Micro Teaching
Micro Teaching
Micro Teaching
Definition and basic concepts
The core techniques involved with microteaching are based on the fact
that teaching can be analyzed and estimated using various simple
teaching tasks/skills, which are a set of behavior or acts of the teacher
that facilitates learning (directly or indirectly). During the origin of
microteaching, almost 20 teaching skills have been identified. But, it
has now increased up to 37 or even more. Listed below are some of
the important teaching skills.[29]
Lesson planning
This involves the skills required to explain with clarity and proper
understanding of the concepts. The components include teacher
enthusiasm, creating readiness by a beginning statement or topic
sentence, effective explanation, planned repetition, and concluding
statements or key messages with summary of explanation.
Stimulus variation
Probing questions
Classroom management
Table 1
Core teaching skills
The videodisc instructional package may have significant impact on
trainee teachers’ performance in the demonstration of microteaching
skills in the class. The 22 videotapes of microteaching recorded in a
study signified the importance of how to frame the task and negotiate
the roles of teacher, student, classmate, and peer/friend.[30,31] The
skills required to think critically and effectively are the core part of a
microteaching activity.[32] Along with that, constructive feedback
from the colleagues also plays a critical role in improving the general
teaching competence.[33]
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Merits and demerits
MacLeez and Unwin (1970), “The micro-teaching student teachers usually simplifi ed by the use of
television closed environment for the process of the performance-related feedback is immediately
available ..... Micro teaching is generally considered to be the nature of the study represented
complications typically abstract concept or actual reduction to practice reading the feedback process
on the basis of classroom teaching is provided”. According to D. W. Allen, “Micro-teaching is scaled
down teaching encounter in class size and class time.” According to Clift and Others, “Micro-teaching
is a training procedure which reduces the teaching situation to a simpler and more controlled
encounter achieved by limiting the practice teaching to a specifi c skill and reducing time and size.”
According to Bush, “Micro-teaching is a training procedure in which teacher prepares a lesson by
using his teaching skills carefully, interact with a small group of actual students on the basis of lesions
prepared. As a result he gets the opportunity to achieve observations on videotape.” (In the Indian
Model of Micro technology, human observers has been recommended to replace video tape.) Allen
and Ryan said that micro teaching is based on the following fi ve basic principles: (1) Micro-teaching
is the actual teaching. (2) In this teaching of the common complications class-education is reduced.
(3) Only a special task and a skill is emphasized at one time. (4) It is possible to control to exercise
procedure. (5) Feedback is provided soon. In the words of Prof. B.K. Passi “Micro-teaching is a
training technique which requires pupil-teacher to reach a single concept using a specifi ed teaching
skill to a small number of pupils in a short duration of time.” In the words of L.C. Singh “Micro-
teaching is a scaled down teaching encounter to which a teacher teaches a small unit to a group of fi
ve pupils for a small period of fi ve to twenty minutes.” Micro Teaching is by N.K Jangira and Ajit
Singh: “Micro-teaching is a training setting for the student teacher whose complexities of the normal
classroom reaching are reduced by practising one component skill at a time, limiting the content to a
single concept, reducing the class size to 5-10 pupils and reducing the content of the lesion to 5-10
minutes for teaching practice.” According to Srivastava, Singh and Roy (1978), “The meaning of the
word Micro can be a complex one because it divided into small means micro units in which teacher is
trained very carefully. Therefore, Micro is the correct word.” Grifi ths (1973) after analyzing the
various defi nitions says, “As Micro-teaching is very fl exible and adaptable process, it is not fair to
bind it in a specifi c defi nition”. Micro teaching is a developing trend under which content, teaching-
time and teachers are reduced while teaching skills of pupils teachers are very well developed. (Dr
Kulshrestha, 1979)
(2) Motivation plays a critical role in the transformation of the expected behaviour.
Allen and Ryan (1968) explained that micro teaching is based on the following fi ve basic principles:
(3) Only a special task and a skill are emphasized at one time.
An Educational Process It is a scaled down teaching technique, scaled down in terms of class size,
lession, length and teaching complexity. Micro teaching process contains the following terms—
(1) Teacher offers practical knowledge and principle of micro teaching to pupil teachers. It is known
as Introduction session.
(2) Teacher specifi cally states the teaching skills which are to be developed and interpretation of
psychological bases to pupil teacher.
(3) Teacher presents an ideal lesson on micro teaching for pupil teacher.
(4) Teacher and pupil teacher closely analyze the shortcomings and discuss the characteristics of the
ideal text and determine its learning–skills.
(5) Teacher provides pupil teacher the needed time to prepare ‘micro-lesson plan’ and assists them
(6) According to instruction, class teacher teaches micro-lesson for 5 to 15 minutes (The lesson is
recorded on a tape recorder), it is called teaching session.
(7) After teaching class teacher discusses the micro lesson with teacher in detail. Both good and bad
point viz. shortcomings and strengths of pupil teacher’s teaching skills are discussed at this time and
he is suggested to re-prepare the lesson.
(8) After this critical session, pupil-teacher changes the teaching plan according to the
recommendations and re-teach the necessary amendments. This is known as “session of re-creation
of lesson”.
(9) Thus pupil teacher teaches the re-created lesson to other students of the class. This teaching is
also recorded on tape recorder. It is called re-teaching session.
(10) Re-criticise session come after re-teaching session. The micro teaching process can be explained
as on next page