Extractive Separation of Copper and Nick

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Minerals Engineering 21 (2008) 1126–1130

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Extractive separation of copper and nickel from copper bleed stream

by solvent extraction route
Archana Agrawal *, M.K. Manoj, S. Kumari, D. Bagchi, V. Kumar, B.D. Pandey
Metal Extraction and Processing Division, National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur 831007, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Bleed stream from electro refining step of copper smelter was processed to recover the metals as high
Received 22 October 2007 value products such as copper and nickel powders or salts. The process consists of partial decopperisation
Accepted 27 February 2008 of the bleed stream followed by crystallization of a mixed salt of copper and nickel sulphate, leaching of
Available online 18 April 2008
the mixed salt, removal of iron, solvent extraction for the separation of copper and nickel and winning the
solution to produce metal powders. After partial decopperisation of copper bleed stream, the resultant
solution was subjected to crystallization which produces composite crystals with the chemical composi-
tion of 8.4–12.5% Cu, 13.7–14.38% Ni and 1–2 ppm of Fe as impurity. This mixed salt was leached with
water and was treated for iron precipitation. The purified solution was subjected to solvent extraction
Solvent extraction using two solvents namely LIX 84 or Cyanex 272. A 20% LIX 84 in kerosene extracted 99.9% copper
Electrorefining and 0.059% nickel at a pH of 2.5, similarly a 5% Cyanex 272 in kerosene extracted 98.06% copper and
Bleed stream 0.51% nickel at a pH of 4.85. LIX 84 was used for metal separation in the mixer-settler unit and a flow
Hydro metallurgy sheet was developed using this solvent. The pure solutions of copper after stripping it from the loaded
Powder metallurgy organic and nickel left in the raffinate were further electrolysed to produce pure copper (99.9%) and
nickel (99.8%) powders, alternatively pure sulphate salts could also be crystallized. Since it is well known
that Cyanex 272 is used for the separation of cobalt and nickel, a few experiments were performed on the
extraction of copper by using Cyanex 272. A complete study is yet to be done to develop a flow sheet by
using this solvent.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Hence research in this area has been done on such bleed
streams/electrolytes containing copper and other metals which
Copper bleed electrolyte is generated during the purification of could be treated by various processes such as hydrogen reduction,
impure anode copper in the electro-refining plant. Due to recycling solvent extraction, cementation and electrowinning to produce
of the electrolyte the impurities viz. arsenic, iron, bismuth, anti- copper as its sulphate salt which could be recycled back to the
mony, chloride etc. get enriched in the solution. When the concen- electrolysis tank or pure copper powder for powder metallurgical
tration of the impurities reaches their upper limit of tolerance it (P/M) applications. Of these processes the solvent extraction is of-
becomes deleterious for the cathode copper production. In order ten in vogue in the copper industry and more than 1.5 million tons
to control the purity of the cathodes during the continuous opera- of copper are produced by this process annually from the lean
tion, a part of the solution is discarded as bleed stream periodically grade ores/waste streams. Copper was recovered from motor scrap
which contains 40–50 g/L Cu, 170–200 g/L H2SO4, 20 g/L Ni and and other lean grade ores/waste streams by ammonia leaching,
1–2 g/L Fe, and traces of other impurities like As, Sb, Bi, Cl etc. solvent extraction with LIX 84, and electrowinning of metal from
In the existing practice the bleed electrolyte is purified by the stripped solution (Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia, 1995; Majima
removing copper, arsenic and antimony by electrolytic stripping et al., 1993). The extraction of copper and nickel has attracted
in the liberator cell. The purified liquor is then concentrated to much interest and usually oximes are used for the extraction of
crystallize out nickel sulphate and the solution left in the form of these metals, although b-diketones have also been used in some
black acid can be recycled back to the system. But the associated studies (Ritcey, 1983; BhaskaraSarma et al., 1987; Nathsarma
drawbacks with this process are liberation of the arsine gas, high and BhaskaraSarma, 1993; BhaskaraSarma and Nathsarma, 1996).
operation cost, poor grade NiSO4, and loss of acid (Habashi and PT-5050 is one of the Acorga products having the advantages of
Ismail, 1975). strong extraction, good stripping and high selectivity for copper
(Nigo et al., 1993; Kordosky, 1992). Recovery of copper from HCl
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 657 2271709; fax: +91 657 2270527. solution and its transfer into H2SO4 solution were reported using
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Agrawal). extractant mixtures such as trioctylamine-LIX 54 (Barakat and

