Sci Grade 4 Term 1 New
Sci Grade 4 Term 1 New
Sci Grade 4 Term 1 New
Week Lesson Strand Sub strand Specific learning Key inquiry Learning Learning Assessment Remarks
outcomes questions Experiences resources
1 1 Living Plants By the end of the What Learners take a KLB Visionary
things sub strand the makes walk in the Science and
Characteristi learner should be plants school Technology
cs of plants. able to: living compound and Grade 4 pg 1-3
Identify living and things? the Protective
non- living things neighbourhood clothing, gloves,
in the environment to observe, forceps, goggles,
discuss and tongs, overcoats
videos, digital
record evidence
devices, internet,
that plants: feed,
textbooks, tree
grow, breathe,
nurseries, real
reproduce, assorted plants
remove waste,
move, respond
to changes in
environment and
2 Living Plants By the end of the What Learners take a KLB Visionary
things sub strand the makes walk in the Science and
Characteristi learner should be plants school Technology
cs of plants. able to: living compound and Grade 4 pg 4-5
Identify the things? the Protective
characteristics of neighbourhood clothing, gloves,
plants as living to observe, forceps, goggles,
things discuss and tongs, overcoats
record evidence videos, digital
devices, internet,
that plants: feed,
textbooks, tree
grow, breathe,
nurseries, real
remove waste, assorted plants
move, respond
to changes in
environment and
3 Living Plants By the end of the What Learners use digital KLB Visionary
things sub strand the makes devices to observe, Science and
Characteristi learner should be plants discuss and record Technology
cs of plants. able to: living evidence that Grade 4 pg 5
Observe things? plants: feed, grow, Protective
characteristics of breathe, reproduce, clothing, gloves,
plants in the remove waste forceps, goggles,
environment materials, move, tongs, overcoats
respond to changes videos, digital
in their devices, internet,
environment and textbooks, tree
die nurseries, real
assorted plants
4 Living Plants By the end of the What Learners use digital KLB Visionary
things sub strand the makes devices to observe, Science and
Characteristi learner should be plants discuss and record Technology
cs of plants. able to: living evidence that Grade 4 pg 6
Demonstrate things? plants: feed, grow, Protective
responsibility while breathe, reproduce, clothing, gloves,
handling plants remove waste forceps, goggles,
materials, move, tongs, overcoats
respond to changes videos, digital
in their devices, internet,
environment and textbooks, tree
die nurseries, real
assorted plants
2 1 Living Plants By the end of the What In groups, KLB Visionary
things sub strand the makes learners are Science and
Characteristi learner should be plants guided to Technology
cs of plants. able to: living observe safety Grade 4 pg 7
Grow some plants things? precautions Protective
found in the locality when handling clothing, gloves,
plants forceps, goggles,
(Examples: tongs, overcoats
practise use of videos, digital
gloves, devices, internet,
forceps, textbooks, tree
goggles, tongs, nurseries, real
assorted plants
2 Living Animals By the end of the What Learners take a KLB Visionary
things sub strand the makes walk in the school Science and
Characteristi learner should be animals compound and the Technology
cs of animals. neighborhood to Grade 4 pg 8
able to: living
Identify the things? observe, discuss Gloves, forceps,
characteristics of and record goggles, tongs,
animals as living evidence that overcoats,
things. animals: feed, videos, digital
grow, breathe, devices, internet,
reproduce, remove textbooks,
waste, move, assorted animals
respond to changes
in their
environment and
3 Living Animals By the end of the What Learners take a KLB Visionary
things sub strand the makes walk in the school Science and
Characteristi learner should be animals compound and the Technology
cs of animals. neighborhood to Grade 4 pg 9
able to: living
Identify the things? observe, discuss Gloves, forceps,
characteristics of and record goggles, tongs,
animals as living evidence that overcoats,
things. animals: feed, videos, digital
grow, breathe, devices, internet,
reproduce, remove textbooks,
waste, move, assorted animals
respond to changes
in their
environment and
4 Living Animals By the end of the Which Learners take a KLB Visionary
things sub strand the ways do walk in the school Science and
Characteristi learner should be animals compound and the Technology
cs of animals. differ from neighborhood to Grade 4 pg 10-
able to:
Observe each other observe, discuss 11 Gloves,
characteristics of and record forceps, goggles,
animals in their evidence that tongs, overcoats,
environment animals: feed, videos, digital
