Communication and Globalization

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OCTOBER 5, 2022

Globalization describes the growing interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures,

and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and
flows of investment, people, and information. Countries have built economic partnerships to
facilitate these movements over many centuries. However, the term gained popularity after the
Cold War in the early 1990s, as these cooperative arrangements shaped modern everyday life
(Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2018).

Meanwhile, (Lutkevich, 2021) said that Globalization is the process by which ideas,
knowledge, information, goods, and services spread worldwide. In business, the term is used in
an economic context to describe integrated economies marked by free trade, the free flow of
capital among countries, and easy access to foreign resources, including labor markets, to
maximize returns and benefit the common good. Moreover, Globalization refers to the spread of
the flow of financial products, goods, technology, information, and jobs across national borders
and cultures. In economic terms, it describes an interdependence of nations fostered through
free trade. (Fernando, 2022)


Thomas L. Friedman divides the history of globalization into three periods:

Globalization 1.0 (1492–1800) involved the globalization of countries.

Globalization 1.0 lasted from 1800 when Columbus set sail and discovered the New
World in 1492. He says the driving force of this wave of globalization was how much muscle
participating countries had and how they deployed it. (Jim Destefani, 2021) This is the first wave
of globalization. Globalization 1.0 began before World War I and was characterized by a
historically low level of trade prices that made it feasible to purchase commodities produced
elsewhere. Government backing for this globalization was minimal. (WeForum, 2019) Driven by
nationalism and religion, this lengthy stage was characterized by how much industrial power
countries could produce and apply.

Thomas Friedman also said that the globalization 1.0, the world shrank from size “large”
to size “medium.” (Thomas Friedman,2010)

Globalization 2.0 (1800–2000) involved the globalization of companies.

Globalization 2.0 lasted roughly from 1800 to 2000 and was Interrupted only by two
World Wars. (Josephine Gonzales,2012) In this era, the dynamic force driving change was
multinational companies. In the first half, Friedman believes global integration from 1800 to
1900 was powered by falling transportation costs that resulted from the development of the
steam engine and the railroad.

In the second half, decreasing telecommunications costs—thanks to the invention and

dissemination of the telegraph, telephones, PCs, satellites, and the World Wide Web—drove
globalization. Thomas Friedman also said that globalization 2.0 shrank from size “medium” to
size “small.” (Thomas Friedman,2010)

Globalization 3.0 (2000–present) involves the globalization of individuals.

Globalization 3.0 is known as The New Globalization, which is our current era beginning
in 2000. The personal computer, fiber-optic internet connections, and software convergence
have created a “flat world platform” that allows small groups and individuals to go global.
(Josephine Gonzales,2012) Thomas Friedman also said that the globalization 1.0, the world
shrank from size “small” to size “tiny.” This is because of information technology's impact; it has
become more progressive.


1. Economic Globalization. Here, the focus is on the integration of international financial

markets and the coordination of financial exchange. Free trade agreements like the
North American and Trans-Pacific Partnership are examples of economic
globalization. Multinational corporations operate in two or more countries and play a
significant role in economic globalization.
2. Political Globalization. This type covers the national policies that bring countries
together politically, economically, and culturally. Organizations such as NATO and the
UN are part of the political globalization effort.
3. Cultural Globalization. This aspect of globalization primarily focuses on the
technological and societal factors causing cultures to converge. These include increased
ease of communication, the pervasiveness of social media, and access to faster and
better transportation.

As technology advances, the world is getting larger and smaller. Today we can
communicate with people across the globe at the touch of a button. While globalization, or
communication between nations beyond their borders, is an old concept, with the onset of new
technology, globalization impacts how we communicate and learn in fascinating ways. We are
expanding our understanding of fellowship, and as we become more connected, we are
deepening our educational experiences. The rise in internet use, in particular, has been
incredibly instrumental in improving how we connect.

Another tremendous benefit of globalization is that the world becomes more accessible
and equitable. Search engines, Ebooks, online courses, and other virtual education give more
people the ability to learn about subjects that used to require a certain level of income or social
positioning. Information is not as restricted, and it allows us the opportunity not only to receive
information but to enter into academic spaces and contribute. Globalization creates a space for
ideas to transcend borders and social strata.


