Region I
Justin V. Cariaga
Le-ann C. Cainguitan
Bernadeth C. Cariaga
Melard C. Guanzon
Jorge D. Taeza
Jeremy G. Vallejos
S.Y. 2018-2019
Republic of the Philippines
Region I
This research entitled “2PS: PICK ME UP AND PUT ME IN” prepared and submitted
We, the researchers, want to express our genuine gratitude to the following
people who helped and supported us to make this research study a successful one.
To Dr. Jon Jon D. Garcia, OIC/Head Teacher III, who approved, and
immeasurably gave his time and effort in improving this study; who shared his
To Ms. Eva Rona May Antonio, our Research Adviser, for sharing her
knowledge and giving piece of advice. We thank her for imparting us more ideas;
To Mr. Mark Joseph Batara, our English Critique, we thank him for patiently
To the respondents, who cooperated, also for their patience and effort in
answering the questionnaires and sharing their ideas during the interview. We thank
To our dear parents, we thank them for their understanding, endless love, and
moral and financial support. They are the reason, why we were inspired to
And most especially, the research study is giving honor and thanksgiving to
God for giving us the needed knowledge and for guiding us throughout the conduct of
The Researchers
We would like to dedicate this triumph most especially to our parents who are
our greatest supporters, to the faculty and staff of Pagsanahan National High School
for the words of encouragements to elevate our confidence and strengthen our trust
in ourselves, to the respondents, and to God for he is our major source of wisdom
and not only in accomplishing this study but in our day-to-day living.
Various pollution may occur if solid wastes are not properly disposed. Pollution would
not only affect the natural environment but also exposed the school as well as the
practice efficient waste segregation for their own benefits. Given the significance of
waste segregation issues in the school, this study aims to know the perceptions of
the Junior High School students about the implementation of the Waste Segregation
Program (WSP) in the school. The focus was on the understanding and awareness
of the students. The findings indicated that they were aware of the importance of
proper waste segregation. Yet, their practices were found to be influenced by their
TITLE.................................................................................................................................. I
APPROVAL SHEET........................................................................................................... II
DEDICATION................................................................................................................... IV
ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................... V
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................VI-VII
DEFINITION OF TERMS....................................................................................................3-4
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK................................................................................................5
RESEARCH DESIGN..........................................................................................................15
SAMPLING DESIGN...........................................................................................................15
VALIDITY OF INSTRUMENT................................................................................................16
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS..............................................................................................33-34
APPENDIX A...............................................................................................................39-41
APPENDIX B....................................................................................................................42
The proper disposal of waste begins with proper waste segregation - the
disposal. Most places have means of segregating their waste. Offices and
classrooms in Pagsanahan National High School have trash bin, for biodegradable
and non-biodegradable materials before but now, they have their own sacks for
segregating plastics from other wastes. This is a way to properly segregate and
recycle garbage. This study aims to know the perceptions of the Junior High School
Implementation of a program sounds easy but making it effective for the long
time is a hard task. Waste is not the problem here but how will the students respond
different perspective in the school’s waste segregation program and this may help
the school to think of a way that can engage the students in disposing garbage
Segregation Program.
selecting twenty (20) male and twenty (20) female students from Junior High for a
total of forty (40) respondents. The primary data gathering methods use are
Waste Segregation Program and ways they can suggest in developing the program.
The views and opinions of teachers and other personnel would not be considered.
The result of the study will hopefully help Pagsanahan National High School
It is also the hope of this study to help the teachers know the perspectives of
every student towards segregating and waste disposal. In that case, they will know
segregation programs.
The research will also help to raise awareness to students about the school’s
Furthermore, this research will also provide new directions for further studies
This study aims to know the perceptions of the Junior High School students
3) How can students help the school on reducing the school waste?