grow, breathe, devices, internet,
reproduce, remove textbooks,
waste, move, assorted animals
respond to changes
in their
environment and
3 1 Living Animals By the end of the Which Learners use digital KLB Visionary
things sub strand the ways do devices to observe, Science and
Characteristi learner should be animals discuss and record Technology
cs of animals. able to: differ from evidence that Grade 4 pg 16-
Observe each other animals: feed, 17
characteristics of grow, breathe, Gloves, forceps,
animals in the r reproduce, remove goggles, tongs,
environment waste materials, overcoats,
move, respond to videos, digital
changes in their devices, internet,
environment and textbooks,
die assorted animals
In groups,
learners discuss
the main
vertebrates and
2 Living Animals By the end of the Which Learners use digital KLB Visionary
things sub strand the ways do devices to observe, Science and
Characteristi learner should be animals discuss and record Technology
cs of animals. able to: differ from evidence that Grade 4 pg 20-
Distinguish each other animals: feed, 22
between vertebrates grow, breathe, Gloves, forceps,
and invertebrates reproduce, remove goggles, tongs,
waste materials, overcoats,
move, respond to videos, digital
changes in their devices, internet,
environment and textbooks,
die assorted animals
In groups,
learners discuss
the main
vertebrates and
2 Living Human By the end of the How are In groups, learners KLB Visionary
things body sub strand the the are guided to use Science and
system learner should be different digital devices and Technology
Digestive able to: parts of visual aids to Grade 4 pg 23-
Identify parts of the observe and 24
system digestive system the identify parts of the Protective
digestive digestive system clothing, gloves,
system (mouth, teeth, forceps, goggles,
suited to esophagus, tongs, overcoats
their stomach, small videos, digital
functions intestines, liver, devices, internet,
? pancreas, large textbooks, tree
intestines, rectum, nurseries, real
anus assorted plants
3 Living Human body By the end of the How are In groups, learners KLB Visionary
things system sub strand the the are guided to use Science and
learner should be different digital devices and Technology
Digestive able to: parts of visual aids to Grade 4 pg 23-
system Identify parts of the the observe and 24
digestive system digestive identify parts of the Protective
system digestive system clothing, gloves,
suited to (mouth, teeth, forceps, goggles,
their esophagus, tongs, overcoats
stomach, small videos, digital
intestines, liver, devices, internet,
pancreas, large textbooks, tree
intestines, rectum, nurseries, real
anus assorted plants
4 Living Human body By the end of the How are In groups, learners KLB Visionary
things system sub strand the the are guided to use Science and
learner should be different digital devices and Technology
Digestive able to: parts of visual aids to Grade 4 pg 24-
system Identify parts of the the observe and 25
digestive system digestive identify parts of the Protective
system digestive system clothing, gloves,
suited to (mouth, teeth, forceps, goggles,
their esophagus, tongs, overcoats
stomach, small videos, digital
intestines, liver, devices, internet,
pancreas, large textbooks, tree
intestines, rectum, nurseries, real
anus assorted plants
5 1 Living Human body By the end of the How are In groups, KLB Visionary
things system sub strand the the learners are Science and
learner should be different guided to use Technology
Digestive able to: parts of digital devices Grade 4 pg 24-
system Identify parts of the the and visual aids to 25
digestive system digestive discuss the Protective
system functions of parts clothing, gloves,
suited to of the digestive forceps, goggles,
their tongs, overcoats
system (the
videos, digital
functions mouth,
devices, internet,
? oesophagus, textbooks, tree
stomach, small nurseries, real
intestines, large assorted plants
intestines, rectum,
2 Living Human body By the end of the How are In groups, KLB Visionary
things system sub strand the the learners are Science and
learner should be different guided to use Technology
able to: parts of digital devices Grade 4 pg 24-
Describe the and visual aids to 25
functions of the digestive discuss the Protective
different parts of system functions of parts clothing, gloves,
the digestive suited to of the digestive forceps, goggles,
system tongs, overcoats
their system (the
videos, digital
functions mouth,
devices, internet,
? oesophagus, textbooks, tree
stomach, small nurseries, real
intestines, large
intestines, rectum, assorted plants
3 Living Digestive By the end of the How are In groups, KLB Visionary
things system sub strand the the learners are Science and