0892-6875/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Agrawal et al. / Minerals Engineering 21 (2008) 1126–1130 1127

Mahmoud, 1999), and Alamine336-LIX 54 (Kyuchukov and Mihay- L Fe, 0.055 g/L Sb and 0.11 g/L Bi. 20% LIX 84 or 5% Cyanex 272 in
lov, 1991, 1993). Recently, some work by Kumar et al. (1989) was kerosene were diluted for solvent extraction studies. Since the cop-
done at NML for separating copper and zinc from sulphate solution per concentration was very high in copper bleed stream, a partial
in the presence of gangue metals like iron and manganese using decopperisation of the bleed stream was carried out in a lead lined
LIX 84. tank of 1L capacity to bring down the copper level similar to the
A process has been developed at NML for the recovery of copper concentration of nickel present. Subsequently, this solution was
(Agrawal et al., 2007a) and nickel (Agrawal et al., 2007b) from cop- evaporated to crystallize out mixed sulphate salt of copper and
per bleed stream from an electro-refining unit. The process steps nickel in two stages (Kumari et al., 2006). The first stage salt con-
consists of partial decopperisation of the bleed stream, concentra- tained 21.7% Cu and 2.9% Ni. The second stage salt had 8.4% Cu and
tion and crystallization of a mixed salt, leaching of the mixed crys- 15.6% Ni that was washed and leached with water to give an aque-
tal, iron purification, solvent extraction of the purified solution ous solution with a chemical composition: 8.4 g/L Cu, 15.55 g/L Ni,
using LIX 84 or Cyanex 272, and electrolysis of the copper and nick- 15.68 g/L H2SO4, 0.1 g/L Bi, and 0.52 g/L Fe. Presence of iron is del-
el solutions to produce pure copper and nickel powders. This paper eterious for solvent extraction and in electrolysis by decreasing the
deals with the solvent extraction separation of Cu and Ni using LIX cathode current efficiency during electrowinning leading to high-
84 and Cyanex 272. energy consumption and low production rates. Hence iron removal
from the electrolyte is considered essential. Thus the mixed crystal
2. Experimental leach solution containing iron was removed from the solution with
the drop wise addition of NaOH solutions with a constant stirring
Synthetic copper bleed solution containing 38.42 g/L Cu, to increase the pH of solution from 1.12 to 3.42 and aerated to pre-
19.37 g/L Ni, 0.757 g/L Fe, 0.2 g/L Bi, 171 g/L H2SO4 was prepared, cipitate the iron as ferric hydroxide thereby bringing down the iron
similar to that obtained from ICC, Ghatsila (which contains: content from 0.52 to 0.0041 g/L. The iron free solution containing
39.86 g/L Cu, 9.577 g/L Ni, 194.04 g/L H2SO4, 0.0007 g/L As, 0.26 g/ 8.39 g/L Cu, 13.67 g/L Ni was subjected to solvent extraction using

Copper bleed solution (g/L) Cu-

38.42, Ni-19.37, Fe-0.757, Bi -0.2 &


Decopperised solution (g/L)

Cu-18..96, Ni- 20.4, H2SO4 - 206

Mother liquor for Mixed crystal of
recycling to refinery Cu & Ni sulphate

Leaching of mixed crystal

& iron removal


Solution of Cu & Ni

Solvent extraction
Raffinate Ni
LIX 84 or cyanex 272
Loaded organic (Cu)

Ni powder Ni scrubbing and Cu stripping

Electrowinning electrolyte

Cu powder

Fig. 1. Copper bleed solution treatment following decopperisation-crystallization-solvent extraction-electrowinning.

1128 A. Agrawal et al. / Minerals Engineering 21 (2008) 1126–1130

LIX 84 or Cyanex 272 to separate copper from nickel. Finally copper 3

and nickel sulphate thus separated were subjected to electrolysis
to give P/M grade copper and nickel powders. Various parameters Slope = 1.5133
were optimized on bench scale and continuous operation for the
separation of copper from nickel and are discussed briefly in the 2
following text (see text below). The flow sheet shown in Fig. 1 de-

Log D
picts the steps followed. 1.5
Analyses of the samples for low concentration of metallic con-
tents were carried out by an atomic absorption spectrometer. Solu-
tions containing high metals (Cu and Ni) were analyzed by
conventional method (Lewis and Ott, 1970; Jeffery et al., 1989).
All the chemicals used for the chemical analysis were Analar grade
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
3. Results and discussion pH

