of failure. That is, processing
improve financial inclusion120 in the region and to sty- restarted without any other system intervention once
mie derisking of the local banking sector.121 the certificate authority became available again.
• In terms of resilience and reliability, it showed a DLT’s
potential to withstand issues such as (i) validating
6.4 Use of DLTs for Clearing and Settlement Sys-
node failures and (ii) incorrect data formats. As for the
tems122 node failures, the test results confirmed that a validat-
A number of central banks are testing DLTs in settle- ing node could recover in a relatively short period of
ment domains. In most cases, DLTs are not consid- time irrespective of downtime.
ered sufficiently mature or resilient enough to be SOUTH AFRICA: Project Khokha of the South Afri-
used in a live environment. can Reserve Bank built a proof-of-concept whole-
CANADA: Project Jasper is a collaborative research sale payment system for interbank settlement using
initiative by Payments Canada, the Bank of Cana- a tokenised South African Rand on a DLT platform,
da, R3 and a number of Canadian financial institu- and using the Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerance
tions. The project aims to understand how DLT could consensus mechanism and Pedersen commitments
transform the future of payments in Canada through for confidentiality. DLT nodes were operated under a
the exploration and comparison of two distinct DLT variety of deployment models (on-premise, on-prem-
platforms, while also building some of the key func- ise virtual machine, and cloud) and across distributed
tionalities of the existing wholesale interbank settle- sites while processing the current South African real-
ment system. time gross settlement system’s high-value payments
transaction volumes within a two-hour window.
General Findings:
• Use of Ethereum did not deliver the necessary settle- General Findings:
ment finality and low operational risk required of core • Demonstrated an ability of the DLT system to process
settlement systems. Use of R2’s Corda system using transactions within two seconds across a geograph-
‘notary node’s for consensus delivered improvements ically distributed network of nodes using a range of
in settlement finality scalability and privacy cloud and internal implementations of the technology.

Security-related Findings: Security-related Findings:

• The DLTs used did adequately address operational risk • DLT used were not viable for some use cases unless
requirements. adequate levels of privacy are achieved. Furthermore,
• Further technological enhancements are required to the team concluded that, currently, such levels are not
satisfy the PFMIs required for any wholesale interbank fully supported for the four explored deployment mod-
payments settlement system. els with true decentralization. That is, without relying
on a trusted node or party.

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 21


Billions of dollars are being spent on applications of Table 3 shows indicative current uses or tests
DLTs, from new national ID systems where a person of DLTs in developing countries. Annex C provides
can be provided with a unique ID that they can share; additional examples of use of DLTs in developing
to tracking of assets; to settlement of financial trans- countries from a financial inclusion focus.
actions; to digital rights management; and to the As noted earlier, smart contracts that are self-exe-
development of crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin.125 cuting and embedded into a blockchain can enforce
Currently, the foundational layer and infrastructure legal contracts containing multiple assets and
necessary to support a rich ecosystem of DLT-based enforcement or performance triggers. As Figure 3
applications and services is being established. The shows, this could relate, for example, a smart con-
robustness of the technology has piqued the interest tract that provides insurance for crop failure where-
of financial institutions, regulators, central banks, and by small farmers in developing countries are auto-
governments who are now exploring the possibilities matically paid out by insurance companies based on
of using DLTs to streamline a plethora of different externally-derived micro-climate pattern data linked
public services.126 The reduction of agency costs and to the smart contract that over a period, signals
auditable traceability using DLTs may help to facili- drought conditions.
tate trade as well as ensure compliance with specific
goals regarding sustainability and inclusion.127

Table 3: Indicative Uses of DLTs in Developing Countries

Product Type Example Countries Implementation Partner(s)

Agricultural Value Chain India; Cambodia USAID; IBM, Oxfam
Aid Distribution Jordan, Vanuatu Oxfam; Consensys; Sempo
Credit Bureaus Sierra Leone Kiva, UNDP
Digital Fiat currencies Barbados; Marshall Islands Bitt; Central Banks
Digital Identities Sierra Leone Kiva, UNDP; BanQu
Food Supply Management Kenya IBM
Food Aid Distribution Jordan World Food Program
Interbank Transfers Philippines, and Asean countries Ripple; ConsenSys
Land/property registries Ghana, Democratic Republic of Congo; ConsenSys
Livestock Tracking Papua New Guinea ITU
Local Transportation China Shenzhen Municipal Taxation Bureau
and Tencent,
Payment Switches Tanzania, Pakistan, Philippines Bill & Melinda gates Foundation
Remittances Philippines; Ghana, Kenya; Morocco; Ripple, Bitpesa, e-piso; e-currency
Nigeria; Senegal; Philippines
Supply Chain Management Zambia BanQu
Trade finance India, Seychelles IBM; Deloitte; Barclays, Wave
De-confliction Indicator Globally Cap Gemini128

22 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Figure 3: Use of a smart contracts

Use of a smart contracts for insurance for crop failure, whereby small farmers are automatically paid out by insurance
companies based on externally-derived micro-climate pattern data linked to the smart contract that over a period, sig-
nals drought conditions. Trends in mobile base station129 interconnectivity statistics can indicate the degree of rainfall in a
micro-region. Similarly, Oxfam launched its ‘BlocRice’130 blockchain supply chain solution for rice, which aims to use smart
contracts to provide transparency and security between rice growers in Cambodia and purchasers in the Netherlands and
should expand to 5,000 farms by 2022.
Security Aspects: Vulnerabilities in oracles and the smart contracts they link to make result in incorrect payments to farm-
ers or other persons.


8.1 General Security Risks and Concerns in Use of the data itself. Zero knowledge proof algorithms
DLTs may solve this in some cases. Blockchain thus only
While DLT designs lend themselves to a tamper-evi- addresses a record’s authenticity by confirming the
dent motif, as noted above, the nascent DLT ecosys- party or parties submitting a record, the time and
tem also offers a rich attack source for directly date of its submission, and the contents of the record
stealing value – as tokens - from ‘wallets’, disrupting at the time of submission, and not the reliability or
the use of a DL, and potentially changing data on a accuracy of the records contained in the blockchain.
DL. In many cases these are specific threat vectors These records may in fact be encrypted. If a docu-
designed to exploit a vulnerability inherent in the ment containing false information is hashed – added
design of a DL and its internal and external compo- to the blockchain - as part of a properly formatted
nents. There have been very high-profile intrusions transaction, the network will and must validate it.
into the ‘exchanges’ that store crypto-currencies, That is, as long as the correct protocols are utilized,
resulting in huge loses for owners of these values.131 the data inputted will be accepted by the nodes on
But while Bitcoin storage facilities have been com- a blockchain.
promised, there are no reports to date of the Bitcoin This is the DLT incarnation of the unfortunate
blockchain itself being compromised. That is, com- mantra of ‘garbage data in, garbage data out’ which
promised in the sense that data on the blockchain is usually characteristic of some databases in the
was altered without consensus of all the user nodes non-DLT world. The possibility has also been raised
in the blockchain. There were however 3 forks of the of an individual participant on a blockchain show-
original Bitcoin blockchain called BitCoin Cash, Bit- ing their users an altered version of their data whilst
Coin Gold and BitCoin SV, which some believe qualify simultaneously showing the unedited (genuine) ver-
as a compromise. sion to the other participant nodes on the blockchain
Although the data on a blockchain is said to network.132
be secure, and any data input authenticated, the While integration of IoT devices with DLTs show
DLT does not address the reliability or accuracy of great promise – especially in the agricultural value

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 23

Figure 4: DLT architecture abstraction layers134

A: Network layer: Decentralized communication model

B: Data model layer - The structure, content, and the operation of the DLT data.
C: Consensus layer - Where all nodes in the DL attempt to agree on the content to be added to the DLT
D: Execution layer - Contains details of the runtime environment that support DLT operations. Each DLT system uses its
own type.
E: Application layer - Includes the use-cases of the DLT application.
F: External layer- All the external input/outputs into a DLT and/or use of tokens on a DLT

chain ecosystem – these IoTs acting as DLT oracles Annex D summarizes these general risks and vul-
are often not secure and create the opportunity for nerability concerns, alongside resultant risks and
injection of incorrect data in a DLT that could set off a potential mitigation measures. Other areas of con-
chain of incorrect smart contract ‘transactions.’ Zero- cern are described in Table 5 and include ‘download
knowledge-proof can solve this issue, since the nodes and decrypt later’ concerns; (un)authorized access;
can validate the authenticity of the data injected by increased nodes increase vulnerabilities; interopera-
the oracles without gaining access to the data itself. bility attempts between DLTs; open source software
As noted above on methodology used in this development in DLTs; trust of nodes; user interface/
study, to illustrate the loci of the attacks from threat user experience failures; and privacy and confidenti-
vectors we use an adapted version of a published133 ality of data.
DLT architecture abstraction layers which are based
on a layered DLT architecture approach. These 8.2 Software Development Flaws
abstract layers consist of a network layer, a data lay-
er, a consensus layer, an execution layer, and an appli- 8.2.1 Issue: Methods to speed up DLT
cation layer, and an external layer. These layers are transaction processing may be insecure
shown in Figure 4. Many public, permissionless blockchain aspire to
These dimensions are integrated into the most achieve a fully decentralized operation.135 The block-
prominent threats and vulnerabilities that this report chain scalability trilemma136 represents a widely held
identifies as having the most coincidence to finan- belief that the use of blockchain technology presents
cial inclusion. As shown in Figure 5, these prominent a tri-directional compromise in efforts to increase
risks and vulnerabilities include software develop- scalability, security and decentralization.137 All three
ment flaws; DLT availability; transaction and data cannot be maximized at one time and increasing the
accuracy; key management; data privacy and pro- level of one factor results in the decrease of another.
tection; safety of funds; consensus; smart contracts. Hence blockchain’s goals of striving to reach maxi-
Annex D combines these layers, risk, threats and vul- mum levels of decentralization inherently result in a

24 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Figure 5: Stylized Prominent Risks and Vulnerabilities in DLTs.

This taxonomy has been developed based on a survey of the most frequent risks permeating the DLT ecosystem world-
wide. Annex D is a summary of these general risks and vulnerability concerns, alongside resultant risks and potential
mitigation measures. Others areas of concern are described in Table 5.

decrease in scalability and/or security. Methods to uses can cause dangers, such as coins being sent to
increase scalability include Sharding and SegWIt: Segwit addresses.144
Sharding is the process of partitioning or breaking up
large databases into smaller, more manageable piec- Mitigation and Recommendations:
es or ‘shards.’ It is different than sidechains. Sharding Increase the number of active nodes. Sharding
is considered a Layer 1 solution as it is implemented requires sufficient numbers of active nodes per each
into the base-level protocol of the blockchain. It basi- blockchain shard to ensure the security of transac-
cally divides the network into teams. After fractioning tions.145
the network, each node is responsible for process-
ing its own transactions. Projects using sharding as 8.2.2 Issue: Bugs in DLT Code
a scalability solution include Ethereum,138 Zilliqa, and DLTs show great promise in use in DeFi context, from
Cardano.139 A shard must be able to fit within the size secure disbursement of funds, to secure and trans-
of the node which is managing it, or this may result parent access to assets and record; raising of funds
in single-shard takeover attacks.140 using crypto-based tokens; tracing of trade finance
The partitioning aspect of sharding raises a sig- payments for small enterprises; to secure identities
nificant potential problem: without downloading and that can be used to access funds and credit. Espe-
validating the entire history of a particular shard the cially with a financial component to their use, secu-
participant cannot necessarily be certain141 that the rity of DLTs and the tokens they enable is vital and
state with which they interact is the result of some necessary.
valid sequence of blocks and that such sequence of All software requires traditional and acceptable
blocks is indeed the canonical chain in the shard.142 levels of attention to properly maintain and update
Segregated Witness (SegWit) is a Layer 1, soft fork the underlying code, methods and core develop-
protocol upgrade created by Bitcoin Core devel- ment concerns. This includes appropriate, secure
opers to solve and patch Bitcoin’s data malleability and responsible methods of review, reporting,
problem and enhance the protocol’s extremely slow response (such as to bug reports and communica-
transaction throughput by effectively increasing tion with developers and the community), testing,
block capacity. Substantial benefits are supposed to deployment, maintenance, documentation, collabo-
occur once majority adoption is reached. ration, etc.
While there do not appear to be major vulnerabil-
Risks: ities in the Bitcoin Blockchain and Ethereum internal
Data on a DLT may be compromised/ Privacy and technologies themselves, the nascent technologies
Confidentiality of Data. Challenges with scalability and implementation thereof invariably introduce
means that compromises are usually made elsewhere, vulnerabilities. These emanate in particular from
such as the sacrifice of safety and security for speed the abundance of new protocols that vary the ini-
gains and increases the chances of data corruption tial design with new features and complex logic to
on a DLT. SegWit though is not a universally adopt- implement them This is exacerbated by the distrib-
ed solution by a significant margin and may increase uted nature of DLTs and the associated wide attack
the risk that mining cartels will rise again.143 There surface and in many cases, and a rush to implement
are also compatibility issues with non-adopters and solutions that are not properly tested or are devel-

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 25

oped by inexperienced developers, and third-party 8.2.3 Issue: Longevity of the security of DLT-
dependencies. based data
These create an opportunity for design ‘bugs’ The issue of longevity of the security of block-
where, although the functionality works as intend- chain-based data may also be an issue. For example,
ed, they can be abused by an attacker. These further the possibility of ‘old’ transactions on a particular
allow software bugs, which are software errors allow blockchain may be vulnerable to advances in cryp-
the DLT – possibly a smart contract - enter an inse- tography over a period of years or decades such that
cure state, unintended by the designer or design. ‘old’ transactions can be undetectably changed. 151
Security audits before deployment are critical to the Thereto, quantum computing is the use of quan-
safe functioning of DLTs. tum-mechanical phenomena such as superposition
While many enterprises are developing consor- and entanglement to perform computation. A quan-
tia DLTs within the confines of their specific design tum computer is used to perform such computation,
goals, for many public DLTs the underlying tech- which can be implemented theoretically or physically.
nologies – ‘Layer 1’ technology – in use are open The advent of quantum computing could potential-
source, enhanced primarily through the ‘wisdom of ly defeat the security of asymmetric cryptography152
the crowd’ and unidentified coders. The review of as a result of potentially superior computing pow-
code and performance of the system often includes er which could crack existing ciphers, including RSA
assistance of the system stakeholders, such as com- encryption. Table 4 illustrates the potential effect of
mercial service providers, mining pools, commercial quantum computing on current cryptography153
security service providers (which often provide pub-
lic monitors), miners/validators and the token hold- Risks:
ers who watch publicly observable activities on pub- ‘Download and Decrypt Later’ breaking of private
lic DLTs and blockchains. keys; transaction accuracy; and leakage of private
Smaller systems - fledgling protocols and data.
third-party tools - documentation is often sparse That is, the issue of longevity of the security of block-
in many popular public, permissionless blockchains, chain-based data may also be an issue. For example,
and are often be targeted for attacks.146.Commercial the possibility of ‘old’ transactions on a particular
DLTs and private blockchains then may have superior blockchain may be vulnerable to advances in cryp-
financing and provide better organization, incentives tography over a period of years or decades such that
and stability to a development team. ‘old’ transactions can be undetectably changed.155
The question also arises in relation to governance The ability then to upgrade the cryptographic tech-
of DLs, as to who and how changes to the consensus niques used for ‘old’ transactions should be consid-
protocols/software are agreed to in the face of secu- ered in DLT designs.
rity bugs, and changes to commercial environments,
and regulatory changes.147 Does the (consensus) val- Mitigation and Recommendations:
idation method adopted allow for manipulation by Use and implement quantum resistant ciphers and
a majority of authenticators or an undisclosed con- wrappers.156 With the rapid evolution of quantum
sortium? 148 computing power – some systems have over 5000
qubits of computing power157 – administrators should
Risks: begin to prepare for the download-now-decrypt-lat-
Without adequate developer support, development er types of attacks, if not already use post-quan-
growth and maturity stagnate, and bugs will not be tum wrappers being developed to protect existing
fixed. ciphers.158

Mitigation and Recommendations: 8.3 Transaction and Data Accuracy

Mitigation can be affected by bug bounty programs
which have risen in popularity with the goal of 8.3.1 Issue: Finality in Transaction Settlement
discovering and avoiding bugs well prior before they Key to financial transactions is transfer of assets to
are discovered by hackers, such as Hackerone149 and a counterparty, to the extent that all right, encum-
individual project/entity programs such as those list- brances attaching to that asset are extinguished
ed at Github.150 Regulators after transfer. There are large, and emerging differ-
ences between legacy systems of clearing, netting,

26 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Table 4: Potential Effect of Quantum Computing on Current Cryptography.

Encryption Name Type Use Status

AES-256 Symmetric Key Encryption Ok, but larger key sizes needed
SHA-256, SHA-3 Hash function Ok, but larger output needed
Lattice-based (NTRU) Public Key Encryption; signature Believed
Code-based Public Key Encryption Believed
Multivariate polynomials Public Key Encryption; signature Believed
Supersingular ellptic curve isoge- Encryption; possibly signa-
nies (SIDH) ture
ECDSA, ECDH Public Key Signatures; Key exchange No longer secure
Signatures; Key establish-
RSA Public Key No longer secure
DSA Public Key Signature No longer secure

‘No longer secure’ indicates that researchers have found that these encryption types are subject to successful quantum
computing attacks.

and settlement as part of an FMI, versus the relatively finality is not deterministic, that is, is not guaran-
truncated process involving transfer of crypto-assets. teed. Instead it is probabilistic as consensus must be
For the most part, financial transactions trans- reached for a block to be added by nodes containing
ferred to counterparties must go through a process that settlement transaction (transfer of ‘ownership’
where the value (and instrument, if applicable) are to the counterparty. The essence of the issue is that
done through a process of clearing, netting, and set- the risk is concentrated in the exchange,
tlement. Each of these components of a financial
market infrastructure consisting of the various sys- Mitigation and Recommendations:
tems, networks, and technological processes that
are necessary for conducting and completing finan- • Coincident with issues of trading is how to ensure
cial transactions. 159 These are all highly regulated to that the clearing, netting settlement processes are
ensure the safety and soundness of the financial sys- sufficiently sound and safe that funds and assets
tem.160 Key though for any FMI – be it for payment or are not at risk. To be sure, for the crypto-economy
securities or any other asset - is the requirement for to evolve, institutional investors need to be sure
settlement finality, meaning that the counterparty is that there are regulations that create the environ-
sure that the transaction will complete, and the value ment for safety and security.
or asset will effectively be in the hands of the coun- • Centralized exchanges - particularly those where
terparty. Any equivocation that settlement finality fiat-crypto pairing are undertaken - currently pro-
may not occur could fundamentally affect the stabil- vide some touchpoints for regulators to fasten
ity of financial ecosystem. these safety and soundness criteria.
Given the nascent nature crypto assets and the • Given that there is interest in some financial insti-
methodologies for transferring value between coun- tutions to perform custody solutions, there is a
terparties and the lack of institutional support for any need for certainty of transposing current regula-
crypto-assets and its ‘trading rails,’ exchanges have tions.
been the focal point of value transfer of crypto-as- • An interim measure could be allowing existing
sets. To a large degree these are unregulated, often exchanges to undertake some of the clearing and
firmly ensconcing themselves in jurisdictions where settlement components ‘off-chain’ under regu-
there are no directly applicable standards for C&S. lation that fastens on legacy providers of these
services. These may not, however, be practical in
Risks: all cases as technology evolves to undertaking all
Two issues are dominant here. First, given that the transactions as gross settlement, with no clearing
exchanges do custody, issuance, C&S, all risk is or netting per se required. Similarly, the near hori-
concentrated there. Secondly, given the design of zon of decentralized exchanges – or atomic swaps
some blockchains such as Ethereum, settlement – where trading is effectively ‘exchange-less’ will

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 27

ensure in this context keep all these transactions looking for a specific transaction ID (but not seman-
on-chain and the settlement near instantaneous. tic equivalents) that a transaction had not completed
• Greater certainty around the concepts of settle- when, in fact, it had.171
ment and settlement finality applied to crypto-as-
sets is needed. Risks:
• Use of the transaction assurance, for example By deliberately launching transaction malleability
insurance of custodians attacks on multiple exchanges at once, perhaps using
• There may be a need to distinguish between per- software deliberately designed to create mutant
missioned and permissionless DLTs in that respect, transactions could cause short-term problems for
in particular, specific governance issues with per- the market as any uncertainty or doubt about market
missionless DLTs, which makes them less suitable stability will have an effect on market prices, espe-
to the processing of financial instruments, at least cially with such an illiquid, volatile asset class.
in their current form.161
• Central Bank DLT prototypes have used the BFT Mitigation and Recommendations:
consensus protocol to ensure finality of pay- Cost-based prevention, e.g. consensus algorithms
ments.162 make it expensive to perpetrate this attack.

8.3.2 Issue: Changes In The Order Of 8.3.3 Issue: Accuracy of Oracle Input/Output
Transactions Data

Dimensions Affected: Consensus, Data Model Dimension Affected: Data Model

Specific Threat: Transaction (Data) Malleability Specific Threat: Oracles are compromised
A transaction (data) malleability attack lets some- Blockchain applications are unable to directly access
one change the unique ID of a Bitcoin transaction and retrieve information from sources outside of the
before it is confirmed on the Bitcoin network, making blockchain. An oracle serves as a conduit between
it possible for someone to pretend that a transac- an external data source and blockchain applications,
tion didn’t happen.163 The goal then is to deceive a such as smart contracts and DApps.172
merchant or payor into paying twice for the same In contrast to the blockchain philosophy which
transaction by leading the target into believing that mandates operation in a decentralized, trustless
the original transaction failed.164 The founder of Mt. environment, using an oracle introduces both a trust-
Gox claimed that transaction malleability was a ed intermediary and trusted data source with the
primary cause of the spectacular heist of USD 473 possibility both will be provided from a single, cen-
million of Bitcoin stolen from the exchange.165 The tralized source.
claim was analyzed and separately confirmed as a
problem in the Bitcoin protocol,166 currently fixed in Vulnerabilities:
a soft fork167 and in the SegWit solution (which is still Corrupted data is seeded into/out of DLTs via inse-
not fully adopted within the Bitcoin network)168 as cure oracles
well as the Lightning Network.169 While oracles generally provide critical input and
output capabilities for data on a DL, they are also the
Vulnerability: weakest link as they are not secure. They may give
The vulnerability lies mainly with DL protocols rise to greater opportunity for liability and damag-
such as Bitcoin (and Litecoin)170 which use transac- es if faulty data is used and there are losses, which
tion identification (‘TXID’) in the process of send- could precipitate a damage claim.173
ing funds, meaning that instead of withdrawing a Oracles require trust both regarding the ora-
value from an account, the Bitcoin protocol points cle itself (as a trusted intermediary to a blockchain
to a prior input (the ‘deposit’) which is the source application) as well as from the data sources them-
of where an address received funds to match to the selves. An oracle is vulnerable to the presence of bad
existing output (the ‘spend’). The problem allows behavior that occurs at/from its data source and
for the transaction identification to be changed to could impact what occurs on the blockchain,
a variation that is a semantic equivalent before the
original transaction is confirmed on the network. This
lends the appearance to the sender, who may be only