The creation and popularization of different technologies have played a fundamental role
in conceiving the world economy and the society that has become increasingly dependent on
these technologies. Communication networks act as vital pieces for globalization, increasingly
faster and more efficient, instantly lowing communication and quick access to any part of the


Globalization has made a massive contribution to the advent of technology. In line with
this, communication has become even more accessible and easier for all people of different
races. Years ago, our ancestors used paper and pen to communicate with their loved ones.

Now that technologies have progressed, digital communication has been invented, making it a
lot easier for us to communicate -- with just a click away, we can be in two places at once. For
example, if my friends are at their homes, we can still communicate using applications like
zoom, discord, and messenger and feel like we are all in the same place. We enjoy the
convenience these innovations give us without knowing that they slowly disconnect us from the
real world..



● The telegraph – electric communication via sending electric signals across wires.
● New York University professor Samuel Morse began working on his telegraph version. In
1835, he developed the Morse Code (a set of sounds that corresponded to letters of the
alphabet). (Elon.Edu 2021)


● Washington and Baltimore connected - Telegraphs Make Communication Almost

● Samuel Morse sent the first message from an electrical telegraph in 1844, from
Washington, DC, to Baltimore. His message: “What hath God wrought?” (Elon.Edu,


● Britain and India connected - Queen Victoria Telegraphs James Buchanan. In 1858,
Queen Victoria sent the first transatlantic telegram to President James Buchanan in just
sixteen hours, and Buchanan’s response arrived in ten, as opposed to the twelve days it
would have taken via ship and land. (Elon.Edu 2021)


Europe linked to large parts of the world - Introduces the Telephone

● In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell worked on an even more direct form of communication:
the telephone.
● The first commercial transatlantic telephone conversation happened between Evelyn
Murray, secretary to the British General Post Office, and Walter Sherman Gifford,
president of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. ( 2021)

19th Century

Mass Communications for a Rapidly Changing World

● Radio and television gave a broader audience immediate access to news and
entertainment—a significant leap from receiving information by train or telegraph. Later,
people could communicate on the go with cellular phones. Furthermore, satellites—
introduced for military purposes—enhanced their global reach. ( 2021)

NOW: Technology Transforms Global Communications

● Gadgets, Laptops, Desktops, Wi-Fi, iPad, Mobile Phones, and Smartphones were
developed. These technologies make communication and globalization possible and
even more sophisticated and progressive.
● Technology has bought us advanced communications that helped us, especially in
academics, business, and more.

The World Starts Sharing on Social Media

● The internet gave rise to social media platforms on which people worldwide could
connect and share ideas, personal updates, and more. Social media services have
emerged, including Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, giving users a
platform to share their stories and connect anywhere in the world.
● Facebook started in 2004 and eventually became one of the most influential social
media websites.
● Google also has a significant impact on our daily lives. With its ability to search for and
identify information on the internet in less than a second—so much so that “google”
eventually became a verb in the English language synonymous with “search.”


● Fewer cultural barriers - Many people believe cultural differences cause

communication problems. Globalization has made it feasible to eliminate cultural barriers
gradually. The fact that we can now speak frequently and effectively with friends or
coworkers worldwide helps people better understand each other’s cultures.

● Cultural awareness - Cultural awareness makes it easy to explore the world. It allows
us to understand the differences and acknowledge them. Being self-aware of different
cultures prevents us from offending others. In this process, we can work more effectively
across cultural lines. We get a better understanding and broader views of different
cultures. As a result, we can build deeper connections with people worldwide.

● Creation of global community - The international community has changed our lives.
The billions of people who live in the world today can connect instantly through social
media. Historically, "globalization" refers to the expansion of colonialism and empire, but
today, it is about spreading ideas. Due to the spread of concepts, goods, and services
across borders, globalization can be advantageous to both local and global economies.