4) What are the suggestions of students in reducing and disposing the waste
activities such as Waste Segregation Program (WSP) in the school to solve waste
biodegradable non-biodegradable
the school to solve waste problems and the perceptions as well as the awareness of
the selected Junior High School students especially about the differences of non-
(WSP) while the dependent variables are the perceptions and the awareness of the
Junior High School students about the WSP especially in biodegradable and non-
biodegradable wastes.
wastes act as dependent variables in the study because these are assumed to be
This chapter contains some related studies and related literature having
bearing on the study. This gave important concepts and ideas for the development of
the study.
Waste management has recently been the concern of every country in the
world since waste has become an issue. Improper management of waste poses
threat to the health of individuals as well as the environment which if dealt with,
The plea to advocate zero waste in all schools has been the very call of every
teacher to guarantee the safety of the learners with the imminent dangers that
irresponsible garbage disposal may cause all of us. It is not only through ostentatious
display of the waste prevention labels in the trash bins on garbage disposal but also
Every school is one with the nation in the campaign of protecting our
environment. The 4Rs like Reduction, Reuse, Recycling and Recovery are explicit
ways to educate the schools and the community as well in maintaining an eco-
friendly environment. Through the schools initiative to integrate this lesson in their
teaching, our encouragement to help the government regarding the tons of garbage
eco-waste management. It is indeed true that DepEd does all viable measures to
saving and protecting our environment. The use of harmful chemicals in the schools
significance of having a clean environment in the school which basically begins in the
homes. By involving parents as well, they are likely sharing commitment and liability
on this campaign.
Thus, the schools are indeed taking practical actions in their simplest ways
through sustainable programs and projects, proper waste disposal and partnership
with LGU in order to help and resolve the looming problems on waste management.
The waste prevention techniques are integrative as reminders to the learners our
sustainable awareness in order to save and protect our environment for the next
In technical note, the term ‘solid waste’ is used to include all non-liquid wastes
generated by human activity and a range of solid waste material resulting from the
disaster, such as general domestic garbage such as food waste, ash and packaging
water bottles and packaging from other emergency supplies; rubble resulting from
the disaster; mud and slurry deposited by the natural disaster and alien trees and
medical waste from hospitals and toxic waste from industry, will also need to be dealt
with urgently, but they are not covered by this technical note (World Health
Organization, 2011).
Solid Waste Management shall refer to the discipline associated with the
disposal of solid waste in a manner that it is in accord with the best principles of
Inventory of Existing Markets for Recyclable Materials. The DTI shall within six (6)
months from the effectively of this Act and in cooperation with the Department, the
DILG and other concerned agencies and sectors, publish a study of existing markets
for processing and purchasing recyclable materials and the potential steps necessary
to expand these markets. Such study shall include, but not limited to, an inventory of
existing markets for recyclable materials and product standards for recyclable and
agencies, to stimulate the demand for the production of products containing post-
Also, disposal shall refer to the discharge, deposit, dumping, spilling, leaking
or placing of any solid waste into or in land. Section 25 of R.A 9003. Guidelines for
Transfer Stations. Transfer stations shall be designed and operated for efficient
guidelines set pursuant to this Act and other regulations: Provided, that no Waste
shall be stored in such station beyond twenty-four (24) hours. The siting of the
transfer station shall consider the land use plan, proximity to collection area, and
accessibility of haul routes to disposal facility. The design shall give primary
consideration to size and space sufficiently in order to accommodate the waste for
comply with the Republic Act. To ensure proper solid waste management in business
Act 9003 (R.A. 9003) for commercial establishments in the province of Ilocos Norte.
to their customers. EMB-I Information Officer II Maynard Cara shared how the
business establishments can lower their carbon emissions to help mitigate climate
the EMB-I ESWMS personnel. The commercial establishments were provided with
flyers, presentations and videos on solid waste management, which they can use in
To further develop the Ilocos Norte’s Waste Management, The National Solid
Waste Management Commission (NSWMC) is set to release PHP25 million for Ilocos
Norte’s enhancement of its dump sites. The amount will be used for the purchase of
There are many challenges facing the waste management and recycling
industry but there is also a lot of excellent work going on to ensure that this is an
industry to be proud of and one that will continue to secure effective, sustainable and
ecologically sound waste management and recycling for many years to come
(Mohammed, 2016).