3.1. Solvent extraction with 20% LIX 84 Fig. 3. Plot of log D vs pH with LIX 84.

Preliminary experiments (Kumar et al., 1989) showed that 20%

LIX 84 diluted with kerosene oil is suitable for the extraction of Table 1
Effect of O:A ratio on stripping of copper from loaded copper from LIX 84 (Loaded
copper from the concentrated aqueous feed solutions. Hence all
organic (20% LIX 84) –7.94 g/L Cu; strip solution – 31.77 g/LCu and 180 g/L H2SO4;
the experiments were conducted with 20% LIX 84 diluted with ker- stirring time – 10 min)
osene. Effect of parameters for maximum metal recovery was stud-
Stripping stage O:A ratio [Cu]org (g/L) [Cu]aq (g/L) Stripping (%)
ied and are given below.
Aqueous solution containing 8.39 g/L Cu and 13.67 g/L Ni was 1 4:1 1.59 57.19 80.0
2 2:1 1.87 43.85 76.4
shaken with 20% LIX 84 at O:A ratio of 2:1 for 10 min at different
3 1.33:1 0.31 41.94 96.1
equilibrium pH varied from 1 to 5 as shown in Fig. 2. At equilib- 4 1:1 0.29 39.41 96.3
rium pH of 2.5 copper extractions was 99.9% whereas nickel
extraction was only 0.55%. Plot of log D for copper vs equilibrium
pH (Fig. 3) gives a slope of 1.51 which indicates the release of
2H+ leading to the extraction of copper as CuA2 (HA: active organic crease in A:O ratio from 2.5 to 0.25, the percent extraction of cop-
hydroxime species) in the organic phase as shown below per increases from 46% to 99.9%. McCabe Thiele plot for the Cu
extraction shows that at an A:O ratio of 1:1 complete copper is ta-
Cu2þ þ ½2HA0 ! ½CuA2 þ
0 þ 2H
ð1Þ ken up by 20% LIX 84 in two stages leaving behind only 0.0004 g/L
The loading capacity of 20% LIX 84 was determined by repeated copper in the raffinate. A few experiments were then carried out in
contact method and was found to be 7.94 g/L Cu at a pH of 2.73 in mixer settler unit where extraction was done with 25% LIX 84. The
three contacts. The copper loaded organic was stirred with a strip mixer settler unit consists of a mixer of 620 mL capacity and a set-
solution containing 31.77 g/L Cu and 180 g/L H2SO4. Stripping was tler of 860 mL capacity. A diaphragm pump was used for pumping
done at different O:A ratios and at a ratio of 4:1 the stripped solu- the aqueous and the organic phases at a flow rate of 3.17 and
tion was found to contain 57.19 g/L Cu. Data on stripping of loaded 5.04 L/h, respectively. The stirrer was a pump-mix type with a mo-
copper from LIX 84 are presented in Table 1. tor power of 1/20 hp. The stirring speed was maintained at
800 rpm. Since the volume of the aqueous and organic was 1 L
3.2. Simulation of counter current extraction of copper with LIX 84 each, extraction was performed in four stages to extract all the
copper from the aqueous feed. Some nickel is also co-extracted
Effect of aqueous to organic ratio was studied to carry out the with the copper by the organic phase, so the loaded organic was
shake out experiments. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that with the de- scrubbed with dilute acid (1.76 g/L H2SO4) to remove Ni in two
stages and finally copper was stripped with 10% H2SO4 in two
stages. The composition of raffinate, scrubbed solution and
100 stripped solution showed the performance of the circuit (Fig. 5).
The stripped solution rich in copper could be used for producing
copper powder. Thus an attempt was made to produce pure copper
80 powder from the stripped copper solution obtained in running the
70 mixer settler unit. The composition of solution used for copper
powder preparation was 37.75 g/L Cu and 0.57 g/L Ni and at differ-
60 Cu
ent current densities from 600 to 1000 A/m2, copper powder of the
50 Ni purity varying from 99.5% to 99.98% was produced (Agrawal et al.,
40 2007a). Nickel powder of 99.8% purity was also produced by
electrowinning of raffinate on copper extraction (Agrawal et al.,
30 2007b). These pure metal powders could be used for powder
20 metallurgical applications.
3.3. Solvent extraction using Cyanex 272
0 1 2 3 4 5
Initially the extraction of copper from the aqueous feed solution
Fig. 2. Copper and nickel extraction at different pH on LIX 84, aqueous solution (g/ with 8.26 g/L Cu and 13.67 g/L Ni was carried out at different pH
L): 8.39 Cu, 13.67 Ni, 20% LIX 84 in kerosene, A:O 1:2, stirring time 10 min. using 20% Cyanex 272 and 4% isodecanol in kerosene. Aqueous
A. Agrawal et al. / Minerals Engineering 21 (2008) 1126–1130 1129