● Virtual interaction - Technology advancements, including virtual communication, have

greatly improved human life. People worldwide can engage or exchange messages
using this type of communication even without physically meeting. We can interact
virtually. What we are doing in social media is virtual interaction. Everything is made
possible by globalization and communication.
● Time differences - Basically, we work in different time zones. This creates a significant
communication gap to cause delays. During the waking hours of one country, another
country is experiencing nighttime. Due to different time zones, most agents work during
midnight or dawn because their clients are on the other side of the world. This presents
an obstacle to some people.

● Extinction of many languages -There are many reasons why languages die. The
reasons are often political, economic, or cultural. Some people decide that their

children’s future should teach them a language tied to financial success. Migration also
plays a significant role in language change and language death.


The realities of the international system are where the international component of
communication difficulties started, and those realities continue to be a problem. The most
significant difficulty in international communication is the imbalance of communication. This
phenomenon is defined by an excessive volume of one-way information flow: from the
developed nations to the developing countries and from the stronger countries to the weaker

An Analysis by HJ Hsia
According to HJ Hsia (Hsia, 1983, #), global communication in the modern era is
exemplified by the southward flow of information, which travels from the northern to the
southern hemisphere. The developed nations dominate the information gathering and
dissemination processes, and this trend has been intensified by technological advances in
communication over the past years. On the other hand, it is considered that the imbalance in the
flow of communication is the primary cause of all of the world's woes, from the ineffectiveness of
politico-economic policies to the erosion of societal standards and values. Every developing
nation holds this mindset, which is constantly ridiculed and condemned.

Going deeper into his analysis. Hsia believes that colonialization is the leading cause of
the imbalance of communication. He also emphasizes some points that aggravate the issue.

The first issue, which may be summarized as an imbalance or inequality in the flow of
international communication, is made much worse by technical advancements in the field of
communication. Quantum advancements in new technologies such as microchips, fiber-optic
networks, microwave, and satellite transmission have exacerbated the mismatch.

The other issue is the prevalence of ethnocentrism. The specter of colonialism or

imperialism always appears when foreign cultural influences are introduced into countries that
have just achieved their independence. As a kind of cultural imperialism, cultural invasion, or
cultural supremacy, one-way communication from the West has been the target of criticism from
many developing countries. The seeming imbalance in the flow of communication is referred to
as "cultural colonization" (Lyle, 1978), most notably by the United States of America, which is
the birthplace of a large number of entertainment programs, different types of information, and
technological and scientific discoveries. It is frightened that colonialism supremacy might be
used to assert dominance through information and communication when the powers of the
strong countries are withdrawn.


● Language. When it comes to the chain of communication, language is almost certainly
the most crucial link. To put it another way, the language a people uses is the best
indicator of its culture. A cursory investigation into the annals of world history indicates
that language has not only been the most critical factor in bringing humankind together,
but it has also been the most divisive problem. (Bhattacharjee, 2020) Developing a
single connecting language is essential to make it easier for people worldwide to
communicate with one another. On a global scale, the English language has played an
essential role in bringing nations closer.

● Ethnicity. It is as essential as language in a multiethnic environment. Frequently,
miscommunications result from ethnic differences. In turn, these misconceptions hinder
the communication chain. We may use a straightforward illustration to demonstrate this
notion. Multiple ethnic identities exist in India, which frequently undergo ethnic shifts that
destabilize the communication chain. This applies to communications between ethnic
populations in two nations. The best method to cope with ethnic differences is to build a
human link that recognizes the distinctions yet unites everyone. (Bhattacharjee, 2020)
● National Identities. The notion of national sovereignty is extraordinarily complex.
Occasionally, the sense of national pride overwhelms other humanistic concerns. We
may use a very relevant illustration to demonstrate this notion. (Bhattacharjee, 2020)
Such conflicts impede the need for communication and subsequent partnerships.
Multiple conflicts have been caused by the collective consciousness linked with national
identity since the beginning of time.
● Religious identities. Religion has been the most polarizing factor in human history, as
evidenced by history itself being a witness to this reality. If we were to take a sneak peek
into the history of humanity, we would discover that religion has been the most critical
factor in the development of wars and other violent conflicts. (Bhattacharjee, 2020)
● Social Class. Social and economic standing put people in distinct tiers. This artificial
split divides the haves and have-nots, breaking the communication cycle. Different
socioeconomic classes exist globally. Consider India. Migrant workers are the
pandemic's primary victims. Their economic and social standing has harmed them.
Diminish the social class gap to reduce differentiation. (Bhattacharjee, 2020)
● Gender. In spite of how obvious it may seem, the fact of the matter is that gender
differences can sometimes act as a barrier to the free flow of communication.
(Bhattacharjee, 2020) The differences between the sexes in different parts of the world
are highly genuine. The transgender population in India is constantly forced to contend
with the stigma of societal exclusion. In this particular instance, the communication
channel has become corrupted.
● Age. Alterations in the population's age structure can lead to significant communication
breakdown within communities. Meanings and modes of communication morph in step
with the shifting landscape of the globe. Sometimes, older individuals are unable to
adjust to these changes, which, as a result, creates a communication gap between the
generations. On other occasions, the younger generation is unable to comprehend the
point of reference of the older people, which results in the formation of a needless
chasm. (Bhattacharjee, 2020)