28 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Risks: 8.3.4 Issue: Fraudulent Allocation of Data
There is a possibility that an oracle may misinterpret
data sent from a source leading to an unintended Dimensions Affected: Network, Consensus, Data
result or interpretation. Or a hack may intentional- Model
ly provide bad oracle data that could impact block- There are 3 threats enumerated below for this issue.
chain nodes and open vulnerabilities to attack.
Specific Threat: Routing attack
Mitigation and Recommendations: Routing194 attacks often direct traffic to areas desired
Where possible, use trusted oracle solutions. The by the hacker. One attack consists of two stages
following are oracles designed as trusted interme- where the attacker first (i) isolates nodes from the
diaries connecting DLTs and blockchains to external network by redirecting them to an area the attacker
data. controls (partition the network so one set of nodes
has no visibility of the others; and, (ii) within their
• Oraclize174 (now known as ‘Provable’)” Provides own universe, creates their own chains) and delay
integration of different types of data and uses the propagation of messages across the network.195
‘authenticity proofs’: ‘a cryptographic guarantee It can have a variety of different consequences,
proving that such data (or result) was not tam- one notable example being the deliberate waste/
pered with.’175 Oraclize is trying to integrate into consumption of the power of mining pools which are
an existing standard and you can specify a type of redirected to mine a network area controlled by the
authenticity proof from Oraclize that a data source hijacker which ultimately proves to be perform work
is sending out a signature as an authenticity proof which they will not receive compensation.196
(which is provided by existing data sources in their
API and this is easier to do directly on: chain.) It Specific Threat: Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
uses ‘TLSNotary’176 proofs. (See also Qualcomm attack.
TEE,177 Samsung Knox,178 Google SafetyNet,179 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is used to direct
AWS Sandbox,180 Intel SGX,181 Android Trusty.182) traffic across the Internet as networks use BGP to
• Augur:​183 A decentralized oracle and permission- exchange “reachability information.” A BGP attack
less prediction market protocol on the Ethereum occurs when an attacker disguises itself as another
blockchain184 which uses Ethereum for trading and network by announcing network prefixes belonging
provides Augur’s Reputation token to report the to another network as if those prefixes are theirs.
outcome of events.
• Chainlink:​185 A decentralized Oracle network Risks:
which provides data feed in exchange for their Can potentially result an attempt to create a domi-
‘LINK’ tokens. ‘The Chainlink network provides nance/51% attack (and create double spending
reliable tamper: proof inputs and outputs for com- opportunities), prevent the relay of messages to the
plex smart contracts on any blockchain.’ rest of the network; commit bad acts such as ‘spam-
• Town Crier: A project launched by Cornell Uni- ming the network’ with controlled nodes to subvert
versity which utilizes Intel SGX (Software Guard the reputation system.
• Aeternity:​187 A decentralized oracle (which uses Vulnerability:
state channels)188 in the form of ‘complex smart: Once another network accepts the route, this distorts
contracts on the Ethereum network that users the “roadmap” of the Internet and traffic is forward-
can use to create markets and select oracles. The ed to the attacker instead of its legitimate destina-
consensus building process for finalizing an oracle tion. For example, in the MyEtherWallet attack, traf-
response is quite interesting and involves the stak- fic went to the attacker instead of to Amazon. Other
ing of Augur’s native ERC-20 token called REP impacted crypto-currencies included Bitcoin, Doge-
(‘reputation’).’189 coin, HoboNickels, and Worldcoin and impacted traf-
• Rlay:​190 A newer decentralized infrastructure pro- fic on large ISPs and networks and hosting compa-
tocol which uses a ‘Proof: of: Coherence’ consen- nies including Amazon, Digital Ocean and OVH.
sus mechanism.191
• Gnosis: A market prediction oracle. 192 Mitigation and Recommendations:
• ShapeShift AG: Trusted Agent Blockchain Ora- The overall threat level has been diagnosed as mini-
cle.193 mal197 and can be mitigated. Use of Mutually Agreed

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 29

Norms for Routing Security (MANRS),198 a commu- spending attacks, waste mining power of other
nity initiative of network operators and Internet miners.203
Exchange Points that creates a baseline of security
expectations for routing security. Risks:
The attacker can exploit the victim for attacks on
Specific Threat: Sybil Attack. bitcoin’s mining and consensus system, including
In a Sybil attack the attacker controls or assumes double spending, selfish mining, and adversarial
multiple virtual identities or nodes which is also a forks in the DL.
fact unknown to the network, e.g. multiple nodes
surrounding a target containing different, front facing Mitigation and Recommendations:
aliases of the attacker. On a blockchain network the Mitigation procedures include the use of whitelisting
attacker creates numerous fake identities to impact procedures, diversify incoming connections instead
how good nodes act or are prevented from acting. of relying upon a limited number or the same IP
address, among multiple other mitigants.204
Can potentially result in an attempt to create a 8.3.5 Issue: Duplication of Transactions
dominance/51% attack (and create double spending
opportunities), prevent the relay of messages to the Specific Threat: Double-Spending Attacks
rest of the network; commit bad acts such as ‘spam-
ming the network’ with controlled nodes to subvert Dimensions Affected: Network, Consensus, Data
the reputation system. Model
Blockchain technologies operate decentralized,
Mitigation and Recommendations: distributed manner. Transactions are generated and
propagated throughout a network of validating
• Cost-based prevention, e.g. consensus algorithms nodes, potentially global. Using a consensus mech-
make it expensive to perpetrate a Sybil attack, e.g. anism, a validator broadcasts to other validators its
POW requires the attacker to own and provide confirmation of the validity of a block of transactions,
power to each alias or amount needed to stake to which is relayed to other network nodes for reaching
engage in voting or delegation of witnesses who consensus on adding the block to the blockchain.
validate transactions. The time it takes to perform this process creates a
• Use of a ‘mixing protocol’ such as Xim which is vector for attacks on verification mechanisms.
also a cost-based prevention mechanism.199 This could include a ‘double-spending’ attack,
• Use of a reputation system200 and/or validation which occurs when an attacker uses or ‘spends’ the
techniques such as a lookup at a central author- same digital currency or tokens for multiple trans-
ity or trust gained from experience such as prior actions.205 On many blockchain systems, especial-
interaction. ly POW-based blockchains, a transaction does not
complete and finalize in real time but only after a cer-
Specific Threat: Eclipse Attack tain duration. A transaction is submitted and propa-
When an attacker is able to control a sufficient number gated to nodes across a network, potentially distant,
of nodes surrounding the target and prevents it from which process, confirming, reach consensus and add
being sufficiently connected (ingoing and outgoing) a new transaction to the blockchain. An attacker can
to the network (such as being eclipsed from being exploit this intermediate time206
seen by the sun.)201 The use of botnets can increase These threats may follow from one or more of the
success rate.202 following attack types:

Vulnerability: • Race: An attacker makes a purchase from a mer-

This attack may allow an adversary controlling a chant who accepts unconfirmed transactions and
sufficient number of IP addresses to monopolize ships goods immediately upon or shortly after
all connections to and from a victim bitcoin node. seeing the transaction occur. Concurrently, the
This attack can potentially trigger a 51%/dominance attacker submits a second double spend trans-
vulnerability, cause repercussions similar to DDoS action to the network which results in a race for
attacks, shield the node from view of the blockchain the second transaction to be confirmed before the
and cause inconsistencies and potential for double first or the second transaction to be confirmed in

30 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Figure 6: The Mojaloop System Security Does Transaction Verifications

Developmental Program: Mojaloop is an open-source payments switch developed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Founda-
tion and partners. The system architecture is shown above. Trials are planned in inter alia Tanzania. Mojaloop is open-source
software for financial services companies, government regulators, and others taking on the challenges of interoperability
and financial inclusion.
Security Aspects: Mojaloop uses components from the Interledger Protocol (ILP).207. Every transaction must be confirmed
and verified through issuance of a secure token.

a longer chain which invalidates the first transac- but the subsequent release of a low value trans-
tion. action to the rest of the network ultimately results
• Finney: A Race attack variation, a dishonest miner in the reversal of the high value transaction, which
privately pre-mines and withholds a block with a has already been paid to the attacker.
pre-mined transaction in which he transfers coins • Alternative History: Very similar to a 51%/Majority
from his address to a second address he con- Control Attack which includes a double spend, the
trols. The miner then spends the same coins with attacker submits a transaction to the target. The
a vendor which are sent to the vendor’s address. attacker then creates another transaction spend-
The vendor, who may have to wait a short time ing the same coins and tries to mine an alternative
to detect double-spends, sends the product. The blockchain privately which outpaces the network.
attacker then releases the pre-mined block which If successful and submitted, this new chain forks
may take precedence over the block containing the existing blockchain with the other chain which
the transaction with the vendor. includes the original transaction being discarded
• Vector 76/One-Confirmation: Similar to Race and the transaction deemed invalid. This attack
and Finney, this attack often targets exchange requires substantial hashing power in POW sys-
or e-wallet services which have a node accept- tems although it can be done with less than 51% of
ing direct incoming transactions as well as lim- the hash power.
ited transaction confirmations – which is rare. • Timejacking: Timejacking is a vulnerability that
Two transactions are created with a pre-mined impacts the Bitcoin network’s handling of time-
block holding a high value transaction with the stamps and the ability of an attacker to alter a
exchange which is sent directly to the exchange node's network time counter.

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 31

Vulnerability: • Require more confirmations before accepting a
The ability to deceive a node into accepting an alter- transaction.
nate block chain.208 • Using delayed timestamp validation.
As transaction blocks are added to the blockchain,
the odds increase that a longer chain of transaction
blocks does not exist which would invalidate the 8.4 DLT Availability
transaction and create an assurance of finality.209 As
the blockchain is not centralized, all transactions are 8.4.1 Issue: Interoperability between DLTs
typically ‘irreversible’ and the victim will likely have
no recourse. Dimensions Affected: Network, Consensus, Data
Risks: Despite a decentralized and often chaotic develop-
Confirmed Transactions. Attacks on transaction ment process in DLTs, there have been some remark-
verification mechanisms can be more common on able improvements in reliability, adaptability, secu-
POW networks, such as Bitcoin. They primarily target rity, scalability and speed of DLTs from technology
merchants who wait short periods of time (such as generation to generation. Ethereum, launched in
accepting ‘instant payments’) before sending the 2014, is the most popular of the public DLTs, using
payor assets in exchange for the payment and/or its native programmatic component called ERC-20
accept ‘unconfirmed’ or one/low confirmation trans- to launch a number of innovative dApps. So-called
actions.210 Transactions are bundled into a block to smart contracts represent the business end of DLTs
be added to the blockchain periodically (every 8-10 dApps, automating manual process in what the
minutes with Bitcoin.) Newer blocks added to the maximalists understand to be ‘code as law.’
blockchain are at greater risk of being reversed by the The caveat though is that these parallel develop-
presence of a longer confirmed chain on the network. ments have resulted in the balkanization of the ‘Layer
Additional risk occurs with merchants such as cryp- 1’ enabling technologies and platforms, including in
to-currency exchanges, whose deposit of coins sent many cases that the dApps and payment tokens can
to the attacker’s wallet would be an irreversible trans- only be used on one type of DLT. Each DLT class then
action risk on the blockchain. This could significantly is an island of excellence. This trend is likely to contin-
increase the chances of a successful double-spend, ue for a number of years until, at least, some measure
drain a node's computational resources, or simply of reliable and secure interoperability between DLTs is
slow down the transaction confirmation rate.211 ensured through, as yet, mainstream innovation. This
lack of interoperability and standardization introduc-
Mitigation and Recommendations: es elements of inconsistency in use, which may affect
In certain instances - especially pertaining to block- the longevity of storing data on a DLT, with resultant
chains using POW - double-spending attacks can security, privacy and compliance implications.
be mitigated by waiting longer periods of time to
confirm a larger number of block confirmations. Risks:
While this may increase transaction latency and Although good and important work is being done
finality it will add a significant additional measure of by the various DLT consortia, this may yet lead to
security providing sufficient time to identify a previ- silo’ed – and incompatible – blockchain initiatives.213
ous spend. Operators of a DL should continue to So-called ‘forking’ of existing DLTs may also intro-
diversify network to make it difficult for the attacker duce fragmentation and slow down transaction
to find division points. processing speeds.214 Interoperability215 required to
For timejacking, several solutions are recommend- connect these silos may introduce security and effi-
ed to mitigate such an occurrence, currently consid- ciency risks to the respective blockchain operations
ered to be a minor attack and capable of mitigation.212 number of initiatives to enhance interoperability
For Bitcoin and other POW DLTs, these include: between DLTs to facilitate secure communication
between separate and independent chains.216
• Using the node's system time instead of the net-
work time to determine the upper limit of block Mitigation & Recommendation:
timestamps and when creating blocks. Although the various DLT initiatives may address
• Tightening the acceptable time ranges. different market sectors and thus require nuanced
• Use only trusted peers. design and implementation, some level of consis-

32 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

tency between at least similar implementations is 8.4.3 Issue: Monopolistic Possibilities in DLT Use
desirable to avoid unnecessary fragmentation that
would delay the emergence of industry ‘standards’ Dimensions Affected: Network, Consensus, Data
for a sector. Model, Execution, Application, External
While the DLT ecosystem is still nascent, consider-
8.4.2 Issue: Denial of Service ations of risks to fair competition still arise. This may
manifest as inability for others to participate in the
Dimensions Affected: Network, Consensus, DL or allowing interoperability with other DLs; inabil-
External ity to access encryption key or access to technolo-
gies based on enforcement of patents in a relatively
Specific Threat: Distributed Denial of Service new market. These barriers may arise by technology
(DDoS) design or because of market development. 226
DDoS attacks represent an effort to disrupt the Consortium, permissioned DLTs may be prone to
operation of a target system through the consump- inherent competition-related concerns. Simply, they
tion of its resources with an overwhelming number amount to a closed group, with in most cases high
of requests to be processed. In order to maximize qualification barriers.227 In developing these plat-
impact as well as avoiding detection, networks forms, there will invariably need be collaborative
of ‘zombie’ computers controlled by an attacker efforts necessary to implement the chosen DLT to the
(also known as ‘botnets’) may be used. From 2014- particular use case within a vertical. Internal gover-
2015, dozens of attacks were reported,217 currency nance may ameliorate or exacerbate these concerns,
exchanges and mining pools were primary targets on especially if there are governing bodies made of up of
the Bitcoin network,218 with over 60% of large Bitcoin members who have the power to include or exclude
mining pools suffering DDoS attacks versus only 17% members.228 Cross-border jurisdictional issues may
for smaller pools.219 complicate enforcement by market integrity regula-
tors, if they can found jurisdiction over DLTs.
While DDoS attacks are more difficult to accom- Risks:
plish on a decentralized, distributed network, DDoS Lack of practical on-chain interoperability between
remains a very popular method of attack on cryp- DLT raises competition concerns, with balkanization
to-currency networks. They are more impactful when of DLTs and with exclusion from technologies and
focused on a greater concentration of miners (and data possible across vertical asset classes. Similarly,
validators), such as the Bitcoin network where sever- mining pools undertaking POW could monopolize
al large mining pools operate.220 some DLTs or change the underlying protocols.

Risks: Mitigation & Recommendations:

An attack on a sizeable mining pool can substan- Market conduct regulators would have to consid-
tially disrupt mining activity221 and even early detec- er whether there is a dominance of a DLT within a
tion and preventative measures can still result be of particular market activity. However, with the rapid
significant negative impact.222 Attacks on a network evolution of DLs, competition law and regulators
(or competing mining pool) may also be placed to may struggle to define these markets, a determina-
cause actors to unnecessarily consume resources, be tion that may also be complicated by cross-jurisdic-
it disrupting a network by occupying nodes with a tional issues.
flurry of fake or invalid requests or other activities
which may burn Gas and cost money to place blocks 8.4.4 Issue: Reliance on and Trust in DLT Nodes
in a state they were in before the DDoS attack. Despite the use of strong cryptography, DLTs are not
necessarily a panacea for security concerns people
Mitigation and Recommendations: may have.229 Indeed, there is a trade-off between
While the Bitcoin client has DDoS prevention meth- replacing costly – and often risky - intermediar-
ods,223 they are not bulletproof and mining pools and ies with cryptographic key-only access distribut-
exchanges typically obtain specialized DDoS mitiga- ed across nodes.230 For example, for permissioned
tion and prevention services, such as those provid- ledgers replacing centralized intermediaries, the
ed by Incapsula224 or Cloudflare225 as well as Amazon cost-benefit in using DLTs is somewhat ameliorat-
Cloud Services. ed by the need to trust permissioned authors rather

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 33

than relying solely on the nodes who offer the guar- online 24/7 exposes their IP addresses and potential-
antee of ledger integrity.231 ly also their online custody of staked assets.236
DLT-based solutions also intrinsically rely upon
multiple users (and nodes) for achieving critical Mitigation & Recommendations:
mass: Nodes need more nodes to distribute the data, At least for critical infrastructure, resilience of nodes
to do the validation of the blocks in the process of for a particular DLT required to prevent 51% attacks
being added, and to do the processing itself.234 Wide- should be ensured. DLTs thus combines elements
spread adoption then is essential for the positive net- of the need for high availability (HA)237 and disaster
work effect of DLTs to be truly harnessed as a single recovery (DR). Disaster recovery addresses multiple
entity using blockchain could be seen as analogous failures in a datacenter while HA typically accounts
to a centralized database, The more trusted parties for a single predictable failure. HA infrastructure
per node that are needed, so too does the com- component or IT system must thus be “fault toler-
promisable ‘surface area' of a distributed network ant” or having the ability to “fail over.” DR238 is related
increase.235 to the resources and activities needed to re-establish
IT services at an alternate site following a disruption
Risks: of IT services. This includes components such as
Increased Reliance on Nodes May Increase Vulner- infrastructure, telecommunications, people, systems,
abilities applications and data.
The nascent DLT ecosystem also offers a rich attack
source for directly stealing value – as tokens - from 8.5 General Concern: Safety of Funds and Informa-
‘wallets’, often stored in exchanges that use basic tion
security unrelated to the more robust DLT that
spawned the tokens. DLTs in the current state of 8.5.1 Issue: Inability to distinguish between un/
development are also resource-intensive with back- authorized users
end running the DLT needing to be secure end-to-end, Dimensions Affected: Network, Consensus, External
including uptime requirements for validation nodes Nodes on the blockchain are – using current protocols
required to implement consensus mechanisms in the – said to be unable to distinguish between a transac-
chosen DLT design. This creates challenges, espe- tion by an authorized, actual user and a fake transac-
cially in developing countries where communications tion by someone who somehow has gained access
networks may always not be robust or fast enough to to the blockchain trusted party’s private key. This
allow nodes to be available for these purposes. The means that if a bad actor gains access to a compre-
less nodes, the more a DLT could be subject to a ‘51%’ hensive banking blockchain that itself accesses all or
attack. Similarly, POS and the need for ‘stakers’ to be of part of a core banking network blockchain - or a

Box 1:
Network Resiliency - Sikka Nepal’s Digital Asset Wallet Using SMS

Developmental Program ‘Sikka’: Sikka means “coin” in Nepali, which points at its use of an Ethereum
token contract to manage the creation, distribution, and validation of all transactions within human-
itarian aid programming. The system was devised by the Nepal Innovation Lab232 to allow users to
send and receive tokens by interacting with the Ethereum main network via SMS, where the user’s
wallet is associated to their mobile number. Sikka though is not electronic money, nor a crypto-cur-
rency though: it is a limited-use ‘digital asset’ token on an ERC-20 contract deployed to the Ethereum
main network for the purpose of tokenizing and then tracking assets of value within humanitarian aid
programs. It’ thus a digital asset transfer network
Security Aspects: Because the tokens can be created to represent access rights to a variety of aid
goods, including cash-based transfers and it can be deployed to distribute goods, including cash, to
places where financial services are limited, and telecommunications networks are less than reliable.
Beneficiaries thus do not need or use dApps: only SMS on basic phones is used to access value.233

34 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Box 2:
Network Security - World Food Program Building Blocks

World Food Program: WFP’s Building Blocks project (WFP, 2018; see also Gerard, 2017; GSMA, 2017:
24–26; Juskalian, 2018) uses blockchain technology to make its voucher-based cash transfers more
efficient, transparent and secure, with the aim of improving collaboration across the humanitarian
system. The Building Blocks project began with a small proof of concept in Pakistan, followed by a
larger pilot in Jordan. WFP claims savings of approximately USD 40,000 per month, equivalent to 98%
of their previous spending, in reduced financial transaction fees associated with purely digital wallets
for beneficiaries.
Security Aspects: To ensure security of the blockchain, there are only 2 nodes used. The solutions
relies on the biometric ID solutions managed by UNHCR and its technical partners. WFP does not
have access to the personally-identifiable information of recipients, but only to its ‘hashed’ version – an
anonymised record that is used only to validate the transaction at point of sale (POS)

real-time gross settlement system (RTGS) – then this 8.5.2 Issue: Trust of Custodial and Safekeeping
breach would in effect be compromising all banks’ Services
databases simultaneously. Risk for loss of funds Safekeeping and record-keeping of ownership of
where credentials are controlled by a single entity securities and rights attached to securities (and law
was demonstrated in the recent compromise of the of negotiable instruments) is a critical component of
credentials used in the transfer of funds through the any functioning economy. It not only proves owner-
(non-DLT, for now) SWIFT network from the Federal ship of assets, but also determines the negotiability
Reserve Bank of New York239 to the central bank of of any instrument and their use as collateral for cred-
Bangladesh, Bangladesh Bank.240 it or for securing, for example, counterparty risk. In
many jurisdictions, assets to be traded, held as collat-
Risks: eral or as proof of ownership are held by authorized
Unauthorized Access to Funds: If a bad actor gains entities such as custodian banks, registrars, notaries,
access to a comprehensive banking blockchain depositaries or CSDs. These are variously known as
that itself accesses all or of part of a core banking custodial and safekeepers who hold them on behalf
network blockchain - or a real-time gross settlement of others to minimize the risk of their theft or loss.
system (RTGS) – then this breach would in effect be A ‘custodian’ holds securities and other assets in
compromising all banks’ databases simultaneously.241 (usually) unencrypted electronic or physical form.243
Crypto-assets are, in effect, native digital bearer
Mitigation and Recommendation: instruments. The DNA of the crypto-economy is that
To circumvent or mitigate this type of risk, private key assets are held on tokens that are only accessible
management functions or biometric linked private through the use of a private digital key available to
keys have been suggested.

Figure 7: Hot, cold and Online wallets for storing crypto tokens

These are all largely insecure, with many online wallets held at exchanges having been compromised and value stolen.
Security Aspects: Many of these exchanges are honeypots for hackers, and huge amounts of value belonging to customers
have been stolen through theft of keys stored by these exchanges on behalf of the owners of crypto-tokens.