A proper waste management will always lead to a better environment and will
always have an advantage. There are so many benefits of waste management both
to the environment and to the people (Hayes, 2016). Waste disposal has emerged
into an industry and is more than just removing waste. The organic waste is
segregated from non-recyclable and inorganic waste. This has allowed cities to make
use of organic waste to create compost for public areas. There are even some cities
that package and sell the compost to make money. These items can be reprocessed
and recycled and will be used in producing new products. This method has helped
reduce further consumption of natural resources and at the same time lowers the
to health as well. In the past, burning waste in the landfill or in the backyard was a
common practice. But according to health agencies, when garbage and plastics are
being burned, they produce particulate matter that are solid compounds and are
suspended in the air. Exposure to this can increase the risks of developing heart
waste management relocates waste to areas where they can be left, incinerated or
disposed of in a safe manner. Removing waste from public areas helps reduce risks
people are aware about and it is in the form of waste energy. Waste energy is
modern advances have been available to capture the energy being produced in
incineration and utilize it to generate electricity. The end result is an intricate method
of reusing items to reduce the need of future waste. Though this is done on small
scale by factories, it is a great start and is a huge benefit of waste management and
disposal (Hayes, 2016). Proper waste management will benefit every people.
Recent studies conducted reveal that out of the millions of tons of waste
disposed. Unfortunately this practice has been identified as one of the main causes
view but also affects the overall economy of a country. Moreover, animals depended
on the environment also face threat due to the oil spills and leaching of chemicals
which directly cause soil and water contamination. Burning any disposed waste and
plastic materials results in air and environmental pollution. Not only does this
contribute to the creation of a green house gas effects but also causes significant
Apart from this, improper waste disposal can also have adverse health effects
on humans as over the years it has been responsible for causing several diseases
changes making it harmful to use. Diseases like Cholera, Dysentery and leptospirosis
are known to be spread through contaminated water and can cause serious health
epidemics in pollution.
contamination which occurs when hazardous chemicals come into contact with the
soil. These chemicals are absorbed by plants which are later utilized by other
organisms including humans which as a result can cause disease or even death.
Improper waste disposal can also interfere with the food supply as plant growth is
done and suffers from it when it is improperly done. Education and awareness across
all communities, irrespective of their social, economic condition, must always observe
It is the process of treating solid wastes and provides plenty of solutions for
recycling products that do not belong to trash. It is all about finding out how garbage
can be used as a valuable resource. Waste disposal is something that each and
every household and business owner in this world needs. This process disposes off
the products and substances that can be used in a safe and efficient manner.
approach for managing solid waste. Each of these should be practice to reduce the
amount material headed for final disposal. They are in order of Importance: Reduce,
the best way to manage solid waste. Do not create waste in the first place. Buy only
what you need. Use all that you buy. Avoid heavily packaged products. Avoid
disposable items like paper plates and plastic silverware. Buy the largest size of
package for those items that you use often. Reusing is the better way to manage
solid waste. Reuse items use them over and over until they are completely worn out.
Recycle, the good way to manage solid waste. Recycle means taking something old
and making it into something new. Not only does it keep items out of the landfill,
Composting; if you have garden, consider the making use of food waste as
compost rather than discarding it. Organic materials such as fruit rind, onion peels,
and shredded paper can be collected in tub before closing the lid, leaving the
material to decompose. This can be added to the soil you use for gardening to
provide nutrients, which will aid the growth and quality of your plants. This type of
disposal. Retain vegetable peels and food scraps to feed small animals such as
hamsters and rabbits. Large meat bones will often be greatly received by the family
Combustion, in this method, municipal solid wastes was burned at a very high
temperature in order to convert them into residue and gaseous products. The biggest
benefit of this method is that it can decrease the volume of solid waste up to 20% to
30% of the original volume, reduce the space they take up, as well as reduce the
stress on landfills.