learner should be different guided to use Technology
able to: parts of digital devices Grade 4 pg 24-
Describe the and visual aids to 25
functions of the digestive discuss the Protective
different parts of system functions of parts clothing, gloves,
the digestive suited to of the digestive forceps, goggles,
system their tongs, overcoats
system (the
videos, digital
functions mouth,
devices, internet,
? oesophagus, textbooks, tree
stomach, small nurseries, real
intestines, large assorted plants
intestines, rectum,
4 Living Human body By the end of the How are In groups, KLB Visionary
things system sub strand the the learners are Science and
learner should be different guided to use Technology
able to: parts of digital devices Grade 4 pg 24-
Describe the and visual aids to 25
functions of the digestive discuss the Protective
different parts of system functions of parts clothing, gloves,
the digestive suited to of the digestive forceps, goggles,
system tongs, overcoats
their system (the
videos, digital
functions mouth,
devices, internet,
? oesophagus, textbooks, tree
stomach, small nurseries, real
intestines, large assorted plants
intestines, rectum,
6 1 Living Human body By the end of the How do In groups learners KLB Visionary
things system sub strand the teeth differ? are guided to Science and
learner should be draw/model the Technology
able to: four types of teeth Grade 4 pg 24-
Develop curiosity using locally 25
about taking care available materials Protective
of the teeth clothing, gloves,
forceps, goggles,
tongs, overcoats
videos, digital
devices, internet,
textbooks, tree
nurseries, real
assorted plants
2 Living Digestive By the end of the How do In groups learners KLB Visionary
things system sub strand the teeth differ? are guided to Science and
learner should be draw/model the Technology
able to: four types of teeth Grade 4 pg 24-
Develop curiosity using locally 25
about taking care available materials Protective
of the teeth clothing, gloves,
forceps, goggles,
tongs, overcoats
videos, digital
devices, internet,
textbooks, tree
nurseries, real
assorted plants
3 Living Human body By the end of the How do In groups learners KLB Visionary
things system sub strand the teeth differ? are guided to Science and
learner should be draw/model the Technology
able to: four types of teeth Grade 4 pg 27-
Model the four using locally 28
different types of available materials Protective
teeth. clothing, gloves,
forceps, goggles,
tongs, overcoats
videos, digital
devices, internet,
textbooks, tree
nurseries, real
assorted plants
4 Living Digestive By the end of the How do In groups learners KLB Visionary
things system sub strand the teeth differ? are guided to Science and
learner should be draw/model the Technology
able to: four types of teeth Grade 4 pg 27-
Model the four using locally 28
different types of available materials Protective
teeth. clothing, gloves,
forceps, goggles,
tongs, overcoats
videos, digital
devices, internet,
textbooks, tree
nurseries, real
assorted plants
7 1 Living Human body By the end of How do In groups learners KLB Visionary
things system the sub strand teeth differ? are guided to Science and
the learner draw/model the Technology
should be able four types of teeth Grade 4 pg 31-
to: using locally 32
Model the four available materials Protective
different types of clothing, gloves,
teeth. forceps, goggles,
tongs, overcoats
videos, digital
devices, internet,
textbooks, tree
nurseries, real
assorted plants
2 Environ Air Pollution By the end of What In groups, learners KLB Visionary
ment the sub strand causes air are guided to Science and
the learner pollution discuss the Technology
should be able ? meaning of the Grade 4 pg 37-
to: terms “pollution” Dust masks,
State the meaning and “air pollution goggles,
of the terms overcoats, piece
“pollution” and “air of white cloth,
pollution digital devices,
3 Environ Air Pollution By the end of What Learners to be KLB Visionary
ment the sub strand causes guided as they use Science and
the learner air visual aids and Technology
should be able pollution digital devices to Grade 4 pg 37
to: ? explore the Dust masks,
State the meaning meaning of goggles,
of the terms “pollution” and “air overcoats, piece
“pollution” and “air pollution of white cloth,
pollution digital devices,
4 Environ Air Pollution By the end of What In groups, KLB Visionary
ment the sub strand causes air learners walk Science and
the learner pollution around the Technology
should be able ? school and Grade 4 pg 40-
to: neighbourhood 41
Identify air to observe, Dust masks,
pollutants in his/her identify and goggles,
environment record air overcoats, piece
of white cloth,
pollutants (bad
digital devices,