In today’s present time, in which everything, including social infrastructure, is network-
connected, computing is already approaching a new, more human-centered era in which
technology links people rather than vice versa—because instant access to information is now
offered through smart gadgets and the cloud. (Fujitsu, 2013) All of this has been successful
through the establishment of ICT.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) covers the confluence of computer,

telecommunication, and governance standards regulating how data should be accessed,
protected, processed, transmitted, and stored. ICT also refers to the convergence of media
technology, such as audio-visual and telephone networks, with computer networks,
accomplished by operating a unified cabling system, including signal distribution and
management or link system. However, there is no definition of information and communications
technologies because the ideas, procedures, and tools associated with ICTs continually develop
almost daily. (Food and Agriculture Organization, n.d.)

As attested by Fujitsu, a preeminent leader among system integrators specializing in
Information and Communications Technology, ICT has three powers. These powers are to be
specified as the Power to Shape the Future, the Power to Provide Equal Opportunities to All
People, and the Power to Support Safe and Secure Living. (Fujitsu, 2013)


The Power to Shape the Future focuses on using computing to solve complex global
and societal problems. Evaluating extensive data volumes with potent computer capabilities
may generate new information to aid decision-making and resolve societal problems. It speeds
the movement into the future as fast as feasible; it benefits the exhibition of world-class
technological leadership—the proliferation of solutions that address concerns such as food,
healthcare, and education. Lastly, to realize our environmental goal of a flourishing society with
minimal carbon emissions.

The Power to Provide Equal Opportunities to All People initiative intends to build
user-friendly terminals and interfaces, as well as frameworks for boosting ICT deployment in
developing nations, through creating intuitive interfaces and installing telecommunications
infrastructure. Individually, ICT creates terminals and gadgets that cater to the Internet's
continually expanding user base. The same holds for execution firms that provide global
potential. Concurrently, ICT also undertakes field research in emerging nations and establishes

The Power to Support Safe and Secure Living offers comprehensive safety and
security by isolating amenities from all dangers. It assures the steady functioning and cyber
security of social ICT facilities. Aside from that, it aids in constructing a value-creation platform
in anticipation of a time when nearly everything is Internet-connected. In addition, ICT achieves
reliable functioning of world-class ICT systems and strengthens existing cyber security

ICT as technology has already promoted progress since invented. This innovation has
hopped humans aspects progress in different industries. From John Eckert and John W.
Mauchly’s first commercial computer, in 1951, UNIVAC I, to the continuous development of
bringing high technologies and artificial intelligence to humanity’s pocket. Truly, ICT holds a
formidable power that carries the world towards civilization.


The term "social media" refers to a type of software that runs on computers and enables
users to communicate their thoughts, ideas, and information with one another through the use of
online communities and networks. According to the University of Florida, this media type is
internet-based communication. Since it pertains to websites that can be accessed over the
internet and enable users to quickly share digital content, including personal information,
documents, movies, and images. Social media can be utilized through any gadget like a
personal computer, tablet, or smartphone using software or programs hosted on the internet.