This method is also called the thermal treatment where solid waste materials
are converted into heat, gas, steam and ash with the help of incinerators. Incinerators
are very common in countries where there is no space available for landfills, for
example Japan.
source, recycling, and composting as what the law requires (Mariga, 2013).
This chapter presents the research design, sampling design, the research
This study aims to know the perceptions of the Junior High School students in
This study applied Quota Sampling in which the researchers selected twenty
(20) males comprising of five (5) representatives per grade and twenty (20) females
comprising of five (5) representatives per grade from Junior High for a total of forty
(40) respondents.
Pagsanahan National High School, composing of twenty (20) male and twenty (20)
female students.
This research study was conducted at Pagsanahan National High School,
collecting data with 15 questions administered and Interview wherein 1 question was
Some of the questions in the Questionnaire Survey Form were from the
Internet and the instrument being used has validity because it was corrected first by
The data that were gathered in this study was interpreted through chart and
descriptions. The numerical findings of the research were interpreted with the use of
In presenting some of the data, the researchers applied the frequency count
P= × 100 %
that have been gathered from the questionnaires answered by the respondents.
Most students say it is
implemented properly.
Some say it is not
implemented properly.
This study aims to know the perceptions of the respondents whether the
enforce and promote safe waste disposal practices throughout the school.
Twenty-seven students (68%) said that it is not implemented properly that the
waste segregation program of the school is ineffective because the students are not
discipline, lazy and do not follow rules.
Public awareness is the first step, and action is the key to successful waste
because they are the ones who can help the school authorities to effectively and
successfully implement the WSP. No matter how good the program is, if students are
This study aims to investigate the awareness of the respondents about the
Pagsanahan National High School started to act. The chart above shows the
percentage of the awareness of Junior High School students about the Waste
program. They are the responsible students who are segregating their waste in their
own classrooms properly. But, there are still 7 students (18%) who weren’t aware
that there is this program in the school. The researchers, therefore conclude that
these participants are the ones who are hardheaded and don’t have care or concern
about their environment for they are not doing the proper waste segregation in the
reason that they’re not informed that there is WSP in the school.
segregation of waste and how it may ultimately pose a serious threats to one’s lives
and well-being.
Public awareness is the first step, and action is the key to successful waste
Water Pollution
Air Pollution
Land Pollution
The researchers want to know what kind of pollution that mostly occurs when
segregation. Thirty-one students (79%) answered that the main effect is air pollution
gases such as the smoke of burned plastics; 5 of the forty respondents (14%)
indicated that it is land pollution which occurs when hazardous chemicals come in
contact with the soil. These chemicals are absorbed by plants which are later utilized
by other organisms including humans which as a result can cause disease or even
death, and only 2 respondents (7%) declared that water pollution is the most impact
of not good waste segregation. For instance, when water is contaminated with
dangerous substances, diseases like cholera and leptospirosis may exist and can
Almost all of the respondents are regularly and actively thinking about waste
(WSP) in the school among the four choices on the chart above.
Chart 4 shows the benefits of waste segregation both to the environment and
to the people.
From the data gathering instrument, this question was asked: “For you, what
respondents (68%) said that the benefit of the Waste Segregation Program that was
implemented by the school can keep the environment clean and fresh.
environmental pollution such as water pollution, land pollution and air pollution. There
is another advantage of proper waste segregation that not so many people are aware
about and 5 respondents (13%) said that it saves the Earth and conserves energy
which is true too because there is now the so called “Waste to Energy (WtE) which is
the generation of energy in the form of heat or electricity from waste nowadays. Only
1 respondent (2%) responded that through proper segregation, you will earn money.