smell, dust,
Learners to be
guided as they
use visual aids
and digital
devices to
identify and
record air
8 1 Environ Air Pollution By the end of the What In groups, KLB Visionary
ment sub strand the causes air learners walk Science and
learner should be pollution around the Technology
able to: ? school and Grade 4 pg 40-
Identify air neighbourhood 41
pollutants in his/her to observe, Dust masks,
environment identify and goggles,
record air overcoats, piece
pollutants (bad of white cloth,
smell, dust, digital devices,
smoke). internet,
Learners to be textbooks
guided as they
use visual aids
and digital
devices to
identify and
record air
2 Environ Air Pollution By the end of the What In groups, KLB Visionary
ment sub strand the causes air learners walk Science and
learner should be pollution around the Technology
able to: ? school and Grade 4 pg 42-
Distinguish neighbourhood 44
between clean and to observe, Dust masks,
polluted air in identify and goggles,
his/her environment record air overcoats, piece
of white cloth,
pollutants (bad
digital devices,
smell, dust,
smoke). textbooks
a) Learners to
be guided as
they use
visual aids
and digital
devices to
identify and
record air
3 Environ Air Pollution By the end of the What In groups, learners KLB Visionary
ment sub strand the are the walk around the Science and
learner should be effects school and Technology
able to: of air neighbourhood to Grade 4 pg 42-
Distinguish polluti observe and 44
between clean and on? identify clean and Dust masks,
polluted air in polluted air goggles,
his/her environment (toilets, dusty overcoats, piece
area, smoky areas of white cloth,
digital devices,
and decomposing
Learners to be
guided as they use
visual aids and
digital devices to
between clean and
polluted air
4 Environ Air Pollution By the end of the What In groups, learners KLB Visionary
ment sub strand the are the walk around the Science and
learner should be effects school and Technology
able to: of air neighbourhood to Grade 4 pg 44-
Identify effects of polluti observe and 45
air pollution on on? identify clean and Dust masks,
living things polluted air goggles,
(toilets, dusty overcoats, piece
area, smoky areas of white cloth,
digital devices,
and decomposing
Learners to be
guided as they use
visual aids and
digital devices to
between clean and
polluted air
9 1 Environ Air Pollution By the end of the What In groups, learners KLB Visionary
ment sub strand the are the walk around the Science and
learner should be effects school and Technology
able to: of air neighborhood to Grade 4 pg 46-
Identify effects of polluti observe, identify 47
air pollution on on? and record the Dust masks,
living things effects of air goggles,
pollution on living overcoats, piece
things (breathing of white cloth,
problems, irritation digital devices,
of eyes, visibility internet,
2 Environ Air Pollution By the end of the How can In groups, KLB Visionary
ment sub strand the you reduce learners walk Science and
learner should be air around the Technology
able to: pollution? school and Grade 4 pg 46-
Appreciate the neighbourhood 47
importance of clean to observe, Dust masks,
air in his/her identify and goggles,
environment record the effects overcoats, piece
of white cloth,
of air pollution
digital devices,
on living things
(breathing textbooks
irritation of eyes,
visibility and
growth of plants)
In groups, learners
to use visual aids
and digital devices
to identify the
effects of air
pollution on living
3 Environ Air Pollution By the end of the How can In groups, KLB Visionary
ment sub strand the you reduce learners walk Science and
learner should be air around the Technology
able to: pollution? school and Grade 4 pg 46-
Appreciate the neighbourhood 47
importance of clean to observe, Dust masks,
air in his/her identify and goggles,
environment record the effects overcoats, piece
of white cloth,
of air pollution
digital devices,
on living things
irritation of eyes,
visibility and
growth of plants)
In groups, learners
to use visual aids
and digital devices
to identify the
effects of air
pollution on living
4 Environ Air Pollution By the end of the How can Learners are KLB Visionary
ment sub strand the you reduce guided to identify Science and
learner should be air and discuss ways Technology
able to: pollution? of reducing air Grade 4 pg 48-
Identify ways of pollution (proper 50
reducing air disposal of Dust masks,
pollution. waste; goggles,
Ventilation; Use overcoats, piece
of white cloth,
of Ventilation
digital devices,
Improved Pit
latrines; textbooks
sprinkling ash in
pit latrines;
Sprinkling water
on dusty
In groups,
learners are
guided to observe
precautions when
working in air
practise use of
masks, goggles,
