Film BFA
Film BFA
Film BFA
Film (B.F.A.)
College of Arts and Humanities Department of Film, Nicholson School of Communication, Room: 121 E-mail: [email protected]
Steve Schlow, 407-823-2845 407-823-4285 4. Core Requirements: Advanced Level Upper level core requirements FIL 3115 Short Script I FIL 3132 Short Script II FIL 3427C Introduction to Film Production FIL 3534 Sound Design for Film I FIL 3036 Film History I FIL 3037 Film History II FIL 3803C Film Theory and Criticism I 1 FIL 3922 Film Colloquium FIL 4486C Directing for Film II FIL 4661 The Film Producer FIL 4647 Film Production Management
(36 hrs) 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 1 hr 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs
Admission Requirements The Film BFA major is a limited access program. Entrance into most Film classes is restricted to majors. Exceptions must be approved by the Department Chair. Applications to become a Film BFA major are required by December 15 for admission to the subsequent Fall term. A portfolio review is required for entry into the Film BFA major. Contact the Film Department for details, or visit the website, Degree Requirements Students who change degree programs and select this major must adopt the most current catalog. Students are required to maintain an overall average grade of B (3.0) or better in Film major courses. A maximum of six credit hours of internship may be earned in one semester. A total of six credit hours of internship may be earned within the 120 credit hours required for graduation. Students must consult with a departmental advisor each semester. All students are required to pay a fee for equipment insurance. Departmental Residency Requirement consists of at least 48 semester hours of regularly scheduled 3000-4000 level courses taken from the UCF Film Department. Courses designated in 1 (General Education Program) and 2 (Common Program Prerequisites) are usually completed in the first 60 hours. 1. UCF General Education Program (GEP) (36 hrs) See Transfer Notes for possible substitutions. A: Communication Foundations (9 hrs) B: Cultural & Historical Foundations (9 hrs) Prefer FIL 2030 History of Motion Pictures 3 hrs Prefer one course from 1.B.1 list 3 hrs Prefer one course from either 1.B.1 or 1.B.2 list 3 hrs C: Mathematical Foundations 1 Prefer MGF 1106 Finite Mathematics Select 1: Prefer CGS 1060C Introduction to Computer Science or Prefer STA 1060C Basic Statistics Using Microsoft Excel
Six semesters of colloquium required at 1 hour each. 5. Restricted Electives (12 hrs) Select four courses from the following. Must complete all core requirements before taking these courses. A maximum of 6 hours of Independent Study may be substituted with advisors prior approval. Production / Direction FIL 3363C Film Documentary 3 hrs DIG 4704 Interactive Entertainment 3 hrs FIL 4472C Cinematography II 3 hrs FIL 4535C Sound Design for Film II 3 hrs FIL 4536 Sound Design III 3 hrs FIL 4451 Design for Film 3 hrs FIL 4487 Directing for Film III 3 hrs FIL 4566C Editing II 3 hrs Screen Writing FIL 4103 Adaptation FIL 4162C Feature/TV Writing I FIL 4163C Feature/TV Writing II FIL 4113C Interactive Writing I FIL 4114C Interactive Writing II FIL 4126C Genre Writing FIL 4906 Directed Independent Study Cinema Studies FIL 3880C Images of Women in Film FIL 3831 Black Cinema FIL 3051 Avant-Garde Cinema FIL 3804C Film Theory and Criticism II FIL 3841 French New Wave Cinema FIL 3824 Italian Neo-Realist Cinema FIL 3847 Latin American Cinema FIL 3820 Italian Film FIL 3822 French Film FIL 3823 German Film FIL 3826 American Cinema FIL 3871 The American Film Artist FIL 4436 Film Theory/Film Production Digital Cinema ART 2823 Art as Interface ART 3618 Post-Production Design COP 3502C Computer Science I DIG 4855C Converging Media Capstone DIG 3138C Digital Imagery DIG 4780C Modeling for Realtime Systems ENC 4415 Digital Rhetorics and The Modern Dialectic DIG 3134 Media Software Design MUC 3311 MIDI Sequencing I 6. Capstone Requirements FIL 4434C Capstone I FIL 4573C Capstone II 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 1 hr 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs (6 hrs) 3 hrs 3 hrs
May substitute a higher level math D: Social Foundations E: Science Foundations 2. Common Program Prerequisites (CPP) 1 FIL 2030 History of Motion Pictures FIL 1007 Foundations of Story
(6 hrs) (6 hrs) (3 hrs) GEP 3 hrs (21 hrs) 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs
See transfer notes for possible substitutions. 3. Core Requirements: Basic Level Lower level core requirements FIL 2107 Script Analysis FIL 1009 Cinematic Expression for Majors FIL 2552 Editing I FIL 2480 Directing for Film I FIL 2461 Cinematography I FIL 2481 Directing the Actor for Film I DIG 2000 Introduction to Digital Media
7. Foreign Language Requirements Admissions Met by graduation requirement Graduation Proficiency equivalent to one year of college instruction in a foreign language taught by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures or Judaic Studies. Standardized examinations for foreign languages may be used to meet the requirement. 8. Electives Select primarily from upper level courses, with departmental advisors approval. May be outside of the department.
3 hrs
3 hrs
Program Academic Learning Compacts Program Academic Learning Compacts (student learning outcomes) for undergraduate programs are located at: Equipment Fees Part-Time Student: $45 per term Full-Time Student: $90 per term
3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 1 hr 3 hrs 4 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 1 hr 3 hrs 4 hrs