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 35

the owner, or someone the owner provides the key custody as well as forms of custody – that is allowing
to, for example, an exchange. the assets to be placed on a DLT. 251
The evolving debate amongst regulators is wheth-
er having control of private keys on behalf of clients Mitigation and Recommendations:
is the equivalent to custody/safekeeping services,244 While requiring a third party private key management
and if so, whether the existing requirements should function – that is custodial solutions offered by third
apply to the providers of those services.245 parties for user keys - is contradictory and possibly
There are significant hurdles to overcome if tradi- even nugatory to the core ‘disintermediation’ prin-
tional custody banks are to engage with this emerg- ciples of DLTs. In all, these trade-offs may arguably
ing asset class, including operating models, tech- reduce the utility of DLTs. MPC-based custodians
nology, risk, compliance, and legal and regulatory may however, as noted above, provide some utility in
frameworks.246 securing wallet value through distributing keys.
This concentration of holding private keys of users, From a crypto-asset perspective (that is native cryp-
makes crypto-exchanges platforms a single point of to), there needs to be a consensus by regulators of
failure where clients have made these exchanges a what constitutes safekeeping services.252 One view
honeypot for hackers. The amount of stolen cryp- is that having control of private keys on behalf of
to-currency from exchanges in 2018 has increased 13 clients is the same as safekeeping services and that
times compared to 2017, reportedly USD 2.7 million rules to ensure the safekeeping and segregation of
in crypto assets stolen every day, or USD 1,860 each client assets should thus apply to the providers of
minute.247 those services. Multi-signature wallets, where sever-
The exchanges are usually FinTechs, with poor al private keys held by different individuals instead
operational security commensurate with the levels of of one are needed for a transaction to happen, will
assets they are meant to have custody of. Simply, any also require consideration.253 There may be a need to
regulated (legacy) instruction with such poor levels consider some ‘technical’ changes to some require-
of security would have been sanctioned or liquidated ments and/or to provide clarity on how to interpret
by regulators. them, as they may not be adapted to DLT technolo-
Poor Security of Custodians and Customer Wallets: 8.5.3 Issue: Poor End User Account
A risk issue is whether the custodial they have the Management and Awareness
necessary measures in place to segregate assets and Irresponsible and inadequate management of access
safeguard them from hacks. Regulations in most of and authorization information is a common and tradi-
the world are silent on this type of custodial element, tional challenge. In the case of blockchain systems,
as private key custody is largely not yet codified as this includes the storage and security of private keys,
imputing possession and custody. Custodial solu- token addresses and account passwords (such as
tions for tokenized assets are being launched by with third party services.) The methods which bad
existing licensed financial service companies where actors use to gain unauthorized access through
the regulations allow this. In an example of the util- stolen credentials is typically not specific to DLTs
ity of an enabling bespoke crypto-asset regulatory and can be applied generally to digital and connect-
framework, the Swiss stock exchange SIX to develop ed services.
a trading platform for tokenized assets with a fully
integrated trading, settlement, and custody infra- Risks:
structure.248 The Swiss investment bank Vontobel Failure to adequately manage keys can lead to
launched the Digital Asset Vault to provide trading permanent loss or theft of funds
and custodial solutions to banks and asset manag- Failure to adequately manage these items can
ers.249 lead to permanent loss or theft of funds and some
The potential for use of DLTs for securities and specific repercussions with regard to public block-
derivatives could increase investor control, improve chains, where no centralized authority is available
the efficiency of systemic risk distribution, and cre- to provide remedies, such as providing a user with a
ate a more diverse and resilient financial ecosys- lost address, lost private key or reversing a transac-
tem.250 The use of DLT for these purposes however tion to a dead wallet. The concept of ‘irreversibility’
still needs to be mandated, in particular what defines of transactions is fundamental to DLT principles. Use
of wallets or exchanges may also be comprised if the

36 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

user is able to and uses a weak password, such as early 2019 as a non-custodial exchange using a dele-
one that contains a dictionary word and doesn’t take gated POS (dPOS) system on the Binance chain with
measures to make brute force of password guessing a decentralized network of nodes.257 Users hold their
an easy task, which includes ‘dictionary attacks’ in own private keys and manage their own wallets. It
guessing passwords and has results with such values. integrates into crypto-asset wallets – hardware and
software types - held by the user. Custodial exchang-
Mitigation & Recommendations: es may give better rates than non-custodial DEXs but
Passwords should always use a mixture of capital have additional wait times as they tend to process
letters, numbers and special characters. Many recom- withdrawals in batches. There is however no inter-
mend the use of multi-signature addresses with the chain interoperability in between tokens: rather these
need for two signatures required to release funds DEXs ‘peg’ a token to a coin, with the peg’s token
and one wallet provider as an alternative to ensure interchangeable for the real crypto-currency.
additional safety against lost credentials. Essentially Service providers of wallets and currency exchang-
no single point of failure can occur since an attacker es are the primary attack targets for crypto hacking
would need to possess two authentications from two because they present lucrative targets in a central-
different sources to release funds from an account. ized location and are single points of failure whose
Other mitigation procedures implemented include design may be prone to vulnerabilities.258
two-factor authentication (as required by Coinbase.)
Public-private key or online seed generation (such • If substantial amounts of funds are stored in hot
as strong password generators) are available readily wallets an exchange or wallet service, it presents a
online. These are not recommended though except most lucrative target;
from confirmed, trusted sources as generators may • Phishing attacks can be relatively easy and low
keep a copy of the user’s newly generated key pair cost for attackers to perform and can be effective
to later use for malicious purposes, such as the unau- without the victim realizing their vulnerability or
thorized access to the user’s funds.255 infection. These attacks can target both users of
an exchange or employees to obtain access infor-
8.5.4 Issue: Attacks on Crypto Exchanges mation.
• Vulnerabilities can occur at the coding level which
Dimension Affected: Application can open up holes to lucrative exploits (such as
While crypto-assets as components of a DeFi the DAO regarding smart contracts, Mt. Gox with
ecosystem are themselves largely decentralized, inadequate version control of software program-
DeFi payment processors and the ability to buy and ming and lack of testing,259 among others.)
sell crypto currencies is largely centralized. That is, • Inadequate hot wallet protection which can
there is currently no practical method to undertake include failure to use multi-signature protection,260
‘atomic swaps’ that allow pure peer-to-per exchange too much crypto available in hot rather cold stor-
of value. Centralization though can take one or more age, among other similar attacks.
forms: the most prevalent are centralized crypto • Cross Site Scription (XSS) attacks such as a mali-
exchanges such as Coinbase and the world’s largest. cious javascript can be used to
Binance who will act as a custodian of the crypto-as-
set seller’s value in what is called a ‘hot wallet.’ This Mitigation and Recommendations:
role includes holding the private keys of value hold-
ers. Media reports of these custodial crypto exchang- • Best practice would be to keep the majority of val-
es being hacked, and value stolen from user’s hot ue - especially those not in need of immediate use
wallets are an almost weekly occurrence though. - in ‘cold storage.’
• This can be set up to require 2 of 3 available
Vulnerabilities: authorizations to be used, such as one private key
Theft of User Funds/Tokens: There are non-custodi- being held at the wallet company, another held by
al decentralized exchanges (DEXs) such as such as the user in cold storage and a third key being held and which simply act as a in the custody of a trusted person or party.261
meeting place for those buying and selling crypto-as-
sets and do not store – that is, do not have custody of 8.5.5 Specific Threats: Attacks on Individual
- any buyer/seller value or keys/credentials and value. Crypto Wallets
A newer DEX version is Binance DEX,256 launched in Dimension Affected: Application

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 37

Wallets and exchanges are the most popular targets drive kept in a safety deposit box. Hot storage is
for hacks and attacks since there is the potential for used for convenient, regular and immediate access
reaching large volumes of digital money, in a central- to Internet connected services and merchants. Cold
ized location and many have tried to use standard storage refers to offline storage, potentially long
security solutions which don’t fit well within a cryp- term, and inaccessible directly from the Internet.
to-currency context.262
Vulnerabilities: Theft of user funds; use of user keys for non-autho-
Keys can be stolen/compromised in Exchanges rized applications
Crypto-wallets are similar to the keys to access
online bank accounts in that information may be Mitigation and Recommendations:
stored in the wallet which contains a crypto address On the user side, hot storage/online wallets are direct-
(link an account number) and private and public ly exposed to the Internet and susceptible to cyber-
keys for transfers (such as a special PIN numbers.) crime including hacking, malware attacks and any
An exchange is where crypto-currency can be malicious attack within reach online resources. The
exchanged into other currencies, such as forex device holding the address and keys must be safely
services, and may also offer a wallet service. backed up with alternate access in the event access
‘Hot wallets’ mean that secured information is to the device is lost or it is stolen or destroyed. Cold
stored in a medium accessible to the Internet, which Storage/Offline Wallets have a variety of different
includes both merchants and hackers. Examples risks and vulnerabilities. Paper wallets are susceptible
include internet accessible desktop and laptop com- to damage, destruction, theft, loss, can be difficult
puters, mobile phones and software applications to read if handwritten, print can become smudged
which may serve as clients to access funds (‘software and illegible. MPC-based custodians may however, as
wallets’), including ‘cloud wallets’ (which can be user noted above, provide some utility in securing wallet
accounts on wallets and crypto-currency exchange value through distributing keys.
services.) ‘Cold wallets’264 refer offline stored records
such as ‘paper wallets’ (which can be on paper, met- 8.6 General Concern: Data Protection and Privacy
al or other medium and may also be converted into
a different format, e.g. from alphanumeric form into 8.6.1 Issue: Tension between Sharing and
a QR code265) and ‘hardware wallets’ (specialized Control of Data on DLTs
devices such as secured and protected miniature
storage devices able to be connected to a comput- Dimension affected: Application
er via USB.266) Deep cold storage refers to long term With the distributed node motif embedded in the
safety access methods such as via an encrypted USB DNA of most DLTs, there is a different perspective

Box 3:

The Start Network Delivers humanitarian and financial assistance. Accounts were secured by two-fac-
tor authentication.
Developmental Program: The Start Network comprises national and international NGOs. Working
to address systemic challenges in delivering humanitarian and financial assistance, it began piloting
a blockchain for humanitarian financing and in 2017, partnered with Disberse,263 a for-profit social
enterprise aimed at building a new type of financial institution for the aid industry that uses DLT. A
Start Network review found that the main benefits centered on the traceability of funds through the
creation of a record of transactions and some direct cost savings were reported.
Security Aspects: To ensure security, pilots were carried out through participants’ web browsers,
using accounts secured by two-factor authentication. Wallet were identified as nodes on the Ethereum
blockchain, and all transactions were recorded on the Ethereum testnet.

38 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Box 4:
Wallet Security Approaches. Hyberbit DLT for Donations for Disaster Relief. The DLT controller secures
the DLT from compromise by managing only one key out of four required.
Program: The charity sector is often subject to reports of corruption, fraud and in addition the lack of
transparency, inefficiency and unfair redistribution of funds.
Security Aspects: To renew trust, a HelperBit has developed a decentralized, P2P donation system for
natural hazard-related disasters, using a multi-signature, non-custodial and multi-signature Bitcoin-
based wallet. The donor must write the passphrase each time they make a donation. With Helperbit
managing only one key out of four. it has no decision-making power over use and transfer of any funds.
This not only increases the security of the wallet, but also protecting it from mistakes such as loss of
a passphrase or incorrect backup, as well as external attacks, while also providing the possibility of
recovery.267 Helperbit cannot access any funds: only the user can do that.

to the storage of data and access thereto compared transaction flows, since they are on the nodes and
to centralized methods. That is, at least for public - intrinsically to the distributed nature of blockchain
DLTs, data stored on the DLT should in large measure - would have to verify any transactions for that trans-
be visible to everyone – the nodes268 - on that block- action to be placed on the block.280
chain.269 The ostensible reason for this is that to vali-
date additions of data to the chain, nodes must have Mitigation and Recommendations:
visibility over the data they are validating.270 In theory Solutions to these issues are being developed, but
then, everyone could see everyone else’s data, at all not yet mainstream. For example, ‘zero-knowledge
times. proofs’281 are emerging, potentially enabling valida-
And, although access to a DLT requires a pri- tion of data without visibility over the underlying
vate key, not all of the information on a blockchain data itself. This is being applied in the crypto curren-
is encrypted.271 For example, on the Bitcoin permis- cy realm with Zcash, an emerging decentralized and
sionless, public blockchain, data is pseudo-anony- open-source crypto-currency that competes with
mous: The user’s ID is self-asserted and encrypted, Bitcoin and which purports to offer privacy and
but transactional data is not. selective transparency of transactions.282
There is thus a tension between shared control of
data on a ledger - the core of the DLT motif - and 8.7 General Concern: Consensus & Mining
sharing of the data on a ledger.272 Similarly, while the
flavors of blockchain are all addressing low scalabil- 8.7.1 Issue: Consensus Dominance and Mining
ity273 and low processing speed issues,274 all these Pools
issues are related to the so-called blockchain ‘trilem- This section discusses consensus mechanisms
ma.’275 This represents a widely held belief that the and the problem of ‘consensus dominance’ where
use of blockchain technology presents a tri-direc- an attacker can negatively impact or control the
tional compromise in efforts to increase scalability, consensus mechanism present in DLT and block-
security and decentralization276 and that all three chain protocols.
cannot be maximized at one time: increasing the lev-
el of one factor results in the decrease of another.277 Dimension Affected: Network, Consensus

Risks: Specific Threat: 51% Attack

Lack of transactional privacy and loss of customer This attack targets mining pools and consensus.
funds: For financial institutions using permissioned, Mining pools are popular, especially on Bitcoin
private blockchains, the visibility of commercially networks where smaller individual miners are at a
sensitive information – customers, transactions etc. substantial disadvantage against pools who unite
– to everyone may be a serious barrier to adoption.278 their hashing/computing power and enables the
So, although a DLTs could potentially replace Soci- group to mine at a more rapid pace and substantially
ety for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommu- greater chances for success.283 On the transactional
nication (SWIFT)279 for value transfer or a bank for blockchain level, large mining operations and consor-
settlement, it also means that everyone could see the tiums of miners have had the ability to take control

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 39

of the network with as few as 3-4 Bitcoin or Ethe- Vulnerability:
reum mining operations dominating over 50-60% of Blockchain Consensus Dominance; Mining Pool
the network.284 Dominance
In the case of POW, should one entity or mining Consensus Dominance, more commonly known as a
pool hold 51% of the hashing power, that individu- 51% attack in POW blockchains, is a situation where
al or group would have monopoly control over the a substantial amount of power - as defined by the
blockchain and be able to mine blocks at a faster rate consensus protocol - is held by one entity or group
than the rest of the miners in the network. In POS so that control over consensus is either held or can
systems, the same can be accomplished by holding be impacted by that one party.
a majority of currency in the network or the highest The vulnerabilities here can manifest as the follow-
amount staked. ing:
This attack works in the same fashion as Alter-
native History except that the attacker has majori- • Forks of the blockchain where malicious and
ty control of the network and will be able to mine/ undesirable activities can occur, such as double
validate transaction and outpace the network to spending attacks which take advantage of tem-
add blocks to the chain.285 Depending upon the sys- porary forks (Bitcoin) or others which can create a
tem, the attacker could ‘choose between using it to permanent hard fork of the blockchain which can
defraud people by stealing back his payments, or only be fully corrected by doing the unthinkable –
using it to generate new coins.’286 The most popular rolling back the blockchain to an earlier block.
targets of 51% attacks are crypto-currency exchang- • Failure to Reach Consensus which may lead to fail-
es,287 where often coins are deposited and quickly ure to carry out an action or transaction, such as
exchanged for another currency which is immedi- requiring an amount greater than 50% of all nodes.
ately sent to another address under control of the • System Dominance, where one or more actors
attacker.288 can, alone or in collusion, can dominate the net-
With regard to POW-based blockchains such work and take control over transactions and award
as Bitcoin, several papers claim that a 51% attack themselves new crypto-currency and mine or val-
can actually be successful with as low as 25% and idate their own transactions, examples of which
33% of the hash/computing power and incidents below include Majority/51% attacks, Sybil attacks.
with mining pools have confirmed the potential for • Inferior System Performance, where reaching a
such abuse.289 Blockchains with a smaller number consensus may take a comparably longer period
of nodes are more prone to 51%/Majority Control of time than expected or practicable, including
attacks. Short term investments, such as ASIC rent- actions of bad actors, which can cause high laten-
als, could empower hackers and incentivize them to cies and significant transaction disruption.
commit such an attack – as was allegedly the case • Weakness in logic/security/safety
with Vertcoin.290 Smaller networks/alt coins are most
vulnerable and were primary targets in 2018 giv- Risks:
en the larger potential profitability.291 Large mining Mining pools present both a risk to breaching the
pools, such as Bitcoin, are ostensibly less vulnerable security of a consensus algorithm (as they can act
because of the theoretically large investment (or col- collectively or individually controlling the network)
lusion) which must occur. as well as serving as a target for attacks since control
over or disruption of powerful mining pools can pres-
Specific Threat: Selfish Mining/Block Discard ent lucrative opportunities by either controlling the
A dishonest mining who has significant power does pool or by taking a position which would benefit
not release mined or validated blocks immediately. from a disruption.293
Instead, they a block or chain is created privately and
released all at once so that the network will choose Other risks include:
the selfish miner’s longer chain and other miners
with only one block or a chain with only one block • Influencing the consensus process and validating
will lose that block in favor of the selfish miner’s and adding blocks to the blockchain
longer chain.292 • Creating/mining new coins294
• Engaging in double spending.295
• Refusal to validate or mine transactions.
• Removal of competing chains

40 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Mitigation and Recommendations: may come with sacrifices and introduce risks and
vulnerabilities. This may manifest as the ‘tragedy
• Wait for Multiple Confirmation: It has become of the commons’ problem, where those with larg-
the standard for most merchants and providers to er stakes can profit at the expense of those with
wait to receive multiple confirmations before con- few.307 Similarly, legal and operational actions may
sidering a transaction complete when using POW be difficult where formalities are lacking, such as
consensus mechanisms such as Bitcoin,296 most being able to hire or protecting the legal rights of
often being at least 6 confirmations.297 Merchants the product which can include user safety and pre-
have been recommended to disable direct incom- vention of fraud.308 A spin-off issue from this issue
ing connections and select specific outgoing con- is the ability for the DLT developers to change /
nections;298 consider using a listening period to switch the governance model after the main-net
spot a double spend transaction which has prop- launch as occurred with EOS.309
agated along the network;299 have a peer group of
observers and encourage rapid and efficient com- Risks:
munication across the network of double spends
and bad actors;300 engage in a cooperative mea- • Voting contract bugs could allow someone to
sure between peers which checks both the block- delete votes from the voting contract and freeze
chain and their own memory pool of transactions new participants out of the contract.310
to scan for attempts at double spending.301 • Decentralization of standardized, traditional pro-
• The use of the Lightning Network and payment/ cesses can lead to unintended results (The DAO)
state channels can remove some of the traditional as well as the reduction of efficiency/effective-
problems with double-spend attacks. ness of traditional centralized hierarchical man-
• Monitoring of Activity: Mining pools and hash agement;311
power is constantly monitored, such as by Chi- • Forking, because significant disagreement can
nese cyber-security firm SlowMist among others, result in severe consequences such as ‘forking,’
and several mining pools have already voluntarily where influential members become direct com-
refused to approach reaching near 50% hash pow- petitors;312
er. Other industry monitors include Chainlink. • Voting irregularities can occur (bribes/ ‘game-the-
• Change Consensus Algorithm: The cost to mount oretic attacks’);313
a 51% attacks against smaller crypto-currency, • Governance can effectively approach centraliza-
such as renting equipment, is estimated as low as tion as a result of influential stakeholders, founders
under USD 1,000 per hour against crypto-curren- and key developers314 -- transactional governance
cy such as Bitcoin Gold, Bytecoin, Verge-Scrypt, can be influenced by the presence of just a few,315
Metaverse and Monacoin.302 There have been such as large mining operations and consortiums
plans by some crypto-currency, such as Ethere- of miners can take control of the network with as
um, to move to Proof of Stake theoretically makes few as 3-4 Bitcoin or Ethereum mining operations
a 51% attack much less appealing and possible.303 which have dominated over 50-60% of the net-
Group-IB recommends a different encryption work.
algorithm.304 Litecoin Cash has suggested a ‘hive’ • Low voter turnout - the process can be inefficient,
of worker bees to thwart 51% attacks.305 voter/stakeholder participation can be limited;316
• Overall, a negative image of a DLT project can
8.7.2 Issue: Governance Voting Dominance and result from difficulty in understanding ultimate-
Irregularities ly who may own or control a project, which can
lead to difficulties with trust and direct investment
Dimensions Affected: Network, Data Model, such as fundraising and backing.317
Execution, Application
Mitigation and Recommendations:
Vulnerabilities: To ensure the security of the blockchain and clean
governance, private DLTs could use fewer nodes.
• Attempts to decentralize governance in larg-
er pools of diverse stakeholders, such as public
blockchains which have asymmetries in incen-
tives306 can gain measures of independence but

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 41

8.8 Key Management 8.8.2 Issue: Credentials Hijack

8.8.1 Issue: Loss or Compromise of Private Keys Dimension Affected: Data Model

Specific Threats: Users Cannot Access Wallets Specific Threats:

Values or IDs Collision and Pre-Image; Flawed Key Generation;
Vulnerable Signature; Lack of Address Creation
Dimensions Affected: Data Model, Execution, Control
Application, External
Wallets and exchanges are the most popular targets Vulnerabilities:
for hacks and attacks since there is the potential for Credentials Hijack; Use of login credentials: The
reaching large volumes of digital money, in a central- mechanism of generating keys has potential weak-
ized location and many have tried to use standard nesses as there is not any centralized validation to
security solutions which don’t fit well within a cryp- ensure that keys have not been used prior. Instead,
to-currency context.318 since there are an extremely large number of unique
addresses321 which can be generated322 and while the
Vulnerabilities: Loss of user credentials chance of duplication (or collision) is supposedly
Human error in transcribing or transmission of the infinitesimally small, the chance still exists whereby
long string of characters which comprise addresses the user with a duplicate key can access the other
and private and public keys can result in a perma- key owner’s tokens.323 An unlimited number of keys
nent loss of an address or public key. Digital or hard can be generated by anyone, potentially creating
wallets are also at risk as digital storage can fail, data multiple addresses owned by the same person (in an
can become corrupt over time, hardware can be lost, attempt to maintain privacy.) There is also a ques-
destroyed and stolen and passwords or access meth- tion of whether key collisions will occur and, as an
ods for encrypted information forgotten or lost. increasing number of addresses will be used, wheth-
er the current method of unlikely duplication is a
Risks: Loss of funds, values and IDs prudent approach. Box 5 shows the use of an offline
solution for DLT for login.
Mitigation and Recommendations:
• The use of hardware wallets provides addition- Theft of funds; Access to critical layers in DLTs
al convenience and security for those who wish
to have funds more readily accessible. Use of Mitigation and Recommendations:
multi-signature wallets are recommended, which
requires multiple signatures to operate, similar to • There are network and mining pool monitors which
require multiple passwords or authorizations. The regularly patrol the public blockchain for signs of
main advantage of this approach is that the inves- unusual or potentially malevolent activity, includ-
tor remains the sole owner of its private keys at all ing but not limited to Chainlink get sources of the
times, which reduces the risk of a hack, as there blockchain auditors. Mining pools and hash power
is no central point of failure. Yet, not all investors is constantly monitored, such as by Chinese cyber-
may have the necessary expertise and equipment security firm SlowMist among others, and several
to safe keep their private key properly. Also, this mining pools have already voluntarily refused to
model may be ill-suited to certain types of inves- approach reaching near 50% hash power.
tors, e.g., institutional investors, where several • It has become the standard for most merchants
individuals and not just one need to have control and providers to wait to receive multiple confir-
of crypto-assets. mations before considering a transaction com-
• Figure 8 shows the use by Kiva of multi- plete when using POW consensus mechanisms
party attestation of identity for a user who cannot such as Bitcoin,326 most often being at least 6 con-
access their ID credentials. firmations.327 Merchants have been recommended
to disable direct incoming connections and select
specific outgoing connections;328 consider using a
listening period to spot a double spend transac-
tion which has propagated along the network;329

42 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Figure 8: Service provider Kiva

It is using open-source Hyperledger technology to build national IDs and credit histories in Sierra Leone. A fallback proce-
dure allows third parties known to a user to recover a lost login for that user.

In cooperation with the United Nations and, the Sierra Leone Government is using DLTs to help the unbanked in
Sierra Leone build credit histories. Using the new Kiva Protocol built on open-source Hyperledger technology, the hope is
that the unbanked will be able to build a layer of identity that accumulates information about currently untracked financial
activities such as the repayment of micro-loans. 319 Kiva will administer access to the nodes, but partners such as banks and
nation-states will be able to control nodes within the Kiva Protocol. No tokens will be issued.320 The IDs are attested by the
government and could potentially be used in neighboring countries,
Security Aspects: To address loss by the users of their critical ID logins, the Kiva protocol allows designated, private
‘attesters’ known to a user to ‘generate’ a key that allows the user to regain access to their ID.

have a peer group of observers and encourage to provide a proprietary live risk analysis in an
rapid and efficient communication across the net- attempt to bring ‘Instant Bitcoin’ payment con-
work of double spends and bad actors;330 engage firmation by substantially lowering confirmation
in a cooperative measure between peers which duration.332 The use of the Lightning Network and
checks both the blockchain and their own mem- payment/state channels can remove some of the
ory pool of transactions to scan for attempts at traditional problems with double-spend attacks.
double spending.331 The GAP600 Platform claims

Box 5:
Use of DAI Stablecoin324 for aid distribution to citizens of Vanuatu.

Oxfam has been using the MakerDAO DAI stablecoin distributed for aid distribution to citizens of
Vanuatu in a program called UnBlocked Cash, supported by the Australian government. Some 200
residents of the Vanuatu villages of Pango and Mele Maat issued tap-and-pay cards loaded with rough-
ly approximately USD 50 worth of DAI, which can be converted to local fiat currency.325
Security Aspects: Due to privacy concerns, an individual’s purchases were not tracked, but recorded
the general category of purchases. The platform is able to continue operating offline by cryptograph-
ically recording recipient’s balances on tap-to-pay smart cards, which are then synced at a later point.
The platform also does not require recipients to have access to a mobile phone and does not require
users to undergo KYC checks.

