Mining Engineering 1 40 Itmes

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PSEM Review 2008


Sunday, October 26, 2008 08:00 A.M. - 04:00 P.M.


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following

questions. Mark only one answer for each item by marking the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet
provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.


1. In ore blasting, the higher the strength of the explosives, the

bigger the volume of rock or broken ore.T

2. Gelatine dynamite is difficult to handle because it is

sensitive and never used in watery hole.F

3. ANFO is a mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil in

proportion of 1:1.F

4. Mudcapping is a blasting method consisting of filling and

compacting clay in an already charged borehole.T

5. Mudcapping is a method of placing 2 or more dynamite sticks on

the top of the boulder and covering with mud and slurry and
finally blasting.T

6. Quarrying and open pit are synonymous in the strict sense.T

7. A bucket wheel excavator is ideally applicable to open cast

coal mining in the Philippines.T

8. Slopes are apparently deeper than what they really are.

9. Soil and overburden are synonymous terms.T

10. A type of controlled blasting technique is presplitting.T

11. It is principally the orebody’s configuration which determine

whether such may be mined by open pit.F

12. Most effective mining software for pit optimization at present

is Whittle. T

13. Open-pit mines are used when deposits of commercially useful

minerals or rock are found near the surfaceT

14. Most walls of the pit are generally dug on an angle less than
vertical, to prevent and minimise damage and danger from rock

15. After stripping of the waste materials, backfilling follows

as part of the rehabilitation measures required by regulatory

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16. The most predominant method of mining worldwide.

A. Placer mining
B. Open pit mining
C. underground mining
D. Hydraulicking

17. The line defining the area in which open pit operation may be
conducted to obtain maximum amount of ore material and minimum
amount of waste material.
A. Optimum pit limit
B. Bench slope
C. Working slope
D. Optimum ore limit

18. The angle measured in degrees of deviation from horizontal at

which the earthy material will stand in an excavated terrace-
like cut in an open pit mine or quarry.
A. Angle of draw
B. Pit slope
C. Angle of repose
D. Bench slope

19. Sometimes referred to as open cut mining. It can be employed

in any mineral deposit of any rock type lying near or on the
A. Open pit mining
B. Dredging
C. Glory hole mining
D. Placer mining

20. The cubic meter of ore per ton in deposit.

A. Tonnage factor C. Mine head
B. Swell factor D. Mill head

21. A smooth blasting method in which cracks for the final contour
are created by blasting prior to the drilling of the rest of
the holes for the blast patter.
A. Perimeter blasting C. Smooth blasting
B. Pre-splitting D. Secondary blasting

22. An explosive material containing substantial amounts of

oxidizers dissolved in waste, surrounded by an immiscible fuel.
A. Glycerin C. Ammonia
B. Fuel oil D. Emulsion

23. For paper cycle balance in hauling, the cycle time for trucks
must be:
A. half the time required to spot and loads the entire truck
B. Equal to the time required to spot and load the entire
truck fleet.
C. Greater than the times required to spot and load the entire
truck fleet.
D. Less than the time required to spot and load the entire
truck fleet.

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24. In an open pit mine design, these are located on each section
so the ore grade line supports a stripping ratio corresponding
to the break-even stripping ratio or allowable stripping ratio:
A. cut- off grades C. pit limits
B. pit slope angle D. final pit limit

25. Road-grades are based on the following criterion;

A. from trucks performance charts on breaking and speeding
B. soil cohesion
C. pit stability
D. all of the above

26. The best road gradient is between the ranges of:

A. 7-12% C. 8-12%
B. 8-15 % D. 7-15%

27. A failure that occurs below the toe of the bank:

A. base failure C. slope failure
B. slip circle failure D. toppling

28. A failure that occurs intermediate between the crest and the
A. base failure C. slope failure
B. slip circle failure D. toppling

29. The recommended pit slope for the solid country rock is:
A. 60-800 C. 450
B. 63-720 D. 500

30. The recommended pit slope for gravel is:

A. 220 C. 160
B. 35 0
D. 370

31. In a typical mining bench operation, 1 ft of ore face must be

exposed for each 4 to 5 tons of required daily production.
Supposing the required daily production is 20, 000 tons, the
advance stripping of the bench face must continue until:

A. 4, 000 – 5, 000 ft. C. 2, 000 – 3, 000 ft.

B. 10, 000 – 12, 000 ft. D. 6, 000 – 7, 000 ft.

32. Supplements the pit design and reserve estimation work that is
usually done for feasibility and budget studies and is an
important element of the decision making process:
A. long range mine planning
B. short range mine planning
C. long range production planning
D. short range production planning

33. Diameter holes in surface mines are generally:

A. 10-20 in. C. 12-24 in.
B. 6-18 in. D. 5-10 in.

34. It is considered the most important explosive parameter in

breaking and displacing rock in blasting, or otherwise known as
explosion pressure:
A. borehole pressure C. detonating pressure
B. high explosive pressure D. high velocity pressure

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35. In open pit planning, bench heights are designed based on

which of the following parameters
A. none of these
B. optimum intervals (heights) of composited diamond drillhole
assays which give the best grade distribution as defined in a
frequency distribution variogram.
C. size of shovels to be used
D. size of haul trucks
E. size of drills

36. In designing open pit mines, the optimum pit limits should be
established in order to:
A. determine the drainage requirements
B. determine the mineable reserves, grade and waste/ore ratio
C. determine the manpower requirements
D. determine the equipment requirements
E. determine the blasting requirements

37. In open pit mine planning, the line that defines the area in
which mining can be conducted to obtain the maximum cash flow
in the earliest possible time is called what? A.
optimum bench height D. optimum pit limit
B. bench slope E. gradient limit
C. working slope

38. You have blasted a 10m x 10m x 20m bench of an existing copper
pit. Allowing 10% overbreak, calculate how many truck loads
each taking 70 cu. m. of space per loading will be required to
move the loose rock to the mill. Assume 30% voids.
A. 43 C. 30
B. 45 D. 32

39. An open pit mining operation employs 2 units of 12 cu.m

electric shovels and 60 cu.m dump trucks. The mine is required
to deliver 20,000 MT ore per day to the mill and gave all the
waste to the waste dump. The mill is located 3 kms from the
mining area while the waste dump is 6 kms away. Compute for the
no. of dump trucks required. Use the ff assumptions

Tonnage factor, broken ore = 1.95 WMT/cu.m

Tonnage factor, broken waste = 1.75 WMT/cu.m
Stripping ratio = 1.5:1
Ore hauling cycle = 15 min
Waste hauling cycle = 25 min
Actual hauling-truck load cap = 85%
Truck avail = 85%

A. 9 C. 10
B. 8 D. 11

40. Operation of a typical shovel for one month maybe as follows:

300 hrs worked; 100 hrs repair; 200 hrs standby and 600 hrs
scheduled. Compute for Physical Avail;
Availability/Utilization; Avail index

A. 83,60,75 C. 83,55,73
B. 81,60,77 D. 81,55,73

***** E N D *****
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