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3
12 120

10 100

8 80

% Cu extraction
[Cu]org, g/L

6 60

4 40

2 McCabe thiele plot 20

% Cu extraction
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[Cu]aq, g/L

Fig. 4. Effect of A:O on % Cu extraction and McCabe Thiele plot for the extraction of Cu by LIX 84.

25% LIX 84
(1.27g/Lcu, 0.3g/LNi
Flow rate-5.04L/h
Ni powder
NaOH flow
Aqueous feed(g/L)
Cu - 9.53, Ni - 12.81 Extraction Raffinate(g/L)
Flow rate - 3.17 L/h Cu-0.001,Ni 11.37
pH - 3.06
4 stages
Flow rate 3.43, pH 2.7
Organic (g/L)
Cu-7.27, Ni-0.61

Scrub solution Scrubbed solution(g/L)

H2SO4-1.76g/L Scrubbing
Cu – 0.036 ,Ni - 0.25
Flow rate – 4.52L/h 2 stages
Flow rate –4.52L/h

Organic (g/L)
Cu-7.23, Ni-0.39
Stripping solution Regenerated organic
Cu- 30.248g/L, Stripping Cu 0.57g/L, Ni 0.09g/L
Ni- 0.203g/L 2 stages
H2SO4-179.34g/L Stripped solution(g/L)
Flow rate –4.52L/h Cu – 37.75, Ni - 0.57
Flow rate –4.52 L/h

Spent electrolyte Cu powder

Fig. 5. Separation of copper and nickel in mixer settler unit using LIX 84.

solution was stirred with 20% Cyanex 272 at O:A ratio of 1/1 for dimmers. Thus in the acidic as well as in the neutral form, the
10 min. Plot of equilibrium pH vs % extraction as shown in Fig. 6 extractant takes part in the extraction process of copper by the fol-
shows 98.05% extraction of Cu and 0.51% Ni at a pH of 4.85. Plot lowing equation.
of log DCu at different equilibrium pH (Fig. 7) shows a straight line
Cu2þ  þ
aq þ Rorg þ 2ðHRÞ2 ðorgÞ $ MR 2  3HRorg þ Haq ð2Þ
with a slope of 1.75 indicating the extraction of the complex CuA2
in the organic phase. Similar observations were obtained by Van de As 20% Cyanex 272 formed a viscous organic phase while deter-
Voorde et al. (2006). Since the neutral form of the extractant exists mining the loading capacity, the maximum loading of the extract-
as monomers in the organic phase and the acidic form exists as ant was determined using 5% Cyanex 272 by repeated contact
1130 A. Agrawal et al. / Minerals Engineering 21 (2008) 1126–1130

served that almost all nickel and some copper was removed from
100 loaded organic during scrubbing resulting in a Ni free copper solu-
tion. This pure copper solution can further be electrolyzed to pro-
duce pure copper powder or precipitated to produce various
80 copper salts/oxides.
% Extraction

60 %Cu 4. Conclusion
The studies were carried out for the treatment of copper bleed
electrolyte generated during the purification of impure anode cop-
per in the electro refining plant. Of the different process routes
20 investigated, partial decopperisation, crystallization, solvent
extraction electrowinning route was found suitable to produce
copper and nickel powder of required purity. LIX 84 and Cyanex
0 272 were used as extractants for copper and nickel separation.
3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5
25% LIX 84 was found suitable for complete extraction and separa-
Equilibrium pH tion of copper and nickel in the mixer settler unit. These solutions
after separation could be used for metal powder by electrolysis or
Fig. 6. Effect of equilibrium pH on Cu and Ni extraction with Cyanex 272. Aq.Feed:
8.26 g/L Cu, 13.67 g/L Ni, Solvent 20% Cyanex 272 and 1% isodecanol in kerosene, any other metal salt such as oxides/sulphates.
A:O: 1:1.

Authors are thankful to Director, National Metallurgical Labora-

3 tory, for giving permission to publish the paper.

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