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 43

8.9 General Issue: Smart Contracts may detect these flaws before they are exploited and
lead to loss are only now being developed.346
8.9.1 Issue: Attacks on Smart Contracts In addition to the vulnerabilities that are present
generally in high-level programming languages and
Dimensions Affected: Execution Layer; Smart environments, challenges to those engaging in the
Contracts use of smart contracts on public blockchains such as
The most well-known smart contract platform on Ethereum include publicly visible data. Anyone can
public blockchains at present exists on Ethere- view the complete source code data of an applica-
um,333 often called ‘Blockchain 2.0.’334 It includes a tion/smart contract in Ethereum. (If not, would oth-
Turing-complete scripting language and gener- ers trust what the deployer/programmer of the code
al-purpose computing platform on which ‘smart says a compiled code contains?) Great care must be
contracts’335 can be executed.336 given to creating code which can also ensure proper
Most smart contracts on the Ethereum network levels of security and privacy.
are written in Solidity, an object-oriented high-lev- Smart contracts can be deterministic (running and
el programming language created by and for Ethe- only interacting with data sources within the block-
reum337 a high level programming language. The chain) and non-deterministic (requiring data that
source code is compiled into based Ethereum Virtual exists outside the blockchain, such as from oracles.)
Machine (EVM) bytecode, which is visible and able 347
Oracles however can be insecure, leading to incor-
to be inspected by all nodes in the network.338 The rect triggering or halting of smart contract execu-
EVM bytecode runs on the software-based Ethere- tion. Although ‘digital events’ may seamlessly trigger
um Virtual Machine (EVM), which is present on all a smart contract, initiation of a digital event from the
network nodes.339 physical (external) world could be problematic.
For example, if a smart contract retrieves some
Vulnerabilities: information from an external source, this retrieval
A number of vulnerabilities in smart contracts have must be performed repeatedly and separately by
been identified. These are enumerated in Table 6. each user node. But, because this source is outside of
There are also reportedly flaws prevalent in smart the blockchain – known as ‘offchain,’ there is no guar-
contract blockchain codes:​344 while there have been antee that every node will receive the same answer,
important academic studies of vulnerabilities in and at the same time.348 Or, as has been suggested,349
blockchain,345 automated software applications that perhaps the source will change its response in the

Box 6:
Smart Contract Vulnerabilities and Attacks: The 2016 DAO Exploit and use of a hard fork to reverse
the hack
In 2016, several prominent members of the Ethereum community decided to create a fully decen-
tralized automated organization (DAO) called ‘The DAO’ to function as a venture capital fund. Its
members could pitch innovative projects to the community who would vote on whether the project
would receive funding. The DAO engaged in a hugely successful month-long crowd funding effort
selling tokens to establish the organization, which would exist as a comprehensive smart contract on
the Ethereum blockchain.340 The effort raised 9.7 million ETH (USD 150 million at that time and rose to
USD 250 million shortly after when ETH pricing rose.) A bad actor discovered that the coin refunding
option to withdraw coins invested in The DAO was faulty. It was set to send coins to the actor’s address
(via a loop) without first reducing the actor’s investment by the withdrawal amount. Hence the send
was made prior to the account reduction and the account reduction instruction was never reached
in the loop. The bad actor withdrew 3.6 million ETH (approximately USD 70 million at the time of the
attack) before declaring and ending the attack.341
Security Aspects: Subsequently, a decision to reverse the chain was voted on,342 This decision was not
accepted by all members of the Ethereum mining community, who ultimately decided to hard fork the
blockchain and subsequently created ‘Ethereum Classic.’343

44 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Table 6: Taxonomy of vulnerabilities in smart contracts350

Threat Vulnerability Cause Level

King of the Ether
Call to the unknown The called function does not exist
King of the Ether
Out-of-gas send Fallback of the callee is executed
King of the Ether
Exception disorder Irregularity in exception handling Contract source code
Type casts Type-check error in contract execution
GovernMental Reentrancy vulner-
Function is re-entered before termination
attack ability
Multi-player games Field disclosure Private value is published by the miner
Rubxi attack/ Gov-
Immutable bug Alter a contract after deployment
ernMental attack
Ether lost Send Ether to an orphan address EVM bytecode
Stack overflow The number of values in stack exceeds 1024
Unpredictable state State of the contract is changed before invoking
Randomness bug Seed is biased by malicious miner Blockchain mechanism
GovernMental Timestamp depen-
Timestamp of block is changed by malicious miner
attack dence

time between requests from different nodes, or per- • Transactional Privacy (Leakage): The use of pub-
haps it will become temporarily unavailable. lic, permissionless blockchains may result in the
lack of transactional privacy – leakage or deano-
Specific vulnerabilities include: nymization. A desired benefit of blockchains was
the promise of anonymity (or pseudonymity).
• Unpredictable state / Transaction-Ordering On public blockchains such as Bitcoin, everyone
Dependence: Variables in an Ethereum Contract can see the balance of an address on the block-
can be unpredictable, especially when multi- chain. Perfect privacy is not possible in a public
ple users invoke the same function at the same blockchain if all transactions are accessible by any
time but there is no ordering specified to execute member of the network. As a result, since there
transactions. is a separation of actual identity of the account/
• Generating Randomness: An attempt by a miner signature owner (KYC) from the digital signature,
to influence the manner in which pseudo-random the claim is that blockchain (Bitcoin) is essential-
numbers are generated such as those in smart ly ‘pseudonymous.’ Data in public blockchains is
contracts, such as to simulate a lottery or rolling of generally visible to the public and may only exist
dice. A common option is for code to use the hash in pseudonymous form and is traceable, for exam-
or timestamp from some future time. Since those ple, the transfers to and from an existing address
numbers in the future cannot be predicted, it is can be seen on many public blockchains. Some
assumed they can be used for generation of ran- solutions (such as account mixing) have been sug-
dom numbers. But since all miners have the same gested.
public view of the blockchain and are responsible • Untrustworthy Data Feeds (Oracles): See section
for generating blocks, they can attempt to influ- on Oracles and issues concerning access to data
ence what will be produced at those times where sources (both to and from) which are external to
data is used for random number generation.351 the blockchain.
• Time Constraints/Timestamp Dependence: See • Bytecode Vulnerabilities/Ethereum Virtual
also Timejacking above as an example of general Machine (EVM): While Solidity has been widely
blockchain vulnerabilities. called a Turing Complete scripting language, the

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 45

EVM has been criticized as being non-Turing Com- tract invocation and execution of directives. Ineffi-
plete as a result of not having a predictable out- cient programming which can call for unnecessary
put.352 operations and can result in a substantial amount
• Immutable Bugs/Mistakes: If a contract contains of needlessly wasted Gas. Existing tools have been
a bug, there is no way to patch it. As a result, smart criticized for being inadequate at spotting and
contracts must be programmed with an ability suggesting remedies for underoptimized code.357
to terminate. An attacker using this functionality • Reentrancy:​358 Perhaps the most notorious of all
can make Ether stranded or unusable or even sto- Ethereum vulnerabilities, reentrancy is an error
len. And once this happens, there is no recourse in recursive functions (looping activity.) It occurs
except for the rare possibility of a hard fork of when a first smart contract interacts with second
the blockchain to reverse the results of a serious contract and (i) calls for a transfer of Ether to sec-
error. Hard forks are generally shunned (such as ond; and (ii) also transfers control from the first
occurred to correct The DAO bug, which result- contract to the second contract before the con-
ed in miners refusing to do so and which resulted tract is fully executed in its entirety. In essence,
in the creation of Ethereum Classic, an alternate recursive activity can occur without reaching a
blockchain.353) critically important instruction which would end
• Ether lost in transfer: Ether which is sent to an the process. The second contract can perform
‘orphan’ address is lost forever, such as to an undesirable activities such as emptying the funds
address that is unable to be used or accessed such held by the first contract prior to its full execution.
as one that doesn’t belong to an existing user or This is the error which was responsible for the
contract. At present, such a condition is unable to DAO exploit which resulted in a loss of over USD
be prior detected. 150 million and resulted in a fork of the Ethereum
• Difficulty of writing correct smart contracts: network.
Development environments should provide pro- • Out-of-gas send: The Ethereum smart contracts
grammers with reasonably good expectations as environment incentivizes miners/validators by
to the outcomes of the code they craft. The sig- compensating them in proportion to the compu-
nificant number of contracts with vulnerabilities tational effort required to execute the instructions
(such as is reflected above in Section 8.1) com- in the smart contract. Ethereum uses a unit of
bined with staggering losses without recourse measure called ‘Gas’ which operates in a similar
suggests to some observers that there is an inher- manner as in the physical world. The amount of
ent difficulty in writing safe, secure smart con- Gas needed to execute tasks such sending a pay-
tracts with a high degree of confidence that they ment of ETH or storing a value on the blockchain,
will act as examples include the DAO attack which etc. can be estimated using the Ethereum Yellow
led to an unauthorized transfer of over USD 60 Paper as well as online tools.359 Metering’ the prop-
million of Ether to an account of a bad actor. The er amount of Gas needed for a contract is a com-
Parity Wallet ‘newbie error’ led to over USD 200 plex, complicated process.360 A contract must also
million of stranded Ether and a vote that almost be initially funded with sufficient Ether (deposit-
had a consensus in favor of justifying a hard fork ed into the contract address) in order to execute,
to right a security oversight.354 which must be sufficient to ‘purchase’ Gas at the
• Inability to modify smart contracts: As stat- current Gas price, which is dynamically generat-
ed above, the aspiration for immutability of the ed.361 The contract must allow for an appropriate
blockchain results in contracts which have easi- deposit of Gas or the contract may not execute as
ly correctible bugs needing to be killed and rec- anticipated or at all. Failure to program correctly
reated with a new address. Modification of the can result in substantial failures, as described in
existing contract is not possible. As there was no greater detail below.
ability to revive killed contracts or modify exist-
ing bugs (and avoid self-destruction), substantial Risks: Potential risks to smart contract
errors cannot be easily remedied such as the Par- technology include:
ity multi-sig wallet where user error (or mischief)
stranded 513,736 ETH355 worth nearly USD 330 • Flaws in the smart contract code; or the
million at the then-current exchange rate.356 • Reliance on an external ‘off chain’ event or person
• Lack of support to identify under-optimised - to integrate with and execute - the embedded
smart contracts: Gas is required for smart con- terms of the smart contract.362

46 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

While Solidity has been hailed as a Turing-Complete a failure to make requisite efforts and take adequate
programming language, this characteristic has also precautions can increase errors and vulnerability.
been a source of criticism in making the environ- Contracts may not operate as expected, may be
ment inherently unsafe, providing boundaries too manipulated by the open audience in a permission-
far reaching and without adequate security so as to less public blockchain and can result in substantial
lead to monetary losses of seemingly unprecedent- losses of value.
ed size which should not have occurred in a more Once a smart contract is deployed in the EVM, it
controlled,363 responsible environment. 364 ostensibly cannot be modified or altered370 which is
In either of these scenarios, the consensus neces- intended to provide ‘trust’ in the system. This con-
sary for the blockchain to be in sync may be bro- cept presents a new and unfamiliar environment for
ken. Three possible solutions have been proposed - a number of developers and inexperience can lead to
multi-signature transactions,365 prediction markets,366 errors and vulnerabilities.371 SC feature the ability for
and oracles367 – but all require the intervention of a SC owner to ‘kill’ the SC. Here if you want to stop
humans, in a group or individually.368 This need does the execution of the smart contract, simply include
undermine the DLT goal of a decentralized auto- (and then call) the ‘self-destruct’372 operation in a SC.
mated system. Automated performance also does This sends all of the current SC balance to a desti-
not guarantee that parties will always, or even often, nation address – in this case to the owners address
be capable of determining all eventualities, as what - which is stored in the owner variable. At the same
happens after parties strike a deal is often unpredict- time, the contract’s data is cleared, freeing up space
able.369 in the Ethereum blockchain and potentially lowering
your gas price. This security feature is now built into
Mitigation & Recommendations: many SCs.
Development and use of the Ethereum smart
contract environment has a high learning curve and,

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 47


Table 5: Additional areas of risks and concern in DLT use

General Areas of Con- Examples Corresponding Vulnerability

‘Download and Decrypt Longevity of the security Transactions on a DL may be vulnerable to advances in cryptog-
Later’ Concerns: data on DLs. raphy over a period of years or decades such that ‘old’ transac-
tions can be undetectably changed. The ability then to upgrade
the cryptographic techniques used for ‘old’ transactions should
be considered in DLT designs.
Authorized Access Nodes on DL usually cannot A bad actor with access to a comprehensive banking DLT that
distinguish between a trans- itself accesses all or of part of a core banking network block-
action by un/authorized, chain - or a real-time gross settlement system (RTGS) – then
users with .key access. this breach would in effect be compromising all banks’ databas-
es simultaneously.
Vulnerabilities in Nodes Node availability The more trusted parties per node that are needed, so too
does the compromisable ‘surface area' of a distributed network
increase. Nodes however are needed to prevent 51% attacks.
Transfer of Data Interoperability Attempts Interoperability required to connect these silos may introduce
Between DLTs Between DLTs Raises Con- security and efficiency risks to the respective blockchain opera-
cerns: tions number of initiatives to enhance interoperability between
DLTs to facilitate secure communication between separate and
independent chains.
Open Source Software The underlying code in any The exploitation of a flaw in the Ethereum blockchain led to the
Development in DLT blockchain may be a secu- immutability paradigm of blockchain being necessarily violated
rity Issue by its creators to restore (potentially) lost funds.
Trust of Nodes: Tradeoff between replacing Despite the use of strong cryptography, DLTs are not necessarily
costly – and often risky - a panacea for security concerns people may have. The cost-ben-
intermediaries with nodes. efit in using blockchain is somewhat ameliorated by the need
to trust permissioned authors rather than relying solely on the
nodes who offer the guarantee of ledger integrity.
User Interface/User Wallets etc Risk that UI will not properly address limited capacity of many
Experience Failures users/consumers and a substantial number of errors will occur.


Almost all sectors in an economy are vulnerable to tributed network of computers.373 The most preva-
cyber-threats and have acted accordingly. In the lent form of DLT are blockchains, introduced around
current climate of increased cyber-attacks, cyber-se- 2008-2009. These can be public, permissioned,
curity should be by design and by default not an private or open – or combinations thereof.374 Block-
afterthought or a shortcut. Emerging and nascent chain uses cryptographic and algorithmic methods
sectors – especially those with startups with limit- to record transactions between computers on a net-
ed resources – have historically however not applied work.375 Transactions are grouped into ‘blocks.’376 As
sufficient resources to these threats. new blocks form, they are confirmed by the network
A technology gaining increasing attention from and connected to the block before it, thus creating a
regulators because of its secure and advanced infor- verified and tamper-evident chain of data blocks.377
mation sharing is Distributed Ledger Technologies The most popular blockchains are those from the Bit-
(DLTs). In a DLT, data is recorded and stored, trans- coin crypto-currency, as well as Ethereum. The latter
actions are proposed and validated, and records are allows the use of smart contract to automate trans-
updated in a synchronized manner across the dis- actions across the world.

48 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

DLTs show great promise in use in the developing enced developers, and third-party dependencies.
world and financial inclusion context, from secure These create an opportunity for design ‘bugs’ where
disbursement of funds, to secure and transparent although the functionality works as intended, they
access to assets and record; raising of funds using can be abused by an attacker. These further allow
crypto-based tokens; tracing of trade finance pay- software bugs, which are software errors allow the
ments for small farmers, to secure identities that DLT – possibly a smart contract - enter an insecure
can be used to access funds and credit. Especially state, unintended by the designer or design. Securi-
with a financial component to their use, security of ty audits before deployment are critical to the safe
DLTs and the tokens they enable is vital and neces- functioning of DLTs. The DLT ecosystem also creates
sary Altogether, this new ecosystem is known as ‘dis- a rich attack source for directly stealing value – as
tributed finance’ (DeFi), part of an emerging global tokens - from ‘wallets’, often stored in exchanges that
crypto-economy. They also provide opportunities use basic security unrelated to the more robust DLT
to innovators and may challenge the current role of that spawned the tokens.
trusted intermediaries that have positions of control DLTs in the current state of development are also
within a centralized hierarchy.378 resource-intensive, and while some end-user com-
Use of private keys to access DLTs is thought to ponents can be run on feature phones and through
keep data on a DL and the access thereto secure. SMS, the backend running the DLT must be secure
Some iterations have raised security concerns.379 end-to-end, including uptime requirements for val-
That is, while the still relatively young DLTs eco- idation nodes required to implement consensus
system matures and prototypes tested, there are mechanisms in the chosen DLT design. This creates
current and evolving concerns that will need to be challenges, especially in developing countries where
addressed in both developed and developing world communications networks may not be robust or
contexts. These range from confidentiality of data, fast enough to allow nodes to be available for these
user privacy, security of DLTs, legal and regulatory purposes. The less nodes, the more a DLT could be
issues, and fragmentation of the technology, as well subject to attack. And while integration of Internet
as the veracity of the data placed on a DLT.380 Notably of Things (IoT) devices with DLTs show great prom-
though, while there do not appear to be major vul- ise – especially in the agricultural value chain ecosys-
nerabilities in the Bitcoin Blockchain and Ethereum tem – these external devices acting as DLT oracles
internal technologies, the technologies and imple- are often insecure and thus create the opportunity
mentation thereof invariably introduce vulnerabil- for injection of incorrect data in a DLT that could set
ities. For example, public DLTs allow any computer off a chain of incorrect smart contract ‘transactions.’
connected to the internet to join the network.381 And Policy makers may have a role in DLT deployments
since transactions are verified through consensus in developing and mandating principles – rather
which is more problematic when the network size than specific technologies or standards – that those
is small because if a user gets control of 51% of the involved in developing and implementing DLTs need
participants in the network, they can have complete to abide by. Security audits for example could be
control of the outcomes.382 Private DLTs on the other mandatory, as well as 2FA methodologies if available
hand allow an operator to determine who can join in a particular environment. As programs running on
the network, who can submit transactions and who DLTs, smart contracts may have security vulnerabili-
can verify them.383 This may introduce insider threats. ties caused by bugs. Policymakers could boost their
It is thus important for users, market participants and use by creating rules and regulations in these prin-
regulators to understand the specifics of the technol- ciples - or in separate contract law provisions - that
ogy and its risks when deciding on which DLT type provide clear guidance on how, in case of smart con-
to use. These are all part of operational risk in imple- tract-related bugs, to navigate liability trees and on
mentation of new technologies. how to assess damages. Data protection laws or reg-
Further, the abundance of new DLT types – often ulations could also protect data on DLTs by adopting
called Layer 2 - that aim to improve on the initial ‘Lay- best practices for securing and restricting access to
er 1’ design using new features along with complex data such as using 2FA and restricting access per-
logic to implement them, introduce these vulnerabil- missions.
ities. This is exacerbated by the distributed nature of
DLTs and the associated wide attack surface and in
many cases, a rush to implement solutions that are
not properly tested or are developed by inexperi-

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 49


11.1 For Entities Building and Operating Distributed Ledger Platforms Internally

Table 6: Design considerations for DLTs in the developing world.384

Who How: System Level How: Individual Level

Who would set up, How would you ensure that vulner- How would you ensure that individu-
maintain, test, and able data was protected as cryp- als were aware of and could protect
update security? tographic and hacking technologies themselves against potential security
evolve? threat?
How could peripheral connections to How would you ensure that users
DESIGN Who would be a blockchain such as oracles be vul- maintain effective and safe access to
responsible for pre- nerable to security threats? private keys?
venting and recov-
ering from potential Would different information be pro- How would you ensure a (safe) and
breaches? tected in different ways? reliable mechanism for users to recov-
er lost keys?
Who understands What are security risks faced by the Do users have experience protecting
the technology and community as a whole? themselves against security threats?
the evolution of it
well enough to cre- Where are the peripheral connections What mechanisms can users use to
ASSESSMENT ate adequate secu- to the blockchain that may cause risks protect themselves and recover from
rity? to the system and veracity of data? security threats?
What information is the most vulnera- How would users be alerted to com-
ble and how can it be protected? promise of their data?
How do you ensure Does the system remain secure as Does the system make users more sus-
that the stakeholders technologies, politics, and other ceptible to security risks?
are incentivized to social factors change?
adequately protect Can they adequately protect them-
the system? What mechanisms will be undertaken selves?
EVALUATE to periodically test the system for vul-
nerabilities? Is the key system accessible to users
without compromising security?
Can users recover from lost keys, and
prevent interim use of those keys?

11.2 Recommendations for Identity Providers

1. Non-custodial methodology should be preferred for housing keys and assets

Use and Access to Creden-
tials385 2. Data privacy must be built in in all stages
3. Create a mechanism for ID backup, for example using trusted parties to attest to
the person affected to allow for safe recovery of credentials

50 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

11.3 Recommendations for Entities Operating Distributed Ledger Platforms

Table 7: Recommendations for Entities Operating Distributed Ledger Platforms

1. Always be aware that with evolving systems like DLTs, there will almost always be
‘bugs’ that may be exploited if not found and fixed.
2. Permissionless, or permissioned, public or private types will affect the ultimate
security, not just of the resilience of DLT itself, but also of access to and use of user
and/or value
3. Organizations should develop their threat models to understand potential adversar-
On Its Design and Use ies, why they are interested in exploiting your system; what types of skill they have;
and what types of resources they have.
4. Ensure your organizations has the requisite security talent as you need the right
specialists to help you pursue your security mission.
5. Partner with independent, third-party security experts who can ‘audit’ the DLT
before it goes live, and periodically once it is live and changes have been made.
6. To avoid attacks and to ensure robustness on the DLT, ensure multiple nodes (more
than 2) should be employed

11.4 Recommendations for Developers of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Table 8: Recommendations for Developers of Distributed Ledger Technologies

1. Security Of A DLT Will Depend On Its Design

2. Understand that cryptography is fragile and complex to audit
Use Of Standards And Exot-
3. Don’t use experimental code for critical operations
ic/Untested Code In Design-
ing and Coding DLTs 4. Use of ‘open standards ‘will depend on practical and technical constraints, security
and privacy concerns, and the dynamics of the people and networks in an organiza-
tion or ecosystems
5. Avoid complexity, which tends to bring insecurity

11.5 Recommendation for Regulators

Table 9: Recommendations for Regulators

Security risks precipitate Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of

Terrorism (AML/CFT) concerns. New rules from FATF require exchanges and other
custodial entities that take custody of their customers’ crypto-currency to obtain
Addressing Anti Money Laun-
identifying information about both parties before allowing a transaction over their
dering Concerns
platforms. Some believe that the new rules are over-reach and may drive the cryp-
to-industry underground awaiting the mainstreaming of atomic swap technologies
which ostensibly do not require any exchange intermediaries.
Lack of practical on-chain interoperability between DLT also raises competition con-
Competition-Related cerns, with balkanization of DLTs and with exclusion from technologies and data pos-
sible across vertical asset classes.
There needs to be a consensus by regulators of what constitutes safekeeping services.
One view is that having control of private keys on behalf of clients is the same as safe-
keeping services and that rules to ensure the safekeeping and segregation of client
Custodial Solutions & Private
assets should thus apply to the providers of those services. There may be a need to
consider some ‘technical’ changes to some requirements and/or to provide clarity on
how to interpret them, as they may not be adapted to DLT technology. This could
include using MPC for securing signatures.
Accurate data to measure and monitor the safety and soundness for systemic and
Veracity of Trading Data
investments purposes is required, but to some degree not altogether trusted.

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 51


With the rapid evolution of quantum computing power – some systems have over
5000 qubits of computing power386 – administrators should begin to prepare for the
Prepare for Quantum Comput-
download-now-decrypt-later types of attacks, if not already in use post-quantum
wrappers being developed to protect existing ciphers.387 The Monetary Authority of
Singapore has already begun studying these potential vulnerabilities and risks.

11.6 Recommendations for Policy makers

• Policy makers may have a role in DLT deploy- tract-related bugs, to navigate liability trees and
ments in so far as they could develop (or even on how to assess damages. Similarly, data protec-
mandate) principles rather than specific technol- tion laws or regulations could also protect data on
ogies or standards that those involved in devel- DLTs by adopting best practices for securing and
oping and implementing DLTs need to abide by. restricting access to data such as using 2FA and
Security audits for example could be mandato- restricting access permissions.
ry, as well as 2FA methodologies if available in a • There is a need to ensure acceptable trade-offs
particular environment. As programs running on between various design consideration, which may
DLTs, smart contracts may have security vulnera- involve trade-offs in payment system require-
bilities caused by bugs. ments. Some central bank experiments indicate
• Policy makers could boost their use by creating resilience related challenges, while demonstrating
rules and regulations in these principles - or in robust privacy and acceptable transaction speed.
separate contract law provisions - that provide • Using time and value correlation, regulators can
clear guidance on how, in case of smart con- track atomic swaps between DLTs.