With these benefits of waste segregation, many people have been practicing
Very Worried
Slightly Worried
60% No Worried
and to know the level of concern of the Junior High School students of Pagsanahan
respondents to know how they are concern around waste volumes generated in the
The chart shows the school students concerns around waste volumes
generated in PNHS.
generated were at low at 3%. Results further indicated that 24 students are very
Every student states that it is everyone’s task together with their adviser to
keep and monitor if wastes are properly segregated. Waste segregation costs
nothing and takes hardly any extra time. It’s a matter of understanding and more
about responsible behavior. When people segregate waste into two basic streams
like biodegradable and non biodegradable, the waste generated is better understood
and consequently recycled and reused with higher potential for recovery.
Chart 6. Student’s Recognition of Impact it can have in the Environment
Very Worried
Slightly Worried
No Worried
waste it can have in the environment to the respondents through the questionnaires
Improper waste segregation is a deadly practice. Land, water and air pollution
can all be a result of this problem and occurs when either of them becomes
There are 30 respondents (77%) of the 40 respondents who are very worried
about the impact it can have in the environment. Moreover, they are all worried but
Apart from the improper way of segregating waste can also have adverse
health effects on humans over the years it have been responsible for causing several
The researchers wants to find out how are the respondents be able to feel the
positive benefit for them because doing good waste segregation; it lessens pollution
and makes cleaner, safer world with less diseases, and lower potential harm to both
humans and animals. While, 4 respondents (10%) said, “It will not have any benefit
for me personally.”
These concerns were supported by the responses that students were aware
that good waste management will not only positively affect themselves but also, to
the school.
Chart 8. Waste Management Activities Being Used in the School
This study has the purpose to come to know the activities being done in the
Thus, chart 8 shows the waste management activities being used by the
When asked about waste sorting or specifically, the activities being performed
in the school, 30 respondents (75%) stated that they separate plastic waste from
other wastes. Plastics are not just a waste nowadays because there is now what we
call “recycling” but the main task for all people is managing plastic waste.
This can occur manually at the school and collected through automatically separated
in Materials Recovery Facilities (MRF). Sorting of waste reduces the volume of waste
that is to be disposed of, and hence lessens the cost and burden of waste disposal.
By the results, it proves that there was motivation or perceived benefits from
Ways to Reduce School Wastes
inappropriate way. It is important to limit the negative impact of waste with well-
vi. The school should have enough trash bins and proper disposing area.
ix. All students should put their own wastes in their proper trashes/bins.
xiii. Everyone should follow the 5R’s to help the environment- Reduce: To
limit the amount of materials you use; Reuse: To use an item again;
bring to a plant where they can made into something new; Refuse:
Avoid purchasing or using items that are not recyclable; and ROT:
Composting waste.
The respondents suggested these ways to solve or at least to mitigate the effects of
rubbish in nature. It’s in their hands to assure a better future for everyone and leave
This study aims to understand who is more aware and knowledgeable about
From the data above, all of the female participants know about the differences
40 respondents (85%) are well-informed about that matter and only 6 respondents
(15%) said that they don’t have knowledge about the two.
It was further evident that female students were more knowledgeable about
The results further support the fact that there is a still lack of understanding of
especially males.
Waste is the result of human activities and everyone needs to have a proper
the study.
From the interview conducted by the researchers, this question was being
Respondent 1. “Iti umno a panagilasin ti basura ket adda diyay listaan iti
reason is it is legally required. Under the Waste Regulation 2011, you must
implement the waste hierarchy: reduce, reuse, recycle, other recovery and disposal.
By law, you should implement this hierarchy and segregation helps with recycling in
regulation. Instead of throwing, there are ways to innovatively use your waste in
materials such as plastic bottles, cup, and many more, and also make biodegradable
These are just little actions but very important acts to successfully maintain
term health problems, so it is very important that they are disposed of correctly and
safely and not mixed in with normal waste coming out of your home, classrooms, or
Segregating waste is the most relevant and significant way to prevent various
kinds of sicknesses most especially dengue fever. Moreover, all should have self-
It keeps the environment clean and fresh. Perhaps, the greatest advantage of
waste segregation is keeping the environment fresher and cleaner, these also make
the people go disease free as all the resultant wastes are properly disposed and
Moreover, it is better for the eyes if someone will see the surrounding with no
waste scattered from it because when it’s clean and neat, there will be fresher air, will
have an excellent learning place, no diseases or illnesses will occur and the school
Right from old and used bottles to tin cans, plastics and other materials, all
kinds of wastes are then suggested according to the extent of pollution they cause to
the environment and these wastes are recycled accordingly for various purposes.