The original purpose of social media was to facilitate communication between friends
and family members. Subsequently, companies began utilizing it as a channel through which
they could fashionably communicate with clients at the time. The value of social media is that it
enables users to interact with and share information with almost anybody on the planet, as well
as a large number of individuals, all at once. Social media may encompass a vast array of
technological applications. Among these are social networking, bookmarking sites, news

websites, microblogging, media sharing, social review sites, community blogs, and sharing
economy networks. Hence, governments and politicians also use social media to engage with
their people and voters.


1. Social Networking
The notion of social networking directs to the use of specialized online platforms
to connect and collaborate with concordant individuals, peers, friends, and family
members and maintain contact with them. It gives people the ability to keep up with their
social connections, access and share a variety of knowledge, and remain up to date with
current events. (Yasar, n.d.) Examples of social networking platforms are Facebook,
Instagram, and LinkedIn.

2. Bookmarking Sites
Bookmarking websites, which are also sometimes identified as social
bookmarking websites, provide users with the option to save and share links to other
websites or articles that they find interesting with other individuals. The relationships that
are important to us may be archived and organized in this manner quite efficiently. Most
of the time, tags are added to bookmarks, enabling following users to search for them
depending on the subject matter they relate to. Pinterest and Flipboard are some of the
examples of bookmarking sites.

3. Social News Websites

A website that allows users to upload their own stories is known as a social news
website. These articles are sorted according to their popularity, as determined by the
votes cast by other site members or by the website's moderators. Readers will generally
leave comments online in response to the news postings, and the popularity of these
remarks may also be graded. Examples of social news sites are Reddit and Digg.

4. Microblogging
Microblogging is a form of online communication that combines elements of
blogging and instant messaging that enables users to compose and exchange short
messages with an audience that is located online. Compared to the days when desktop
online surfing and engagement were the norms, social networks such as Twitter have
become prevalent versions of this new blogging style. These social networks have
become versions of this unique style of blogging that have become extremely popular,
particularly on the mobile web. (Nations, 2019)

5. Media Sharing
Media sharing is a type of social media that facilitates material sharing and is
used to discover and exchange images, live videos, videos, and other media on the
Internet. Media-sharing websites like Vimeo and Youtube enable users to submit
photographs, videos, and audio to a website that can be accessed from anywhere
globally. (Greyling, 2019)

6. Social Review Sites

Social media reviews denote product or service evaluations based on
consumers' perceptions and are shared across social media platforms. A social media
review could feature a star-based classification grading system, a cumulative thumb up
or down, descriptive blocks of text, tags, photographs, and recommendations. (Papp,
2022) Some of the social review sites are FourSquare, TripAdvisor, and Yelp.

7. Community Blogs
Community blogs are online journals that allow several authors to contribute blog
posts and allow site users to comment on those entries. Blogging communities are
groups of tens, hundreds, or even thousands of individual blogs that discuss similar
ideas or values. Discussions may occur on individual blogs, between blogs, on a chat
board that links individual blogs, or across other blogs in the blogosphere. (Kanter, 2005)
BlogEngage is an example of a blogging community site.

8. Sharing Economy Networks

People can share resources, such as equipment, services, and talents, within the
context of a developing economic network known as the sharing economy. This sharing
frequently occurs at prices much lower than those associated with typical retail or
employment arrangements. (Guicheron, 2018) Uber, Amazon, and Airbnb are some
social media applications focusing on sharing economy networks.


Users can utilize social media platforms as a primary means of maintaining relationships
with their family and friends. While that was how it began, it has now expanded to include
networking, recruiting, and professional development, as well as the meeting of individuals
online who have similar interests in order to reflect, as well as exchange thoughts and
observations on a variety of issues.