52 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Annex A Consensus protocols in use in various DLT types. 388

Exhibit 2: Consensus protocols in use in various DLT types.389

Access Type Mechanism Examples

Miners compete to find a numeric solution (a ‘nonce’) to a math-
ematical question concerning hashing,392 earns the right to add a
Proof of Work block of validated transactions to the blockchain and a reward for Bitcoin, Ethereum,
Public Zcash, Monero,
(POW)390 an amount of native currency.393 The energy expenditure394 to per-
form the ‘work’ is substantial and intentional by design to disin-
centivizs396 bad acts.
Designed to be a more energy efficient than POW.398 POS gener-
ates consensus using an algorithm that is based upon the owner-
Proof of Stake Tendermint, Ethe-
Public ship of native crypto-currency in relation to others in the system
(POS)397 reum (W/P)
along with some weighting mechanism such as how long the cur-
399 400
rency has been held by the stakeholder. Also known as staking.
Variation of POS. Token holders vote for a certain number of del-
Delegated egates called ‘Witnesses,’ who are given the authority to validate
Public Proof of Stake transactions and blocks. Stakeholders such as coin holders have Lisk
(dPOS) weighted votes401 on electing the witnesses who can validate
transactions and add blocks.402
A lottery system used in permissioned blockchain networks to
decide the mining rights or the block winners on the network
Proof of using. Every participant in the network is assigned a random Hyperledger Saw-
Private Elapsed Time amount of time to wait, and the first participant to finish waiting tooth
gets to commit the next block to the blockchain.403 All nodes are
equally likely to be a winner.
For private (mostly enterprise consortiums) or permissioned DLTs
and blockchains which may not have as many participants in its Hyperledg-
Practical Byz- walled garden as compared to openly accessible public, per- er Fabric (FT),
antine Fault missionless blockchains.404 It is suited to enterprise consortiums Hyperledger Indy
Tolerance where members are partially trusted. These are important because (RBFT), Hyper-
(PBFT) malicious attacks and software errors are increasingly common ledger Iroha (Sum-
and can cause faulty nodes to exhibit arbitrary behavior (Bizan- eragi)
tine faults).405
Ripple consensus algorithm proceeds in rounds. In each round,
four steps occur. Initially, each server takes all valid transactions
it has seen prior to beginning of consensus round that have not
already been applied. It is declared to be public in the form of a
Ripple Payment
Ripple Consen- list known as ‘candidate set.’ The server has the responsibility to
Federated System and Cryp-
sus Algorithm combine the candidate set of all servers on its UNL. It then votes 407
for the transaction with “yes” or “no” votes after verifying its trans- to-currency.
actions. Receiving a minimum percent of yes votes is considered
to be the criteria to move into the next round, usually 50%. Uses
the DLS Protocol406as of BFT.

To add data to a blockchain, so-called consensus mechanisms have evolved that require a miner (validator) to prove that
they have undertaken the task of being able to add the blockchain to the chain. Bitcoin and Ethereum (for now) uses proof
of work (POW), while proof of stake (POS) has evolved to solve inter alia the power consumption issues in POW as well as
scaling408 issues. Ethereum’s Constantinople’ upgrade is designed to use POS.409

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 53

Annex B Evolving Types of Crypto-Assets

Type Key features

• Digital representations of value, made possible by advances in cryptography and distrib-
uted ledger technology. Depending on the jurisdictional framework, they may be classed
as a means of payments (as a crypto-currency); a utility token, an ICO; a STO. For the most
part, unlike the value of fiat currencies, which is anchored by monetary policy and their
status as legal tender, the value of crypto assets rests solely on the expectation that others
will also value and use them.
• Used for project financing by the issuance of tokens against payment predominantly in the
form of crypto-currencies.
Initial Coin Offerings
• Often directed at a broader public requiring each investor to accept identical, non-negotia-
(ICO)410 ble terms. The project may not yet have an identifiable or available product. In this respect,
ICOs may resemble crowd-funding projects.411
• An Initial Exchange Offering is conducted on the platform of a crypto-currency exchange.
Initial Exchange Offer-
Compared to an ICO, an IEO is administered by a crypto exchange on behalf of the startup
ings (IEO)
that seeks to raise funds with its newly issued tokens.
• Primarily known as crypto-currencies. Used to acquire goods or services or as a means for
Payment Tokens (PT) money or value transfer; which may or may not be issued, and which may or may not con-
fer claims against an issuer.
• Issuance of tokens against an identifiable or available product or some physical assets that
Security Token Offer-
ings (STO) underpin the token’s value.412 These ‘tokens’ enable transformation of real-world assets into
Crypto Assets.
• Also known as app coins or user tokens
• Provide users with future access to a product or service.413
• Unless they are caught under the definition of a security, spot trading and transactions in
Utility Tokens do not generally constitute regulated activities.
Utility Tokens (UTs) • To avoid the appearance of being associated with ICOs (and thus by proximity, to regu-
lated IPOs), utility token creators will term their offerings of tokens to as ‘token generation
events’ (TGEs) or token distribution events (TDEs).414
• In some jurisdictions, UTs may be classed as securities, but may qualify in some cases for
an exemption to any registration requirements.415

54 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Annex C Examples of DLTs Used In a
Financial Inclusion Context 416

ASSET VERIFICATION In June 2018, BanQu piloted a new partnership

Property and Land Registers with the world’s largest brewer, Anheuser-Busch
Similar to identity, property, or land registry formal- InBev, working to connect 2,000 Zambian farm-
ization, can be another hindrance for those finan- ers to the mobile platform as they harvest and sell
cially excluded to enter or participate in a formal a projected 2,000 tonnes of cassava, producing a
economy. Although people may own small plots of high-quality starch used in beer—by the end of Zam-
land, dwellings, vehicles, and equipment, they are bia’s growing season in August.422
not able to monetize these assets as collateral due
to the lack of formal legal title to those assets.417 The CREDIT
causes of this are said to be from poorly resourced Credit Bureaus
and often corrupt bureaucracies making it relatively Sierra Leone is setting out to build one of the most
easy to change the land records by bribing some- advanced, secure credit bureaus using the Kiva
one. Time-stamping these records on a DL may make protocol.423 Along with provision of digital IDs on the
altering this data very difficult.418 Kiva DL, the plan is to provide citizens with personal
However, high initial capital costs could, as with identification tools and a personal digital wallet with
the adoption of any new technology, be a deterrent their credit history. Government and non-Kiva part-
to the implementation of these systems, especial- ners can use the credit score on the Kiva blockchain
ly when there is no existing map of planned roads, as a valid credit score before commissioning loans.
land plots, or zones that indicate proper location or Citizens can choose to reveal their score to whoever
boundaries of the property. Barriers to reliable elec- they please, giving residents greater control of their
tronic land records are typically not in the data struc- data and credit score, according to the announce-
ture used to store them but in the acquisition of reli- ment.424
able source data.
DLTs can help solve these encumbrances by lower- FINANCIAL SYSTEMS
ing the cost of land titling and formalization through Interbank Transfers
databases that work with the local governments Crypto-assets can act as a bridge between fiat
to record and track land title transactions, allowing currencies that allows financial institutions to access
unbanked individuals to enter and benefit to some liquidity on demand, without having to pre-fund
extent from the formal financial system.419 Property accounts in the destination country. For example,
titles could then be effected and verified without a crypto-currency network Ripple is using its global
centralized third party. RippleNet payment system to connect a number of
In the Republic of Georgia, the National Agency developing countries together to undertake inter-
of Public Registry plans to utilize a permissioned bank transfers through the XRP crypto-currency.
blockchain to develop a permanent and secure land The solution - especially since it bypasses SWIFT -
title record system to track all land title transactions is touted as solution to de-risking, inserting liquidity
across the country.420 In Chandigarh City in India, into markets by enabling remittance flows to coun-
ConsenSys is building a platform for easy tracking of tries that have been impacted by removal or refusal
all the state level financial services. Since Blockchain of correspondent banking relationships, as well as
is a fairly transparent mechanism, there is the least facilitating trade finance.425 Ripple’s XRP asset using
probability of corruption. The second benefit would its XRapid system has been in place for interbank
be about the land records. Similar pilots in Ghana and transfers and are finalized over the local payment
Sweden use DLT as a decentralized land registry.421 systems, which added just over two minutes to
In LATAM, BanQu is piloting small-plot farmer payments, speeding up from settlement times of 2-3
land mapping, especially for women farmers in Latin days on legacy systems. Portions of the payment
America, where access to finance is hard due to lack that rely on XRP last 2-3 seconds, minimizing expo-
of land rights and outdated property registries. sure to price volatility.426

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 55

In a pilot-project partnership with seven rural
banks, Philippines-based bank Unionbank worked
with ConsenSys Solutions to build a decentralized
approximately real-time inter-rural bank payment
platform called Project i2i to connect rural banks to
each other and to national commercial banks, using
Enterprise Ethereum. This effectively brings these
some 130 rural bank partners into the domestic
financial system and increases inclusion access to the
communities in which they operate.427
Payment Switching, and Clearing and Settlement
Financial services firms can minimize operational
complexity with the use of DLTs. Systems that rely on
trusted intermediaries to support and/or guarantee
the authenticity of a transaction today could instead
be efficiently conducted using DLTs.428
Currently, C&S between parties may take up to
two to three days to achieve, leading to credit and
liquidity risks. C&S time can be reduced to min-
utes with DLTs. Private, permissioned blockchains
between banks – such as R3’s Corda - could poten-
tially authenticate transactions and undertake C&S
considerably faster.
This may help to reduce counterparty credit risk,
which in turn may reduce an institution’s capital
requirements, collateral, or insurance where required
by regulation to prevent settlement default. Permis-
sioned, private blockchains achieve this savings by
removing the need for trusted intermediaries and
granting the counterparties real-time visibility to
their respective liquidity positions whilst undertak-
ing netting. Similarly, this real-time liquidity visibility
allows digital financial service providers (DFSPs) to
use DLTs to remove the need for prefunding in bilat-
eral interoperability designs.429

56 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Annex D Summary of general security concerns, security
issues; resultant risks, and potential mitigation measures

Concern Issue Risks Dimensions Mitigants

Methods to Data on a DLT may be compro- Network, Con- Increase number of active
speed up DLT mised/ Privacy and Confidentiality sensus, Data nodes.
transaction of Data Model, Execu-
processing may tion, Applica-
be insecure tion
Bugs in DLT Bugs will not be fixed. Network, Con- Bug bounty programs
Code sensus, Data
Software Devel-
Model, Execu-
opment Flaws
tion, Applica-
Longevity of Download and Decrypt Later’ break- Network, Con- Use and implement quan-
the security of ing of private keys; transaction accu- sensus, Data tum resistant ciphers and
DLT-based data racy; and leakage of private data Model, Execu- wrappers.
tion, Applica-
Finality in For Clearing and Settlement, all risk Consensus, Central Bank solutions have
Transaction is concentrated. Settlement finality Data Model, used BFT to ensure finality
Settlement is not guaranteed. Application of payments.
Changes in the Attacks on crypto-exchanges can Consensus, Cost-based prevention that
order of trans- cause market instability. Data Model makes it expensive to perpe-
actions trate an attack.
Accuracy of A hack may intentionally provide Data Model Where possible, use trusted
Oracle Input/ bad oracle data that could impact oracle solutions
data blockchain nodes and open vulnera-
bilities to attack.
Transaction &
Data Accuracy Fraudulent 51% attack; create double spending Network, Con- Use whitelisting procedures,
Allocation of opportunities; prevent the relay of sensus, Data diversify incoming connec-
Data messages to the rest of the network; Model tions instead of relying upon
spam the network’ a limited IP address.
Duplication of Dominance/51% attack; Double Network, Con- Wait longer periods to
Transactions spending, selfish mining, and adver- sensus, Data confirm a larger number of
sarial forks. Newer blocks added Model block confirmations
to the blockchain at risk of being
reversed; Deposit of coins sent to
attacker’s wallet by crypto-currency
exchanges would be an irreversible.

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 57


Concern Issue Risks Dimensions Mitigants

Interoperability So-called ‘forking’ of existing DLTs Network, Con- Some level of consistency
between DLTs may also introduce fragmentation sensus, Data between at least similar DLTs
and slow down transaction process- Model, Execu- needed to avoid unneces-
ing speeds. Interoperability required tion, Applica- sary fragmentation delaying
to connect these silos may intro- tion emergence of industry ‘stan-
duce security and efficiency risks dards’ for a sector.
Denial of Ser- An attack on a sizeable mining pool Network, Con- Use specialized DDoS mit-
vice can substantially disrupt mining sensus, External igation and prevention
activity. May increase Ethereum services, such as those pro-
‘gas’ fees. vided by Incapsula or Cloud-
flare as well as Amazon
Cloud Services.
DLT Availability
Monopolistic Exclusion of entities from tech- Network, Con- Regulators would have to
Possibilities in nologies and data possible across sensus, Data consider whether there is a
DLT Use vertical asset classes. Mining pools Model, Execu- dominance of a DLT within
could monopolize DLTs or change tion, Applica- a particular market activity.
underlying protocols. tion, External Regulators may struggle
to define these markets
Reliance on and Increased Reliance on Nodes May Network, Con- At least for critical infra-
Trust in DLT Increase Vulnerabilities sensus, Data structure, resilience of nodes
Nodes Model, Execu- for a particular DLT required
tion, Applica- to prevent 51% attacks
tion, External should be ensured.
Inability to Unauthorized Access to Funds Network, Con- Private key management
distinguish sensus, External functions or biometric linked
between un/ private keys have been sug-
authorized gested.
Trust of Cus- Poor security of Custodians and Application, From a crypto-asset per-
todial and Customer Wallets External spective, needs to be a con-
Safekeeping sensus by regulators of what
Services constitutes safekeeping
Poor End User Failure to adequately manage keys Application, Passwords should mix of
Safety of Funds Account Man- can lead to permanent loss or theft Application, capital letters, numbers
and Information agement and of funds External and special characters. Use
Safety of Funds Awareness multi-signature addresses to
and Information release funds and one wallet
Attacks Theft of User Funds/Tokens Application, Keep majority of value -
on Crypto Application, especially those not in need
Exchanges External of immediate use - in ‘cold
Attacks on Indi- Theft of user funds; use of user keys Application, Device holding the address
vidual Crypto for non-authorized applications Application, and keys must be safely
Wallets External backed up with alternate
access in the event access
to the device is lost or it is
stolen or destroyed.
Tension Lack of transactional privacy and Application Solutions being developed,
Data Protection between Shar- loss of customer funds but not yet mainstream such
and Privacy ing and Control as ‘zero-knowledge proofs’
of Data on DLTs

58 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies


Concern Issue Risks Dimensions Mitigants

Consensus Mining pools present both a risk to Network, Data Wait for Multiple Confirma-
Dominance and breaching the security of a consen- Model, Execu- tion; Monitoring of Activity;
Mining Pools sus algorithm (as they can act col- tion, Applica- Change Consensus Algo-
lectively or individually controlling tion, External rithm
Consensus & the network) as well as serving as a
Mining target for attacks
Governance Governance can effectively Network, Data To ensure security of the
Voting Dom- approach centralization as a result Model, Execu- blockchain and clean gov-
inance and of influential stakeholders, founders tion, Applica- ernance, private DLTs could
Irregularities and key developers. tion, External use fewer nodes.
Loss or Com- Users Cannot Access Wallets Values Network, Con- Use hardware wallets
promise of Pri- or IDs; oracles data corrupted; node sensus, Data provides additional. Use
vate Keys participants Model, Execu- multi-signature wallets if
tion, Applica- needed.
Key Manage- tion, External
ment Credentials Theft of funds; Access to critical Network, Con- Use of multi-signature
Hijack layers in DLTs sensus, Data where possible
Model, Execu-
tion, Applica-
tion, External
Attacks on Flaws in the smart contract code; Execution Lay- Use trusted forms of smart
Smart Con- reliance on an external ‘off chain’ er; Smart Con- contract implementations;
Smart Contracts tracts event or person to integrate with tracts undertake auditing of its
and execute embedded terms of the code.
smart contract.

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 59

Some portions of this report are extracted from DLT-related papers and manuscripts by the author: Perlman, L (2017)
Distributed Ledger Technologies and Financial Inclusion, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2nyxpBG; Perlman, L (2018) A
Model Crypto-Asset Regulatory Framework, available at https://​ssrn​.com/​abstract​=​3370679; Perlman, L (2019) Legal
Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies (forthcoming paper); Perlman, L (2019) Legal and Regulatory Aspects of
the Crypto-economy and Blockchain (forthcoming book); Perlman, L (2019) Use Of Blockchain Technologies In The
Developing World (forthcoming paper); Perlman, L (2019) Regulation of the Crypto-economy (forthcoming paper).
Depending on the type of DLT, a number of ‘trilemmas’ can exist simultaneously.
Ki-yis, D & Panagiotakos, K (2015) Speed-Security Tradeoffs in Blockchain Protocols, available at https://​goo​.gl/​Fc2jFt
Ethereum currently manages a maximum of 20 tps, while Bitcoin original only reaches a capacity of 7 transactions per
second. Bitcoin cash reaches 61 tps. The Visa network reaches 24,000 tps. See Cointelegraph (2019) What Is Lightning
Network And How It Works, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XXJsKY
Term coined by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum Founder. NeonVest (2018) The Scalability Trilemma in Blockchain, available at
See all of the following. Fischer, M; Lynch, N & Paterson, M (1985) Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One
Faulty Process, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Z1YT6q; Gilbert, S & Lynch, N (2002) Brewer’s Conjecture and the Feasibility
of Consistent, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XVRMuF; NULS (2019) Why it is Impossible to Solve Blockchain Trilemma?,
available at https://​bit​.ly/​2W7Dkzt; See also Kleppmann, M (2015) A Critique of the CAP Theorem, available at https://​
Hence blockchain’s goals of striving to reach maximum levels of decentralization inherently result in a decrease in
scalability and/or security.
There is also the Ripple DLT, which is not viewed as ‘blockchain’ technology. See https://​www​.ripple​.com
Mosakheil, J (2018) Security Threats Classification in Blockchains, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YZiuUJ. The layers are in
turn based on designs from Croman, K; Decker, C; Eyal, I et al. (2016) On Scaling Decentralized Blockchains. Bitcoin and
Blockchain, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2xXqRE8; and Dinh, T; Wang, J; Chen, G et al. (2017) Blockbench: A Framework for
Analyzing Private Blockchains, available at https://​nus​.edu/​2JCv9HK
Nakamoto, S (2008) Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32Bje4n
The concept ‘cryptocurrency’ was first described in 1998 in an essay by Wei Dai on the Cypherpunks mailing list,
suggesting the idea of a new form of money he called ‘b-money.’ Rather than a central authority, it would use
cryptography to control its creation and transactions. See Dai, W (1998) b-money, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2GhYZiX
Bitcoin is a consensus network that enables a new payment system and a completely digital money or ‘cryptocurrency.’
It is thought to be the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network that is powered by its users with no central
authority or middlemen. The first Bitcoin specification and proof of concept (POC) was published in 2008 in a
cryptography mailing list by one ‘Satoshi Nakamoto.’ It is not known if this is a pseudonym, The Bitcoin community has
since grown exponentially, but without Nakamato. See Bitcoin (2019) FAQs, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Y27BjP
The technology, in the words of Bitcoin’s apparent creator, is: ‘[A] system based on cryptographic proof instead of
trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party.’
See Nakamoto, S (2008) Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32Bje4n
See Mills, DC; Wang, K; Malone B et al. (2016) Distributed Ledger Technology in Payments, Clearing, and Settlement
FEDS Working Paper No. 2016-095, available at http://​bit​.ly/​30FTu5m; and UK Government Office for Science (2016)
Distributed Ledger Technology: Beyond Block Chain, available at https://​goo​.gl/​bVg0Vq. The term Distributed Ledger
Technology is often used interchangeably with ‘Shared Ledger Technology.’ DLT though will be used throughout this
study. SLT was coined by Richard Brown, CTO of blockchain company R3. See thereto. TwoBitIdiot (2015) Shared
Ledgers, available at https://​goo​.gl/​gaeDRU; and Hoskinson, C (2016) Goodbye Mike and Some Thoughts About Bitcoin,
available at https://​goo​.gl/​bGVN0R.
Any data that is placed on the block is said to be ‘on-chain’ and any data that derives from the blockchain, but which
for some reason must be swapped with another party not using blockchain technology is said to be ‘off chain.’ See also
Mills, DC; Wang, K; Malone B et al. (2016) ibid.
Depending on the DLT, the consensus method may be called Proof of Stake (POS), or Proof of Work (POW). For
example, with crypto-currencies POS is a consensus mechanism used as an alternative to the POW mechanism used in
Bitcoin. POS crypto-currencies are ‘minted’ rather than ‘mined,’ so avoiding expensive computations and thus providing
a lower entry barrier for block generation rewards. For a fuller discussion of these differences, see Bitfury Group (2015)
Proof of Stake Versus Proof of Work, available at https://​goo​.gl/​ebS2Vo.

60 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Some would argue that in practice Bitcoin is basically a closed network today since the only entity that validates a
transaction is effectively 1 in 20 semi-static pools. Further, the miners within those pools almost never individually
generate the appropriate/winning ‘hash’ towards finding a block. Rather, they each generate trillions of invalid hashes
each week and are rewarded with shares of a reward as the reward comes in.
Distinctions between permissioned and permissionless described here reflect the current state of the art. As DLTs
mature, many believe that there will be a full spectrum between permissioned and permissionless.
Deloitte (2017) Blockchain Risk Management: Risk Functions Need to Play an Active Role in Shaping Blockchain
Strategy, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2JMG00U
Public blockchains are said to be fully decentralized.
Adopted from Lapointe, C & Fishbane, L (2018) The Blockchain Ethical Design Framework, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
The manner in which state channels operate on the blockchain can be described generally as: (i) a deposit of a total
sum of funds which may be used over the duration a payment channel may exist is entered into a multi-signature
address or wallet; (ii) Users digitally sign transactions off-chain between themselves, which changes the amounts each
user should receive from the wallet ; (iii) When the users agree to close the channel, the net total of the funds in the
wallet are committed to the address of each party and entered into the blockchain as a single transaction.
Sharding refers to splitting the entire Ethereum network into multiple portions called ‘shards’. Each shard would contain
its own independent state, meaning a unique set of account balances and smart contracts. See District0x (2019)
Ethereum Sharding Explained, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Sr6kRV
The ‘Plasma Cash’ solution white paper was published in 2017, co-written by the founders of Ethereum (Vitalik Buterin)
and the Bitcoin Lightning Network White Paper (Joseph Poon). Plasma is in its infancy with limited iterations appearing
in use in 2019, a number of sources represented that slowdowns maybe occurring on development with some new
interest on using Plasma with (z snarks). Examples of Plasma implementation (very new or in development stages)
include (i) PlasmaChain integrates into the Ethereum network as well as six stablecoins; (ii) the Plasma Group; and
Loom’s Plasma CLI with Plasma Cash. Duffy, J (2019) PlasmaChain Integrates With Top 100 ERC20 Tokens, Enabling
Lightning-Fast Layer 2 Stablecoin Payments With Multi-Currency Support, https://​bit​.ly/​2Cohyjs; Priya (2019)
PlasmaChain integrates with six stablecoins including USD Coin, TrueUSD, and Gemini Dollar, available at https://​bit​.ly/​
2HqcQpy; https://​plasma​.group/​; See Bharel, D (2019) Plasma Cash Developer’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know
(+ How to Use Loom’s Plasma CLI), available at https://​bit​.ly/​2TWNeWU
Using Merkle-based proofs to enforce spawned child chains.
See the following: Poon, J & Buterin, V (2017) Plasma: Scalable Autonomous Smart Contracts, available at https://​
plasma​.io/​; Butler, A (2018) An introduction to Plasma, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2O01YCP; Schor, L (2018) Explained:
Ethereum Plasma, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XL0cKa
Deutsch, J & Retwiessner, C (2017) A Scalable Verification Solution for Blockchains, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2NYNd34
https://​truebit​.io/​‘retrofitting oracle which correctly performs computational tasks. Any smart contract can issue a
computation task to this oracle in the form of WebAssembly bytecode, while anonymous ‘miners’ receive rewards
for correctly solving the task. The oracle’s protocol guarantees correctness in two layers: a unanimous consensus
layer where anyone can object to faulty solutions, and an on-chain mechanism which incentivizes participation and
ensures fair remuneration. These components formally manifest themselves through a combination of novel, off-chain
architecture and on-chain smart contracts. Rather than relying on external, cryptographic proofs of correctness, Truebit
leverages game theoretic principles to effectively increase the on-chain computation power of existing networks.’Also
see http://​bit​.ly/​2JEOuYM
When the technically-oriented press discusses financial technology (FinTech) developments, they also use blockchain
as shorthand for DLTs.
Hedera (2019) Hedera Hashgraph, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32C4TVm
Hays, D (2019) An Overview Of The Evolution Of Blockchain Technology, Blockchain 0.0 to 3.0, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
A common concern is that current DLTs processes are much slower than what is needed to run mainstream payment
systems or financial markets. Also, the larger the blockchain grows, the larger the requirements become for storage,
bandwidth, and computational power required to process blocks. This could result in only a few nodes being able to
process a block. However, improvements in power and scalability are being designed to deal with these issues. See
Croman, K et al. (2015) On Scaling Decentralized Blockchains, available at https://​goo​.gl/​cWpQpF; and McConaghy, T et
al. (2016) BigchainDB: A Scalable Blockchain Database, available at https://​goo​.gl/​IBcGv0.