help you to earn money. That is through “recycling” which is the practice of sorting
and collecting waste materials for new use. The materials that must be use to create
innovative things are non-biodegradable materials such as plastics wherein these are
the most usable inputs to utilize. By this very easy way, plastics will swiftly be
Above all, by following this method, you can create awareness to your fellow
people by earning money, which is a win-win concept. Indeed, waste segregation will
All knew that air pollution refers to the release of pollutants into the air that
It might seem easier to just burn all of your junk. After all, if you burn it, you
don’t need to pay trash removal. But disposing of waste this way can cause toxic
fumes to be released into the air. Burning plastics is one example of a type of trash
that releases harmful gases and it’s something that you should never do. By
segregating and disposing of your trash properly, you can prevent these gases from
this kind of pollution. Through the basic steps which is the 5R’s: Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle, Refuse, and ROT and also, all people can save the Mother Earth from harm
and solves half the school’s problem of waste management. Waste segregation costs
nothing and takes hardly any extra time. It’s a matter of understanding and more
Waste segregation pays, benefits all, and makes our schools sustainable and
livable. Waste segregation should become our habit rather than an obligation.
This study aims to know the perceptions of the Junior High School students
This study was conducted from January – March 2019 with twenty (20) males
comprising of five (5) representatives per grade and twenty (20) females comprising
of five (5) representatives per grade from Junior High for a total of forty (40)
Badoc, Ilocos Norte. The researchers of this study used the Questionnaire Survey
In this study, Mixed Design was used for the researchers’ aims to know the
Waste Segregation Program (WSP). It applied Quota Sampling and the data that
were gathered in this study was interpreted through figures and descriptions. The
numerical findings of the research were interpreted with the use of a graph and the
create wealth out of waste. Waste segregation costs nothing and takes hardly any
extra time. It’s a matter of understanding and more about responsible behaviour.
When people segregate waste into two basic streams like biodegradable and non-
This means that they are disciplined and obedient because they follow the rules and
Even though some students have an idea about the proper waste
segregation, some students did not have an idea about the waste segregation
program. The reasons that have been said are that, they are not updated and most of
them are not aware in the program. They said that the Waste Segregation Program is
Segregating of plastics from other waste is important and most of the students
do this in school. This is a sign that students are really concerned of their school and
the environment. But the problem is they are not able to give time in finding bins for
their garbage because based from the results; they are not knowledgeable enough
suggested ways in reducing and disposing the waste properly and to further develop
Based from the data gathered, it shows that Pagsanahan National High
School (PNHS) has encountered a problem when it comes to the their perceptions or
knowledge as well as the awareness of Junior High School students but PNHS was
close to solve this problem through the successful implementation of the Waste
Waste is the result of human activities and everyone needs to have a proper
wastes rather.
Luckily, some students dispose their trash properly. But, people are unaware of
consequences of their unwise acts. They do not think what will be the effect of their
every action concerning Mother Nature. This is related to selfishness for they do not
The perception of students on the program are, it makes the school wastes free,
clean, beautiful and the garbage are dispose properly. The students observe that
because of the Waste Segregation Program of the school, the school became
cleaner and neat. The garbage was properly segregated and there is no waste
scattered in the school. That makes the school more beautiful and has clean
Clean environment also contributes towards the health and safety of the school,
by ensuring that staff and students alike are given a comfortable working
environment. It also improves hygiene levels and can help to reduce the spread of
them know that they are valued and that they are concerned with their comfort and
welfare. It encourages students to take pride in their school, which makes them more
likely to take care of their surroundings and can even improve attendance.