10 1 Environ Air Pollution By the end of the How can Learners are KLB Visionary
ment sub strand the you reduce guided to identify Science and
learner should be air and discuss ways Technology
able to: pollution? of reducing air Grade 4 pg 48-
Make a functional pollution (proper 50
air pollution disposal of Dust masks,
detector waste; goggles,
Ventilation; Use overcoats, piece
of white cloth,
of Ventilation
digital devices,
Improved Pit
latrines; textbooks
sprinkling ash in
pit latrines;
Sprinkling water
on dusty
In groups,
learners are
guided to observe
precautions when
working in air
practise use of
masks, goggles,
2 Environ Air Pollution By the end of the How can Learners are KLB Visionary
ment sub strand the you reduce guided to identify Science and
learner should be air and discuss ways Technology
able to: pollution? of reducing air Grade 4 pg 48-
Make a functional pollution (proper 50
dust mask using disposal of Dust masks,
locally available waste; goggles,
materials. Ventilation; Use overcoats, piece
of white cloth,
of Ventilation
digital devices,
Improved Pit
sprinkling ash in
pit latrines;
Sprinkling water
on dusty
In groups,
learners are
guided to observe
precautions when
working in air
practise use of
masks, goggles,
3 Environ Water By the end of the What In groups, KLB Visionary
ment Pollution sub strand the causes learners are Science and
learner should be water guided to Technology
able to: pollution? discuss the Grade 4 pg 54-
State the meaning meaning of the 55
of the term “water term “water Gumboots,
pollution pollution”. gloves, digital
Learners to be devices digital
guided as they use devices, internet,
visual aids and textbook
digital devices to
explore the
meaning of the
term “water
4 Environ Water By the end of the What In groups, KLB Visionary
ment Pollution sub strand the causes learners are Science and
learner should be water guided to Technology
able to: pollution? discuss the Grade 4 pg 56-
Identify water meaning of the 57
pollutants in his/her term “water Gumboots,
environment pollution”. gloves, digital
Learners to be devices digital
guided as they use devices, internet,
visual aids and textbook
digital devices to
explore the
meaning of the
term “water
4 Environ Water By the end of the What are In groups, learners KLB Visionary
ment Pollution sub strand the the effects walk around the Science and
learner should be of water school and Technology
able to: pollution? neighbourhood to Grade 4 pg 60-
Identify effects of observe and 61
water pollution on identify clean and Gumboots,
living things polluted water gloves, digital
(water in a pit, devices digital
open pools, ponds, devices, internet,
rivers, sewers and
watering troughs).
12 1 Environ Water By the end of the What are Learners to be KLB Visionary
ment Pollution sub strand the the effects guided as they use Science and
learner should be of water visual aids and Technology
able to: pollution? digital devices to Grade 4 pg 60-
Appreciate the differentiate 61
importance of clean between clean and Gumboots,
water in his/her polluted water gloves, digital
environment devices digital
devices, internet,
2 Environ Water By the end of the How can Learners to be KLB Visionary
ment Pollution sub strand the water guided as they use Science and
learner should be pollution be visual aids and Technology
able to: reduced? digital devices to Grade 4 pg 62-
Identify ways of differentiate Gumboots,
reducing water between clean and gloves, digital
pollution. polluted water devices digital
devices, internet,
3 Environ Water By the end of the How can In groups, KLB Visionary
ment Pollution sub strand the water learners walk Science and
learner should be pollution be around the Technology
able to: reduced? school and Grade 4 pg 63-
Make a functional neighbourhood 66
water filter using to observe, Gumboots,
locally available identify and gloves, digital
materials record the devices digital
devices, internet,
effects of water
pollution on
living things
diseases, death
of plants and
animals that live
in water).
In groups, learners
to use visual aids
and digital
devices to identify
the effects of water
4 Environ Water By the end of the How can In groups, KLB Visionary
ment Pollution sub strand the water learners walk Science and
learner should be around the
pollution be Technology
able to: reduced?school and Grade 4 pg 63-
Make a functional neighbourhood 66
water filter using to observe, Gumboots,
locally available identify and gloves, digital
materials record the devices digital
devices, internet,
effects of water
pollution on
living things
diseases, death
of plants and
animals that live
in water).
In groups, learners
to use visual aids
and digital
devices to identify
the effects of water