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 61

This is also known as interoperability.
There are, of course, a number of broader technical and other issues relating to DLTs and their inter alia advantages
and disadvantages, as well as their legal, regulatory, security, privacy, and commercial implications. They are noted or
discussed briefly but are generally beyond the scope of this paper and will not be detailed in depth.
Mappo (2019) Blockchain Governance 101, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XYLLgP
Hsieh, Y; Vergne, J & Wang, S (2018) The Internal and External Governance of Blockchain-based Organizations:
Evidence from Crypto-currencies, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32zdKHn
See the Bitcoin Core ‘Bitcoin Improvement Proposals’ voting process. Ibid.. See also WhaleCalls (2017) Fact or
FUD — ’BlockStream , Inc is the main force behind Bitcoin (and taken over)’, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2Urfyhl
Individuals have been passed the torch of leadership from a founder or foundations created by interested stakeholders
may influence funding and development efforts. See Van Wirdum, A (2016) Who Funds Bitcoin Core Development?
How the Industry Supports Bitcoin's 'Reference Client', https://​bit​.ly/​2tTcPlf; Lopp, J (2016) Who Controls Bitcoin
Core?, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2IX90Wt; See also the Bitcoin Foundation at http://​bit​.ly/​2LshRQi
Oracles can become a major problem as they can gang up and become a cartel.
Blockchain Hub (2018) Blockchain Oracle, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2JIgWb2
Oracles can also be divided into machines (‘sensors that generate and send digital information in a smart-contract-
readable format’) and users (a large group of humans reporting on an event who may be compensated with digital
assets such as crypto-currency.)
Aeternity (2018) Blockchain Oracles (2018), available at http://​bit​.ly/​2NYOc3g
‘The trusted execution environment, or TEE, is an isolated area on the main processor of a device that is separate
from the main operating system. It ensures that data is stored, processed and protected in a trusted environment. TEE
provides protection for any connected ‘thing’ by enabling end-to-end security, protected execution of authenticated
code, confidentiality, authenticity, privacy, system integrity and data access rights.’ Hayton, R (2018) Trusted execution
environments: What, how and why?, https://​bit​.ly/​2Hjb21B; See also Global Platform (2018) Introduction to Trusted
Execution Environments, https://​bit​.ly/​2ObgLHr; Sabt, S; Achemlal, M & Bouabdallah, A (2015) Trusted Execution
Environment: What It Is, and What It Is Not, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XNvaS1
See also http://​bit​.ly/​2YgwrQO
For example, Nakamoto for Bitcoin and Buterin for Ethereum.
Adapted from http://​bit​.ly/​2YgwrQO
Like any POW system, Ethereum is heavily dependent on the hashrate of their miners. The more the miners, the more
hashrate, and the more secure and faster the system.
A mainnet may become so loaded that the gas required to write a block soared in cost. This occurred in April 2019 with
ETH. This is a major problem since the more load on a main-net, the higher the block cost, thus limiting throughput and
lowering the usage. This is a game theory restriction that by-design keeps the usage of the infrastructure low. To power
many more transactions in the future, Ethereum though will not rely on a single mechanism but rather on a series of
innovations in sharding, Plasma, Casper, and state channels – all set to be activated in the multi-phase Serenity upgrade
in which Casper style POS consensus will be rolled out first to secure a new ‘Beacon Chain.’ The non-profit developer
group Fuel Labs in the meantime launched its ‘Fuel’ sidechain, which specifically takes aim at lowering the gas costs for
stablecoin payments. See Blockonomi (2019) Meet "Fuel": Toward Scaling Ethereum in the Here and Now, available at
There is no fixed price of conversion. It is up to the sender of a transaction to specify any gas price they like. On the
other side, it is up to the miner to verify any transactions they like (usually ones that specify the highest gas price). The
average gas price is typically 20 Gwei (or 0.00000002 ETH). The point though is that fees for transaction processing
may vary wildly, disrupting the economics of running a DLT.
A transaction sent to the EVM costs some discrete amount of gas (e.g. 100 gas) depending on how many EVM
instructions need to be executed.
Put in link – game theory
This can increase during times of high network traffic as there are more transactions competing to be included in the
next block. See http://​bit​.ly/​30GTdyZ
Meaning that – as Alan Turing predicated - it can undertake an infinite number of computational permutations until a
solution is reached.

62 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

The developer of a dApp would define that upper limit – the ‘gas limit’ based on an estimation of the type of dApp. For
example, before a compiled SC can be executed, payment of the ‘gas’ transaction fee for the SC to be added to the
chain and executed upon.
See Nakamoto relating to the use of a peer-to-peer network to remove dependence on financial intermediaries.
Nakamoto, S (2009) Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32Bje4n
‘On-Chain governance’ refers to a set of predefined rules which are encoded into the blockchain protocol, intended to
effectuate governance by the community, where users/nodes can vote on changes proposed. Red, R (2018) What is
On-chain Cryptocurrency Governance ? Is it Plutocratic? , available at http://​bit​.ly/​2O0yWD2
Bitcoin was developed by an unknown person(s) Satoshi Nakamoto along with developer Martii Malmi. When
Nakamoto departed from the project he divested himself of ownership of the domain and project to several unrelated
developers to ensure a decentralization of ownership over the project. This included the domain, which was
used from 2011-2013 to develop the software, now known as ‘Bitcoin Core’ or BTC.2014 fully opened the project to the
public, which included the creation of developer docs and the beginning of attempts to create a protocol for continued
development efforts, github commits, etc. See (2019) About, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2JCyQ0i;
Lopp, J (2016) Who Controls Bitcoin Core?, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2IX90Wt; Van Wirdum, A (2016) Who Funds
Bitcoin Core Development? How the Industry Supports Bitcoin's 'Reference Client', https://​bit​.ly/​2tTcPlf; Bitcoin Core
(2016) Bitcoin Core Sponsorship Programme FAQ, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2M0rNQo
Improvement proposals ‘must have a champion’ for the cause and make ‘attempts to build a community consensus’
around the idea. Taaki, A (2016) BIP Purpose and Guidelines, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YdjZkW
Walch, A (2019) Deconstructing 'Decentralization': Exploring the Core Claim of Crypto Systems, available at http://​bit​
Lack of identification of those transacting led to the imprisonment of Charlie Shrem, co-founder of the now-defunct
startup company BitInstant in New York who in December 2014 he was sentenced to two years in prison for aiding
and abetting the operation of an unlicensed money-transmitting business related to the Silk Road marketplace. See
Raymond, N (2014) Bitcoin Backer Gets Two Years Prison for Illicit Transfers, available at https://​reut​.rs/​2JFJqnk
One criticism of the mysterious ‘Nakamoto’ was that he published his ground-breaking work, but did not indicate any
markers of how it could be improved and who should do so. The result of course is that coding communities have
either formed cliques to undertake such improvements, or the Bitcoin protocol has ‘forked’ into multiple versions of
Bitcoin.. Bitcoin improvements are known as Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs).
For example, ERC-20 is a technical standard used for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain for implementing
tokens. Simply, 20 was the number that was assigned to this request. ERC-20 was proposed on November 19 2015 by
Fabian Vogelsteller and defines a common list of rules that an Ethereum token has to implement, giving developers the
ability to program how new tokens will function within the Ethereum ecosystem. The ERC-20 token standard became
popular with crowdfunding companies working on ICOs due to the simplicity of deployment, together with its potential
for interoperability with other Ethereum token standards. See Reiff, N (2019) What is ERC-20 and What Does it Mean
for Ethereum?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2LzopwP
Lack of transparency, as well as susceptibility to corruption and fraud, can lead to disputes.
As transactions occur and data is transferred, the agreements and the data they individually control need to be
synchronized. Often though, the data will not match up because of duplication and discrepancies between ledger
transactions, which results in disputes, disagreements, increased settlement times, and the need for intermediaries
along with their associated overhead costs.
See also IBM (2016) Blockchain Basics: Introduction to Business Ledgers, available at https://​goo​.gl/​dajHbh.
The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, the company that serves as the back end for much Wall Street trading
and which records information about every credit default swap trade, is replacing its central databases as used by the
largest banks in the world with blockchain technology from IBM. See NY Times (2017) Wall Street Clearinghouse to
Adopt Bitcoin Technology, available at http://​nyti​.ms/​2iac0iM.
Partz, H (2019) Medici Portfolio Firm Partners with Caribbean Bank to Pilot Digital Currency, available at https://​bit​.ly/​
ZDNET (2016) Why Ripples from this Estonian Blockchain Experiment may be Felt around the World, available at
Memoria, F (2019) Canadian Town Starts Accepting Bitcoin for Property Tax Payments, available at https://​bit​.ly/​
This would, with current developments, be more applicable to identity systems rather than national identity systems. It
can be applied then to digital identity, with notes that certain attributes have been attested by certain authorities. The
keys associated with the identity, and the details of the attributes and the associated attestations, would be held in a

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 63

separate secure identity store, under the control of the individual. One of the attributes might be name – attested to by
the national identity service. The identity on the blockchain would be derived from that.
Bitcoin Magazine (2015) Estonian Government Partners with Bitnation to Offer Blockchain Notarization Services to
e-Residents, available at https://​goo​.gl/​YdoYKq.
For productivity, use cases include agricultural value chains; food supply management; IoT and medical tracing; project
aid monitoring; supply change management. For intellectual property, this includes digital rights management
Decentralized applications (dApps) are applications that run on a P2P network of computers rather than a single
compute and have existed since the advent of P2P networks in a way that is not controlled by any single entity.
Whereas, centralized applications, where the backend code is running on centralized servers, dApps have their
backend code running on a decentralized P2P network. See Blockchainhub (2019) Decentralized Applications – dApps,
available at https://​blockchainhub​.net/​decentralized​-applications​-dapps/​. The Ethereum white paper splits dapps into
three types: apps that manage money, apps where money is involved (but also requires another piece), and apps in the
‘other’ category, which includes voting and governance systems. CoinDesk (2018) What is a Decentralized Application?,
available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Ls0lMb and http://​bit​.ly/​32zuMFy
For a list of over 100 live DeFi initiatives globally, see ConsenSys (2019) The 100+ Projects Pioneering Decentralized
Finance, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Oa49UC
A ‘stable coin’ is a crypto-currency pegged to another stable asset such as gold or the U.S. dollar. It’s a currency that is
global but is not tied to a central bank and has low volatility. Coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum and highly volatile. This
allows for practical usage of using crypto-currency like paying for things every single day. See Lee, S (2018) Explaining
Stable Coins, The Holy Grail of Cryptocurrency, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2LWGFiX
They may be created and distributed to the general public through ICOs; may also qualify as a security, depending
on the jurisdiction; and as a means of payment (crypto-currency); or as a utility token that confers rights of usage to
something; or as security tokens.
Exchange code is BTC.
There are a number of other issues and challenges with these solutions. First, recipients of remittances in developing
countries often lack the tools necessary for crypto-currency-based solutions to be feasible, especially the appropriate
hardware - such as smartphones - to carry out such transactions.
Constine, J (2019) Facebook Announces Libra Cryptocurrency: All You Need to Know, available at https://​tcrn​.ch/​
The head of the U.S. central bank though believes Facebook should not be allowed to launch its Libra crypto-currency
until the company details how it will handle a number of regulatory concerns. CoinDesk (2019) Fed Chair Says Libra
‘Cannot Go Forward’ Until Facebook Addresses Concerns, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2xIYR7q
Alexandre, A (2019), South American Startup Ripio Rolls Out Crypto-Fiat Exchange and OTC Desk, available at http://​
bit​.ly/​2YO2Prg; also See Cuen, L (2019) There’s No Crypto Winter in Argentina, Where Startups Ramp Up to Meet
Demand, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2S7UyvD
84 (2018) How Cryptocurrency Can Help Developing Countries, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Y4mrKI
Hankin, A (2018) This is where crypto-currencies are actually making a difference in the world, available at https://​on​
Aumasson, JP (2018) Attacking and Defending Blockchains: From Horror Stories to Secure Wallets, available at https://​
Customers login into the exchange, who may store you credentials so as to allow easy exchange of value without you
needing to log in every time.
Aumasson, JP (2018) Attacking and Defending Blockchains: From Horror Stories to Secure Wallets, available at https://​
Sepior (2019) An Introduction to Threshold Signature Wallets With MPC, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2WIPWyp
This is a cryptosystem that protects information by encrypting it and distributing it among a cluster of fault-tolerant
computers. The message is encrypted using a public key, and the corresponding private key is shared among the
participating parties. See NIST (2019) Enter the Threshold: The NIST Threshold Cryptography Project, available at
Coindesk (2019) Israeli Startup Launches First Non-Custodial Wallet Without Private Keys, available at https://​www​
Not all DLTs support smart contracts. Initial versions of Bitcoin, for example, do not support smart contracts. The
Ethereum DLT is the prime exemplar of the use of smart contracts, as part of the ‘blockchain 2.0’ motif.

64 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Smart contracts were first described in 1997, relating to vending machines. See Szabo, N (1997) Smart Contracts:
Building Blocks for Digital Markets.
In all then, a legal contract is replaced by computer code, and consequently the need for lawyers to be involved in the
chain of execution of the smart contract is mistakenly thought by some to be redundant. However, compliance rules
with one or more of the counterparties – or through peremptory regulations such as those dealing with AML rules or
the implication of tax laws – would probably require proper legal counsel.
European Central Bank (2018) Distributed Ledger Technology: Hype Or History In The Making?, available at https://​bit​
.ly/​2IO6ehd; R3 (2018) Blockchain And Central Banks- What Have We Learnt?, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2JGTslM; ccn
(2018) South Africa’s Central Bank Launches Ethereum-Based Blockchain PoC, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2NXzoww;
Finextra (2017) Ripple Boss Predicts Central Bank Adoption Of Blockchain, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2hFa8Bf; Althauser,
J (2017) Colombia Central Bank to Test Distributed Ledger Technology Corda, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2iJ3pGg
Baruri, P (2016) Blockchain Powered Financial Inclusion, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2JG6mAK
FinTechnews Singapore (2017) Will Singapore become a Regtech leader? Regulatory Reporting 2.0, available at https://​
Baruri, P (2016) Blockchain Powered Financial Inclusion, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2JG6mAK
See Exhibit 14: Summary of Regtech Use Cases
FSB (2017) Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning In Financial Services, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2lK4Be2
Finextra (2018) Cryptocurrencies, Sandboxes and Blockchain Experimentation Top Sarb Fintech Agenda, available
at https://​bit​.ly/​2swGsLd; Nation, J (2018) South African Reserve Bank's FinTech Programme to Pilot Quorum for
Interbank Transfers, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2JGpdvF
Akmeemana, C; Bales, D & Lubin, J (2017) Using Blockchain to Solve Regulatory and Compliance Requirements,
available at https://​bit​.ly/​2IKbfYf; Iansiti, M & Lakhani, K (2017) The Truth About Blockchain, available at https://​hbr​.org/​
Toronto Center (2017) FinTech, Regtech and SupTech: What They Mean for Financial Supervision, available at https://​
Self-executing programs that run automatically on the distributed ledger when pre-defined requirements are met. CFI
(2017) What Happens If The Blockchain Breaks?, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2nB83mD
Stark, J (2017) Applications of Distributed Ledger Technology to Regulatory & Compliance Processes, available at
MAS (2016) Singapore’s FinTech Journey – Where We Are, What Is Next, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2fHjkiE
For more on de-risking and its effect on financial inclusion, see Perlman, L (2019) A Refusal to Supply (Part 1): De-
constructing Trends In Financial De-risking and the Impact on Developing Countries, available at www​.dfsobservatory​
‘Digital Fiat Currency (DFC) is a term used by ISO TC68/SC7 for allocating currency code and is also known as Central
Bank issued digital currency.’ See ITU (2019) Focus Group on Digital Currency Including Digital Fiat Currency, available
at http://​bit​.ly/​2YUxIu7; ‘CBDC is a new form of money, issued digitally by the central bank and intended to serve as
legal tender. It would differ, however, from other forms of money typically issued by central banks: cash and reserve
balances. CBDC designed for retail payments would be widely available. In contrast reserves are available only to
selected institutions, mostly banks with accounts at the central bank.’ See IMF (2018) Casting Light on Central Bank
Digital Currencies, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2GbwxyT
Fiat money is a currency issued by a government which it has declared to be legal tender, a legally recognized medium
of payment which can be used to extinguish a public or private debt or satisfy a financial obligation. It is only backed
by the public confidence in the issuing government and the credit and faith in the issuer’s national economy. Bank of
England (2019) What Is Legal Tender?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XMixq8
CBDCs is distinguishable from the general usage of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and crypto-currencies,
covered in section.
See also BIS (2019) Proceeding With Caution – A Survey On Central Bank Digital Currency, available at https://​www​.bis​
See Adkisson, J (2018) Why Bitcoin Is So Volatile, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2O0jQgS; Williams, S (2018) How Volatile Is
Bitcoin?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2GfqBoy; Hunter, G & Kharif, O (2019) A $1,800 Drop in Minutes: Bitcoin Volatility on
Full Display, available at https://​bloom​.bg/​2LUOwgL
See the Declaration and Issuance of the Sovereign Currency Act 2018, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Y6aqUO

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 65

Alexandre, A (2019) How the Marshall Islands Envisions Its National Digital Currency Dubbed ‘Sovereign’, available at
http://​bit​.ly/​2ShVQEx See also: ‘The SOV is not equivalent to a central bank digital currency, which is a digital form
of the central bank’s liability (cash and reserves) because RMI uses the U.S. dollar as a legal tender and the SOV’s
exchange rates would be determined on global crypto-currency exchanges’ IMF (2018) Republic of the Marshall Islands:
2018 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of
the Marshall Islands, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2NY76qU
Light, J (2018) Why the Marshall Islands Is Trying to Launch a Cryptocurrency, available at https://​bloom​.bg/​2ShmlKl
The IMF, in its consultation report on its bilateral discussions with the RMI, recommended against the issuance of the
SOV until the RMI could identify and ensure implementation of adequate measures to mitigate the 'potential costs
arising from economic, reputational, AML/CFT and governance risks.` It said that in the absence of adequate measures
to mitigate them, the RMI should reconsider the issuance of the digital currency as legal tender. IMF (2018) Republic of
the Marshall Islands: 2018 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director
for the Republic of the Marshall Islands, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XQkTnp
Light, J (2018) Why the Marshall Islands Is Trying to Launch a Cryptocurrency, available at https://​bloom​.bg/​2ShmlKl
It does not have any relationship with the Bitcoin crypto-currency, only in that it uses the same type of blockchain
technology used by Bitcoin.
PRWEB (2016) Bitt Launches Caribbean's First Blockchain Based Digital Money, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2ShVNZn
Bitcoin Magazine (2016) Overstock Invests in Bitt to Launch Official Digital Currencies in the Caribbean Islands,
available at http://​bit​.ly/​2xSZxqA
The CBDC would have eKYC built in to satisfy correspondent bank concerns about ultimate beneficiary ownership
(UBO). It has the support of the Barbados government and potentially a solution for the Caribbean region but is to
date not yet commercially available. See Das, S (2016) Bitt Launches the Blockchain Barbadian Digital Dollar, available
at http://​bit​.ly/​2O0iPW6
The majority of the information in this section is derived from ITU-T Focus Group Digital Currency including Digital Fiat
Currency (2019) Reference Architecture and Use Cases Report, available at www​.itu​.int
Increasing the number of validating nodes led to an increase in payment execution time. Moreover, the distance
between validating nodes has an impact on performance: the time required to process transactions increased with the
distance between sets of validating nodes.
Information in this section is derived from Perlman, L (2019) Use Of Blockchain Technologies In The Developing World,
available at www​.ssrn​.com, and the sources cited therein.
Needham, C (2015) The Blockchain Report: Welcome to the Internet of Value, available at https://​goo​.gl/​fje2p3
See further, Choudhury, K (2018) What Blockchain Means for Developing Countries, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Ge7hrW
IFC (2019) BLOCKCHAIN: Opportunities for Private Enterprises in Emerging Markets, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2NYQoYx
Radio signals propagate from a transmitting antenna at one base station to a receiving antenna at another base
station. Rain-induced attenuation and, subsequently, path-averaged rainfall intensity can be retrieved from the signal’s
attenuation between transmitter and receiver. A rainfall retrieval algorithm can be applied in real time. See Overeem, A;
Leijnse, H & Uijlenhoeta, R (2013) Country-wide rainfall maps from cellular communication networks, available at http://​
Cointelegraph (2019) Oxfam Partners With Tech Firms to Test Dai’s Use in Disaster Aid, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Ss1jsn
Reuters (2016) Bitcoin worth $72 million stolen from Bitfinex exchange in Hong Kong, available at http://​reut​.rs/​2atByqe.
See Perlman, L (2020) Legal Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies (forthcoming)
Mosakheil, J (2018) Security Threats Classification in Blockchains, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YZiuUJ. The layers are in
turn based on designs from Croman, K; Decker, C; Eyal, I et al. (2016) On Scaling Decentralized Blockchains. Bitcoin and
Blockchain, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2xXqRE8; and Dinh, T; Wang, J; Chen, G et al. (2017) Blockbench: A
Framework for Analyzing Private Blockchains, available at https://​nus​.edu/​2JCv9HK
Mosakheil, J (2018) Security Threats Classification in Blockchains, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YZiuUJ. The layers are in
turn based on designs from Croman, K; Decker, C; Eyal, I et al. (2016) On Scaling Decentralized Blockchains. Bitcoin and
Blockchain, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2xXqRE8; and Dinh, T; Wang, J; Chen, G et al. (2017) Blockbench: A
Framework for Analyzing Private Blockchains, available at https://​nus​.edu/​2JCv9HK

66 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Blockchain is designed to operate a single distributed ledger in a decentralized manner over a trustless peer-to-peer
network but kept reliable through the utilization of cryptographic proofs and a consensus mechanisms to reach global
agreement as to transactions to be entered into the ledger.
Coined by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum Founder. NeonVest (2018) The Scalability Trilemma in Blockchain, https://​bit​.ly/​
See Fischer, M; Lynch, N & Paterson, M (1985) Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process, available
at http://​bit​.ly/​2Z1YT6q; Gilbert, S & Lynch, N (2002) Brewer’s Conjecture and the Feasibility of Consistent, available
at http://​bit​.ly/​2XVRMuF; NULS (2019) Why it is Impossible to Solve Blockchain Trilemma?, available at https://​bit​.ly/​
2W7Dkzt; See also Kleppmann, M (2015) A Critique of the CAP Theorem, https://​bit​.ly/​2W2h0XN
Ryan, D & Liang, C (2018) EIP 1011: Hybrid Casper FFG, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32uA3y9
Willemse, L (2018) Solving the Blockchain Scalability Issue: Sharding VS Sidechains, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2M5HOEG;
Skidanov, A (2018) The Authoritative Guide to Blockchain Sharding, Part 1, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2O4e261
Jia, Y (2018) Op Ed: The Many Faces of Sharding for Blockchain Scalability, available at http://​bit​.ly/​30L6Mxv
The core idea in sharded blockchains is that most participants operating or using the network cannot validate blocks
in all the shards. As such, whenever any participant needs to interact with a particular shard they generally cannot
download and validate the entire history of the shard.
This issue does not exist in a non-sharded DLTs. See Medium (2018) Unsolved Problems in Blockchain Sharding,
available at http://​bit​.ly/​30F1kw0
Wright, C (2017) The Risks of Segregated Witness: Opening the Door to Mining Cartels Which Could Undermine the
Bitcoin Network, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Z0A8as
Freewallet (2019) Why Is It Unacceptable to Send Coins to Segwit Addresses?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2JPJsYq
145 (2018) Blockchain Sharding Brings Scalability Benefits and Security Risks, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
McAfee (2018) Blockchain Threat Report, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YZBq5D
Norton Rose Fulbright (2016) Unlocking the blockchain: A global legal and regulatory guide - Chapter 1, available at
Github (2019) Ethereum Smart Contract Best Practices Bug Bounty Programs, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2JMODZg
A type of equivalence to this issue would be security compromises of the circa-1980s GSM ‒ and later generations of ‒
mobile communications encryption specifications affecting feature (non-smart) phones whose firmware cannot easily
be updated with a fix for any vulnerabilities. The ability then to upgrade the cryptographic techniques used for ‘old’
transactions should be considered in DLT designs.
See further, DarkReading (2019) Quantum Computing and Code-Breaking, available at https://​ubm​.io/​32zrbY3
IDQ (2018) Presentation to ITU DFC Work group, July 2018, New York
A type of equivalence to this issue would be security compromises of the circa-1980s GSM ‒ and later generations of ‒
mobile communications encryption specifications affecting feature (non-smart) phones whose firmware cannot easily
be updated with a fix for any vulnerabilities.
See Bitcoins Guide (2019) Komodo Incorporates Dilithium, a Digital Signature Able to Ensure Quantum Computing
Security, available at http://​bit​.ly/​30Cr7Vy
VentureBeat (2019) D-Wave Previews Quantum Computing Platform with Over 5,000 Qubits, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
ID Quantique (IDQ) is provides quantum-safe crypto solutions, designed to protect data for the long-term future. The
company provides quantum-safe network encryption, secure quantum key generation and quantum key distribution
solutions and services to the financial industry, enterprises and government organisations globally. See https://​www​
EveryCRSReport (2012) Supervision of U.S. Payment, Clearing, and Settlement Systems: Designation of Financial Market
Utilities (FMUs) , available at http://​bit​.ly/​2K1Q5Ht