1. Sharing. Several options are available for sharing information and thoughts on
social media. Users may broadcast their thoughts through various sources,
including writing, photos, movies, voice recordings, and videos; they can also
connect with their audience through intriguing articles, photographs, and videos.
They can also customize their information. They can share it either privately or
make it available to the public.
2. Learning. Individuals may also employ numerous social media sites as study
tools. They have access to the most recent information on their friends and
family, neighborhood, and occurrences around the globe. Because of the
instantaneous flow of information, a general idea of the most recent news is
obtainable almost as it occurs. In today's society, the news is often
communicated via social media platforms before television and newspapers can
give in-depth coverage of the issue. On a smaller scale, social media may be
used to show opinions about a new restaurant or film. Social media may also
reveal the public's attitude on the day's critical issues.
3. Interacting. The interactive nature of social media is perhaps one of its most
essential characteristics. Social media removes the limitations of time and
geography that have traditionally been imposed. Users can hold face-to-face
chats with individuals anywhere in the globe when they use technology like
Skype's video chat capabilities. Facebook and mobile devices make it possible to
have digital conversations and text exchanges with friends and family. Twitter is
a social networking service that enables its users to engage with public figures,
including politicians, journalists, professional athletes, and celebrities. The
capacity for two-way communication is one of the most powerful aspects of social
4. Marketing. The objective of marketing is being served by utilizing social media.
The promotion of one's company and one's wares may be accomplished via the

usage of social media. Funds are raised, and not-for-profit organizations promote
charitable activities. Marketing oneself to potential employers is something that
individuals do. Social media platforms allow business owners to publicize
concepts and occasions that are meaningful to them.


Nowadays, social media applications and websites are widely used throughout the
globe. With the rise of social media in today's society, the manner in which communication is
carried out and the medium itself have taken on entirely new forms. Using social media is often
connected with being both efficient and successful. Its express feature has been patronized by
many. The speed of the service makes people rely on this invented technology. However,
regardless of how beneficial social media is to everyone, the downside to this matter is
inevitably undeniable. In accordance with a report on US Digital Data (Keerthana, 2022), the
excessive use of apps can expose teenagers to explicit content, cyberbullying issues, and
technology issues that can lead to a lesser time to engage in actual, positive activities.

Meanwhile, in a survey conducted by the Royal Society for Public Health and Young
Health Movement (Royal Society for Public Health, 2017), it has been stated that social media
use is more addictive than smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol. Therefore, users should
conduct themselves appropriately on social media to avoid these predicaments. Here are
suggested pedagogy on how to use social media responsibly:

1. Be mindful of posting; think before clicking.

Being mindful is about embracing the power of knowing what is going on with
someone’s surroundings; it is about being honest and truthful with themselves and
others. Thus, this idea should be applied to social media. Showing someone’s authentic
self to their virtual audience creates a mutual connection with the viewers that may result
in an orderly online environment.

2. Respect personal privacy.

Posting on social media is fun. Connecting with other people satisfies our being
as social beings. Nevertheless, we should refrain from posting content that may cross
our boundaries, like real-time activities or private information that hackers may use for
cyber scams.

3. Share factual and reliable information only.

Social media has been considered an information-sharing platform because of its
fast and widespread news coverage. Almost 16% of social media users rely on Twitter or
Facebook for their morning news. (GO-Globe, 2014) On the other hand, in 2016, it
became increasingly apparent that the proliferation of "fake news" led to an increasing
number of misled and misinformed individuals. By posting factual and reliable
information, debunking false news can help those virtual viewers avoid being deceived
by misleading clickbait.

4. Browse moderately.
Continuous usage of social media may result in social media addiction.
According to Facebook, the average time its 1.23 billion users spend on the platform
daily is 17 minutes, and 18% of social media users check Facebook every few hours.
(GO-Globe, 2014) Therefore, we should set a time limit on browsing the internet.

5. Use social media applications accordingly.

Social media has a variety of applications. Facebook for social networks,
Youtube for media-sharing, and a lot more. Each application has its terms and
conditions that the users must follow. We must not violate these guidelines in order to
maintain a safe space for every online user on the internet.

6. Say “ NO” to cybercrimes.

In the Netherlands in 2021, approximately 2.5 million persons aged 15 or older,
or 17 percent of the population, reported being victims of cybercrime. The majority of
individuals fell prey to fraud and scams committed online. (Statistics Netherlands, 2022)
One of the most common cybercrimes is cyberbullying. In a poll performed by
Comparitech, 19.2% of over 1,000 parents of children over five said that cyberbullying
occurs via social media sites and apps. (Cook, 2022) On this account, social media
operators should report cybercriminals if they witness a cybercrime being conducted.
Hence, committing these types of crimes is not encouraged by the law.


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