The program also signifies unity to students and the school. The students
learned to be obedient because they obey the school’s rules. Also, the students
participate in the program. The signs and changes in the school observed by the
students proved that the Waste Segregation Program of the school is effective.
Having a good waste management scheme and segregating as well as disposing the
wastes properly are greatly important for the sustainability of the environment and
The proper disposal of waste begins with proper waste segregation - the
Basing from the result of the study, the researchers recommend that:
the students about the Waste Segregation Program (WSP) in the school.
4) There should be “Uwi Mo, Basura Mo” Program for the students will pick
6) There should be a school orientation every last Friday in a month regarding the
waste segregation.
8) Everyone should follow the 5R’s to help the environment- Reduce: To limit the
amount of materials you use; Reuse: To use an item again; Recycle: To collect
items such as newspapers, bottles, and cans and bring to a plant where they can
made into something new; Refuse: Avoid purchasing or using items that are not
9) For the future researchers, they must also conduct a study about the effective
Abam, E. N. (2016). Asian Business Research; Vol. 2, No. 3, 2017 ISSN 2424-8479
E-ISSN 2424-8983 Published by July Press 75 Solving the Problem of Waste
Management in the Hospitality Industry- A Case Study of Chariot Hotel in
Buea, South West Region - Cameroon . Retrieved from
Torres. (2017). Improper Waste Disposal has Dangerous Effects. Retrieved from
The proper disposal of waste begins with proper waste segregation - the
separation of biodegradable wastes from non-biodegradable for proper disposal.
Please encircle your answers for the following questions. Don’t make this a game. Be
Section A
e) Others _________________________________
3. Did you know that there is Waste Segregation Program in the school?
a) Yes b) No
6. By the choices below, what is the best way to reduce of school waste? (Rank 1-5,
1 as the best and 5 as the least)
_____ The school should have enough trash bins and proper disposing area.
10. What are the ways that you can suggest that all students must participate to
reduce and dispose the waste properly?
Section B
1. To what extent are you worried about the volume of waste problems in the
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
3. How often do you think of waste and the impact it can have on the environment?
1 2 3 4
4. How do you think poor waste management can impact the future of the school?
1 2 3 4
5. How do you perceive you will benefit from good waste management?
1 2 3 4
Region I
Warm greetings!
We hope for your immediate approval. Thank you and more power!
Justin V. Cariaga
Le-ann C. Cainguitan
Bernadeth C. Cariaga
Jaczhelyn V. Cariaga
Malard C. Guanzon
Jorge D. Taeza
Jeremy G. Vallejos
Approval Recommended:
Department of Education
Region I
Level School Address
Elementary Pagsanahan Elem. School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2007-2013
Secondary Pagsanahan Nat’l High School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2013-2019
Department of Education
Region I
Level School Address
La Virgen Milagrosa
Elementary 6-B La Virgen Milagrosa, BIN 2007-2013
Elementary School
Secondary Pagsanahan Nat’l High School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2013-2019
Department of Education
Region I
Level School Address
Elementary Pagsanahan Elem. School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2007-2013
Secondary Pagsanahan Nat’l High School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2013-2019
Department of Education
Region I
Level School Address
Elementary Pagsanahan Elem. School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2007-2013
Secondary Pagsanahan Nat’l High School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2013-2019
Department of Education
Region I
Level School Address
Elementary Pagsanahan Elem. School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2007-2013
Secondary Pagsanahan Nat’l High School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2013-2019
Department of Education
Region I
Level School Address
Elementary Pagsanahan Elem. School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2007-2013
Secondary Pagsanahan Nat’l High School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2013-2019
Department of Education
Region I
Level School Address
Elementary Badoc South Central School Garreta, Badoc, I. N. 2007-2013
Secondary Pagsanahan Nat’l High School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2013-2019
Department of Education
Region I
Level School Address
Elementary Pagsanahan Elem. School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2007-2013
Secondary Pagsanahan Nat’l High School 5-A Pagsanahan, Badoc, I. N. 2013-2019