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 67

In many jurisdictions and following BIS leads, FMIs must maintain certain standards with respect to risk management
and operations, have adequate safeguards and procedures to protect the confidentiality of trading information,
have procedures that identify and address conflicts of interest, require minimum governance standards for boards of
directors, designate a chief compliance officer, and disseminate pricing and valuation information.
European Securities and Markets Authority (2019) Advice: Initial Coin Offerings and Crypto-Assets , available at https://​
See examples thereof in ITU-T Focus Group Digital Currency including Digital Fiat Currency (2019) Reference
Architecture and Use Cases Report, available at www​.itu​.int
Coindesk (2015) What the 'Bitcoin Bug' Means: A Guide to Transaction Malleability, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2O3cpW4
This is similar to but not ‘double spending. van Wirdum, A (2015)The Who, What, Why and How of the Ongoing
Transaction Malleability Attack, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2xRZc7I
ibid. The Mt. Gox hacked followed the following sequence: (i) the attacker deposits Bitcoins in a Mt. Gox wallet; (ii) the
attacker requests withdrawal of the coins and the exchange initiates a transaction; (iii) the attacker modifies the TXID
and the transaction is included in the blockchain; (iv) After the attacker receives the coins, the attacker complains to
the exchange that the coins were not received; (v) After the exchanged searches but cannot find the exact transaction
ID, the exchange reissues another send
Bitcoin News (2015) Transaction Malleability: MtGox’s Latest Woes, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2GkwHnN
See BIP 66, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2SxoLVn ; Bitcoin Transaction Malleability, available at
http://​bit​.ly/​2SrbZaD and also BIP 141, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2LpCVal
BitDegree (2019) What is SegWit and How it Works Explained, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YgzSHc
StackExchange (2018) Why Was Transaction Malleability Fix Required for Lightning Network?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
Ambcrypto (2018) SegWit Fixed the Transaction Malleability Problem on Bitcoin and Litecoin, says Bitcoin Proponent,
available at http://​bit​.ly/​2GiJ1VI; See also Zcash, available at http://​bit​.ly/​30I8dg5
In essence, the recipient of funds (such as from an exchange) complains to the sender that a transaction had not
occurred and requests a resend of the funds. The target, after checking for the original TXID and being unable to find it,
resends the same amount again to the attacker. This problem is solved by senders searching for both the original TXID
and equivalents. The attack is described well here: http://​bit​.ly/​2O3cpW4 and here: http://​bit​.ly/​2YgzSHc. See also a
technical analysis of Transaction: SF Bitcoin Devs Seminar: Transaction Malleability: Threats and Solutions, available at
http://​bit​.ly/​2y0cIWN; See also BIP 62, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Y0sE6f
For example, a multi-signature smart contract calling for a payment from one party to another should the local weather
drop below a certain temperature on a certain date will need to use an oracle to retrieve the daily temperature details
from an external data source, such as through the use of an API provided by a weather source.
Image source: https://​www​.smartcontract​.com/​
See https://​www​.oraclize​.it/​which redirects to https://​provable​.xyz/​
‘Oraclize purports to solve the ‘walled garden’ limitation — it provides a secure connection between smart contracts
and the external world, enabling both data-fetching and delegation of code execution. The data (or result) is delivered
to the smart contract along with a so-called ‘authenticity proof’, a cryptographic guarantee proving that such data
(or result) was not tampered with. By verifying the validity of such authenticity proof, anybody at any time can verify
whether the data (or result) delivered is authentic or not.’ Oraclize (2017) Authenticity Proofs Verification: Off-chain vs
On-chain, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XO0FLH
‘‘TLSnotary’ allows a client to provide evidence to a third party auditor that certain web traffic occurred between
himself and a server. The evidence is irrefutable as long as the auditor trusts the server’s public key.’ TLSNotary (2014)
TLSnotary – a Mechanism for Independently Audited Https Sessions, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2SqOYon

68 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

See https://​www​.augur​.net/​. A ‘prediction market protocol’ which enables reporting of external events by blockchain
participants and uses a validation-dispute protocol to help ascertain veracity.
See https://​www​.augur​.net. See also the Augur white paper. Peterson, J; Krug, J; Zoltu, M et al. (2018) Augur: a
Decentralized Oracle and Prediction Market Platform, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XPzH6C
‘ChainLink is blockchain middleware that allows smart contracts to access key off-chain resources like data feeds,
various web APIs, and traditional bank account payments…. The LINK Network is the first decentralized oracle network;
allowing anyone to securely provide smart contracts with access to key external data, off-chain payments and any
other API capabilities. Anyone who has a data feed, useful off-chain service such as local payments, or any other API,
can now provide them directly to smart contracts in exchange for LINK tokens.’ See http://​bit​.ly/​2JO4CGx and http://​
‘The Town Crier (TC) system addresses this problem by using trusted hardware , namely the Intel SGX instruction
set, a new capability in certain Intel CPUs. TC obtains data from target websites specified in queries from application
contracts. TC uses SGX to achieve what we call its authenticity property. Assuming that you trust SGX, data delivered
by TC from a website to an application contract is guaranteed to be free from tampering.’ Town Crier (2019) What is
Town Crier?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​30ALRgg
Derksen (2019) An Introduction to Aeternity’s State Channels, available at http://​bit​.ly/​30F4vDW
Aeternity (2018) Blockchain Oracles, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2NYOc3g
Rlay (2018) Rlay: A Decentralized Information Network, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2M5KLVM; Hirn, M (2018) Introducing
Rlay, a Decentralized Protocol for Blockchain’s External Data Problem, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2JQQ2xI
https://​gnosis​.pm; See also Gnosis (2017) Gnosis Whitepaper, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32CdQxU
Includes partition & delay, Tampering, and BGP Hijacking.
Apostolaki, M; Zohar, A & Vanbever, L (2018) Hijacking Bitcoin: Routing Attacks on Crypto-currencies, available at
http://​bit​.ly/​2JNzjLN; Stewart, J (2014) BGP Hijacking for Cryptocurrency Profit, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2LYd8Fn
Stewart, J (2014) BGP Hijacking for Cryptocurrency Profit, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2LYd8Fn
Apostolaki, M; Zohar, A & Vanbever, L (2018) Hijacking Bitcoin: Routing Attacks on Crypto-currencies, available at
http://​bit​.ly/​2JNzjLN; Stewart, J (2014) BGP Hijacking for Cryptocurrency Profit, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2LYd8Fn
Bissias, G; Ozisik, A; Levine, B et al. (2014), Sybil Resistant Mixing for Bitcoin, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2xSQu9h
Garner, B (2018) What’s a Sybil Attack & How Do Blockchains Mitigate Them?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2LvO09I
An attacker gains control over a sufficient number of IP addresses to monopolize all incoming and outgoing
connections and to the target.
Heilman, E; Kendler, A; Zohar, A et al. (2015), Eclipse Attacks on Bitcoin’s Peer-to-Peer Network, available at http://​bit​
Unlike physical currency which immediately changes possession to a receiving party and can be instantly confirmed
on sight, digital currency can be submitted multiple times and requires confirmation of the sender’s possession of the
digital currency – which may not be instantaneous – to finalize a transaction.
Transaction times vary, with Bitcoin averaging 8-10 minutes and Ethereum 15 seconds to add a new block. However,
confirmation times for transactions typically require the addition of several new blocks before finality can be
considered low risk.
Johnson, K (2017) Ripple & the Gates Foundation Team Up to Level the Economic Playing Field for the Poor, available at
Culubas (2011) Timejacking & Bitcoin, available at http://​bit​.ly/​30G4DmI

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 69

In essence, the third party’s transaction is included in a longer or more trusted chain and the recipient’s transaction may
return to a transaction pool to be deemed invalid as another transaction using the same currency – transferred to the
third party – has already occurred and is finalized.
An unconfirmed transaction is a transaction that has been submitted to the network but has not yet been placed in a
block which has been confirmed by the network and added to the blockchain.
Unlike other attacks, this would still be possible even when all nodes maintain communication with honest peers.
Culubas (2011) Timejacking & Bitcoin, available at http://​bit​.ly/​30G4DmI
On the other hand, concentration of use in just one blockchain type could also possibly trigger competition-related
Upgrading of a blockchain may require multiple consensus steps. For example, to upgrade the blockchain which Bitcoin
uses requires a Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) design document for introducing new features since Bitcoin has no
formal structure. See Anceaume, E et al. (2016) Safety Analysis of Bitcoin Improvement Proposals, available at https://​
Blockchain interoperability would for example involve be sending Ether crypto-currency and receiving Bitcoin
‘naturally’ through blockchain protocols, but without a third party such as an exchange being required.
For example, the Cosmos Network, POS-based network that primarily aims to facilitate blockchain interoperability as
the ‘Internet of Blockchains’ as well as the Polkadot Network. The protocols allow for the creation of new blockchains
that are able to send transactions and messages between each other. See Fardi, O (2019) How Proof Of Stake (POS)
Algorithms 'Create Decentralized & Open Networks,' available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Sn7a26; and Kajpust, D (2018) Blockchain
Interoperability: Cosmos vs. Polkadot, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XZH5r8
ArborSert (2015) ASERT Threat Intelligence Report 2015-04
Vasek M; Thornton M; Moore T (2014) Empirical Analysis of Denial-of-Service Attacks in the Bitcoin Ecosystem, available
at http://​bit​.ly/​2XXMpez
Moore, V (2015) There’s No Free Lunch, Even Using Bitcoin: Tracking the Popularity and Profits of Virtual Currency
Scams, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2LVKBAi
HKMA (2017) Whitepaper 2.0 on Distributed Ledger Technology; ‘…there is a greater incentive to attack a larger
mining pool than a smaller one... because a larger mining pool has a smaller relative competitor base, and eliminating
a competitor from a small base yields more benefit than eliminating one from a larger base.’ Johnson, B; Laszka, A;
Vasek, M et al. (2014) Game-Theoretic Analysis of DDoS Attacks Against Bitcoin Mining Pools, available at http://​bit​
.ly/​2YdmaF6; Vasek M; Thornton M; Moore T (2014) Empirical Analysis of Denial-of-Service Attacks in the Bitcoin
Ecosystem, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XXMpez
In 2015, five mining pools - AntPool,, NiceHash, CKPool and - were struck by a DDOS attack which
shut down mining activity by these pools for several hours. The attacker demanded a ransom payment of 5-10 BTC to
cease the attack. Higgins, S (2015) Bitcoin Mining Pools Targeted in Wave of DDOS Attacks, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
See Zetzsche, D; Buckley, R & Arner, D (2018) The Distributed Liability of Distributed Ledgers: Legal Risks of Blockchain,
available at http://​bit​.ly/​30OikAb
ProofofResearch (2018) Bitcoin Denial of Service Vulnerability Found in the Code, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2JFyXrS
‘Bitcoin was one of the most targeted industries.’ http://​bit​.ly/​2XQdZz5
Cloudfare (2019) Bitfly Uses Cloudflare Spectrum to Protect TCP Traffic from DDoS Attacks, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
Similarly, the creation and invocation of so-called ‘banlists’ where groups of people decide which nodes to prohibit
from accessing a particular blockchain is a percolating issue in public DLs, with no resolution as yet visible. So-called
‘watchtowers’ operating over the ‘Layer 2’ Lightning network can also identify ostensibly malicious actors who may
then be blocked. Watchtowers are third-parties that monitor the Bitcoin blockchain 24/7 on behalf of their clients.
They identify and penalize malicious actors for cheating other users within channels and evaluate whether or not a
participant in a Lightning channel has improperly broadcast a prior channel state, which could be used to reclaim funds
after closing the channel with an invalid state. Curran, B (2019) What Are Watchtowers in Bitcoin’s Lightning Network?,
available at http://​bit​.ly/​2WKPxht
Dewey, J ed. (2019) Blockchain Laws and Regulations | Laws and Regulations, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2wCOstg
The Governing Council for the Hedera DLT for example consists of up to 39 organizations and enterprises, reflecting
up to 18 unique industries globally. Council members are responsible for governing software changes. See https://​www​

70 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

For public, permissionless (trustless) blockchains like Bitcoin where the use of nodes on the blockchain are publicly
used to verify transactions is a core feature, security of its blockchain – and not the vaults bitcoins are stored in - is
ensured by syntactic rules and computational barriers to mining. See also Greenspan (2016) ibid.
There is arguably also a trade-off in DLTs between security and transaction processing speeds. For a technical
discussion thereof, see Kiayias, A and Panagiotakos, G (2015) Speed-Security Tradeoffs in Blockchain Protocols,
available at https://​goo​.gl/​bgsTR8.
The counterargument could be that a properly designed ‘permissioned’ network would be designed so that there is no
single-point of failure or central administrator who can unilaterally change the state. See Swanson (2015) ibid.
Nepal Innovation Hub, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XXNdjB
Myler, J (2019) Sikka: The Blockchain-Based Application Putting Money in the Hands of Nepal’s Rural Communities by
Asia P3 Hub, available at https://​link​.medium​.com/​mVJhF6nqjW
Metcalfe's Law says that the value of a network is proportional to the number of connections in the network squared.
Shapiro, C and Varian, HR (1999) Information Rules. Similarly, the more people who have an identity on a DLT where
nodes can attest to the authenticity of the correct people being identified, the more entities will take the trouble to be
part of the acceptance network for that blockchain; that is, entities will join that blockchain to make use of the identity
functionality it provides.
Credit Suisse (2016) ibid; and Kaminska, I (2016) How I Learned to Stop Blockchain Obsessing and Love the Barry
Manilow, available at https://​goo​.gl/​mv3Lcy.
BunnyPub (2019) Staking Is the New Mining — How People Make Money in Crypto These Days, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
Such as failure of a processor, memory or power supply. EEE defines high availability as, “…the availability of resources
in a computer system, in the wake of component failures in the system.” IEEE (2001) High-availability computer
systems, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2O3oniv; Netmagic (2001) Defining High availability and Disaster Recovery, available
at http://​bit​.ly/​2XRzbom
IEEE (2013) Infrastructure Resilience: Definition, Calculation, Application, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XW7GoR
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is one of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks of the United States.
Risk for loss of funds where credentials are controlled by a single entity was demonstrated in the recent compromise of
the credentials used in the transfer of funds through the (non-DLT, for now) SWIFT network from the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York to the central bank of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Bank. See Reuters (2016) Exclusive: New York Fed
Asks Philippines to Recover Bangladesh Money, available at https://​goo​.gl/​yqaJh7.
Pauw, C (2019) Insured Cryptocurrency Custody Services and Their Potential Impact: The Key to Institutional Investment
Growth?, available at bit​.ly/​31drreI
Avgouleas, E & Kiayias, A (2018) The Promise of Blockchain Technology for Global Securities and Derivatives Markets:
The New Financial Ecosystem and the 'Holy Grail' of Systemic Risk Containment (December 6, 2018). Edinburgh School
of Law Research Paper No. 2018/43, available at https://​ssrn​.com/​abstract​=​3297052
European Securities and Markets Authority (2019) Advice: Initial Coin Offerings and Crypto-Assets, available at https://​
Cointelegraph (2019) Insured Cryptocurrency Custody Services and Their Potential Impact: The Key to Institutional
Investment Growth?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Mz9HqR
Larcheveque, E (2018) 2018: A Record-Breaking Year for Crypto Exchange Hacks, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2KrIOT0
Suberg, W (2018) Main Swiss Stock Exchange to Launch Distributed Ledger-Based ‘Digital Asset’ Exchange, available at
Elias, D (2019) How Does Decentralized Finance Redefine Banking?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2MxH795
Avgouleas, E & Kiayias, A (2018) The Promise of Blockchain Technology for Global Securities and Derivatives Markets:
The New Financial Ecosystem and the 'Holy Grail' of Systemic Risk Containment, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2SpdmXj
Here there is an important distinction between STOs and tokenized securities. The former is natively crypto, the latter
are simply crypto wrappers of a legacy asset.
There is no harmonized definition of safekeeping and record-keeping of ownership of securities at EU-level and the
rules also depend on whether the record-keeping applies at the issuer level (notary function) or investor level (custody/

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 71

safekeeping function). European Securities and Markets Authority (2019) Advice: Initial Coin Offerings and Crypto-
Assets, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2CXSjFc
As noted by the European Securities and Markets Authority, ESMA See European Securities and Markets Authority
(2019) Advice: Initial Coin Offerings and Crypto-Assets , available at https://​bit​.ly/​2CXSjFc, these requirements may also
apply in relation to the initial recording of securities in a book-entry system (notary service), providing and maintaining
securities accounts at the top tier level (central maintenance service), or providing, maintaining or operating securities
accounts in relation to the settlement service, establishing CSD links, collateral management.
European Securities and Markets Authority (2019) Advice: Initial Coin Offerings and Crypto-Assets , available at https://​
Rocco, G (2018) Emptied IOTA Wallets: Hackers Steal Millions Using Malicious Seed Generators, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
Binance (2019) Binance Launches DEX Testnet for the New Era of Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrency Trading, available at
It has online order matching, versus offline matching in centralized exchanges.
Novikov, I (2018) Why Are Crypto Exchanges Hacked So Often?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Y2lDC1; CCN (2018) The
Common Tactics Used to Hack a Cryptocurrency Exchange, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YgETj0
Rosic, A (2017) 5 High Profile Cryptocurrency Hacks, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32wI8lL
See the Coincheck failure in 2018 of USD 500 million off XEM currency due to failure to use multi-signature wallets.
Attacker effort to obtain 2 of 3 private keys would be substantial. Rosic, A (2017) Paper Wallet Guide: How to Protect
Your Cryptocurrency, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2xSTF0T
Novikov, I (2018) Why Are Crypto Exchanges Hacked So Often?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Y2lDC1
James, H (2018) First Successful Test Blockchain International Distribution Aid Funding, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
Such as and create QR codes out of the alphanumeric string to potentially
generate additional security.
See services such as https://​walletgenerator​.net/​which convert addresses into QR codes.
Popular hardware wallets include the Ledger Nano, Trezor One, KeepKey, Archos Safe-T Mini. See https://​trezor​.io/​;
https://​www​.ledger​.com/​; http://​www​.archos​.com
Helperbit does not require any software download, as the procedure for generating the passphrase takes place on the
client’s internet browser.
These nodes may be trustless.
As noted below, some newer blockchains design solutions so that some parties can only read the blockchain, while
others can also sign to add blocks to the chain
Even so, there have been instances where identities of blockchain users have been discovered using transaction graph
analysis. This uses the transparency of the transaction ledger to reveal spending patterns in the blockchain that allow
Bitcoin addresses – using IP addresses and IP address de-anonymization techniques - to be bundled by user. Ludwin, A
(2015) How Anonymous is Bitcoin? A Backgrounder for Policymakers, available at https://​goo​.gl/​DJnIvP.
This also depends on the blockchain design. A blockchain can have all of its data encrypted, but signing/creating the
blockchain wouldn’t necessarily be dependent on being able to read the data. An example may be a digital identity
Lewis, A (2017) Distributed Ledgers: Shared Control, Not Shared Data, available at https://​goo​.gl/​KieCHG.
Ki-yis, D & Panagiotakos, K (2015) Speed-Security Tradeoffs in Blockchain Protocols, available at https://​goo​.gl/​Fc2jFt

Ethereum currently manages a maximum of 20 tps, while Bitcoin original only reaches a capacity of 7 transactions per
second. Bitcoin cash reaches 61 transactions per second (tps). The Visa network reaches 24,000 tps. See Cointelegraph
(2019) What Is Lightning Network And How It Works, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XXJsKY
Coined by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum Founder. NeonVest (2018) The Scalability Trilemma in Blockchain, https://​bit​.ly/​
See all of the following. Fischer, M; Lynch, N & Paterson, M (1985) Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One
Faulty Process, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Z1YT6q; Gilbert, S & Lynch, N (2002) Brewer’s Conjecture and the Feasibility

72 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

of Consistent, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XVRMuF; NULS (2019) Why it is Impossible to Solve Blockchain Trilemma?,
available at https://​bit​.ly/​2W7Dkzt; See also Kleppmann, M (2015) A Critique of the CAP Theorem, available at https://​
Hence blockchain’s goals of striving to reach maximum levels of decentralization inherently result in a decrease in
scalability and/or security.
For discussions of these potential tradeoffs and concerns, see Kosba, A et al. (2016) Hawk: The Blockchain Model
of Cryptography and Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2xRBpVu; Greenspan, G (2016)
Blockchains vs Centralized Databases, available at https://​goo​.gl/​gKfoym; and R3 (2016) Introducing R3 Corda™: A
Distributed Ledger Designed for Financial Services, available at https://​goo​.gl/​IgD1uO; and Deloitte (2016) Blockchain:
Enigma. Paradox, Opportunity, available at https://​goo​.gl/​yNjtFE; and Irrera, A (2016) Blockchain Users Cite
Confidentiality As Top Concern, available at https://​goo​.gl/​IIuuua.
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) - supplies secure messaging services and
interface software to wholesale financial entities.
See further Greenspan, G (2016) Understanding Zero Knowledge Blockchains, available at https://​goo​.gl/​r9P4jZ.
Greenspan is founder and CEO of Coin Sciences, a company developing the MultiChain platform for private blockchains.
In cryptography, a zero-knowledge proof or zero-knowledge protocol is a method by which one party (the prover)
can prove to another party (the verifier) that a given statement is true, without conveying any information apart from
the fact that the statement is indeed true. Quisquater, J-J, (2016) How to Explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Your
Children, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Sm8l1P
Zcash payments are published on a public blockchain, but the sender, recipient, and amount of a transaction remain
private. Zcash uses different encryption approaches to keep both transactions and identities private. See http://​bit​.ly/​
Moos, M (2019) Largest Bitcoin Mining Pools Gutted as Bitmain Reels, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XZ2q3R
The top four Bitcoin-mining operations had more than 53%of the system’s average mining capacity per week. By the
same measure, three Ethereum miners accounted for 61%.’Orcutt, M (2018) How secure is blockchain really?, available at
Malicious miners who can control hashing power for POW consensus mechanisms could mine faster than competitors
and could create the longest chain in the network and overrule honest miners with a shorter chain, thus controlling
which transactions are added on the blockchain. See Nakamoto (2011); Nesbit, M (2018) Vertcoin (VTC) Was
Successfully 51% Attacked, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2Hpr09s
Nakamoto, S (2011) Bitcoin: A Peer to Peer Cash System, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32Bje4n
Nambiampurath, R (2019) Cryptocurrency Exchanges Are the Biggest Targets of 51% Attacks, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
Moos, M (2018) Explained: 51 Percent Attacks on Bitcoin and Other Crypto-currencies, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XWip2z
Eyal I & Sirer E (2018) Majority Is Not Enough: Bitcoin Mining Is Vulnerable, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2JG7Xsp
Gola, Y (2018) Vertcoin Hit by 51% Attack, Allegedly Lost $100,000 in Double Spending, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
2SpcQsu; Nesbit, M (2018) Vertcoin (VTC) Was Successfully 51% Attacked, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2Hpr09s
Hertig, A (2018) Blockchain’s Once-Feared 51% Attack Is Now Becoming Regular, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Ltb0WJ
Eyal I & Sirer E (2018) Majority Is Not Enough: Bitcoin Mining Is Vulnerable, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2JG7Xsp
Or even an innocent mining pool.
If there are such rewards.
By reusing a transaction input in Bitcoin.
The further back in the chain a block is, the more likely it is finalized and unlikely to be superseded by a longer chain.
Others have calculated the security level of 6 confirmation blocks has been calculated as 99.99% if the attacker
controls 8% of the hashing power. Grigorean, A (2018) Latency and Finality in \Different Crypto-currencies, available at
Mosakheil, J (2018) Security Threats Classification, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XPJXf8
The merchant should consider connecting to a sufficiently large number of random nodes on the network to limit
the chances of not seeing a double spend transaction. See Bamert, T & Decker, C et al. (2013) Have a Snack, Pay with
Bitcoins, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2WbT3h1

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 73

Karame, G & Androulaki, E (2012) Two Bitcoins at the Price of One? Double-Spending Attacks on Fast Payments in
Bitcoin, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2xWalEI; See also Podolanko, J & Ming, J et al. (2017) Countering Double-Spend
Attacks on Bitcoin Fast-Pay Transactions, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32wX0AR
Karame, G & Androulki, E, et al. (2015) Forwarding Double-Spending Attempts in the Network, available at https://​bit​.ly/​
Estimated to be as low as USD275,000 per hour against Bitcoin Core and USD75,000 against Ethereum as of December
2018. Fadilpasic, S (2018) 51% Attacks on Crypto-currencies Are Getting Cheaper, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2KY8WTy
At present, Crypto1 estimates a 51% attack on Bitcoin Core for one hour would cost USD315,000 and USD81,000 on
Ethereum. See Crypto51 (2019) POW 51% Attack Cost, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2JDWR71; Bharel, D (2018) How Proof of
Stake Renders a 51% Attack Unlikely and Unappealing, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2HeKVZw
One view is that the best defense for smaller crypto projects wanting to protect themselves against a 51 percent attack
is to use encryption algorithms not typically adopted by large virtual currencies. See Godshall, J (2018) Five Successful
51 Percent Attacks Have Earned Cryptocurrency Hackers $20 Million in 2018, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2XNUjIz
Craig, I & Clarke, S, et al. (2018) The Hive: Agent-Based Mining in Litecoin Cash, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2JOwbPT
Ehrsam, F (2017) Blockchain Governance: Programming Our Future, available at http://​bit​.ly/​30yHEdc
Ehrsam, F (2017) Funding the Evolution of Blockchains, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Y8PpJf
Typosquatters and domain squatters have boasted using trade names of crypto-currencies to commit substantial
fraud. https://​thenextweb​.com/​hardfork/​2019/​03/​21/​bitcoin​-scammer​-boasts​-760000​-payday​-through​-dark​-web​
With 8 Block Producers (BPs) of EOS of the top 21 being based in China, this has raised community concerns of
centralization and integrity of the EOS blockchain. Similarly, there is concern as to what would occur if all Chinese BP
servers were shut down by the authorities. EOS Go Blog (2019) Chinese dominance of EOS Governance, available at
Perez, Y (2019) Maker Foundation Reveals a “Critical Bug” in Its Governance Voting Contract, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
Hsieh, Y; Vergne, J & Wang, S (2018) The Internal and External Governance of Blockchain-based Organizations:
Evidence from Crypto-currencies, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2JSjMKI
Bitcoin scalability disputes (such as changing the Bitcoin block size) led to several competing hard forks being Bitcoin
Core, Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin ABC, Bitcoin Unlimited, and Bitcoin SV. O’Neal, S (2018) Bitcoin Cash Hard
Fork Battle: Who Is Winning the Hash War, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2LtqHxb; Ouimet, S (2018) One Month Later, Which
Crypto Is Winning the Bitcoin Cash Split?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XXd0Zj. Ethereum forked with regard to handling
the consequences of ‘The DAO’ vulnerability spawning Ethereum Classic, ETH and ETC. Moskov, A (2019) Ethereum
Classic vs Ethereum (ETC vs ETH): What’s the Difference?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2M1GkLY. See also Zamfir, V (2019)
Blockchain Governance 101, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2LuHqAn
Vitalik (2017) Notes on Blockchain Governance, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YjAnAE
Vitalik (2017) Notes on Blockchain Governance, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YjAnAE. See also Maas, T (2018) The Curious
Tale of Tezos —from a $232 MILLION ICO to 4 class action lawsuits, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2GjswZl; Ayton, N (2017)
What Lessons Can Be Learnt From Tezos ICO Debacle, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Y67XKf; Casey, M (2018) It’s Too Soon
for On-Chain Governance, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2M0OyUG
Vitalik (2017) Notes on Blockchain Governance, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YjAnAE
ibid Perez, Y (2019) The controversies of blockchain governance and rough consensus, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2LYuy4X
Van Wirdum, A (2016) Who Funds Bitcoin Core Development? How the Industry Supports Bitcoin's 'Reference Client',
https://​bit​.ly/​2tTcPlf; Van Wirdum, A (2016) Bitcoin Core Launches 'Sponsorship Programme' to Fund Development and
More, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2EMs6co; Bitcoin Core (2016) Bitcoin Core Sponsorship Programme FAQ, available at
Novikov, I (2018) Why Are Crypto Exchanges Hacked So Often?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Y2lDC1
Huang, R (2019) Kiva Partners With UN And Sierra Leone To Credit Score The Unbanked With Blockchain, available at
Huang, R (2019) Kiva Partners With UN And Sierra Leone To Credit Score The Unbanked With Blockchain, available at
D’Aliessi (2016) How Does the Blockchain Work?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2xRE6qa

74 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Stack Exchange (2013) What Happens if Your Bitcoin Client Generates An Address Identical to Another Person's?,
available at https://​bit​.ly/​2TyI2ox; Discussion of key duplication and collisions at Reddit at http://​bit​.ly/​2LsTDFG; See
also number of unique addresses used in the Bitcoin blockchain at http://​bit​.ly/​2LtMNj7
Stablecoin definition.
Cointelegraph (2019) Oxfam Trials Aid Distribution With DAI, Future Use 'Highly Likely', available at http://​bit​.ly/​
The further back in the chain a block is, the more likely it is finalized and unlikely to be superseded by a longer chain.
Six or seven confirmations may be safe.
See Grigorean, A (2018) Latency and finality in different crypto-currencies, https://​bit​.ly/​2VYNEts
Mosakheil, J (2018) Security Threats Classification, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XPJXf8
In addition, the merchant should consider connecting to a sufficiently large number of random nodes on the network
to limit the chances of not seeing a double spend transaction. See Bamert, T & Decker, C et al. (2013) Have a Snack, Pay
with Bitcoins, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2WbT3h1
Karame, G & Androulaki, E (2012) Two Bitcoins at the Price of One? Double-Spending Attacks on
Fast Payments in Bitcoin, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2xWalEI; See also Podolanko, J & Ming, J et al. (2017) Countering
Double -Spend Attacks on Bitcoin Fast-Pay Transactions, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32wX0AR
Karame, G & Androulki, E, et al. (2015) Forwarding Double-Spending Attempts in the Network, available at https://​bit​.ly/​
GAP600 (2019) GAP600 Platform, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YaKTdm
For a list of SC security tools. See Consensys (2019) Security Tools, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2JRJmzr
Several other programming languages can be used and will compile for Ethereum as well. See Nicolic (2018) Finding
the Greedy, Prodigal and Suicidal Contracts at Scale, available at http://​bit​.ly/​30A2XLk; Li,X (2018) A Survey on the
Blockchain Systems, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2GkRLui ; Tsao, P (2018) Blockchain 2.0 and Ethereum [Blockchain Basics
Part 3], available at http://​bit​.ly/​2SuoIcQ
Since the majority of DLT activity on smart contracts relates to Ethereum, this section will primarily focus on Ethereum-
specific challenges and vulnerabilities, many of which can provide insight into the difficulties which may be inherent in
the introduction of the smart contract concept.
Bitcoin script is not Turing Complete. Bitcore (2019) Script, https://​bitcore​.io/​api/​lib/​script; Solidity is Turing Complete,
available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XPxMPq; Singh, N (2019) Turing Completeness and the Ethereum Blockchain, available at
http://​bit​.ly/​2JGb4k7; Solidity, a language similar to Javascript, is the most predominant in usage and robust, although
others exist such as Serpent, LLL and Viper. Dika (2017) and others.
While bytecode is in compiled form, it is capable of being decompiled back into source code. Pillmore, E (2019) The
EVM Is Fundamentally Unsafe, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2O46wYI
The Ethereum platform features two types of accounts – a regular ‘Externally Owned Account’ which is the user
address which stores the user’s Ether - Ethereum’s native currency; and (2) a ‘Contracts Account’ address which
identifies a newly created contract and consists of (i) a storage area for Ether; and (ii) the contract code which is stored
in compiled EVM bytecode language which is typically the product of using high level programming languages such
as Solidity. Rush, T (2016) Smart Contracts are Immutable — That’s Amazing…and It Sucks, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
The code was written by For an explanation of the project, see http://​bit​.ly/​2xXviio
Leising, M (2017) The Ether Thief, available at https://​bloom​.bg/​2SneOcW
Buterin, V (2016) Hard Fork Completed, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32CmGfi
Kahatwani, S (2018) Ethereum Classic (ETC): Everything Beginners Need To Know, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2M7gvKa;
Falkon, S (2017) The Story of the DAO — Its History and Consequences, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Z14E4a
See in relation to issues discovered with the Ethereum blockchain; Buterin, V (2016) Thinking About Smart Contract
Security, available at https://​goo​.gl/​iH78GN; and Daian, P (2016) Chasing the DAO Attacker’s Wake, available at https://​
See Cornell Sun (2016) Cornell Prof Uncovers Bugs in Smart Contract System, Urges More Safety in Program Design,
available at https://​goo​.gl/​d6d4F2.

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 75

See Olickel, H (2016) Why Smart Contracts Fail: Undiscovered Bugs and What We Can Do About Them, available at
Alharby, M & van Moorsel, A (2017) Blockchain-based Smart Contracts: A Systematic Mapping Study, available at http://​
This may be particularly pronounced with DLTs with high latencies, whereby the nodes all need to be communicated
with, and their responses obtained.
See Olickel, H (2016) Why Smart Contracts Fail: Undiscovered Bugs and What We Can Do About Them, available at
Table from Atzei, N & Bartoletti, M & Cimoli, T (2016) Survey of Attacks on Ethereum Smart Contracts, available at
http://​bit​.ly/​32DcDXa; Li, Xiaoqi; Jiang, Peng; Chen, Ting et al. (2017) A Survey on the Security of Blockchain Systems,
available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YfLQko
Atzei, N; Bartoletti, M & Cimoli, T (2016) A Survey of Attacks on Ethereum Smart Contracts, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
‘The language Vyper is not Turing complete, Solidity is at the same time, a program written in Vyper will always have a
predictable output. A program written in Solidity will not have a predictable output until and unless it is deployed and
executed.’ Singh, N (2019) Turing Completeness and the Ethereum Blockchain, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2M0rFAI
Rosic, A (2017) What is Ethereum Classic? Ethereum vs Ethereum Classic, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32DeeME
Smith, K (2018) Parity Tech has 'no intention of splitting Ethereum' over 513,000 stranded ETH, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
See http://​bit​.ly/​2Yb3KF7
Wilmoth, J (2018) $330 Million: EIP-999 Stokes Debate Over ETH Frozen by Parity’s Contract Bug, available at http://​
bit​.ly/​2xS1NyD; Farmer, S (2017) Turing Incompleteness and the Sad State of Solidity, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2O7fepg;
Alharby, M & van Moorsel, A (2017) Blockchain-based Smart Contracts: A Systematic Mapping Study, available at http://​
Improper developer coding.
Estimation of Gas for a smart contract can be performed using the Ethereum Yellow Paper, see Wood, G (2017)
Ethereum: A Secure Decentralised Generalised Transaction Ledger EIP-150 REVISION; The ETH Gas Station gas
estimator can be found at http://​bit​.ly/​2Z0WPeJ and http://​bit​.ly/​2JGENta
See the following articles which explain Gas estimation strategies: http://​bit​.ly/​2xYE67P; http://​bit​.ly/​30GTdyZ; http://​
bit​.ly/​2xYE67P; http://​bit​.ly/​2LZKdAN
The cost of Gas for a smart contract is equal to (Gas Needed * Gas Price) which is typically measured in ‘Gwei.’ 1 ETH is
the equivalent of 1e9 Gwei. http://​ethdocs​.org/​en/​latest/​ether​.html; The conversion can be performed with the help of
online tools such as: http://​bit​.ly/​2Y4FwZb
See further, Kakavand, H (2016) The Blockchain Revolution: An Analysis of Regulation and Technology Related to
Distributed Ledger Technologies, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Z0D5bf.
This includes the multimillion dollar losses resulting from failures, such as the inability to revive contracts or recover lost
Multi-signature transactions require a trust agent to be involved to ensure that the conditions for triggering the
contract between the parties have been met and the contract can be executed. LTP (2016) Blockchain-Enabled Smart
Contracts: Applications and Challenges, available at https://​goo​.gl/​fzwLSR.
The accuracy of prediction markets rests in the idea that the average prediction made by a group is superior to that
made by any of the individuals in that group. The economic incentive can be built in a way so that it rewards the
most accurate prediction. For an example of implementation of predictive market technology built on the Ethereum
blockchain, see www​.augur​.net.
Oracle services are third-parties that are verifying the outcome of the events and feed the data to smart contracts data
services. However, the issue of trust of these oracles has been raised.
See Shabab, H (2014) What are Smart Contracts, and What Can We do with Them?, available at https://​goo​.gl/​xpG0FS;
and Wright, A & De Filippi, P (2015) Decentralized Blockchain Technology and the Rise of Lex Cryptographia, available
at http://​bit​.ly/​2Yfmu6i.

76 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Shabab (2014) ibid
Dika, A (2017) Ethereum Smart Contracts: Security Vulnerabilities and Security Tools, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XNBtoC;
Rush, T (2016) Smart Contracts are Immutable — That’s Amazing…and It Sucks, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32wxfAB;
Felker, D (2018) Self Destructing Smart Contracts in Ethereum, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Z1X0GA
Felker, D (2018) Self Destructing Smart Contracts in Ethereum, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Z1X0GA
Felker, D (2018) Self Destructing Smart Contracts in Ethereum, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Z1X0GA​.The cods is: function
close() public onlyOwner { //onlyOwner is custom modifier
selfdestruct (owner); // `owner` is the owners address}
BIS (2017) What is Distributed Ledger Technology?, available at http://​bit​.ly/​30Kf3lf; World Bank Group (2017)
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Blockchain, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2Go5Zct
For an overview of blockchain and DLTs, see Perlman, L (2017) Distributed Ledger Technologies and Financial Inclusion,
available at https://​bit​.ly/​2nyxpBG; and Ramachandran, V & Woodsome, J (2018) Fixing AML: Can New Technology
Help Address the De-risking Dilemma?, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2IKMECI
IBM (2018) Blockchain 101, available at https://​ibm​.co/​2HjoNwC; Iansiti, M & Lakhani, K (2017) The Truth About
Blockchain, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YYRXXu; World Bank Group (2017) Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and
Blockchain, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2Go5Zct
Martindale, J (2018) What is a Blockchain? Here’s Everything You Need to Know, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2DoWE1J
They also offer authorities a new, and almost real-time, access to data for compliance (RegTech) purposes, while
blockchains such as Bitcoin that create new decentralized currencies may challenge the current supremacy of
governments in managing the national and international economic and monetary systems. On the disruptive
possibilities of DLTs and the implications, see Mills et al. (2016) ibid; UK Government Office for Science (2016) ibid;
Credit Suisse (2016) Blockchain, available at https://​goo​.gl/​1YT6Ci; IBM (2016) ibid; Accenture (2016) Blockchain
Technology: How Banks Are Building a Real-Time Global Payment Network, available at https://​goo​.gl/​5bHSd4.
Berke, A (2017) how safe are blockchains? It depends, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2naCjoO
There are other challenges, but as noted earlier, these are beyond the scope of this paper.
The Development Bank of Singapore Limited (2017) Understanding Blockchain Technology and What it Means for Your
Business, available at https://​go​.dbs​.com/​2GRREbX
Choi, S; Ko, D & Yli-Huumo, J (2016) Where Is Current Research on Blockchain Technology? – A Systematic Review,
available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XNAMvw
Miles, C (2017) Blockchain security: What keeps your transaction data safe?, available at https://​ibm​.co/​2xYQXXq
Adopted from Lapointe, C & Fishbane, L (2018) The Blockchain Ethical Design Framework, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
Aumasson, JP (2018) Attacking and Defending Blockchains: From Horror Stories to Secure Wallets, available at
VentureBeat (2019) D-Wave Previews Quantum Computing Platform with Over 5,000 Qubits, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
ID Quantique (IDQ) is provides quantum-safe crypto solutions, designed to protect data for the long-term future. The
company provides quantum-safe network encryption, secure quantum key generation and quantum key distribution
solutions and services to the financial industry, enterprises and government organisations globally. See https://​www​
Adapted from Choudhury, K (2018) What Blockchain Means for Developing Countries, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
Choudhury, K (2018) What Blockchain Means for Developing Countries, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Ge7hrW
POW originates from early attempts to throttle email spammers by creating an artificial cost to the sender for each
email sent, akin to affixing the cost of a postage stamp on each email. At lower levels the greater effort expended
by the email sender is negligible, but costs become substantial at higher volumes, making the cost spam financially
unattractive to the mass emailer. See Back, A (2002) Hashcash - A Denial of Service Counter-Measure, available at
http://​bit​.ly/​2SowSmL; Microsoft (2016) MS-OXPSVAL]: Email Postmark Validation Algorithm, available at https://​bit​.ly/​
Nadeem, S (2018) How Bitcoin Mining Really Works, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2XPeOIB

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 77

Hashing is generating a value or values from a string of text using a mathematical function, enabling security during
the process of message transmission when the message is intended for a particular recipient only. A formula generates
the hash, which helps to protect the security of the transmission against tampering. From Techopedia (2019) Hashing,
available at http://​bit​.ly/​2SmSq3i
Which may be payable in unused currency held in reserve by the system in additional to optional user fees.
As of April 2019, it would require an investment of at least USD 300,000 to rent equipment to potentially have 51%
computational power of the entire Bitcoin network.
Tayo, A (2017) Proof of work, or proof of waste?, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2ur4k0R
Acquiring sufficient computational or ‘hashing power’ needed to take majority (51%) control over the network could be
prohibitive in a large blockchain system and easily observable by others monitoring the network. Hashing power is the
power that a computer uses to run and solve different ‘hashing’ algorithms. These algorithms are used for generating
new blocks on a blockchain. NiceHash (2019) What is hashing power and why would anyone buy it?, available at http://​
bit​.ly/​2SplOWI; and Cryptoline (2019) Peercoin uses a combination of POW and POS. See Peercoin: A coin combining
both POW with POS algorithms, available at https://​www​.cryptolinenews​.com/​top​-crypto​-currencies/​peercoin/​
Some POS variants deal with this issue by requiring an actual stake of currency to be deposited. The ability of a
stakeholder to ‘forge’ or ‘mint’ a new transaction block to the blockchain is the result of pseudo-random assignment
which is based on the size of the stake and the POS algorithm. DLTs using POS include Peercoin, Nxt, Blackcoin,
Shadowcoin, Cardano, Novacoin and soon Ethereum’s Caspar.. Caspar currently consists of two variants which
ultimately will become one finalized version for the update. Oliver, D (2018) Beginner’s Guide to Ethereum Casper
Hardfork: What You Need to Know, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2LWQrBH; and Martinez, J (2018) Understanding Proof of
Stake: The Nothing at Stake Theory, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2O4YVZW; and Peercoin (2018) POS reward, coin age and
minting time, available at http://​bit​.ly/​30IfxII; Novacoin uses a hybrid POW and POS. See http://​bit​.ly/​2xWnAFu
Sharma, A (2018) Understanding Proof of Stake through it’s Flaws. Part 2 — ‘Nothing’s at Stake’, available at http://​bit​
POS mechanisms vary. Systems add and factor into the computation different weighting measures in an attempt at
best measuring the honesty of a forger based upon objective qualifications which identify signs of trust. One example
is Peercoin which factors in ‘coin age’ – the time in which a coin is held or at stake. Zheng, Z; Xie, S et al. (2017)
Blockchain Challenges and Opportunities: A Survey, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2JCt6pn; Bitfallscom (2018) Peercoin
Explained: The Proof of Stake Pioneer, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32EOsHV; and the Peercoin Whitepaper at http://​bit​.ly/​
A simple example calculates as a validator with 2% tokens at stake translates into being able to validate 2% of
transactions In many systems one can only stake a percentage of coins they hold, e.g. 22% which means holding 100
coins allows a maximum of 22 to be staked and also incentivizing the holder to keep a higher amount invested in the
system’s currency. See Martinez, J (2018) Understanding Proof of Stake: The Nothing at Stake Theory, available at
B the amount of their stake/ownership of a currency.
DPoS is currently used by EOS, Bitshare, Steem, Ark, and Lisk.
PoET is now the consensus model of choice for Hyperledger Sawtooth’s modular framework 
Adoption includes Neo, Tendermint, Polkadot, Hyperledge Fabric, and Zilliqua. See Major, R (2018) Proof-of-Stake
(POS) outperforms Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work (POW), available at http://​bit​.ly/​2xY8GhW; Baliga, A (2017) Understanding
Blockchain Consensus Models, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2YbMHmi
Dwork, C; Nancy Lynch, N & Stockmeyer, L (1988), Consensus In the Presence of Partial Synchrony, available at http://​
K. N. Ambili et al. (2017) On Federated and Proof Of Validation Based Consensus Algorithms In Blockchain, available at
For faster ‘block times’ – that is, the time it takes to produce one block.
But see Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin’s concern on how to implement POS in Ethereum to improve scaling. He
identified 4 possible hurdles: (i) Having lower than expected participation rates invalidating (ii) Stake pooling becoming
too popular (iii) Sharding turning out more technically complicated than expected and (iv) Running nodes turning out
more expensive than expected, leading to (1) and (2). See Maurya, N (2019) Vitalik Lists Down Four Hurdles Proof of
Stake, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Y05PiM
The term ‘ICO’ is derived from the term ‘initial public offering’ (IPO) used in securities and share listings

78 Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Finma (2018) Guidelines, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2BzA88M
Strategic Coin (2018) The Difference Between Utility Tokens and Equity Tokens, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2TIbiKy
Strategic Coin (2018) ICO 101: Utility Tokens vs. Security Tokens, available at https://​bit​.ly/​2GKRa6T
US SEC (2018) Two ICO Issuers Settle SEC Registration Charges, Agree to Register Tokens as Securities, available at
Adapted from Perlman, L (2019) Use Of Blockchain Technologies In The Developing World, available at www​.ssrn​.com
De Soto, H (2000) The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere. Basic Books.
Consumer’s Research (2015) The Promise of Bitcoin and the Blockchain available at https://​goo​.gl/​MzCGyh.
This formalization of property provides a great many additional benefits, such as establishing the basis for legal
protections for land ownership in the country, greater transparency within the economy, and the ability of landowners
to participate further in the formal economy by using their land as collateral for financial products such as loans.
Consumers Research (2015) ibid.
Coindesk (2016) Republic of Georgia to Develop Blockchain Land Registry, available at https://​goo​.gl/​vZgGSi.
Bitcoin (2016) Bitland: Blockchain Land Registry Against Corrupt Government, available at https://​goo​.gl/​gAVjGK;
Coindesk (2016) Sweden Tests Blockchain Smart Contracts for Land Registry, available at https://​goo​.gl/​YhNDSZ.
Sierra Leone was chosen as it only has one credit bureau that serves 2,000 people, or less than 1 percent of the
country’s total population, while 80% remain unbanked. CoinDesk (2018) Sierra Leone to Develop Blockchain-Based ID
Platform With UN Partnership, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Y2jRjX
CoinDesk (2018) Sierra Leone to Develop Blockchain-Based ID Platform With UN Partnership, available at http://​bit​.ly/​
This enables those countries very low liquidity in their domestic currency to trade globally without having to buy and
hold USD or Euros and bypass the SWIFT network.
Perlman, L (2019) Regulation of the Financial Components of the Crypto-Economy, available at http://​bit​.ly/​32m12vB
According to ConsenSys, Project i2i’s solution consists of a web API and a blockchain back-end. The API allows
a bank’s API and/or core banking system to connect to the blockchain back-end. The connection handles key
management and allows participants to construct and send signed transactions to the smart contract running on a
permissioned Quorum blockchain deployed through ConsenSys’ Kaleido platform. Signed transactions instructed
through the API trigger three key functions of the smart contract: Pledging digital tokens corresponding to the
Philippine Pesos held in an off-chain bank account; Redeeming the digital tokens; Transferring the tokens among
users of the platform. See ConsenSys (2018) Project i2i: An Ethereum Payment Network Driving Financial Inclusion in
the Philippines, available at http://​bit​.ly/​2Z0IZJc
According to Santander Bank, blockchain could reduce banks’ infrastructure costs attributable to cross-border
payments, securities trading, and regulatory compliance by between USD 15-20 billion per annum by 2022. CoinDesk
(2016) Santander: Blockchain Tech Can Save Banks $20 Billion a Year, available at https://​goo​.gl/​QHWN7Y,
DFS providers in Tanzania used this bilateral interoperability mechanism.

Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies 79

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